Use the word ask in a sentence

ask (v): to put a question to someone, or to request an answer from someone

Use “ask” in a sentence

May I ask you a favor?
It’s no use asking him for help.
May I ask you a personal question?
‘What do you want?’ she asked rudely.
He asked me to marry him and I accepted.
I asked for their approval.
He asked me an awkward question.
Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


They didn’t need to ask about Dawnsleep

you have, even though you never ask about them out

Never a strong point of mine, I always used to say that I could ask the whereabouts of a station in five different languages — unfortunately, I couldn’t understand the answer in any of them

problem, ask her to go over her options out loud, ask her what

which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

However, when you set a goal, you need to ask if that goal is realistic for you? Only you can really answer that question

when the last moment was actually due?” I hear you ask

Let me ask you a question

anything more than the traditional educational system that never had them ask these questions, never asked them, “what do you want for your life?”

our Father and ask His forgiveness

“And you want to ask me about this? Are you kidding? Are you expecting me to feel sorry for you?” Kira was not angry, exactly, but she wondered why on earth he would have come all this way to have this particular conversation with her

So, be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist what is in it

Ask questions if you’re not sure you understand how to take our medicine

Ask your doctor to help you work on each of those problems

Ask who will interpret the results

All he had done was ask her not to wear revealing clothing when she went out clubbing with the girls

Before you move on to The Next Level, I’m going to ask that you set, and then achieve one goal for yourself

Ask a friend, neighborhood teen or college student if they would be willing to shop for you, in exchange for sharing a meal with friends at your house later in the week

Sarah didn’t want to ask, but the bait was too tempting

But I strongly suggest that you be careful of the products on the market today and that you always ask questions and read the ingredients

When they begin to ask and wonder

“Don’t you have a team?” he had to ask

Instead of asking, “How old are you?” we should ask, “How many years have you lived?”

(This may also explain as to why men are reluctant to ask for directions when lost, why men are more vulnerable to the adverse health effects of stress, and why women enjoy a significantly longer life expectancy than men do)

Johnny could see that Nancy was about to ask a question

Once they had done that, she could ask, «So where were we?»

Ask Holy Spirit to open your spiritual ear and train your

you pray, you always ask God for His guidance in your

If your grandchildren know that you are available, then you can be assured that whenever a difficult situation arises, they won’t hesitate to ask you for advice

May I ask who invented it?” The Operator asked as he kept his attention focused on the screen

‘I’m afraid that we need to ask you some more questions

Ask him about himself

Ask questions about their interests, and when you disapprove, keep negative comments to yourself

Ask him or her to mark on their city map their school, house, library, etc

Ask for their favorite comic strip, a school paper that they are proud of, or a drawing from their trip to the park

Ask questions that prompt a response; then respond to their opinions on current events, entertainment, or history

I can’t imagine what the Inspector will have to ask me

is it? What else can he ask me?

‘Inspector, if that is the case, what else do you want to ask my client?’ he asked

We should ask ourselves, «What did we do with what we were given?» A lot of people are going to have a hard time explaining to God why they chose their plan instead of His while they were here on earth

She never got to ask her sister about her feel for any possible hostile intentions by the Heavenly Mother

Men are mono tracking; if a phone call comes they would ask for the TV to shut, child to stop crying and so on

Tell your older relative about the changes you observe and ask what he/she may be experiencing

But how did he get hold of the gun? Henry keeps all the props locked up … Dan would have had to ask for it, borrowed the key or something

I don’t understand why you would even ask, you are welcome and eagerly awaited

Choose carefully what you will use for the trees, ask questions, avoid using chemicals

In old age when we have enormous leisure time it is natural for us to ask ourselves questions about self-consciousness and co-ordination between the brain, the mind and the soul

He had to ask around and everyone told him to start at the river end of Industrial Way after looking at the size of his rig

«You’re not sure,» he finally had to ask

If their manufacturing plant is nearby, ask to take a tour

They did go and ask him to stop it, but he just said that there was no law against him standing on his land

‘That I would let you know what she had told me – she rang to ask your advice, by the way

I ask myself that same question

He knows all our needs before we ask

But you looked your friend up and she’d been taken over by Ava, the ghost?» doostEr wanted to ask a lot more than that, but knew he had already figured out more of the truth than Tahlmute would tell him

She was so confused she didn’t know what to ask about first

She wanted to ask what an Eye was and what a Kassikan was but would get to that, more immediately she asked, «And how could that cause a war back home?»

Stephen takes advantage of a moment when Liz is not with us to ask how she’d been

She went over to ask Ava what she really meant by forwarding her this message

I did not even ask in my prayer to save my hair

dear Father! i ask you to fill me with the Holy Spirit! Fill me with the

That was a very un-cherub-like thing to ask, this had to be deliberately programmed into it

ing anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in

i ask you for wisdom in all my actions, decisions and deeds

anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven

‘I meant to ask you – is there anything they don’t eat? I’m doing chicken with salad and new potatoes with ice cream for afters … nothing controversial, but I meant to ask you before and forgot

Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray,

But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is

Therefore how should we ask God? With certainty that we receive

that you could receive from Him what you ask

Ask, and you will

ask me provocative questions like “Why are you here?” She was listening

She could ask, but she guessed Ava was mostly thanking her for keeping an eye on her sister’s problem and staying out of the way on hers

What is the fucking world coming to, I ask you

“Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls

‘You, a mother, have to ask if I mind?’ I said archly, making her chuckle again

who ask for it

Is that too much to ask

«Who, my Haadij, who will we ask to surrender?» Moamar asked

So, ask yourself this: would they have made this place just for you? Are you alone?”

