Use the word amuse in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word amuse, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use amuse in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «amuse».

Amuse in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word amuse in a sentence.

  1. Pepper as «the last great pop album, the last LP ambitious to amuse everyone».

  2. To amuse themselves the creatures play shinty when the skies are clear and bright at night.

  3. This work specifically advises royal retainers to amuse their masters with inventive language.

  4. That for all its flaws it still manages to charm, amuse and move the reader is even more remarkable.

  5. According to Groening, «Homer originated with my goal to both amuse my real father, and just annoy him a little bit.

  6. Rindt’s childhood friends and his brother described him as a «laddish child» who often performed tricks to amuse others.

  7. When she was 17 Heyer began a serial story to amuse her brother Boris, who suffered from a form of haemophilia and was often weak.

  8. He later used this transcript to educate and amuse his children, he being the hero and the Bishop of London being portrayed as a buffoon.

  9. However, Arm says that he had not put much thought into the lyrics; while performing the song in concerts, he sometimes changes them to amuse himself.

  10. The application of movable type printing advanced the already widespread use of woodblock printing to educate and amuse Confucian students and the masses.

  11. In an industry where you create to amuse and entertain, do you sense a crisis about the industry’s continuing regression of excitement and new stimulation?

  12. Frasquita and Mercédès amuse themselves by reading their fortunes from the cards; Carmen joins them and finds that the cards are foretelling her death, and José’s.

  13. David Thomson called her body of work «insubstantial» and Pauline Kael wrote that she could not act, but rather «used her lack of an actress’s skills to amuse the public.

  14. They first appeared in a letter to Coleridge dated December 1798, in which Wordsworth wrote that «She dwelt» and «Strange fits» were «little Rhyme poems which I hope will amuse you».

  15. The Economic Times critic Gaurav Malani was disappointed with the picture and wrote that Mukerji «comes up with a spirited performance but her mock sob-whine-whimper do not amuse anymore.

  16. According to Grossmith, Gilbert «was to those who knew him a courteous and amiable gentleman a gentleman without veneer.» Grossmith and many others wrote of how Gilbert loved to amuse children:.

  17. The Palazzo Zacco is one of the more notable Baroque buildings of the city, its Corinthian columns supporting balconies of amazing wrought iron work, while supports of grotesques mock, shock or amuse the passerby.

Synonyms for amuse

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word amuse has the following synonyms: divert and disport.

General information about «amuse» example sentences

The example sentences for the word amuse that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «amuse» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «amuse».

amuse (v): to entertain someone, especially by humorous speech or action or by making them laugh or smile

Use “amuse” in a sentence

My joke amused everyone.
That picture will amuse you.
We were greatly amused by her story.

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About 725 results found using ‘AMUSE’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • The fun starts with a boozy amuse bouche, a refreshing raspberry litchi Bellini.  (open, save, copy)

  • We started making fake displays to amuse ourselves since we were all unemployed.  (open, save, copy)


  • As an only child you’re conditioned to amuse and entertain yourself for periods.  (open, save, copy)

  • Amuse everyone with the classic schoolyard game with the dog playing the monkey.  (open, save, copy)

  • There also was more tourist tripe, apparently meant to amuse cruise passengers.  (open, save, copy)

  • Even the amuse-bouches were good, and they’re usually a waste of everyone’s time.  (open, save, copy)

  • While the gas pumped I could muster up something clever to amuse the Texaco girl.  (open, save, copy)

  • That the announcement of his name afterward drew boos seemed to amuse Cammalleri.  (open, save, copy)

  • As you’re reading the possibilities at 2941, the amuse-bouches are brought out.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘amuse’:

  1. Occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion; «The play amused the ladies» [source]
  2. Make (somebody) laugh; «The clown amused the children» [source]
  3. (amused) pleasantly occupied; «We are not amused» -Queen Victoria [source]
  4. (amusing) providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining; «an amusing speaker»; «a diverting story» [source]
  5. (amusing) arousing or provoking laughter; «an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls»; «an amusing fellow»; «a comic hat»; «a comical look of surprise»; «funny stories that made everybody laugh»; «a very funny writer»; «it would have been laughable if it hadn’t hurt so much»; … [source]
  6. Amusement is the state of experiencing humorous and usually entertaining events or situations, and is associated with enjoyment, happiness, laughter and pleasure. The word «Amuse» is so named from the opposite of «Muse» -to learn or to think. [source]
  7. AMuse is a freeware music collection manager for AmigaOS4 that includes client functionality . AMuse supports submissions of locally played music, listening to similar artists and user library, scrobbling of tracks. … [source]
  8. To entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner; to stir with pleasing emotions; To cause laughter, to be funny; To keep in expectation; to beguile; to delude; this sense? … [source]
  9. (amused) referring to someone who is in a state of being entertained [source]

Native speakers pronounce  ‘amuse’:

What do we mean by amuse?

