Use the word arrived in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word arrived, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use arrived in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «arrived».

Arrived in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word arrived in a sentence.

  1. It arrived there at 4 p.m.

  2. Our final day has arrived.

  3. The four judges arrived at St.

  4. He arrived in Cairo on 21 May.

  5. The pair arrived on 28 August.

  6. It arrived in the UK in August.

  7. A dentist arrived in March 1944.

  8. Tindal had arrived to inspect No.

  9. Thomas arrived in early December.

  10. In 1971, his first foals arrived.

  11. The task force arrived at Pearl Harbor on 26 March.

  12. The series arrived in Philadelphia in January 1943.

  13. My dear General.I arrived at this Post this moment.

  14. His group arrived, unexpectedly, at Montagu’s rear.

  15. Conwell arrived in Philadelphia on 2 December 1820.

  16. In 1935 he first arrived at Bimini, where he spent a considerable amount of time.

  17. Settlers arrived by 1770, but fled in 1778 during the American Revolutionary War.

  18. She arrived off Greenock on 26 October and was docked at Liverpool on 1 November.

  19. He arrived in Le Havre, where he shared cramped quarters under meager conditions.

  20. On 14 June, Fusō returned to Yokosuka and arrived back at Hashirajima on 24 June.

  21. The ship arrived at Sydney on 18 September and began a leisurely refit that lasted until 15 November.

  22. Apart from Flying Officer Butch, the witnesses were strangers; Kay arrived alone, and no-one from No.

  23. After leaving Brest the army arrived at A Coruña, and went on to bring Galicia under English control.

  24. Gaulois arrived without further incident at Toulon on 16 April and entered drydock the following day.

  25. The rest of the party, who had by then arrived in a hired coach and chaise, were similarly surprised.

  26. Schurz’s brigade arrived first, and he ordered them to take up defensive positions north of the town.

  27. Paramedics received a 911 call at 12:22 pm Pacific time (19:22 UTC), and arrived three minutes later.

  28. During the six weeks before Henry arrived, the archbishop had little difficulty in keeping the peace.

  29. Boué de Lapeyrère transferred his flag to Jean Bart’s newly arrived sister Paris on 11 September.

  30. The committee decided to head for Odessa flying a red flag and arrived there later that day at 22:00.

  31. Mains electricity arrived on Shapinsay in the 1970s, when an underwater cable was laid from Kirkwall.

  32. The next year, Italian imports arrived in the US, including three additional sire lines and two cows.

  33. However, the Clément-Bayard No.2, sponsored by The Daily Mail, arrived in England on 16 October 1910.

  34. On December 7, government forces arrived at Montgomery’s Tavern and fired towards the rebel position.

  35. On 28 October the four ships arrived in Putzig Wiek, and from there steamed to Arensburg on the 29th.

  36. In May 1944, the Imperial Japanese Army’s 32nd Division arrived at Halmahera to defend the island and its nine airstrips.

  37. Consequently, the committee arrived in March to investigate the college, and was escorted around the premises by Mulledy.

  38. Patton arrived at the hospital the same day, accompanied by a number of medical officers, as part of his tour of the U.S.

  39. When Jeanne arrived in Paris to buy clothes for the wedding, she was taken ill and died on 9 June 1572, aged forty-three.

  40. Shortly after Marlborough landed in the Dutch Republic on 14 April, news arrived of big Allied setbacks in the wider war.

  41. The ships arrived in New York on 24 September, remained there until 9 October, and arrived back in Germany on 22 October.

  42. In 1809 John Palmer Parker arrived and befriended Kamehameha I, who put him in charge of cattle management on the island.

  43. When the AI team arrived on 5 November 1939, they found themselves being housed in a disused hangar with no office space.

  44. Mackintosh arrived in Australia in October 1914 to take up his duties, and was immediately faced with major difficulties.

  45. The Recruits Training Depot and a detachment of the RAF Depot from RAF Halton arrived in August 1919, merging to form No.

  46. Subsequent measurement attempts arrived at values ranging from 2,500 to 6,000 km, or from slightly smaller than the Moon (3,474.2 km) to nearly half the diameter of Earth.

  47. The ships arrived in the new naval depot in Geestemünde in mid-July, by which time the Austro-Prussian War had broken out and had been decided at the Battle of Königgrätz.

  48. The episode was filmed mostly in sequence, meaning more actors arrived as the filming continued, reflecting the fact that more characters arrive as the episode progresses.

  49. Hiryū and the other carriers arrived at Staring Bay on Celebes Island on 21 February to resupply and rest before departing four days later to support the invasion of Java.

