Use the word architect in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word architect, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use architect in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «architect».

Architect in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word architect in a sentence.

  1. In 1872, architect Elijah E.

  2. Designed by architect Levi T.

  3. He guided the architect James F.

  4. Miller was the mall’s architect.

  5. Designed by architect Charles A.

  6. Designed by Baltimore architect E.

  7. Kleinert and architect Michael Mario.

  8. In his design, park architect David M.

  9. The architect designed a massive arch.

  10. Naval architect and historian David K.

  11. It was designed by the architect Sir Edwin Lutyens.

  12. Sackville-West and Nicolson enlisted architect A.R.

  13. More controversy surrounded the choice of architect.

  14. Hodges was the supervising architect for the project.

  15. Glessner House designed in 1886 by architect Henry H.

  16. Marian Cruger Coffin, a landscape architect, was born and grew up in Scarborough.

  17. In 2016, Ingels met his girlfriend, Spanish architect Ruth Otero, at Burning Man.

  18. The architect Ernő Goldfinger threatened to sue Fleming over the use of the name.

  19. Senator Craig Thomas and designed by acclaimed architect, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson.

  20. After de l’Orme’s death, Jean Bullant replaced him as Catherine’s chief architect.

  21. William Burges ARA (/ˈbɜːdʒɛs/; 2 December 1827 20 April 1881) was an English architect and designer.

  22. The public meeting in February 1919 agreed to appoint Sir Edwin Lutyens as architect for the project.

  23. He was a painter, etcher, architect, and engraver, and the leader of the Danube school of German art.

  24. A few days later he returned to excavate on the north-west corner of the chamber with the architect E.

  25. Later popularized by the architect Andrea Palladio, the element is also known as the Palladian window.

  26. Landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted emphasized the importance of conservation of Yosemite Valley.

  27. Whoever the architect of the Palazzo Pitti was, he was moving against the contemporary flow of fashion.

  28. His other twin daughter is Nina Libeskind, the wife and business partner of architect Daniel Libeskind.

  29. The theatre was established by architect and playwright John Vanbrugh, in 1705, as the Queen’s Theatre.

  30. The bridge design by Renzo Piano, the architect of the Modern Wing, was inspired by the hull of a boat.

  31. The Port Authority hired architect Minoru Yamasaki, who came up with the specific idea for twin towers.

  32. The writings of Archimedes were first collected by the Byzantine Greek architect Isidore of Miletus (c.

  33. Burnham & Company after Burnham’s June 1912 death, who would become the architect of the new tower.

  34. The stadium’s capacity increased to 50,000 after redevelopment with architect Archibald Leitch in 1913.

  35. The visual style of the movie is influenced by the work of futurist Italian architect Antonio Sant’Elia.

  36. Old Sun Community College is run by the Siksika Nation in Alberta in a building designed by architect Roland Guerney Orr.

  37. Pearl was a British fifth-rate, 32-gun, Niger-class frigate designed for the Royal Navy by naval architect, Thomas Slade.

  38. Beeby’s designs for the North Pavilions are «in harmony with the Harris Theater», for which he was the architect as well.

  39. His first cousin, Mary Jane Mead, was the mother of sculptor Larkin Goldsmith Mead and architect William Rutherford Mead.

  40. In later years, Stokes had a studio in the family home in Toorak, a modernist house designed by architect Edward Billson.

  41. In 1924, the famous architect Sir Edwin Lutyens created Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House for her collection of miniature pieces.

  42. He settled in London in 1754, where the architect James Gibbs, his friend and fellow Scots Catholic, had left him a house.

  43. As one member put it: «We were convinced that we would get the world’s greatest architect putting his best foot forward.».

  44. Curzon began a programme of investigation at Bodiam in 1919, and with architect William Weir restored parts of the castle.

  45. They employed Francis Johnston, architect to the City Board of Works, to make cost-cutting adjustments to Wilkins’s scheme.

  46. Millennium Park project manager Edward Uhlir said «Frank is just the cutting edge of the next century of architecture», and noted that no other architect was being sought.

  47. Millennium Park project manager Edward Uhlir said «Frank is just the cutting edge of the next century of architecture,» and noted that no other architect was being sought.

  48. Pitt has a sustained interest in architecture, even taking time away from film to study computer-aided design at the Los Angeles offices of renowned architect Frank Gehry.

