Use the word around in a sentence

around (adv, prep): in a position or direction surrounding, or in a direction going along the edge of or from one part to another (of); approximately

Use “around” in a sentence

He pretends to be enthusiastic when his boss is around.
He looks around nervously.
I wandered around for a while.
He entered the room and looked around.
The earth moves around the sun
I’m just looking around.
I lost my key somewhere around here.
Is there a post office around here?
Spring is around the corner.
I will show you around the town.
He anxiously looked around for her.

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Synonym: about, approximately, close to, just about, more or less, or so, roughly, round, some. Similar words: get around, go around, all around, revolve around, around the corner, round and round, round, ground. Meaning: [ə’raʊnd]  adv. 1. in the area or vicinity 2. by a circular or circuitous route 3. to or among many different places or in no particular direction 4. in a circle or circular motion 5. (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct 6. in or to a reversed position or direction 7. to a particular destination either specified or understood 8. all around or on all sides 9. in circumference 10. from beginning to end; throughout. 

1, Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. 

2, Why does nothing ever stay tidy around here?

3, She fastened the belt loosely around her waist.

4, Her hair whipped around her face in the wind.

5, Brash noisy journalists were crowding around the ambassador.

6, He had twined his chubby arms around Vincent’s neck.

7, The water eddied around in a whirlpool.

8, Around them the darkness was absolute, the silence oppressive.

9, My wallet must be around here somewhere.

10, You shouldn’t fool around with dangerous chemicals.

11, He got sick of hanging around waiting for me.

12, The skirt was too big around the waist.

13, The hands of the clock crept slowly around.

14, There’s a little gift shop around the corner.

15, These trousers are a bit tight around my waist.

16, For five weeks they zoomed around Europe.

17, Tell the boy to stop messing around upstairs.

18, She looked at the papers around her.

19, Since childhood,[] her life has revolved around tennis.

20, The children romped happily around/about in the garden.

21, His personal wealth is estimated at around $100 million.

22, He’s scouting about/around for somewhere better to live.

23, Glue the fabric around the window.

24, A typically-priced meal will be around $10.

25, The baby was wriggling around on my lap.

26, The offer was hedged around with conditions.

27, There were several kids lolling around outside the club.

28, The most normal and the most perfect human being is the one who most thoroughly addresses himself to the activity of his best powers,gives himself most thoroughly to the world around him,flings himself out into the midst of humanity,and is so preoccu pied by his own beneficent reaction on the world that he is practically unconscious of a sep arate existence… 

29, The first method for estimating the intellingence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. 

30, If we only had some God in the country’s laws, instead of beng in such a sweat to get him into the Constitution, it would be better all around

That’s because the more visual stimulus there is around us, the more our brains try to focus on all of it at once.


The value of the second-largest cryptocurrency in circulation is around $ 72 billion, challenging bitcoin in the past year.


«To Buffett’s way of thinking and many other like-minded value investors, an economic moat is some sort of competitive advantage that can not be breached, much like a medieval castle with a moat filled with alligators around it,» he said.


As students walk around their campuses this fall, they may notice that, regardless of their own team colors, bitcoin orange is all the rage.


I previously had around 25-30 percent of our net worth in this bucket.


«If we really can master driving in Pittsburgh, then we feel strongly that we have a good chance of mastering it in most other cities around the world.»


«Through painstaking analysis, they found that the juvenile disc around this star has also formed into concentric rings,» according to the ESO’s release, and with highly unusual symmetry.


Most tours cost around $ 40 (or $ 80 for a private run) and can be booked and paid for online.


Ahead of Thursday’s ECB meeting, there was a widespread consensus that Europe’s chief printing press supervisor would make up for the alleged «mistake» of under-delivering on monetary lunacy last time around.


The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP ®) designation has been around for more than 15 years.


To put that into perspective, that would mean growth of around 280 % from current levels.


Workfrom is a free website and app that shows you the best places around you to work remotely.


