Use the word approached in a sentence

Asked by: Malcolm Roob

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(24 votes)

As she approached her friend, she was met with her very own loving embrace. Usually when approached these spiky creatures stop and raise their quills in defence as they dig themselves into the ground.

What is a sentence for approached?

Approached sentence example. As we approached the end of the flawless narrative, one of us would invariably ask sardonically (but never sarcastically), «What could possibly go wrong?» Nicholas asked himself as the wolf approached him coming from the copse. Curious about the great animal, Yully approached the fence.

How do you use the word approach in a sentence?

Approach sentence example

  1. Her plan was to approach the building from the back parking lot. …
  2. Sofia didn’t have time to plot how to approach her. …
  3. Deidre heard him approach from behind. …
  4. To achieve this, a catchment based approach is required. …
  5. She felt comfortable enough now to approach that intimate conversation.

What is a sentence with have example?

Have sentence example. «I have only six nails,» he said, «and it will take a little time to hammer out ten more.» You have a good family. Will you have some tea?

What is mean by approached?

: the act of moving or becoming near or nearer to someone or something : the act of approaching : an act or occurrence in which something comes nearer.

36 related questions found

What’s the definition of whispered?

Slang. exhausted; tired; beat: After all that weeding, I’m whipped. Slang. excessively devoted to or controlled by one’s romantic partner.

What is approach in teaching?

An approach is a way of looking at teaching and learning. … An approach gives rise to methods, the way of teaching something, which use classroom activities or techniques to help learners learn. The communicative approach is the best-known current approach to language teaching.

Where do we use has in a sentence?

Have is the root VERB and is generally used alongside the PRONOUNS I / You / We / Ye and They and PLURAL NOUNS. Generally, have is a PRESENT TENSE word. Has is used alongside the PRONOUNS He / She / It and Who and SINGULAR NOUNS. However, there are some exceptions which will be explained later on in the lesson.

Where we use have?

While the verb to have has many different meanings, its primary meaning is “to possess, own, hold for use, or contain.” Have and has indicate possession in the present tense (describing events that are currently happening). Have is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they, while has is used with he, she, and it.

What is English sentence?

A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought. It does this by following the grammatical basic rules of syntax. For example:»Ali is walking». A complete sentence has at least a subject and a main verb to state (declare) a complete thought.

What is approach example?

Approach is defined as the way you handle something. If you like to face problems head-on to deal with them, that is an example of a direct approach to problems. … The definition of approach refers to the process of going towards something. A lion that slowly nears its prey is an example of a slow approach.

How do you use the word deserve in a sentence?

Deserve sentence example

  1. I don’t deserve someone like you. …
  2. You deserve just as much. …
  3. Our guests deserve a quiet and peaceful visit. …
  4. But first I deserve a reward for my intuitive skills. …
  5. Congratulations. …
  6. You deserve so much better, Gabriel. …
  7. I don’t deserve to be forced to wait.

What is an example of method?

The definition of a method is a system or a way of doing something. An example of a method is a teacher’s way of cracking an egg in a cooking class. In object technology, a method is the processing that an object performs. When a message is sent to an object, the method is implemented.

How can I use make in a sentence?

Make sentence example

  • Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run. …
  • That does make sense. …
  • You make a difference. …
  • Did you make any real progress? …
  • They didn’t make it to the restaurant. …
  • It shouldn’t make any difference if he’s adopted.

Has been approached meaning?

to speak to, write to, or visit someone in order to do something such as make a request or business agreement: We’ve just approached the bank for/about a loan. She’s been approached by a modelling agency. … At first, they refused to sign the agreement, but they caved in when they heard another firm was being approached.

How do you use area in a sentence?

Area sentence example

  1. No more so than the area round the house. 298. …
  2. This area is so full of wildlife. …
  3. This area is ten square miles, though. …
  4. The area code is Vermont. …
  5. Betsy was enthralled with the area and became an immediate student of the history. …
  6. You could cover more area that way. …
  7. That’s a Cleveland area code. …
  8. Mr.

