Use the word analyze in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word analyze, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use analyze in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «analyze».

Analyze in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word analyze in a sentence.

  1. IC is also used to analyze ammonia and other metal cations.

  2. Helens to analyze the remains of the volcano’s lateral blast.

  3. If you analyze the original show, you’ll see it’s really the Dr.

  4. Scholars and celebrities analyze perceptions of the word from differing perspectives.

  5. Japanese naval staff officers gathered in Manila in June to analyze the Take Ichi convoy.

  6. This statement has led many to analyze interrelations between Cugat’s art and Fitzgerald’s text.

  7. Google mines data in many ways including using an algorithm in Gmail to analyze information in emails.

  8. If you were to graphically analyze the different types of directions of all the songs in the Freak Out!

  9. Several morphological differences associated with the two morphs were used to analyze sexual dimorphism in T.

  10. Another 2016 study used laser-stimulated fluorescence imaging to analyze the internal structure of the bristles.

  11. The Cassini spacecraft flew through the southern plumes on several occasions to sample and analyze its composition.

  12. Even though earthquake swarms can be dangerous, scientists are able to model such events to analyze their structure.

  13. Individuals appear to utilize their current emotional states to analyze how they must have felt when experiencing past events.

  14. He was able to use these resources to figure out his relationship to other characters, which helped him analyze how to play a scene.

  15. I don’t want to analyze myself or anything, but I think, in fact I know this to be true, that I enter the world through what I write.

  16. In 1952, SOAS linguist Lyndon Harries was able to take Armstrong’s data and analyze Kikuyu tone as only having two underlying tone levels.

  17. Genomics can also be considered a subfield of bioinformatics, which uses computational approaches to analyze large sets of biological data.

  18. Ongoing research seeks the best way to preserve the ship for future generations and to analyze the existing material as closely as possible.

  19. The spacecraft would be directed to perform a single flyby through Enceladus plumes in order to sample and analyze its content for biosignatures.

  20. Historians often analyze the campaign on a wide strategic level that does not include tactical confrontations, but they were common and relevant.

  21. According to Marable, «nearly everyone writing about Malcolm X» has failed to critically and objectively analyze and research the subject properly.

  22. He continued to analyze international affairs as a faculty member of the Institute for Advanced Study from 1956 until his death in 2005 at age 101.

  23. He presents case studies of these contradictory applications of the law, and uses them to analyze public perceptions surrounding freedom of speech.

  24. He wrote, «In order to have a computer play a perfect or nearly perfect game [of chess] it will be necessary either to analyze the game completely ..

  25. He wanted to analyze why some people were offended by its use and others enjoyed it, noting that the word sharpened debate about taboo language in society.

  26. These instruments would scan a stained blood smear to find cell nuclei, then take a higher resolution snapshot of the cell to analyze it through densitometry.

  27. Historians are able to analyze excerpts of letters penned by Augustus, preserved in other works, to others for additional facts or clues about his personal life.

  28. One reviewer said that the book, like the article, was a format for the author to repeatedly use «fuck», rather than actually analyze it from a rigorous perspective.

  29. The parameters identified using this technique to analyze the Cassini data was then intersected with Batygin and Brown’s dynamical constraints on Planet Nine’s orbit.

  30. Earthquake swarm data have been used to analyze how well Lōʻihi’s rocks propagate seismic waves and to investigate the relationship between earthquakes and eruptions.

  31. Mullen’s team repeated the study to analyze Jennings’ performance in the 1988 presidential election, concluding that the ABC anchor again favored a Republican candidate.

  32. Bureau of Fisheries, Carson’s primary responsibilities were to analyze and report field data on fish populations and write brochures and other literature for the public.

  33. A Chinese study published in 2001 used the molecular biological technique restriction fragment length polymorphism to analyze the differences in DNA sequence between 23 A.

  34. The physicists analyze this data and seek to conclude that it was indeed caused by a new element and could not have been caused by a different nuclide than the one claimed.

  35. One particular specimen–the remains of a 9-meter (30 ft) long undescribed Miocene baleen whale–provided the first opportunity to quantitatively analyze its attack behavior.

  36. He also said that if there were more data available, or even all the data that Facebook’s AI system can analyze, then the neural network would be better able to mimic Trump.

  37. In 2005, after the country was ranked 158th on the Ease of Doing Business Index, Kagame set up a special unit to analyze the economy and provide solutions to easing business.

  38. If confirmed, it would open the possibility of a flyby through the plume and obtain a sample to analyze in situ without having to use a lander and drill through kilometres of ice.

  39. They analyze business prospects with their financial skills in valuing or discounting risky future cash flows, and apply their pricing expertise from insurance to other lines of business.

