Use the word attend in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word attend, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use attend in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «attend».

Attend in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word attend in a sentence.

  1. Mary’s only to attend the funeral.

  2. Wagner did not attend the funeral.

  3. Two elderly women attend to the bride.

  4. Kagame’s campaign; and attend rallies».

  5. The Cohens and Ryan also attend the show.

  6. Almost all undergraduates attend full-time.

  7. In 1993 she was selected to attend the U.S.

  8. Even while a member, he often did not attend.

  9. Museveni then ordered Kagame to attend instead.

  10. Weezer canceled a show to attend their funeral.

  11. Blenkinsop to attend to the ruined school and farm.

  12. Friedman agreed to attend one of the band’s concerts.

  13. Therefore, Adams chose not to attend the inauguration.

  14. In 1956, he went to the UK to attend the VC centenary.

  15. Few privy counsellors are required to attend regularly.

  16. He invited his friend, Major Kenneth McLaren, to attend the camp as an assistant.

  17. Four Purdue astronauts were requested to attend the Rose Bowl as guests of honor.

  18. Students who attend the College are aged 16 to 25 and blind or partially sighted.

  19. He quarrelled with his father, refusing to attend church, and left for The Hague.

  20. Bruce returned to England after his defeat to holiday and attend to his business.

  21. He stayed to attend the coronation of King Henry VIII on 23 June, when he was made a knight banneret.

  22. He was not able to attend university, but sought self-education in Melbourne’s museums and libraries.

  23. Convention organizers invited several prominent Tejanos from these towns to attend, but all declined.

  24. As Fox’s fame grew, the Cancer Society scheduled him to attend more functions and give more speeches.

  25. He announced his decision to attend the school at a press conference at the Reebok All-American Camp.

  26. The Duke of Wellington, pleading a prior commitment to attend a dinner in Birmingham, did not attend.

  27. After the apparent death of her child, Eve leaves Boston and gives up music to attend medical school.

  28. Theo Shaw was able to attend classes at another high school and have his credits transferred to Jena.

  29. In June, he visited Geneva, Switzerland to attend a Save the Children conference on African children.

  30. He instead chose to attend a private training college, Hassett’s, to study for the Bank Clerk’s exam.

  31. The inquest into Davison’s death took place at Epsom on 10 June; Jones was not well enough to attend.

  32. Butler toured Britain in 1870, travelling 3,700 miles to attend 99 meetings in the course of the year.

  33. Fleetwood has noted the «tremendous emotional sacrifices» made by everyone just to attend studio work.

  34. An early brochure for the Grant Park Music Festival said «You never need a ticket to attend a concert!

  35. Videos from local celebrities were posted on the team’s official blog urging fans to attend the final.

  36. Bono, who had accepted an invitation to the World Sacred Music Festival in Fez, Morocco, invited his bandmates to attend.

  37. Huskisson had been a popular figure in Liverpool, and the authorities expected large numbers of people wishing to attend.

  38. The talks took place at an indaba between the izinDuna and Rudd’s party; the king himself did not attend, but was nearby.

  39. The fact that a London-based team was competing meant that many football fans from all parts of the city chose to attend.

  40. Seward did not attend the December 1839 Whig National Convention in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, but Weed did on his behalf.

  41. After graduating from high school in 1979, Obama moved to Los Angeles to attend Occidental College on a full scholarship.

  42. He instead decided to attend the United States Naval Academy after speaking with the academy’s football coach, Bill Elias.

  43. Recipients attend a «Maundy Lecture» in the cathedral in advance of the service to familiarise them with what will happen.

  44. Prince, who would have had a part in which he and Michael Jackson sang to each other, did not attend the recording session.

  45. During the fiesta the characters drink, eat, watch the running of the bulls, attend bullfights, and bicker with each other.

  46. Ismay, however, «had a sneaking desire to be a cavalry soldier», and after doing poorly on his final examinations at Charterhouse, he was not eligible to attend Cambridge.

  47. In the state Senate, an anti-Hanna Republican did not initially attend, allowing the Democrats to organize the chamber and elect one of their own as president of the body.

  48. If a candidate is considered academically disqualified and not selected, he or she may receive an offer to attend to the United States Military Academy Preparatory School.

  49. Although many of the university’s hall directors and area coordinators attend graduate level courses, on-campus housing is not available for main campus graduate students.

  50. In January 1939, he was posted to Britain to attend the Specialists Signals Course at Royal Air Force College Cranwell, and was promoted to flight lieutenant in September.

Synonyms for attend

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word attend has the following synonyms: go to, hang, advert, pay heed, give ear, serve, attend to, wait on, assist, take care, look and see.

General information about «attend» example sentences

The example sentences for the word attend that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «attend» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «attend».

I offered to attend at any time in the event of potential employer

As damage to the brain increases, people with Alzheimer’s lose coordination and part or all of their ability to attend to everyday needs

They are able to attend to school requirements with each other’s help and assistance from elders, as the parents would be usually busy

Night Adventure: I attend a memorial service for grandma Jenny

regularly scheduled intervals the men can make plans and those who don’t attend will have

of responsibility and attend only one hour a week

(this cannot be accomplished when the members attend only one hour a week and never

I wish to attend the lecture but I would rather not go alone, so at about noon I phone Aphrodite and let her know

attend business meetings of the church, but did not permit them to have a voice in the

His attitude was that the Al-Harron was billions of miles out in space and he had things to attend to on the ground

Funeral: If you attend a funeral in your dream, it is an omen of stress and sorrow

He was honored that he had been asked to attend

Be patient my lovely, he purred to her, there is still much to attend to first

‘Joris spent much of his time here in the town and there is a general feeling that local people will want to attend

He came from a very pleasant family with a father who worked hard and diligently and with a mother who stayed at home and brought up her children until they were old enough to attend the local senior school