Has or had meaning?

Has‘ is the third person singular present tense of ‘have’ while ‘had’ is the third person singular past tense and past participle of ‘have. ‘ 2. Both are transitive verbs, but ‘has’ is used in sentences that talk about the present while ‘had’ is used in sentences that talk about the past.

What are examples of had?

Had sentence example

  • They had two adopted children already. …
  • Certainly she had been under a lot of stress. …
  • All the papers had been signed and the money provided. …
  • She had a choice. …
  • A nearby steeple had been broken off short and the fragments lay heaped beside it. …
  • Would she ever outgrow the things mama had taught her?

Has or had had?

You have to use «had had» if something has been done long back, not recently. But if something has been done recently, then you can use «have had» or «has had» depending on the pronoun. For example, I have had a good lunch this afternoon.

What is difference between had and have?

The main fact about have and had is that both are different forms of the verb ‘to have. ‘ Have is a present form while had is the past form. As an auxiliary verb, have is used in the case of present perfect tense. On the other hand, the auxiliary verb had is used in the case of past perfect tense.

Has or have after a name?

You’ll notice that the only subject you should use «has» with is third person singular (he has, she has, it has). You should use «have» everywhere else. The subject «Al and Sue» is third person plural (the same as «they»), so use «have.» Al and Sue have purchased a new home.

What is a example sentence?

[M] [T] He is still alive. [M] [T] He is still angry. [M] [T] He is still young. [M] [T] He is very honest.

What is the difference between teaching method and approach?

While approach refers to the way a teacher considers content while deciding how to teach it, method refers to the way a teacher ultimately decides to teach it (for example, as a lecture, an activity, a discussion, etc.).

What are the 5 approaches to teaching?

The five major approaches are Constructivist, Collaborative, Integrative, Reflective and Inquiry Based Learning ( 2C-2I-1R ).

What are the examples of teaching approach?

List Of Teaching Methodologies Primary School

  • Teacher-Centered. …
  • Student-Centered / Constructivist Approach. …
  • Project-Based Learning. …
  • Montessori. …
  • Inquiry-Based Learning. …
  • Flipped Classroom. …
  • Cooperative Learning. …
  • Personalized Education.

Learn how to use approached in a sentence and make better sentences with `approached` by reading approached sentence examples.

