Use the word applied in a sentence

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1. The dealers applied for an export licence.

2. It’s surprising how many people applied for the job.

3. Vitamins can be applied externally to the skin.

4. The restaurant applied for a licence to sell wine.

5. He has applied to join the army.

6. He’s applied for admission to the local college.

7. He applied for a passport.

8. The club applied the rules to new members only.

9. I have applied for French citizenship.

10. He applied dye to the door.

11. The captain applied to headquarters for a transfer.

12. He applied for entrant to university 3 years ago.

13. She applied for a job with the local newspaper.

14. Greece first applied for membership of the EU in 1975.

15. She applied to the manager for a job as clerk.

16. The number of people who applied for the course was 120 compared with an initial estimate of between 50 and 100.

17. I applied for the post more in hope than expectation.

18. They had entered the country and had applied for permanent residence.

19. He applied for a patent for a new method of removing paint.

20. After you’ve applied your powder(, spritz with a little mineral water.

20. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

21. The nurse applied pressure to his arm to stop the bleeding.

22. Will the pressure applied by environmentalists be enough to goad the industrialized nations into using less fossil fuels?

23. I’m going to take a course in applied mathematics this semester.

24. I applied for the post and was asked to attend an interview.

25. He confided to me that he had applied for another job.

26. A zinc coating is applied to the steel for rust protection.

27. He applied himself to his new job.

28. She was treated with scorn and ridicule by her colleagues when she applied for the job.

29. If the law is to be effective it must be applied equitably.

30. Critics were busy dusting down the same superlatives they had applied to their first three films.

More similar words: supplies, supplier, implied, applique, applicant, appliance, grappling, multiplied, applicable, applicably, application, applications, inapplicable, home appliance, computer application, lied, allied, lie down, applet, apply, apple, suppliant, supplicant, sullied, bullied, pliers, dapple, crippling, supplicate, grapple. 

  • Use the word APPLIED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

in 1965 Ray-Jones returned home to see how lessons learnt in America could be applied here.

Have you applied for a job? — Yes.

«My first husband and I were engaged for many years when he applied for the post here and learned he could have it only if he wedded the parson’s widow.»

A new customer has applied.

According to the provisions of the decree of August 17th, 1874… the defendant must be present when the stamp is applied.

This action only responds when the current is applied.

How would you say that applied to Mr. Deeds’ case?

All you fellows up there, all those who applied for a farm, stand up.

My father occupied the chair of applied electricity at state’s prison.

Only this morning, sir, you applied it to the boots, the butter, and to the brown bread.

Oh, that was just a little applied psychology.

Perhaps he didn’t realize your order applied to him.

What I can do possibly is to clear up a few misapprehensions… that have seems to have crept into the public discussion of this movement… and revise some of the epithets that have been applied to us… by some who have not gone as deeply into the matter as they might.

I left the room, dipped my handkerchief in cold water and applied it to the back of my neck right there,

I applied for the flight surgeon’s course and here I am.

I’ve already applied for your divorce, I’ll grant it tomorrow

You applied for exemption, I believe, as a conscientious objector.

I knew that applied to Drake and myself, too.

Last year 37,400 women applied for aid.

I’d heard Miss Lindy was leaving you, and I applied for the position.

You mean if 125 applied for admission, that you’d get the appropriation?

I had the idea that perhaps certain rocks and minerals might store applied energy from the sun that if I left the rocks and minerals in the sun long enough they might absorbed some of its rays and then later, give them out.

This was taken right after they applied the drill.

I’ve applied for a patent.

The man who kills in self defense, for instance, must not be judged by the same standards applied to the man who kills for gain.

I’ve applied to all the employment agencies,

If you applied for me to be taken off flying, you damn well better apply for me to be put back.

Have you applied for Lancs? — Hundreds of times.

The knowledge I acquired in the good old bank I applied to my problems in the infantry.

If the term can be applied to a performer.

He applied for a position.

«Dear Dink, a number of very fine-looking beetles have applied for your next weekend, but I…»

Mobster, as applied to me, is more colourful than accurate.

You could write a ballet if you really applied yourself.

