Use the word anonymous in a sentence

Definition of Anonymous

not named

Examples of Anonymous in a sentence

The donor requested to remain anonymous so that others wouldn’t bother him for money.


The fact that Crime Stoppers allows callers to remain anonymous is a strong motivator in their fight against crime.


Many people comment on our blog, however, most of them choose to remain anonymous.


Grandma is very annoyed about all the anonymous phone calls she is receiving.


We erected a tomb over an anonymous grave of a soldier that we chanced upon during the battle.


Other words in the Mysterious & Unknown category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

“We are working with the Super Chip to convince the bank’s computers to take ten dollars from five million different accounts and place it in our own, anonymous offshore account

‘Mrs Wynell, I ought to tell you that I had another anonymous letter here at the police station today

‘He’s had a couple more anonymous letters spouting vitriol about Liz … one of them even suggested that she had a

’ She said almost to herself, ‘Stupid boy! Those anonymous letters

He goes into some detail about the anonymous letters the police have received, stressing the threat to Liz

All that work, all that investment in anonymous

with faces fading into the anonymous dark of age

‘ And then he began whistling the anonymous soulful tune he’d played earlier — but in keys not yet appreciated by the untrained ear

That same Sunday morning, following an anonymous tip off, various large and burly members of the Manchester police force’s vice squad battered down Danny’s front door, dragged him out of bed and bruisingly bundled him into the back of a white van

Following a polite if sparse cremation service held in the clean but anonymous halls of blonde wood and magnolia paint at the local crematorium, and with the memory of the pastor’s mistaken belief that his wife’s name was Aileen twitching behind his eyes, Ken carried out Eileen’s last wish, which was to have her ashes scattered on the garlic beds

Most people are quite happy to comply with the request, curious as to who received the anonymous letters and what they had said … I become pretty convincing at not having a clue … if they only knew …

service held in the clean but anonymous halls of blonde wood and

Images of Bex merge with shots of junkies in their Trainspotting brutality; threadbare interiors, screams and shouts, blue lights, shadows, blank faces, anonymous dealers, and spliced into the sequence he sees Jock Cascarino’s smug face as he tells Billy to buck-up his ideas and get a plan

Helen’s arm snags in the steering wheel spokes and as she falls back into her seat the wheel is yanked to the left, hauling the car away from the anonymous body by the fence

He went to Alcoholics Anonymous a lot, I remember

Servers, anonymous in their cassocks and surplices, are quietly moving around lighting candles

Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have had good results in helping in

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and tried to convince his wife

The anonymous Books therefore are:

Further, he had learned from an anonymous informant that a

apartment, two; it could be Steroids and the continuing aftereffects of my anonymous

She went to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings on

When they received an anonymous call, and found a package in a phone booth, the provincial cops started putting two and two together

Stoner went a little kooky and sent her an anonymous letter, and while refusing to tell him what was in it, she said it was, ‘hateful

“It was something about an anonymous letter

His initial reaction to the anonymous letter was that it was a set up, and that he was expected to react…to do something

“Put the rollers under,” an anonymous voice called, as willing hands groped in the murk

“That’s our feeling too, but nothing formalized enough to put in writing…” said some anonymous, pudgy-faced bastard

The murmuring and muttering gaggle of anonymous, pudgy-faced men in all their various uniforms straggled from the tent

Who the hell was that? One of the anonymous aides-de-camp

In one clump of tents, there was half a dozen Anonymous campaigners, frequently clad in crumpled suits and shiny masks

Someone, who wished to remain anonymous, had provided a considerable amount of incriminating information about Mr

We had to build an entire generating complex to get that kind of capacity, especially as we preferred to remain anonymous

Switzerland looks pretty in postcards, but this was just one of a million anonymous buildings that dot any major city in the industrialized world, and I’d seen a few so far

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) had already created

But even before I began putting in the bets for the anonymous bettor, I had an ominous feeling

The proposal modifies the function of the money, giving new roles that bring the harmony and the well-being among the nations, as well as it eliminates the anonymous possession of the money

Also, it relieves the justice of the penal cases that involve robberies, corruption and frauds, finally all the cases directly linked to the anonymous possession of the money

