Use the word artist in a sentence

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1 Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist

2 An artist lives everywhere.

3 No artist of performer can entirely escape the lure of fame and its promise of endless admiration and respect, but there is a heavy price one must pay for it. 

4 The artist limned a good likeness of his wife.

5 The artist looked at her with scorn.

6 This is clearly the work of a superior artist.

7 The artist brought his paints with him.

8 He earned a precarious living as an artist.

9 An artist sculpted a full-size replica of her head.

10 She is really a fine artist.

11 He’s a real con artist .

12 Each poster is signed by the artist.

13 He is cut out for an artist.

14 The artist is picking in shadows in the picture.

15 The artist drew the scene from memory.

16 He is a promising artist.

17 Hodges wrote an unofficial biography of the artist.

18 Constable was a great English artist.

19 He has become celebrated as an artist.

20 The artist retouched the painting several times.

21 He is an artist to his fingertips.

22 The artist depicted him strolling through a garden.

23 He is a known artist.

24 The young artist showed me his recent canvases.

25 The artist depicted them strolling through a park.

26 The artist had depicted her lying naked on a bed.

27 She’s commissioned an artist to paint her portrait/paint a portrait of her.

28 She came to national prominence as an artist in the 1960s.

29 She wanted a famous artist to paint her picture .

30 Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration for an artist.

More similar words: artistic, expertise, advertising, advertisement, partial, article, scientist, artifact, partially, particle, statistics, that is to say, statistical, take part in, particular, artificial, articulate, participant, participate, in particular, particularly, participation, tissue, as it is, that is, British, antiseptic, what is more, chastisement, portion. 

artist (n): someone who paints, draws, or makes sculptures

Use “artist” in a sentence

He is a talented artist.
The artists are living in reduced circumstances.
She is a well-known tattoo artist.
He is an unknown artist.
Whoever made this cake is a real artist.

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Short & Simple Example Sentence For Artist | Artist Sentence

  • I thought you were too much of an artist for that.
  • The artist laughed indulgently.
  • The artist has not done justice to it.
  • The artist stood up from his paintbox.
  • An artist revealed it to me this year.
  • That artist excels in his pictures of the lion.
  • The studio in which the artist worked was very interesting.
  • The child artist drew pictures of all these animals.
  • To achieve this, the artist starved himself to death.
  • As an artist I could not but admire it.
  • The artist stared at Hubert a long time in silence.
  • Model dog of the artist Collins, 96, 97.
  • To her, Jimmie the artist was more than Jimmie the lover.
  • He’s such an artist about everything!
  • Joan was enough of an artist to do whatever she did with a certain finish.
  • The great artist himself deigns to contemplate the finished work.
  • The artist who painted this picture was a great friend of dogs.
  • The wax figures of that celebrated artist had made a deep impression upon him.
  • The designer must be a utilitarian, but he must be an artist also.
  • A great artist has painted a beautiful picture of one of these noble animals.
  • Never saw an artist yet that could think on straight lines,» he grumbled.

How To Use Artist In A Sentence?

  • He had been engaged by a great artist to sit to him as a model, and to no other.
  • The only thing that calms the great artist is the arrival of one of her favorite actresses.
  • The first question about the angler was, whether he was a skilled artist or unskilled?
  • People kept their pockets buttoned, and even the renowned artist could not open them.
  • To this home came many poor people, whom the great artist was always glad to help.
  • He was known as a clever artist and sculptor, but his best work is the two poem; here quoted.
  • The artist was much pleased to renew his acquaintance with Thompson, to whom he had taken a fancy.
  • Hubert admitted that there seemed to be an injustice somewhere, and asked the artist if he had never tried again.
  • Frequently the designs are rather ornaments to the page than illustrations of the poem, and in this we think the artist is to be commended.
  • The true artist thinks less of the costliness of the material of which he forms his works than of the art-effect produced.
  • The object of art is the giving of pleasure; the mission of the artist is that of giving ennobling pleasure.
  • The artist turned from his easel with a natural movement, and then in a flash had captured the doctor by the coat collar.
  • The pictorial artist frames his picture with gold because it, being a neutral, does not interfere with the tints of his work.
  • The former showed himself to be an artist of the first rank, while the latter proved itself fully deserving of its high reputation.
  • Kendall, you will never be a great artist if your mind is so set on your food,» she said severely.
  • The absence of a woman’s hand in the household arrangements had been keenly felt by the artist since his wife’s death.
  • Only the greatest of artists could cope with such a task, though that artist may be found perhaps classed among the historians.
  • Then an artist came into the neighbourhood, the two became friends, and went together on a long sketching tour.
  • For all the simplicity of the air and accompaniment, it was an artist who sang, and he sang in Russian.