  40. Although many of the scholars who have tried to analyze the mysteries based on the book have assumed it is serious, the descriptions may be broadly accurate even if the book is satirical.

  41. The large amount of sequence data available has created the subfield of genomics, research that uses computational tools to search for and analyze patterns in the full genomes of organisms.

  42. Companies are increasingly using social-media monitoring tools to monitor, track, and analyze online conversations on the Web about their brand or products or about related topics of interest.

  43. Researchers use controlled experiments to analyze the strategies applied by cooperating animals, and to investigate the underlying mechanisms that lead species to develop cooperative behavior.

  44. In each episode, the discovery of a human corpse leads to a criminal investigation by members of the team, who gather and analyze forensic evidence, question witnesses, and apprehend suspects.

  45. In 2005, scientists reconstructed an endocast (replica) of an Acrocanthosaurus cranial cavity using computed tomography (CT scanning) to analyze the spaces within the holotype braincase (OMNH 10146).

  46. Because of this, Johnston mastered the many techniques required to analyze glass-vapor inclusions in phenocrysts embedded in lavas, which provide information about gases present during past eruptions.

  47. Although they gained little new information about the buried ransom money or Cooper’s landing zone, they were able to find and analyze hundreds of minute particles on Cooper’s tie using electron microscopy.

  48. To analyze Pericles’s relations with gods, one has to position oneself at the intersection of the general and the particular, where what was personal and what was shared by the whole community came together.

  49. He wrote that even Chinese scholar officials—who were traditionally scorned if they took part in any private business venture— would «carry balances in their own sleeves and will analyze a profit for pennies».

  50. In April 1999, JPACT revived transit plans for I-205 and McLoughlin Boulevard by announcing the $8.8 million South Corridor Transportation Study, which would analyze transportation alternatives for each corridor.

Synonyms for analyze

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word analyze has the following synonyms: analyse, study, examine, canvass, canva, break down, dissect, take apart, psychoanalyze and psychoanalyse.

General information about «analyze» example sentences

The example sentences for the word analyze that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «analyze» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «analyze».

That claim had been made by some scientists at some of the smaller observatories that wouldn’t have had the instruments to properly analyze that plume

The weather scope had nowhere near the magnification that had allowed them to analyze the meteor plume, but the image was consistent with what he was about to say

Most of their advances are biological, Alfred and Victoria have to analyze what it means

To the best of his knowledge no other astronomer had taken the time to really analyze these bodies

They launched into an effort to analyze improving the channel, and found that would cost them more than the new muscles would gain them

There was the battle data to analyze and she wanted to take a real careful look for that entity

We all are dreamers though some of us are more gifted intellectually and develop a greater ability to analyze ideas and retain the most promising ones, even transforming them into reality

that we should analyze its way and see if it is what we

Examine and analyze carefully before rejecting anything

This is why it’s so critical that Jason, David and Jill are positively nurtured and challenged – when a child is stressed out by their environment and unable to control their negative reactions, they are focused on their emotional state and thereby less able to follow directions or develop higher-level skills that allow them to analyze situations and plan ahead (executive functions)

The king, of course, had a very narrow vision of the world, and it would be difficult to try to analyze just what he thought about all of the subjects discussed during the

Click on the Analyze button and let the tool analyze your

Make sure the Create a restore point before defragmentation checkbox is checked and click on the Analyze button

The program will analyze your registry for fragmentation

“Watch this and analyze what I’m doing,” as I pulled her up into a rudder turn, then rotated left over the top and went plummeting downward

He stared at the Captain so as to analyze his body movements, trying to uncover some untold secret on the case

This man could analyze the hind leg off of a dog

Analyze the diary in the following ways:

Analyze the diary to identify the most frequent and most serious stresses that you

The computers would analyze everything they could get, just as fast as they could get it loaded in

It continued to analyze its failure, this time with more feeling in its voice, as if it relished the fact that it had finally uncovered the mechanism of its failure:

He decided, however, to set aside any thoughts he might have about the hurt she had caused him in the past, and to simply enjoy the present, and not attempt to analyze what was going on

need help, help them, then analyze it later

Why not read the paragraph and analyze it?

