Use the word as a result in a sentence

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1. She died as a result of her injuries.

2. The flight was delayed as a result of fog.

3. I’m immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.

4. Many civilians died as a result of allied bombing.

5. As a result, he had to leave.

6. He was injured as a result of boiler explosion.

7. As a result, he went bankrupt soon.

8. The flood came about as a result of the heavy spring rains.

9. Her hair started falling out as a result of radiation treatment.

10. Students may suffer severe financial hardship as a result of the government’s decision.

11. The project foundered as a result of lack of finance.

12. Numerous houses collapsed as a result of the Tangshan Earthquake in 1976.

13. Her reputation suffered a mortal blow as a result of the scandal.

14. These data show that most cancers are detected as a result of clinical follow — up .

15. The Black Sea is facing ecological catastrophe as a result of pollution.

15. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

16. He made one big mistake, and, as a result, lost his job.

17. As a result of a series of European wars, Florida was ceded to England.

18. As a result, services have been drastically reduced.

19. Shark numbers have dwindled as a result of hunting.

20. He was scarred as a result of the fire.

21. He is paralysed down his left side as a result of polio.

22. Many seabirds died as a result of the oil spill.

23. He was made king as a result of various intrigues.

24. He spent twenty years in prison as a result of a miscarriage of justice.

25. The plan foundered as a result of lack of finance.

26. A man has been forced to resign as a result of being pilloried by some of the press.

27. Britain and France declared war on Germany in 1939 as a result of the invasion of Poland.

28. Government spending on education has not increased. Some areas have improved, but only as a result of robbing Peter to pay Paul.

29. We have tightened up the defence and are winning matches as a result.

30. The government appears to have miscalculated and bills are higher as a result.

More similar words: as a result of, result, result in, result from, as a rule, consult, consultant, resume, presumably, as a whole, as a man, anniversary, peasant, sully, make sure, insulated, be subject to, as a matter of fact, adult, assault, culture, faculty, ultimate, cultural, multiple, difficult, be useful to, ultimately, agriculture, agricultural. 


as a result

Meaning | Synonyms

  • the outcome of something that you have done.
  • a result of anything that is willingly done by you
  • the consequence of your own deed
  • because of the occurrence of something
  • it is the indication of the effect due to a cause
  • consequently
  • accordingly
  • thus
  • so
  • therefore

Example Sentences

  1. As a result of this mishap, he was not on work for a week.
  2. David twisted his arms and, as a result, he won’t be taking part in the basketball tournament.
  3. Tom died as a result of an accident.
  4. Several houses were shattered as a result of the heavy storm.
  5. Jackson misbehaved with his boss; as a result, he lost the job.
  6. He took too many loans and as a result, he went bankrupt.
  7. Many local citizens died as a result of a bomb blast.
  8. Lots of fishes and other sea creatures had died as a result of the crude oil spilling.


This phrase came into existence in the early 15th century when people at that time started using the word result. The phrase was used as a final consequence of the actions or the events that have taken place. There were a range of possible outcomes of these actions and the sequence of events. Additionally, there is no definite origin available of this very phrase.


“As a result” is often used as a conjunctive adverbial phrase to indicate cause-and-effect relationships; in this sense, it is synonymous with “therefore,” “hence,” “consequently,” “as a consequence,” and “accordingly.” Here are some sentences in which “as a result” is used in this way.

The molecule has bulky substituents in the ortho positions; as a result, the eclipsed rotamer is energetically disfavored.

The fact that eclipsed rotamer is energetically disfavored is a consequence of the steric bulk of the substituents.

The diphenyl phosphine oxide group is electron withdrawing, and as a result, the central carbon of the allene is electron deficient.

The electron deficiency is a consequence of the presence of the electron-withdrawing group.

In the course of my ESL editing, I often encounter what seems to me a nonstandard use of “as a result,” in which the phrase is used prepositionally to connect a sentence or clause describing an experiment and a second sentence or clause describing the outcome of that experiment. The usage seems particularly common  in papers written by authors whose native language is Japanese. Here’s an example:

We investigated the photocatalytic degradation of 17β-estradiol in water and concurrently evaluated the estrogenic activity of the treated water. As a result, 17β-estradiol was totally mineralized to CO2 in a TiO2 suspension under UV irradiation for 3 h.

Some readers will momentarily misinterpret “as a result” as implying that the mineralization was a consequence of, was caused by, the investigation and evaluation. However, the author is actually using “as a result” simply to indicate that the subsequent text describes a result (a finding) of the experiment. That is, “17β-estradiol was totally mineralized to CO2…” constitutes a result of the experiment. The sentence opening could be thought of as an elided form of “As a result of this experiment, we found that…”

Here’s another example:

Serial dilution tests of the JCAbl antibody were performed on the three tissues. As a result, JCAbl reacted with JCV-IMR32 cells and PML tissues at all the dilutions.

Here, again, the authors do not mean that the reaction of the antibody with the tissues was caused by, was a consequence of, the serial dilutions tests. Rather, they mean that the observed result of the experiments was that the antibody reacted with the specified tissues at all dilutions.

I wouldn’t call this use of “as a result” a serious error, but as I pointed out, some readers will find it momentarily distracting. In my opinion, the best revision is simply to replace “as a result” with “we found that”:

We investigated the photocatalytic degradation of 17β-estradiol in water and concurrently evaluated the estrogenic activity of the treated water. We found that 17β-estradiol was totally mineralized to CO2 in a TiO2 suspension under UV irradiation for 3 h.

But you could also revise to any of the following:

We investigated the photocatalytic degradation of 17β-estradiol in water….The results of these experiments indicated that 17β-estradiol was totally mineralized to CO2 in a TiO2 suspension under UV irradiation for 3 h.