  50. In June 1955 the Daily Express journalist and reviewer Nancy Spain, accompanied by her friend Lord Noel-Buxton, arrived uninvited at Piers Court and demanded an interview.

General information about «arrived» example sentences

The example sentences for the word arrived that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «arrived» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «arrived».

When He arrived there, God appeared unto him

However, when He arrived where

Next, two elderly gentleman arrived – one appeared to be the others

I arrived here about 55,35,30

When this woman arrived where Jesus sat, she poured

It’s standard procedure and one can never be too careful with a child that arrived a month premature

» Athnu had been giving him the usual ‘how do we know you?’ interrogation until she arrived

to form the dish arrived with two forks, watermelon and grapes

property when you arrived at this

Bronner arrived in the States in 1929, and bounced between soap consulting jobs for various companies

They arrived at Taktor’s gate

Either the mystery man had been well secured before being murdered, or he was long dead before he arrived in Sunnyvale

I arrived a few years later by which time Dad had got himself a reputation as a reliable maths teacher and, when I was seven, we moved down to Plymouth

’ I told my son when he arrived at the house just after five fifteen, complaining bitterly about a hold up on the motorway which had kept him stationary for over half an hour

She squeezed her eyes shut together and wished, but no data at all arrived

A very short hour later my wife and daughter arrived home

millennium or two of orbital time Smith arrived at a conclusion

There was radio contact between Earth and Kassidor for almost a generation, but it stopped about the time they would have arrived home

«And there was never enough time to search it all by hand before security arrived

I made an educated guess for the number of blocks missing because of the door itself and so arrived at a number

A little later, Zisis arrived home

» Horcheese had arrived

When I explained to the telephone operator what I wanted, she just hang up to me! Nevertheless, whenever old-Zarifis calls them for the same reason, the police arrive here in no time so as to restore peace and quiet! When my sister threw a party some months ago, the old man called the police as soon as the clock struck midnight and they arrived five minutes later

Ignoring persistently a strong heartbeat and an inner voice crying “Don’t go!”, I arrived at St

Surprisingly, the next time I call at Betty’s house, she’s not only in (a rarity as she’s usually got the early bus somewhere) but she invites me in for a cup of tea – the first time since Brenda and I called when I first arrived here

As soon as I arrived at the gym this afternoon, I noticed a white card on the reception desk saying “Massage from Themis

They would continue to decelerate and by the time they arrived, the asteroid would have already impacted

As I was informed by an advertisement posted up all over the city of Athens, a famous lama has just arrived in Greece

The next morning my guards arrived mob-handed

Then the next spring arrived and word came that she was applying for the teaching position at the school

We arrived in Athens at 8:30 in the evening

It was late in the afternoon when we arrived at our hotel at Kryoneri: I sighed in disappointment as soon as I found out how small, noisy, isolated and miserable it is — nothing to do with the hotel we had seen on the leaflet

The second note, which arrived a few days later, read:

With every move the record of our days started all over again, and we could never be quite sure, once we arrived at a new place of incarceration, that we could remember the previous count at all accurately

Before the guards arrived for morning ablutions he outlined his approach to me

They arrived to find Ernesto abed with a brain infection

Once the physician arrived, they didn’t stay

He was a little queasy about these computer programs claiming to be people for they had not existed outside Asia till he arrived at 61 Cygni, even though they were of Earth

«They now call electronics ‘Yingolian crystals’ and its widespread use began when our ship arrived,» Herndon told her, «though it really had more to do with your friend’s sister

Since they arrived, a very thin coating of fine dust had settled on the ship

When he arrived in the city, he was pleased to find something positive

Their meal arrived, berry pancakes and bacon strips was what he called it, here the slang translated literally to ‘patters and toast

Kara closed her eyes … she’d been in London … Doris fussing about taxis … then she’d got on the train at Paddington and arrived some hours later exhilarated by her journey, head stuffed with images of this England so different from her own … Taunton, she’d gone to Taunton

The policeman who’d been here when she arrived had implied that it was more attempted murder than a mugging … seemed to think that she’d been deliberately left on the railway line

Zareide was quite as welcoming as she had been earlier; she even tried to send Kara away before the kaht arrived

When Son arrived in the Land of Mortality the oracle told him what had

’ She said fervently, as the waitress arrived with their food order

‘I’ve just arrived in Bristol and wanted to catch you before you went out anywhere

The sun had appeared by the time Kara and Iain arrived in the seaside town of Weston-super-Mare