Creditors were furious, they even went so far as to knock on their door and the couple pretended to be absent! So, Alice finally got sick and tired of this all and decided to ask for a divorce

He has two other people in the car but drops me last; I ask him in for a coffee

The list in my head was endless, but right now, presented with a golden opportunity to ask anything of this young man, I could think of nothing sensibly momentous or important

I don’t like to ask Mary but when she finds out, I have a very awkward five minutes with her demanding to be know why she had been left out and insisting that she be allowed to help

It’s about three months since I first noticed a radical change in Persephone’s behaviour: She is always shouting and laughing at top voice, she is trying to be clever and expert in all subjects, she is constantly asking for favours: “Type these poems for me” … “Tell your mother to sew this skirt of mine” … “Will you paint this picture for me?” … “Go to that public service and ask this or that” and so on

‘Maybe they’ll feel inclined to assist next time we ask for their cash

‘Kate … may I ask a favour?’ he went on in a deliberately wheedling tone of voice

‘Please may I come and join the party at The Laurels on Christmas Day? I was going up to the parents but Dad’s been called off to Dubai or somewhere so I’ll be sitting all alone in my little house with my turkey leg and a sprout on a plate … Gran and Gramps said you were having a party and I should ask if I could come … I’ll be a good boy and help with the washing up

The wives of the prophets were forbidden to ask questions

They should ask their husbands at home

What shall I do now? Call him and ask »how much is it?» I wondered bitterly

Anyway, I came over here to ask about the council meeting, you’re not on duty for this one are you?»

“Can I ask some questions?”

Once the now customary tears have passed, I ring Brenda and ask if it would be all right for me to have a few days off – she agrees that this is reasonable and promises to make sure that someone is on call just in case there is a problem

I hand over my medical card and try my best to answer all the questions Terry ask about my previous surgery, though it’s hard work prising the details from my brain

Eventually he comes back and sits down with his breakfast, continuing his questions, «So what did he want?» And I try to act nonchalant with my answer, «He just wanted to ask me the time of the ceremony

It seemed such a strange question to ask

In those few moments smoking my cigarettes I decided to ask my new friend, Robbie, some questions

«So where’d the aluminum come from?» Herndon asked

Jorma thought he might have asked with a shade of accusation, though his look was friendly when Jorma turned to him

«The one in your silicon electric dream?» Jorma asked

«Have you kept all my old paperwork together?» she asked

«What is it?»he asked

«Why were you on the Brother’s Formidable?» he asked about meeting her on that ship

«Why’d you pick Zharvai anyway?» he asked

«What do you think the cargo is that Herndon’s paper’s are about?» Jorma asked as they walked back toward the camp

Today – when a member of your staff asked me what I thought of you

«So you’ve had breakfast already?» Jorma asked

approached by the Assistant Manager who asked me to remove the

for PG Tips, it was so refreshing [a pun?] to be asked to

«So what have you been doing the past two years?» he asked as a way to make conversation

The only part of Jorma that continued that thread of the conversation was his eyebrow, his voice asked, «Do you miss your beach?»

«You said you were created in that lab?» Jorma asked

«And how many parents did you have?» she asked

He wound down and asked, «You can’t be serious?»

«Where did she go?» Herndon asked groggily, standing up, but wobbly

«And how will we do that?» Ava asked

«What about the rest of these papers in the lock-box,» he asked

If everyone asked themselves that question and they answered the question with honesty, they would realize why they have what they have

A girl was asked by the visiting Inspector of schools to enumerate the Seven Wonders of the World

He jogged across the footbridge and asked questions at the ticket offices on all the docks

They knew because he had been over to Raltain’s at least once in each of those weeks since Venna disappeared and told many who asked for her

«Where’d she go?» he asked

anything more than the traditional educational system that never had them ask these questions, never asked them, “what do you want for your life?”

«You think she did that?» Ennil asked

«So what have you been doing?» he asked

«So how’s this gHasheen?» he asked

«Does this have anything to do with Tdeshi?» he asked

«You had that in your hands many times?» he asked, pointing to the note she was stuffing in her bag

«What about the house?» he asked the empty doorframe

«He didn’t, where shall we go?» Ava asked

Yorthops asked how things were going and Ava prattled away about Kulai and the mathematics of cargo investing the whole walk

“Guy troubles?” he asked

«Were they all male?» Yorthops asked

«How’d you do that?» Yorthops asked

«Why were you trying to fly it?» Yorthops asked

«That’s nice, what if they got it going?» Yorthops asked

«The ghost of Narulla’s Tear?» Yorthops asked

it’s just a matter of seconds to reach thousands of people that have asked to hear from you

He asked relatively little of her, and gave more in return

He asked his research partner, Nancy, if she was listening to what these children were saying

“Are we gonna board?” asked a Southern woman sitting behind Hermann

«Have you had breakfast?» she asked Herndon

“Aren’t all the papers here?” Henry asked weakly as he started going through them

“Do you have a basketball hoop?” Toby asked excitedly

Once she finally got his attention back she asked, «Are you going to tell me what this is about?»

«Not another disease?» she asked

“What does it do?” she asked him point blank, the look on her face clearly suggesting that she didn’t believe he knew

Clunker, are you coming or not?” the principal asked again with an irritated voice as she stuck her head back out

“She asked me what happened, I told her,” Nancy replied

“What, exactly, did you tell her?” he asked

«When did this happen?» she asked

«And you didn’t know until now?» she asked

«And how did you find out?» she asked

«Yeah, you know that Venna?» Ava asked

«You knew that?» she asked, needing a moment to think about the larger question

“How did you find out where the Chip was?” Nancy asked as she studied the screens

«Have you had your breakfast?» he asked

“What was that?” Nancy asked

«How would you fuel it?» she asked

“Don’t you hate it when he does that?” Johnny asked

«What are they going to do with the disease they’re carrying?» she asked, glad to avoid a discussion of how ‘ex’ they were

“I thought that’s what you were for?” he asked, looking up at her

«We are exiles aren’t we, still?» he asked

«Is there usually this much chop in this channel?» he asked

“Did you see how close that came to me?” he asked, but no one was listening

Whenever we asked some senior citizens about the meaning of this term, they felt it was just a new term and nothing more

Not that it really mattered, she would have given the house to Jorma if he’d asked

“What do those do?” Johnny asked, indicating the objects she was holding

“What is he doing?” Nancy asked

’ The Inspector asked, indicating the door of the police station

‘What is my client here for, Inspector?’ he asked – it’s obvious that he knows DI Ditton

“What do those do, anyway?” Big Petey asked nervously as he looked at the four square grenades that Red was still holding

‘How exactly is my client linked to this unfortunate incident?’ Mr Merrett asked as I do as suggested, draping my jacket over the back of the chair