See that in any situation, each involved country practices the values in its own coin to pay or to receive, without there to be any type of exchange of foreign coin and without anonymous possession of foreign coin; it also incorporates product or acquired service without the acquisition stays in the definitive possession of any organization

” This System substitutes the current monetary system entirely to avoid the currency issue or physical money with its anonymous possession, as well as ending with continuity of the financial securities issues for the monetary authorities

Its utilization occurs without the anonymous possession of anybody and without allowing transfer among people

However, the operational cost of the euro is being enormous, without solving the same problems that involve the anonymous possession of the money and its coinage

These products and services will circulate to activate the economy and to generate well-being, without its definitive and anonymous possession

It always alerts! The XUSING Project never accomplishes receipt or physical money payment in an anonymous way

Also, it eliminates the anonymous possession of the money

This System does with that the wealth appears and generates its abundance, without waste for market lack, without there are the anonymous possessions and transfers of the money among the people

Observe that the methodology puts an end to the anonymous circulation of the physical money, it eliminates the anonymous exchange of merchandises, and it avoids issue of securities or physical coins

I have thought of placing an anonymous tip, but of course once the club’s role in these murders has been discovered, it means that my role too will be common knowledge

[With a single long-stemmed red rose in your locker you find the 12th anonymous note put in your locker

Being anonymous, coming from within, it is the more

My anonymous quarry took part in the conversation like an old friend, her voice

In that spectacular geological formation along the coast of the fjords Roger found convincing validation of an anonymous author’s observation that “To look, really look out upon the world as it is framed in the window of a moving vehicle is to become a child again

“Some anonymous tip put her daughter on the list of a powerful witch hunter

In addition to the Hearings on Orders to Show Cause against both the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe Railroads, which were televised on all three local network outlets, a novelty in 1973, I received not so anonymous typed notes on my desk from colleagues, most likely Dick Sallquist, telling me in great detail the defalcations of the Democrat “civil servant” who supervised the Ambulance Division, one Frank Bowman

I marched into Gary Nelson’s office with the anonymous note and said, among other things, that I was tired of being the conduit by which news of all corruption at the ACC was expected to be routed to him personally

I had California plates on my auto, and for my entire four years there was regarded, and told to my face, plus during anonymous midnight calls that I was a liberal Nigger Loving Berkeley lawyer

Leigh, Corky, and Lou Antonucci, the VP whom I knew from the Navy Claims Team during the late ‘70s, received two anonymous complaints about me from unidentified females

anything about because they choose to remain anonymous

Unlike the Marxists, who felt that history was driven by anonymous forces, Luce believed that “men, not the great rhythms of history or

This is where my anonymous blog comes in

Some anonymous person wrote “What happens first is easy

concerned citizens to call in an anonymous tip

Equally fertile and anonymous as the women who

Washington (Reuter) A Congressional source who prefers to remain anonymous today released the name of Major Ted Frederick as the pilot said to be responsible for the strafing of the cargo ship Turkestan in a North Vietnamese harbor

The anonymous slave-girl and the seven king-fed pigs would sleep together in the huge grave built for King Njal — and they continue to sleep there, undisturbed, even to this day

anonymous way of handing the information over, so that, if Peik

thousand years later that some anonymous writer wrote,

answers will be anonymous and held in the strictest confidence

“I just got a call from the Kankakee police…they caught the second shooter, Roger Jackson, from an anonymous tip

Many other tributes followed, notably from an anonymous writer in thèSpectator’, from Mr

“An anonymous figure uncovered this recording of the M

the anonymous particles within the nebula, just as it is certain that the

The streets were plugged with fallen walls, twisted steel beams, a body here and there, a blanket tenderly pulled over a little anonymous mound in the gutter

The unit was paid for by an anonymous interstate company which made all the arrangements without him knowing any details

This brought forward a number of anonymous phone calls from men who had been in the red light district and several calls from prostitutes alerted by the underground news network which had rapidly alerted all brothel owners and girls that the police were investigating the disappearance of a number of prostitutes and now the murder of a copper

Correlating information from the anonymous calls and prostitutes it appeared that the vehicle was probably a Ford Fairlane model which was very popular with larger companies as an executive vehicle