Although the intention of this book was simply to compare Genesis with science, it has been inevitable to analyze Eden; and while analyzing Eden was also inevitable to analyze the origin of the Jewish people, the chosen people

Analyze the results, accompany the values that only tend to grow because they will never be withdrawn or transferred for somebody, either they will be utilized for payment of products or services

First, let’s analyze a fundamental aspect of the survival system

“To be such a complicated, mysterious piece of biological machinery, and more amazing still, to have the capacity to analyze that machinery! That is a special thing, unprecedented in all of evolutionary history

A NTSB official, who had the right to analyze them himself, gave these samples to Sanders

groups and analyze their needs, their commonly used socializing

Analyze what and how you have achieved so far and if it is

and analyze your blog/s

and users to operate post go-live, understand what will change, analyze

giving good suggestion against requirement and could analyze the risk at the

Analyze all the three programs and their output carefully

He tried to analyze the

These help to analyze the risks and to build risk repository

Any data point beyond 3sigma we take as a special cause and we analyze

The service provider should have an internal agreement with internal group and monitor and analyze them (for targets and components availability), to meet the service delivery

1 Monitor and Analyze Capacity

SG 3 Analyze and Address Causes and Impacts of Selected Incidents

3 Analyze Results of Verification and Validation of the Service Continuity Plan

Try to analyze the effect of homosexual practices on marriage, the family, and society, or even on homosexuals themselves, and you are a homophobic bigot

Students are not taught to analyze their own ideas or to defend them in a logical manner

Jaden continues, “You aliens analyze stuff too much and this conversation is going to be on the universal wide web Internet

When we explore different galaxies, we have thousands of advanced nanoscanners that can analyze an entire solar system of planets in a few hours

Analyze and study how the others are doing it

My psychic power enables me to analyze many things and sense things that will have positive effects on the future

Analyze your keywords through various tools such as HubSpot’s keyword grader tool and pick a subset of keywords specifically for Twitter

Retweetist helps you spot and analyze Twitter trends by sorting tweets based on the number of times they’ve been retweeted

You can analyze @Mentions to find out what people are saying about your competitor

It is essential to analyze the success of your Twitter marketing strategy in order to continually improve your overall performance

com) is a tool that will allow you to analyze your Twitter followers so you find out who are your most engaged followers

You can also analyze your competitors’ social graph so you can find customers who might also be interested in your products

Analyze your followers on Twitter in real-time

action oriented leader to head a team to analyze and improve each profitability driver and

Take the time to analyze your exit options to

analyze the past, it was the future they were running toward and if

You need time and patience to analyze what it is that is working

lens, dye it with ink, cook it, analyze its molecular structure, determine the genetic sequence of its cells, and so forth

first started to actively analyze once I again became aware of the

I could analyze my dad’s motivations behind that particular

This time she would wait to find out how you came back to life, and she would effectively analyze the workings of the curse

“Mark, did you analyze the workings of the curse’s Restoration, and then cast the same thing in parallel?”

He tried to analyze his feelings

Let’s analyze this some more

analyze and approve the reports when you are away from the

He continued to analyze and suggest

actually mean Mark is that you are here to analyze me

On the other hand, popular topics are already very competitive (in most cases), so you have to analyze it from all sides

but paste in the URL I want to analyze, and paste in the keywords I want to monitor

Now that we have the list of websites, we’ll need to analyze the quality of these websites in great detail

What will do is analyze ALL

Now, I want to mention that it is not 100% necessary to use in order to analyze your

In this example I’m going to analyze the #1 ranked website on Google for the search term

The information was fed into our computers and we were able to analyze all your reactions to the evenings various crises

■ Construct and Analyze the Project Network


But, not wanting to give away his association with the Roscos—which would appear greater than it was, Calvin kept the disc in his pocket intending to analyze it himself later

“I’ve had the computer analyze it for any signs of tampering and haven’t found anything

It would help us immensely if we could analyze it

I analyze the facts that happen in the group and I analyze the words that

into this long period where models are lacking and analyze the utopian

and analyze it carefully

Step 4: Analyze the results:

Search engines have these things called spiders that go through your sites and basically analyze

analyze and learn to trade off the price action on the price chart?? What a novel idea!

take the subjectivity out of interpreting a price chart and enable the trader to objectively analyze the price action and predict the future movement of the markets

On the other hand, Gāndhi would analyze each and every experience, see whether it was true to his basic principles of truth, non-violence, universal love, etc

you with the necessary information to analyze the results of your efforts

There is a great deal of mathematics to analyze behind each game and

analyze the efficiency of the movements involved

The group can then analyze the

answered and how to analyze data to answer these questions

Business Intelligence is a standard industry term that refers to a set of processes and tools to collect and analyze business data and transform it into organizational knowledge and—ultimately—

Over the years the students had analyzed the dreams carefully, had taken each person’s variation and blended it with the others

friends; it is normal for every man to feel he is going to be analyzed and studied under the

Xavier took this distress signal to a distant and dark room, and analyzed all the data on the distress signal

He’d found many other observatories that had noted their presence and geometry but none that had analyzed their composition

religions cannot be analyzed only through their

When all the physical things including our human bodies are analyzed and studied at a quantum level (e