He had hopes he could get her out of this hang in time to attend the Monday morning officers meeting

A little later in the year, the famous gardener and his wife were honoured with an invitation to attend a dinner at a famous politician’s house

missed coming to coaching, but he had promised his Mama to attend the

How wrong could I be! On my first morning, I agreed to attend the morning service with my sister-in-law, Jane … and life hasn’t been the same since

She welcomes us home and hopes that you will attend the Gathering, as her guest

honoured with an invitation to attend a dinner at a famous

The sumptuous feasts he would have; all the Lords forced to attend

forgot to attend a diplomatic dinner because she was so engrossed

I’m already booked to attend the official opening of the new building over at Gordon’s Pipes

1Hear the right, O LORD, attend unto my cry, give ear unto my prayer that goes not out

attend to, without being specific on their actual destination

She also scours the local papers to see if there are any visiting celebrities, but they rarely attend and almost never perform

you’ll have to attend a training course – think of it as Basic Training,

Hasting excused himself quickly but politely, “I must attend to the other customers

mandatory that we attend all home games and sit together

The suite was such that both travelers were able to attend to their own grooming and hygienic concerns separately, and at the same time

He enjoyed theater and looked forward to another opportunity to attend

This was well, as the Spelman’s were to attend a theater performance at the Madison Square Theater that evening, but Mr

Spelman had received a wire first thing before breakfast and had had to beg their indulgence to attend to the most pressing matter the wire introduced

Swivels to let Roman attend his revered institution

‘For that information, you’ll have to attend his trial,

Johnny was beaten so severely that he did not attend school the

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend to

Mel and her husband are keen sci-fi addicts and frequently attend sci-fi conferences where they dress up in elaborate costumes

The children were out of the house and George was in the store, White Feathers wanted to attend the little meeting, but Belle would not hear of it

Allcock made welcome all the craftsmen of the factory and their families who wished to attend

The Bessamers promised to visit Tahoe over the coming summer and assured the three thespians they would most certainly attend the upcoming performances of Shakespeare

Because I intend to have my home holiday just for two reasons; first, to see my parents more often and second to attend the wedding ceremony of my very close friend which would be held by third week of May, 1980

«Can I brush your hair?» Suddenly she remembered what a mess she must look, especially if he was willing to attend to her hair

There were parties to attend every weekend between Thanksgiving and the First of the year

Then the kids came along and money got tight, but still there were all the parties to attend

Everyone offered one that year and of course, the newest occupants were expected to attend as a couple, but Mike worked his magic and managed to get out of everyone, except the one the city leaders threw

Richard Rowinski would come in first thing in the morning and he would attend one or two classes and then he would hitchhike home on the highway and not be at school the rest of the day

They had a church where you could attend mass and then downs stairs they had like a recreation area for the students and again that’s where I met most of my best friends many of whom were lifelong friends that I still stay in touch with today about almost 50 years later

Back in 1971 you could go or attend any school without making any progress towards a higher degree

The students would actually have to attend three hours of class for the midterm and final so they were making about $700 an hour

I attended for several years out there and it got hectic at one point because I was working my Election job during the day then on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I was going out to the Police Academy to attend the police reserve classes from like 6 to 9 and then the other two days I believe Monday and Wednesday I was going to Pima College

At the congregation I attend we dedicate babies to God when they are newborns

Even if he thought the Council was a waste of time, he would fulfill his duty and attend

Drau’d saw the inner struggle within his eyes; as much as he was honor-bound to attend, Brodin also needed to be with his people, at the war-front where his strength and the power of “Hell’s Bane” counted for more than debating the inevitable at the Council

I would attend in your stead,” Drau’d said, not eager to leave his kin, but well aware that his father was far more valuable on the wall

he decided to attend matins as well

church buildings save us, though we attend weekly and tithe

My inspiration or motivation, if you will, to write this book came on the heels of a vacation I took to Scotland to attend the yearly book festival held in Edinburgh

But the increase of the value of silver had, it seems, so far compensated the diminution of the quantity of it contained in the same nominal sum, that the legislature did not think it worth while to attend to this circumstance

He was called away to attend urgent business in Stratos, as you all know

On feast days, slaves might be allowed to attend dramas, gathering in the amphitheater’s back rows, as they’d done in Smyrna

But who’ll attend to the young Master?”

I paid you to attend

‘I had one more matter to attend

excused from training, so their tutors could attend the trial

They had over-traded a little, and had brought upon themselves that loss, or at least that diminution of profit, which, in this particular business, never fails to attend the smallest degree of over-trading

“How could I attend his class when he himself had caused me to

The superior security of land, together with some other advantages which almost everywhere attend upon this species of property, will generally dispose him to content himself with a smaller revenue from land, than what he might have by lending out his money at interest

He had no leisure to attend to the cultivation and improvement of land

The situation of such a person naturally disposes him to attend rather to ornament, which pleases his fancy, than to profit, for which he has so little occasion

say about whether school aged children should attend the

The frown on his face got deeper and he wondered what could have happened to her, but he had to attend to the Hebrews and there was no time now to be overly worried about her whereabouts

One of the Royal Guards escorted him up the wide steps to the palace entrance and into the entrance hall where he waited until a court official could attend to him

disadvantageous exchange must have subjected their merchants, such small states, when they began to attend to the interest of trade, have frequently enacted that foreign bills of exchange of a certain value should be paid, not in common currency, but by an order upon, or by a transfer in the books of a certain bank, established upon the credit, and under the protection of the state, this bank being always obliged to pay, in good and true money, exactly according to the standard of the state

You attend to it by allowing yourself to be happy without anything changing in your life

They did not, perhaps, attend to the great and essential difference which nature has established between corn and almost every other sort of goods

When things are not as they seem to be, or when two truths appear inconsistent with one another the mind will always attend residence in the human body and in this world