Definition of Artist

(archaic) Artistic. | A person who creates art. | A person who is skilled at some activity.

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Artist sentence in english

Travis may have been the best tattoo artist in Ireland, if not all of Western Europe, but he didn’t come close to the skill of this man, at least not when it came to ritual Sak Yant; sacred skin art, Thai style

Only that Travis was his close friend and colleague, because his need was so great and out of respect for Travis’ skill as an artist would he perform this ritual

The artist was wiry, gangly, far too long for his trade but expertly hunched over his client

He hadn’t trained in a long time but he could still recognize the physical confidence in another accomplished martial artist

He was a martial artist, a champion, no-one could beat him

yet, you are also an artist, aren’t you?”

She introduced me to three plump and gauky guys as an author and an artist, then we did the round of the offices once again, I had to shake hands and smiles with all those astonished people, once again we arrested everybody’s attention

He explained to Andrew that he was an artist, that he had seen the battle, all of it

Above the massive fireplace that occupied one whole wall, was a portrait of Lord Boras in his youth, an imposing figure even then; the artist capturing the darkness in his eye

‘The artist would also have to be a starving young man with long hair and cruel parents who have thrown him out to make his way in the world

It is as though an artist has painted gloriously surreal blue as far as the eye can see, then taken a brush, loaded it with most brilliant reds and pinks on his palette and streaked it across the lot

” Harold answered with a smile, “Magic, of course!” The rest of their party laughed, and Mandy realized she had asked what he could not answer; like asking a tightrope artist how they got from one end of the high wire to the other

One very renowned artist was an artist by the name of Ted DeGrazia

She flipped the pages to a passage called, “A Living Poem” on Creating an autonomous poem that had a life of its own, With a quote by the master artist Katsushika Hokusai:

How to be an artist in such a way that your actions Are not repeated: this will happen, “Nevermore

Would the best artist be…

this the object of her long and desolate ordeal? She felt a strange connection to this brilliant artist

A martial artist is a light that provides the darkness with purpose

At started my working career as a commercial artist

Unlike my work as an artist, my work in finance and writing has never stopped engaging me fully

martial artist and we’ll review the reasons why some life actions were separated from Zen and

Or he could be mistaken for a mime artist ‘leaning into the wind’

Every single person is akin to an artist collectively painting a huge portrait entitled ‘humanity’

But Deanna didn’t care; she wanted to be an artist

The beauty of red poppies and yellow and white daisies looked like an artist had been at work with his paints and brushes on a giant canvas

Streaks of pink, gray and silver looked like a master artist had swiped his brush across the sky as the end of day neared

Also, if the Earth was not to be empty before God started describing his creative work to us, would there be any sense in describing it at all, if we assume that it should all have happened on the first day? To demonstrate this more clearly: When an artist describes how he goes about creating a painting, we would not find it strange that he would start by telling us that he would need a clean canvas mounted on an easel

valley to the mouth of the tunnel, undressing her, caressing her, a master artist, a phallic Hogarth, creating Sharon’s body, her pleasure, with a

skeleton of the sculpture a depressed artist made with leather stretched over it

He was watching Jack and the little pavement artist, but without looking in their direction

Could it possibly be due to the fact that, a few years prior to that special election, his shakedown — artist father managed to extort from the prior owners, a good share of the Chicago beer distribution rights for Jesse, Jr

