Use the word annoyed in a sentence

Definition of Annoyed

angry; irritated

Examples of Annoyed in a sentence

Annoyed by the student’s talking, the snappy teacher told them to hush up.


Kelsey was annoyed with her husband’s childish ways but tried not to let her irritation show.


Reggie’s little sister annoyed him with her begging, so he tried to make her leave his room before he got too upset.




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Fed up


















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  • Use the word ANNOYED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

We have been always really annoyed that the organic products are affordable one by rich people.

Sometimes I look annoyed, it’s things around me, or things people said. I am a very happy man, very happy.

Seven gigantic stars representing the Great Bear appear slowly, and out of the stars come faces of women who seem annoyed at the presence of these intruders in the moon.

His high rank keeps the others away and Namioka is annoyed.

My husband always gets annoyed about this.

He was annoyed at being given chalk marks on the floor for positioning, and hated filming scripts out of sequence.

I’m annoyed if they would sleep here.

As a result of information supplied by a friend, we have today established the identity of the editor of the American Scandal Sheet, which has annoyed so many of your compatriots.

That girl seemed annoyed.

I’d still declare I couldn’t be annoyed

Tell him youre going with me of your own free will so that he can peacefully take his departure before I become too annoyed with him.

Step on it, driver. I’m being annoyed!

I’ve been annoyed with your kisser long enough.

I’m lonely. I don’t care to be annoyed by a drunkard.

I’m a busy woman. I can’t be annoyed with jealous or moody men about me.

Can’t be annoyed, can’t be annoyed.

I’m becoming annoyed at this silly twaddle.

I don’t want you annoyed.

You should not make annoyed to your family.

But I’ll become annoyed, if you like me (? ).

I was annoyed my mother cried at the station.

She was just annoyed with your dad.

I suppose you’re annoyed with your mother… -…for keeping you away from your lessons.

He’s in no state to be alarmed or annoyed.

I’m just thinking how annoyed Peter Blood would be… if I did him another favor.

I’m annoyed because you refuse to marry.

I am extremely annoyed and the directors of Ranimax are furious

You’re annoyed to find you’re grandson to a bartender.

Now, look here. I’m tired of being annoyed after office hours.

I don’t like to be annoyed.

Tell Mr. Miller we’re having a perfectly fine time and do not wish to be annoyed.

She took my breath away. She noticed this fact and seemed neither surprised nor annoyed.

That night, having lost nine times in a row, she was annoyed at her bad luck. She doubled, then tripled her bets.

Until my parents come back. Are you annoyed?

It annoyed me that there should be another woman who looks exactly like me.

Mr. Potter’s the fine old Southern gentleman who guzzled his cocktail while the Frenchman annoyed you.

I annoyed Kay into taking this trip, and you’re out for no good.

You’re annoyed because I was with George this morning.

Maybe you can suggest how I can get out without being annoyed by those other reporters.

Furnoy is extremely annoyed over the disturbance you’ve made.

You’ve annoyed us enough already on ridiculous stuff

1. His air of calm superiority annoyed her intensely.

2. His brash answers annoyed the interviewers.

3. Tim really annoyed me in the meeting this morning.

4. The winner’s complacent smile annoyed some people.

5. It annoyed me to be kept waiting so long.

6. I’ll be annoyed if we don’t finish by eight.

7. If you’re annoyed with him, you should tell him.

8. She was annoyed at his invasion.

9. His attitude made me extremely annoyed.

10. Their ceaseless noise annoyed the neighbours.

11. He became excessively annoyed at newspaper reports.

12. Her nervous giggles annoyed me.

13. She frowned at me, clearly annoyed.

14. She was obviously annoyed that the man had happened along.

15. Anne was fond of Tim, though he often annoyed her.

16. Lewis was annoyed that Adam did not show enough respect and deference to him.

17. I was annoyed by hecklers during the last half of my speech.

18. What annoyed him most was that he had received no apology.

19. I was annoyed, indeed furious, over what happened.

20. The membership is/are very annoyed at your suggestion.

21. Susan felt slightly annoyed with herself.

22. His frequent hesitations annoyed the audience.

23. I’m very annoyed at your rashness.

24. He was annoyed, to put it mildly .

25. I was a little annoyed about the whole thing.

26. He was annoyed to find himself going red.

27. I was quite annoyed by her remarks.

28. for Christ’s, God’s, goodness’, heaven’s, pity’s, etc. sake used to emphasize that it is important to do sth or when you are annoyed about sth: Do be careful, for goodness’ sake.

