Use the word america in a sentence

  • Use the word America in a sentences

Sentence Examples

It produced a book of photographs that laid bare the soul of 1950s america.

You’re proposing to lock horns with the shrewdest money mind in america.

‘Particularly, in america, it is about the big chain shop, about the big sort of Wal-Mart or whatever.

The book appeared in France in 1958, and a year later in america with an introduction by Jack Kerouac.

It was badly received, something you doubtless know. It didn’t go down well in america where the critics said,

america also had to contend with the anarchic energy of William Klein.

wasn’t such a big deal. Can we say on TV that he said he wanted to give america a kick in the balls, cos that’s what he said! america‘s so full of shit.

in 1965 Ray-Jones returned home to see how lessons learnt in america could be applied here.

I like that picture, I don’t know why. I mean that picture’s a very intriguing one because that looks like in america in some diner.

It’s a book about america a long, long time ago

It tells of two Hebrew tribes that walked in ancient america.

I only have three days before I am resurrected, but in that time I will preach here to you in america.

And I believe that ancient Jews built boats and sailed to america

Because apparently, a tribe of ancient Jews lived in america, created huge civilizations and were visited by Christ, but then, then disappeared, leaving no archaeological trace of themselves except… for golden plates, which were then dug up by a farmer who wrote down,

Let’s all keep our minds focus on targeting america after China.

Joong Won is going to america?

Why is he going to america all of a sudden?

Are you going to america, too?

I read in the newspaper that you’re going to america to film a movie.

Did you know that Tae Gong Shil is on her way to america?

She’s going to america with some man whom I’ve never seen before.

Get me the president of the United States of america!

With money from his first novel «One flew over the cuckoos nest» Kesey and his friends bought a second-hand school-bus painted it bright colors and loaded with LSD set off across america.

america today is an insane asylum. The american people are completely hung up on material acquisition, on power, on war making, its an insane asylum over here.

It’s a safe bet that this drug will make headlines in this country as it has for some years in america.

And that huge consumer boom that we were all experiencing in america and in England.

Laws were passed in america and around the world banning LSD and determing it to have no medical value.

«We’ve been thinking that it’s best that she goes over to america.

I have spoken with Ingmar and he also agrees that you should travel to america. Later, you can…

«and not send it off until I am on board the steamer to america

«But my father wrote me that you agreed that I should go to america —«

«I’m going to america, of course —«

Mister Quaker, the Oyster King of america:

Returning to america with Naela, a beautiful Priestess of the Incas…

«I heard that the Storm Bird is sailing for South america. Is that true?»

I left South america two years ago. I have often dreamed of buying your business myself, which I have always greatly admired.


Charlie Paddock, america‘s best sprinter, while training (Normal and slow-motion recordings)

H.H. Meyer, america‘s best hurdler

Helen Wills, the hope of america (Slow-motion recording)

In England and america, sports is like the breath of the nation.

Ellis Island, the Funnel of america.

But when he wrote that he was coming to america, she stopped writing and hid for she had never told him she was… blind.»

By the President of the United States of america Proclamation

In the middle of the seventies, ship of hope bore thousands of emigrants to seek the reality of their dreams in america.

Every evening in america, eighteen million blondes prepare to dine with gentlemen.

We will have our honeymoon in North america.

«Julie, we are going to america

America sentence example. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use america in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for america.