Effectively the donors were quite anonymous! The resultant foetuses were declared wards of the state and made available for normal adoption so that they could go to deserving parents

To be internationally powerful, feared, respected, yet anonymous, rarely to be seen

These were not anonymous corpses; there

I wish to stay anonymous because I work here on the carnival grounds

“The night it happened, the police received an anonymous tip

he was still in bed asleep? Further, who was the anonymous caller

” You forgot about the weekly Pharmaceuticals Anonymous meetings

I’m not a cruiser; there are too many warships out there and, as I’ve said before, I’m not usually interested in anonymous sex

Simply stated, this protection ensures participants will remain anonymous, have the right to

The police would like to speak to the anonymous caller who alerted them to the crime, and to any neighbours or passersby who may have witnessed or heard anything unusual

I’ll say I got an anonymous call about a killing in the park and I responded

However, with Alistair in prison with little use for money, maybe she’d stay happily married to her sweetheart for at least another five years—“absence makes the heart grow fonder” as some anonymous pundit liked to remind

“And, finally, following an anonymous tip-off to police, the body of an unidentified male has been discovered in a shallow grave on a disused carrot farm

How to use Anonymous in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Anonymous, Anonymously and Anonymity.

Anonymous Definition and Meaning with Examples

Anonymous (adjective) means nameless or unrecognized. It refers to someone who chooses to remain unknown or unidentified on purpose or otherwise.

Anonymous also refers to something which is unattributed because of its source being unknown.

Anonymous can also suggest something which is indistinct and nondescript with no striking features.

Add anonymous to your vocabulary by using it to describe someone who is faceless or something which is incognito. Associate it with things like unsigned letters, unknown donors, characterless homes or secretive actions.

Anonymous: Other Grammatical Forms

Anonymously (adverb)

Anonymity (noun)

Anonymousness (noun)

1) I wish I could meet the person who has written this poem. Unfortunately, he or she has chosen to be anonymous.

2) Everyone wondered why the coach of such a successful football team would choose to stay anonymous.

3) The two sisters are complete opposites of each other. While one runs after fame, the other chooses to remain anonymous even after receiving success.

4) The advent of social media has made it very easy to be anonymous.

5) Although the movie review is anonymous, the writing style gives away the author’s identity.

6) The poor artist remained anonymous all his life. He received all awards posthumously.

7) I wonder why a wealthy man like him chose to live in such an anonymous house.

8) Although she wore a mask to remain anonymous, the unique color of her eyes gave her away.

9) The black writer published his work anonymously because he didn’t want his readers to access his work with an ethnic lens.

10) The anonymous contribution of such a magnitude was indeed laudable.

Anonymously in a Sentence Example

1) The police couldn’t get much information from the letter because it was anonymously written.

2) Don’t worry about your identity being revealed in this survey. It is being conducted anonymously.

3) The anonymously sent parcel added to the mystery of the case.

4) Although the heiress wanted to donate anonymously, she couldn’t because of all the paparazzi around her.

5) He bought the painting anonymously because he did not want the artist to recognize him and give him a discount.

6) My father has helped homeless kids anonymously since many years now.

7) The decision was made anonymously so that no one would be caught in the public eye.

8) The king abandoned all his regality and lived anonymously in the forest for a decade.

9) The best part about the support group is that it functions anonymously. No one will be able to know that you are going there.

10) To be able to handle the situation more efficiently, he chose to operate anonymously.

Anonymity in a Sentence Example

1) The student requested the teacher to maintain his anonymity for avoiding any wrath from his classmates for speaking against them.

2) It is difficult to maintain anonymity, especially when celebrities are involved.

3) The choice of anonymity was a stupid one on his part. Now someone else has walked away with the credit of his success.

4) Such anonymity is not acceptable. The student who played the prank must put his or her hands up.

5) I advise you to write with anonymity if you are planning to express such radical views.

6) His anonymity gave him the freedom to say what he wanted to say and do what he wanted to do.

7) Anonymity is the biggest strength of the gang. They look identical that they render spy cameras useless.

8) There is a sweet pleasure in anonymity – that people can’t judge you.

9) All the row houses painted in the same shade of pink added to the anonymity of the neighborhood.

10) The anonymity of the house helped the gangster to hide safely for a longer duration.