To hold the attention of or occupy in an agreeable fashion. transitive verb

To cause to laugh or smile by being funny. transitive verb

To delude or deceive. transitive verb

To cause to muse; absorb or engage in meditation; occupy or engage wholly; bewilder; puzzle.

To keep in expectation, as by flattery, plausible pretenses, and the like; delude; keep in play.

To fix the attention of agreeably; engage the fancy of; cause to feel cheerful or merry; entertain; divert: as, to amuse an audience with anecdotes or tricks, or children with toys.

Synonyms Amuse, Divert, Entertain, Beguile, occupy, please, enliven. Amuse may imply merely the prevention of the tedium of idleness or emptiness of mind: as, I can amuse myself by looking out at the window; or it may suggest a stronger interest: as, I was greatly amused by their tricks. Divert is to turn the attention aside, and (in the use considered here) to something light or mirthful. Entertain is to engage and sustain the attention by something of a pleasing and perhaps instructive character, as conversation; hence the general name entertainment for lectures, exhibitions, etc., designed to interest in this way. “Whatever amuses serves to kill time, to lull the faculties and banish reflection; it may be solitary, sedentary, and lifeless: whatever diverts causes mirth and provokes laughter; it will be active, lively, and tumultuous: whatever entertains acts on the senses and awakens the understanding; it must be rational and is mostly social.” Crabb. Beguile is, figuratively, to cheat one out of weariness, of dull time, etc. The word is as often thus applied to the thing as to the person: as, to beguile a weary hour; to beguile one of his cares.

To muse; meditate.

To muse; to mediate. intransitive verb

To occupy or engage the attention of; to lose in deep thought; to absorb; also, to distract; to bewilder. transitive verb

To entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner; to stir with pleasing or mirthful emotions; to divert. transitive verb

To keep in expectation; to beguile; to delude. transitive verb

To entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner; to stir with pleasing emotions. verb

To cause laughter, to be funny. verb

To keep in expectation; to beguile; to delude. verb

To divert attention, to distract, to bewilder. verb

Make (somebody) laugh verb

Occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion verb

To entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner; to stir with pleasing emotions.

To cause laughter or amusement; to be funny.

To keep in expectation; to beguile; to delude.

To occupy or engage the attention of; to lose in deep thought; to absorb; also, to distract; to bewilder.

To make someone laugh
to interest or give pleasure to Urban Dictionary

Having fun, making fun of someone. Urban Dictionary

A face caused by an event in which one or more people try to be funny or amusing, and one or more people on the receiving side give a combination the death stare and vagrancy that simply says «Fuck You, Please Die Now.» Urban Dictionary

A synonym for entertainment. Urban Dictionary

When something or someone causes you to smirk inside and out. Also causes you to relive the event. Urban Dictionary

The state of being both in arusal and amused. Sexually arused by something that is also amusing. Urban Dictionary

Amuse — French for appetizer — it relates to taking a bump or pinch. Take a bump of sosa from a key or a credit card. Urban Dictionary

Amusive is a action physically or verbally abusive that when scene or heard is found to be amusing. Urban Dictionary

1. amusing music
2. something so amusing that it should have its own theme music Urban Dictionary

A cute little girl to w’et your…err, um… appetite (derived from the French term of the same name meaning: a small appetizer as served, usually without a charge, in a restaurant) Urban Dictionary

She could amuse herself exploring all the outdoors that Ava had built up

A private citizen, who, in time of profound peace, and without any particular encouragement from the public, should spend the greater part of his time in military exercises, might, no doubt, both improve himself very much in them, and amuse himself very well; but he certainly would not promote his own interest

The state, by encouraging, that is, by giving entire liberty to all those who, from their own interest, would attempt, without scandal or indecency, to amuse and divert the people by painting, poetry, music, dancing; by all sorts of dramatic representations and exhibitions; would easily dissipate, in the greater part of them, that melancholy and gloomy humour which is almost always the nurse of popular superstition and enthusiasm

But she didn’t really believe his stories, thinking he had made it up to amuse her

The burial was marked by another scene of bloodshed, and more victims were chosen and executed, one of the mourners being sometimes seized and killed, if it suited the priest’s caprice to further amuse the crowd

You never have to worry (or is it wolly?) about being short of something to amuse you after dark

