Use the word attached in a sentence

As Nancy looked closely at Bread Crumbs, she noticed that there was a small speaker attached to the collar around her neck

There is nothing wrong in having them but what is wrong is getting too possessive about them or getting attached to them

Avoid plant boxes attached to the house unless it’s off the ground

carrying his clipboard with attached files and documents

Lucy was particularly attached to the

attached to your shoulders

— She attached the best rendering of the wagon that was headed across the sand toward the shuttlecraft’s old resting site

I’ve become very attached to this place and would hate to have to leave, especially if it was through my own incompetence

From the four places on her torso where the artificial, machine limbs would have attached had they been represented, what looked like endless colored veins extended out from the neural interface ports, representing the connections between the breaching ship’s systems and the neural processors set in Chief Horcheese’s torso

The places on her torso where the artificial limbs attached were pink ovals, lumpy with contracted fibers and at the center of it all was the titanium bone and the expected set of ports for the neural interface processors that did the fantastically complicated and nuanced task of translating between machine language and the language of the human neurological system

It detected the output of a data feed that Brazilian intelligence had secretly attached to all outgoing starships

Hair — long, tangled, dark, hardly showing the dried blood staining it — wafted across the nearside rail, one moment draping the black-grey smoothness with deep brown tendrils, the next flying back whence it came, its roots firmly attached to the scalp that engendered it

The only crew remaining alive were those who’d found a corner to strap themselves in where they couldn’t be taken overboard or battered with hunks of rigging still attached to the hull

The children had got attached to the family

‘No, and it is lovely seeing how attached he’s becoming to the estate … every day there’s some new aspect that he’s learning about and the villagers are starting to respond to his enthusiasm … I saw Dering with his sheep yesterday, he was full of how much he liked the new master … how like the family he was and all that

I am proposing to use this to set up and fund a teaching facility attached to the Entertainers Guild that you are forming

The students are very attached to them

At the water’s edge I found tiny bits of waving, organic fluff clinging to the pebbles just where the bubbles melt away; curious purple pieces of seaweed no bigger than a crumb lying on the beach and spiky bits of crab shell attached to the occasional limb

There came a roar of panic and dread as everyone rushed toward to the bow where it became obvious the hawsers were still firmly attached to the bollards on the jetty

No blame was attached by anyone

Attached to the messenger’s leg is a tube – trying not to drop the bird, I detach it and hand it to Berndt, while I tentatively stroke the creature

Thom had attached captions to the labels on the impactors and Heymon was scrolling thru them

Stood there was a little old man, all stooped and grey, with a sour looking fox terrier attached to his wrist by means of a length of packaging string

It’s obvious that he is very attached to his father

‘Not as badly as I thought I would, but I’ve never been here with David so there are no memories attached to the house

‘Jo, how are you going to cope with moving house? I know how attached you are to this place

• Leader: The leader is attached to the end of fly line since the fly line is too thick to hold flies

• Spinners: A spinner is a small oval-shaped blade that is attached to the end of a lure

It is attached to the end of the leader so that the leader’s end taper is preserved

‘Isn’t there anything that you’re sentimentally attached to, Abi? Something which you had as a small child?’ I asked, concerned that the child was being too pragmatic, but she shakes her head

Thom attached his gear with a DNA, a Diagnostic Network Adapter, and one of the functions in that device is a remap block

keeping him attached to the traumas of the past, he

He turned his gaze down and played with the heart rate monitor wire attached on his

The nurse agreed and took off the drips and monitor cords attached to

the emotions that are attached to these events

about the orders attached to the wheel

sour looking fox terrier attached to his wrist by means of a length

“Let me see the tags attached to this,” Thom said, pulling up the wrapper file

ephemeral wings of magic attached to their backs

He had heard the motorcycle starting in the distance, but he attached no importance until he went to move the garbage can to the curb for pickup

Five of my friends have them, (yes, I do have some friends) and will mail the pre-addressed envelopes with the attached exposition, if anything nasty happens to me

When I discovered it, I attached myself to it and eventually stopped in America, where I have been for the remainder of the time

Attached to the keel pocket they fitted a mast step and installed the necessary hardware around the gunwales to secure the intended mast

attached to the tower, for stability and ease of use in windy weather

training, attached to a mentor who it seemed would act much like the

The rest of the body attached to the head appears, followed immediately by another body, of medium height and build, heading for that middle aged paunch induced by a liking for pubs and real ales

And after that, why did she have to get attached to him all over again once they got here? Why did a simple peasant have to look so manly at the controls of that needleboat on that stupid ride? Why couldn’t Tdeshi’s hormones let her be unmoved by the line of his jaw, the ruffle of his hair in the breeze as they cruised the canals all the way to the north end of the burbs and back?

