Use the word artistic in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word artistic, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use artistic in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «artistic».

Artistic in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word artistic in a sentence.

  1. He’s the artistic side, the total Mr.

  2. Canada will send six women artistic gymnasts.

  3. There, he quickly displayed his artistic talent.

  4. ENO’s current artistic director is Daniel Kramer.

  5. Cage underwent an artistic crisis in the early 1940s.

  6. Some critics question Lichtenstein’s artistic skills.

  7. He was devoted to his new religion and artistic style.

  8. A week later, Pravda issued a call for artistic purity.

  9. The portrait is influenced by a standard artistic model.

  10. In England, Anne largely turned from political to social and artistic activities.

  11. Bush said Hepburn «will be remembered as one of the nation’s artistic treasures».

  12. The stamps were designed by Victor Stabin under the artistic direction of Carl T.

  13. Her books are widely admired for her artistic eye and vivid descriptions of place.

  14. In retrospect, Cerny partly attributed the designs to his limited artistic skills.

  15. For its historical, artistic, and cultural significance, the Library of Congress added it to the U.S.

  16. A sculptor for her entire artistic career, Oliver used paper, cane or fibreglass for her early works.

  17. Kaczynski has been portrayed in and inspired multiple artistic works in the realm of popular culture.

  18. Rimmer was known for his skill in artistic anatomy, an area Bannister knew was one of his weaknesses.

  19. By that time, Kertész was determined to photograph the sights in Paris and join its artistic culture.

  20. The family was wealthy, with strong artistic connections and some background in classical scholarship.

  21. The site is listed as being of «historical, archaeological or artistic importance» by Historic England.

  22. In being so bold it deserves praise for the aesthetic excitement it generates and its artistic success.

  23. With the rest of his time he tries to advance the fortunes, both material and artistic, of his friends.

  24. Both Bellette and Haefliger had for many years been informal organisers of Sydney’s artistic community.

  25. He showed artistic promise from an early age, drawing in chalk on the wooden floor of his father’s shop.

  26. Miller’s Jane Austen, or The Secret of Style (2003), which connects artistic concerns with queer theory.

  27. Elizabeth survived the news, but as the war continued, Rix’s artistic output dwindled almost to nothing.

  28. This created a surge in the number of commissions leading to a general improvement of the artistic works.

  29. The sculpture builds upon many of Kapoor’s artistic themes, and is a popular photo subject with tourists.

  30. It is likely they were so far apart in their artistic understanding that neither listened to what the other had to say ..

  31. He notably enjoyed a close artistic partnership with Gustav Mahler, singing in his opera company’s in Hamburg and Vienna.

  32. The Riverina was the setting for some of Australia’s great artistic and literary works of the 19th and early 20th century.

  33. Gyllenhaal said his parents encouraged artistic expression: «I do have parents who constantly supported me in certain ways.

  34. Eisner began his comic book career in 1936 and had long held artistic ambitions for what was perceived as a lowbrow medium.

  35. The medium-weight coins often carry designs of high artistic quality, exceeding that of the contemporary Frankish currency.

  36. Yet, by 1890, the symbolism in his work began to ring true with the artistic mood of the day, especially in central Europe.

  37. Mitton contacted Antonov in May 2009 to ask for his help to establish an artistic identity for a new intellectual property.

  38. According to Garofalo, «From an artistic standpoint, Kreis’ designs for the Bridgeport half dollar were an amazing success.

  39. The shortcoming was underlined by his artistic rivalry with Marc Bolan, who was at the time acting as his session guitarist.

  40. Many literary and artistic masterpieces were destroyed by the Ottoman conquerors, and artistic activities did not re-emerge until the National Revival in the 19th century.

  41. In artistic terms, there was a revival in mosaic, and regional schools of architecture began producing many distinctive styles that drew on a range of cultural influences.

  42. The Leningrad première was considered by music critics to be one of the most important artistic performances of the war because of its psychological and political effects.

  43. This artistic device was used either to simulate the fluttering of the flags or to actually display the metallic thread and paint that was sometimes used to decorate them.

  44. At the British Museum, Laurence Binyon introduced Pound to the East Asian artistic and literary concepts Pound used in his later poetry, including Japanese ukiyo-e prints.

