Use the word attitude in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word attitude, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use attitude in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «attitude».

Attitude in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word attitude in a sentence.

  1. The entire attitude is dead.».

  2. That was the attitude of the band.

  3. With Courtney, there was no attitude.

  4. I’m proud of his attitude and effort.

  5. It’s too cool: all attitude, no sizzle».

  6. But ultimately, it’s all about attitude.

  7. This limit-based attitude towards 0.999..

  8. But it hasn’t changed my attitude to music.

  9. In contrast to Tremaine’s attitude, John W.

  10. His attitude towards her just isn’t correct.

  11. His critics saw his attitude as a failure of vision.

  12. He carried this attitude into his conservatory classes.

  13. Larkin’s own attitude to these poems appears equivocal.

  14. The victory changed the attitude of Frederick’s enemies.

  15. His attitude caused him trouble in both London and Paris.

  16. She displays much attitude in her voice, as stated by Nick Levine of Digital Spy.

  17. The contemporary Spanish attitude toward paintings of nudes was unique in Europe.

  18. He was notorious for his public surliness and judgmental attitude towards others.

  19. Her relationship and attitude toward Steinbock, moreover, hint at her masculinity.

  20. Vocalist Tom Araya says: «that was basically the attitude of Slayer in the studio.

  21. It is as important as casting the characters getting the right voice and right attitude for the song.

  22. After the underwhelming election results, Quisling’s attitude to negotiation and compromise hardened.

  23. This, along with his enthusiasm and positive attitude, made him liked and respected by many co-workers.

  24. The film was endorsed by Fox’s family, and portrayed his attitude more positively than the first movie.

  25. Moscheles preserved this conservative attitude at the Leipzig Conservatory until his own death in 1870.

  26. It was noted that Bradman, the Australian captain, took a more competitive attitude towards the series.

  27. In Nectoux’s words, Fauré’s generally sober orchestral style reflects «a definite aesthetic attitude ..

  28. Despite his attitude, Bart is sometimes willing to experience humiliation if it means pleasing his mom.

  29. There are high expectations regarding the behaviour and attitude of everyone associated with the group.

  30. The crew were also warned they would not be in a full-lift (heads-down) attitude when they entered P67.

  31. The history of George Washington and slavery reflects Washington’s changing attitude toward enslavement.

  32. Her constancy toward fulfilling her duty, along with the birth of children, softened Pedro II’s attitude.

  33. James’s attitude towards Catholics was more moderate than that of his predecessor, perhaps even tolerant.

  34. Barney, as the salon hostess Valérie Seymour, appears in the novel as the symbol of a different attitude.

  35. Lennon later said that until he met Ono, he had never questioned his chauvinistic attitude towards women.

  36. Angered by the Company’s attitude towards his authority, Lobengula made war on the new arrivals and the Mashonas in 1893.

  37. In the late 1930s, his attitude shifted and he imposed restrictions on performance of his works, which he lifted in 1976.

  38. The songs on 1989 express lighthearted perspectives, departing from her previous hostile attitude towards failed romance.

  39. This attitude was heavily informed by the corporatist system that had been introduced in Benito Mussolini’s Fascist Italy.

  40. Over time the central government hardened its attitude against Katanga, and Belgium gradually withdrew its support for it.

  41. Asked if he could have achieved the effect more easily using a wah-wah pedal, Shields said, «In attitude toward sound, yes.

  42. He considered the arresting policemen to have been rude, and «their attitude made me extremely angry and when I get angry ..

  43. Mrs Noye and her Gossips enter to an F sharp minor distortion of the children’s tune, which reflects their mocking attitude.

  44. Rabbi Myron Berman, in his history of Jews in Richmond, describes the attitude of antebellum white Southerners toward Jews:.

  45. His insights and his thoroughly scientific attitude were crucial to the entire effort; they still serve as a model for us all.

  46. Since the evidence in a jury trial can be complex, and jurors often reach decisions about the verdict early on, it is reasonable to expect an attitude polarization effect.

  47. Despite Governor Catts’ change of attitude, white mob action frequently occurred in towns throughout north and central Florida and went unchecked by local law enforcement.

  48. Although the Romans had a more hostile attitude than the Greeks towards the Egyptians, some traditions such as mummification and worship of the traditional gods continued.

  49. Holst later described her as the best girl pupil he ever had: «From the first she showed an individual attitude of mind and an eagerness to absorb all that was beautiful».

  50. No mention was ever made by non-Malay politicians of the almost closed-door attitude to the Malays by non-Malays in large sections of the private sector in this country.».

Synonyms for attitude

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word attitude has the following synonyms: mental attitude, position and posture.

General information about «attitude» example sentences

The example sentences for the word attitude that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «attitude» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «attitude».