  • She goes to America. (10)
  • She goes to America. (22)
  • Ritter.—Music in America. (3)
  • I had thoughts of America. (10)
  • He also has visited America. (3)
  • In 1894-95, he visited America. (3)
  • It goes to South America, lots of it. (9)
  • America reaps the benefit of our folly . (10)
  • What Russian pianist has visited America? (3)
  • My dear Austin is going to South America. (10)
  • What did this mean to Canada and America? (19)
  • Mathews.—Hundred Years of Music in America. (3)
  • In 1900, he made a brilliant tour in America. (3)
  • The miller was dead, her brother in America. (10)
  • Which one has made successful tours of America? (3)
  • It is to be known as the Bank of North America. (18)
  • It is not America; if it is not France, what is it? (9)
  • To America the honours from beginning to end belong. (10)
  • In America his popularity was as instant as it was vast. (9)
  • Why, in fact, should we wish to find America like Europe? (9)
  • She has made successful appearances in Europe and America. (3)
  • In America we believe in virility; we like a man to expand. (8)
  • To be loyal to America I would die a pauper in a lost cause. (18)
  • Redworth was in America, engaged in carving up that hemisphere. (10)
  • After a successful career in England, he came to America in 1880. (3)
  • The educated men of America were delighted with the appointment. (14)
  • He has traveled also widely in Europe as well as to South America. (3)
  • America to America, North and South; India to Europe. (10)
  • He came to America in 1897-98 with Ysaye and others, and again in 1902. (3)
  • With us in America such matters are often settled in this childish way. (13)
  • A Conservatory teacher well-known in America is =Raoul Pugno=, born 1852. (3)
  • The grand violinist Durandarte: forcibly detained on his way to America. (10)
  • What young pianist has made an especially brilliant impression in America? (3)
  • None of his occasional misgivings for America implicated a return to monarchy. (9)
  • Ireland, or else America, it is a guiltless kind of suicide to bury myself abroad. (10)
  • But he said nothing in comment, and went on to speak generally of Europe and America. (9)
  • To many it seemed a critical period in the life of the English colonists in America. (19)
  • He reappeared in America in 1896-97, and has since made triumphal progress through Europe. (3)
  • Unfortunately, we know little of the means of travel in ancient America, other than the names. (7)
  • The war between Britain and America was ended, and so further relieved their dread of punishment. (19)
  • In ancient America the dog was a sacred animal, worshiped by all sorts and conditions of tribesmen. (7)
  • The first one born in captivity in America saw the light of day in Cincinnati on October 20, 1889. (21)
  • But he was about to give it up and come to America, where he said Barnum had offered him an engagement. (9)
  • Peace was declared between Britain and America in 1783, but there was no peace for the American Loyalists. (19)
  • The rapid progress of music in America renders it impossible to do justice to piano playing in this country. (3)
  • Imagine the storm of popular indignation that would be evoked in America by an instance of so foul injustice! (7)
  • But he must have been in the utmost difficulties, since he left for America only a few days before the murder. (12)
  • Altogether, the entire judicial system of the Connected States of America was inefficient, disreputable, corrupt. (7)
  • In Canada and America there were two nations who could never be free from war until one had conquered the other. (19)
  • In view of the strained relations between England and America at that time this was a piece of masterly diplomacy. (9)
  • The first genuine hippopotamus ever seen in America was exhibited by Barnum in his New York museum in August, 1861. (21)
  • The elder brother, Lord Creedmore, is a common Nimrod, always absent in Hungary, Russia, America, hunting somewhere. (10)
  • His son-in-law, he said, was pushing it in Mexico and Central America: an idea that they had originally had in common. (9)
  • In 1872-73, he made a remarkable tour through America, arousing an enthusiasm only equalled in later years by Paderewski. (3)
  • If you were plain Roderick Barclugh and could come and live our simple life in America, my heart would rejoice to be your bride. (18)
  • The artificial additions were the idea of a physician in Central America who gave the man an anaesthetic and inserted the plate. (21)
  • He had flown by way of Bordeaux, and first landed in America, bare-headed and barefoot, and with a single halfpenny in his pocket. (2)
  • It was sixteen years since my last visit abroad, and I found a very striking change in the feeling towards America and Americans. (14)
  • But those were the days before the war, when America was the cheapest country in the world, and the West was incredibly inexpensive. (9)
  • He said that he had not come to America without going over every such possibility in his own mind, and deciding beforehand against it. (9)
  • For half a century after the birth of the daily newspaper in America, one man did everything which fell under the head of editorial work. (16)
  • The peasant of our time is incomparably superior to the statesman of ancient America, yet he is unfit to govern, for there are others more fit. (7)
  • America would not have dared to gainsay the wishes of her French allies to possess Canada, yet there was nothing that the Americans dreaded more. (19)
  • As America reaches out for commercial predominance, so the American circus challenged competition abroad, and foreign rivals quivered and shrunk. (21)
  • Naturally his glance at the loss to Henrietta of the greatest prize of the matrimonial market of all Europe and America was vexing and saddening. (10)
  • The war with America being over, the hired European regiments of De Meuron, Watteville, and the Glengarry Fencibles in Canada were out of employment. (19)
  • Something that Bjornstjerne Bjornson wrote to me when he was leaving America after a winter in Cambridge, comes nearer suggesting Longfellow than all my talk. (9)

Also see sentences for: american, americans.

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More Sentence Examples

Select First Letter

The discovery of America.

— перевод текста —

In our day everybody knows what the word America means.

First of all it is the name of the country — the United States of America.

And then America is the name of the two countinents — North America and South America.

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

He was born in Italy but he lived in Spain gave him money to go India.

He was a seameh and made many sea voyages.

In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India.

He decided to go west because he was sure that iur planet was round.

And after sailing 4000 miles, he reached some land.