Commander Ravena, aboard Lúthien, shall attend Isin and Song’s foray aboard the wild card ship

But we must, in all cases, attend to the nature of the thing, without paying any regard to the word

Mindfulness is a state wherein you attend to what you are doing and what is happening in this moment

If he judges wrong in this, and if the price does not rise, he not only loses the whole profit of the stock which he employs in this manner, but a part of the stock itself, by the expense and loss which necessarily attend the storing and keeping of corn

Just attend to your object of meditation, while staying in the moment

But first, he had business to attend

While the things that we think, feel, and attend to are not controlled entirely by biology, we are still creatures of instinct, and what rises to conscious awareness is often the result of genetic programming

Meditation is an autotelic experience if, while meditating, you attend only to what you are doing in the here and now

Dena stood up, “I have bridge duty to attend to

For example, we could help tend to our neighbor’s kids, so that their parents could attend a dinner function or spend time listening to the grievances of a friend, in their time of depression

These pages will help you hold or attend a meeting with success

It is mandatory that all supervisors attend Friday’s meeting

All supervisors are expected to attend

That way most of you should be able to attend

Or they could attend the high school girls’ volleyball game later that afternoon, and this gets a solid medium reaction

Use the enclosed postcard to let me know if you plan to attend and how many of you will be coming

attend what promises to be a day of food,

people who attend his talks and seminars

‘You were never meant to attend that interrogation,’ he said calmly

The person entrusted with the executive power, not having leisure to attend to the decision of private causes himself, a deputy was appointed to decide them in his stead

In the progress of the Roman greatness, the consul was too much occupied with the political affairs of the state, to attend to the administration of justice

SuperSeaweed was invented by myself in 1972 while I attended school at the University of Florida located in Gainesville Florida

But in the church she attended

Oh yes, he attended their functions and their family

At one time I attended a business meeting and although I do not know all the past history of the congregation it seemed evident to me that some were still licking their wounds These matters ought to be dealt with initially on an individual basis and not be allowed to create havoc in a meeting of the congregation

A good Christian woman told me she attended a congregation which allowed women to

The same doctor that had attended me previously took new observations, making a general but non-specific fuss of his bewildered patient

So, that was my reward for the hard, specialized and unpaid work of one and a half month: The guru talked to me for ten whole minutes (something unprecedented within the five years in total I have attended Janus), he advised me to wear more modern clothes and nicer glasses, and he made clear that men avoid me because of my high intelligence and strong personality

Oh yes, he attended their functions and their family gatherings but only so that he could stand there as if he were watching the world from inside a goldfish bowl

pianist play at a church I attended

‘Oh, it is …’ she enthused, suddenly recalling the merry she and Joris had attended in Abery last summer

Of course, it had to be the right sort of politics, the sort that was supported by bazaars, whist drives and charity lunches attended by her sitting member of parliament

The two charlatans attended the cabinet and ran through the contents of the report with the assembled ministers of state, describing and explaining all of their arguments, summaries and conclusions in the clearest and simplest terms

They attended every glitzy party, were invited to every celebrity bash, made frequent guest appearances on television and generally became the most famous couple on the planet

day and never attended the marble tournament

to offer the 1000 or more people who attended his

charlatans attended the cabinet and ran through the contents of the

The cynical say they bowed only to the power of gold, but in this day and age most of the people here believed the Goddess of nature was real and many attended celebrations

I drive past the schools I attended, it is all very familiar, yet things have changed … it is odd

All the tenants, past and present, attended

the companions had attended in Alnwick all those weeks ago

Ava was going thru the bottom of the pile, things like conferences attended, and there, for the same year she was created, was a record of a one year pass to the Kassikan, unfortunately without the certificate number, as a scholarship transfer from North Chardovia Trades Academy

was no way he could have attended even if the letter had arrived

The records back at NCTA indicated she was here for a full year, not just a seminar, but there was a chance she had attended one

He had long since ceased to pay anymore heed to the nice man’s announcements about this or that ‘fine quality’ gadget or tool, than he attended the cat’s prowling round the end of a shelf

“But why would anyone want to hide the fact that they attended a

“I’ve attended performances since I was a little girl and I have practiced voice for three years; I hope to be a soloist someday,” she crooned, “but I think I still enjoy Shakespeare best, even though there aren’t any musical numbers

In the evenings and into the nights he attended performances with the Spelmans at the Cosmopolitan Theater at 41st and Broadway, or the Madison Square Theater W

When they returned to their places in the little gathering, and Kaitlyn was again seated next to her friend, it was Harry’s comments to which Kaitlyn most attended

He was privileged with a key to that door, though Heleem attended it at this hour

All other matters regarding Malvern life would be attended to by correspondence or direct instruction upon arrival for the Autumn term on the third of September

whether he would be attended to or simply ignored

Steward Albescu woke up in the hospital, and she was being attended to by Dr

” His tone gave no comfort to Harry as he attended carefully to the postures, mannerisms and words of the men before him

If it was an abandoned cabin, shouldn’t the water have been cut off by the council, or, if they were using a water tank that hadn’t been attended to for years, then the water should’ve been dirty and in no fit state to drink, shouldn’t it have been?