Sure, it’s hot in La Paz as it is in most of the Baja at times, but it’s generally milder than it is in Cabo, the artist colony of Todos Santos, or many other settlements

Indeed, Monty was an artist and Nathan didn’t know much about art, but he knew good art when he saw it

The artist merely turned around and stared out the window; Dorro understood this as his cue to leave

Maldynado’s chin dropped, and he addressed the artist

When this was done by Glackens the artist and two troopers, Ricketts consented to be carried out of range

The Artist as Healer of the World

She is here to activate change as a prolific Visionary Artist, Psychic -intuitive

The older was an artist, painter and sculptor, and the younger one, with whom she fell in love, could hardly speak a word of Polish

She constantly wonders where this struggling artist gets

I heard that he’s a struggling music artist

They tried to visit Alex who’s still a struggling artist at that time and

The man was an artist – an expensive, gay, talkative and overly emotional artist, but, she insisted, every penny was well spent

He’s insisting on talking to a police artist

But without a decisive loss and harsh peace imposed by the Allies, the Nazis do not arise, and Hitler likely remains an obscure failed artist

painting by the same artist entitled, Reflections from the Shadow Spirit

On the open side, a wide vista of Lake Nicaragua greeted his eyes, reflecting from its tranquil surface a sky seemingly created by an artist gone mad with the warm hues of his palette, while the sun slipped behind a conical volcano

This particular artist had been recommended to him on more than one occasion as professional and cautious

He said that he thought you might be a cheap Canadian scam artist down here on a vacation

Further, if the artist is master of the technique of his

Art is a way of life for the artist, for his

That person sold it to a local artist who used it as his home and studio

It is estimated that the whole project will take the best part of 100 years to complete so is quite some undertaking and completion will not be seen out by its creator, artist Ajarn Chalermchai, as he is now 50

tells me you are a rap artist

soft! Now, what other rap artist do you know out there provides that angle, that

This will oblige the poor artist to walk away, sabotaging the deal

Marié, a loving, spirited woman, an artist, listened intently to my account of the lady being left to die alone

Here is another artist impression of the god Molech or Milcom

Here is a last portrayal of an artist impression

Culture will affect the individual style of expressing emotions, the poet can express emotion in the form of poetry, religion will be in the form of religious emotion, the artist can express emotion in the form of art

I noticed that George had been added and was impressed that the artist had been able to capture his annoying smirk perfectly

The dinner was excellent; her cook was clearly an artist

“He is indeed a great artist, but he is too trusting

“I am an artist

While the artist, whose name turned out to be Citlalatonac, made friends with the bemused Cimnashote, I made the rounds of the merchants

“I guess I should get used to that, having an artist as a girlfriend

artist providing theater cards and lobby

To them music, art, poetry, novels, paintings of things the artist has never seen, but only imagined; none of this would exist

If the destruction of words in the schools and elsewhere, and of the concepts constructed with words, are insufficient to undermine a civilization, there are always available the rhythm of music and the graphic images of the artist to lend assistance

The stated avant aim is to release the viewer to join the artist in expression of a new and more liberating freedom

The artist and the intellectual can often be found in close kinship in the “anti” world of disbelief

Like the artist, the intellectual seeks stimulation and excitement in a dull life

When art proceeds from a mold of hatred and rejection of the society in which the artist lives, artistic expression tends to become banal soup cans or incomprehensible abstraction

The Italian artist Piero Manzoni enjoyed his vino to excess

He chose what might be called the essence of his worldly efforts, that which his bodily functions had worked for all it was worth, and which the artist was now willing to expel unto eternity

So ubiquitous does D’Souza find adulation of art and the artist that he suggests art has replaced (conventional) religion as the most significant cultural institution in America

The new morality is based on passion, feeling, and self-identification that seem to find their most congenial manifestation in the work of the artist

Whereas art was once admired for its fidelity to nature, D’Souza declares that art is now admired for its fidelity to the “‘inner nature’ of the artist

Who is to say whether a piece of art is faithful to the inner nature of the artist? The old conundrum was, does art imitate nature, or does nature imitate art? The question now becomes whether art imitates an infinite number of inner natures, and whether society, through its individual constituents, imitates art