Futures have been around for centuries and offer a way to hedge against future downturns in the market while leveraging your capital today for larger returns than you’d be able to receive otherwise.


It sparked a personal journey and quest around a simple phrase that Dan discussed back then: identifying how customers buy.


But starting around 1990, she said,» (Women’s) economic status began to work pretty much like men’s economic status: The more education you have, the better economic prospects or careers you have, you are more likely to get and stay married.»


From what I have seen around me, whether or not you will tell people to f*ck off depends more on your personality/moral than your financial position.


Billions of consumer conversations are flying around social media every day.


Now, this is a bit like the system I was originally trading on Forex… those little moves around the top of each hour only lasted a very short time — they were impulses, not trends, so they were over within just a couple of minutes.


It’s a changed world — around 65 % of CMOs» number one responsibility is hitting revenue goals, versus a few years ago where the focus was on brand objectives.


Even though they’re not tied to an office, they still need to get away now and then, whether that means taking a walk around the neighborhood for five minutes or spending a few days of vacation time with family.


Better World Books started 10 years ago with a campus book drive and since then has grown to be a $ 63 million company that sells books online collected from about 4,000 libraries as well as campus book drives and book drop boxes in communities around the U.S. With each book sold, the company donates another, along with a portion of the sale, to one of its nonprofit literacy partners.


Stuff like that is what got me excited: the promise of a digital cash that wouldn’t lose value every year, that could not be censored, and that I could send nearly for free to anyone around the world that would eat the fiat monetary system.


Public recognition is thought to affect not only the recipient but those around them.


The devastation, which affected around 7 million people, displaced 2.1 million and killed 363, according to official figures.


(GCUC), recently forecasted that over five million people will be coworking in 30,432 spaces around the world by 2022.


«There are many places around to sit down, enjoy the view, and soak in French life and lots of things to do that are all within an hour drive or less.


Having said that, Musk has a pattern of moving money around his various imperial domains seemingly at will (see, e.g., the SpaceX bond matter) and otherwise engaging in conflict of interest transactions.


Correlations of daily movements between the euro and the Australian dollar have increased to around 0.75 from 0.25 early last year and an average of close to zero during the 1990s (Graph 21).


Automatic messages behave exactly like a manual message — you can edit their content, move around the calendar, change their profile, and so on.


To give clients around the world access to our best products and ideas, our investment teams are supported by a global platform that includes rigorous compliance and active risk management.


The year before that, though, politics mattered when the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union shook markets around the world.


We’ve also continued our ongoing engagement with regulators around the world.


Another compressed Japanese proxy season is just around the corner — what should shareholders expect?


Rakuten’s Graham Weldon tells Computerworld UK how the open source resources around Chef saw it win out


There is no economic law about the number of days the earth takes to go around the sun.


It was in the 1980s that stock markets around the world became deeply interconnected, with American companies increasingly searching for capital abroad and vice versa.


I would just add, the greater fool theory works when there are a lot of fools around.


It was around that time that I learned about Dividend Aristocrats and Dividend Champions when it all just made sense.


TA has a long and proud history of helping to scale growth companies around the world and it’s rewarding to help continue that tradition.


Perhaps a little too much information here but I do tend to bust my Tony Moly I’m Real Tea Tree Sheet Masks out around that time of the month — y» know when my skin is less than behaving.


Fortunately, nothing needed replacing around my home in the last few years and they just sit in a drawer.


«I would venture to say that there’s probably no infrastructure project in the history of the United States that’s been as politicized as this one, although I wasn’t around for the intercontinental railroad,» he quipped a couple of minutes later.


Food delivery giant Deliveroo uses Fountain to handle 10,000 applicants a week to staff its UK and Irish markets, and to expand around the globe.


She has built her brand around being her, even making herself the cover model to every edition of her magazine.


British oil companies with interests in the Falkland Islands suffered a blow on Tuesday when a U.N. commission said that the waters around the South Atlantic archipelago belong to Argentina.