  • They must be approached with little gifts.
  • Needless to say I was immediately approached by her and accused of trying to take her guy.
  • I approached this novel as a stranger to Spanish history and culture.
  • Rose, a very good female friend of mine, is approached by guys most of the time.
  • These are the personal loans which can be approached either in person or online by the borrowers.
  • Tom is approached by Dave, a defense attorney with an unusual idea for Tom’s defense.
  • Each of these points is meticulously approached and a solid case is presented.
  • We had yet to receive waters and hadn’t been approached by a server.
  • I was approached by a shady looking man trying to sell me something.
  • This is critical to success, as each business modal must be approached with different strategies.
  • Then they got all sorts of angry when dogs approached them.
  • He had been approached by a Reiki master while lying in the hospital bed.
  • We decided to go elsewhere and were not approached on the way out to see why we were leaving.
  • We waited 15 minutes before anyone even approached us.
  • Even the way they approached the house was in character.
  • We walked in and were approached seated almost immediately by the manager.
  • They didn’t seem very eager to help, but if approached they will.
  • When I approached the counter to mention to the agents that people were upset, I was ignored.
  • The service was great, from the moment we approached the sidewalk based concierge.
  • Firstly, I would commend you on the way you have approached the question.
  • No one approached to take my order after waiting over 20 mins.
  • The ladies at Neiman’s actually approached me several times to make sure I was being helped.
  • Later we finally get approached to start our order.
  • Each religion is approached in a respectful, non biased manner.
  • The neighborhood is a little sketchy, I was approached for money by a small family.
  • Women approached him like giddy schoolgirls.
  • I approached the whole procedure with great trepidation, but my concerns were quickly brushed away.
  • Just a blank stare as she approached the counter.
  • I have been 2 the press box 6 times and have been approached once by a waiter.
  • Waited to be seated and the server said wait a minute and never approached.
  • We find a table, again sat for 10 mins before approached for drinks.
  • I decided to walk in and was approached by an older gentleman.
  • It just has to be approached with a clear direction and some education.
  • The bartender approached us and threatened that she would kick us out unless we ordered a drink.
  • On each page Wagari is approached as a wise woman by villagerswho have specific problems.
  • We were seated about 25 minutes before a server approached us.
  • When we approached the restaurant in the corner to the casino floor, it was very unassuming.
  • I was also approached by a guy who I believe was the manager.
  • When the church he attends is vandalized, Tommy is approached by his Pastor.
  • The new server was very short with us, and approached the table to ask if we had seated ourselves.
  • A few hundred generations hence, if humans are still humans , perhaps that goal will be approached.
  • So we waited TWENTY minutes before someone approached our table.
  • This is how one very fortunate family approached the problem with great bravery and tenacity.
  • I would have enjoyed it much more if I had approached it from the perspective of literary fiction.
  • He came back with our drinks, and another five minutes later no one had approached us.
  • A client approached me and we entered into a private conversation.
  • When we approached the hostess, she asked if we had any reservations.
  • So we approached the hostess and asked to wait in the bar.
  • Then this kid in a black shirt had approached the guy in the orange.
  • Each one spoke to me as I entered and approached the counter.
  • The chef personally approached us to thank us for coming.
  • After about 40 minutes, the manager, Justice, approached us apologizing that it was taking longer.
  • Today’s lesson on how to build a web site can best be approached from this simple illustration.
  • Jilted by the Groom when she approached the Altar she can’t make her escape fast enough.
  • The phone rang as he left the table, his pace quickening as he approached the phone.
  • Only then was I approached by a server and asked what I was doing.
  • Great service, always approached with welcoming gestures, drinking water, and no waits.
  • Again, whenever someone approached the desk to pay she was rude again.
  • We were rudely approached by a staff member forcing us to either sign up or leave.
  • We found the guitar we were looking for when Robin approached us and asked if we had any questions.
  • The girl quickly approached me informed me that the store was closed.
  • About the time we went to find out waitress to say something the manager Jon approached our table.
  • We stood up and walked out, on our way a waitress approached us and asked if everything was ok.
  • The service was fine, I wasn’t really approached beyond a hello but the girl seemed friendly enough.
  • I suppose I could have approached them but why would I.
  • Finally a nice girl approached and asked if anyone had helped us.
  • Staff was friendly and even who I believe was the manager approached to make sure all was well.
  • I approached this piece knowing not to compare it to Tolstoy and it still came up short.
  • Rick is an easily approached expert I know I will be consulting again as we design our landscaping.
  • The manager approached.
  • He then approached Diamond and Diamond with all his documents.
  • 735 we are approached with tickets.
  • It took about 5 minutes before anyone approached the host stand.
  • Now, in the 2000’s, another Toms River team approached dominance.
  • I reluctanlty approached the desk and made a grooming appointment for the following Wednesday.
  • Our server approached us immediately to take our drink orders.
  • When the associated approached me she did not smile and asked how she can help.
  • She was older and when she approached our table, she mentioned that they have $4 tequila shots.
  • Approached at entry before could get through the menus we grabbed by the door.
  • We sat down and were immediately approached by a server.
  • In my entire tie roaming around upstairs, I wasn’t approached by a single employee.
  • The line was gaining ground as 10 am approached.
  • There I waited for 7 min before anyone approached me.
  • The beef ribs were alright and the only thing there that even approached average.
  • The same man who approached us was at his service.
  • As the approached Henry’s, Annie questioned Henry about the strange thing on his roof house.
  • It was quite a sight I think I heard The Ride of the Valkyries in the background as they approached.
  • A bit earlier than that, Lee is approached by someone who claims he is Joe’s father.
  • Although not slammed we were then approached,by four different workers.
  • I was approached by Connie right away, I didn’t have to wait at all.
  • Our server approached us within two minutes of being seated and asked for our drink orders.
  • Ethan Rush, to prove her wrong, approached her and made a deal for three dates.
  • Victor is approached by an heiress to prove that her sister did not commit suicide.
  • Server approached us at least six times and the assistant manager too.
  • As the story progresses, Katie is approached by some very strange people from MSI, Inc.
  • Since I am not much of an electrician, I approached this operation with some trepidation.
  • I approached the side of the counter which put me less than a foot from the first checker.
  • I recently went to toyota to look at at 4runners and was approached by the sales team.
  • They didn’t care that there was more than one table that had not even been approached by anyone.
  • Upon entering, the worker quickly approached us and seated us right in front of the window.