The one time he actually attended church was one Christmas Eve as a

windows as the three Abbey guests attended terce the

One reason me and all the other veterans attended Pima College; actually was two reasons why me and all the veterans attended Pima College

I attended for several years out there and it got hectic at one point because I was working my Election job during the day then on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I was going out to the Police Academy to attend the police reserve classes from like 6 to 9 and then the other two days I believe Monday and Wednesday I was going to Pima College

He attended the

until he’d had his feet attended to

with which it is attended

comfortably on his own, and had even attended Mass in

or who attended what we would call one course of lectures ; a number which will not appear

They attended Mass in the tiny old church

He dug into the books, he attended lectures on the courtyards of the pyramid and found a few classes to enroll in

Had every particular banking company always understood and attended to its own particular interest, the circulation never could have been overstocked with paper money

But every particular banking company has not always understood or attended to its own particular interest, and the circulation has frequently been overstocked with paper money

Attended to, as I will reign in

Haafingar was the only hold in which she had not yet attended to Guild business and she was pleased to have the chance to see it now

The transportation of commodities, when properly suited to the market, is always attended with a considerable profit; whereas that of gold and silver is scarce ever attended with any

My grandmother never went to church and my mother never attended

Yes, and some of them even attended church, confessed their love for the

An intercourse of the same kind universally established between the farmers and the corn merchants, would be attended with effects equally beneficial to the farmers

The best explanation I could offer is the one which was delivered in a talk I had attended years ago by venerable Tsoknyi Rinpoche III

The person who attended to me was a vibrant elderly gentleman

Subsequently I attended a Heal Your Life course and in one of its many activities, I was introduced to a stack of Doreen Virtue oracle cards which resonated with me and the rest of the participants

But then, even though a man’s physical body falls into the arms of Tarite in death (and his soul into Serren’s), ceremony dictates that he is buried at the Temple he attended to in life, and so the few and scattered followers of the deity could not fill Death’s graves as quickly as could the worshipers of the other gods

Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production ; and the interest of the producer ought to be attended to, only so far as it may be necessary for promoting that of the consumer

It cannot be very difficult to determine who have been the contrivers of this whole mercantile system; not the consumers, we may believe, whose interest has been entirely neglected; but the producers, whose interest has been so carefully attended to ; and among this latter class, our merchants and manufacturers have been by far the principal architects

In the mercantile regulations which have been taken notice of in this chapter, the interest of our manufacturers has been most peculiarly attended to; and the interest, not so much of the consumers, as that of some other sets of producers, has been sacrificed to it

As their gratification, too, how agreeable soever it may be to certain characters, is not attended with any real or permanent advantage, it is, in the greater part of men, commonly restrained by prudential considerations

The inferior office of justice of peace, though attended with a good deal of trouble, and in most cases with no emoluments at all, is an object of ambition to the greater part of our country gentlemen

This branch of public police, accordingly, is said to be very much attended to in all those countries, but particularly in China, where the high-roads, and still more the navigable canals, it is pretended, exceed very much every thing of the same kind which is known in Europe

It may too, perhaps, be in those countries, as it is in France, where the great roads, the great communications, which are likely to be the subjects of conversation at the court and in the capital, are attended to, and all the rest neglected

Reputation in his profession is still of some importance to him, and he still has some dependency upon the affection, gratitude, and favourable report of those who have attended upon his instructions; and these favourable sentiments he is likely to gain in no way so well as by deserving them, that is, by the abilities and diligence with which he discharges every part of his duty

Whoever has attended for any considerable time to the administration of a French university, must have had occasion to remark the effects which naturally result from an arbitrary and extraneous jurisdiction of this kind

In every age and country of the world, men must have attended to the characters, designs, and actions of one another; and many reputable rules and maxims for the conduct of human life must have been laid down and approved of by common consent

There was nothing equivalent to the privileges of graduation; and to have attended any of those schools was not necessary, in order to be permitted to practise any particular trade or profession

While he remains in a country village, his conduct may be attended to, and he may be obliged to attend to it himself

His conduct is observed and attended to by nobody; and he is, therefore, very likely to neglect it himself, and to

Raiya’s heart was skipping along, faster than when she attended her first interview for the post of psychiatrist

When destined for the maintenance of the church, they are attended with nothing but inconveniency

The death of a father, to such of his children as live in the same house with him, is seldom attended with any increase, and frequently with a considerable diminution of revenue ; by the loss of his industry, of his office, or of some life-rent estate, of which he may have been in possession

They had attended boarding school together

Capitation taxes, so far as they are levied upon the lower ranks of people, are direct taxes upon the wages of labour, and are attended with all the inconveniencics of such taxes

It is upon this account that, in countries where the case, comfort, and security of the inferior ranks of people are little attended to, capitation taxes are very common

The reduction in the money price of labour would necessarily be attended with a proportionable one in that of all home manufactures, which would thereby gain some advantage in all foreign markets

knew the house and said as a youth they had attended weird parties

Johnny and I attended a Black History Program featuring Eartha Kitt

When I attended the first gathering of the other students in South Carolina, I felt very over-whelmed

conveniency of the planters, to save the expense of employing gold and silver money in their domestic transactions; and it suits the conveniency of the colony governments, to supply them with a medium, which, though attended with some very considerable disadvantages, enables them to save that expense

Some years ago, I attended a seminar devoted to the subject

What in the world is the matter with my state? Roughly seventy thousand Oregonians attended Obama»s summer 2008 speech at Portland»s Waterfront Park

His own ethical dilemma was nothing compared to her pain, and he felt childish when he thought back to the marches he had attended

228 on the Union side attended the academy

(By the way, Alger Hiss also attended the Yalta Conference

Gerrid, clearly unconscious, was being attended to by a couple of Darangi

Nathan had always attended Clare’s bookings in the evening as security as he was an expert

Cruzel found out from King Bordath’s secretary that the King of Illeander had not attended, nor sent an envoy and a plot was hatched

It frequently happened that we attended crime scenes where a lot of blood had been spilled, and I found out that the canvas boots were not really watertight, or in this case blood proof

On the decease of an important personage, slaves have to be sacrificed, guns and spears snapped, bow strings carefully cut, arrows split, and the odd utensils, such as plates, calabashes, &c, cracked; and thus the spirit of the departed native makes its exit in a manner befitting its rank, attended by the spirits of every needful commodity, from slaves to the deceased’s ditty pipe

The College turned out to be much like a school as we attended classes all day

When I attended the squadron party on the base I had not intended to even take one drink

