Use the word ambition in a sentence

1. Until all is over one’s ambition never dies. 

2. Ambition never dies until there is no way out. 

3. Ambition, in a private man a vice, is in a prince, a virtue. 

4. His greatest ambition is to sail round the globe.

5. It had been her lifelong ambition.

6. His ambition is to sail round the world.

7. His burning ambition was to study medicine.

8. Her prime motive was personal ambition.

9. She’s a woman of driving ambition.

10. His ruling passion was ambition.

11. She’s got a lot of ambition.

12. Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.

13. He was frustrated in his ambition.

14. Her ambition was to be a famous singer.

15. Your ambition,I think(sentencedict .com), is swelling.

16. His ambition knows no limits.

17. Poor and stronger, not falling Albatron ambition.

18. Have grandiose aims but puny abilities, great ambition but little talent.

19. Reynolds has never concealed his ambition to be the top dog.

20. Her ambition and dogged determination ensured that she rose to the top of her profession.

21. She fulfilled her ambition to become the first woman to run the 10,000 metres in under 30 minutes.

22. He’s always had a burning ambition to start his own business.

23. She hoped to achieve her ambition to become a singer.

24. In my youth my ambition had been to be an inventor.

25. She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer.

26. She showed her elation at having finally achieved her ambition.

27. The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.

28. We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don’t want to work hard to accomplish these things.

29. His decision to move to London is closely allied to his ambition to become manager of the company.

30. To remember that success lies within myself; in my own brain, my own ambition, my own courage and determination. To expect difficulties and force my way through them, to turn hard experiences into capital for future struggles.

Definition of Ambition

a desire to accomplish (complete) a task

Examples of Ambition in a sentence

Despite his old age, Frank has a very strong ambition to climb Mount Everest.


We are unbeatable because our basketball team plays with such ambition and drive.


Paul procrastinates daily and lacks the ambition to work hard.


Shirley claims that although farming is a worthy ambition, it is often not a good source of income.


William emphasized that success is more determined upon ambition and perseverance than by education and background.


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Asked by: Dr. Lourdes Roob

Score: 5/5
(31 votes)

Ambition sentence example

  1. My ambition is far different than yours. …
  2. It is a tale of ambition and then of guilt. …
  3. Anyone else with have a grain of ambition would see them as a tool. …
  4. The Roman nobility, resting wholly on sufferance, was overthrown by the ambition of one of its own members.

What is a good sentence for ambitious?

Examples of ambitious in a Sentence

The company was created by two very ambitious young men in the early 1900s. This 500-page book is her most ambitious effort yet. Your plans for the future are very ambitious. It was too ambitious a task for just one person.

How do you use the word ambition?

  1. [S] [T] He had ambition. ( …
  2. [S] [T] Tom has ambition. ( …
  3. [S] [T] Tom has no ambition. ( …
  4. [S] [T] What are your ambitions? ( …
  5. [S] [T] This is my life’s ambition. ( …
  6. [S] [T] Don’t you have any ambition? ( …
  7. [S] [T] It is Tom’s ambition to go to the moon. (

Which of the following are examples of ambition?

The definition of ambition is motivation or a strong urge to achieve something. An example of someone who has ambition is an ice skater who practices for hours each day in hopes of competing in the Olympics. The objective strongly desired. A desire, as in (sense 1), for another person to achieve these things.

How do you show your ambition?

How to be ambitious

  1. Compete with yourself.
  2. Surround yourself with ambitious people.
  3. Continuously set goals.
  4. Take exciting risks.
  5. Embrace your imagination.
  6. Make time for your goals.
  7. Work on positive thinking.
  8. Shift to an abundance mindset.

44 related questions found

What is your ambition best answer?

Some examples of ambition that you might provide during an interview include productivity, efficiency, collaboration, or goal-setting. Perhaps you helped your previous employer increase their marketing reach, overall revenue, or other important qualitative or quantitative metrics.

What are the types of ambition?

The following are common types of ambition with examples of each.

  • Optimism. …
  • Wishful Thinking. …
  • End-Goals. …
  • Actionable Objectives. …
  • Silent Goal. …
  • Intrinsic Motivation. …
  • Extrinsic Motivation. …
  • Persistence.

What do you write in ambition?

Before you start writing an essay about ambition, ask yourself what ambition really means.

❓ What Is Ambition in Life

  • The strongest to achieve something or gain power or fame.
  • The desire for exertion or a certain activity.
  • The object of ambition.

What is the best ambition in life?

Here are the top-40 life ambitions for over-65s, but add your top bucket list item below in the comments section.

  • Travel the world. …
  • See my family settled.
  • Live to 100.
  • Write a bestselling novel. …
  • Win the lottery. …
  • Buy a house.
  • Learn a language.
  • Be financially secure.

What is inner ambition?

