Use the word application in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word application, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use application in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «application». In addition, we also show how different variations of application can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are application’s and application—and. If you click on the variation of application that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Application in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word application in a sentence.

  1. One application of 0.999..

  2. Topical application of various V.

  3. Thorpe made no application for costs.

  4. The second-largest application is superalloys.

  5. The application was declared admissible on 31 May.

  6. The application of phosphite inhibits growth of P.

  7. His application to Belgian authorities was refused.

  8. Some noble gases have direct application in medicine.

  9. The major application is the production of margarine.

  10. His application was declined on account of his health.

  11. One industrial application for helium is leak detection.

  12. Sterndale Bennett.» Despite this advocacy Bennett’s application was unsuccessful.

  13. Another application for re-election was made, which was successful with 46 votes.

  14. Neil Armstrong submitted his application a week after the deadline, but Walter C.

  15. Xenon finds application in medical imaging of the lungs through hyperpolarized MRI.

  16. Surfactants are a minor application but generate over $1 billion in annual revenue.

  17. Reznor criticized their decision, citing the audio was also available through the iTunes application.

  18. The LC Torana was the first application of Holden’s new three-speed Tri-Matic automatic transmission.

  19. A process using roll film was first described in a patent application submitted in France and the U.S.

  20. Stafford himself emphasised the need to restore order there in his original application for the office.

  21. An application for Carabane to become a World Heritage Site was filed with UNESCO on November 18, 2005.

  22. Hindman’s application was one of the few denied; nonetheless, he attempted to return to his former life.

  23. Bradken’s application of the principle of derivative governmental immunity had been subject to criticism.

  24. All three units were forced to introduce additional fitness tests at the start of the application process.

  25. President José Antonio Páez, another former revolutionary comrade, approved the application in March 1839.

  26. Although he had no prior museum experience, he was successful in his application and was appointed director.

  27. In 1994, an application to conserve Calyptorhynchus banksii as the scientific name was accepted by the ICZN.

  28. Hendrix was fascinated by Zappa’s application of the pedal, and he experimented with one later that evening.

  29. As such, its major application is for cellulose acetate, a synthetic textile also used for photographic film.

  30. Webster’s first application for parole in February 2004 was denied as he had not yet undertaken work release.

  31. This application of the principle of priority was largely ignored by Kuntze’s contemporaries, and Banksia L.f.

  32. The IPCC sought an injunction against the broadcast of the video by Channel 4 News, but a judge rejected the application.

  33. The Kinetoscope application also included a plan for a stereoscopic film projection system that was apparently abandoned.

  34. He also denounced the application of neutrality laws, wrongly stating the law had not been applied for nearly fifty years.

  35. Its illustrations contain Lochner’s characteristic application of deep blue, reminiscent of his Virgin in the Rose Garden.

  36. The metal was very resistant to corrosion and had immediate application in tool making and numerous other implementations.

  37. Crawford believed that society would progress with the growth of internationalism and the increased application of science.

  38. An application to demolish the Baths was made in March 2011, but is now in private ownership with conversion work due soon.

  39. Owing to its high content of volatile solvents, wax-based shoe polish hardens after application, while retaining its gloss.

  40. In addition to being the main application for lead metal, lead-acid batteries are also the main consumer of lead compounds.

  41. The laws are often framed in broad terms, which allow flexibility in their application depending on the nature of the game.

  42. Since it is a “plant strengthening substance” and it is natural, BR application would be more favorable than pesticides and does not contribute to the co-evolution of pests.

  43. NACA had no open positions, and forwarded his application to the Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory in Cleveland, where Armstrong made his first test flight on March 1, 1955.

  44. His application was successful, and on August 29, 1960, he became a member of Class 60C, which included Frank Borman, Jim Irwin and Tom Stafford, who later became astronauts.

  45. The discovery of Pluto’s satellite Charon in 1978 enabled a determination of the mass of the Pluto–Charon system by application of Newton’s formulation of Kepler’s third law.

  46. The initial non-military application of distributed-element filters was in the microwave links used by telecommunications companies to provide the backbone of their networks.

Application’s in a sentence

Application’s is a variation of application, below you can find example sentences for application’s.

  1. If no response is received within ten minutes, suspected threats are handled according to the default actions defined in the application’s settings.