One evening, I was home and I attended a meeting at the Odd Fellows Lodge

All captain’s on the ferry line attended yearly first-aid classes and Noble knew the beginnings of a seizure when he saw one

We put a down payment on the property then I got one of my friends from the AA group I attended who was a highly regarded real estate agent

When I took Vangie to the hospital it was left up to me to get all the paper work attended to

that is unless you are a lonely woman with an eye for a man in uniform! I am convinced, and many policemen reading here will agree, that some complaints we attended to were just for our manly presence so to speak

Another time, during a rain storm, a ROMEO call sign attended to a robbery in progress which is as serious as it gets for there are no such thing as unarmed robbers

· In case it is essential to ignore pain, may be temporarily, say while playing a game or attending to a more serious patient, remember that beyond a certain time this could lead to serious body injury to you

Searchers usually turn to spiritual pursuits of attending religious discourses, meditation camps and reading of scriptures and the like

As we retire from regular jobs, there is a tendency to spend more time in worship of our chosen deities, attending discourses, visiting places of worship and holy places and so on

Theoretically he was not attending the meeting he was supporting because he was on duty

You don’t want to feel guilty anymore, so you do your religious duty in going to church, tithing, repenting, reading your Bible, attending the Bible study, serving, and all the other things that are promoted by the church building that good saints do

will result in the author attending church every Sunday,

The soldier lived well in the city, going out for expensive dinners at the finest restaurants, attending the theatre regularly, spending pleasant evenings in the brightest of celebrity haunts and even doing a little work for charity when time permitted

He informed Rayne that all women wore long gowns when attending the court; to do otherwise would be considered an insult

The last step of presenting your charter may involve attending committee hearings to discuss and review the application

She listened to the story unfold with a growing sense of unease and disappointment, a sense that rapidly turned to despair and utter devastation when the pictures cut to the image of an ecstatic twelve year old from Grimsby who would be attending a gala bash in London the following weekend where the boy and his band would finally be unveiled

dinners at the finest restaurants, attending the theatre regularly,

They were pretty well crucified by some of the public attending the meeting

Grimsby who would be attending a gala bash in London the

In the next bay the nurses and doctor attending Bex are considering other options

The nurses attending Bex prepare for her to be moved for her scan and then on to the intensive care unit, where she will be managed until her protective reflexes begin to recover

I’m very sure she took the shonggot to try and enhance her learning at a year’s seminar she was attending

Allcock varied the introduction little during the multiple repetitions, and it was at last dawning upon Harry that he would be attending Malvern College

never aced anything in the twelve years I’d been attending school

Perhaps because of Harry’s own trailblazing, in attending a British University, perhaps because of the ‘educational fever’ which had been ignited in the little village; whatever the cause, it seemed that the Council’s ‘remedy’ to address the deleterious effects of the idle youth was at last beginning to have a positive impact on the community

Some parents who had not given their children much attention before, now at the least, were attending the frequent performances and school contests

“Sir,” Harry began timidly, unsure if it were his ‘turn,’ “I had but two aims in attending Malvern

The Orphanage Project required Harry to be on-site from time to time and he was pleased that on most of those occasions, Becky was also attending to the construction developments

before long he was approached by one of the attending

This included not attending the meetings, and sleeping all day

She hadn’t expected the season to become so hectic, had she really complained about not attending parties

So I am thinking what the heck is going on here? I call my wife and I said I’m still waiting over at Jim’s for student from Saudi Arabia who was interested in staying with us while he’s attending the English as a Second Language Program

The very first school I can ever remember attending was kindergarten

him, and he was barred from attending Mass

Helez decided against attending the funeral, though it pained her to leave Zarko’s side

you’re using it to procrastinate from attending to that pressing

To dream that you are attending or going to a dance indicates a celebration and your attempts to achieve happiness

You are alert but not attending to your thoughts or the sounds you hear

The process of attention, or attending to certain things and ignoring or filtering out others, is the way we limit the information coming into consciousness to what we can make comprehensible to ourselves

To achieve this in practice may involve spending additional time attending to this requirement

Whether you are holding a meeting or attending a meeting, it is imporant that you understand key English phrases and expressions related to meetings

While attending to Ashley, Rachel casually looked out at the ocean

discretionary; and the persons who exercise it, neither attending upon the lectures of the teacher themselves, nor perhaps understanding the sciences which it is his business to teach, are seldom capable of exercising it with judgment

No discipline is ever requisite to force attendance upon lectures which are really worth the attending, as is well known wherever any such lectures are given

But those privileges can be obtained only by attending the lectures of the public teachers

Now, I had no objections to Jesus attending school

Attending Stalingrad is no

He was attending a state dinner given by the

rubbing my eyes, before attending to my mouth with my shirt sleeve

What’s next? Will I be one of those middle-aged women wearing cat pins and cat earrings, drinking my coffee from a cat mug? How long before I am attending cat conventions and subscribing to Cat Fancy? I’m the little old lady in apartment 9

This time it was no joke, it was for real, and Booth put the plan into action on the night of April 14, when he knew that Lincoln would be attending Ford’s Theater

The attending doctor looked at me as though I would make a good candidate for the loony bin

(Recall that Bill Clinton was no friend to vouchers, even as Chelsea was attending the same school

There are far too many present instances of federal workers acting like those attending meetings of the Cheyenne Social Club

The reason this is such a great time to present your offer is because those attending now see the quality of your training and what the quality of the product will be that they will own or be selling

worked in a first class restaurant while attending designer school in Bangkok so she knew everything there was to know about Thai

After attending a couple of practices after the Texans’ game, he returned to Utah to spend time with his family

They bathed in the sea and dressed before attending the feast, washing away the sand ingrained in their hair and skin, and felt all the better for it

Time went by and after I had moved to San Jose, I was attending a meeting known as the End of the Line

This one time I was attending an advanced class on police tactics on how to check and collect information and evidence at a crime scene

‘So one thing has been bothering me,’ I said ‘how come I have not seen you at study before last night? I have been attending for a while now and you haven’t been there?’