  49. As an interim measure, the Albert Bridge’s architect Rowland Mason Ordish strengthened the foundations of the bridge with concrete while debate continued as to its future.

  50. Although work had begun on the interior, the turbulent relationship between architect and client led to Burges’s sacking in 1874 and his replacement by John Dibblee Crace.

Synonyms for architect

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word architect has the following synonyms: designer.

General information about «architect» example sentences

The example sentences for the word architect that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «architect» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «architect».

architect — перевод на русский


Say, I may be an architect yet.

Скажи, каков я архитектор!

He’s an architect.

Он архитектор.

I’m an architect.


— Yes, he’s an architect.

— Декстер? — Он архитектор.

— If there’s one thing an architect thinks of it’s details.

— Прежде всего архитектор думает о деталях.

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Your Majesty would be known as the architect of a new and modern world.

Ваше величество станет известным как создатель нового, современного мира.

And the architect of my pedigree is the Holy Father himself.

А создатель моей родословной сам Святой Отец.

But you need to know that the architect of this nightmare… is Malcolm Merlyn.

Но вам нужно знать, что создатель этого кошмара… Малкольм Мерлин.

You are the architect of your own unhappiness.

Ты создатель собственного несчастья.

The Architect would never deign to meet a mere acolyte.

Создатель никогда не соизволит встретиться с простым прислужником.

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You will be the inspiration, the architect.

Вы станете её вдохновителем, творцом.

Thus did man become the architect of his own demise.

Так человек стал творцом своей гибели

But you need to know that the architect of this nightmare is Malcolm Merlyn.

Но вы должны знать, что творцом этого кошмара был Малкольм Мерлин.

I was not the architect of our heartbreak.

Я не была творцом нашего расставания.

The architect of Britain’s Golden Age.

Творец Золотого века Британии.

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Only the Architect knows.

Это знает лишь Автор.

I am trying to prove that Henry is the architect of the Copenhagen attacks.

Я пытаюсь доказать, что Генри автор копенгагенской трагедии.

And who is the architect of this mad strategy?

Кто автор этой безумной стратегии?

If we want to move around within this code looking for clues to the hacker’s identity, we need its lead architect.

Если мы хотим выявить хакера по следам, оставленным им в коде, нам нужен главный автор кода.

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Old maps, and the original architect’s plans of Seven Gables.

Старые карты, архитектурные планы дома…

Regular architect magazines never write a word about this— but what it’s about is a fantastic street design— which I’m now documenting before it completely disappears.

Обычные архитектурные журналы никогда не напишут об этом ни слова, но здесь потрясающий дизайн, Который я сейчас документирую, пока он окончательно не исчез.

And we’ve got architect models on Tuesday.

И во вторник мы получили архитектурные макеты.

These are vital architect’s plans.

Это же важные архитектурные планы.

We’re supposed to be meeting tomorrow to look over the architect’s plans, but…

Мы должны были встретиться завтра, обсудить архитектурные планы, но…

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Start talking to the architect. «I like the thing you put right there.»

Начинают говорить об архитектуре. «Мне нравится вот это штука здесь.»

Banging on about her architect or her interior designer.

Только и могла болтать о архитектуре или о её дизайне интерьеров.

I’m an architect.


Same architect.

С такой же архитектурой.

Steven, nothing is higher than architect.

Стивен, нет ничего выше архитектуры.

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Eddie, bass player, architect of the comeback.

Эдди, басист группы и организатор её возвращения на сцену.

Ruslan is just the trigger man, he’s not the architect of the assassination attempt.

Руслан — только исполнитель, не он организатор этого покушения на убийство.

He’s the architect.

Он организатор.

And now we come to the architect of this tragic affair.

И теперь мы переходим к организатору этого трагического дела.

My secretary, Greer Thornton, confronted George Fergus directly, naming him as the architect of that deception.

Мой секретарь, Грир Торнтон, открыто выступила против Джорджа Фергюса, назвав его организатором этого обмана.

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You really want to hear About boring architect stuff?

Ты действительно хочешь услышать обо всех этих скучных архитекторских вещах?

And I was eager to add as much of my voices as an architect into the plan as possible.

Я жаждал внести как можно больше своих архитекторских штришков.