Synonyms for artistic

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word artistic has the following synonyms: aesthetic, esthetic, pleasing, tasteful, aesthetical, esthetical and creator.

General information about «artistic» example sentences

The example sentences for the word artistic that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «artistic» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «artistic».

Yet again, Kara felt the impact of the massive divide between her culture and that of Earth – something the exploration of the seaside resort had highlighted; the sheer volume of … words failed her … stuff that was on sale in the shops … most of it completely superfluous … badly made, cheap (in every meaning of the word) ornaments of no practical use whatsoever and precious little artistic merit, deliberately manufactured to clutter up somebody’s home … and then there was the food and drink on offer! Everywhere she’d looked there had been foodstuffs on sale and people eating … battered fish, hot savoury smelling sausages, the tart scent of vinegar on chips fresh from the fryers … and ices of every conceivable flavour … and those unbelievable sweets in all shapes and sizes … and, according to Iain, this particular seaside resort was a relatively small one … by the time Iain turned off the motorway at the Taunton interchange, she had concluded that although it had been fun visiting, really, when it came down to it, she preferred her own world

Then there had been what Joris had termed ‘bits and pieces’ – in truth, valuable artefacts collected from all over the world that he had garnered during his travels; after discussions with Berndt who had taken a quick look at the vast store of, without exception, items of considerable artistic merit if not value, Kara had agreed that the bulk might be offered to the new Guild to form the basis of a museum of some sort

These activities are very artistic and might be the very thing that your partner would love to be a part of

I am only grateful that Alastair, being of a typical artistic temperament, is not overly bothered with practicalities and can camp here without going insane as long as the one or two things which are important to him are accommodated

The camera was still a relatively new thing and artistic shots of fairies and such like were not uncommon

Great-aunt Edith showed Annie how to scan photographs and store them as images on the computer, using a collection of her very own black and white artistic poses from her early days in the glamour business, images which would now be considered at best cute but in most cases just as period pieces

I thought I’d hang around the artistic quarter looking interesting and see if anyone bites

very own black and white artistic poses from her early days in the

You can imagine how that set the artistic community by the ears! Bitchy lot at the best of times

Gymnastics was both a required activity and also the center of an orbit of students who were highly proficient in the more strenuous disciplines of artistic and acrobatic gymnastics

It was difficult to find someone of Harry’s caliber to participate in the acrobatics, though in the artistic floor exercises and rings, and other individual disciplines Harry was alone in expertise and flourish

«I guess I’m that self-centered but yeah, I consider my music an artistic success when it sounds the way I wanted it to sound, when I can say with this yandrille what I wanted to say

The measure of artistic fulfilment consists in the

She could rely on no highly placed relation to push her up the ladder in the artistic community or anywhere else

Quinn’s ambitions were in artistic fields, and he is

Remained the premonition that although her most Subtle and brilliant artistic “moment” was yet to Be discovered and recognized—her critics would

important thing is that athletic and artistic contests have been held here since antiquity

They were acquiring a computer-like efficiency at the expense of the more artistic traits: a true fuzzy logic

“I’m in need of your artistic abilities

Maria flatters was artistic

We arrived at the complex before noon, and there were no more tickets to that “Sistine Chapel of the quaternary art” as someone has called that artistic center

She insisted, besides, that she understood the determination and the need to protect the caves, but maintained that that did not justify the decision not to allow us to visit the museum which was an artistic entity totally independent and does not require the same protective measures

The kind of personality that runs a prison, or ‘detention barracks,’ is not often noted for artistic creativity

through their artistic hairstyles

Miguel loved to rock power moves with style, so he threw in high shouldered spins on his back for an artistic transition in between his hydraulic nutcrackers

Behind him, the word “Dauntless” is spray-painted in red artistic lettering on a concrete wall

a) Creation and maintenance of the artistic works,

She could put on several frills and invent a few artistic details to enhance the horror

The entrance hall proved to be a huge open room with no furniture, but with various artistic wall hangings and statues set around the walls

Suggest a discussion on the relative achievement—intellectual, athletic, artistic, or otherwise—of various racial or ethnic categories and you are a bigoted racial profiler