That idea actually seemed to amuse him

He told me to go amuse myself while he talked to Carlotta

The very next day, Krishnan found someone else to amuse him and his desires


It was a form of mild bullying which appeared to amuse him as much as not being allowed to help her with the housework

But I think she would reject that method, and amuse herself by blasting and scattering you repeatedly until the curse was completely expended

Trask and the girl were left to amuse one another

He came back directly, Charly being in full control of the meal and reminding him his duty was to amuse her aunt

as comical, as his moods in his drunken states would exasperate me as much as they’d amuse

touch with Jan and Chantal through e-mails, most of which never failed to amuse me as

The idea seemed to amuse him

«Others’ faults» amuse us, fill with joy our recreational afternoons and may even be commented as one comments those famous Hollywood comedies, collected between friends and adorning them with scraps of truth; our own, on the other hand, are discussed in very low voice, whispered, surrendering as a tribute to the confidence

Eight youngish actors had joined us to prepare for our Edinburgh Fringe offering of Macbeth, probably hoping to emulate the success of Peter Cooke and Dudley Moore whose revue continued to amuse worldwide

All I’ve ever asked of my pupils is to treat me the same as I treat them: with politeness as equals while doing my best to amuse as well as edify

She decorated the table with candles, opened a bottle of white wine, and played the perfect hostess until, pleading a headache, she left the ‗boys‘ as she called them to clean up and amuse themselves

Let’s amuse this for a moment…

What didn’t amuse him was carelessness

Joe would not amuse her when he would come out with statements like “what does it feel like to be famous”

The one thing that did not amuse me was how Lily’s ex could say such cruel words to her, and Lily telling me he did that often

Puppets are in fact there to amuse the audience and the spectators; so what 108

) She takes scraps from her mothers’ futile and abandoned sewing projects, and cuts them into shapes to be glued onto boxes and colored glass bottles, but that cannot amuse her much these days

“But we amuse you sometimes?” There came no reply to this question

Adapting to the change, they found ways to amuse themselves that did not involve their parents

grams that served no other purpose than to amuse or

On The Throne, We Will Amuse

her own way to amuse itself and pushing things off high places and hearing them

I still paint, but only at weekends, and mainly to amuse the

Unfortunately, this would mean that Lady Jane had been wrong in her assumptions, a fact that would not amuse her given that she had been shown up by her own husband

Sensing the tension between the two, Feltus interrupted so as to appease the coroner and amuse the other men, “Like they say, once a snoop, always a snoop

Helping her to a sitting position, they looked at her as thought she was a ghost, which seemed to amuse her

He would amuse himself by coming out with snippets of speech from scenes etched on his mind, trying it on with any woman within earshot; just in case …

“Nothing,” Wickland said jovially, “I amuse myself sometimes

The news of the deadly fight between the Russians and the ISIS fighters seemed to both amuse and please her handler

His question seemed to amuse the young servant, who smiled and answered in a low voice

finished the game they would amuse themselves by illtreating us

That seemed to amuse Shanandar, who looked at Shoumak while speaking to Tina

It is frustrating that even after the best possible meal, or sex, or whatever, the mind very quickly starts to seek a new stimulation to amuse it or even

There is a bewildering and mind boggling choice and availability of a kaleidoscope of information, fiction, non-fiction, entertainment, games and social networking to amuse and interest us

Apparently my inadequate piloting abilities amuse him

That notion seemed to amuse greatly d’Artagnan, who played with one tip of his thin moustache

“You amuse me,” Hades said

At the moment, he’s just an ornament to put in the corner of the room and amuse the children

“It would amuse me,” Ragnar repeated, in a voice which tolerated no contradiction

“I thought I’d amuse myself while the slaughter is going on

“I knew you would amuse me if you tried hard enough!”

But it was raining, so they had to amuse themselves indoors

As the days grew colder Max often came by in the afternoon to amuse me (and himself) with short, excitable games of blind-the-traitor, dice, cards, and a book, where he would write down everything I could tell him about the niceties of Gralde tavern-life

I was trying to decide how to amuse myself during my solitary hours in her shop, when a friend

Those poor souls have lost all semblance of human individuality and self-sustaining abilities, having been selectively bred to have this or that particular physical oddity, just to amuse the ‘superior’ race that claimed dominion over them

” Flower could not help her laughter at him, it would always amuse her that the older man seemed at times the younger child in their bizarre but perfect relationship

For many centuries humanity prefers to amuse themselves by the thought that what

One day, while this old woman was attending to her tasks at the Pasha’s house, his wife sat beside the washerwoman aiming to amuse herself in idle chat

To amuse himself and to add to the atmosphere,

Writ to amuse and give me glory? Was he excuse to fall in love?