Large round timbers were sunk in the ground around a covered hole, and heavy boards attached to the house, boxed in the space above the ground, nearly as tall as himself

When Harry had gotten two courses of the planking attached, George was hanging joists for rafters and pinning them at the roof’s eave and the tops of the newly erected walls

Tom, along with Ifor and some of the others, would be attached to the

to be attached to the Guardians

We believe he was attached to the military training camp

were still firmed attached to his belt

box which was firmly attached to the main structure of the tower

That computer screen is the latest plasma version with a strange contraption attached to the back of it, why do you think that is? Odd

attached to the top of her wide dresser

At least he hadn’t said the name, as if it had a curse attached

Usually it was through a blaring radio, or with a phone attached to the other ear

I have become so attached to you; I so want you to have all that I have had in my own journey

whip, still attached to Patch’s neck—and Roman snatched the handle out of mid-

mangled mess, attached only in a few places by the flesh her teeth had failed to

Delos attached that to the log entry

When the last of the partygoers, had been shuffled out the door, and the band packed up, she sighed her first free breath, not that being attached, to Jim’s arm was very terrible

Two with the fringe, still attached and the third, was what some may call a buckboard, or at least she thought that was its purpose

It looked like a long wooden box, with wheels attached and a seat that sat higher than the rest; inside its bed, laid the winter skids for all three buggies

Attached was a copy of a letter to her Great Grand Grandmother

“So long as it’s attached it is,” answered the Master of the ship simply

«Well, I can try, but the deed clearly indicated that Emme owned it, and the letter attached, that we really do want him to see … said that she had to pass it on to her Granddaughter but it also said ALL the land was included in the will

Then I took the piece of string with a pencil on it and I attached the string to the nail in the center of the 4 x 8 and the 2 X 8

Sue attached her seatbelt and said that she would bring back a ‘children package’ once they were underway

They climbed the stairway into the front cabin, where Mr Huang pulled up a section of carpet attached with Velcro to a trap door

Bagamba will help Nelson once the slings are attached and then help you

Many pieces will come off as they are only attached with Velcro

find out how attached I was to many things, and how many

«She’s no more attached to me than any other in the group

Dad Perols said the grass was green and would not burn but Fred stuck to his guns and went to fetch his ride on mower with a capture unit attached whilst his neighbours tackled other jobs around the home

It was dark now and the Prof illuminated the way with a gas lantern, its small white flame remarkably powerful due to a polished reflector at the back and a large magnifying lens attached to the front

It seems to have attached itself to a virus

Trip lines attached to tin cans filled with stones

The One Elf studied the heavy steel hinges attached to the door

interrogators, and the boy was so attached to the sheep

62 mm machine gun mounted on a swing mount that was attached to a steel stanchion

The natatorium was attached to it behind

It’s because you have attached conditions to your

She pulled out a pair of black shorts with suspenders attached, and a cropped top sewed to the suspenders

it has the same horror attached to it

The end of the braids were attached to the elements, while the roots remained attached to my core

permanently been attached to my back

doll house attached to a string that young girls

He brought a chain and leg irons out of his pack attached them to her ankles

He was known for his ultra-aggressive nature and is someone you didn’t want to mess with and who was best to avoid contact with at all costs if you planned on finishing out your safari with all your limbs and body parts still attached to their original frame! He had a huge set of sharp teeth with long canines that could be used quite effectively for fighting, coupled with a cranky disposition and unfaltering determination that would surpass that of the best mixed martial arts fighters that take center ring nowadays

her from the donkey, clamped irons on her ankles, attached a chain, and dragged her to the wood pile

He was a real playboy and he enjoyed the uncomplicated relationships he had, no strings attached

And he would have to rely on her, to trust her if he wanted to see the end of the cavern and whatever ruins that may have been attached therein

“Well, there was a condition attached to that

Attached to the message was a little package

militia with his stones, she attached sails to the rigging

Earlier, I said that we are attached to our ideas and beliefs

What they gleaned of the little phalanx was that: They weren’t attached in any way to a Naud Cruiser

these actions are attached to the soul

«Attached» is the 160th episode of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. The eighth episode of the seventh season. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The nominations for the «Paolo Farinella» Prize can be made by any researcher that works in the field of planetary sciences following the indications in the attached form.


We designed this diaper with a tongue-style attached insert.


Californians Together submitted the attached recommendations for the reauthorization of Elementary and Secondary Education Act to both the House Education and Labor Committee and the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.


To assist you in this process, here are some important items you will need to know in order to complete the attached form.


We have all-in-one (AIO), diapers with attached insert so there’s no stuffing involved, just snap it on and go.


Our Audi dealership also includes an attached service center providing Audi repair and maintenance.


If you would like to set up a gift membership, or make a donation in memory or honor of a special person or animal, please click here, fill out the attached form and we’ll do the rest.