A letter arrived at my mother’s full of blame and resignation

She hadn’t noticed, but days had passed, a message from her avatar arrived

The usherfolk and his colleagues moved off and presently arrived

Realising we have arrived, my gg just stands

When Cosmicblasto arrived back at the bakery

When Wiesse arrived, she’d been pathetically relieved to see him … handing over responsibility for my welfare to her brother gratefully

He had discovered Jake one week after he arrived at the camp

A few moments late, Alderfolk Pottypears arrived at the steps of

surprise of his life when the Queen of Jodechi arrived

At four in the morning it was like waking into a dream and no sooner was I through customs and onto the concourse that I tried to let Auntie know I’d arrived safely but in between the crackles on the mobile I couldn’t get a word in edgeways

I’d already arrived at this conclusion before that happened … in fact I talked to Joris about it

The dipsticks from the terminus had arrived and moved to a table in the corner, sitting in silence and pretending to watch the view through their shades

When they arrived at the station the family went straight through to the main concourse and found a vacant wooden bench that wasn’t covered in too many pigeon droppings

Pantelis rushed to be by her side from somewhere abroad, but she died before he arrived

There was an awful scene back at the family home when Kirk and Ruby arrived in the back of a police car

True to her husband’s word, a man arrived on the doorstep early the next morning and deposited a number of cardboard boxes in the hallway

By nine o’clock Cyberia had nearly sold out her stock and was looking forward to the little luxury that might be afforded by way of a bacon butty and a polystyrene mug of tea, when her husband arrived pushing an old pram full of soiled tee-shirts and builders’ low slung jeans

By the time the cops arrived I was on the ground sobbing

The ambulance arrived as I was starting to get aggravated from the police hovering over me like ignorant waste

When he arrived he saw Steve and Michael and Jerry at a table and joined them

‘At any rate, by the time I left, the mother was crying with her husband – when I arrived they were hardly speaking to each other

Collin arrived at Dragons Hill before the Big Black and his group

The soldier decided that he’d better do as she said, if only to keep her under surveillance until the search party arrived from the hospital armed with really strong sedatives and a straightjacket

No, the crystal contaminated by his hack that had been left behind at 61 Cygni had somehow taken over the Brazilian expedition when they arrived

One day, attracted by the unrivalled opportunities being offered to skilled people by this new broom sweeping through government’s old and crusty cobwebs of social patronage, two provincial public relations specialists arrived in the city determined to make their fortunes

Tentative battle plans were drawn that would be put into play when they arrived

We have arrived Master James, Daowyn announced

When you arrived at our camp, it was obvious that you and Valotin were both in great pain

The next morning the doctor arrived in the town for the women’s check-ups

He’d duly arrived and we’d settled ourselves in the dining room where he proceeded to read through all the papers sent by David’s solicitor

Here was the linchpin of the community, his face the colour of shiny cherries, announcing to the entire mountain community that the mail had arrived on time and he was ready for business

He was being busy and I would have to wait — just as I did when we arrived in his van

Within an hour there arrived a facsimile copy of a receipt, which clearly showed that the tomatoes had been sold to him by the gardener at Watersmeat Manor

«She left this universe before I arrived

Rayne was already there when he arrived

At eye level, through a well-worn avenue between some old twisted trees, we could see the flat of a beach and we knew we had arrived

It was pretty run down and needed a lot doing to it but we had it mostly done by the time Katie arrived

What could be better? The young man and his adoring wife immediately flew to Hollywood and as soon as they arrived they telephoned the film star’s agent, who happily arranged dinner for the four of them at a swanky restaurant on the strip

Before I’d arrived, he had given Irene his list of these evil thieves translated into Classical Greek with instructions for her to inscribe it onto an amphora, to cast it in her kiln and to take it with Agni to the Archaeological Museum in Athens

‘I’m glad that’s over though, it was not at all amusing when I arrived at the hall

when we arrived all we found were large rocks swirling about; it had been totally destroyed

Lord Duncan and Rayne were coming down the stairs when he arrived

Lord Tarak explained that they had arrived just weeks before the start of the winter cycle

The ball arrived, Ali whacked it hard

Naria and her troops had arrived too late to help them

She was there waiting, when a surprised Altera arrived

What if Alfred had been right and they should have stayed and studied the planet at 61 Cygni until the next expedition arrived? True it wasn’t the wonder Alan had imagined, but it was still the only place outside Earth where macroscopic biology had been discovered

«Sir, I think the possibility exists that this agent that arrived by Thom’s condensate transported Alan to the distant site in his universe,» Glayet said

When the little man arrived the next morning

The first customer of the great Indian Cricket Season had arrived

The storm was coming in she explained, and she wanted to be in her own home when it arrived

Definition of Arrived

reached a place or stage

Examples of Arrived in a sentence

Set staff was irritated that the always late actress arrived on scene two hours after everyone else.