When we investigated the photocatalytic degradation of 17β-estradiol in water…, we found that that 17β-estradiol was totally mineralized to CO2 in a TiO2 suspension under UV irradiation for 3 h.

Investigation of the photocatalytic degradation of 17β-estradiol in water and concurrent evaluation of the estrogenic activity of the treated water indicated that 17β-estradiol was totally mineralized to CO2 in a TiO2 suspension under UV irradiation for 3 h.

If anyone can verify that this is an artifact of the Japanese language, I’d be interested to hear about it.

I have one exercise to do for my English lesson.

«As a result / Since all the seats on the train were taken, we had to

Which option should I choose?

I have found that I have to put comma after ‘As a result’. The comma isn’t there. Does it mean that I have to go with ‘Since’?

Jasper's user avatar


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asked Dec 2, 2016 at 15:58

107MP's user avatar

You can’t substitute directly between those — they go in different places in the sentence.

Since all the seats on the train were taken, we had to stand.

All the seats on the train were taken; as a result, we had to stand.

Alternates include

Because all the seats on the train were taken, we had to stand.

All the seats on the train were taken; therefore, we had to stand.

answered Dec 2, 2016 at 16:00

John Feltz's user avatar

John FeltzJohn Feltz

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If I had to choose between these two cause & effect words, then I would choose «since«, because if I omit the word since and use «as a result», then the sentence is not logical and lacks some conjunction.

«As a result [absent part] all the seats on the train were taken, we
had to stand»

It could be a normal option only if some other words would be inserted there, for instance:

«As a result [of the fact that] all the seats on the train were
taken, we had to stand»

Then, in conclusion the only one correct option in your question is:

«Since all the seats on the train were taken, we had to stand»

Jasper's user avatar


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answered Dec 2, 2016 at 17:16

Virtuous Legend's user avatar

Virtuous LegendVirtuous Legend

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When you have to make a choice between different subordinate clauses, always try to find the main clause (we had to stand) and ask a question which will help you recognize the type of the clause (why?).So the clause should explain the reason. Then it’s easy to find the proper clause

Since all the seats on the train were taken, we had to stand

The other one doesn’t work here, because it shows the result.

answered Dec 2, 2016 at 17:19

V.V.'s user avatar


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  • #1

Dear friends!!!

The expression «as a result of» is a fixed used to mean that something happened after something else and one thing was the reason of the other (or one thing was the consequence of the other — this is the same). But there is also a phrase «as the result of something». A sample sentence: «He became wiser as the result of an experience». As you have certainly guessed, my question is about the proper article: «a» or «the»?

My point of view is that there is a fixed linker, as I have said above, «as a result», but we can also say «as the reult» when we want to concentrate on some specific outcome.

What is your opinion?


  • DBlomgren

    • #2

    Dear friends!!!

    The expression «as a result of» is a fixed expression used to mean that something happened after something else and one thing was the reason of the other (or one thing was the consequence of the other — this is the same). But there is also a phrase «as the result of something».

    My point of view is that there is a fixed expression, as I have said above, «as a result», but we can also say «as the result» when we want to concentrate on some specific outcome.

    What is your opinion?

    I agree. Here’s how I would put it: If we are referring to a general result (i.e., it generally happens), use «a.» For example, «He lost as a result of not practicing.»

    Use «the» if your focus is on the result. Example from the Net: «Idaho was possibly named as the result of a hoax.»
    If we are referring to a specific result, we use «the»:


    • #3

    Thanks!!! Is it possible that one sentence is used with either «a» or «the» with the same meaning? For example

    1. As a result of the experiment, the scientist understood the nature of the phenomenon
    2. As the result of the experiment, the scientist understood the nature of the phenomenon

    Both sentences are intended to convey the same idea, but in the first one we are just talking about what allowed the scientist to understand the phenomenon and in the second we are focusing on a particular experiment.



    • #4

    I think that as a result of is the standard collocation.
    I don’t believe there is any difference of meaning conveyed by as the result of.
    Have a look at the different phrases as they are used in context.
    as a result
    as the result

    The first thing you will notice is that there are many, many more examples of as a result.


    • #5

    Hmm. Number 1 sounds good, but number 2 isn’t as good, although I would say it is acceptable.

    Remember «the result» is not focusing on a particular experiment but rather a particular result.

    Your distinction would be communicated like this:
    1. As a result of an experiment…
    2. As a result of the experiment…

    • #6

    Can I say that «as a result of » =»because of»?


    post mod (English Only / Latin)

    • #7

    Can I say that «as a result of » =»because of»?

    In many cases that works. As always, we need to see the particular example you have in mind to be sure that it works in that context.


    • #8

    2. As the result of the experiment, the scientist understood the nature of the phenomenon.



    result» seems to indicate that «understanding» is the


    result of the experiment which seems unlikely. The experiment also produced a chemical compound, a dead rat, or some other result which caused the scientist to understand.

    • #9

    Dear friends!!!

    The expression «as a result of» is a fixed used to mean that something happened after something else and one thing was the reason of the other (or one thing was the consequence of the other — this is the same). But there is also a phrase «as the result of something». A sample sentence: «He became wiser as the result of an experience». As you have certainly guessed, my question is about the proper article: «a» or «the»?

    My point of view is that there is a fixed linker, as I have said above, «as a result», but we can also say «as the reult» when we want to concentrate on some specific outcome.

    What is your opinion?


    I’m sorry, but I wanna ask what’s the meaning of “as a result of”? Because I don’t really understand it… thanks

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