No, I’m across the room at my drafting table, showing some foxy young thing all my cool architect stuff.

Нет, я в другом конце комнаты, за своим чертежным столом, демонстрирую одной цыпочке все свои крутые архитекторские прибамбасы.

Okay, you were right… The architect thing totally works.

Ладно, ты был прав, эти архитекторские штучки и вправду работают.

You need to stop with the architect jargon.

Тебе следует прекратить с этим архитекторским жарком.

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The architect there is absolute truth for a lord.

Абсолютно прав господин строитель.

So you have an architect boyfriend.

Ваш поклонник — строитель?

I’m an architect!

я строитель!

Known for their bite, the fire ants have evolved into remarkable architects.

Ужасно кусачие огненные муравьи — еще и прекрасные строители.

We are the architects.

Мы строители.

Отправить комментарий

“I am very annoyed at the current usage of the term architect,” writes Fran Read, who is one. ❋ William Safire (2004)

PS: I prefer the term architect over engineer, unless you like to be formal then it’s CTO ❋ Unknown (2008)

Either the architect is a liar who should be prosecuted for shoddy construction, or the buildings were taken down by demolition charges for dramatic effect and to cover up evidence? ❋ Unknown (2006)

Ex-Beatlewife Heather Mills made headlines when she paid $4.9 million for the full ninth floor of 173 Perry Street, the northernmost building in architect Richard … ❋ Curbed (2010)

I am hoping someone on the forum can share their experience/knowledge — we bought land last year (yeah!) and have just reached the point where our architect is submitting the plans to the local office for planning permission. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The Ata-Meken party, led by Omurbek Tekebayev, one of those behind the April uprising against Mr. Bakiyev and the main architect of the new constitution, had gained 6% of the vote, according to the early tally. ❋ Kadyr Toktogulov (2010)

Ex-Beatlewife Heather Mills made headlines when she paid $4.9 million for the full ninth floor of 173 Perry Street, the northernmost building in architect Richard Meier’s trio of glassy minimalist West Village waterfront towers, and the former home of Vincent Gallo and Martha Stewart. ❋ The Huffington Post News Team (2010)

I spoke to an architect from a leading design firm at the RIBA recently, and he was adamant that a large multi-disciplinary consultancy had no need to interact with co-professionals from other firms through social networks – “our in-house resources are more than adequate,” he insisted. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Yes, Gruben, MIT economist was the main architect of that. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Deffintely the architect is less responsable for an asked service than a sick system that could induce such a stupid client-request. ❋ Unknown (2009)

As the old order’s main architect and guardian, the United States faces a dreadful choice: resist Chinese ambitions and risk a trade war in which everyone loses; or do nothing and let China remake the trading system. ❋ Dave Johnson (2010)

Simon Conder, a British architect, is responsible for this beautiful conversion of a group of farm ❋ Unknown (2010)

I am an ‘architect‘ — [the rest] of you are [unimaginative] [scum]. ❋ Black T Shirt (2005)

1. «You architect too much. Imagine what it’s gonna be like when you’re in the major.»
2. «I [architected] the [crap out] of last week!»
3. «Sorry I couldn’t come to the funeral…I was [architecting]…» ❋ Knowlton Student (2011)

Thoughts are [translated] to built form [by way of] [drawing]. ❋ Unknown LA (2005)

[Mies] Van Der [Rohe] was a famous architect, who died in a [Penn Station] bathroom and wasn’t identified for three days. However, in his short life, he managed to acomplish more then any lawyer ever could. ❋ Born-To-Loose (2008)

Tay: wow that movie was awesome, i think it was one of the best ever
Steve: Well actually considering the themes presented during the exposition the [delineation] of the sub-plot in conjunction with a deterioting character development it can be inferred that the film was rather sluggish and inconsistent, [vis a vis], ergo….
Tay: There goes [the architect]
J: He builds words… ❋ Stfu22 (2006)

Accredited [Architects]
Practising [Architect]
Members of Institutes of Architecture
Designers of the Built Environment
Administrator of overall building projects
Software Architect
Architect of [the Iraq] War ❋ JAID (2006)

I am an architect. I just [need] an [engineer] for their «[stamp]». ❋ Ahhole (2008)

Microsoft worked with [IBM] and [ATI] to architect the [CPU] and graphics chip for the next Xbox. ❋ Legalstep (2005)