A package arrived in the mail today, but we aren’t sure who sent it to the house.


The plane arrived right on time, making its land at the airport at exactly 11:52 a.m.




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  • Use the word arrived in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I just received news that your father has arrived at the hotel.

And my wife and I arrived home about the same time.

Than Ibrahim and Izedin arrived and they brought peace offer.

Coke Ennyday arrived at the scene of action.

More and more visitors arrived.

Gesellius and Magdalena arrived in Europe

«I know of the case— you arrived alone.»

Lady Anne Boleyn has arrived.

«Shortly before you arrived, I received a call from the Pinkerton Detective Agency.

Why hasn’t Gustavsson arrived with David Holm?»

«So, I arrived before Father Faramund, who was also expected at the castle!» Thus I came to the castle to await Father Faramund!»

Red Army soldier Gusev arrived from the front for recuperation.

Comrade Tuskubov, allow me, by my mandate, to arrest the criminal Los who arrived in your territory.

One morning, a month later, Mr. West arrived in the Bolshevik capital.

On the day before summer solstice the Nibelungen arrived at Attilla’s court.

The Nibelungen treasure has arrived!

Marie has not yet arrived with the margarine.

At the same time as these events At #7 Melchior St. Mr. Alonso Canez de Valparaiso arrived at the Hotel Carlton.

The following afternoon. the first tenant arrived at the Rumfort home.

Exhausted and footweary, they arrived at the cabin.

Your dying thought! I only thought of you two. We’ve arrived.

Through the hour for the reception had arrived Mrs. Erlynne still waited for her invitation card.

The sealed map we promised Challenger to not open untill we arrived here is only a blank page.

Heizaburo tried his best to break it up, but in no time at all the police arrived.

«Your schoolboy admirer has arrived

produced almost half his work before the talkies arrived.

The summer has arrived and the crops are ripe— the fruit of honest labour.

«Your wife says that her cousin has arrived

I was supposed to meet Dora here, but she has never arrived.

ÔÇô The person who has connections in the well-known department has arrived.

The chaplain’s friend, the penitent monk, arrived at Edm├®e’s bedside as usual.

┬íUncle Fiodor’s just arrived!

My dear deceased’s last desire Tibby, was that arrived the moment… he/she took another… but her he/she didn’t mention any name

Don Wilson arrived at stardom with both feet, so the shock didn’t go to his head…

Lieutenant, reinforcements have just arrived back to Germany via Holland… a round trip!

«My luggage hasn’t arrived yet.»

arrived at the post, at «Volynskyi».

Ha arrived somebody from its town.

Have you thought, stupid, what was waiting for you when you arrived?

The day of glory has arrived

arrived in time to reform forces. —

Captain Spaulding has arrived.

Friends, Captain Spaulding has arrived.

From climates hot and scalding, the Captain has arrived.

No, my time ain’t arrived yet, Flack.

A sentence using the word arrived. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use arrived in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for arrived.