При установке любого другого значения

сервер будет считать, что установлено значение anonymous.


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If crossOrigin is set



other value it’s the same as setting it to anonymous.


Пользователя Anonymous нельзя включать в ACL и предоставлять ему

необходимые для установки программы права на установочную базу данных.


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The Anonymous user must not be included in the ACL

and granted the installation database privileges needed to install the application.


Слабоорганизованная группа интернет- активистов« Anonymous» использовала персонажа Радугу Дэш

чтобы обезобразить сайт Социал-демократической партии Австрии в 2011 и 2012.

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The internet activist group Anonymous used the character Rainbow Dash to deface

the website of the Social Democratic Party of Austria in 2011 and 2012.

Anonymous( 2005): Interview with Sensei Henry

Ellis Архивировано 13 апреля 2011 года. originally published in MI Magazine, Australia, 4 April 2005.

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Anonymous(2005): Interview with Sensei Henry Ellis

Archived 13 April 2011 at the Wayback Machine originally published in MI Magazine, Australia, 4 April 2005.

Среди сочинений поэта следует назвать следующие сборники: The Green Garland( 1908) The Triumph of Pan( 1910) Lillygay,

an Anthology of Anonymous Poems( 1920)

Swift Wings, Songs in Sussex( 1921) Songs of the Groves( 1921) Larkspur, a Lyric Garland( 1922) SNAC- 2010.

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Neuburg’s books include The Green Garland(1908), The Triumph of Pan(1910), Lillygay:

An Anthology of Anonymous Poems(1920), Swift Wings:

Songs in Sussex(1921), Songs of the Groves(1921), and Larkspur: A Lyric Garland 1922.

Продюсерскими компаниями сериала стали« Anonymous Content» и« Paramount Television», а Гомес,

Маккарти, Джой Горман, Майкл Шугар, Стив Голин, Мэнди Тифи и Кристал Лэйблин- исполнительными продюсерами.

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The series is produced by Anonymous Content and Paramount Television with Gomez,

McCarthy, Joy Gorman, Michael Sugar, Steve Golin, Mandy Teefey, and Kristel Laiblin serving as executive producers.

Лучшего результата на« Евровидении» Андорра добилась в 2007 году,

когда рок-группа Anonymous с песней Salvem El Món заняла 12-

е место из 28 в полуфинале.

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Andorra did not progress beyond the semi-finals in any of its six attempts; its best result was in 2007,

when punk band Anonymous and the song»Salvem el món» finished 12th

among 28 countries in the semi-final.

Чаще всего Anonymous собирает множество людей, которые заходят в двери сайта организации, это толпа,

так что они могут оказаться у кого-то на пути.

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Most often Anonymous has a lot of people go to the door of an organization’s website,

they’re a crowd, and so they may get in somebody’s way.

В противном случае мы отображаем партнерскую рекламу бесплатно,

и Вам платят только тогда, когда они привлекают клиентов для Anonymous Ads или рекламодателей.


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Otherwise we display affiliate ads for free and

you get paid only when they attract customers to Anonymous Ads or its advertisers.


Если хотите разрешить анонимный доступ к вашему экземпляру TrackStudio,

то создайте пользователя с логином anonymous и задайте ему права доступа.


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If you want to allow anonymous access to your copy of TrackStudio, then create the user with login anonymous and assign him the access permissions.


Входящий каталог для готовых работ в FTP сервере: ftp. uniprint. eu/ incoming,

пользователь: anonymous( пароль например твой е-

mail), разрешено создавать подкаталоги и записывать файлы.


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The folder for incoming jobs in the FTP server is ftp. uniprint. eu/incoming,

user: anonymous(you can use your e-mail as password);

creation of subfolders and writing of files are permitted.


Развитие остановилось до 2010 года, когда Марк Л. Смит написал новую

адаптацию романа для компании Стива Голина Anonymous Content.

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The development stalled until 2010, when Mark L. Smith wrote a

new adaptation of the novel for Steve Golin’s Anonymous Content.

Эти данные были извлечены в рамках операции AntiSec, движения,

которое включает в себя Anonymous, LulzSec, а также другие группы взлома и отдельные лица.