When art proceeds from a mold of hatred and rejection of the society in which the artist lives, artistic expression tends to become banal soup cans or incomprehensible abstraction

The Atlantis gallery in London was among the first havens of artistic creativity to discover that pieces of the human body may be considered works of art if properly presented

Then there is the artistic apogee of a pregnant woman, her womb ripped open to display the fetus

This suggests that there must be as many distinctive inner natures as there are artistic bodies to incorporate them, and so at least that many definitions of what art is valid and what is not

This has penetrated deeply into both elite and popular culture as the artistic brigades of Civil Warriors march on

thinking of artistic expression, subject matter, or technique

“What other corner of the earth celebrates in various localities its regional dish, receiving it with brass-drums and with cymbals, glorifying it with songs and poetry as it is done with the “botillo”? Yes, there are indeed programs that praise some nutritious products to the tunes of popular songs, but those represent lucrative parodies for sale, not artistic inspiration of exaltation

Accustomed to California’s Catholic missions, Amante, Lucille and Roger left the place quite disappointed as far as its artistic value goes, without judging, naturally, the religious value which that historic enclosure represents for that city and that entire region

Towards Circular Quay’s extreme end shines the internationally and really exquisite and impressive Opera House, one of the most renowned and active artistic centers in the world

Moments later, he realized, though too late, however, that one of those packages contained postcards of Russian sculpture of very little artistic value which was worthless to him

With resplendent artistic designs in its ceiling and its two thousand five hundred feet in length, it is the longest corridor in China and possibly in the world

But the ceiling displays a more artistic touch, with thousands of ribs and short bones pinned together in various geometrical patterns

After the last lesson, he treaded softly on her lily white skin with his artistic fingers exploring all the curves and contours

He prided himself on conquering white females; something his grandfather could not lay hands on—combining sizzling Kamasutra experiments with artistic and sensitive foreplays

Salamanca, about one hundred miles north-west of Madrid and about forty miles from the Portuguese border, is a university city with an ancient history, a preserved artistic display of picturesque art and an attractive way of life that evidences a sense of individual comfort and security

It is, in Roger’s view, the ideal location for an international program in Spain, with the environment of a small city, rich in artistic monuments and folkloric life that provides students with the opportunity to develop an introductory perspective on the diversity of life and customs of ancient and modern Spain

Sometimes the fear preventing your true inner artistic vision from being manifested is due to a type of

They started traveling either with students in the program excursions to various cities of historical or artistic importance or by themselves to several locations of common interest and delight

This artistic structure stands as one of the best examples of 14th century architecture in Europe

On the way, they visited Assisi of religious as well as artistic and historic interest to both of them, and the nearby university city of Perugia, mentioned in Boccaccio’s writings, and where international students flock to study

He had great artistic ability, so he could design one-of-a-kind unique drawings in addition to using the hundreds of “flash cards” found in every such shop

Roy had fine, soft hands with tapered fingers that suggested artistic capabilities

The tables and chairs near the front door were artistic and delicate, set with fine linen and silver, and were occupied by formally dressed citizens who engaged in relatively quiet and dignified conversation

upwards towards the cosmic artistic dimension of the Adult I

The Artistic I , both on an individual and a group level, knows how and when the

The Cosmic I, without the help of the individual and group Artistic I, cannot create

eliminates the individual as well, because it, too, is an illusion, and it eliminates the immense value of individual artistic creation

Cosmo-Art is not a science and it is not a religion, it is an artistic movement that is

secondary beauty, through a new type of artistic perfection

f) the fact that it has given faith in the existence of their own creative artistic

This happens because the universe, thanks to the artistic action

possible thanks to the artistic action of humanity, which creates secondary beauty

artistic power that is even greater than what we have seen in the history of art up

The activation of this greater artistic power is the cosmic goal that encounters the

committed to their artistic creation

give an artistic form to this abandoned marble, and he transmuted it into an

of expression and their artistic creations, where they accept to learn about

Penelope, secondary beauty, which can only be created with his creative artistic

artistic ideas come about when scientists or artists are not

While one was a mechanical genius, the other had no such abilities but instead possessed incredible artistic talent