[The architect] built his lady [with love] to [530] pounds. ❋ Teanis (2022)

[The architect] who could not [bear] to [ugliness] of city went mad. ❋ Ncknm (2013)

He remembered that day «You are the architect of this camp, I fully agree

Kelvin had worked with an architect on this, Donovan Axxis and had Ava research some socially predictive software for him

Rytal went over the ship with Naria’s master architect and shipbuilder

was very much the architect of his own misfortunes

One of the headmaster’s acquaintances was a central figure in the planning and design studios of Alfred Waterhouse, a most prominent architect

He was after all just an apprenticed architect and not yet graduated from university

He was designer, draftsman, engineer and lead architect on those exercises, and he loved it

What she tried to do, as Harry spoke, was not so much absorb his words, but attempt to determine how she would atone for her previous presumptuous behavior toward the lead architect

Daedalus was a famous architect, inventor, and master craftsman

Such a massive undertaking meant a somewhat aggressive recruitment drive: people, such as electronics technicians, software engineers, structural engineers, an architect, and even a geologist were recruited – whether they liked it or not

This line of reasoning must necessarily marginalize the influence of the Primary Will correctly understood as God, the Primary Mover and Architect of Necessity and ―Moral Compulsion

As such it is approved (and must be signed by a local architect by law) but when inspection comes (and it always does) they find building much cheaper than brick and mortar

Other hardliners on Communism, including Kennedy and Reagan, prolonged the Cold War, notably argued by George Kennan, the analyst and architect of US Containment policy

Who can this anti-Communist hysteria, paranoia, and persecution of anything even vaguely suspicious be ascribed to? The architect of this fear mongering was at the very top

Just like when he’d thrown that California architect off the property

As he did, a large 72in TV screen switched on and before him was the face of Paul Almond the architect of both Tony and Norman’s plan and overlord to both men

There seemed to be dozens of these huge constructs in regular intervals, as if an architect blessed with godly sight had deemed to place them all over the landscape which in itself was another peculiarity: as far as the eye could see the horizon was covered in shades of greenery, spotted in parts by yellow and red patches

He had an architect work on plans for a redwood and stone A-frame house about half a mile from Hunter and Cara

Why? If this unprecedented restructuring of the intelligence and investigatory branches had been seriously investigated, Assistant Attorney General Jamie Gorelich, the reputed architect of that wall, would have been sitting on the other side of the panel

Phidias was the architect of the Parthenon

It was designed sometime in the early 18th century by the architect James Gibbs and was literally located in the fields when it was first built – hence the name

was heavenly and following orders of the Architect of the Universe

the Architect of the Universe, tells you to go to that blessed lot — it

139) It was all orchestrated by none other than God, the Master Architect

Designed by a Danish architect, Joernl Utzo, its construction lasted twenty-one years, from 1952 to 1973

For software consultants, law firms, engineering and architect firms the fully loaded employee

I would have to agree with Voltaire, if the watch proves the existence of a watchmaker but the universe does not prove the existence of a great Architect then I consent to be called a fool

When I was investigating the case, along with a colleague, we talked to an architect who knew about these

It was the same architect who gave us this map, which we added to our case files

The architect was very precise in his measurements, favoring

They found a place, purchased it cash, hired an architect, Ed Peroba, and started the

Ed Peroba: He was the architect who had followed Tony with all of his

They had to work day and night since the architect specialized in this type of jobs

Once more architect Peroba did his work on time, and he was able to finalize the

Architect Peroba, and his team that made this project into reality in 90 days

The Amadii Tower here was desgned and built by none other than himself architect, Hossein Amanat

How could a software architect design a program without completely understanding the results the user desires?

In a speech to British Parliament (2 February 1835), Lord Macaulay, the architect of British education in India, said that:

I asked our most trusted architect to build a small scale model of the project for your review

After high school, Jane’s father, the architect, built the pair their home away from home, her mother kept a staff of horticulturalist employed for the facilities since the first thing these girls would let go was their garden

To defeat the monsters and the winged architect of this edifice reach, take it will all of our martial resources

Zoroastro was not a great orator; he lacked the necessary skills to be a good verbal architect and neither has he movement fluidity

When the wellspring of conceit finally dried, I confided that I was an architect from Melbourne, keen to see the Sunshine Coast design sensation which had astounded the architectural fraternity a few years previously

architect who took a quick holiday in Queensland, the style of houses he

What I really want to be is an architect

who is the architect? Is the spirit responsible?