A lot of damage has already been done to this international scientific body and I do not think the attached response by Dr. Pachauri was convincing enough to remove such a damage.


One of the big recent risers, Ethereum, is exactly that: Ethereum is based on a blockchain,6 like Bitcoin, which means it has an attached currency (Ether) that incentivizes miners to verify transactions.


The home has an attached private two-car garage.


Thanks to the dynamic targeting system, you can aim at your opponents» specific limbs to dismember them, in order to loot or craft the attached equipment.


These guidelines and attached forms are standardized and can be used for most closings, however they may require some modification due to the particular circumstances of a property or loan commitment.


reading these comments, it made me smile how attached people are on the vita.


During car rides and naps, I laid the attached insert on top of the diaper to get the benefits of the stay dry effect.


I used this daypack which has a camelback pouch, an attached rain fly, padded straps, and enough space to pack snacks + camera gear.


Alternatively the attached form can be completed and faxed back to 0870 752 5780


Attached Asian student assistants andor is no strings attached fun.


Fill out the attached form for more information on A + Driving School If you do not hear from us within two days Please call our office at (978-RRB-345-0000 Thank You.


Step one is pretty straight forward, upload your first piece and fill in the attached form to input the details.


We are enjoying nursing gymnastics… I have no idea how he can remain attached and contort his body like he does.


The second room has cupbaords and storage space in the double attached room.


Each room has its own attached private bathroom and includes amenities like Wi-Fi, board games, and bathrobes.


Their orange, featherlike arms are often fully exposed while their small body remains attached beneath the coral formations — in other locations, Crinoids are not so common.


I think All Dr. Sears is saying is that if women did not have tons of outside influence, family, friends, books, TV, etc, and were more in touch with how they felt, they would parent in a more attached way.


These are fluid filled sacs arising from the iris, to which they may remain attached or break free.


2 storey home with double attached garage.


Longevity Annuities are a direct competition to deferred annuities with attached income riders, and will continue to grab market share because if it’s simplicity, transparency, and easy to understand structure.


The master is well appointed with crown molding, an attached private bath offering dual sinks, a soaking tub, separate shower and access to the walk-in closet.


As every individual is very unique, there are no strict rules for being an «attached parent».


The hood light also has an attached controller for adjusting the lights without the remote.


Please complete the attached form and email/mail it back with the corresponding registration fee at your earliest convenience.


Thousands of married and attached people seeking a discreet affair.


This notion is strengthened by reports of increased cardiac reactivity in avoidant infants in the strange situation paradigm: Sroufe and Waters [121] showed in an early study accelerated heart rate in both dismissing and preoccupied children, while only dismissing attached children minimized the display of emotion.


Don’t worry about your little attached child.


In other words, the more attached women were to their partners, the less able they were to pick out the smell of their male friends (who are, presumably, possible alternative partners).


You’d think with that big, thick attached insert it would be super absorbant but it’s quite the opposite.


This is called Net Neutrality, which Wikipedia describes as «… the principle that Internet service providers and governments regulating the Internet should treat all data on the Internet the same, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication.»


— Create a new user and fill out the attached form with all of your information and your pet’s information.


Declawing severs not only the cat’s claws, but also the attached nerves, bones, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, and connective tissue.


Please fill out the attached form and use the comments section below to share your votes.


Each and every pet you bring needs to have one of the attached forms filled out and ready to go (in other words, one form per pet).


Fill out the attached form, and one of our expert Milford, CT Nissan dealers will be in contact with you.


Given that it’s a fully wireless speaker, there isn’t much in the way of accessories; the only included cable is an attached power cord, along with a package of operating instructions located in a recessed area beneath the device itself.


As I was exploring and learning and becoming a little attached to this game and thinking that they did a really good job overall, I realized that there is no PVE content at all.


Children participate in therapeutic classrooms with low adult-child ratios, and families receive home visits that promote healthy parenting and child development as well as an array of other services to help promote stable and attached families.


Researchers have previously documented just how attached people can get to inanimate objects, be it a car or a child’s teddy bear.


I have a client who’s more than a little attached to winning an Oscar.


It’s also trailer-friendly, with at least two features that look out for policyholders» attached vehicles.


Some tubs not only come with little attached toys to help keep them occupied but also teething rings.


The two strategies used were fixed annuities with attached income rider benefits, and longevity annuities (aka: deferred income annuities).


Definition of Attached

tied or connected something to something else

Examples of Attached in a sentence

At the airport, the clerk attached a piece of paper with our names on it to our luggage.


Helena attached a huge keychain to her house keys so that she wouldn’t lose them as easily.


Before taking his dog for a walk, the boy attached a leash to the puppy’s collar so that he couldn’t run off.