“Did you feel that?” he asked with fright as he stared at the keyboard

«What makes you think she’d have any clue?» Ava asked

«How do you know she hasn’t been with them too?» Herndon asked

Giving advice is tempting, but it is better ninety percent of the time to remain silent unless asked

Do you recognise it?’ he asked politely

May I ask who invented it?” The Operator asked as he kept his attention focused on the screen

‘Who is Jack?’ the Inspector asked

«Then why was it so important that we have that map?» Ava asked

«So who’s trying to find the aluminum that is missing?» Ava asked

‘And?’ he asked as I hesitated

If a child has not been given correct information, relevant to our perception, about questions he may have asked about God, birth, death, gender difference and so on, then the incorrect or insufficient impressions could affect his life all the time

‘Yes? What about them?’ I asked, concentrating on the potatoes and wondering what is coming

‘I saw that friend of yours Amy today … she brought her car in to have the tracking checked and I asked her if she was still going along to them

‘And is there any reason why the police should think that you would want to shoot her?’ he asked almost conversationally – we could be discussing the weather

«What canal is this?» he asked from the cabin

“Will you tell me what your new toys will do now?” Big Petey asked, indicating the four square grenades that Red still hadn’t used yet

“What’s happening? Can any of you read me?” Vinnie asked as he looked at displays of the bank’s basement floor

‘And what did you do then, Mrs Wynell?’ the Inspector asked

«This isn’t it?» he asked

‘Who?’ I asked, playing for time

‘How far did you go?’ he asked, the pain giving his voice an edge you could cut steel with

‘Is this baby mine?’ he asked starkly — standing in front of me, his eyes begging me to say that it is

‘What was she like?’ he asked conversationally

“What’s going to happen now?” Big Petey asked with wide eyes as Red continued to hold all four of the beeping and flashing square grenades

“I was asking our guest, Kevin

I’m asking for an opportunity to work for you because I am passionate about what you do

So, get used to asking that question of yourself

Locate horse or cattle farms and, after asking if they spray their animals or the manure, use the manure

Instead of asking, “How old are you?” we should ask, “How many years have you lived?”

“Death isn’t something you should go around asking about, you know

On the second day, people started asking who he was

’ I said, making a statement rather than asking a question

‘Yes, it seems he had a phone call a few weeks ago asking about ammunition for a gun of that ilk

‘I wouldn’t dream of asking you to pay rent

He had been asking me this for years, wishing it, willing it

He looked guilty and he wasn’t asking any questions

Now where are those photos Emma was asking me about the other week?

First it is the Inspector asking how Liz is – he gets my vote for consideration, telling me how courageous she has been

She was getting the outside scenery set for Morg’s resurrection, without really needing Ava’s help or even asking her permission for that matter

«Ava, I’m the one that should be asking you this

«Why would you be asking Ava?»

’ Jeremy said, making a statement rather than asking a question

Fred, of course, has never admitted anything and merely looks enigmatic, so I am told … not that I’d dream of asking him straight out

But I encourage him, asking questions and occasionally giving my opinion, and he seems to appreciate my interest

‘Not only that, but I was chatting to Colin and Dave the other day while I was making the tea at the rehearsal, and they were asking me if you’d done much in the drama line as you are so professional in the way you are attacking the rehearsals

We had quite a row about it – me pushing aside all his queries about life here and asking what he’d seen in Italy …

I discarded the wilder fancies, settling instead on asking for the small and the mundane, settling on things that might make me just a little more human

Modern cults appear to be different in many ways, but actually they are all the same: they all trumpet forth the “breaking of the Ego” with a view to creating obedient, passive citizens who are always ready to carry out any order without thinking or asking questions

It’s about three months since I first noticed a radical change in Persephone’s behaviour: She is always shouting and laughing at top voice, she is trying to be clever and expert in all subjects, she is constantly asking for favours: “Type these poems for me” … “Tell your mother to sew this skirt of mine” … “Will you paint this picture for me?” … “Go to that public service and ask this or that” and so on

But you should know I will do so just because a friend is asking me to, there is no other reason!”

I paused for a moment before asking, “You said it was over

When we first woke up we were receiving a message from the Kassikan welcoming us and asking us what help we could use in completing our journey

If you are asking a million clumsily

One day, they stopped asking questions

Yet he comes to Jesus asking that Jesus would raise his daughter

«I know what you’re really asking,» Alan said, «And the answer is no, he would not be allowed to live outside the money economy, no one is allowed to do that in most nations, and certainly not where they still have outdoor motorcars

are asking for in a way that is most DeLightFULL and

You can share the major successes, you can include them in major changes that are going to come in the near future and you can even interact by asking your followers and customers for suggestions as to how you can improve your business and the quality of service you offer to them

By Monday morning, Iain had worked out what he was going to say to his boss – that James had been offered a revolutionary treatment for his migraines somewhere abroad that meant Iain had to resign from his job, asking for compassionate leave to follow James to where he was to receive this ‘special’ treatment

Through every single bloody day of your exploitation, we Barcs worked quietly, asking for recognition as citizens, struggling on in hope

The ‘address modifier’ was really a ‘property descriptor modifier’ of the current context that the content would be asking about

I have also seen enquiries from France and Italy asking for information about the courses offered here at the Guild Hall so it seems that the concept of a trained cadre of performing musicians, singers and actors is taking off worldwide

He motioned with the coffee pot asking if she wanted some, she shook her head no

SAMANTHA: Yes mother, I’m thinking about asking him to marry me

SAMANTHA: When you were asking me all those questions

the fear of asking and its answer grows,

Women are always asking him out! That’s my impression of his popularity

Berndt, totally in control and confident, giving the words of passing … so familiar to me I can almost say them with him … a little voice in my head asking repeatedly why should that be so?

Meanwhile Yarin was asking another kegman if he had anything he called yaag in there

asking this one thing,

‘Just the usual request for a progress report and asking when you want the kaht sent

Up above, in their cave Kate was asking, “What do you think Daniel?”