When analyzed, this is actually success at the ego’s level, where the fulfillment is based on selfish desires

Despite my cool and detached demeanor, the kitten quickly analyzed me as a long-dormant sucker

He analyzed these transactions in terms of the three roles that could be assumed by each player, Parent, Adult, and Child

“I’ll have these analyzed, see if we can come up with something

Perhaps he just analyzed things too much these days

This means that everything that happens on your computer is monitored and analyzed by your anti-virus

Having analyzed your diary, you should fully understand what the most important and

attributed and analyzed by employing the ‘VAKOG’** model

corner of her eye, analyzed Junya»s observation of Khevasiah, and then she saw

Another aspect is the reliability of the collected and analyzed data, as well as the result of the evaluation because any executed activity under XUSING Project’s dominion has the warranty that its executioners will be qualified to execute its unique task, without there to be crooked deal, job occult or slave

habitat from Romania, a part of the issues could be only partially analyzed

You’ve analyzed the needs of your business, assessed systems in

Have you ever analyzed, what has made them so

Requirements are analyzed for their applicability, achievability, completeness, etc and based on that they are moved to a particular module or to a particular release

The request and complaints are first analyzed and then it’s determined whether it’s a service request or incident (disruption to expected service for user), then service request is assigned to relevant team member who is available (as per plan)

In the context of normal change request, it’s analyzed for minor and major CR and accordingly coding, testing, roll out plan and moving to production happens

Metrics are of no use unless they are analyzed and actions are taken

The records shall be analyzed for corrective actions

Request for changes shall be impact analyzed, approved and development changes shall be performed

“Something that needs to be further analyzed and corrected,” the older man says

‘You are just saying that because you analyzed all the movies I’ve watched all my life

They would have to be closely analyzed

This follows the pattern of progressive liberalism as analyzed by novelist Alan Drury

I’ve analyzed your past and how you don’t give up on things

I analyzed how you handled yourself in the race and on planet Spidone and how you didn’t want to hurt innocent mutated spiders

I analyzed how well you flew our ship back on Earth and how your mind was able to adapt to out of body communicating

I analyzed how you fought in the gravity games and didn’t give up

Following the Scott Brown victory The Daily Bell editors analyzed the Tea Parties’ prominent role in his election

Later, when he analyzed the events, he realized how much God’s

Mestral had grass burrs on his pants, analyzed how they were attached,

A new page appears, showing the rank of the Twitter user in comparison to all users that have been analyzed by Twitter Grader, as well as other significant information

‘pure understanding’ coupled to principles that transgress previously analyzed limits

Illusion may also be analyzed as a justified belief, such as the earth is flat, that is put into

tedness, it is not clear that the newness we analyzed in the previous

God himself as analyzed by himself at all

Also, there may be some variance in the data as a function of its location in the original list; that is the earlier entries (analyzed) may differ in some way from the later entries (not analyzed)

have to accept that even if my DNA is analyzed in every databank

that I’d discussed and analyzed so many times, yet had never

Data was accumulated, analyzed and graphed based on the annual Ninth District Domestic Icebreaking Reports for fiscal years 1980 through 1994

haven’t I received the reports to be analyzed?”

reports to be analyzed and returned before they moved to the

came in I analyzed them and sent them back to the field

Now that we’ve analyzed the top ranked website in our niche, we need to do the necessary things to outrank them

«I don’t think it’ll matter,» said Calvin while Shen analyzed the ship’s findings

Her guess was that after they analyzed the chemicals it would be discovered that Calvin had possession of illegal drugs

analyzed using spectrometers and bolometers

could both be analyzed spectroscopically (provided astronomers could

” His book is a compendium of smartly analyzed, real-world examples of just that, and it provides a good foundation for those looking to get a handle on the new ways of the world

of speculation, which would then be analyzed time and again,

Instead, I sat with my daughter and analyzed Mulan’s moves thinking of how Mia could use them to her advantage

«We analyzed some of the bullet casings we found on the floor and in Hung Sim and his men,» Lawson spoke as he handed Whitmore a folder

history and description is obtained, and the results of an electroenceph-alogram (EEG) are analyzed to gauge differences in the brain’s electri-

He analyzed the idea in his head and yes, it was best that his mother didn’t know about his run in with death

Specify the problem to be analyzed

analyzed and their root causes corrected

I analyzed mine every thought to realize I secretly was harboring, “Our crossing o’er will be more difficult than not!”