Synonym: opinion, position, standpoint, viewpoint. Similar words: gratitude, magnitude, pulchritude, at that time, student, at times, destitute, constitute. Meaning: [‘ætɪtjuːd]  n. 1. a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways 2. the arrangement of the body and its limbs 3. a theatrical pose created for effect 4. position of aircraft or spacecraft relative to a frame of reference (the horizon or direction of motion). 

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1. Indifferent attitude, made light of expression. Comfort.

2. You must have found my attitude annoying.

3. People’s attitude towards the president varies widely.

4. They have a casual attitude towards safety .

5. I find your attitude most offensive.

6. I fail to comprehend their attitude.

7. He has a liberal attitude to divorce and remarriage.

8. Pete’s attitude towards women really scares me.

9. You have to change your attitude.

10. The attitude of the unions is a serious obstacle.

11. Sometimes happiness is just a matter of attitude adjustment.

12. People’s attitude towards the skyscrapers varies widely.

13. Her attitude is imperious at times.

14. It’s your attitude I don’t like.

15. He maintained an attitude of high seriousness.

16. Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. Zig Ziglar 

17. What is your attitude to abortion?

18. His attitude was shocking to her.

19. He has an ambivalent attitude towards her.

20. I find your attitude towards these women quite repugnant.

21. He’s very conservative in his attitude to women.

22. Youth is simply an attitude of mind.

23. You need to readjust your attitude.

24. His attitude made me extremely annoyed.

25. I just cannot comprehend your attitude.

26. I found her attitude totally unacceptable.

27. I find your attitude quite incomprehensible.

27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

28. As a modern parent, I know that it’s not how much you give children those counts, it’s the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents. 

29. Almost any situation—good or bad —is affected by the attitude we bring to. 

30. Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the freedom to choose his attitude in any given set of circumstances. 

More similar words: gratitude, magnitude, pulchritude, at that time, student, at times, destitute, constitute, institution, constitution, institutional, constitutional, unconstitutional, constitutional convention, study, studio, fitting, pettish, setting, blotting, forgetting, include, sit up, exclude, impudent, conclude, cum laude, ritual, impudence, for the first time. 

attitude (n): a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this

Use “attitude” in a sentence

My attitude towards him has changed.
She has a negative attitude toward life.
He had an unfriendly attitude.
What do you think of his unfriendly attitude?
Attitude is everything” is my favorite book.

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It is possible to face any adverse situation by conditioning oneself with a positive attitude

It is the attitude of someone who fears

Hence penitence is an attitude that shows

football match, with an attitude that says this is not for me

Let us look at David and see how his attitude was towards

Then God will put that attitude into a test by

No doubt that was the effect of the poor relations with Jorma and the reaction to his attitude

The question then arises: How shall we sit? Is the cross-legged attitude the best, or shall we kneel, or sit, or stand? The easiest and most normal position is the best always

The cross-legged attitude has been, and still is, much used in the Orient, and many books have been written on the subject

Yama is your attitude towards others and the world around you

As I said, I’m on the far side of 30, he’s only 28 but going on 48 in looks and attitude which I think he actually wants

‘I’ll have to report your attitude to the agency, you know

Stiffened his neck and hardened his heart — 2 Chronicles 36:16 offers the tragic comment upon this attitude that Zedekiah possessed

This type of attitude was not acceptable to Jesus in the days of the Scribes and Pharisees, and it is not acceptable to the Lord today

this type of attitude, but the most prevalent is be pride

Those leaders with a proud attitude have a false view of themselves and are deceived by

The person with a haughty and high-minded attitude does not love the church

The sad commentary is that those who the attitude of Diotrephes will exercise

In the self-centered world that exists today, the prevalent attitude is one of coarseness, arrogance, and self-will

This type of sentiment has led to a famine of the serving attitude in the church

Now, that you look like you’ve got the proper attitude, it’s time to earn your pay

He would be planting one of the three attitude thrusters that would be planted on the asteroid

This self-willed attitude can result in brethren viewing the ideas of others as threatening, personal

congregation has this attitude in heart, the work of the church will be accomplished, even in the absence of elders in that congregation!