But just to amuse one, and to be, besides, in a perpetual hurry over it because there is so much of it and the day can’t be made to stretch, must be a sorry business

The thing amuses and interests me; I wonder if it would amuse and interest other people? I fear it would not, for when I try to imagine it being read by my various acquaintances my heart sinks with the weight of the certainty that it couldn’t possibly

I have an idea that what will really most amuse that old lady, that wrinkled philosophical old thing, will be all the times when I was being uncomfortable

You were exactly balanced in the present, without a single oscillation towards either the past, a period you hadn’t then learned to regard with the levity for which you are now so remarkable, or to the future, which you at that time, however much the attitude may amuse you now, thought of with doubt and often with fear

Never done it before! Seldom amused these days, this, if grimly, did amuse Lanks

It did not amuse her

I was their jester, there to amuse them so I smiled and laughed a little too, at what? I don’t know

“Glad I could amuse you

I had of course the work in the garden and the upstairs of the house to keep me busy but by and large I was free to amuse myself

It will amuse them to know that one foreigner is going to be punished

Her reaction appeared to amuse him

was novel in a life so crammed with busy years, and I decided to amuse myself by writing a novel that was pure science fiction

This was novel in a life so crammed with busy years, and I decided to amuse myself by writing a novel that was pure science fiction

What about the dinosaur-bones? God just put them in the earth to amuse us?

amuse myself by writing a novel that was pure science fiction

“When I was in the Philippines” his loud friendly cockney demeanour could entertain and amuse any audience

brothers doing to amuse themselves?” he asked

The neighbours choked on their cocktails as I hauled her away and tried to amuse her elsewhere with some amazing jelly shots

seemsto have been written chiefly to amuse; but the plot amply

amuse the wife with while he sits and has another beer

And I shall watch, for it will amuse me greatly

Would we be able to amuse ourselves until he returned? No problem

To indulge in knowledge and to satisfy our sensual need is not the center point of our life here but we may allow our curiosity and hunger to amuse with knowledge, food, sex, jobs, families, friends, social interactions and other such pursuits just to pass the time

I had to amuse myself somehow and even with the penny pinching I still had to borrow a few pounds at the end of the month from my mother

» Kemp leaned forward on his elbows, about to go into another one of his outrageous fantastical stories that never ceased to amuse the group

� In that this comes to us as entertainment, we must feel superior to the people we see in the media otherwise they wouldn’t amuse us

My actions had seemed to amuse him and he had started to laugh with an inhuman squalling cackle that was nerve jarring

They are toys — harmless baubles to amuse us

suddenly changed tack and said, „No doubt you have seen that there is much here to amuse

Elizabeth rolled her eyes to Sophia and by her gape, she asked her to amuse Nadine so as to help her lose the boredom

She put on her earphones and hoped to amuse herself with a Jason Mraz song, but the bag of nerves she always had for Forest Green troubled her again and again

«Let them be! What is it to do with you? Let her go! Let him amuse himself

I thought I should amuse you with my chatter, and I believe I have only made you cross

He was to found a great national drama, based on the true principles of art, that was to be the envy of all nations; he was to drive from the stage the silly, childish plays, the «mirrors of nonsense and models of folly» that were in vogue through the cupidity of the managers and shortsightedness of the authors; he was to correct and educate the public taste until it was ripe for tragedies on the model of the Greek drama—like the «Numancia» for instance—and comedies that would not only amuse but improve and instruct

He had written a mediocre specimen of an insipid class of romance, and some plays which manifestly did not comply with the primary condition of pleasing: were the playgoers to patronise plays that did not amuse them, because the author was to produce «Don Quixote» twenty years afterwards?

Jerm shrugged, trying his best not to look amused

Emma chuckles at the other end of the phone and I hear her explain to Adrian what she’s so amused about

By the end of it Liz and I were thoroughly fed up with the exercise so when Stephen bounced in after a day in the office, we were not amused

Nick appears at my elbow, an amused look on his face – he was clearly in on the secret — he hands me the tissue which his Gran has handed him in her usual, perceptive way

“Well, I suppose a few days here, keep them amused and who

them amused without drawing attention to yourself” said Joe

Wiesse would certainly not be amused by that sort of inattentiveness … as a result I find myself watching the path carefully, straining my eyes for any such rut

’ Berndt’s amused voice said from the door of the stable

I try to look as though I understand what he is talking about, though the amused look Berndt throws in my direction suggests that I am not as successful as I hope

’ Berndt said, obviously amused by my infatuation with the bird

They stand erect, responsible and confident with hands on hips in ankle length skirts and boots of leather, amused by the fashions of the visitors on the quayside