Tubular air ducts come from each of the cows’ and bulls’ stalls, giving a steady supply of fresh air and taking out the stale air to be analyzed alternately from cow to cow every five minutes

To plot a histogram in coordinates price – time the points responding to high, low, open and close prices for a time period analyzed should be marked on the one vertical bar

105’s of years pass and you’ve just about got every planet in this central galaxy surveyed, analyzed, boxed, and sorted

analyzed, and you find that you CAN do it, and WILL do it,

minute! He probably analyzed the problem to learn what prompted the negative

There is an increasing need to price small and great individualities that are present, rather than trying to identify what is missing (which instead ought to be carefully analyzed and planned, without trying to manage it in a hurry only to try and recover lost time)

seen, family therapists have analyzed the function of battering both for the batterer and the victim, whom they consider to have an equal stake in perpetuating her own

inventory, but when properly analyzed, volume can show what his true intentions

Xin and Dave stopped at the base of the stairs, while Xin scanned and analyzed this only aberration of form on the entire world

She had analyzed everything she could get her hands on to determine where the Swordsmen would strike first and even what strike angle they would prefer

The three intelligence officers then analyzed strategies for attacking this system with their likely outcomes

The P I ships and the destroyers had entered the system in advance and already analyzed the system’s defenses

I analyzed all

“Have you analyzed their communications?”

In spite of the fact that she could not see him, Úrsula analyzed the clicking of his foreman’s boots and was surprised at the unbridgeable distance that separated him from the family, even from the twin brother with whom he had played ingenious games of confusion in childhood and with whom he no longer had any traits in common

Many interpretations of these quotes could be analyzed in vari-

blocks of 1/45th of a second and analyzed all gestures, looks,

Furthermore, that coin, once analyzed in Israel, proved to be made of 95 percent pure iridium, plus some platinum, and was adorned with a small hologram

Roger Mattson analyzed the information and discovered the possibility of a hydrogen bubble above the core

Most certainly, our motives for our works will be investigated and analyzed

government instructors invited by my husband analyzed the fearful

” I analyzed this scenario and figured that maybe there was a fire and the “false alarm”

‘’General, I must remind you that what I will show you comes from Nancy Laplante and constitutes no less than the collective judgment of eminent military historians and senior officers from the 21st Century who extensively studied and analyzed this war to come

Ingrid then analyzed mentally her encounter, trying to single out of it lessons that could help her in her next fight

As he hyper analyzed throughout the house like a bloodhound, he finally stumbled on the aspects of Rhonda in a hallway closet, halfway to the bedroom

Each number was intently analyzed within the respective box, in addition to the Powerball number

Nancy’s novel combination of moves and strikes was particularly analyzed in depth, being pointed as a truly new technique that was however completely legal under the present Kyokushin karate rules

� My deputy, Claude Dansey, analyzed it and came up with a few interesting points

� Any transmission from there will be analyzed on a top priority basis

‘bomb’, might have a portion, or all, of their conversation tagged, and analyzed

further analyzed, broken down, and applied to other software programs that then ‘ratify’ and

‘’Hughes, register at once those films and reports and have them analyzed at once!’’

Have you ever analyzed those things that upset you and attempted to

Far from dreading the unknown, the protagonist delves into it, makes it his ally and describes what he sees and pries, touches and analyzes

Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries To follow, the Figure-03 analyzes an existent situation starting from problems that the Project will confront

Also, it visualizes and it analyzes the relations of causes and results according to the hierarchy of the presented problems

Second layer gravity matrix analyzes material and stays in one place

your words and analyzes what you are saying in a way that

It analyzes the factors that are influencing an emerging economy based on the sum of factors driving massive and significant changes to the way everyone works, plays, and lives

2) Traders should also be able to receive technical analyzes on their trading platforms

analyzes the intel that comes in

author analyzes performance based on the fiscal year of the company simply because

Specifically, the Report Card analyzes:

always analyzes what is going on and therefore seems a little distant from the group

closely analyzes its character within the framework of nature

gathers it), analyzes it, and draws conclusions

This tool analyzes each of your pages for over 30

analyzes links of the pages that it has visited and this “link analysis”

She closes her eyes, analyzes, assesses, processes all she saw and factors in what she has come to understand about humans and monsters in her years of war

Finally, he must concern himself with all corporate policies affecting the security owner, for the value of the issue which he analyzes may be largely dependent upon the acts of the management

How one views businesses has a profound effect on how one analyzes businesses

The book analyzes how our inherent biases undermine our ability to weigh alternatives rationally and objectively

The book explains and analyzes heuristics and exposes common traps decision makers face

MACD combines two moving averages and analyzes how they move in relation to one another, and in relation to price

It examines, it scrutinizes, it analyzes; then it puts together once more, it proceeds by means of reduction, discarding all hatred