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The data were leaked as part of Operation AntiSec,

a movement that includes Anonymous, LulzSec, as well as other hacking groups

and individuals.

Cryptocurrencies тесно связаны с деньгами пользователя, и это крайне деликатная тема,” Said Fangguo Zhang, исследователь Сунь Ят-

сеном университет и соавтор новой бумаги, Anonymous Post- Quantum Cryptocash.

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Cryptocurrencies are tightly associated with user’s money, and that is an extremely sensitive subject,” said Fangguo Zhang,

a Sun Yat-sen University researcher and co-author of a new paper, Anonymous Post-Quantum Cryptocash.

Однако определение брака зависит от законодательного органа, а он не спешит изменить существующее определение

F. M. C. 47720/ 06 Anonymous et. al. v.


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However, the definition of marriage depends on the legislator and it is not in a hurry to change the current definition F.M.C. 47720/06 Anonymous et. al. v. Anonymous 20.12.2006.


В новостном блоке» Е-

клуба» сообщалось о результатах глобального отчета по развитию информационных технологий, о взломе хакерской группой Anonymous около 500 административных веб- сайтов Китая.


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The news bloc of»E-Club»

told about the results of the global report on IT development, the Anonymous hackers’ breakings of more than 500 Chinese governmental websites.


Июля 2011- го серверы Booz Allen Hamilton, большой американской консалтинговой фирмы, выполняющей существенный объем работ для Пентагона,

были взломаны Anonymous‘ ом и подверглись утечке в один день.

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On July 11, 2011, Booz Allen Hamilton, a large American Consulting firm that does a substantial amount of work for the Pentagon,

had their servers hacked by Anonymous and leaked the same day.

Иан Макдермид( англ.) на сайте Internet Broadway Database Иан Макдермид( англ.) на сайте Internet Movie Database Ian McDiarmid at Broadway. com Star Wars Actors

Database at Nerf- Herders- Anonymous. net Bio from the official Star Wars site Bio from Hollywood. com B.

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Ian McDiarmid


the Internet Broadway Database Ian McDiarmid on IMDb Ian McDiarmid


the TCM Movie Database Ian McDiarmid


AllMovie Star Wars Actors Database at Nerf-Herders-Anonymous. net Bio from the official Star Wars site.

В новостном блоке» Е- клуба» сообщалось о победителях международного конкурса хакеров в Ванкувере, обнаруживших изъян в новом браузере Google Chrome 17; поступлении в продажу iPad 3;

аресте нескольких членов хакерской группы Anonymous.


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The news bloc of»E-Club» told about the winners of the international hackers’ competition in Vancouver, who broke the new Google Chrome 17; the roll out of iPad3;

arrest of some of the Anonymous hacker group members.


Июля 2011 года Gonzo KK и Indomina Group объявили о приобретении Indomina Group прав на съемки фильма с Сэмюэлем Л. Джексоном, Джасбером Сингх Манном( вице-председатель и главный исполнительный директор Indomina Group) и Шином Исикава( Gonzo Studios) в качестве продюсеров,

и Эли Селденом из Anonymous Content в качестве исполнительного продюсера.

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On July 21, 2011, Gonzo K.K. announced that Indomina Group had obtained the rights to produce the film, with Samuel L. Jackson, Jasbinder Singh Mann(Indomina Group Vice Chairman and CEO), Shin Ishikawa(Gonzo Studios) as producers;

Eli Selden of Anonymous Content as executive producer.

Альтернативную дату 314 года поддерживают- Ramsay MacMullen, Constantine, Routledge, 1987, pp. 67 и A. H. M. Jones, Constantine and the Conversion of Europe, The English University Press, 1948, pp. 127 D. S. Potter 2004, pp. 378 and C. Odahl 2004,

pp. 164 Anonymous Valesianus, Origo Constantini, 17.

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Also see A.S. Christensen, L. Baerentzen, Lactantius the Historian, Museum Tusculanum Press, 1980, pp. 23 See, for instance, Ramsay MacMullen, Constantine, Routledge, 1987, pp. 67 and A.H.M. Jones, Constantine and the Conversion of Europe, The English University Press, 1948, pp. 127 D.S. Potter 2004, pp. 378 and C. Odahl 2004,

pp. 164 Anonymous Valesianus, Origo Constantini, 17.