Columbus thought that must be India but is was not.

It was a new land — a new continent.

It was America — Central America in fact.

People began to speak about the land as New World.

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Перевод задания
А. Скажите, какие имена отсутствуют в тексте, и заполните его.
Соединенные Штаты Америки
Соединенные Штаты являются четвертой по величине страной в мире, простирающейся от (1) океана на востоке до (2) океана на западе. Они расположены в (3) Америке. Граничат с (4) на севере и с (5) на юге. В США много гор. Самые высокие и самые большие (6) на западе. (7) горы находятся на востоке, они ниже и старше. Могучая (8) самая длинная река в США. Некоторые другие реки впадают в нее. (9) Озера на севере США глубокие. Река Ниагара вытекает из озер. Люди знают название этой реки, потому что знаменитые (10) расположены на ней и очень популярны у туристов. (11) Каньон расположен в великой долине в пустыне. (12) река сформировала его много миллионов лет назад. Медленно река пробивается через скалу. (13) является столицей США. Он расположен на (14) реке.
B. Поработайте в парах. Задайте друг другу вопросы о местах, упомянутых в тексте, и ответьте на них.

(1) Atlantic
(2) Pacific
(3) North
(4) Canada
(5) Mexico
(6) Rocky Mountains
(7) Appalachian
(8) Mississippi
(9) Great
(10) Niagara Falls
(11) Grand
(12) Colorado
(13) Washington, D.C.
(14) Potomac
The United States of America

The United States is the fourth largest country in the world stretching from the
Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. It is situated in North America. It borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. There are a lot of mountains in the USA. The highest and largest are the Rocky Mountains in the west. The Appalachian Mountains are in the east, they are lower and older. The mighty Mississippi is the longest river in the USA. Some other rivers flow into it. The Great Lakes in the north of the USA are deep. The Niagara River flows out of the Lakes. People know the name of this river because the famous Niagara Falls is situated on it and are very popular with tourists. The Grand Canyon is situated in the great valley in the desert. The Colorado River formed it many millions years ago. Slowly, the river cut down through the rock. Washington, D.C. is the capital of the USA. It is situated on the Potomac River.

− What oceans does the USA stretch to?

− The United States stretches from the
Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west.

− Where is the USA situated?

− It is situated in
North America.

− What countries does the USA border on?

− It borders on
Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south.

− What are the highest mountains of the USA?

− The highest and largest are the
Rocky Mountains, they are situated in the west.

− What mountains are situated in the east?

− The
Appalachian Mountains are in the east, they are lower and older.

− What is the longest river in the USA?

− The
Mississippi is the longest river in the USA.

− Where are the Great Lakes situated?

− The
Great Lakes are situated in the north of the USA.

− What river flows out of the Lakes?

− The Niagara River does.

Is Niagara Falls popular with tourists?

− Yes, it is.
Niagara Falls is very popular with tourists.

− Where is the
Grand Canyon situated?

− The
Grand Canyon is situated in the great valley in the desert.

− What river formed it?

− The
Colorado River formed it many millions years ago.

− What is the capital of the USA?

Washington, D.C. is the capital of the USA.

− Where is it situated?

− It is situated on the
Potomac River.

Перевод ответа
(1) Атлантический
(2) Тихий океан
(3) Северная
(4) Канада
(5) Мексика
(6) Скалистые горы
(7) Аппалачи
(8) Миссисипи
(9) Великие
(10) Ниагарский водопад
(11) Великий
(12) Колорадо
(13) Вашингтон, округ Колумбия
(14) Потомак
Соединенные Штаты Америки
Соединенные Штаты являются четвертой по величине страной в мире, простирающейся от Атлантического океана на востоке до Тихого океана на западе. Они расположены в Северной Америке. Граничат с Канадой на севере и с Мексикой на юге. В США много гор. Самыми высокими и самыми большими являются Скалистые горы на западе. Аппалачи находятся на востоке, они ниже и старше. Могучая Миссисипи − самая длинная река в США. Некоторые другие реки впадают в нее. Великие озера на севере США очень глубокие. Река Ниагара вытекает из них. Люди знают название этой реки, потому что знаменитый Ниагарские водопады расположен на ней и очень популярен у туристов. Гранд−Каньон расположен в великой долине в пустыне. Река Колорадо сформировала его много миллионов лет назад. Медленно река пробивается сквозь скалу. Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, является столицей США. Он расположен на реке Потомак.
− До каких океанов простираются США?
− Соединенные Штаты простираются от Атлантического океана на востоке до Тихого океана на западе.
− Где находятся США?
− Они расположены в Северной Америке.
− С какими странами граничат США?
− Граничат с Канадой на севере и с Мексикой на юге.
− Какие самые высокие горы США?
− Самыми высокими и большими являются Скалистые горы, они расположены на западе.
− Какие горы расположены на востоке?
− Аппалачи находятся на востоке, они ниже и старше.
− Какая самая длинная река в США?
− Миссисипи − самая длинная река в США.
− Где находятся Великие озера?
− Великие озера расположены на севере США.
− Какая река вытекает из озер?
− Река Ниагара.
− Ниагарский водопад популярен среди туристов?
− Да. Ниагарский водопад очень популярен среди туристов.
− Где находится Большой Каньон?
− Большой Каньон расположен в великой долине в пустыне.
− Какая река его сформировала?
− Река Колорадо образовала его много миллионов лет назад.
− Какая столица США?
− Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, является столицей США.
− Где он находится?
− Он расположен на реке Потомак.