  2. Upon its launch, some users reported problems connecting to the application’s servers; these problems were resolved with an update on 25 September 2013.

Application—and in a sentence

Application—and is a variation of application, below you can find example sentences for application—and.

  1. Two issues delayed the application—and the television station—for years.

Synonyms for application

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word application has the following synonyms: application program, applications programme, coating, covering, diligence, lotion and practical application.

General information about «application» example sentences

The example sentences for the word application that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «application» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «application».

application — перевод на русский


You wrote Jastenity that letter to get into Harvard. Unfortunately the letter was better than her application, but she did get into Cal State Northridge, which is the Harvard of Northridge.

Ты написала Джастинити письмо для поступления в Гарвард, но, к сожалению, письмо было лучше, чем её заявление, но зато она поступила в калифорнийский филиал Нортриджа.

Consider my application filed.

Тогда сочтите мое заявление поданным.

— No, I mean we accept your application.

— Нет, мы приняли твоё заявление.

A formal application was laid before the High Council on Earth within the last 30 days.

Официальное заявление было вынесено Верховному Совету не Земле в течение последних 30-ти дней.

Filed an application

Подал заявление

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You have made application for citizenship of the United States of America.

Вы сделали заявку на гражданство Соединенных Штатов Америки.

Leave him there. Get the application.

Сначала заберём заявку.

Who left the application, the tooth fairy?

— А кто оставил заявку, зубная фея?

Well, our adoption application was denied.

Нашу заявку на усыновление отклонили.

The Andorian Academy rejected your application.

Ладно, Андорианская академия отклонила твою заявку.

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He taught contempt for the real world and disdain for the practical application of scientific knowledge.

Он учил презирать реальный мир и практическое применение научных знаний.

The ray only has evil applications.

У луча есть только злое применение.

But what you may not be aware of is the link also has inherent medical applications.

Но вряд ли вы знаете, что эта связь также имеет медицинское применение.

M-m-medical applications?

М-медицинское применение?

After the Abydos mission, when we couldn’t make the gate work, I researched alternative applications, including time travel.

Но после миссии на Абидос, когда мы не могли заставить работать врата, меня попросили исследовать альтернативное применение врат, включая путешествия во времени.

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I gotta get a death certificate, present it to the court, make out a receipt for return of bond collateral, I type up another application,

Я должен получить свидетельство о смерти, представить его в суд, сделать квитанцию ​​для возвращения залога облигаций, я печатаю другое приложение,

A Barclaycard application is not carcinogenic.

В любом случае, приложение к кредитке не канцерогенно.

It’s just an application of the chaos theory.

Это просто приложение теории хаоса.

And they have an application in the computer called Outlook or Contacts or Address Book or something like that.

И у них есть приложение в компьютере, называется Outlook или Контакты или Адресная Книга или вроде того.

An iphone application that leads you via your gps to the nearest acceptable toilet wherever you are in the world.

Приложение для Айфона, которое через GPS показывает ближайший доступный туалет, где бы на Земле ты ни находился. АйТуалет.

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Fill out the application and write your autobiography.

Заполни анкету и напиши автобиографию. А как ее писать?

I got a call and an application and…

Мне позвонили, прислали анкету!

Why don’t you at least let the lovely young lady fill out an application?

Почему бы сначала не предложить девушке заполнить анкету?

I know I’m late, but if I can get an application…

Знаю, что припоздал, но может дадите анкету… -Да.

I’ll bring an application.

Я принесу анкету.

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I need to talk to you about my application.

Мне надо поговорить с вами насчет моего поступления.

I’m writing essays for College applications.

Я пишу сочинение для поступления в колледж.

What was it you were telling me about how dating me would get in the way of your grades and your college applications?

Что ты там говорила о моих интрижках против твоих оценок и поступления в колледж?

Like—I know he’s stressed out about his applications and—

Я знаю, что он нервничает из-за поступления и…

Amy and I have been really… Just freaking out over college applications.

Просто мы с Эми… очень нервничаем по поводу поступления в колледж.

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The applications for the auto renewals. So you’ll be covered until the new policies are issued.

Прошение о продлении — страховку до выдачи полиса.

Thank you, Dapplenag, and may the Government grant your application… for a three-year Bardic Travelling Scholarship.