  • At last her chance arrived. (10)
  • They arrived soon after ten. (8)
  • About the hour of ten Evan arrived. (10)
  • To proceed: the dinner hour arrived. (10)
  • Professor Crooklyn arrived after all! (10)
  • We arrived in London night before last. (14)
  • We had arrived; already they were there. (8)
  • At the end of five days the answer arrived. (6)
  • While we were conversing my father arrived. (10)
  • It was late at night when I arrived in London. (6)
  • Mr. De Courcy arrived just when he should not. (4)
  • Your letter and I arrived here together last night. (14)
  • The consolation she arrived at was to feel maternal. (10)
  • A letter arrived for you from High Brent this morning. (10)
  • And Captain Baskelett had arrived on a sudden, she said. (10)
  • They had arrived late in the dull, soft winter afternoon. (9)
  • When we first arrived I felt only the loveliness of the place. (9)
  • Whichever arrived first would settle the question of victory. (19)
  • Most cordially, when Miss Bates arrived, did she agree that it must. (4)
  • On the 1st June 1755 the English war-party arrived in Chignecto Bay. (19)
  • Now let me hear who they are, when you arrived, when you expect them. (10)
  • While he was penning his name De Harren arrived with his 200 bayonets. (19)
  • Nothing remained but the smouldering debris when he arrived in New York. (21)
  • They were taken far down by the rapid current, and arrived panting to land. (10)
  • When I arrived at the village of St. Jacques, the diligence had not come up. (6)
  • It was not arrived at by connivance all round, though there was a look of it. (10)
  • Arrived at the house, they saw several persons entering in haste and excitement. (1)
  • I had dined alone, because I arrived late; but at supper I found two other guests. (2)
  • Just then Marian Tweetyman arrived, followed almost immediately by young Nicholas. (8)
  • They arrived at the old house, and stood, listening, in the shadow of the doorway. (8)
  • He sat a moment after he arrived, as if to orient himself in respect to each of us. (9)
  • Mr. Tuckham arrived at Mount Laurels on the eve of the Nomination day in Bevisham. (10)
  • About a week after their arrival, it became certain that Willoughby was also arrived. (4)
  • They were to be married in a few months, and Graham, was in the House when we arrived. (4)
  • My lessons were intermittent Resident tutors arrived to instruct me, one after another. (10)
  • I was beginning to think my invitation to Dayton inexplicable, when that letter arrived. (10)
  • Arrived at the study, he inclined his head courteously enough, waiting for Fiorsen to speak. (8)
  • A week later he arrived (there was now a railway) and found Pippin waiting for him in a phaeton. (8)
  • Just then there arrived in Munich the Polish countess for whom he had copied the cycle of Luini. (12)
  • One day a letter arrived that gave her no joyful colouring, though it sent colour to her cheeks. (10)
  • She had been in bed when he arrived the night before, and he was therefore the newest thing about. (8)
  • Arrived at the skirts of Laach, they beheld two farmer peasants lashed back to back against a hazel. (10)
  • When Niels Heinrich arrived, Christian was just about to accompany the student Lamprecht for a walk. (12)
  • I arrived last night about five, had scarcely swallowed my dinner when Mainwaring made his appearance. (4)
  • I had been sent by General Hazen to that point and arrived in time to witness this formidable movement. (7)
  • Early in 1831, after giving concerts on the way, he arrived at Paris, which was henceforth to be his home. (3)
  • There were several hundred people present, but the king not having yet arrived, dancing had not commenced. (6)
  • They arrived at the flat without having done more than agree that the streets were dark, and the moon bright. (8)
  • Arrived in town, he ran over the headings of his letters, in no degree anxious for a communication from Wales. (10)
  • News arrived in 1697 of the signing of the peace at Ryswick between the warring kingdoms of England and France. (19)
  • He arrived at Liverpool on a Thursday morning, and travelling to town, drove straight to the office of the company. (8)
  • When they arrived at the foot of the lane, mounting to the farm, Westover saw what changes had been made in the house. (9)
  • One morning a messenger arrived post-haste to tell him that the enemy in their ships were sailing up the St. Lawrence. (19)
  • At length the chaise arrived, the trunks were fastened on, the parcels placed within, and it was pronounced to be ready. (4)
  • Thence, Grub Street proceeds steadily uptown until, in the neighborhood of Central Park, it may be said to have arrived. (16)
  • In rude health and small omnibuses, with considerable colour in their cheeks, they arrived daily from the various termini. (8)
  • They arrived at their original destination, and the following day telegraphed for rooms at a hotel farther down the coast. (9)
  • Arrived on the grounds, they took opposite sides in a game of rounders, at that moment tossing heads or tails for innings. (10)
  • He struck his finger on the line marking the sum, repeating his demand; and at this moment Captain Bulsted and Julia arrived. (10)
  • The road along the Mimente is yet new, nor have the mountaineers recovered their surprise when the first cart arrived at Cassagnas. (2)
  • I was delighted that I had guessed their relative qualities so perfectly, and when we arrived at Mrs. March I glibly presented them. (9)
  • Not long ago there arrived on Park Row for the first time in his life a newspaper reporter of conspicuous ability along a certain line. (16)
  • Chariot and horsemen arrived at the Roebuck Arms, at the centre of the small town of Ashead, on the line from Steignton through Rowsley. (10)
  • When Barclugh arrived in sight of the inn he had visions of a square meal; for his ride since sunrise had aroused the demands of nature. (18)
  • While the fort was being continually recruited by survivors of the two wrecked ships, the other three French vessels had arrived on the scene. (19)
  • It was dark when they arrived; just their bedroom and two sitting-rooms had been made ready, with fires burning, though it was still high summer. (8)
  • Having arrived, he ran hastily up to the room, expecting to find the three; but Lady Charlotte was alone, sitting in her chair with knotted arms. (10)
  • No reply being sent, a second letter arrived, formal too, but pointing out his duty to succour his afflicted family, and furnishing a few tragic particulars. (10)

Also see sentences for: arrival, arrivals, arrive, arrives, arriving.

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