Similar words: Appian Way, Appraised, Apple Cheeked, Applecart, Approximatively, Applying, Approbated, Appaloosas, Apponyi, Appetency, Apple Store, Applicableness, Application Server, Apparent Brightness, Apprised, Appointments, Appast, Appurtenance, Appetize, Apprentices

  • Use the word APPROACHED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

You bitch, you slyly approached me.

I get approached by Daniel, and basically started accusing me of hurting Carolina.

I think that Giant Mall has approached him about opening up a store at their mall but I doubt he’ll make his move over there since he signed a contract with me.

While Aslaug faithfully yearned, Tore approached the Huseby farm.

Velevet-clawed misfortune approached, and one day…

Nosferatu was on the way, and with him catastrophe approached Wisborg.

Tokutaro slowly approached.

The man who approached Heizaburo was Kokichi the 20 Day Rat, a fellow he met in jail.

Yes, your husband and I seem to agree that the Baring trial must be approached from a completely different angle.

«Esau approached and warmly embraced him

When you first approached us…

This letter filed on September 15 indicates you approached us.

As you remember it, when you approached us…

In the morning, going a mile a minute through the jungle, I suddenly saw we approached a tree

As evening approached, there was to eat with us.

It’s just been approached the precipice many times …

And these four men approached you and asked you to recommend a nightclub?

This very afternoon, i was approached With a sugar-Coated proposition,

So I approached and looked through the branches.

Otoku might have approached you just because you’re the heir of this house.

I hadn’t intended to come at all but as the holidays approached and I thought of all of you I couldn’t resist.

I cannot tell you her emotions as she approached this strange, new country.

You should have seen me when I approached the Spanish throne for the first time.

I have reason to believe that your father… might have been approached with such a proposal.

I approached the nativity scene and I got out as I heard the band conducted by that Villard bastard.

If she’s properly approached, I think she may.

In that single instant, you approached the epitome of your art.

The people approached my table, … believe that brought luck!

I was at the diplomatic reception, talking with behein, when we were approached by count von-

Well, this unnamed gentleman approached us at the party and began talking very casually. Yes?

What was the country whose representative approached you in connection with trotsky?


The day before yesterday, around 4:00, I approached a young lady, blonde, rather nice, with some luggage, 2 hatboxes, some packages…

He followed me to Sofia, and there he approached me- Behind a pistol.

As night approached, Tokyo radio warned that the American planes were believed headed across China.

Of all women, a lovely widow should be approached with caution.

Just before graduation Dietrich was approached by German representatives who offered him a free trip to Germany and a well-paying job on arrival.

As I approached the lighthouse, some fool threw a great leathern bag into the sea.

The sound of battle drew near, the Allies’ guns spoke of vengeance, freedom approached the captives.

As I approached, voices were hushed… and all eyes turned upon me.

A man approached me and ask me to take a coffin to Scotland.

What was the name of the man who approached you?

You again! I’m sorry I approached you this morning and mumbled words you couldn’t understand. but you’ve got to know.

This thing must be approached through Detroit.

The great Tod Butler, fiery American painter who approached his canvases like a prizefighter.

No man has ever approached this throne with such advance notice.