Sam has applied for transfer to West Point as instructor.

That means a man stood behind her and held her arms with both hands… while Henderson, or someone else, applied the anesthetic.

Mrs. Cunningham, your husband has applied for your discharge… with the understanding that you’re to be released to his mother in Illinois.

So your husband applied for your release again, eh? What are you thinking about?

These the two that applied for the license, Fisher?

My niece knitted slowly it seemed very applied we hear steps inside the house

Oh, Dr. Wharton… — I’ve applied to stay on here another year.

After basic, I applied for the army air forces… and trained to be a pilot.

Margaret attended this school for several years and when some of her friends and classmates applied for admission to Carlisle, she did, too.

He wants to work at a pharmaceuticals factory but 280 men applied for the job when they want only three

And so I applied to my brother for permission to return here with Deborah… as a complete dependent… which I am in every sense of the word… including being listed as such in his income tax report.

But tactics must be applied, even in the spreading of love and faith.

For 15 years I’ve applied for that!

I say the word «love» is profaned when applied to their unhealthy, shameless passion!

He applied for credit and you don’t have his home address?

Applied in sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use applied in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for applied.

  • Nataly applied to Colney Durance. (10)
  • Others of the party were now applied to. (4)
  • The key of the jewel-box was applied to the lock. (10)
  • What term was applied to this kind of musical work? (3)
  • Why was not Miss Crawford to be applied to as well? (4)
  • Then she applied an emollient to his chafed surface. (9)
  • Mallard applied to the earl for a loan of fifty guineas. (10)
  • She learnt that he had applied to her husband for money. (10)
  • The word applied to her grandfather and father offended her. (8)
  • When they had done this they applied the torch to the town. (19)
  • In this case he was not clear how the code should be applied. (13)
  • But that quotation applied to and belonged to Vernon Whitford. (10)
  • Only ten men applied for work, and all these expected to be bosses. (16)
  • She gave a slight glance round the table, and applied herself to it. (4)
  • She applied to the Archduke and the Marshal for permission to visit you. (10)
  • When a hundred torches came to be applied only a miracle could save them. (19)
  • He begged her pardon, but she must be applied to, to explain Italian again. (4)
  • Mr. Fleming applied to you first, partly for your sake as well as his own. (10)
  • Mr. Fleming applied to you first, partly for your sake as well as his own. (22)
  • The moment the current was applied it snapped viciously in every direction. (21)
  • As soon as they were out of the house, she applied a point of conscience to him. (9)
  • At least two good coats should be applied, and three coats give superior results. (17)
  • A sailor, to whom we applied for an introduction to the captain, said he was busy. (10)
  • But as the pass was issued to John Anderson it was void when applied to Major Andre. (18)
  • Before the second coat is applied the first should have dried for at least two weeks. (17)
  • Mr. Gardiner declared his willingness, and Elizabeth was applied to for her approbation. (4)
  • A wolf to which a mild current was applied, stood upon its haunches and cried piteously. (21)
  • Shelton had expected a more lofty reason; he applied himself to the Madeira in his glass. (8)
  • Then each applied to each that fatal knife, Deep questioning, which probes to endless dole. (10)
  • All loaded with corn and provisions as it was, to the town the French that night applied the torch. (19)
  • If that was her state of feeling upon a distant subject, how would it be when he applied the knife. (10)
  • It is also recommended that a waterproofing compound be added to the stucco applied to the exterior. (17)
  • When that business was over, he applied to Miss Bingley and Elizabeth for an indulgence of some music. (4)
  • Mrs. Hughes could not have applied to any creature in the room more happy to oblige her than Catherine. (4)
  • Tin or galvanized-iron shingles or imitation tiles are often seen applied to the roofs of small houses. (17)
  • Anne could not immediately get over the shock and mortification of finding such words applied to her father. (4)
  • For ulterior inventions and devices wherewith to keep the young gentleman in town, he applied to Mrs. Doria. (10)
  • The word is applied to many a woman who deserves it no otherwise than by netting a purse or covering a screen. (4)
  • Let us take one more example of this amusing game of comparing advertisements as applied to roofing materials. (17)
  • There she watched the process of the tortures to be applied to herself, and hardened her senses for the ordeal. (10)
  • The name Madrigal was first applied to this kind of lyric, and afterward became identified with the music itself. (3)
  • The tin does not entirely protect the base metal, so that it is necessary to paint both sides before it is applied. (17)
  • The yellow shellac is the strongest, but the white is used where a light-colored paint is to be applied on top of it. (17)
  • Sir William and Lady Lucas were speedily applied to for their consent; and it was bestowed with a most joyful alacrity. (4)
  • Opening my case of instruments, I took out my petrochronologue and applied it to the worn and scratched surface of the rock. (7)
  • As the first coat of filler is linseed-oil, there is not much excuse for not doing this, for it can be applied very rapidly. (17)
  • It is sufficient if one knows those qualities which mean satisfactory building and durability when applied to the structure. (17)
  • He frowned, and raised his head to convince her; but she would not be impressed, and he applied to Chloe to establish his identity. (10)
  • It has been applied, among others, to Euripides, to Shakespeare, to Ibsen; it will be applied to many in the future. (8)
  • In order to eliminate this disagreeable feature, all masonry walls are furred on the interior before the lath and plaster is applied. (17)
  • Water-glass solution should be diluted with 4 to 6 parts of water and applied with a brush in as many coats as the concrete will absorb. (17)
  • So the same youth requested the use of the phial of Paravid, and Shibli Bagarag applied it carefully, tenderly, to the mouth of the Antelope. (10)
  • Unless the wood laths are wet before the plaster is applied, they will absorb the moisture from the plaster and swell, thus cracking the wall. (17)
  • Both of them applied privately to Mrs. Wardour-Devereux for her opinion and counsel on the subject of the proposal to apologize to Dr. Shrapnel. (10)
  • His face was flushed perceptibly and the nervous stroking of his stomach indicated to Segwuna that her applications of mustard ought to be applied. (18)
  • Thus the organ keyboard came to be applied, as early as the 11th century, to already existing stringed instruments which were adapted to the purpose. (3)
  • Correspondence with the official established the fact that the number of jobs offered was five hundred, and that three thousand men applied for them! (16)
  • Nay, the most worthless creatures are most serviceable for examination, when the microscope is applied to them, as a simple study of human mechanism. (10)
  • Nay, the most worthless creatures are most serviceable for examination, when the microscope is applied to them, as a simple study of human mechanism. (22)