Most of us have a laid back attitude when it

His attitude was that the Al-Harron was billions of miles out in space and he had things to attend to on the ground

Teacher: If you see a teacher, it means that you should change your attitude and improve your personality; if you are the teacher, you will face psychological problems

the strong supporting the weak) it is my most sincere hope that the maiden voyage not the survivalist attitude (e

activity, but your attitude that makes the

If we are to be rulers of this kind of Kingdom, then we need this same heart and attitude that David demonstrates

Not entirely understanding what has caused the change in his attitude, but far too tired to care

I adjusted my attitude to appear more professional

On a recent run, Kate and Daniel noticed a change in attitude between the camp and the town folk

As I have said, Yoga will affect your way of life, even against your will; it will alter your attitude towards many things and one of these things is the food you eat

The three main rules of the Yoga diet are (1) non-violence, (2) moderation, and (3) attitude of mind

Berndt, surrounded by other Gottesmen and women, stands in the centre, his Gottestones in his hands, all in an attitude of prayer

Dr Paul’s whole attitude changed, he was thrilled immediately, as Andrew knew he would be

She let him do it, her attitude toward him had changed so suddenly that he wondered if this was really the cherub/clone from Biology Base and not the Ava who had been nothing but business for a month

Ten minutes or so later, we turn a corner in the track and come into a large open space; there are people all over the place, some standing in an attitude of contemplation, some talking quietly to their companions, others sitting and gazing at the Well, lost in thought

I’m stunned at his attitude but relieved that I don’t have to run the gauntlet of trying to justify the unjustifiable

In those days, when the world was very different to this one, bachelor gentlemen of a certain class and attitude were often to be found in the company of young girls and boys

Here is a simple script to help you shift into an attitude of gratitude:

“Now, there’s a man-child with attitude! Give him to me as a token

attitude to courting, but Archibald’s mother was determined to

If their attitude is

She’s the youngest of the group, in her early twenties, and drives the rest of us crackers with her attitude to life in general

Emotionally it was the pain that’s driving her bad attitude on life

Is that what happened to her to cause her bad attitude? I’m too elderly? She called me an old pervert when I gave her a gift before

“What’s her problem? She has a bad attitude?”

“I know, love, but they’re teenagers, all hormones and attitude

with that concentrated heads-down attitude of young people who

Red-necks with attitude

Despite the usually rather relaxed attitude affected by the

moment, as his whole attitude changed abruptly

that Sophia would be in her element with her devil-may-care attitude,

Sandini’s attitude when next they met

immediate change in the attitude of the witness

White about his newfound lease on life, and renewed congenial attitude towards all his fellow coworkers

This attitude was diametrically counter to those of the other candidates who assembled in the ‘schoolroom

«Your attitude towards this house

sat back and smiled in an attitude of self-satisfaction

wife’s attitude, and was almost angry

seriousness of the statement – not to mention the attitude

Then, slowly but surely, her attitude seemed to

the attitude of a vast crowd could change so quickly

I find your attitude most refreshing

attitude put the widow in two minds

As much as she wanted to be able to explain to Crystal, her Father attitude, she didn’t understand it herself

“He’s a tall bloke with an attitude and you can see that he has had a rough life

‘What was her attitude towards him?’ Claude

Roman was at that point, and whether his happy face and attitude were more for us

’ – again that attitude insinuating that we were

My attitude had changed, but as we negotiated the

with this negative attitude, and wasn’t going to put up

cashiers aside) the attitude to service was not

He was very weatherbeaten in appearance and very prudish and disdainful in attitude

quickly, unsure of his own attitude towards the man and

His attitude was

After Hogan’s second admonishment, Conradie had developed a much better attitude and, while not brimming with enthusiasm, did seem to be trying to help

Flitter was puzzled by the girls attitude but he was willing to give this novel method of learning a try

Despite her anger, and attitude toward this war, I felt it necessary to inform her of our exodus,’ Ome stated, bluntly and without any apparent emotion

experiences, had noticed this change of attitude between

the attitude of those who hear them

vision, have the right skills and the correct attitude) the profit that you

“But, why is this the attitude we’re being treated with? My father’s body still lies somewhere here in Skyrim! No one can tell us what happened or where – only that his operation met with catastrophe and no one survived

But that could merely result from a good sleep, not a change in attitude

Boo! Say what? Well, my good friend Morty el Mago always had a positive attitude about everything—incredible, huh?—and in relation to that, I’ve been thinking about a story he once told me that he referred to as the Tale of Bob the Buho

It was one of the few things that could snap Edrimer out of his sarcastic attitude

The bad side wanted him to satisfy his needs and desires as a virile young man, having no worries and enjoying life to the full – a seize-the-moment kind of attitude

To dream that you are at the hairdresser implies that you are looking to change your attitude

Alternatively, it represents your attitude or the various roles and responsibilities you have in your waking life

I’ve had many, many years to observe, it’s hardly a recent change in attitude

Alternatively, it may represent your severe attitude or some sort of self-punishment

The soldier by now had had quite enough attitude from the Guild Master, who by all accounts appeared rather suspicious out there in the wilderness

The entire outside world is based on your thoughts and mental attitude

In the next sections, I am going to talk much more about objects of meditation, and about the attitude you should have while meditating

However, adopting an attitude that death could come at any time can send a message to your mind to preserve its focus, and let go of trifles


Wars, conflicts, pollution are chief effects of this imbalance in attitude

But if I have to do that, I’ll tell him of your uncooperative attitude

He has a positive attitude about the changes. She’s friendly and has a good attitude. You need to change your bad attitude. There’s been a change in his attitude since his accident.