I can see from my reflection in the mirror, that I manage a very reasonable impression of amused surprise … I’m impressed …

Gary is obviously amused

him during his treatment seemed amused

‘What’s so funny?’ he whispered into my ear, he sounds amused himself

‘Yes, why not?’ he asked, amused at my reaction

I think he realized my difficulty, I caught him several times looking at me with an amused expression on his face

looking on with that faintly amused expression he so often wore and

was slightly amused that his approach had been so transparent to

She seemed a bit amused at it

He was not amused when the call came in

Tom was amused by this observation – it was a far cry indeed

Oddly, he seemed amused rather than

‘Then you had better get back over to your place if the man has come all this way to see you!’ I said, amused by her embarrassment

She noticed his clothes were gone and was amused by how shy he was that he couldn’t go down there without them

paintings in the Scuola have always amused me

She discarded both the hibernation and lost basin theory, believed the part about the slavery, and was amused by his love for Luray

amused at the juxtaposition of profane, fanciful beasts

It amused him that his little bivouac now contained over one hundred thousand dollars worth of fur at pre-pulse prices

Theoton stood there with an amused smile stretching his prominent jaw

Projectors, indeed, in every corner of it, have, within these few years, amused the public with most magnificent accounts of the profits to be made by the cultivation and improvement of land

He seemed amused and it was confirmed, when he doubled over, holding his stomach from laughing

Chloe ignored my insult, tossed her curls with an amused smile, then resumed her

Takes her hands and smiles hopefully into her warily amused eyes

She had an amused expression on her face

But he was rather amused when he heard the man reply to Haelga’s overture with a very droll utterance of, “You intrigue me…Divines know Dibella’s my favorite…

The way in which several recruits paused and stood gape-mouthed, bearing lop-sided grins, amused her greatly as she and the officer marched ahead

As she quickly read the short message, she had to muffle an amused gasp

Amused, the Nord wasted no time in sharing the summary of his worries with the feathered companion

He amused Jesus by telling him stories about various animals

Danny amused himself thinking it was a shame

amused himself by thinking how much the man

He heard Sharon’s amused snort

The picture of her standing at her door last night, in her kimona, flashed into his head; her standing there with her hair piled up in a towel and him miming and calling her Lotus Blossom and she hadn’t been amused

The Hungarian waiter was highly amused at Jack’s demonstration and had turned up the piped gypsy music and soon had them all dancing the Csardas awkwardly between the tables

amused at my frustrated arrogance, but I don’t blame him; where I in his shoes, I would do the

he was amused by the actions of his officers and men

The rulers of Great Britain have, for more than a century past, amused the people with the imagination that they possessed a great empire on the west side of the Atlantic

Jim was amused at my new interest in Max, but

I suspect that Abigail Adams would have been amused by that statement

Captain Waddell was so amused by what was going on, and he

He was not amused

His amused gaze returned to her face

Manna kept the king amused with stories, among some were the stock stories that adventurers told, knowing them at least to be half true, and actually happen to someone who knew someone, but were told as if they had recently happened to him

heavy glass tumbler, savoring the calm that now suffused him, mildly amused by how removed he

Many in the harbor, however, were amused to see a Man and three Halflings running across the wharves frantically, weaving in and out of the throngs

The amused warmth never left his eyes

Kokofuku, pointing to the Ansahs, who stood by, looking half amused, half astonished, shouted angrily, “And what about those men, who have brought this trouble upon our heads?” The Governor replied: “The Ansahs will be arrested as criminals and taken to the coast on a charge of forgery

And when she found out the other day that Bilge, Netfiddle, and I were setting up the slave deal right under her nose, she was not amused

«Yes,» said Miss Bennett with an amused smile,

that amused it, and he heard it cooing inside his coat

They were not amused and it must have been a terrible shock to almost drown on a perfectly clear day

amused ourselves by wondering what Old Father Christmas would choose

Before I could be accused of being a long haired liberal and worse we handed the crocodile over to the local constable for his soon to be father in law and left the scene to explain to the much amused lieutenant that “(1) yes we did indeed arrested a f crocodile and no (2) our pants are not f wet front or rear but torn by the vicious claws (read feet) of the crocodile who (3) did not want to be f arrested and (4) resisted in fact until we (5) fatherly persuaded him f otherwise

In April 1988, if I remember correctly, a terrorist bomb exploded at the Sterland movie theatre last seen across the street from where I reported the crocodile arrest to our amused lieutenant

I was snapped from my invention theory when Boyd clicked his fingers at me, amused by the far away daze I was clearly in