Also see sentences for: applicant, application, applies.

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When writing, we often make mistakes by interchanging two words due to their similar spelling or pronunciation. Hence, we have to be very careful when writing to avoid such mistakes. So, it is okay if you are wondering, applicable vs. appliable, how you should use each word when writing.

«Applicable» functions as an adjective in a sentence. It refers to when something is appropriate, relevant, or can be applied to a particular situation. «Appliable» is also an adjective that refers to when something can be useful for a particular occasion.

Now, we bet you are wondering what the fuss is about between both words. Well, in some cases, one option is appropriate over the other. Are you wondering what this is all about? In this article, we will tell you all about their usage when writing.

applicable word in dictionary

Origin Of The Word «Applicable»

The word «Applicable» originates from the Latin word «applic» from the word «applicare,» which means to apply, which is from an Old French word «aplicable,» from the Medieval Latin word «applicabilis.»

Others claim the word comes from an old French word, «applier,» which is from the Latin word «applicare.» The word was first used in the mid-16th century, and the meaning was to be compliant. The word has been used since the 1650s after it developed a new meaning.

In the 1560s, the word «applicable» was said to mean something that was well disposed of, but later in the 1650s, its meaning changed to be something capable of being applied or something appropriate. The first recorded use of the word «applicable» was in 1548.

When to and How to Properly Use «Applicable»

To avoid any misconception, we need to know when and how to use the word «applicable» in a sentence. To do so, we will be discussing the meaning and nature of the word. For you to use any word correctly, you need to understand its meaning and nature.

When we talk about the nature of a word, we refer to the form the word takes. The nature of a word is usually determined by the part of speech such words fall under. So, when you hear about the nature of a word, it is talking about the part of speech the word belongs to.