В Соединенном Королевстве истцы по делам, связанным с асбестом, могут получать компенсацию, предъявляя частные иски к работодателям в

соответствии со страхованием правовой ответственности работодателей либо подавая жалобы в Департамент труда и пенсий anonymous, 2009.


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In the united Kingdom, asbestos claimants can obtain compensation by suing their employers, under employee-liability insurance,

or by filing a claim with the department of Work and pensions Anonymous, 2009.


Однако, этот инцидент совпал по времени с публикацией персональной информации

4000 банковских служащих США от группы Anonymous, а потому есть все основания подозревать эту группу

хакеров в причастности к атаке на ФРС.

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However, this incident coincide in time with the publication of personal

information of 4000 bank employees of USA by Anonymous group, that’s why we have all reasons

to suspect this group of hackers in participation in attack targeted to FRS.

Против DDoS- атак, совершенных группой Anonymous в поддержку ресурса WikiLeaks,

выступил и основатель EFF Джон Барлоу: Я поддерживаю свободу самовыражения, безразлично чью, так что я выступаю против DDoS- атак безотносительно их цели… они ядовитый газ киберпространства… Оригинальный текст англ.

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Following denial-of-service attacks by Anonymous on multiple sites, in reprisal for the

apparent suppression of WikiLeaks, John Perry Barlow, a founding member of the EFF, said»I support freedom of expression, no matter whose, so I oppose DDoS attacks regardless of their target… they’re the poison gas of cyberspace….

В окне Разрешение на доступ убедитесь, что для пользователя ANONYMOUS LOGON установлен флажок Разрешить удаленный доступ.


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Make sure that the Allow Remote

Access check box is selected for the ANONYMOUS LOGON user in the Allow Remote Access window.


Определенные SASL механизмы включают:« EXTERNAL», используется, когда аутентификация отделена от передачи данных( например,

когда протоколы уже используют IPsec или TLS);« ANONYMOUS», для аутентификации гостевого доступа(

RFC 4505);« PLAIN», простой механизм передачи паролей открытым текстом.

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Defined SASL mechanisms include: EXTERNAL, where authentication is implicit in the context(e.g.,

for protocols already using IPsec or TLS) ANONYMOUS, for unauthenticated guest access PLAIN,

a simple cleartext password mechanism, defined in RFC 4616 OTP, a one-time password mechanism.

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Anonymous Hackers Attack Church Of Scientology Website.

1, I’m not prepared to give credence to anonymous complaints.

2, The money was donated by an anonymous benefactor.

3, You can remain anonymous if you wish.

4, An anonymous caller told police what had happened.

5, An anonymous businesswoman donated one million dollars to the charity.

6, Founded in 1935 in Ohio, Alcoholics Anonymous is now a world-wide organization.

7, The donor prefers to remain anonymous.

8, the paltry subterfuge of an anonymous signature.

9, The writer wishes to remain anonymous.

10, This year anonymous leaflets have been circulating in Peking.

11, My client wishes to remain anonymous.

12, The charity received £50 000 from an anonymous donor.

13, An anonymous benefactor donated $2 million.

14, Alcoholics Anonymous meet at the centre twice a week.

15, The author wishes to remain anonymous.

16, An anonymous missive had been pushed under her door.

17, The author chooses to remain anonymous.

18, He has a rather anonymous face.

19, The man was arrested after an anonymous tip-off.

20, It is an anonymous letter.

21, Police said an anonymous caller warned that a bomb was about to go off.

22, Thanks to a large gift from an anonymous donor,[] the charity was able to continue its work.

23, An anonymous tipster has leaked confidential government information to the press.

24, The president is said to receive an anonymous letter yesterday.

25, According to one employee, who wishes to remain anonymous , the company engaged in illegal activities.

26, He received an anonymous letter threatening to disclose details of his affair if he didn’t pay the money.

27, The money was donated by a local businessman who wishes to remain anonymous .

28, Detectives hunting the gang were put on to them by an anonymous telephone call.

29, It’s nice to stay in a home rather than in an anonymous holiday villa.

30, After years of research, scholars have finally ascribed this anonymous play to Christopher Marlowe.

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