29. I merely suggested you should do it again.There’s no need to get annoyed.

30. Life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!

Unable to keep still in my exasperation, I rise to my feet and move over to the wall where there is a poster about something or other … I stare at it blindly, annoyed with myself for losing control

’ I said defensively, annoyed that he should think this of me

’ I said, annoyed as I struggle with the pickled onion jar

‘And what did you say?’ I asked, annoyed that he should have done that

‘Oh Emma …’ I muttered, touched by her obvious care for me but all the same annoyed that Dan should think me such a pathetic creature to be pining for him

Annoyed with myself, I repeat it, enunciating carefully

‘Will you stop doing this!’ I said thoroughly annoyed

Stephen is silent for a moment as though annoyed about this

It was only because she was an Angel and could keep herself on listen-only that Herndon didn’t get annoyed at Glenelle’s table-slapping braying while this conversation was going on

’ I protested annoyed that they are making fun of me

Maggie calls everyone to order and, after the usual timelag for conversations to finish, during which time she stands looking annoyed, she goes into her spiel

The shit hits the fan one morning when I answer my doorbell to find Betty standing there, half annoyed and half gloating, as she sees me with a piece of toast in my hand

It sounds like she’s annoyed, «You know, you’re only making this worse

On the contrary, he looks angry and annoyed, as if he were jealous! Although he is only seven, he often shows such malice and arrogance which is rare even in adults

Shoddy workmanship always annoyed Kara

‘What are you annoyed about, Karal?’ Angie asked when she got back to the café

Wasting little time, she strode along the pavement and turned into the side street where the Association was based, arriving at the door slightly breathless and consequently more than a little annoyed that it should be so

’ I muttered, frowning at my weakness, annoyed that I should have woken Gilla

’ I muttered, annoyed with myself for giving the game away

‘What about Caderl?’ I asked, ignoring Wiesse’s annoyed look as I mention the man’s name

pensive, annoyed that daily life butts into

What annoyed him the most was how little interest the Kassikan seemed to be taking

’ I said annoyed with myself

’ The man said with an annoyed look, though the smile is still in evidence

She pretended to be annoyed and I asked her what he’d said but by then he was drowning our conversation and already out of control

«Should I tell that to the captain?» Thom asked, annoyed that she would not come out of that role

More often than not he just got annoyed with these younger conquests because after sex, and even before it on some occasions, there was nothing that he wanted to say to them

He’s visibly worried and plainly annoyed that he cannot help me

Ah! Katie’s put the phone down at last! The kitchen door swings open and Katie storms in, she’s clearly annoyed about something

‘No, love, she’s just annoyed because she can’t see him at the weekend

“There is a real planet there, one Alfred annoyed me about for the first four years of our climb out of there

You’ll find him in the flower house, he’s busy cross-pollinating, experimenting again,” Rytal offered, a bit annoyed

’ Graham said in an annoyed tone of voice a while later

‘What are you doing with yourself these days?’ I asked, annoyed that my feelings on the subject are so very clear and deliberately ignoring her comment

More often than not he just got annoyed with these

away, confused and not a little annoyed, they heard the familiar

Annoyed with himself, he paused

For once, he wasn’t annoyed by his

‘He says he was more flattered than annoyed, and

Alan reported his encounter with this native while Delos got bored, then annoyed

‘No, I haven’t,’ said Jean, annoyed with the ridiculous

Elmore was annoyed that Alan was so late calling in

The hosteller looked annoyed at being

annoyed at his son’s lack of discretion

We understand that the annoyed neighbor represents God, but is God an annoyed neighbor? Jesus makes a powerful point here

If this principle works for an annoyed neighbor, how much more will it work with a loving Father

annoyed at Jean’s naivety

It took him awhile to understand that a few chips spent on some food and drink was so insignificant to her that it annoyed her to have to waste words on it

This annoyed Jacques, but Jean and

those who were in the streets, so many are annoyed at the

«Great,» Alec said, more annoyed than ever

‘What is it?’ He seemed annoyed at the

‘What is it?’ said the Abbot, annoyed at being

”Why?” I asked, annoyed that I had to be woken up to answer

Bearing the brunt of annoyed

The Professor was annoyed

For a moment he felt annoyed that the precious contents of Jeffrey’s rucksack were also smashed at the bottom of the crevasse, valuable food, one of the tent poles, a couple of tubs of water, all wasted; then he returned his thoughts to more urgent concerns and set about pulling Lucy up

Her face was all business, and it annoyed him

He had got this in a mining accident and it shone an angry red when he was annoyed I liked him no end he was a straight talker and in my book you wouldn’t find a better bloke in the army he was a little older than us being twenty five

the day he delivered them, and on that day at the end of filming Casablanca had been annoyed

At least she didn’t appear annoyed at his inopportune visit

“James, when will you ever learn?” I was so annoyed with James I hardly knew where to start