1. Лексика

Listen and repeat 2−3 times:

Обратите внимание на word combinations с новыми словами 👇

Listen, choose and repeat

to discover a country, to discover a continent, discovered America открыть страну, открыть континент, открыл Америку
an important discovery, an interesting discovery, to make a discovery важное открытие, интересное открытие, сделать открытие

Обязательно повторяйте фразы вслух за аудио 😉

a lot of gold, little gold, to find gold много золота, мало золота, найти золото
rich land, grassy land, hilly land богатая земля, травянистая земля, холмистая земля

Молодцы! Еще 2 блока ⬇️

a round ball, a round table, our planet is round круглый шар, круглый стол, наша планета круглая
Are you sure this is right? — I’m sure! Вы уверены, что это правильно? — Я уверен!
Will you come to my party? — Sure! Ты придешь на мою вечеринку? — Конечно!

И последний ⬇️

to sail to Italy, to sail east, to sail west плыть в Италию, плыть на восток, плыть на запад
a long voyage, to be on a voyage, to make a voyage дальнее путешествие, быть в плавании, совершить путешествие

Very well! Осталось финальное задание на лексику ⬇️

Fill in the missing letters ✍️

I’m not they were on an ocean last month Я не уверен, что они были в путешествии по океану в прошлом месяце
The of America was one of the most important discoveries of the 15th century Открытие Америки было одним из самых важнейших открытий 15 века
Who ed America? Кто открыл Америку?
They ed from Saint Petersburg to Helsinki Они плыли из Санкт-Петербурга в Хельсинки

Напоминаем, что окончание −ed указывает на то, что глаголы стоят в форме Past Simple

Excellent! Вы справились с блоком «Лексика». Передохните, если необходимо, и двигайтесь дальше😎

2. Чтение

В этом блоке мы приготовили для вас текст об открытии Америки. Попробуйте ответить на вопрос 👇

When did Christopher Columbus discover America?

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. По этому поводу каждый первый понедельник октября в США празднуют Columbus Day!

Текст объемный, поэтому он разбит на части, к каждой из которой мы приготовили для вас задание 😎 Готовы? Let’s go!

Read part 1 and answer the questions

Everybody knows that the word America can mean different things. First of all, America is the name of the country, whose official name is the United States of America. Then America is the name of the two continents: North America and South America. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He was the first man from Europe to get there. Christopher was born in 1451 in Italy but he lived in Spain for many years.


Christopher Columbus discovered America in … century

Читаем в тексте: Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492 ➡️ Это 15-й век


Columbus was born in …

Читаем в тексте: Christopher was born in 1451 in Italy


He lived in … for many years

Читаем в тексте: Christopher was born in 1451 in Italy but he lived in Spain for many years. Испания находится в Европе ➡️ правильный ответ — Europe

Текст можно не только читать, но и слушать 😎

Part 2

Columbus was a seaman and made a lot of sea voyages. In those days people in Europe were much interested in India and other countries which were situated in Asia because ships sailed east to Asia and brought gold and other riches from those places. A lot of seamen sailed east and came back rich people. Like many people of his time, Columbus knew that our planet is round. He was sure he could also get to India if he sailed west. In 1492 the King and Queen of Spain gave Columbus money and ships to make a voyage to India. So with three small ships, Columbus and his men sailed west.


People in Spain were much interested in … in the 15th century

Читаем в тексте: In those days people in Europe were much interested in India and other countries which were situated in Asia.


In 1492 Columbus decided to sail … to get to India

Читаем в тексте: He was sure he could also get to India if he sailed west.