And I am not asking you at this stage to become a vegetarian but merely making various practical suggestions as to how it can be done in the event of your gradually turning against the eating of flesh foods for the reasons I have already outlined

Before he could elaborate someone again butted in, cutting communication by asking if there was a problem to save their own asses

He yelled to my mom asking her what he should do

They stood over me in their authoritative positions asking my parents if I wanted to press charges and asking if I was on drugs then pressing the question again in disbelief that I wasn’t

“Not times, places, and positions, if that’s what you think I’m asking, I never even visit this flesh pit you’ve dreamed up,” he said as his eyes took in the forested sides of the vale

«Elmore was asking about us,» he said when they were most of the way thru the meal but had only dented the cups

After a few seconds of silence Alan asked, «You must have some reason for asking to see me?»

«I was merely asking if you would know how to undo an encapsulation if that had happened

You wouldn’t be asking me these questions if she was available

If they were with anyone, the people they were with were asking what happened to them now

Asking questions and seeking the answers can only lead

“You can start by calling this number and asking him if he could help us to get a proper little cottage in the village

So bravo on asking the hard questions and be careful in your

You know the routine; this little baby voice asking ‘Hello? Is someone there?’ I’m sure you can guess the rest

«I wasn’t asking the church,» she said, «I was asking you

even though the other person is asking you questions, you feel as if he is only listening to you in order to form his next response

Now he was thinking about asking the captain to assign her to it

She had been quick to point out that she was doing all the asking and he was acting like he was servicing her

The more we entered his wilderness home amongst these natural meadows of lushness with their chestnut and cherry trees standing guard, the more he relaxed and began shouting sudden ‘whoopas’ and slapping his thigh and asking questions of the goats and pointing to things that weren’t even there

‘Five coloured ones,’ she said, scanning the cards, her eyes asking ‘so?’

She spent the rest of the evening dabbing her eyes with used tissues and asking herself what other wonders life might have in store for her

Listen now boss, when it’s sunset I’ll begin the solemn rites asking Athena help us get rid of the looters

Jo looks tired but happy and is just asking me about North Wales went when Ben sticks his head out the back door,

He was asking me

service asking awkward questions about how he’d found his way

I pour him a mugful and hand it to him, asking what he’s got in mind for the rest of the day

While I munch on the bread and cheese, he starts talking about the cottage next door, asking me what I know about it

This is the type of prayer that most people are probably familiar with, which includes asking the universe for a specific outcome

Towards late afternoon a young runner knocked on Tarak’s study with a request from Master Seatac asking for a meeting

I began asking myself that same question when I

From there it was a short step to Gary asking the kids what they all want to do when they leave school

not stop asking stupid questions?

began asking questions of the little boy first, while

His body answered “Yes”, so I began asking what the

Verock bowed slightly, “yes my Queen, a female Scather; she is asking for our help

Shelley then starts asking about the public transport … she hasn’t got a car and decides that it just would not be feasible to live out here and have to rely on two lots of buses to get her to the university over the other side of the town

I had Mrs Stubbs here this morning asking if I knew of anywhere that the girl could rent in the village

They spoke of the landscape and changes with Rayne asking a multitude of questions

He asked her some questions, or maybe he was asking her the same question in several other languages

“I’m really sorry, I have no idea what you’re asking,” she said in English, then repeated the same statement in Kassidorian

I refer to it as asking the body what it knows

As I go upstairs, I hear her asking Alastair just what he’s trying to do

Asking about anything unrelated to

asking more questions than offering support

‘What on earth is tickling you, Jo?’ I cannot resist asking, when she can speak, she explains

Begin the process of questioning by asking, “Is this

For example, in this case you could begin by asking “Is

It is important to be clear about what you are asking

Both of these ways of asking are equivalent, and

answer by asking if the emotion became trapped in

You started asking my body questions like

would then continue by asking which column this

“Was the body moved here?” Tobias asks the Militia guard

“What happens with those missing people?” he asks

“Do you see those two makeshift graves over there?” he asks

“How come?” Kevin asks

“With the complements of the Marchese, and he asks will you join him for a

He asks that we find time for Him

’ He said, his eyes twinkling, when Molly asks him what he thinks of my outfit

Oliver asks a question that impacts the couple

The angel eyes light look man without faith and asks his

She asks a question

“You don’t mind, do you?” he asks foolishly and I resent him

Third story: Late at night I watch a film on TV; there is a man who asks a woman to help him get rid of another, dangerous woman

“What’s the matter?” she asks provocatively

“Why are you sending them cupcakes?” asks Stephanie, who happens to enter the kitchen at that moment

In less than two minutes, my phone rings; it is Mr Gryparis, the managing director: “Have you got any untyped texts of Mrs Parissis?” he asks

It occurs to him he could hear it, so he asks the obvious question, «Hey, can you hear me?» his voice bounces off the glass and echoes behind him, but she answers, «Yes I can hear you

Thus, when Jesus asks the question, “How did you treat the least of these my brethren,” He is getting to the core of the issue

Many times we read the story and we think, “Oh good for Abraham!” He gets onto the top of the mountain, and builds the altar, and Isaac asks, “Where is the sacrifice?” Abram then says that God will offer the sacrifice

Once again, Jesus asks how they are going to feed so many

What do you say about Jesus? Is He a prophet? Is He the Messiah? But when Jesus asks the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” it is Peter that cries out, “You are the Son of the Living God…”

Angie – you can trust Berndt, if he asks about you know what, you can tell him everything you know

She asks him when next he will

picks up a microphone and asks the boys

‘Ow is it, I asks, that my brother,

In keeping with our part, he asks the customs man if he can recommend the best road to see the talaiots … enormous stone constructions set in the landscape thousands of years ago by primitive people

Dorintze, a stout woman with an intelligent face, immediately asks me if I would write something for the readersein

Mateo told us of a time when Uttah had gone away for a week’s holiday and some of his old girlfriends kept calling round, ‘When Uttah comes home, she asks me if I missed her and I tell her I’m more alone now that she’s home than when she was away

What if she asks me to stop seeing Alastair, what would I say?