They engaged an architect and worked with him on a set of plans that included an extension to the ground floor at the rear to facilitate a bathroom there

He had been ingenious in the use of space and had pointed out to them that they could have three bedrooms in the upper flat, something the architect had overlooked

Its architect must have surely been an imp of Lucifer himself

When I had a house designed, I explained to the architect the type of structure I

Did that architect have faith in his ability? Or did he see himself as a poor

architect designed a handsome twelve-story apartment house; the financing was

An architect visualizes his ideas as they come to him

Walter Eckhart was now in complete control of the project with Otto Hilmar, the Architect behind the plans, working closely with him

and listened in awe to the site engineer and the architect,

As the Master Architect and Builder, did God just have a general plan

The architect, Charles Jencks, had proclaimed on this

And the architect of all my hopes and dreams

The house is big and the architect is a bit old but the place still cleans

but that he would become also its ruler — the founder and architect of the Churches?”

He knew that Jesus was the Senior architect of the Gospel of Grace

architect of the plan had no shield against The Sword, once it started cutting

In that introspective moment, he wondered if he would have succeeded in his lifelong dream of being an architect; especially if he hadn’t suffered the evil abuse at the hands of his father

Pausing in the clearing that was only slightly lighter than the rest of the area, Feltus noticed the path branched out in three directions, all dark and equally overgrown, then wondered if the architect of this place had intentionally arranged the plots in the shape of a cross with this regal monument at the center, as if crucified for some unknown reason

It has been said that America is a continent without history, the stupidity of this comment is self evident when confronted by the archaeological sites of these mighty cities of such grace and beauty, and after listened to some of the colourful myths and legends I became enthralled, in particular after hearing the legend of a Toltec god named Quetzalcoatl (Plumed Serpent) he was described as a black bearded white man, who appeared a thousand years before the European invasion, he was a teacher, inventor, architect and painter, he eventually left Mexico saying he would return, when in March 1519 Hernan Cortez landed in Mexico with a mere 600 men he met no resistance because the Indians thought he was Quetzalcoatl returning, this mistake cost them and the world the loss of a complete civilization

And the thought passes through our mind I could be the architect of my own life I may be able therefore to change my future And as this magnificent thing happens There is a silence all around

He was the fucking architect

And with that scant diploma found himself the job of architect to the education department in Salisbury, Rhodesia

Stripped of a physical body, the mind stands naked, revealed startlingly for what it has always been: the architect of our reality

Ramesh is the chief architect for all of Strand’s products, including the THIRU P

We separately have the Business Intelligence architect in the engineering side who helps create the data structures and views

Even Yamamoto, the architect of Pearl Harbour, knew that Japan could not win a protracted war and had hoped for a compromise peace with his country’s great Pacific rival

The agent has assured El Faya that their architect was very easy to work with and the building owner could provide a substantial contribution towards renovation of the space

Despite that Rudolph knew the prospect of eighteen million dollars could do wonderful things to a person’s morals, but with the death of the knight of the realm he’d been forced to look around for yet another architect of corruption

There was the Emporium, laid out perfectly according to the plans that she had delivered to the architect as soon as her husband had won the mayoral race

The architect proposed that the building

Modi had reportedly met the woman who was a landscape architect, along with the IAS officer, while inaugurating a hill garden project in Bhuj in 2005 when Pradeep Sharma was district collector there

But the architect who designed the building sees order in all, and quietly looks forward with joy to the day when the whole building will be finished, and the scaffolding removed and taken away

But we should try to remember that the great Architect in heaven is always doing wisely and well, and that we are always being «led by the right way to a city of habitation» (Ps

be credited as being the architect behind the birth of the banking giant in South

Architect and as the

History will also confirm that Paul Kruger’s Architect threw all of his toys out of his

and I saw the happy client to his vehicle as the purple faced Architect gunned his

celebrated Architect and a bright Certified Engineer

‘This Architect has lots of money tied up in hundreds of investments

Advocate Madonsela found that Mr Zuma, directly or via his architect, gave instructions to Ministers of State, state officials as well as the de facto project leader of the Nkandla upgrades (who happens to be Mr Zuma’s personal architect) to unlawfully divert taxpayers’ funds to build the aforesaid private structures at his Nkandla residence