Traditional decision theory analyzes choices between uncertain gambles, the simplest of which are characterized by two possible outcomes and their associated probabilities

1 analyzes average excess returns across rating classes

A huge literature analyzes consumers’ prepayment behavior

Another strand of literature analyzes gains of short-term liquidity providers over time

Since in reality they have simultaneous influence on profit variability, we need to perform a statistical test that analyzes the effect of the three factors within the common framework

The nonparametric test based on binomial distribution analyzes the difference between the two frequencies observed in the experiment and compares it to the frequency assumed under the null hypothesis

” Is this true when it comes to forecasting earnings announcement returns? This chapter analyzes two topics related to the usefulness of historical earnings announcement returns for options trading around earnings announcements

This one analyzes 20,000 different chart patterns and tells you which market to buy

For commercial firms and those with special interests, MRCI offers a series of special historical reports, each of which analyzes a specific market complex (soy, metals, forex) and presents seasonal trading ideas for year-round

This test takes each of the moving averages from October 1990 to October 2010 and analyzes the performance of being long the S&P 500 as long as the index closes over the respective moving average

This chapter analyzes gaps in relation to overall market movement

It seems to us that science is only then real science when a man in a laboratory pours liquids from one jar into another, or analyzes the spectrum, or cuts up frogs and porpoises, or weaves in a specialized, scientific jargon an obscure network of conventional phrases—theological, philosophical, historical, juridical, or politico-economical—semi-intelligible to the man himself, and intended to demonstrate that what now is, is what should be

He is represented as a maddened savage on ’Change, and a reckless debauchee at leisure, who analyzes the operations of finance in the language of a monte dealer describing a prize fight, and whose notion of a successful career is something between a gambler, a revolutionist and a buccaneer

Today he was looking for the details of the instruments that were detecting the signals he was analyzing

” Roman paused analyzing even this simple situation

By now she had a partial dump from the base that she was analyzing

and that she would suffer the Consequences… being as brilliant as she was, she abolished The realm of mathematical possibility which minimized time To pure “now” for the purposes of objective analyzing

It took days of analyzing the recordings, they were still making, of the several pirates’ bridges before enough data allowed for the Captain’s initial plans to coalesce sufficiently

They were undeniably bright, well-read academics with a penchant for dissecting and analyzing Old Testament passages

Many hours! William figured he could either sit there and think of all the bad things that could happen to him next or he could put his rested mind to work analyzing his next options

After analyzing his brother’s entire ugly tale, Gordon could see but one way to keep the situation from blowing up in his face

Lets try to understand the functioning of flip flop by analyzing circuit given below

He was more interested in solving problems, not analyzing them thoroughly and documenting them for posterity and further study

of a sudden, Junya felt nervous; analyzing what he was setting himself up for

length, always analyzing us

Although the intention of this book was simply to compare Genesis with science, it has been inevitable to analyze Eden; and while analyzing Eden was also inevitable to analyze the origin of the Jewish people, the chosen people

This can be done by carefully analyzing repetitive patterns and identifying the experiences when they are still in the formative state

The first time that we did this process my mind raced through millions of events like a maniac, catching and analyzing triggers and switching off tons of stuff

And he is analyzing serums

Analytics or BIA) is an over-arching term for storing, analyzing and reporting on

At such a time, the best course of action is to let the memories simply come, stay, and go – but not to start identifying with them, analyzing the situation, proving that you were «in the right», and so forth

For example, in analyzing the marks

He/she should be good in analyzing the product

But now that I’ve been analyzing that last month, it’s clear that he was more argumentative with me and my family

Organization prepares for Service delivery by analyzing their current capabilities and what kind of services they will be able to provide

Graphical tools are of great help in analyzing the metrics

This tool is highly used in performing causal analysis software industry in distinguishing which are the vital factors which we need to concentrate in analyzing any outcome

They quickly scan each of their bodies analyzing cartilage, oxygen levels, muscle, and brain structure

The ship is analyzing and scanning everything inside of the monster

‘You should know; you aliens have every inch of my brain scanned and constantly being analyzing

By analyzing the world into elements and qualities

She continues, before Jaden could think about replying, ‘I have been watching and analyzing you since you’ve gotten here

The most important thing that we learned was the analyzing of a problem and the steps for solving it

Smart Force Attack is based on the statistical tables built by means of analyzing

With a facilitator, they tried to interact as a family while the psychologists were analyzing individual reactions from another room

This will give you insights into whether your competitor’s Twitter campaign has been successful so far, and whether they are worth analyzing

If you were analyzing your competition, the main thing you’d want to consider are the words they are successfully using on the platform