I watched her, amused at her storytelling, but I was reliving it with Spencer’s face in front of me, and it made me want to shrivel up in a hollow grave and disappear

It amused me to watch them and relive my own special happy times spent there, as in a few hours I would be leaving this sanctuary of my soul

amused how easily he could suffer this, to him totally meaningless, gibberish

“I was amused by their ignorance,” he reassured her gently

The HR Director was not amused and the MD had to report to Regional HQ to explain

It had always amused him how such a slim, sophisticated woman drank pints with the best of them

If even part of what she says is true, Hotel Paradise is crawling with more shady characters than a Bogart movie — and that’s another laugh: for some reason, the term ‘shady characters’ amused her and she wanted to understand its meaning, but I couldn’t get past ‘shady

For her part, Clarissa, if anything, appeared amused by the entire excursion, but it was amusement with a cutting edge, an air of barely contained violence that made me shy away any time her judging gaze slid across me

Dave appeared to be amused himself, with the irony of being in the middle of all that

His amused expression left her undaunted

The Patriarch sounded amused when he replied:

“She would not be amused

Gordon’s anti-drug obsession used to make him smile but, this early morning, he was anything but amused – rather the flashing lights and painted barriers seemed akin to the gates of Hell

The man’s gaze was still cold, but there was a twinkle in it as if her confusion amused him

Ebira was the odd one out with her black hair and green eyes, but that merely amused her when the two siblings commented on it

He was still amused with Laino’s little lesson that morning, but neither she nor Elior wanted to admit that they could see the fun in it

The people there at the post office boxes were somewhat amused but they always accommodated her

Like she’s amused

“The only one who understands him is our servant Tetl, who is much amused by his salty tongue

Amelia could see Devin leaning out the window behind her, grinning, amused at her frustration

I was not amused

The Obeah man paused and gave her an amused look

“she’s supposed to be long dead!” whoever she was Chloe seemed amused by her pressence

When he questioned my ability to do it under pressure I told him about my experience in Tecate, and he was genuinely amused when I told him about inadvertently cracking the boss in the package with a hockey stick

They are somewhat scared of me, well, all of them except my fathers, Isodor, and Elijah who is somehow amused by what I can do

Elena, amused by the two: You are silly

His deep voice sounded amused

The President was so impressed, touched, and amused that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy a $5

They both laughed at the little joke she had made, Greatchen, because she was amused, Stuart, because he was embarrassed and didn’t want to show it

For a moment she looked shocked as she took in her surroundings, then her expression seemed amused

I abruptly stopped when I saw Ellie at the door with an amused look on her face, “Sorry, I knocked and no one replied

He looked a bit offended, but more amused than anything

The warm water diluting it only makes the stuff worse; a fact which amuses Gilla as I express my distaste and wince

It amuses me that he appears disconcerted by her comment – obviously not at all sure what has been said!

“Nothing amuses me, I am happy that you have made the decision to leave here

A 12-year-old boy amuses himself far too much by dissecting a live frog with his favourite penknife

Wonder why life had let fate withdraw its model brand well before its expiry time; but the lament in the obituaries about the loss to the society on account of those, who had long ceased to contribute amuses me; would the lack of meaningless hyperboles in them mean any disrespect to the departed? What about the living legends; the psyche of these spent forces makes an interesting reading; used as they were to adulations in their heydays, they tend to bemuse themselves at sundry events as the organizers eulogize them to add value to their own endeavors, and as if they came out of their oblivion, they head home to savor a peg or two to buttress their fantasy of falsity

It always amuses me when a slimmer who loves fattening food tells me that they have no willpower

When novelty is all that stimulates, amuses, or pleasures us, then the palate of our emotions has been dulled to gray and we are haunted by an ashen spiritscape that was scorched in the pursuit of conquering boredom

of one who has so little a soul that he amuses himself by ruining others’ lives

The thing amuses and interests me; I wonder if it would amuse and interest other people? I fear it would not, for when I try to imagine it being read by my various acquaintances my heart sinks with the weight of the certainty that it couldn’t possibly

And it only amuses you to see another try

“And I cannot tell a lie, it amuses the hell out of me

“Glad this amuses you

It also amuses me that so much value is placed on these shiny pieces of carbon, which do not move me in the least and yet I plan to open a jewelry shop

It amuses me when I read novels written by those who never had any religious faith or who have lost it, novels that describe religious training in the home as producing unhappiness and hypocrisy and morbidity, the atmosphere one of thick gloom

«That is true,» replied Emma; «but moving about always amuses me

Heathcliff, be kind enough to bid this friend of yours release me: she forgets that you and I are not intimate acquaintances; and what amuses her is painful to me beyond expression

The Badger laughed good-humouredly and said, ‘All right, Ratty! It amuses you and it doesn’t hurt me

“I’m sure that amuses you,” I say to her, “but she’s gone now, so it doesn’t matter, does it?”