The more I approached the world of my childhood, the more the grandeur of the city disappeared.

Definition of Approached

neared; came close

Examples of Approached in a sentence

As her birthday approached, the little girl began to plan for her upcoming party.


The police officer approached the vehicle slowly and demanded that those inside hold up their hands.


As the due date for the project approached, the student began to feel anxious and worried that he wouldn’t finish in time.




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Sentences ending with approached

  • Just then the whistling train approached. [11]
  • The general looked the captain up and down as he came up panting, slackening his pace as he approached. [2]
  • They were yet seated in the same place, when the grandfather approached. [12]
  • In what other part of the world can that achievement in comfort and convenience be approached? [4]
  • The night crept on apace, the moon went down, the stars grew pale and dim, and morning, cold as they, slowly approached. [12]
  • We are dealing, now, in emotions as delicate as cloud shadows, and these drew on as Saturday approached. [9]
  • It was too late; for the curtains of the audience-room were already withdrawn, and Caracalla approached. [10]
  • One by one its meagre parcel of inhabitants packed up and moved away, as the summer waned and fall approached. [5]
  • The old chief had just been supplying weapons to the shepherds and youths whom Ephraim had summoned to go to the relief of the imprisoned Hosea, and had promised to join them, when the mournful procession approached. [10]
  • Wild animals sometimes become so absorbed when thus engaged, that they may be easily approached. [1]

Short sentences using approached

  • The mercury approached zero. [4]
  • They approached her window. [10]
  • She approached the window. [10]
  • Then he approached the Celebrity. [9]
  • Then she approached the camp-fire. [13]
  • Valmond approached the lads. [11]
  • We approached the gate. [4]
  • Hawkins uncovered and approached. [5]
  • A French officer approached us. [9]
  • So this novel approached completion. [10]

Sentences containing approached two or more times

  • Then he approached warily, and adopted conciliation; pursed up his lips and tried to whistle, but failed; still approached, saying, «Poor dog!—doggy, doggy, doggy!—poor doggy-dog! [5]
  • By the way the hunt approached and receded, by the cries of the dogs whose notes were familiar to him, by the way the voices of the huntsmen approached, receded, and rose, he realized what was happening at the copse. [2]
  • A man approached the door from Jones Street as I approached it from Main—a thing that always happens. [5]
  • How many times, in the summer and winter, in fair weather and cloudy, in rain and sleet and snow had she approached that group, as she approached it now! [9]
  • It was approached in the «well of English undefiled»; it has been approached in Mrs. Eddy’s Annex to that Book; it has been approached in several English grammars; I have even approached it myself; but none of us has made port. [5]