Many people tend to focus on the artistic, creative side of writing

basis for artistic production

I could never be called a hairy person – just an even sprinkling of short hairs on chest and legs, but after removing every hair below the head I had to agree that for the sort of dance I was contemplating, hairless was definitely more artistic

I have to be able to refuse roles I deem not artistic, and I can’t sacrifice all my interests simply to excel at one

Everyone was amazed to see how wonderfully the tunnel had been carved; the vine was very artistic, leaving leaf marks and strange carvings that began to glow

Not very artistic but that didn’t matter

Neither she nor Joe knew where he got his artistic talents

He guessed correctly that it was Bridget that suggested it, with the emphasis on he being artistic

Ellen was interested and sometimes amused at Matthew’s artistic, musical and

Her patience far outweighed his although he was a neat painter because of his artistic skills

«I’m not artistic«; «I’m not good at writing»; are statements often heard

maintained that she was not a bit artistic

evidences of the artistic skil developed after she became aware that she had

2 The Master saw that his host was bewildered at his friendly attitude toward art; therefore, when they had finished the survey of the entire collection, Jesus said: «Because you appreciate the beauty of things created by my Father and fashioned by the artistic hands of man, why should you expect to be rebuked? Because Moses onetime sought to combat idolatry and the worship of false gods, why should all men frown upon the reproduction of grace and beauty? I say to you, Flavius, Moses’ children have misunderstood him, and now do they make false gods of even his prohibitions of images and the likeness of things in heaven and on earth

This, though she did not know it, was art in its highest form the free, uncramped artistic expression of a highly esthetic race, unhampered by conventional symbolism

Are you more resourceful in revealing goodness to humanity today than you were yesterday? Are you a better righteousness recommender this year than you were last year? Are you becoming increasingly artistic in your technique of leading hungry souls into the spiritual kingdom?

Suicide among men testifies that such beings have emerged from the purely animal stage of existence, and to the further fact that the exploratory efforts of such human beings have failed to attain the artistic levels of mortal experience

Thus build up for yourself and in yourself reserve galleries of beauty, goodness, and artistic grandeur

6 When it is not possible to worship God in the tabernacles of nature, men should do their best to provide houses of beauty, sanctuaries of appealing simplicity and artistic embellishment, so that the highest of human emotions may be aroused in association with the intellectual approach to spiritual communion with God

Robbed of metals and ores, they became workers in stone like their distant ancestors, and had attained a real artistic level, when their struggling culture came into contact with the powerful Pictish nation

They had none of the Atlanteans’ artistic nature; they were a ruder, more practical, more prolific race

Arus was the highest product of an innately artistic race, refined by centuries of civilization; Gorm had behind him a heritage of a hundred thousand years of screaming savagery—the pad of the tiger was in his stealthy step, the grip of the gorilla in his black-nailed hands, the fire that burns in a leopard’s eyes burned in his

It has been said that he lacked artistic sense; his whole nature led to war and slaughter

The dark hands which shattered the artistic glories of the conquered never tried to copy them

Regardless of whether or not they stay inside the lines, coloring books allow children an opportunity to experiment with different colors and artistic mediums to create unique masterpieces

3 Oriental law was stern and arbitrary; Greek law was fluid and artistic; Roman law was dignified and respect-breeding

Like a kid in a mud pond — but more sophisticated, more artistic, more understanding

artistic work offered under the terms of this whole

Definition of Artistic

having or revealing creative skill

Examples of Artistic in a sentence

Ways to be artistic include writing, painting, drawing, singing, playing an instrument, and doing arts and crafts.


I cannot even draw a stick figure, so it is fair to say I have zero artistic talent.


Jennifer decided to show her artistic side by painting her kitchen in yellow and black stripes.


Bob Dylan proved his artistic abilities in writing music and poetry when he won the 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature.


Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings are way more artistic than your toddler’s doodlings.


Other words in the Art (Drawing & Writing) category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

1, The exhibition runs the whole gamut of artistic styles.

2, She comes from a very artistic family.

3, There are encouraging signs of an artistic revival.

4, A good teacher can encourage artistic creativity.

5, The film has no artistic merit whatsoever.

6, They encourage boys to be sensitive and artistic.

7, She has artistic inclinations.