We can afford to let Rainbow Waters play with them any way that amuses him

‘Why not, if it amuses him? Ca ne tire pas a consequence

The reflection of that smile could not but have a little merriment in it too, even under dark eyelashes still moist, as Dorothea said inquiringly, «Something amuses you?»

«That is true,» replied Emma; «but moving about always amuses

It always amuses me in SpikeTrade when two elite traders pick the same stock—one long and the other short

‘And to think it is Cyril Vladimirovich Bezukhov’s son who amuses himself in this

His father lies on his deathbed and he amuses himself

who amuses himself, because he is unhappy

«It amuses me to hear the decanter run down the legs of the house

His sister tried to laugh off her feelings by saying, «Nothing amuses me more than the easy manner with which everybody settles the abundance of those who have a great deal less than themselves

Kedril listens, makes grimaces, and amuses the spectators by his reflections «aside

“It amuses them, and the money comes

“And to think it is Cyril Vladímirovich Bezúkhov’s son who amuses himself in this sensible manner! And he was said to be so well educated and clever

“Oh, if that sort of thing amuses him”—contempt spoke in Cecilia’s tone—“let him have—his hank of hair!”

Possessed of ample means, and more than ample leisure, she amuses herself in hours which might otherwise be devoted to gossip and tea, in putting together these various models of buildings, all differing in style, and of most singular materials

Tatania dragged him from one VIP to another, introducing him before dominating the conversation with amusing epithets about speculative inappropriate behaviour from Sam

What a lifetime it had been, especially the first few local years as they prowled around each other like two wary cats, amusing the local population

The meal is a jolly one, with Wally telling some amusing stories about Nick as a child which Nick takes in very good part

Wearing Manolis’ sombrero had helped, amusing the holiday snappers but by then the joke was over, there was no one around and I’d had enough

Looking back, it was quite amusing really, as we had a very public courtship with the entire congregation egging him on and trying to talk me into marrying the man

‘I’m glad that’s over though, it was not at all amusing when I arrived at the hall

It was amusing that a person with a friendly name

To my surprise, rather than coming back with an amusing comment, he sits thinking about my definition of love

the his prize collection of amusing caricature pottery

Dave walks me back to my flat relating some amusing stories about Bill on the way

It was amusing to see that even his hairstyle

Both Duncan and Alexei found the whole incident amusing

She’d have been the first one to find it amusing, believe me

The girl finds it amusing and gruesome

“You find that amusing?” Ningla snorted, and then grinned

Enjteen is amusing to us

ending series of small emergencies and amusing incidents which, he

’ He said when he finished, he knows the effect his playing has on me, and finds it all rather amusing, calling me ‘his organ groupie’

The girls continued to listen to everything Jesse had to say, and with such intent, that she found the way their eyebrows moved with the highs and lows amusing

Of course, he found the sight of her desperately trying to grab a snaking hose amusing

«Whooo! This Tetloan child is more amusing than he seems

One of the prisoners found this to be so amusing that he collapsed on the floor in a paroxysm of laughter

Amusing enough is that he thought this

He couldn’t help but find it amusing that so recently he embraced hope, and now there was naught but hopelessness

amusing and some annoying

was nothing but an epileptic seizure is an amusing story, but must

More amusing than

the amusing ones, but some of the others,

“Oh, that is an amusing story, but a long one!”

And then I told her the amusing incident, of the times when

Amusing, if it would not sad, is that the

“This should be amusing

In Liam’s case, he seemed to be enjoying my annoyance and found my icy personality to be amusing

It was amusing to watch a panther cavorting like a kitten, but I needed to get some rest

How the soldiers of both sides tried to cajole the unwitting by way of clever and flattering appeal was both amusing and tiresome – and all too often successful if attempted by a particularly silver tongue

rather, he found it amusing

If the pig’s expression is anything to go by, it appears he finds this highly amusing

But the Dutch government soon began to oppress the Portuguese colonists, who, instead of amusing themselves with complaints, took arms against their new masters, and by their own valour and resolution, with the connivance, indeed, but without any avowed assistance from the mother country, drove them out of Brazil

Life in the front line trenches could be both deadly amusing and heartbreaking all at the same time and the lack of water was chronic and always a problem for we could never seem to get enough

doorpost? It was amusing that the violence had

Such a speculation, can, at worst, be regarded but as a new Utopia, less amusing, certainly, but no more useless and chimerical than the old one