Both the artist and those who think the stuff worth considering risk embalming their minds at the pubescent level

E: No, it does not affect the company’s reputation but because My Company is dealing with arts, our company requested an artist

Q: Yes, if one is an artist

The studio, while not large enough for her to move into completely, was perfect for her needs as an artist

David was the artist and the camera man and he handled the legal filming, and spent more time in his darkroom and computer handling film

It was true when he told that artist Libby that he did not need the money

She was a natural artist

On the other hand, the “botillo”, strong and delicious “berciano” dish, palpitates in the world of the arts, for it has inspired and continues to inspire the artist

Gilbert, had the artist been more subtle with their technique, it wouldn’t have translated as well

God, the «Artist«, created the universe

perfect then it’s useless’ can stop you fulfilling your potential as an artist

No artist had cleaned up the image

the sky would become a color that an artist would have

Ken looked at this “cunning’st pattern of excelling nature” as an artist might look at a fine painting and was glad that this privilege cost him nothing

realizing that I was an artist

What kind of artist, I had not figured

artist of true ilk as in cast in the mould as if he is a new

actress who played artist Pollack’s mistress

He is truly a great artist at the task

As a feature in the issue, they even hired an artist to illustrate, cartoon style, the events that led up to my Cornell demise

  • Use the word Artist in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Klein came back to his native New York in 1954 after a six year sabbatical in Paris where he trained as an artist, but this was no prodigal’s return in sackcloth and ashes.

But then as I started seriously working as an artist, travelling was essential, so I was continuously driving back and forth on US 66 between here and Oklahoma when I would take all these gasoline stations.

Daly: During the blind auditions, dance-pop artist casey desmond, Who designs all of her own clothes,

Daly: Christina and her advisor, recording artist sia, Meet with cherie and lily to prep for their upcoming battle.

Emily and curtis rehearse with cee lo And grammy-winning recording artist monica.

Emily: Curtis is an amazing artist. He’s got an incredible, soulful voice,

«He probably is a con artist

Mozart, life, love and suffering An artist‘s life

Little Wolfgang exhibited very early the talent of a great artist.

The fantasy of that curious artist, a famous clown, an academic, a former minister a boxer, an industrialist, and a poet come together here pell-mell

This announcement, and the strange maneuvers precipitated it, would have upset certain rivals of the ambitious artist.

A young engineer commits suicide for an artist.

Do not forget that you are an artist, your public life is not yours.

Georges Barsac, talented artist … but ignored by the directors.

But you’ve got the makings of a great artist.

Have you ever seen an artist‘s studio?

Dedicated to the great man and artist Heinrich Zille

(Heinrich Zille) (German graphic artist (1858 — 1929))

They’ll say you’re a great artist.

I said you were a great artist.

You may still be a great artist. Where is this picture?

That’s the artist‘s privilege.

He said he was an artist and wanted me to pose for him.

Is it customary for an artist to purchase the wardrobe of his model?

You aren’t falling for this artist guy, are you?

Seems he’s a friend of this artist guy and he don’t wanna let on he’s competition.

You and the artist, me and Standish.

Private secretary wanted for lady artist

An artist has to be very careful at that moment.

In the play, Tilla plays an artist who hurries from success to success, is adored by the public and celebrated, and one day she falls in love with some poor devil.

She’s an artist, she needs luxury, riches, success, all sorts of things the man can’t offer her. You understand that, don’t you, Herr Weidenau? She’s an artist like…

The characters in your new play, the lady artist and the young man, bear no resemblance to…

All the ladies will envy you and say, «Who is this great artist: «Who can make a woman look as beautiful as that?

You impressed me both as an artist and as a man.

Well, you may question my taste, but as an artist, you’ll understand my temptation.

In my life as an artist

At the Baring trial these last few days, you made a strong impression as a man and as an artist.

My taste may surprise you. But as an artist, you’ll understand what tempted me.

I’m curious how good a trapeze artist is at playing comedy.

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