He asks you to please forgive him, and don’t leave, wait for his return

«Because he talks to me, he asks me for answers I don’t have

‘Can Ben have some more hot water, Jo?’ Alastair asks from the front door

She assures me that she can cope and again asks if Rob is all right

Haltingly, Sally asks if they can come and be with us – they knew Sam well and it’s almost as though a member of our community has gone

‘Where are you getting married, Anna?’ asks Katie, her eyes shining at the romance of it all

He nods and asks me the same question

He asks if he can see the dress so we carefully disinter it from the tissue paper and Jane holds it up against me while he again stands back, hand on chin again, contemplating

She asks sensible questions about heating and cooking facilities and I explain that the cooker, washing machine and fridge are staying as I shall be taking over the stuff in Anna’s cottage

“A young warrior asks for a moment of your time; he says it is of utmost importance

He now asks for progress reports whenever he sees me and his wife has offered to come with me when I next visit the home

She has need of your skills and asks that you come

a woman answers the phone and asks if she can help me

hey? Hey! He asks what you are doing

remember something to someone who asks? A more interesting question is

A man asks another for help

Is Don a Scot? Ah … Sheila asks how the job is going … is Bunty working? If so, what does she do with her mother? What’s the date on this letter? January 1963 … just after Christmas

10For every one that asks receives; and he that searches finds; and to him that knocks at

asks a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?

«Can I have a shower?» she asks, «and my clothes?»

«You here for the samples?» he asks, abrupt and sharp

«These the ones?» he asks pointing to the Tupperware boxes on the table

While I drink my coffee, Mr Blackford asks me how I am – we became quite friendly after Dad died

Billy asks him what the hell is going on, but Ted shrugs and makes his way to the stage

«Weren’t you at Jack’s?» one of them asks

«Have they told you about the visiting hours?» she asks

«Have you heard the news today?» Jock asks

«Would you ask the boy wonder to step out here a moment?» Jock asks Ken

Quickly checking the ward names on the board behind the porter’s head, he asks for Bassett, explaining that his sister has just had her second little boy

«How can you help?» he asks, low and whispered

At the checkout he gives the spirits a quick once over and asks for a bottle of Fundador

«Are you going to tell me what you’re thinking, Arbnor?» asks Helen, as the doctor pours wine into the glasses

«What’s in them?» she asks, picking up one of the two syringes

He feels the inside of his cheek with his tongue and whimpers as an electric charge spikes through the side of his face, but still he does as Maggie asks

He needs help and he turns to Maggie, to ice cool Maggie, and asks, «Shit, Mags

She resigns herself to the long hours of dead waking, and as she tries to settle, as she tries to find a position of relative comfort, she asks herself a simple question; «Why, Billy, why can’t you do something useful for a bloody change?»

«How was your evening?» the driver of the car asks

In the working out he almost asks out loud, «What, Bex?»

The nice man smiles, ‘and what is the registration number of your car?’ he asks

She sounds really chirpy as she tells me all about it and, before I can comment, she goes on to mention my invitation and asks which night would be most convenient for me

‘What village?’ Asks Abi walking into the kitchen with a piece of paper in her hand, obviously, there was another e-mail waiting for her

While he is preparing an injection to calm her down, he asks how Abi is

She asks how Sally is and I explain all about it

When a Congressman asks, he gets fast answers

Also keep in mind that the scripture says that God gives wisdom to anyone who asks without finding fault

Lastly, Paul asks for revelation to understand that all things are

He believes in the power of simplicity and that the system should only do what the user asks for

But is it just what God asks us to do? Of course,

did she grow so old?” is a question that each brother asks

motions the boy to peer through and asks, “What do you

‘kill’ those to whom he is emotionally attached, the novice asks, «But my parents, Master? Must

For example, in the section of his book that asks you to consider the amount of money you think you need to make, he mentions the 2010 study that I refer to in Chapter 2


Uar asks that you gather as

Then, a freshman named Holly asks, “What about the pranks?”

And something catches Alice’s fancy, for when it comes time for her to leave she asks her husband if he would mind her staying on “for just another day or two

“Did he do it?” he asks her, “Did he really do it?” “Yes sir

“Sometimes Jeremiah asks that I come too, so I can make sure enough food is prepared for all the workers

God gives this privileged position of authority back to us as a gift for which he asks nothing in return — we only have to accept and believe it to obtain it

love, holiness in our lives, and asks us to witness to a

One asks why more of our public commentators didn»t pick this up and run with it

I remain touched by a question he asks us in one of his non-fiction books: „Why,» he asks, „do we always hurry to finish what we»re doing only so that we can begin doing something else?»

“Have you seen my cufflinks?” he asks his wife

His Adult asks her Adult, which is the way we should

The 9 Strategy Factors CR James It’s always funny when a guy asks: “How should you ask for a girl’s number?”

He first realizes that he wants sex  he rubs on her  and then asks her if she wants to have sex, too

Don’t become one of these guys who gets in the mood  and then just asks her does she want to have sex as if that’s a legitimate seduction technique

“You know,” Amaranthe said after a moment of silence, “when someone asks you a question, the socially acceptable thing to do is answer

«Is He here?» she asks

(―If he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent?‖) His (eternal) promises were not intended for this world but markers pledged for the next

«What if he shouldn’t come?» asks Harry, suddenly

Synonym: find out, inquire, question, request. Antonym: answer, reply. Similar words: as, ash, as is, as of, as to, a, ad, add. Meaning: [ɑːsk]  v. 1. inquire about 2. make a request or demand for something to somebody 3. direct or put; seek an answer to 4. consider obligatory; request and expect 5. require or ask for as a price or condition 6. address a question to and expect an answer from 7. require as useful, just, or proper. 

Random good picture Not show

(1) He that cannot ask cannot live. 

(2) Better ask twice than lose you way once. 

(3) To ask well is to know much. 

(4) Ask no questions and hear no lies. 

(5) My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world ; ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. 

(6) If they say you are good, ask yourself if it be true. 

(7) Ask a silly question and you’ll get a silly answer. 

(8) A fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer. 

(9) Better spare to have of thine own, than ask of other man. 

(10) Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies. 

(11) Animals are such agreeable friends — they ask no questions,( they pass no criticisms. George Eliot 

(12) Animals are such agreeable friends —they ask no questions, they pass no criticism. 

(13) If they say you are good, ask yourself if it be ture. 

(14) Ask no questions and you will be told no lies. 

(15) A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years. 

(16) Mr Spero was reluctant to ask for help.

(17) I felt degraded by having to ask for money.

(18) Better to ask the way than go astray.

(19) May I ask you a favor?

(20) He wanted to ask her(, but he didn’t dare.

