Use the word attract in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word attract, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use attract in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «attract».

Attract in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word attract in a sentence.

  1. Males sing to attract females.

  2. Its flowers attract birds to gardens.

  3. The leaf nectaries also attract ants.

  4. He then began to attract press attention.

  5. Waratah blooms attract birds to the garden.

  6. Many people put up bat houses to attract bats.

  7. The flower spikes attract birds to the garden.

  8. The flowers attract butterflies to the garden.

  9. These release volatile chemicals that attract males.

  10. However, the incident continued to attract attention.

  11. Crowding lettuce tends to attract pests and diseases.

  12. A long, high yelp may function to attract other fossas.

  13. His powerful preaching began to attract a small following.

  14. Once they were too old or too ill to attract customers, she would throw them out.

  15. Alligator holes also attract other animals who congregate to feed on smaller prey.

  16. However, the 747X family was unable to attract enough interest to enter production.

  17. Adult males communicate with loud bellows that intimidate rivals and attract mates.

  18. In some species, mature females produce chemicals to attract sperm in the sea water.

  19. He also failed to attract Roman Catholic voters, which limited his chances in the south of the state.

  20. Display of the large tusks of males could have been used to attract females and to intimidate rivals.

  21. The duke wanted to attract professors like Immanuel Kant and Johan Gottfried Herder, but they refused.

  22. In March 1953 Gold announced a novel-writing contest, but it failed to attract any usable submissions.

  23. Titchwell Marsh RSPB, Cley Marshes NWT and Holkham NNR each attract 100,000 or more visitors annually.

  24. Furthermore, the male plants emit a foul-smelling odor while flowering to attract pollinating insects.

  25. Images of Norman have been used to attract attention by some outside of the Unarius Academy of Science.

  26. The new city lobbied for causeway access and formed a negotiating bloc to attract potential developers.

  27. While an Australian Cattle Dog generally works silently, it will bark in alarm or to attract attention.

  28. To attract mates, some teleosts produce sounds, either by stridulation or by vibrating the swim bladder.

  29. When this Mup was made in bacteria and used in behavioural testing, it was found to attract female mice.

  30. The flowers attract nectar- and insect-feeding birds, particularly honeyeaters, and a variety of insects.

  31. Howe urged increased salaries and building improvements to attract first-rate scholars to the university.

  32. Sexually active males are an exception, establishing and defending territories where they attract females.

  33. The female of the species is known to emit a loud, shrill scream during the mating season to attract males.

  34. Peter Knight, author of the 59th Divisional history, wrote «The aim of Pomegranate had been to attract enemy attention ..

  35. An audience of millions saw Green Day’s performance at Woodstock ’94 on Pay-per-view, helping the band attract more fans.

  36. Beecham later acknowledged that in his early years the operas he chose to present were too obscure to attract the public.

  37. The first to attract attention was his veto of a bill to reduce the fares on New York City elevated trains to five cents.

  38. The film did not attract a wide audience in India but was the first Hindi film to enter the UK’s top 10 box-office charts.

  39. Developed areas around the visitor center and museum attract western tanagers, hermit warblers, house finches, and others.

  40. Even after the international contest’s closing, Splash Day was revived in various forms and continued to attract tourists.

  41. The first Warlock compositions to attract critical attention were three of the Dublin songs which Rogers published in 1918.

  42. This is a vital part of the destruction of microbes because the cytokines attract more phagocytes to the site of infection.

  43. Subimagos are generally poor fliers, have shorter appendages, and typically lack the colour patterns used to attract mates.

  44. For those seeking to attract women and be handsome like the love-god Kamadeva, the Matsya Purana and the Kurma Purana prescribe the worship of Ahalya at the Ahalya-tirtha.

  45. Around the turn of the 20th century, an attempt was made to attract younger boys into the school by reducing fees for those under the age of 12 from £2/20s to £2 per term.

  46. The Jurchens believed that this state, nominally ruled by someone of Han Chinese descent, would be able to attract the allegiance of disaffected members of the insurgency.

  47. Preschool television had become more competitive, and the CTW’s research showed the traditional magazine format was not the best way to attract young children’s attention.

  48. When Scranton agreed to take on Steamtown, U.S.A., it was estimated that the museum and excursion business would attract 200,000 to 400,000 visitors to the city every year.

Synonyms for attract

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word attract has the following synonyms: appeal, pull, pull in, draw and draw i.

General information about «attract» example sentences

The example sentences for the word attract that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «attract» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «attract».

attract (v): (of people, things, places, etc.) to pull or draw someone or something towards them, by the qualities they have, especially good ones

Use “attract” in a sentence

If you want to attract more customers, try advertising in the local paper.
Her dress attracted everyone’s attention at the party.
The show attracted a large audience.
This festival attracts thousands of visitors every year.
What first attracted me to him was his sense of humor.
The museum attracts visitors from all over the world.

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Definition of Attract

to cause something to be drawn towards something else

Examples of Attract in a sentence

The sweet smell of the flower nectar can attract bees from many miles away.


Tristan’s teacher showed him how two magnets could attract and be drawn together.


Just last week, a new marketing plan was put in place to attract customers that haven’t used our product in the past.




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  • Use the word ATTRACT in a sentences

Sentence Examples

If we want to stay alive, our village needs to lay low and not attract any attention.

Pretty waitresses can attract customers.

I wonder he doesn’t run cartwheels or something to attract your attention.

Yes, they knew the same way that the necklace would attract Sheldrake, … Sheldrake … it would attract you, Henry Doyle.