Отлично справляетесь! Продолжаем дальше, но задание немного изменим 😉

Read part 3 and answer True or False

They sailed for three weeks and then on October 12, they saw an island. It was situated in Central America, but Columbus didn’t know that then. He thought he was in Asia and gave the people he met on the island the name of Indians. Altogether Columbus made four voyages to America before he died in 1506. People began to speak about the new land as “the New World” saying that Columbus’s discovery was one of the most important things in history. Many people know these words: “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two Columbus sailed to the ocean blue…”


During his first voyage to the New World, Columbus discovered India

Читаем в тексте: … on October 12, they saw an island. It was situated in Central America.


Native Americans in the United States are called Indians

Ответить на этот вопрос нам помогут 2-е и 3-е предложения: Колумб был уверен, что достиг берегов Индии. Поэтому он назвал коренных жителей Америки Indians.


Many people know these words: “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two Columbus sailed to the ocean glue…”

Attention needed! В тексте Колумб поплыл в ocean blue, а в вопросе мы видим ocean glue 😎

Great job! Вы отлично справились с текстом 👍👍👍 Самое время переключиться на разговорную практику 💪

3. Разговорная практика

Проверим, что вы помните из текста 😎

Put the facts in the correct order according to the text

  • was born in 1451 in Italy
  • lived in Spain
  • was a seaman
  • was interested in India
  • brought gold and riches
  • the King and Queen of Spain gave money
  • sailed west with three small ships
  • arrived at an island in Central America
  • thought he was in India
  • gave the people on the island the name of Indians

Well done! Теперь перескажите текст, используя фразы выше и слова из урока ⬆️

Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Italy, but he lived in Spain for many years. He was a seaman. Columbus was interested in India because ships brought gold and riches from there. In 1492 the King and Queen of Spain gave him money to make a voyage to India. Columbus sailed west with three small ships and in three weeks arrived at an island in Central America. He thought he was in India and gave the people on the island the name of Indians.

Когда будете готовы, прослушайте пример ответа и проверьте себя

Fantastic! Сконцентрируемся на грамматике 🤓

4. Past Simple

Вы заметили, что весь текст написан во времени Past Simple? Ведь все события происходили в далеком 15 веке. Вспомните формы глаголов 👇

be — was быть — был
live — lived жить — жил
bring — brought приносить — принес
discover — discovered обнаруживать — обнаружил
sail — sailed плыть под парусом — плыл
give — gave дать — дал

Обязательно повторяйте пары глаголов вслух 🤓 Еще несколько пар ⬇️

arrive — arrived прибыть — прибыл
think — thought думать — думал
begin — began начать — начали
have — had иметь — имел
not know — didn’t know не знать — не знал
make — made сделать — сделал
land — landed приставать к берегу — пристал к берегу

Отлично! Переходим к заданию ⬇️

Use the verbs in brackets in the right form to complete the story

Columbus made some voyages to the New World. In 1492 he some islands in Central America. (discover) Колумб совершил несколько путешествий в Новый Свет. В 1492 году он открыл несколько островов в Центральной Америке.
Spain very much interested in that land. The second voyage in September 1493. (be, begin) Испания очень интересовалась этой землей. Второе плавание началось в сентябре 1493 года.
Columbus seventeen ships with him. (have) У Колумба было семнадцать кораблей.
On that voyage, he in Cuba, but he it an island. (arrive, not know, be) У Колумба было семнадцать кораблей. В том путешествии он прибыл на Кубу, но он не знал, что это остров.
Columbus four trips in all to the New World, but he never on the mainland of North America. (make, land) Всего Колумб совершил четыре путешествия в Новый Свет, но ни разу не высадился на материковой части Северной Америки.

Получается, что все открытия Колумба произошли случайно? Изначально он искал Индию, а в процессе открыл Америку и доплыл до Кубы. Мы считаем, что это успех 👍👍👍

При необходимости освежите в памяти знания по времени Past Simple и переходите к заключительной части занятия 👇

Past Simple: упражнения на простое прошедшее время в английском

Проверь себя: тест и упражнения на Past Simple — простое прошедшее время в английском

5. Повторение

Проверьте, как вы запомнили слова 😉

Тренируйте слова с помощью наших карточек, так они останутся в памяти на более долгое время 😎

Finish the sentence

In this lesson, it was interesting to know that … В этом уроке было интересно узнать, что …

Наш вариант ⬇️

It was really interesting to know that Columbus wanted to find India, but discovered America Было очень интересно узнать, что Колумб хотел найти Индию, но открыл Америку

That’s all for today! Вы замечательно поработали 🤩 До встречи на следующем уроке 👋

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