(21) I hate to ask you for help, but…

(22) I have a favour to ask of you.

(23) Ask not too, can not, have to do.

(24) Do you mind if I ask you a favor?

(25) No big deal. I’ll ask John to play.

(26) May I ask a favor of you?

(27) Who should I ask about car rentals?

(28) Can I ask you a question ?

(29) Ask the carpenter to build in some cupboards.

(30) If you would make an enemy, lend a man money and ask it of him again. 

More similar words: as, ash, as is, as of, as to, a, ad, add, age, ago, ah, aid, air, all, also, and, any, arm, art, at, back, base, case, disk, ease, easy, fast, gas, last, mark. 

Ask example sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use ask in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for ask.

  • Ask another. (8)
  • I ask for mercy. (8)
  • I will not ask. (10)
  • Dudley will ask . (10)
  • Who dares ask me? (10)
  • Ask you for proof? (14)
  • Do you ask me how? (10)
  • Who shall I ask for? (9)
  • I could not ask them. (10)
  • We naturally ask why. (10)
  • Mister, want to ask you! (8)
  • Now I want to ask you, Mr. (8)
  • To what end, he did not ask. (10)
  • She dared to ask no question. (12)
  • I have some forgiveness to ask. (10)
  • You might as well ask me my age. (10)
  • He had not to ask for his nephew. (10)
  • What do you want to ask me anyhow? (12)
  • Why indulge in these abstract views, you would ask! (10)
  • You ask me to help you live in sin? (8)
  • Grace did not ask what the piece was. (9)
  • Robert did not ask what had happened. (22)
  • Why did I ever ask that wretch De Levis? (8)
  • Do not ask him to be considerate of her. (10)
  • He meant that I may ask you to be my wife. (10)
  • If he were not profligate I ask his pardon. (9)
  • Why not come up fairly, and ask my business? (10)
  • You shall have whatever you ask for but that. (10)
  • I only ask a little more time for stupid Evan. (10)
  • I might as well ask the East wind to blow West. (10)
  • She was wishing to ask a multitude of questions. (10)
  • Ask any boxing man what he thinks of the chances. (10)
  • May I ask whom I have the pleasure of speaking to? (8)
  • I have been unjust to ask your daughter in marriage. (18)
  • I ran away from you, and now I ask you to come to me! (10)
  • It is impossible to refuse what you ask in such a way. (4)
  • I have you back, and you ask me if I will have tea Gyp! (8)
  • I shall have to ask you to strengthen me, complete me. (10)
  • She longed to ask her how she liked it, but did not dare. (8)
  • In the name of all patience, I ask, who could endure this? (6)
  • There was no need to ask for pardon from those gentle eyes. (10)
  • Not deigning to ask what she meant, he had brooded over her words. (8)
  • He was not a man to ask for confidences, or expect them to be given him. (8)
  • Yet should you ask them whether they dislike sound sense, they vow they do not. (10)
  • If you would be good enough to ask and let me know I should be greatly obliged…. (14)
  • Let me ask you how you would enjoy your breakfast if you took it in this street car. (1)
  • They might ask, too, whether it is likely to cease to flow while he remains potent. (10)
  • She departed, and Aminta was left to beat at her heart and ask whether it had a secret. (10)
  • She had wanted to ask Mrs. Eltwin if they sat on their steps; but she had not quite dared. (9)
  • No need to ask; for there was Dromore in the hall, on his way from dinner to the card-room. (8)
  • As to his flaunting the glove for a favour, I would ask you, whom does he advertize by that? (10)
  • But I will not torment you with vain wishes, which may seem purposely to ask for your thanks. (4)
  • The grief for which he could ask no compassion had at least purified him to meet her embrace. (10)
  • Should she go back to the convent and ask for the little sum which Lienhard had left there for her? (5)
  • When you ask me a thing I tell you just what I think, and it seems to set you off in a perfect gale. (9)
  • He stared into his glass; and it was some time before I ventured to ask if he had seen much fighting. (8)
  • It was here that he had stood looking out into the dark, when Fiorsen came down to ask for Gyp a year ago. (8)
  • He asked if it were not the month of the marriages too, and she answered that he must ask Alice about that. (9)
  • She became breathless, without emotion, but checked by the barrier confronting an impulse to ask, what changes? (10)
  • If only been intellectually a little flexible in his morality If we are robbed, we ask, How came we by the goods? (10)
  • It would be rather hard to prove this, and I must ask the reader to take my word for it, if he wishes to believe it. (9)
  • I should have been willing to ask them or any one where the Peerage lived, only my mind was quite full, and I did not care. (10)
  • It was only a question of a few weeks; he might ask Messrs. Scriven and Coles; they would tell him the security was quite safe. (8)
  • Arabella took the doctor aside to ask him, if in a hypothetical instance, it would really be dangerous to thwart or irritate her father. (10)
  • Lady Middleton could no longer endure such a conversation, and therefore exerted herself to ask Mr. Palmer if there was any news in the paper. (4)
  • In the case of Jeff Durgin the excess was intentional beyond the vague benevolence which prompted the giver of the party to ask certain other outsiders. (9)
  • That Providence should select her sweetest moments to deal her wounds, was cruel; but the Countess just then distinctly heard Mr. George Uplift ask Miss Carrington. (10)

Also see sentences for: beg, bid, direct, entreat, induce, inquire, invite.