I was hesitant and anxious, even though Minister Lyle and Vera had assured me a hundred times at lunch that Spencer and Evelyn would not be there, and that gnawing feeling clawed at my nerves until we were attending the Lord’s Table and I gave my inhibitions to God and shared in His body and His blood

Speaking of which, while attending services this past Sunday, a semi-retired priest invited by our parish to say Mass, gave a sermon on family values

Although I am not principally opposed to inter-planetary travel, it would seem that given the number of pressing social and economic issues demanding our immediate attention right here at home, financial resources otherwise allocated to NASA would be put to better use by attending to the requirements of a planet that our progeny will continue calling home for centuries to come rather than exploring (uninhabitable) regions for no apparent reason other than satisfying quixotical designs

Delnagro‘s troubling column (―Anthem gets attention‖) questioning why players and fans attending professional sporting events should be required to stand during the playing of our National Anthem, despite conflicting ideological viewpoints, instead of being allowed to ―sit it out in peace‖, if that is their desire, underscores a disturbing tendency among a number of Americans who routinely take peace for granted

That it is ―problematical‖ that any of those attending the conference has ever ―successfully‖ taught in an urban public school environment places each in an unenviable position alongside public school teachers who unsuccessfully have; notwithstanding the latter‘s extensive experience

I began attending ulpan to learn how to speak Hebrew

the ceremony, they are seated in a row apart from others attending

love of those attending

�First, Laura states that Nancy Patterson had an abortion when she was attending college, and if that was known to the public, her husband’s conservative political views would be seen in a serious negative mode

That list was prominently headed by Eddie Ralston, but also included other friends and schoolmates of Vickie»s as well as her doctor and minister if we found out that she had been attending church

“We have obtained information that the Kaiser is attending a map-exercise…”

It isn’t about attending a one off

According to the attending nurse, most of what she said when she was conscious was unintelligible

Because the troops at Kummersfeld were attending their own Christmas celebration, there was not as large a crowd as there had been at the inauguration of the ice cream fountain, and it was not necessary to control admission to the PX

The Baron had stopped attending the advisory meetings, for he’d fallen ill

He was an officer candidate attending the University’s wartime training program for Air Force officers

What about attending to her? She went to the door, leaned out and received his immediate attention

“Race fans, we’ll let you know as soon as we get word from the race doctors and the medical center, but as of now, he’s still in the car, and they’re attending under the machine,” said Fred Jackson somberly

” The slight scowl attending the offer told Zoran that his eldest son also was aware of the mixed blessing attending a first contact in a land that they were strangers in

it or attending NLP seminars and lectures

courses and attending training sessions on NLP – but by putting the

Quan had shared with me the story of how they met while attending Montclair State University in 1967 and had fallen in love despite the racial and social pressures from both families

“Why are you so late? The funeral I’m attending started ten minutes ago

attending the correct church, yet we still had some serious issues that

there, we had started attending some of the home prayer groups and

where we were attending and not start a new one

A short time after we had begun attending the Olive Branch

attending that there was a homeless family with children at the lake in

The school-aged children were not attending public school, nor were they enrolled in an approved home study program in Maine

was being taught at the Catholic Church we were attending

Vera was attending a conference at the institute, and Nick was catching up at the

“Jason has been attending the History Club

Worst of all, how can we love God if we have no knowledge of Him? You may think that you know God from all your years of attending church, but I put it to you that the God of the Bible and the god of the church, is not the same god, not by a long shot my friend! Ask yourself how on earth a spiritual leader can teach “the flock” that they have the right to choose between cremation and a traditional burial

This needs not to be for every single person attending the funeral, but mostly for family and close friends

She showed me a briefcase once, filled almost to the brim with funeral letters she collected from attending funerals

They say: You have to show respect by attending the funeral

One could argue that I have no respect for the dead, but hold on a minute, please allow me to explain: I don’t attend funerals because the people attending the funeral don’t know how to behave themselves at a funeral

They are so happy to see each other again; they completely forget they are attending a funeral, totally oblivious to the fact that they are standing a few feet away from an open grave

Tell him that if he wants to be the rare successful exception that all he has to do is set aside the entire amount needed up front within a few months of your infant’s birth and then be prepared to pay more later when he or she is old enough to start attending college

I was a Junior, majoring in Nursing, attending a Christian college, saved by the blood of the Lamb, loved by my family, yet sad

What’s wrong with me attending his funeral?” I asked

Archie had been attending birthing classes with Angel and had agreed when the time came he would be her coach at the birth of her baby, she had first asked Petal but she declined saying her life was on the street looking out for people who needed her help not in some sterile environment

The cost of attending Amarillo College is

Bob Austin, his top salesman, had insisted on attending for the second day to act as backup should he require rest and he had agreed to that and thanked him for his support

After attending auctioneer

John and Teekra stand hand in hand, watching the limo burn nearby while Russ attends to Ahmed, who is oblivious to John and Teekra and still hysterical

the time, labour, and expense of acquiring the talents, but for the discredit which attends the

She attends a University as a Psychology major and intends to open her own practice one day

But when they spend them in maintaining tradesmen and artificers, they may, all of them taken together, perhaps maintain as great, or, on account of the waste which attends rustic hospitality, a greater number of people than before

Were they ever to be accumulated beyond this quantity, their transportation is so easy, and the loss which attends their lying idle and unemployed so great, that no law could prevent their being immediately sent out of the country

The popular odium, however, which attends it in years of scarcity, the only years in which it can be very profitable, renders people of character and fortune averse to enter into it