What does come in droves mean? Definition of in droves

: in large quantities People came in droves to hear her sing.

Likewise What is the best attitude for a girl?

Best Girl Attitude Quotes

  • You have to be ‘ODD’ to be number ‘ONE’.
  • Don’t follow me, I’m lost.
  • If your ego speaks with me then my attitude replies to you.
  • They can’t put me down, so they hate me.
  • I hate compromising my dreams for others.
  • Hating me doesn’t make you pretty.
  • Be pretty ♕; make money and dress well .

What is the meaning of attitude girl? If you refer to someone as a person with attitude, you mean that they have a striking and individual style of behaviour, especially a forceful or aggressive one.

Is attitude a bad word?

So, in a sense, yes. It does imply something negative. But not generally.

Was dead but now is alive meaning? : alive but as if dead : dull, spiritless.

What does leaving in groves mean?

If you say that people are going somewhere or doing something in droves, you are emphasizing that there is a very large number of them. [emphasis] Scientists are leaving the country in droves. ‘droves’ English.

What is the meaning of go hand in hand? if two things go hand in hand, they are closely connected and cannot be considered separately from each other.

How do you show attitude in front of a girl?

Showing the proper amount of attitude means using the right body language, so that other people know what’s up.

  1. Cross your arms across your chest. …
  2. Rolling eyes is a great way to express irritation or derision towards another person. …
  3. Not making eye contact or making too much eye contact are good ways to show attitude.

What makes a girl happy? To make a girl happy, reciprocate when she does something nice for you, like giving her a foot rub if she gave you a massage. You should also keep your promises, whether it’s doing the dishes or making time for her when she feels down, since this will show her she can trust you.

What is the best attitude for a boy?

The Best Attitude Quotes for Boys

  • I’m Not Special, I’m Just Limited Edition.
  • I don’t have an attitude! …
  • 80% of the boys have girlfriends. …
  • Boys are great, every girl should have one.
  • I am a hot dude with a cool attitude.
  • I’m not lazy, I’m just on my energy saving mode.
  • A naughty thought a day keeps the stress away.

What is the meaning of fatigue you? If you’re fatigued, you’re exhausted. … It’s another way to say “tired,” “exhausted,” “beat,” or “tuckered out.” The adjective fatigued comes from fatigue, originally a French word meaning “weariness,” from the verb fatiguer, “to tire,” which has a Latin root, fatigare, “to make weary.”

What do you call a person with attitude?

There are two possibilities I can think of for what that expression is equivalent to, “haughty,” and “high minded.” Haughty means having an attitude of arrogant superiority toward others. High minded means having intelligence and strong moral character, and perhaps confusingly, it can sometimes mean haughty.

When people say you have an attitude problem? It is generally used to mean that you behave somewhat arrogantly or disrespectfully. Do you have an attitude? When we hear that question we generally think of someone with a negative outlook on a particular topic, thing or person. This is witnessed all the time.

What do you call a person who always think negative?

The word is pessimist, a person who expects the worst. Mr X is a pessimist. Contrast with optimist. It is often said that while optimists are happier, pessimists are more often correct. and.

What do you call a person who avoids reality? In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person’s choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event, when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality.

What do you call a person that’s always negative?

A person who’s always negative is called a pessimist.

What does it mean to be a shadow of your former self? Definition of ghost/shadow of one’s former self

: a much weaker and frailer person than one formerly was He was a mere ghost/shadow of his former self after the illness.

What words are antonyms?

An antonym is a word whose meaning is directly opposite to another word’s meaning. In this thesaurus, an antonym is a word that has a meaning that completely cancels out another words meaning. Short and tall are complete opposites.

What means alive and kicking? Definition of alive and kicking

: healthy and active She ran a marathon late in life, just to prove she was still alive and kicking. —often used figuratively After years of slow earnings, the industry is now alive and kicking.

What does Groven mean?

: a small group of trees especially : a group of trees that produce fruit or nuts. See the full definition for grove in the English Language Learners Dictionary. grove. noun.

What does grove mean in street names? Street name suffix

Suffix Reason for use
Grove for residential roads
Lane for residential roads
Gardens subject to there being no confusion with any local open space
Place subject to there being no confusion with any local open space

• Nov 25, 2021

What does Dale stand for?

A dale is a valley, a wide, open area that stretches between hills. … Dale comes from the Old English word for “valley,” dæl.

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