No one seemed to find that amusing, and not surprisingly, since it was their own jobs on the line

since the SMI material was fairly pricey I was amusing myself by

He found this entire conversation amusing

It is always amusing to me to see pictures of a soldier with a few diagonal camouflage stripes across his face only

* First thing my American Patriot learned and she also found it amusing so I suppose it is a woman’s thing

Mr Langford found it extremely amusing

Apparently the horrified look that spread across my face was highly entertaining, even Patty found it amusing

‘Well I’ll bet this was a shock,’ he said with a grin that neither Dena nor I found amusing at all

It was a little amusing as he was the only man on earth who knew Dena’s real age

As the weeks went by it became amusing to watch Dena’s disdain at her gained weight

I stood over the crib for a few seconds watching as she squirmed and wriggled, it was amusing how she brought her bum up as she tucked her legs in underneath her tummy

We were never too sure who made up the themes, but it was always amusing and great fun

I find it somewhat amusing, however, if not disingenuous, that some liberals consider her rescission a ―victory‖ for the Democratic Party

She did, a little, but it was all quite amusing

Dawley translated, amusing the general with my remarks

The worst one, and the one who was most amusing, was the one who always mispronounced English words

Wall Drug was actually pretty amusing, with a fascinating collection of western-themed paintings and other museum-like exhibits

Watching the other campers is always amusing

He traveled along the path with an amusing, unusual, prancing motion

Gareth was paying attention; trying to understand the cryptic messages buried within this amusing bird tale

Did he really think it was that amusing? It did not feel as amusing to her

Everyone except me thought it was highly amusing of course

An incident that happened a few years ago was both amusing

He laughed, but she could in no way see what was amusing about it

The effect of the overlarge eye against his otherwise handsome face is both grotesque and amusing

she found so amusing? Well, she was glad at least that they lifted her spirits a bit

The members find it quite amusing that their despicable actions have the entire East End of London in a state of panic, are costing the country thousands of pounds in police overtime and have even caused the Queen herself to comment on the situation

She found the Three Kings amusing while they were trying to figure out how to defeat the armies of the Opposing Forces

He found that very amusing and told me that passengers on a galera made generous use of strong perfumes or stuffed their noses with spices to overcome the odor

Sometimes, though scarcely, the nomad stops at a place for a brief interval, only to take a bit of rest, to rest his aching bones, before he sets out again in quest of that illusive truth that does not let him rest, meanwhile entertaining and amusing me

” Hayward adds the amusing prediction that environmentalists will eventually find that “global warming is the issue that ate them alive

He was born in Dunedin and his warm and amusing

It is doubtful that he will ever enter an elevator again… Roger found those goings on somewhat amusing for he was the one that made the phone call and heard the consoling voice of the mechanic who seemed to know what he had to do to rescue them

Roger found rather amusing the fact that the bus they took for their tour arrived at Skagway from Hollywood

The bus that took the tourists to the Lake was quite old, and the owner very congenial and amusing

Roger found it amusing that his brother Antonio was going around praising the Cuban Revolution and claiming that in Cuba “there is no scarcity of anything”, while in private he would show his family a long list of items he needed for himself and his Cuban relatives and friends because they could not find them in Cuba

Dr JJ Russoo snorts gleefully at my statement, which was not meant to be amusing

I just stated a fact in an amusing way

“I’m sure the Pastor would find that amusing

It’s really very amusing to watch as he opens his mouth and literally tries to eat the wind that

amusing to hear what noises other parents make when they

makes it even more amusing

I think one of the most amusing stories involved in my coming back to work for my father is the saga of my company car

Her mother did not think it was amusing when

I mean, don’t get me wrong, my Grandma does talk crap but she does it in a fun, amusing way because she knows she’s talking crap

Still, it is amusing you cleave to him at your centre, even though he was willing to kill you for what he wanted more truly

It’s the story of how Hilia came to be an outpost of my nation, and it’s quite an amusing story

We had an amusing verification that his essence radiated unusual energies when he was channeling

His playful butt-slaps in passing had, in the first instance been mildly amusing, being unused to such attention, but over time his growing familiarity had developed into full blown gropes

amusing about the whole scenario

These are the only restrooms I know off where men will be allowed freely in the women’s restroom (of course when not in use) and vice versa, to inspect the amusing and clever artwork and take photos

D murmured to me, as if this were an amusing thought

The women he once found so amusing in the past

The party passed among amusing pleasantries, very sonorous laughs and interesting anecdotes

Apollo was only a moderate success because instead of the ribald romp that nudity promised, patrons were presented with a play that took an amusing and intelligent swipe at many social stupidities

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