You’ve turned her into something to attract the American tourist.

I gotta keep my hands nice to attract the public.

Why, he attracts women like the flowers attract bees.

Like the flypaper attract the flies.

I hope to attract our disbanded soldiers to the hidden wealth of our mountain ranges… and to the wealth that lies in the soil itself.

Find some way to attract customers.

Berlin now attract many foreign visitors.

and I hope his music will attract you as it does me

I just can’t help takin’ things that attract my eye.

The noise would attract attention.

Beauty to attract the man you love.

I knew there was only one woman in the world who could attract men like that.

Yet room continues to attract visitors, and passkey still missing.

They don’t love me, but I attract them.

Jewels such as these are certain to attract many thieves… but it doesn’t follow that your man would be among them.

You used them shamelessly to attract him, to separate him from me.

Take it easy, youll attract attention.

I was just trying to attract his attention.

Miss Pyncheon. Her sour face will scare more people than her sweets can attract.

You know, I got to admit your whiskers attract me.

Well, anyway, for the record, I want to propose our usual resolution- that a board be appointed, no member of which may be over 30 years of age… to promote Stonefield as a tourist center, to attract new industries here… and to make our town a more prosperous and progressive place in which to live.

He calls it «the Ballantine Plan»- is to attract city people here, you know, with fairs… and ski carnivals and an apple blossom festival in the spring.

All it did was attract the city council.


Your pretty voice’ll attract people.

Why? He wants to attract attention. He want to get things off his chest and it’s the only way to be heard.

Every rancher around here is going with him… and the quickest way to attract attention to yourself is not to go.

How did my innocent little sister attract a man like that ?

It might attract the police.

They get potted at, of course, but they don’t attract as much attention as a military ship.

Su-Su, a light does attract moths mysteriously.

Oh, Mr. Callahan, — Hmm? I think Miss Baxter’s trying to attract your attention.


To attract your attention, she wrote the first letter.

If I could just attract Selim’s attention without Hendrix suspecting anything, well, we’d have Tarzan out of that clink before you could say Jack Robinson.

Why don’t we fire a few shots to attract attention?

Power and gold do not attract you so what would you wish?

Truly, Sister… never have I said or done anything to attract attention.

attract the attention of the guards, Jamiel.

He had two reasons for this. To attract the spy’s attention as well as the attention of the Resistance man and woman. The ones you later saw in the cellar.

Lucy, don’t attract his attention.

That’ll attract him away from the steak, then you snatch it.

Oh Watson, while you’re waiting, don’t attract attention.

Exotic greenery and picturesque sea landscapes attract lots of tourists to the Isles of Capri.


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Экзотическая растительность и живописные морские пейзажи манят к себе многих туристов.


EU tax havens attract millionaires.

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Налоговые оазисы ЕС влекут миллионеров.

It also helps attract water and keep it in the skin, making it a very effective moisturiser.


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Он помогает притягивать воду и удерживает ее внутри кожи.


The permanent magnet attract and hold accidental ferrous material leaving

inert material go through.


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Постоянный магнит притягивает и удерживает железосодержащие материалы давая пройти инертному материалу.


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Krasivaya sexy figure will always attract to you the views of men.

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Красивая сексуальная фигура всегда будет притягивать к Вам взгляды мужчин.

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Attract Mobile Users to Your Website.


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Attract good luck and new interesting work,

facing the new year in a white dress.


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Привлекаем удачу и новую интересную работу,

встречая Новый год в белом платье.


Attract more customers with an all-inclusive solution.


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Привлеките больше заказчиков с помощью комплексного решения.


Attract clients by using all available channels.


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Привлекайте клиентов на выставки, используя любые каналы.


To sell seasonal goods, increase speed and Attract customers with new tools from workabox.


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Распродавайте сезонный товар, повышайте обороты и привлекайте клиентов с помощью новых инструментов от workabox.


You attract bullets. It’s too risky.

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I attract attention so much and support various funds.


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Я так привлекаю внимание и поддерживаю различные фонды.


Cook the most delicious dishes, attract visitors and equip your small restaurant.


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Готовьте самые вкусные блюда, привлекайте посетителей и обустраивайте свой небольшой ресторан.


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Buy ZanozaList and attract the maximum number of investors!


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Купите ZanozaList и привлеките максимальное количество инвесторов!


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Attract new residents and visitors to your town to create a buzzing economy.


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Привлеките новых жителей и посетителей в ваш город, чтобы создать жужжащую экономику.


Among the most significant factors that attract attention to«Katyusha», the respondents indicated.


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Среди наиболее значимых факторов, привлекающих внимание к« Катюше», респонденты указали.


We develop infrastructure, attract new airlines, increase passenger air traffic, and improve the quality of customer service.


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Мы развиваем инфраструктуру, привлекаем новые авиакомпании, увеличиваем пассажиропоток, улучшаем качество обслуживания.


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Attract more clients and sell tickets with ExpoPromoter!


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Привлекайте больше клиентов и продавайте билеты с ExpoPromoter!


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The range’s vast wilderness areas attract many hikers, climbers and skiers.

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Красота местности привлекала альпинистов и лыжников.

Sign up to iVisa, attract new clients and increase your profit!


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Подключитесь к iVisa, привлекайте новых клиентов и увеличивайте свою прибыль!


Get your company online and attract customers both online and offline.

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Создайте сайт компании в Интернете и привлекайте клиентов как онлайн, так и вне сети.

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Results: 3165,
Time: 0.051





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