Our attention is used to focusing automatically on the thoughts and perceptions that arise in our minds, and automatically attends to our ongoing story or narrative

” He says that order exists when an individual attends to realistic goals, and when his/her skills meet the requirements for those goals

She attends some of her daughter’s classes

attends to them–and you’ve no idea how confusing it is all the things being

Whatever part of his succession might come to such children, would be a real addition to their fortune, and might, therefore, perhaps, without more inconveniency than what attends all duties of this kind, be liable to some tax

To pretend to have any scruple about buying smuggled goods, though a manifest encouragement to the violation of the revenue laws, and to the perjury which almost always attends it, would, in most countries

where arbitrary corruption attends to its self-inflicted wounds, a tragic reminder of our (political) leaders who have lost their moral compass…

I thought we should share with you a comment made to my wife by a neighbor whose son attends Saint Barnabas elementary school

He attends a church business meeting and stands

It benefits all, it preserves the vested rights and it attends the necessities in quality and sufficiency of resources in a definitive way, without excluding absolutely anybody (seniors, children, adults, people with physical deficiencies, sick persons and others)

You = You (a female that attends high school with me)

15 Whoever gives their ear to her shall judge the nations; and he who attends to her shall dwell securely

doubt, God attends to this business of managing the universe;

another which attends to religion and education, so is the great Official who

achieve this, then the prayer should be said with the mouth, while the mind holds and attends to the words of

“She attends to Pallas

This same chaos, this same confusion, certainly attends to the theme of the Rapture, both

He attends lots of meetings

The journey by air to Tokyo takes 18 hours and Watkin attends on 21 September 75 at the Kintetsu Hanazono rugby stadium, where Wales beats Japan 12 — 56

Therefore, a condition of her taking up a place at this school would be that she attends a remedial course in Latin, which will take place in the month of August

You have a legal obligation to see that he attends

She hardly attends any class

When I think of a nice married lady that faithfully attends my brother’s church a different first

While the conscious mind attends to matters that claim or attract our immediate attention one thing at a time, the subconscious mind is concerned with matters that are critical to our survival all the time

The ordinary untrained man of the world generally attends to several things at a time

On top of that, he frequently attends learned seminars, sometimes as a participant, delivering papers and so on, occasionally abroad

When he first left home, he spent a lot of his time at the shelter run by the church, and not just any church, but the one our family attends

I say, this perception is not accomplished unless the spirit draws near to its Provider, and this nearness is not achieved except by communication with God during which the spirit attends wholly to enter into its Provider’s presence

But how does spirit attends wholly during the communication with God? What are the conditions which enable the spirit to draw near to its Provider?

Does he think that there is no one that attends to him and keeps providing him with strength and life?

Do they think that there is no one that attends them or continually provides them with strength and life?

Only the disbelieving and shunning spirit attends its body in the tomb

“As the conscious mind attends to the pyrotechnics of sight and sound, the brain is being subliminally rekeyed to accept new modes of uncritical abdication to an unwarranted nor understood feeling

mother never attends to her?”

«Who hath a prospect of the different state of perfect happiness or misery that attends all men after this life, depending on their behaviour, the measures of good and evil that govern his choice are mightily changed

She also confessed that she no longer attends lectures, and at regular intervals, their members pay certain amount of money for the funding of their activities, including the upkeep of their fraternity

She attends to his bodily wants, and does not presume to share his spiritual excitements

In all pictures where there is a mother, he had reminded her, she is invariably either nursing or has just been doing so, and on her face is the satisfied serenity that attends the fulfilment of natural functions

They have a telephone, but there is a girl who attends to it, although they don’t really need one

She attends a primary school in one of the greatest places in the country and was taught by Miss Kitty before she met her ultimate demise

Each group attends only the performances

Simon Redhead attends

And although some apology is perhaps necessary for the ugliness of these diagrams, it is an ugliness that attends all anatomy drawings

But without these more inspiring qualities it is apt to have the dulness that attends most literal transcriptions

The prince’s cousin almost always attends, as do several others with whom you are far friendlier than I am

It was open to a materialistic reader of that narrative to take the story as a mythical representation of the evil, which everywhere attends misapplied free agency, or, even in its lowest literality, as a description of the war between mankind and the serpent races

And I would earnestly conjure all into whose hands these pages may fall, and who may be convinced by these arguments, to guard their minds against this danger of reaction which always attends the first stage of theological change; and not less to guard all whom they influence against the delusive notion that the removal of the prospect of endless misery renders the eternal judgment of ‘a sinner’ one to be contemplated otherwise than with overwhelming horror

He attends school too, and laughs till he cries if you hold up a finger to him; he will drink himself senseless—not as a regular vice, but at times, when people treat him, like a child

But the truth is, that while the art of medicine gives health, and the art of the builder builds a house, another art attends them which is the art of pay

Passing traffic–where the audience attends an event spontaneously or without any prior

He resides in a fourth-floor room, eats in the cafeteria, attends therapy sessions, shoots pool, plays his guitar, and watches TV

At this time the coach was ready and the coachman impatient, and we were all preparing to get up, and the prisoners had come over with their keeper,—bringing with them that curious flavor of bread-poultice, baize, rope-yarn, and hearthstone, which attends the convict presence

Lynch, his jockeycap low on his brow, attends him, a sneer of discontent wrinkling his face

d’Avrigny, who attends my mother, declares he is in

Only half the group attends the following meeting

Anyone who attends her must wear a mask and wash their hands as if she had the plague

Secondly, For that he perceived God was with them, though in that dark and dismal state; and why not, thought he, with me? though, by reason of the impediment that attends this place, I cannot perceive it

«Each member of the Cabinet was informed of it yesterday; but the pledge of secrecy which attends every Cabinet meeting was increased by the solemn warning which was given by the Prime Minister

No man can tell what in that combat attends us, but he that hath been in the battle himself