Definition of ask:

  • ask, ask, v.t. to seek: to request, inquire, beg, question, invite. | v.i. to request: to make inquiry (with about and for | as to ask one after or for another). (0)

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for ask. Now that you’ve seen how to use ask in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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Select First Letter

Sentences starting with ask

  • Ask the questions yourself now, if you please. [10]
  • Ask him, if you please, whatever you wish to know about his doings. [6]
  • Ask whatever else you like, only deliver me from this awful suspense. [10]
  • Ask of the winds that far away with fragments strewed the sea. [5]
  • Ask what you will, and I will grant it you. [10]
  • Ask Jake there whether they can’t row a mild in double-quick time,—he knows all abaout it. [6]
  • Ask the old Washington residents whether the coming in of rich people with leisure hasn’t demoralized society, or stiffened it, and made it impossible after the old sort. [4]
  • Ask your mother to tell you what you would wish to know, my King. [10]
  • Ask Mr. Henderson to explain it. [4]
  • Ask yourself after this how many lives will be sacrificed when your flight causes hatred and fury to reign supreme in the soul of the cheated monarch! [10]

Sentences ending with ask

  • If I tell you that if you ride him you will torture me, I’m sure you’ll grant what I ask. [9]
  • I mean that you must be prepared to tell George, if he recovers, that you have abandoned your attitude toward the workmen, that you are willing to recognize their union, settle the strike, and go even further than in their ignorance they ask. [9]
  • What is it you ask? [10]
  • But what would you ask? [10]
  • I know what you are going to ask. [5]
  • She dared not yet face the question she had seen he was about to ask. [11]
  • Do you know what you ask? [11]
  • You don’t know what you ask. [9]
  • Ye wit not what ye ask. [5]
  • She knew it was not, yet she could not help but ask. [11]

Short sentences using ask

  • Thought I’d ask you. [9]
  • And I ask you! [2]
  • Do not ask why. [11]
  • May I ask why, madame? [11]
  • I ask you, whose? [10]
  • They ask him to dinner. [2]
  • What have you to ask? [10]
  • We must ask the doctor. [2]
  • You ask me that? [9]
  • Well, I ask such sanctuary. [11]

Sentences containing ask two or more times

  • I know that your husband—that Mr. March was there; I read his testimony; and I wished to ask him—to ask him—» She stopped and looked distractedly about. [8]
  • I ask you to pronounce s-o-w, and you ask me what kind of a one. [5]
  • I was bursting to ask one question—I had it on my tongue’s end and could hardly hold it back—but I was ashamed to ask it; it might be a rudeness. [5]
  • I ask but this—and I shall soon ask for nothing—that you will have a kind thought, now and then, for the man who always loved you, and loves you yet. [11]
  • She answered with the simplicity which so often spoiled the enemy’s best-laid plans in the trial at Poitiers, and said: «No; for I do not know what you are going to ask me; you might ask of me things which I would not tell you. [5]
  • But I have the right to ask, and I do ask now, Did you not put it in such a form that an ordinary reader or listener would take it as an expression from me? [7]
  • I will ask the President to recommend the thing in his message (and if he should ask me to sit down and frame the paragraph for him I should blush —but still I would frame it. [5]
  • If my uncle refuses what I have to ask, and will ask, then the inevitable must happen, though for his sake it will grieve me; I must put my affairs in the hands of the judges. [10]
  • Everything which Joan of Arc did not ask for has been given her, and with a noble profusion; but the one humble little thing which she did ask for and get has been taken away from her. [5]
  • He wanted so many more things than he could ask for, which it was his mother’s pleasure to divine; later on he would ask for so many things he could not get. [4]