Other words in the Words that describe what you do to objects category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Similar words: attach, attach to, attack, poached, attain, ache, arched, quenched. Meaning: [ə’tætʃt]  adj. 1. fastened together 2. being joined in close association 3. used of buildings joined by common sidewalls 4. permanently attached to a substrate; not free to move about 5. associated in an exclusive sexual relationship. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Please fill out the attached blank.

2. The anchor was attached to a length of rope.

3. Is there a dining car attached to the train?

4. The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface.

5. He is greatly attached to his children.

6. A tag was attached to each article.

7. Mary was attached to her brother.

8. I attached a photo to my application form.

9. The children are very attached to their grandparents.

10. I no longer feel attached to this company.

11. There is a copy of… attached to this letter.

12. She has attached herself to the company.

13. He attached labels to his luggage.

14. She is very attached to her family and friends.

15. The gadget can be attached to any vertical or near vertical surface.

16. There’s great mystique attached to/surrounding the life of a movie star.

17. A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldn’t get rid of him.

18. There is a lot of prestige attached to owning a car like this.

19. There was considerable kudos attached to being on the advisory board.

20. We’ve grown very attached to this village and wouldn’t want to move.

21. The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.

22. They have attached a number of conditions to the agreement .

23. Attached you will find…

24. A trailer was attached to the rear of the truck.

25. The bomb was attached to a tripwire laid across the road.

26. The ball was attached to the bat with a piece of elastic .

27. Generous remuneration packages are often attached to overseas postings.

28. If only as shown signs of life,[] Why should I so attached to.

29. I just want to wish you a happy marriage, happy, be deeply attached to each other forever!

30. Most of these so-called special offers come with strings attached.

More similar words: attach, attach to, attack, poached, attain, ache, arched, quenched, schedule, attainable, teacher, crunched, detachment, on schedule, treachery, wretchedness, bill of attainder, behind schedule, ahead of schedule, at that time, gotta, cottage, vendetta, pittance, acquittal, shed, stack, tacit, abashed, tackle. 

  • Use the word attached in a sentences

Sentence Examples

When he invited me to lunch I should have known there’d be strings attached.

In his ISO room, Frank, attached to his bed.

This is a coroner job, so we need to leave everything attached.

Hilde, very attached to life, rejects his ominous invitation.

«But I am attached to this place, to every chair and candlestick…»

Each planet was attached to its transparent, movable sphere.

Yes … it is a new device attached to the one where you had to burn yesterday, and produces a force of unexpected effects.

formerly attached to the stables of his Majesty the Tsar at present the «Maitre D» for Madame Greifer

«at my side… attached to me from morning till, uh»…

To what squadron of the Royal Flying Corps are you attached?

In the future, wear shirts cut in the modern fashion, whith the collar attached.

And probably somebody told him that it’s more elegant if the collars are attached to the shirt.

I was very attached to her…

attached to a chief of staff of our own army.

We’re very attached to it, you see, sir.

Good. You were attached to me as a cook?

He is a singular figure attached to Captain Morhange


Then the child thought she was her real mother, and became attached to her.

Did the child get attached to you?

We start with the seams of The main portion of the blouse, Then the sailor collar, To be attached later, And finish with a one-inch hem At the bottom

If Taki no Shirato is asking, he’s saying he’l lend money wth no strngs attached.

Do you really want to be attached to this young man?

Someone attached his horse and he’s gone crazy.

I find I’m profoundly attached to you.

I always tell you, Grace, he’d forget his head if it wasn’t attached onto him.

Take Her Imperial Highness, the grand duchess, and turn her over to my mistress of the robes… with instructions that from this minute on she’s to be attached to my personal staff… where I can keep her under my eye, where I can educate her and teach her… what it means to be a Russian wife and how to accept the embraces of a husband… like a Russian wife!

Oh, yes, I’m very attached to her.

Well, you are attached to my staff… for special duties interrogating prisoners of war.

It is a queer little place but my father is so attached to it that the family has just about given up hope of getting him to build a real house farther out.

The Dominicans attached to the Inquisition I was once Assessor at Toledo;

And gloves attached to the dress, so they won’t get lost.

There is a legend attached to this Malay kris.

At least we have the honor of being attached to His Highness in person.

If you ever let go, you’ll find out whom’s attached to who.

With a rock attached to his neck.


Oh, of course. No strings attached.

It’s these little flutes that I attached to their tails. See?

You’re liable to get too attached to him.

There’s no point getting attached to any of you.

But all the same. You’re not attached to anyone?

But dad was very attached to it, and considering the income it brings and the location… I kept it.

If he had succeeded tonight the blame would have fallen on the legendary monster. and no possible suspicion would have been attached to him.

She’s becoming very attached to them.

There’s a condition attached.

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