ћы благодарим Ѕруншимлета и просим власти посмотреть положительно на его прошение о 3-летней госстипендии.

If Bajor cannot depend on the Federation we’ll withdraw our application for membership.

Если Бэйджор не может полагаться на Федерацию, мы отзовем наше прошение о вступлении.

Your application for a transfer.

Ваше прошение о переводе на другую работу.

-Your application for parole has been approved. Parole?

Твоё прошение о досрочном освобождении удовлетворено.

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I have been considering your letter of application, Mr. Crabtree.

Я прочёл ваше резюме, мистер Крабтри.

Mr. Murphy, do you mean that you lied on your application?

Мистер Мерфи, значит ли это, что вы солгали в резюме?

Your application?

Bаше резюме.

After writing 40 to 80 applications you’ve finally got a job interview.

Отправив 40 или 80 резюме, вы попали на интервью. Это ваш шанс — 10 минут.

Well, I should probably take a look at your application first.

Хотела бы все же вначале взглянуть на ваше резюме.

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The application is frivolous.

Ходатайство явно необоснованно.

Meanwhile, this application is denied.

А пока ходатайство отклонено.

I’m granting the application.

Я удовлетворяю ходатайство защиты.

are lovely {cHFFFFFF}{cHFFFF00} and talented… so don’t try {cHFFFFFF}{cHFFFF00} and walk before you can crawl {cHFFFFFF}{cHFFFF00} and waste a bail application.

А вы, мисс, хотя и талантливы и привлекательны, но все же еще слишком молоды, так что не надо сразу лезть в пекло и тратить ходатайство впустую.

{cHFFFFFF}{cH00FFFF} I’ve listened to this {cHFFFFFF}{cH00FFFF} application very carefully {cHFFFFFF}{cH00FFFF} and I’ve decided to grant bail.

Тщательно рассмотрев это ходатайство, я приняла решение освободить вас под залог.

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You’ve already missed the application deadline.

Вы уже упустили шанс подать заявление.

— So when are your applications due ?

Так когда тебе надо подать заявление?

So, tell me, son, want to put in a application to be my number two?

Ну что, сынок, хочешь подать заявление на то, чтобы стать моей правой рукой?

— The Austrian Ministry of Culture… will set up a committee to review each case individually, but you need to fill out an application for them to consider you claim by the end of next month…

Что потом? — Министерство культуры Австрии организовало комиссию для пересмотра дел. Но вам придется подать заявление и самое позднее к концу следующего месяца его рассмотрят.

It’s all coming up. Just as long as you get your applications in early, you’ll be fine.

Если вовремя подать заявление, все будет в порядке.

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Synonym: application program, applications programme, coating, covering, diligence, lotion, practical application. Similar words: implication, publication, medication, indication, communication, esterification, identification, complicated. Meaning: [‚æplɪ’keɪʃn]  n. 1. a verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission to a school 2. the act of bringing something to bear; using it for a particular purpose 3. a program that gives a computer instructions that provide the user with tools to accomplish a task 4. the work of applying something 5. liquid preparation having a soothing or antiseptic or medicinal action when applied to the skin 6. a diligent effort. 

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1) Knowledge will not be aquired without pain and application

2) Patience and application will carry us through. 

3) Attach a recent photograph to your application form.

4) Keys are available on application to the principal.

5) His parole application is up for review next week.

6) I’ve put in an application to the college.

7) I attached a photo to my application form.

8) My application got lost in the post.

9) Please enclose an SASE with your application.

10) Further information is available on application to the principal.

11) He has filed his application.

12) The application was endorsed by the governers’ board.

13) Admission is obtained by written application.

14) His application for membership of the organisation was rejected.

15) your application for a mortgage is now being processed.

16) Did you send up my application?

17) I suppose my application has been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat.

18) Detach the white part of the application form and keep it.

19) We have considered your application carefully,( but cannot offer you the job.

20) The average turnaround for a passport application is six working days.

21) The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually increases efficiency.

22) I am pleased to tell you that your application for the post of Assistant Editor has been successful.

23) They filed an application to have their case heard early.

24) Fill out the application carefully, and keep copies of it.

25) We should refer our application back to the manager as soon as possible.