And it was only a few hours! He was still annoyed at Rosemary for telling Aisling she was his cousin

said Frank, clearly annoyed

A little annoyed at the inference

She stopped and turned, blinded by the headlights, annoyed at the intrusion

Jack was annoyed but Melanie remonstrated

The sepulchral tone answered critically, clearly annoyed

Her engagement day! She was annoyed with Frank

Mama cat was beginning to look annoyed

‘No, you’re wrong,’ Jerand countered, annoyed that she could sound so resigned

Tessa followed, voicing her objection in annoyed bleats

“Her schedule against Millicent has nothing to do with her crime, she has been given the toughest of penalties because she annoyed you

It annoyed him that this man had seen things

“But wait!” He ran back to the old sea-salt, who was clearly annoyed with his return

Some scrambled to throw on their flak jackets and helmets, while others, annoyed, stopped what they were doing, made it back to their cots, found their gear and, only because they had to, put it on half-assed

They found the whole thing hilarious but I was, in fact, annoyed at having my brand new blue canvas boots dyed red without authorisation

While on border duty there was a annoyed colonel who told us quite frankly that he would arrest and kick the (you know what) out of any member who disobeyed his order not to cut off ears or any other body parts of terrorists or any other dearly departed

He looked up, clearly annoyed that someone would enter a place of business and might

“By using a computer!” he half shouted, now clearly annoyed

Being late annoyed her

And he was a bit annoyed too, if not angry, that Tiger tried to pull him away from the classroom

Broshee said nothing for a moment, then shook her head slowly as if something had annoyed her

He’d resisted at first, annoyed that Skelda had chosen that moment to summon him– just when he was on the point of discovering what Darkburst had seen in the carvings

He finally got the hint that I was annoyed and stopped laughing, but a smile remained stuck on his face

I could sense he was annoyed that Dena had not adhered to his warnings from the beginning

«Yeah, I know he’s pissed,» I shouted back, annoyed at such an inopportune interruption to my well-laid plans of seduction

Annoyed at his high sense of drama, she followed to the garage behind the inn where he, with the help of two Boston friends, was conducting the interrogation, but upon hearing what the woman had to say, she grudgingly admitted that, for once, he had been right

Hugo Miller was annoyed

One of the things that annoyed me; was going before the Inter-Services Board and getting approval for the mission

Her head drooped for a moment with sleepiness and, annoyed, she pulled herself upright

He pressed his lips together, annoyed

Annoyed, she reached into her basket and pulled out a small package, wrapped in the wide leaf of a fern

» Gareth was impatient and annoyed at the old man’s ramblings

Joseph snatched his bow from Ruby’s hands, annoyed at her reckless actions

She’d learned this meant her husband was feeling sad or annoyed

Now,» barked the Baron, annoyed at Joseph’s reticence

» Acron seemed annoyed

Sometimes Stan had annoyed his dad by making unfavourable comparisons between Spurs’ and Notts’ players

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He barked, still annoyed at his rubbish spelling.

I think I was just annoyed by all the lawyer jokes.

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Думаю, я был просто раздражен всеми этими шуточками про адвокатов.

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Sounded a little bit annoyed, and I can just take it off.

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Звучало немного досадно и я просто могу его снять.

Both my hosts and I were very annoyed to see inscription-“Metallica”- on the surface.

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Обе мои хосты, и я был очень раздражен увидеть надпись-» Metallica»- на поверхности.

Sometimes annoyed when a small mistake spoils the mood for the whole day.

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Бывает досадно, когда маленькая оплошность портит настроение на целый день.

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She noticed this fact and seemed neither surprised nor annoyed.

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Она заметила меня, и казалось, ни удивлена и ни раздражена.

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I’m a little bit annoyed about how much I care that stuff.

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Меня немного раздражает, насколько я обо всем беспокоюсь.

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When she called my cell phone for the first time,

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Когда она позвонила на мой телефон первый раз, я помню,

He was annoyed that she had spoken about the mushrooms.

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Ему было досадно, что она заговорила о грибах.

You must have been so annoyed, me following you around all the time.

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Тебя, должно быть, так раздражало, как я всюду за тобой следовала.

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The settled consciousness of the European annoyed Agamben.


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Устоявшееся сознание европейца раздражает Агамбена.


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She, uh… she annoyed and embarrassed me.

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You annoyed lots of people as now- I am not sure.


Some looked annoyed, others slightly fright need;

No, their discussion about the German question annoyed him.


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Тоже нет: его раздражала дискуссия социал-демократов по германскому вопросу.


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Spyware remained a growing problem which routinely annoyed computer users.


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Шпионские программы оставались растущей проблемой, которая постоянно раздражала пользователей компьютеров.


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Time: 0.0492





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