More example sentences with the word approached in them

  • As the winter wore on, and March town meeting approached, strange rumors of a Democratic ticket began to drift into Jonah Winch’s store,—a Democratic ticket headed by Fletcher Bartlett, of all men, as chairman of the board. [9]
  • At length parting words were uttered in louder tones, the door of the cell was locked and the prisoner approached his window. [10]
  • He approached this with unusual delicacy: it needed bravery to look into the mother’s eyes, and tell the story. [11]
  • I am approached with the most opposite opinions and advice, and that by religious men, who are equally certain that they represent the Divine will. [7]
  • Alexander and Napoleon, with the long train of their suites, approached the right flank of the Preobrazhensk battalion and came straight up to the crowd standing there. [2]
  • She approached Pierre with slow, quiet steps. [2]
  • Night approached, and with it a storm. [5]
  • An aide-de-camp approached with gliding steps and offered him a gold snuffbox, which he took. [2]
  • He now gazed with eager observation down the path which, as the day approached, stood out with increasing clearness from the surrounding shades, and his heart began to beat faster as he perceived a figure approaching the well, with rapid steps. [10]
  • A French corporal, with coat unbuttoned in a homely way, a skullcap on his head, and a short pipe in his mouth, came from behind a corner of the shed and approached Pierre with a friendly wink. [2]
  • Venters approached the willow and cottonwood belt that he had observed from the height of slope. [13]
  • The grey-haired man who, but a short time before, had retained all the vigour of youth, approached the Queen with bowed head and saddened heart. [10]
  • He approached Valmond, who was moving on towards the Louis Quinze, with appreciation of a time for disappearing. [11]
  • An elderly sergeant who had approached the officer while he was giving these explanations had waited in silence for him to finish speaking, but at this point, evidently not liking the officer’s remark, interrupted him. [2]
  • Breakfast time approached while I mused these musings and called these ancient happenings back to mind; so I got me back into the present and went down the hill. [5]
  • The dread returned when the party approached again the turmoil of the American Fall, and fell again under the influence of the merciless haste of the flood. [4]
  • He stopped whistling when he spied the storekeeper, and approached him in his usual hearty manner. [9]
  • Only half conscious what she was doing, she left the boat; but her slender foot had scarcely touched the land when a tall figure emerged from the thicket near the shore and approached her through the darkness. [10]
  • The finest thing we saw on our whole Mississippi trip, we saw as we approached New Orleans in the steam-tug. [5]
  • For instance, as we approached the Dardanelles, we coasted along the Plains of Troy and past the mouth of the Scamander; we saw where Troy had stood (in the distance,) and where it does not stand now—a city that perished when the world was young. [5]
  • When that door was opened and the prisoners, crowding against one another like a flock of sheep, squeezed into the exit, Pierre pushed his way forward and approached that very captain who as the corporal had assured him was ready to do anything for him. [2]
  • At first it was distant; but it rapidly approached, tearing through the night and apparently through the tree-tops, like the harsh cry of a web-footed bird with a snarl in it; in fact, as I said, a squawk. [4]
  • A wan glimmer was already beginning to brighten the distant east when the Epicurus approached the vessel with the light, but it seemed to wish to avoid the Alexandrian, and turned suddenly towards the northeast. [10]
  • He approached it warily, stopping often to look about him and listen. [5]
  • To-day John had voluntarily approached the stranger to whom he owed his life, but whose passionate caresses at their first meeting had frightened him, to show her the little wooden horse that Adrian had just given him. [10]
  • Down swept that vast horse-shoe wave—it approached the sand-belt—my breath stood still; nearer, nearer—the strip of green turf beyond the yellow belt grew narrow—narrower still—became a mere ribbon in front of the horses—then disappeared under their hoofs. [5]
  • Samuel Clemens, coming up the river on the A. T. Lacey, two days behind the Pennsylvania, heard a voice shout as they approached the Greenville, Mississippi, landing: «The Pennsylvania is blown up just below Memphis, at Ship Island! [5]
  • Their way was unobstructed until they approached London Bridge; then they ploughed into the multitude again, Hendon keeping a fast grip upon the Prince’s —no, the King’s—wrist. [5]
  • Orion approached after two elders of the Church. [10]
  • When the carriage turned towards the left and approached the Paneum, progress for the first time became difficult. [10]
  • Now go, and to-morrow come again to me your friend who understands how to sympathize with all you feel, and to whom you have approached so much the nearer to-day that you have learned to share his purest happiness. [10]