26) His application to the court for bail has been refused.

27) Please print your names in the application form.

28) You should make more of your IT skills on the application form.

29) Next week is the deadline for sending in your application.

30) She has received a response from that college to her application.

More similar words: implication, publication, medication, indication, communication, esterification, identification, complicated, telecommunications, education, location, educational, appreciation, delicate, nation, equation, operation, formation, relation, zonation, national, donation, summation, variation, sensation, isolation, violation, migration, allegation, radiation. 

Only theories, but no application

Actually they were the supporting documentation for her royalty application

Nichols has filed a patent application for a line of equipment that uses a brief exposure to extreme heat and hot water for the control of whitefly, aphids, mealybug, scale and mite infestations

Just follow instructions for its application

This Chapter will strictly discuss the application of nutritional foliar spraying and not the use of foliar spraying concerning pest controls

The application of the mind, or the paying of close attention to the object chosen for concentration

The process is known as remineralization through rock dust application

5% comes to €2250 to be paid a week from the original date of the loan application

the work of the preacher and then make application as to how he can effectively and

please consider the following word study and the application for today’s preachers

I survived through the application of saline and the touch of a stranger’s hand

He had to maintain the code for the ‘Houri’ applications, in this case Delightia Mk VI, and he did the operation and set-up of the user application, so Jaseem could play it

Alan got her to divulge that she also knew a fair amount of biochemistry and it’s practical application

Application to other parts of the body may result in scarring

request to the application while the application is compiled

“Models” in a MVC based application are the components of the application that are responsible for maintaining state

“Views” in a MVC based application are the components responsible for displaying the application’s

“Controllers” in a MVC based application are the components responsible for handling end user

application the view is only about displaying information – it is the controller that handles and responds

application happen most of the time on the View

Thus to adopt MVC pattern in a web application, for example, the url need to become a way of

When an MVC application first starts, the Application_Start() method is called

net MVC application are interface based and hence mocking is much

What is the role of a controller in an MVC application?

The controller responds to user interactions, with the application, by selecting the action method to

asax File: The Route table is created in the application Start event handler, of the

NET web application that does not make use of routing, an incoming browser request should

NET web application that does make use of routing makes use of URLs that do not have to map

What is the difference between adding routes, to a webforms application and to an MVC application?

To add routes to a webforms application, we use MapPageRoute() method of the RouteCollection class,

where as to add routes to an MVC application we use MapRoute() method

Lord Nardo was master of the Medical & Science Hold; his people trained those in the art of healing and medicine, and the application of same

What is the use of action filters in an MVC application?

When using aspx view engine, to have a consistent look and feel, across all pages of the application, we

You can gather feedback from representatives of all segments of the community by circulating the application for review

Carefully consider the feedback you receive and revise the application as applicable

The last step of presenting your charter may involve attending committee hearings to discuss and review the application

This phase follows the approval of the charter application and includes the actual process of developing the school

Each grant announcement will contain instructions on how to apply, including where to get an application packet, information the application should contain, the date the application is due, and agency contact information

promotion at work, and part of the application process involved

Another great application for journaling is exploring the inner blockages to living the life of your dreams

“It was a Brazilian company that did the scanning application for the hospital my mother died in

‘How will I even get the application fee

situation was one that betrayed a lack of application or a dearth of

lead to greater potential of application

That has a broad application

‘There was an application some years ago from a woman who had grown up in a pretty poor area, she hadn’t much by way of schooling as she had been required at home to look after her sick mother a lot of the time

The Application for Separation with Theology had taught her that

Initially they’d turned down her application on technical grounds, but she had the plans re-drawn and then, d’you know, she actually went along to a meeting of the planning committee herself and quietly demanded to know why they wouldn’t grant permission

In the end, of course, they had to concede that there was no case against the application and granted permission

appearance was emphasised by the application of considerable

‘My application for training was turned down initially but as soon as Bunty found out she started making phone calls and got the decision reversed

Tom noticed that Bram made the application of magic

In one thin file with only a single application in it, they found what must have been the right one

The varnishing rooms were acrid and stung his eyes but were no less impressive for their lack of waste and cleverness of application

While the structure and basic components of language have changed little in the intervening years, its usages and application have definitely evolved dramatically