Also, the meaning of a word is important, and it refers to the idea the word conveys in a sentence. The meaning of a word in a sentence is what readers will infer when they see such a word. The nature and the meaning of a word help us know how to use such a word in a sentence properly.

For better clarity, we would look at the nature of the word «applicable.» The word «applicable» is an adjective. As an adjective, it describes or modifies a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun.

Now, we will discuss the meaning of the word «applicable.» The word «applicable» refers to being relevant to a subject or matter. It also means something is of suitable quality and standard and it meets a particular purpose. Finally, it also means something that matters and is important.

Illustrative Examples Of How To Use The Word «Applicable»

  1. In the United States, the laws apply to both citizens and immigrants, so even as a tourist in the country, you will be penalized if you break any rules.
  2. Johnson had been struggling with a mathematical problem for an hour. Finally, Katie decided to help him out. She told him the formula he was using was not applicable to the problem and gave him the correct formula.
  3. During the debate, David backed most of his points with real-life scenarios applicable to support his notion.
  4. While I was filling the form, I realized that many questions were not applicable to me, so I skipped those questions.
  5. It was confirmed that the ban on the importation into European Union countries was only applicable to ostrich meat, eggs, and live ostriches; other poultry products were acceptable.
  6. When the government first released a new law to protect the environment, most people ignored it until it was announced that the law applied to everyone, and those who refused to comply would be dealt with.
  7. When we arrived at the hotel and saw that they were offering a 30% discount for room bookings, we were very excited until we heard that the discounts were only applicable to bookings for a double suite.

Origin Of The Word «Appliable»

The word «appliable» has its origin in Middle English. It comes from the Middle English word «applien,» which is from an Old French word which is «applicare» from the Latin Word «applicabilis.»

Some claim the word comes from combining two English words, «apply» and «able.» However, its first recorded use is in the 1500s. The word «appliable» was used in a book titled ‘The Garden Of Cyrus,’ which Browne Thomas wrote.

When To And How To Properly Use The Word «Appliable»

When it comes to using the word «appliable,» we bet you think there is no difference, and it conveys the same meaning as «applicable.» The two words «appliable» and «applicable» have similar meanings, but they are always used in different situations.

The word «appliable» is an adjective and a noun, meaning it has two functions in a sentence. As an adjective, it describes a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun and acts as a noun.

Next, we will be discussing the meaning of the word «appliable.» The word «appliable» refers to something that can be put into use or applied in a situation. It also means being compliant and accommodating.

The word «appliable» also refers to something fitting or suitable to be applied. It is also a synonym to the word «applicable» and also refers to being appropriate. Therefore, the word «appliable» also means something applicable.

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Illustrative Examples Of How To Use The Word «Appliable»

  1. During my research for a school project, I found out that the 340B drug program is appliable to hospitals, contract pharmacies, and clinics, but many clinics and pharmacies were not aware of it.
  2. When I saw George’s assignment, I told him that he should provide at least two principles appliable to the topic he was researching to clarify what he wrote on.
  3. Our English teacher told us to come up with ten sentences, each with the word ‘appliable’ in it, but it was difficult to find the word appliable in a sentence during my search.
  4. My newest published book was written to help readers find different things that are appliable to their different situations and know how to handle any problem they encounter.
  5. While I was browsing the internet, I came across a vacancy post. At first, I thought I was not qualified for the job, but, after reading further, I saw that the post was appliable for all graduates.
  6. While I was having a conversation with Joseph, I told him that the new rules he was making for the workers at the company are not appliable to the situation at hand and cannot solve the problems we were having.
  7. The use of technology should be encouraged in schools because they are practical, appliable, and easily developed.

Final Thoughts

While you might be confused about how to differentiate the two words because they have the same spelling, there is no reason to remain confused. The two words convey the same meaning, but the use of «applicable» is more prominent.

You can use both words interchangeably, but remember that «applicable» is the more common option. Moreover, it is less likely to confuse readers. So, now that every confusion has been cleared, you can use both words without worries.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

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