If you know that a company’s earnings report is due in two days» time you can plan your analysis and trading activities around this.


The consequences from the shooting have reverberated far beyond school, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Fla., as schools around the nation closed Friday, or canceled activities after receiving threats.


Leading corporate and financial executives from around the world were present to accept their awards and honor other recipients.


However, if you plan to use your carrier for longer periods (for walks around the neighborhood or mal, for example) then you may want to consider one with a waist belt.


One of the ways we experience life is to compare ourselves with those around us.


Definition of Around

nearby; In the area

Examples of Around in a sentence

There is supposed to be a park around the corner, but we haven’t been able to find it.


Looking around the building, the burglar was looking for a way to break-in.


Several new shops are being built around the town square.


If you search around the far side of the bed, you might find your missing earring.


The lost puppy was last seen playing around a tree in my neighbor’s yard.


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Short & Simple Example Sentence For Around | Around Sentence

  • Everything around her is motionless.
  • The water lies around them on all sides.
  • Whilst she scratched we looked around us.
  • Plan a nice trip around the town.
  • I was dead sick of hanging around doing nothing.
  • With what mild and gentle eyes he looks around him!
  • His beard curls in little locks around his chin.
  • The Beg stares around him in terror.
  • Or The All Around Rivals of the School.
  • Whether they are large or small they have water entirely around them.
  • Everything around us is a type and symbol of our high destiny.
  • Others are so large that it would take days to travel around them.
  • Sometimes a piece of land has water flowing only part way around it.
  • All around this miniature house were little apertures representing windows.
  • Not all of the white people living around us were born in this country.
  • He’s jumping around like a chicken on a hot griddle.
  • The crowd stood around him, the old men leaning on their crutches.
  • They walked around the building twice, studying it in every particular.
  • A triumphant smile played around Teleki’s lips.
  • You see I run a line of thread around mine, so that there shall be no mistake.
  • The doctor told him he wouldn’t get around without crutches for six months.

How To Use Around In A Sentence?

  • There was nobody in danger except stragglers around on the flanks of that mark.
  • The word had been passed and the family notified to assemble around the bed and see me off.
  • A good many who had been to the National had got around to the rival playhouse.
  • The full tide of his universal goodness flows within us, and around us on all sides.
  • Look around the school-room and name the materials which had to travel a long distance before we could have them for our use.
  • That very evening he would sketch out a new dramatic movement around which all the other movements of the act would cluster.
  • That description floated around the country in the papers, and was in constant use and wear for a quarter of a century.
  • Then they went treacherously around and advertised the «sell» which they were going to play upon me.
  • Then, raising her face from the flame, she looked around with the air of one seeking for some topic of conversation.
  • They finally decided to «close for repairs» for a spell and look around for a new location until fall.
  • And around the very lights themselves, there would be nothing soothing and sublime, in which the soul might rest and the imagination revel.
  • I wandered around the streets for an hour, trying to think up some way to get that money, but nothing suggested itself.
  • All around stands filled with books in gilded bindings hide the walls, and in every corner lie heaps of plans and charts.
  • Azrael, all tremulous, drew her veil around her neck, and with nervous irritability beckoned to the girls to be gone.
  • No wonder he hurried and no wonder the woman screamed, for exactly at that instant a great red touring car came tearing around the corner.
  • Indeed, everything around us, and everything within us, brings home the conviction of the littleness of man.
  • It is, no doubt, the most proper sense of the word; and around this it is that the controversy still rages, and has for centuries raged.
  • The lady, thus scared out of her first sleep, was scarcely able to distinguish the objects around her: terror made her dumb.
  • The hero again looked proudly around till his eye fell upon the young Transylvanian, who was now sitting on a fresh horse.

Definition of Around

(informal, with the verb «to be») Alive; existing. | Defining a circle or closed curve containing a thing. | Following the perimeter of a specified area and returning to the starting point.

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Around sentence in english

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