More example sentences with the word ask in them

  • I said:— «‘Senator, you’re not going to ask me to turn loose all those at once? [9]
  • You ask why your restless microscopic atoms may not come together and become self-conscious and self-moving organisms. [6]
  • But now—now ask your question at once. [10]
  • May I ask your name, sir? [9]
  • I proceed, with your leave, to ask a considerable number of questions,—hoping to get answers to some of them, at least. [6]
  • I must ask your indulgence while I quote a few verses from a poem of my own, printed long ago under the title «At the Pantomime. [6]
  • Go to the young surgeon who had accompanied them, ask him who she was, and so learn the clue to the mystery concerning her lover? [11]
  • To begin with, young sir, I desire to ask you but three questions at present—at present. [5]
  • And another, a young lawyer, who declared that he would rather face a wild cat than ask Whipple a question on the new code. [9]
  • But I ask you, would you have taken the same deep interest in setting the law upon this suspected man did you not believe him to be an infidel? [11]
  • Now, I ask you, what joys can I look forward to, and what certain happiness am I justified in hoping for? [10]
  • I will ask you, if the policy you are now advocating had prevailed when this country was in a Territorial condition, where would you have gone to get rid of it? [7]
  • Still, I ask you, do you think there is a reason why from her height she should stoop down to rescue you or give you any joy? [11]
  • I only ask you, at the conclusion of these few remarks, to give three hearty cheers for all good and brave officers and men who fought those successful battles. [7]
  • More than this you would not ask me to say. [6]
  • May I ask you what you mean? [11]
  • If I ask you what b-o-w spells you can’t tell me unless you know which b-o-w I mean, and it is the same with r-o-w, b-o-r-e, and the whole family of words which were born out of lawful wedlock and don’t know their own origin. [5]
  • Why, I wrote you twice to ask you what you could mean by Sid being here. [5]
  • I don’t ask you to vote at all—I only urge you to not soil yourself by voting for Blaine. [5]
  • I will ask you to undertake to be my guard of honor to-night—we will share this room. [10]
  • I don’t ask you to tell me what passed between you that night. [9]
  • I would ask you to stay to the dance to-night if your skin were only white, instead of red. [9]
  • Well, I ask you to spare me. [11]
  • I don’t want you to see them, nor your sisters, nor nobody in this town; if a neighbor was to ask how is your uncles this morning your face would tell something. [5]
  • I don’t ask you to reveal it, but I will suppose a case—a case which you will answer as a starting point for the real thing I am going to come at, and that’s all I want. [5]
  • I only ask you to remember, Honora, that you have not explained these reasons very clearly in your letters to your aunt and uncle. [9]
  • And I ask you to regard with some leniency customs which must be strange to Americans. [9]
  • So I ask you to put the money on your cards,» replied Dolokhov. [2]
  • I must ask you to knock off part of that. [5]
  • Might I ask you to give me the time? [5]
  • I must ask you to do something for me before I die. [10]
  • Let me ask you to conduct yourself as a prisoner of war on parole. [11]
  • I simply ask you to come to see me when you find time. [13]
  • So I ask you to come here. [9]
  • Didn’t I ask you to come here and go into my office? [9]
  • And I ask you to believe it is not done lightly, or without due consideration, but as the result of some years of thought. [9]
  • Let me ask you this—that you’ll not believe anything bad of me till you’ve heard what I’ve got to say. [11]
  • I must ask you that—I must indeed, Quilp. [12]
  • Anyhow, I owe you so much that you have the right to ask me what you will…. [11]
  • When you come, you shall ask what questions you like on that point, and I will answer to the best of my stammering ability. [14]
  • Then, of course, you must show us the mill working at night, and afterwards—may I ask it?—you must all come and have supper with me at the summer hotel. [11]
  • I shall ask you more questions some day. [9]
  • I needn’t ask you if you are satisfied, Hugh. [9]
  • I don’t ask you her feeling. [4]
  • I will ask you for the letter to-night,» rejoined Detricand. [11]
  • I don’t ask you for my own sake alone. [11]
  • And what will you do for love?—I will ask her what will you do for love. [11]
  • I don’t wonder you ask, beloved Reader, and I suppose I must tell you how we got on so long without interruption. [6]
  • But why do you ask these questions? [10]
  • For conscience sake you ask that, and I for conscience sake say I will not, Monsieur. [11]
  • But why do you ask that question? [9]
  • But why do you ask me? [2]
  • No, no, what you ask is impossible. [10]
  • And, oh, won’t you ask Babcock to step round here? [4]
  • To ask whether you are of knightly lineage would be useless trouble, and should it come to a genuine sword-dance. [10]
  • If you think you are not strong enough to take Richmond just now, I do not ask you to try just now. [7]
  • I will ask you all to pass one by one in front of me—here, where there is a good light—so that I can see your feet. [5]
  • Let me ask you a question, Father Damon. [4]
  • And yet, and yet!—Where shall I find resolution enough to ask of her who excites me to the height of passion no more than a kind glance, a clasp of the hand, an intelligent interest in what I say? [10]
  • If it might yet be something more than a mere post of honor to be the wife of Verus, I would not ask for the new dignity of becoming wife to Caesar. [10]
  • In another four years… then I will ask for your hand. [2]
  • Here it was written why those who asked should receive, and those who sought should find: «For what man is there of you whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? [10]
  • I wish mamma wouldn’t ask him. [4]
  • He said he would secure us a hotel if he could, but if they were all full he would ask them to build another one and hurry up and get the paint and plaster dry against we arrived. [5]
  • Only one favour would I ask: would the Herr Doctor be so kind as not to ask questions about Schimmel and myself or any member of the honoured Ueberhell family. [10]
  • And now I would ask you to alight, and let me send your maidens into the house; for here you must put on Persian apparel, to appear well-pleasing in the eyes of Cambyses. [10]
  • Well, now she would ask him plainly whether he had placed it on the rotunda for her or for her sister, and let him see she was not pleased. [10]
  • Could he, Isaac Worthington, humble his pride and ask her to keep her suspicions to herself? [9]
  • Moses Hatch was wont to ask Cynthia how her daddies were. [9]
  • And he often wondered whether they did not get tired standing on their feet all day long, hesitating to ask them; speculated on their lives—flung as most of them were on a heedless city, and left to shift for themselves. [9]
  • I have often wondered what prompted me to ask Miss Trevor again to go canoeing. [9]
  • The story has won the attention and enjoyed the favor of a limited class of readers, and if it still continues to interest others of the same tastes and habits of thought I can ask nothing more of it. [6]
  • I know a woman can’t ask that,—can’t have it. [9]
  • She beckoned Fulkerson with the hand outstretched behind her, and said, «Go and ask him. [8]
  • These heavy-eyed men with the alcoholized brains, these pallid youths with the nicotized optic ganglia and thinking-marrows brown as their own meerschaums, of whom you meet too many,—will ask all your wisdom to deal with their poisoned nerves and their enfeebled wills. [3]
  • She now felt with joyous gratitude, that she could look Peter frankly in the eye, grant him love, and ask love in return. [10]
  • You may come, with all my heart, with one condition only—that you do not ask my business. [9]
  • Mamma is excused with a headache, but she has left me power of attorney to ask questions about our little venture. [4]
  • He felt a wish to speak to the stranger, but by the time he had made up his mind to ask him a question about the roads, the traveler had closed his eyes. [2]
  • Do you ask Wisdom to be merciful and not punish sin? [5]
  • You once would willingly have married her, and I ask you, was there a maiden in Thebes—nay in all Egypt—to compare with her for beauty? [10]
  • I ask you, will you obey or will you not? [10]
  • When a book will sell by subscription, it will sell two or three times as many copies as it would in the trade; and the profit is bulkier because the retail price is greater….. You didn’t ask me for a subscription-publisher. [5]
  • Some day I will make a hit, and everybody will ask, ‘Who is this daring, clever Olin Brad? [4]
  • As your aunt will have you until you are married, which, I may say, without denying your attractions, is likely to be for some time, I intend to write to her to-night—with your consent—and ask her to allow you to remain with me all summer. [9]
  • My Egyptian mistress will be delighted, for she is very fond of flowers, and may I ask you to tell the king and the Achaemenidae, that under my care this rare plant has at last flowered? [10]
  • But perhaps you will ask, why did not the Redeemer come down among our fathers in those glorious days? [10]
  • Now then, I will ask you where there is any sense in training people to lead virtuous lives. [5]
  • He says: «I will ask the senator to show me an intimation, from any one member of the Senate, in the whole debate on the Toombs bill, and in the Union, from any quarter, that the constitution was not to be submitted to the people. [7]
  • For instance, we will ask the Indians if they would feel proud to obey your sceptre, Cambyses. [10]
  • My own mirror will ask itself if it has not changed owners. [10]
  • My husband is wickedly held a prisoner; I ask for entrance to him. [11]
  • I ask her why; she do not know, but she hug Babette close to her breast with a kind of fear. [11]
  • You ask her why, and she cannot tell. [11]
  • And this is why, and sence you laik objects of art, that I bring this and ask you keep it while I am in dangere. [9]
  • May I ask why you do not try the experiment yourself? [6]
  • And ask Gaslerie why the devil he don’t send along my commission as Deputy Sheriff. [5]
  • You ask me why I did not go to the Effendina. [11]
  • I ask him why he could not let it remain where our fathers placed it. [7]
  • The man to whom Hebe proffers nectar does not ask for even the best wine of Byblus. [10]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word ask in a sentence? How do you use ask in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word ask?
It contains example sentences with the word ask, a sentence example for ask, and ask in sample sentence.

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