  • Gen. Grant bowed to the people two or three times, then approached my side of the platform and the mayor pulled me forward and introduced me. [5]
  • The Arab pointed to the map, and the Copt approached cautiously. [11]
  • From thence deviating to the left they once more approached the sea to visit the great Emporium, to see the forest of masts of Eunostus, and the finely-constructed quays. [10]
  • Without any attempt to conceal from the valet the strong excitement that mastered him, Charles at last impatiently approached the window and looked down into the Haidplatz. [10]
  • She promised faithfully to come down into the entry, when the horses approached, to receive the poor lamb, surrounded by lynxes, wild-cats, foxes, and wolves, and lead it into the safe fold—if one can call this stately house by such a name. [10]
  • A personage, truly, to be questioned timidly, to be approached advisedly. [9]
  • A movement of timid curiosity impelled her, when she approached the spot, to glance towards the fire. [12]
  • He lost no time in letting them know that this precaution was unnecessary, and all four gentlemen directly approached his bedside. [12]
  • Well, as the time approached for George to risk his life for his new beliefs, his mental conflict deepened. [9]
  • From whichever way this vast white hotel establishment is approached, it is always a surprise. [4]
  • As soon as they saw him their talking and laughing ceased, and they stopped and stood still, gazing at him with strong curiosity; they presently began to whisper together, then they approached nearer, and stopped again to gaze and whisper. [5]
  • After a while they moved on, and as they approached the final short dash of the home-stretch we closed up on them and joined them. [5]
  • As soon as they had vanished, the commander approached young Nicolas, saying: «Vexatious business! [10]
  • As I approached, they begun to tower and swell and look like mighty furnaces. [5]
  • On these hills there were two wild stallions, each with a small troop of mares; «and it is certain that these stallions would never have approached each other without fighting. [1]
  • As she approached them, her eyes were fixed upon the large house next door. [9]
  • Thirty-six Englishmen, among them several officers, lingered behind the others and approached the gate. [10]
  • As they approached the watchhouse Denisov stopped, peering into the forest. [2]
  • Her bench beneath the venerable tree was empty, and with drooping head she approached the beloved resting-place, which she must leave forever on the morrow. [10]
  • As we approached the town, signs of life began to appear. [5]
  • As we approached the top, Big Tom pointed out the direction, a half mile away, of a small pond, a little mountain tarn, overlooked by a ledge of rock, where Professor Mitchell lost his life. [4]
  • As she approached the throne, her train left the hall; the only persons who remained were Charmian, Iras, Zeno, the Keeper of the Seal, and the «introducer. [10]
  • As he approached the temple he heard himself called, and checked the pace of his horses. [10]
  • As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge—by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. [5]
  • Then she left the supporting pillar, approached the barrier, stopped at the rope which extended from one short stake to another, and gazed at the man who was following her outside of the rope. [10]
  • Then he approached the subject of marriage with the daughter of the American Claimant with a good deal of caution and much painstaking art. [5]
  • Pierre went round the study, approached the cupboard in which the manuscripts were kept, and took out what had once been one of the most important, the holy of holies of the order. [2]
  • For a while the sounds approached pretty fast. [5]
  • A form ascended the side, and approached him. [5]
  • He now approached the sick man with the noiseless step of one in full vigor of life, with his delicate white fingers raised from the green quilt the hand that was free, and turning sideways felt the pulse and reflected a moment. [2]
  • The best-educated of the ship’s hands approached him on the grievances with which the whole navy was stirring. [11]
  • He had approached the shed full of animation, but on seeing Prince Andrew’s face he felt constrained and ill at ease. [2]
  • It hung in the shadow of a door-way and watched him as he approached the door of the big building where Adrian Fellowes lived. [11]
  • As he approached the second story, in which the nursery was situated and where he expected to find his wife, it suddenly seemed as if a star had risen amid the darkness. [10]
  • A third of the Pharanites were to march forward against the enemy, drumming and trumpeting, and then retreat as far as the watch-tower as the enemy approached over the plain. [10]
  • Helena, Gorgias, and the old philosopher Euphranor, had approached her, and when the latter asked with loving reproach, «Why, Barine, how did you get through the howling mob? [10]
  • I approached England the next morning, with the wide highway of salt water all to myself. [5]
  • As she approached the monarch’s residence, she felt glad and proud that he, who could force half the world to obey him, could not rule her. [10]