By monitoring and analyzing your performance, you’ll be able to find out what your customers and prospects are interested in, what they really think of the content you tweet, what they think of your brand and what they think of the products or services that you sell

feel is positive about myself without analyzing the hell out of it and

Analyzing himself as water

With a flurry of hummed notes and gestures, Yazadril began casting and loosing many different information-seeking and analyzing spells, one after the other, for six minutes or more

Whatever, I’ve been analyzing it all

be, analyzing what unexpected action might provoke

“Do you really need me to answer that question?” Jenna looked out into the distance, analyzing the situation, and looking at all her options

move at such a fast rate without me analyzing and approving the

I felt like I was the patient and he was the one analyzing me

would not be correct to exactly indicate the work that a Sophianalyst does when analyzing

false ideal of perfection, and to begin analyzing their negative sides

There’s more than enough there to keep several people busy analyzing it for hours if not days, and I want you to keep focused on your other assignments

Where is the locus of awareness? analyzing the human (biomolecular) body,

asteroids by analyzing the light reflected off their surfaces

accepted fact of trading and investing, so it’s a little strange to me that some people still ignore technical analysis or don’t primarily focus on it when analyzing and trading the

I’ve spent, ah, several hours with her, you know, talking, analyzing her and—”

There are a lot of people who read a book or listen to a person and begin to follow that doctrine without questioning or thinking and analyzing

You will need to maintain the conversation while simultaneously analyzing it and modifying old conversational patterns

Gāndhiji was always observing and analyzing

As enemy was brutal and treacherous, he implemented grotesque actions, thinking them, analyzing them and carrying them out, without any sense of proportion, with the sole purpose of inflicting the greatest possible damage to the recipients of his punishment

reality is that the more we can use sophisticated math in conjunction with analyzing games, the

There are even scientists who are dedicated to analyzing the synergies

In college, engineering was an obvious choice for me, but I stuck with literature for my electives since reading and analyzing fictional worlds had always been my great escape

Is it possible that I could move up to analyzing the data instead of just collecting it

• By undertaking continuous testing and analyzing what does and doesn’t

This strategy does however have to be used in conjunction with analyzing the

same article site without analyzing the quantity and quality of the resultant

These models are generated by analyzing as much market input data that can

I wish I could stop analyzing

I realize that when it comes to analyzing my dreams I

Faye Anne was quietly and intently analyzing the data from the sensors to glean from the scraps of evidence she had who was behind the attacks

The Linguistics Department translates Medusa’s interceptions of Stellar beyond the dome, which is infrequent, but when it is picked up, the Corporation wastes no time in collecting and analyzing the intelligence

We are analyzing the potential routes where this might work

The Rakai stood six feet before them, analyzing the other two Nycarmans-who also had translators in their ears

causes, analyzing and diagnosing so that a solution can be found

I present the background to why some historians identify these same missionary demobilizing problems when analyzing the Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Analyzing the choices Moody made would make a good case study on how to effectively mobilize a unified missions force

Analyzing the strength and the position of your rival is the most vital thing that you

“Certainly! My team has finished reviewing and analyzing the latest data brought back by Nancy, which by the way is an absolute gold mine of historical information

I have also this political science book analyzing the state of post-war Europe and its relationship with the United States

Analyzing this verse carefully, the word Rapiemur is the proper tense of rapio

Nancy felt total discouragement as she finished analyzing the data from the spying probe: the actions and intentions of King Stan and of his command staff left the Time Patrol no choice but to erase the Imperium if the Global Council’s survival was to be insured

Mitchell suddenly felt himself without sensation, introspectively analyzing the convoluted reasoning behind his recent shortcomings

on a manufacturing client that he was carefully analyzing

By the 22nd, I was back in Benghazi – we all had our heads together, analyzing everything, and

Analyzing their product profile and using some other data converting that into income segments of their customers allowed us to identify various potential locations that would be most appropriate

As he arose to his feet, nearly losing his balance and stumbling over the toilet in the process, Wickland turned slightly, expecting to find an inquisitive Graisco hovering over his shoulder analyzing the situation as well

analyzing its risk criteria (leverage ratios) and interfacing this analysis with the market (a potential creditor): a default premium is derived and is added to the risk-free rate (an

Our operators are presently analyzing the recordings of those intercepts

We are still analyzing that evidence but we already have enough to charge some very powerful people around the country

The checklist is a set of questions that was used for observing and analyzing the websites of the selected firms, and was adapted from the Dalhousie Libraries (1999) checklist guide

The same or similar studies should be done periodically to elucidate the changes or trends in website usage over time, and may reduce the possibility of bias in this study due to a single researcher analyzing the sites