His wife returned curtly that she had not misheard him, he had distinctly said ‘over-gruntled,’ to which she added, “Really Samuel, I don’t think that is even a proper application of the term

Returning to the room, she combed out her wet hair, and applied a brisk application of mascara before he entered the room with the drier

By the way, how is your application for transfer to the Western Region or Korea? Any news about it?? Open will be approved

The revelation part is easy, the interpretation and application are the parts we need to grow in

Sometimes the application is as simple as praying about the word

In the prophesy of Ezekiel 37 there is a revelation, an interpretation, and an application

The application is that the Lord will do this in his time to show his glory, and that the people are to wait for him to move

This time I found much employment, and very suitable also to the time, for I found great occasion for many things which I had no way to furnish myself with but by hard labour and constant application; particularly I tried many ways to make myself a basket, but all the twigs I could get for the purpose proved so brittle that they would do nothing

Remember that there is a revelation, an interpretation, and an application for most words, so try to get all three

This is the application part of the word


Almost every class of artificers is subject to some peculiar infirmity occasioned by excessive application to their peculiar species of work

Excessive application, during four days of the week, is frequently the real cause of the idleness of the other three, so much and so loudly complained of

If masters would always listen to the dictates of reason and humanity, they have frequently occasion rather to moderate, than to animate the application of many of their workmen

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That indolence which is the natural effect of the ease and security of their situation, renders them too often, not only ignorant, but incapable of that application of mind, which is necessary in order to foresee and understand the consequence of any public regulation

An improved farm is equally advantageous and more durable than any of those machines, frequently requiring no other repairs than the most profitable application of the farmer’s capital employed in cultivating it

The produce of land, mines, and fisheries, when their natural fertility is equal, is in proportion to the extent and proper application of the capitals employed about them

busy; you’ll be required to write an application which’ll require my

Anyway, I had given him the application

Pappi still had my application with him

This would find application in the fertile mind

the application to the Dean, UG for his validation

Application and industry have been familiar to the one; idleness and dissipation to the other

With that, the Breton man ceased his application of the spell with a huff and a grunt

It’s easy enough and you can complete the application form here

The fundamental works of Feret, Abrams, Bolomey and other researchers determined wide application in practical technology of the water-cement (W/C) law (rule) and based on it computation formulas

Durability of concrete in the terms of influence of aggressive environment is provided by application of concrete with a high density, by use initial components with the proper chemical composition and application at a necessity the special measures of concrete’s defense (application of isolating materials, admixtures etc

For manufacturers of concrete (concrete mix, products and structures) is important to distinguish the economic effect provided by the admixture due to economy of other resources during manufacture and effect reached at concrete application

Application of the “modified cement-water ratio” is rational and useful in particular for the concrete mixtures design with the limited or small amount of cement at adding of mineral admixtures

application of force compacting

European standard EN206 envisage possibility of concrete production and application including 115MPa concrete grade

Technical application areas of mortars and concrete modified by latex (according to I

Along with steel fibrous concrete there is positive experience of application of glass-fiber reinforced concrete (glass-fiber reinforced cement) that allows reducing additionally weight of constructions

Concrete on the basis of organic aggregates as other types of concrete divides by application on heat insulating, structural-heat insulating and structural

Application of hydrated lime gives worse results than lump quicklime

Concretes for which common feature is slag-alkaline binders application are included into group of slag-alkaline concrete

Application area of such concrete is limited mostly because of their insufficient water resistance

wants to come into a full understanding and application

application; and as I said earlier in this chapter, you can

application of, one of the most important aspects of

It is the simple application of the Golden Rule…

necessary things to make a practical application of their

Definition of Application

an official permission to a higher figure for something

Examples of Application in a sentence

Since I needed to travel to another county, I was required to fill out an application for a new passport six weeks in advance by completing the required form.


After the woman’s application for a credit card was approved by the credit card company, she began to shop freely at the local mall.


An application for U.S. citizenship was sent in several months ago waiting to hear word from the appropriate officials that the man would become a citizen of the United States.


When Callie’s application for disability was reviewed, the administrators had more questions for her to determine if she really couldn’t work.


“You will need to fill out an employment application,” the business owner told the potential candidate, “to see if you would be a good fit as a driver for our company.”


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