8, Opinion about the artistic merit of his paintings has been mixed.

9, The picture on this screen is a good artistic work.

10, The room was decorated with a very artistic touch.

11, Jane is a girl with an artistic temperament.

12, That’s a very artistic flower arrangement you have there.

13, An economic/artistic revival is sweeping the country.

14, She has artistic potential/potential as an artist.

15, His artistic talents were wasted in his boring job.

16, These artistic handicrafts are very popular with foreign friends.

17, She has an artistic bent.

18, The decor is so artistic.

19, The show was unashamedly commercial,( with little artistic merit.

20, He moves in artistic circles.

21, The decor inside the house was very artistic.

22, I don’t think she’s the artistic type.

23, He displayed artistic tendencies at an early age.

24, Lydia has a strong artistic bias.

25, Box-office success mattered more than artistic merit.

26, She always encourages her children in their artistic endeavours.

27, Artistic and intellectual people tend towards left-wing views.

28, Her photography had great artistic integrity.

29, He turned his artistic gifts to good account by becoming a sculptor.

30, Affection is like water, so that all become pure filtered; it makes the flat family, by burning the more edges; the family is poetry, so boring after modified reached a kind of artistic conception. The family, life eternal power.

As Gil begins to idealize the beautiful city for its culture and history, he literally spends his nights in the 1920s, among his artistic idols — and certainly the idols of Woody Allen — only to return to the present in the morning with different insights on his own life and work.


A need exists, one might say a vast and burning need exists, for artistic works that honestly and accurately reflect contemporary American life, including its most intimate and painful secrets.


A series of conversations with artists focusing on how historical objects can inspire contemporary artistic practice.


Through the flamboyant costumes of his multiple artistic personae, we catch a glimpse of self-revelation, a command of cultural and art-world mythology, as well as a gentle reflection on the human condition.


The painting, considered a key example of Wood’s artistic development in the late 1920s, had been on long-term loan to the gallery from a private collection since 2009.


Although haunted by the fear of fakery, of artistic fancy dress, he simply can not express his «here and now» in the terms of his own era; he knows himself to be one untimely born.


Oh and one more cute thing from the party, my Mother-in-Law, with the help of her artistic sister, made this Thomas veggie train with a cardboard Thomas they made «from scratch» and long baskets (I’ve seen these at Dollar Tree, like MIL, like DIL!)


There, she met Franz Kline and Willem De Kooning, who initiated her to variations of abstract expressionism and participated in the effervescence of New York artistic life.


The museum’s annoying and ever present politically correct position works in its favor in this ambitious show given what they’re trying to do in revealing every aspect of American artistic production on every level.


Curators and critics struggled to define the essence of this artistic production, coining terms such as Post-painterly, Lyrical Abstraction, Color Field, Hard-Edge, Minimalist and Systems.


Mats Stjernstedt, pavilion curator and incoming director of Sweden’s Malmö Konsthall, described the shared enterprise as a «mapping of connections that override national and regional boundaries, and instead track a more multi-faceted view of how artistic practice may connect.»


Of these concepts, time and memory have become most central to his artistic practice, manifesting themselves as digital avatars and virtual reconstructions of environment.


To fashion a relevant interpretation for modern audiences, there must be a healthy respect and understanding of the author’s original intent and a cast and crew capable of creating their own artistic stamp.


Mauri came of age in the context of Fascist Italy, and his relentless effort to bridge that experience to the philosophical and artistic movements of his time is unparalleled.


Combined with the art courses, it was enough to stir the artistic flame in the young artist and after a year in Florida, he transferred to the Boston University School of Fine and Applied Arts, earning his BFA in 1961.


Enwezor was recently appointed artistic director of the 56th Venice Biennale (2015), and is director of the Haus der Kunst museum in Munich and a member of the 2014 Aimia AGO Photography Prize jury.


«Mystical experiences can lead to creative thoughts and artistic development,» he says.


By doing so you can take advantage of the eclectic global textiles that are a mainstay of this artistic and visual style without feeling like you’re living inside of a rainbow.


They are creatively transformative and are backed by three decades of sustained and important artistic practice.


It is the measure of Guston’s large, complex, and still emerging artistic ambition that he did not settle for those rewards and the comfortable life as an academic painter they more or less guaranteed.