―In analyzing this matter,‖ said Scaliger, ―I think we should begin with what we know for certain

They are also using only their gravity sails, which makes them much harder to spot via optical and infra-red means and prevents us from analyzing their drive flare for identification

The man was a near genius, but he was in her opinion basically wasting his intellect in studying and analyzing something completely irrelevant to the realities of the Universe

In fact from analyzing world health charts it is apparent

there inspecting and analyzing this so-

She closed her eyes, analyzing the

I was still analyzing the members of the band when Temmy sat with me

Some things to remember when analyzing your thoughts:

They are cheerfully optimistic, and enjoy other people instead of analyzing them (two’s) or ignoring them (one’s)

From time to time, figuring out the definition of a phrase isn’t actually sufficient.

From time to time, you additionally want to see how it may be used in more than a few varieties of sentences to actually know it.

In the weblog publish beneath, we’ll display you some examples of how “analyze” is used in a sentence. This may permit you to leisure simple in the wisdom that you simply don’t simply know the definition however you’ll additionally use it accurately.

How do you employ the phrase “analyze” in a sentence?

“Analyze” is a common transitive verb. It method to read about or find out about one thing in moderation and make new conclusions about or connections between knowledge. You’ll analyze many stuff, together with knowledge, folks and eventualities. As a transitive verb, “analyze” is generally adopted by way of a direct object. 

What’s the grammatical background of “analyze”?

“Analyze” at all times acts as a verb in a sentence. It’s used and conjugated like some other common verb that ends with “-er.”

“To research” is the infinitive, and “analyze” is the provide disturbing type of the verb aside from for third-person singular, when it wishes to have an “s” added.

It’s a transitive verb, meaning that it at all times wishes a direct object. You will have to at all times be inspecting one thing or somebody.

You most likely know that English is a international language. In the United States, “analyze” is the right kind spelling, however in the remainder of the English-speaking international, the phrase is spelled “analyse.”

You are going to see each variations used in Canada.

While you analyze one thing, you find out about it, however this is just one a part of inspecting. As well as to learning it, you draw conclusions about otherwise you take a look at how it connects to different issues or items of data.

As a verb, “analyze” can transfer about lovely freely, coming at the starting or center of a sentence.

It may well additionally come close to the finish of the sentence. On the other hand, as a result of it’s a transitive verb, it is going to by no means be the ultimate phrase in a sentence because it at all times has to take a direct object.

Be mindful, a direct object is the factor that receives the motion of the verb.

Let’s take a take a look at the phrase in other positions.

“Analyze” at the starting of a sentence

At the starting of a sentence, “analyze” acts as a command.

Observe that it’s common to see this phrase in clinical, mathematic and different instructional contexts:

Analyze the equation, and inform me your conclusions.

Analyze the result of the experiment.

Even supposing there are lots of various things that may be analyzed, one phrase that it’s ceaselessly paired with as the direct object is “knowledge”:

Analyze the knowledge prior to you make your determination.

“Analyze” in the center of a sentence

It’s no longer simply equations, experiment effects, and information that may be analyzed. Many different issues may also be too.

Listed here are a few examples of the phrase going on in the center of a sentence:

The police will analyze his solutions to see if they are able to to find any clues in them.

I attempted no longer to analyze the tale she was once telling me, however I couldn’t lend a hand considering it sounded unfaithful.

The scientists sought after to analyze the rocks from Mars to be told extra about the planet.

“Analyze” close to the finish of a sentence

As discussed above, you received’t see “analyze” at the very finish of a sentence as it at all times wishes to be adopted by way of a direct object.

On the other hand, you might even see it just about at the finish, adopted best by way of that direct object:

The police nonetheless want to analyze the proof.

The category will analyze the poem.

I couldn’t actually analyze his expression.

It’s arduous for me to analyze my feelings.

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Hiya fellow !! It’s me, James. I’m the proud proprietor of Languages have at all times been my interest and I’ve studied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Sinology at the College of USA. It’s my utmost excitement to proportion with all of you guys what I learn about languages and linguistics in normal.

analyse, analyze (v): to study or examine something in detail, in order to discover more about it

Use “analyse/analyze” in a sentence

The job involves gathering and analysing data.
He tried to analyse his feelings.


Definition of Analyze

to review thoroughly and in a logical manner

Examples of Analyze in a sentence

The psychiatrist will analyze the patient’s behaviors and thoughts in order to diagnose the condition.


Because an accountant is coming to analyze our financial records, we need to make sure we have our files available.


Hurricane trackers analyze weather patterns to identify conditions that trigger the storms.


Since my cable has stopped working, a technician is being sent to my home to analyze the problem.


My husband will analyze every line of the contract before he signs his name.


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