The shame that attends religion lies also as a block in their way; they are proud and haughty; and religion in their eye is low and contemptible, therefore, when they have lost their sense of hell and wrath to come, they return again to their former course

He attends school too, and laughs till he cries if you hold up a finger to him; he will drink himself senseless—not as a regular vice, but at times, when people treat him, like a child

His Eye is all round, but it attends more to some places than to others

As an individual investor, he not only spends hours researching stocks online, but he also talks to management whenever possible, attends mining industry trade shows and has traveled around the world touring many of the gold mines he invests in

» «This is the church where she attends mass, is it not?» «She no longer comes here

Taking advantage of his one evening off, the grandduke, a notorious womanizer infamous as a seducer of chorus girls for one-night stands, attends a musical at the Coconut Girl theatre and is immediately charmed by a beautiful American understudy, Elsie Mariner (Monroe)

Clement attends a performance just as Amanda is going through Cole Porter’s “My Heart Belongs to Daddy,” a full-on production number with a half dozen chorus boys, staged by Jack Cole

«Each member of the Cabinet was informed of it yesterday, but the pledge of secrecy which attends every Cabinet meeting was increased by the solemn warning which was given by the Prime Minister

Radcliffe insists, «in the electrical apparatus of the torpedo during rest, there would seem to be a charge in every respect like that which is met with in muscle and nerve during the rest, and the discharge of the torpedo, instead of being peculiar, may be only another form of the discharge which attends upon the action of muscle and motor nerve

» Then, having given me a final handshake, she exclaimed, «Attends!»; whereafter, running into her boudoir, she brought me thence two thousand-franc notes

«Elizabeth attends to that,» thought the young man

The committee further report that the foregoing statements of the petitioners are unaccompanied by any competent testimony in support of them, and, at the same time, are uncontradicted by any opposing circumstances; they are of opinion that a very strong probability of the petitioners not having been guilty of the crime of wilfully engaging in the unlawful expedition of Miranda attends their application: first, because the petitioners have made a detailed statement of facts relative to the deception practised on them, referring to such species of evidence as to render their contradiction easy, if not founded in truth, and thus lessen their claim on their country, and diminish their hopes of liberation: second, because it is presumed they were proven to the Spanish tribunal before which they were convicted to have been offenders in a secondary degree, those who were proven to have been more heinously guilty having been sentenced to suffer death

It is easily kindled; burns with a bright flame; yields a bluish smoke, and produces an odour similar to that which attends the combustion of gramineous substances

But, as it is admitted by all, that the force already authorized is more than sufficient for every defensive purpose; as it is expressly avowed that it is required for offensive operations in the territories of the enemy, the question assumes a different shape; it is stripped of the overruling influence which attends necessity; it becomes a mere question of expediency, controlled by the various considerations which reason and policy may dictate

the haste and clatter which always attends the close of a session is urged in favor of this measure, 471;

attend (v): to go to an event, place, etc.

Use “attend” in a sentence

You are not entitled to attend the meeting.
Many people attended his funeral.
He didn’t attend the meeting.
I am busy attending the staff training now.
She tried to persuade him to attend the meeting.
I just want to let you know that I can’t attend your party.
This is the most amazing wedding party I’ve ever attended.
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Synonym: administer to, care for, go to, help, serve, visit, work for. Antonym: defy, disregard, ignore. Similar words: attend to, attendance, attention, pay attention to, matter, latter, scatter, battery. Meaning: [ə’tend]  v. 1. be present at (meetings, church services, university), etc. 2. take charge of or deal with 3. to accompany as a circumstance or follow as a result 4. work for or be a servant to 5. give heed (to). 

Random good picture Not show

1. We were obligated to attend the opening ceremony.

2. He offered to go and attend to the matter.

3. It is important for him to attend every day.

4. Which school do they attend?

5. He did not attend the meeting yesterday.

6. He was invited to attend a seminar in Paris.

7. He telephoned to say he couldn’t attend the meeting.

8. Attend to what concerns you.

9. Women are not allowed to attend public gatherings.

10. I didn’t attend the meeting owing to the headache.

11. You can’t attend two concurrent events!

12. He had to attend a sequence of meetings.

13. I had promised Nightingale to attend the lecture.

14. She does not attend often.

15. There are no compulsions on students to attend classes.

16. It is important that he attend every day.

17. It is important that he should attend every day.

18. I have some urgent business to attend to.

19. I take it as a pleasure to attend your lecture.

19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

20. Attend to me(, children.

21. Your job is to attend the meeting and report back to the board of directors.

22. It is most desirable that he should attend the meeting.

23. I can’t attend the meeting but I’ll send my assistant in my stead.

24. Would everyone who wishes to attend the dinner let me know by Friday afternoon?

25. He left, saying he had pressing matters to attend to.

26. Doctors tried to attend to the worst injured soldiers first.

27. They were offended by his refusal to attend the party.

28. Mrs Spratt regrets that she is unable to attend owing to a previous engagement.

29. The law holds parents liable if a child does not attend school.

30. I must offer them an apology for not going to attend their get-gathering.

More similar words: attend to, attendance, attention, pay attention to, matter, latter, scatter, battery, pattern, no matter, a matter of, extend, intend, tender, contend, tendency, extended, at the end of, as a matter of fact, at that time, letter, mutter, better, butterfly, cigarette, committee, short-term, tent, often, soften. 

Definition of Attend

to go to an event or meeting

Examples of Attend in a sentence

If you want to attend the sales conference, you must sign up online by Friday.


I told my boyfriend I didn’t want to attend prom, but I was secretly hoping he would ask me.


My daughter wants to attend music camp so she can improve her singing voice.


Not many family members were able to attend the couple’s island wedding because it was so far away.


The price to attend swimming lessons depends on how many sessions you want to go to.


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