It has established itself as a pioneering arts organisation in the artistic environment in the UK and beyond.


GIL LEUNG and JAMIE STEVENS attempt to unpick an artistic vernacular present within — and particular to — the ecology of the London art world.


That it was a fall-back plan of sorts, and never prepared as such, is somewhat shocking considering the artistic merit it exhibits, but such is the essence of filmmaking, cooking imagery on the fly and tapping into the hidden truths that trimmed production fat can reveal.


What he offered to those who were willing to look and to listen was the splendor of artistic possibility.


Hostel Colón is located in the in the historical, cultural and artistic centre of Antequera in Málaga, close to the best restaurants and bars.


The setting of Fitzgerald’s novel — the Roaring Twenties, specifically the summer of 1922 in Long Island and Manhattan — appears to be a perfect fit for Luhrmann’s artistic sensibilities, which cry out for opportunities to display exquisite beauty and to showcase an exuberant color palette.


Its artistic director is Franklin Sirmans, department head and curator of contemporary art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA).


Materials should be relevant to today’s world and represent artistic, historic and literary qualities.


That Veronese was the Ai Weiwei of his time — and the first artist to stand up for artistic freedom (after being hauled before the Inquisition, no less)


The birthplace of some of Europe’s most revered culinary, artistic, and musical traditions — book with us and get the best rates at the finest hotels in Campania, along with VIP upgrades and services.


Extroverted artistic types might consider organizing a public event like an art show or artist discussion series as a way to share the work of emerging artists, support community, and build up their experience in the art world.


Just 3 km out of town, the trail was created to offer visitors a first-hand glimpse into this energic community and allow you to delve straight into the heart of the community’s artistic centre.


This dress has fun, unique and artistic covered.


«I came into my own as an artist when I was in college, so I look forward to learning from and with Barnard students as they are developing their artistic voices.»


Though narratively somewhat conventional, the movie is thematically stirring and an artistic triumph.


• You’re within walking distance to cafes, restaurants, antique stores and supermarkets • Enjoy some peace at the outdoor marble paved courtyard with covered pergola • Beautiful period-style furniture, some crafted by the artistic owner


Just touching the subtly imperfect oval shape of the earthenware ceramic bowl reveals its handmade, artistic quality.


Better known as one of the leading gallerists of the twentieth century, showing artists such as Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock and Barnett Newman, Betty Parsons (who showed Sterne at her gallery in 1943) was also an abstract painter and sculptor who maintained a rigorous artistic practice.


His work is known by its great artistic freedom as he uses unquestionable technical skills as well as a thorough carefulness while acting out a respectful disrespect for the various stylistic traditions and conventions of traditional painting.


«I do think there is an important artistic component in what we do,» he said.


Seed writes: «The works Diebenkorn made during his years in Berkeley reflect his artistic dialogues with Edward Hopper, Northern Expressionism, the work of Bay Area colleagues and the French lineage represented by Cezanne, Matisse and Bonnard.


The Arnhem, Netherlands-based artist is well known for his artistic video productions, photographs, sculptures and installations.


SOLO SHOW is at the same time a solo show and its own deconstruction, which analyses the real meaning of this exhibition format within the context of the contemporary artistic practices and their contradictory relation to the institutional framework as well to the art market strategies.


We are capable of writing university essay concerning any supposable subject, be it scientific, artistic or education-related.


Using colored vinyl, leather, denim, and polyester grounds, she alludes to her own physicality while pondering the nature of artistic production itself.


While Parisian artistic developments influenced his aesthetic, Storrs continued to be drawn to a particularly American subject: the iconic skyscraper.


Our entire community is committed to cultivating each student’s unique talents and passions, providing myriad opportunities for students to discern and realize their individual intellectual, artistic, athletic, social, and spiritual potential.


Additionally, the home features Wi-Fi and is surrounded by manicured tropical gardens attended by the estate’s artistic gardener.


It seemed that dedication to bible study and prayer and good works was acceptable and held up in high esteem, but not dedication and passion towards artistic expression.


«It also focuses on the change in Kusama’s artistic practice when she returned to Japan in the early 1970s.»


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