At the time Mr Zuma was aware that his actions were unlawful and constituted the crimes of theft of state (that is, taxpayers) funds; corruption in that Mr Zuma, both personally and via his private architect, unlawfully and intentionally, instructed and induced state officials to act contrary to their official duties and obligations by allocating state funds to build structures for Mr Zuma’s private use, and fraud in that Mr Zuma, in full knowledge of the fact that state funds were misused during the Nkandla project to build structures for his private use at his Nkandla residence, misled the South African public and the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa by stating in in a parliamentary address that Mr Zuma and his family personally paid for all homes built at his residence whereas in truth Mr Zuma knew at the time that state funds were used to build a house and other private structures at the Nkandla residence

Now he is a Senior Architect at Pioneer Architects, the market leaders

He is an architect in Delhi, and my father thought it fit to entrust me to his constructive care even as my heart is enthused by his romantic designs

‘But I’m sure he couldn’t be off the mark when he says that you’re an architect to watch

‘Can’t you see, doctor saheb,’ Subba Reddy said in undertone, before Raja Rao could reply, ‘with two pretty directors on the board, how could it be otherwise for our romantic architect

However, instead of giving him a second term to clean the socialistic stables and rid the Congress party, and thereby India, of its baneful Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, the ignoramus masses of Hindustan, egged on by the antique socialists and caste crusaders, ousted, rather unceremoniously, the Architect of Change from the gaddi


be the main architect of the Dalai Lama’s plan to integrate Tibet

Willow trees bowed in awe to the water at the end of the long garden, and the other ancient trees that flanked the grounds applauded their branches in eternal homage to the architect

Landscape architect Campbell Crawford is here to present the design

Brody knew the architect from way back

  • Use the word Architect in a sentences

Sentence Examples

At the time that Pele burned down Jerome had been working with well know local architect Michael Thompson on advancing greenhouse design by introducing what Jerome called «Climate Battery Technology»

I’m chief architect with ecosystems design in Basalt Colorado and partner with Jerome Osentowski.

Ramphis, son of Sothis, Amenes’ architect.

Say, I may be an architect yet.

Mr. architect. Tomorrow will be a great day.

«To the architect‘s office».

You’ll learn some things. So that you’ll finally realize whom you’re dealing with. That the architect Dr. Karl Stark is to be appointed Director of the Public Building Projects of the city of Ostend.

Then you’ll go back to America and be a splendid architect.

The well of St. Patrick was made by Sangallo, the famous architect.

So this guy Poelzig is a great architect?

architect Albert Speer’s «Sea of Flags»… and «Cathedral of Lights» on Zeppelin Field.

You can become the most prominent architect in London if you’ll just apply yourself.

The young architect with whom I quarreled, he’s drawn a picture of the stables as he would like to do them.

I was a marquis, colonel, doctor, lawyer, industrialist, architect, bookmaker.

You don’t say. An architect?

I worked like a dog at anything I could to get enough… An architect.

That won’t make me a newsstand architect.

You’re right, who was an architect?

architect Kucera of course.

He was an architect, but no luck.

Old maps, and the original architect‘s plans of Seven Gables.

I’ve never met a painter or an architect who did not congratulate me upon my taste.

Mr. Bronson, our architect, is ready to proceed at once.

No, my husband’s an architect.

There’s something for your architect‘s heart.

He’s doing my job, architect for the medical center.

So that’s the accused man. Robert Duval, the architect.

I happen to be an architect.

I used the name of Vanek, told them I was an architect.

In all of Prague, no architect called Vanek exists

My name is not Karel Vanek, and I’m not an architect.

Well, I’m a sort of a combination architect and engineer.

The Lord must have been the architect.

lf there’s one thing an architect thinks of it’s details.

A progressive architect like myself…

As the wife of John Sloan, the eminent architect should behave?

It struck me after I telephoned you, rather cheek on my part asking a busy architect like yourself to spend the weekend with a set of complete strangers.

When you receive architect‘s plan, we take look below bank.

Must study architect‘s plans to determine purpose of same.

In fact, Julie doesn’t know this yet. I’ve got an architect at work.

«Jansen, wealthy architect, was accused….»

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