  • The distance between the lodge and the post was no more than a mile, but Mitiahwe made a detour, and approached it from behind, where she could not be seen. [11]
  • Prince Hippolyte approached the little princess and, bending his face close to her, began to whisper something. [2]
  • As they approached the little castle they saw from the road in the arbour, which was lighted with links, the figure of the countess. [10]
  • As he approached the Kremlin he even began to avoid being crushed and resolutely stuck out his elbows in a menacing way. [2]
  • As we approached the Kaiserstuhl, a part of the harness gave way. [5]
  • He was on the inhabited side of Wilson’s house, and now as he approached it, he noticed that the sitting room was lighted. [5]
  • As they approached the house, Prince Andrew with a smile drew Pierre’s attention to a commotion going on at the back porch. [2]
  • But now, as the horses approached the curb, their restive feet clattering on the hard pavement, in the darkened interior of the church she saw faces turned, and entering worshippers pausing in the doorway. [9]
  • At this moment the high-steward of the prince’s household approached, and with a low obeisance delivered to Psamtik a sealed papyrus letter, with the words: «From your father, the king. [10]
  • As they approached the hamlet, the Marques of Villena, the Count Urena, and Don Alonzo de Aguilar filed off with their battalions, and were soon seen glittering along, the side of the mountain above the village. [4]
  • Never in all the four years had he approached this lodge of Mitiahwe, who, the daughter of a chief, should have married himself, the son of a chief! [11]
  • When he crossed the Fleischbrucke in the market place and approached the brilliantly lighted Town Hall, he had considerable difficulty in moving forward, for the whole square was thronged with curious spectators, servants in gala liveries, sedan chairs, richly caparisoned steeds, and torchbearers. [10]
  • When he approached the door he heard Noel ranting in there and recognized the state of the case; so he remained near the door but out of sight, and heard the performance through to the end. [5]
  • When Heinz approached the door Frau Barbara stepped forward with Annele to congratulate him that the dear saints had so graciously protected him, but he only answered gravely: «What are we mortals? [10]
  • Mr. Crewe approached the desk with that genial and brisk manner for which he was noted and held out his hand to the railroad president. [9]
  • As they approached the crossroads of the bridge, his voice, clear and sonorous, could be heard commanding the Orange band to cease playing. [11]
  • The grey-haired countess, the cousin went on, had passed from one attack of convulsions into another, and when he approached her had shrieked the words «ingratitude» and «base reward» so shrilly at him, in various tones, that they were still ringing in his ears. [10]
  • The day after the completion of the picture a rugged figure in rawhide boots and coonskin cap approached Chester Perkins’s house, knocked at the door, and inquired for the «Painter-man. [9]
  • As Paaker approached the cavern the old woman called out to some one within: «Is the wax cooking? [10]
  • When she approached the camp, the multitude ran forth to meet her, with great demonstrations of joy; for she was universally beloved by her subjects. [4]
  • He listened to the breathing of his companions, then he approached the poet, unfastened the ring which fettered his ankle to that of Nebsecht, and endeavored to wake the physician, but in vain. [10]
  • Nearer and nearer the boat of prisoners approached the stone steps of the landing, and we were several hundred yards behind. [11]
  • The doctor approached the bed, felt Henrica’s pulse, said a few words in a low tone to prepare her for her visitor, and then took the lamp to see how the invalid looked. [10]
  • As Nell approached the awful door, it turned slowly upon its hinges with a creaking noise, and, forth from the solemn grove beyond, came a long file of young ladies, two and two, all with open books in their hands, and some with parasols likewise. [12]
  • Almost colorless in the ardent daylight, they greedily consumed everything they approached, and white ashes marked their track. [10]
  • As they approached the apartments occupied by Caesarion, Antyllus’s loud voice reached them through the open door, whose curtain was only half drawn. [10]
  • As Pierre approached that street the smoke became denser and denser—he even felt the heat of the fire. [2]
  • Her eyes showed that she had been weeping violently, and as her husband approached she again sobbed painfully. [10]
  • The excitement approached that of a presidential election, and became the dominant topic at quick-lunch counters and in street-cars. [9]
  • The only thing that had ever even approached it, was the time long gone by, but never forgotten, nor even referred to without wonder and pride, when two circuses and a Fourth of July fell together. [5]
  • He too approached that group and listened with a kindly smile and nods of approval, as he always did, to what the speaker was saying. [2]

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