“The desire to achieve something, or to succeed, accompanied with motivation, determination and an internal drive.” “Ambition describes those that achieve success based on their inner desire to do so and their belief in themselves.”

Is Ambition good or bad?

Ambition drives them to advance and accomplish their goals. Well-aimed and supported by values, ambition reflects a healthy self-esteem and higher power of abstraction and visualization of the future. Ambitious people have a gleam in their eyes as they approach their goals.

How do you write your ambition in life?

If I fulfill my ambition, I will do my best as a teacher. I can serve people by becoming an ideal teacher. I shall try to mold the character of my students and help them to choose their career in a befitting manner. I will make them ideal citizens and good Muslims.

What ambition means to you?

Ambition is an intention to achieve something great in life. It relates to the feelings, emotions, and desires of any individual. … The achievement of such goals imparts motivation to perform better, which ultimately leads the individual to reach his objectives and aspirations.

What is ambitious and example?

The definition of ambitious is to be very driven, eager and motivated. An example of someone ambitious is someone who sets a goal to break a world record. adjective. 32. 8.

What is a good ambition?

Good ambition is having realistic goals. Bad ambition is having unrealistic goals. A goal is considered to be realistic if it’s actually attainable. This means that you have the possibility of making it happen.

How do you describe someone who is ambitious?

1. Ambitious, aspiring, enterprising describe a person who wishes to rise above his or her present position or condition. The ambitious person wishes to attain worldly success, and puts forth effort toward this end: ambitious for social position.

What are some good goals and ambitions?

Career Goals Examples (Short-term & Long-term)

  • Gain a New Skill. …
  • Boost Your Networking Abilities. …
  • Intern with a Large Company to Gain Experience. …
  • Start Your Own Business. …
  • Improve Your Sales or Productivity Numbers. …
  • Earn a Degree or Certification. …
  • Make a Career Switch. …
  • Become an Expert in Your Field.

What is your career ambition?

Your career aspirations are your vision for your future. They are what you hope to achieve in your professional life in the years to come. Put simply, a career aspiration is a long-term dream that you are pursuing. … Career aspirations are not the same as career goals.

What is your ambition meaning?

1 : a desire for success, honor, or power. 2 : something a person hopes to do or achieve My ambition is to become a jet pilot.

What is your ambition in life doctor?

What is the aim of a doctor? Ans: Everyone has an aim in life, Aim or Ambition is what we want to be in future and chose a career after studies. My aim in life is to become a doctor, the life of a doctor is a noble life. The doctor is a saver of life and they can help the peoples who need them when they feel sick.

What is the difference between ambition and aim?

is that ambition is (uncountable|countable) eager or inordinate desire for some object that confers distinction, as preferment, honor, superiority, political power, or literary fame; desire to distinguish one’s self from other people while aim is the pointing of a weapon, as a gun, a dart, or an arrow, or object, in …

Are you ambitious interview questions?

Why are recruiters asking how ambitious you are?

  • What are your career ambitions or goals?
  • What motivates you?
  • What does success look like to you?
  • Where do you want to be in five years’ time?
  • Tell me about a time when you set yourself a stretching goal and achieved it.

What does ambition look like?

An ambitious person is someone always striving to reach a goal. Through hard work, dedication and perseverance — an ambitious person doesn’t give up. She pushes forward and is determined to succeed.

What drives your ambition and why?


Success of all types begins with passion. Passion originates from the simple love of doing something, whereas ambition drives your passion towards the destinations you aspire to reach. … The stronger your passion for something, the more intense your ambition.

What motivates you to do hard work?

Success is what motivates me to do a good job. Knowing the fact that my hard work and perseverance will help me achieve greater professional success is what keeps me going. I feel that aligning the company’s vision and values with my own is one way to achieve that.

This happens when you are not brooding about past or planning about future or when you have no ambition to fulfill

The head of Interpol was a woman of ambition from the very best schools of France

Climbing the Acropolis and visiting The Parthenon has been an ambition ever since I was at school and now the irony; that with the opportunity so close, I’m too tired

‘The girls at school go on about it all the time … as if being kissed by a boy is the be all and end all of their ambition

“The laws of technology allow it,” Elmore said, “but I’ve seen her soul and know she hasn’t got the ambition

Like I was with my ambition when I wanted

Lord Boras is mad, insane with ambition

Funny how ambition

There’s a side of me that would love to be a famous performer, but that side is overwhelmed by the side of me that doesn’t have the ambition

The fact that he’d been born on a starship from YingolNeerie seemed irrelevant now, other than the fact that their fundamentalism might have contributed to his ambition

«That ambition has served us well

Unchecked ambition had been a plague for all time, and likely would remain so

Alternatively, it denotes your drive, tenacity and ambition

The ale was cold, the meat tender, and the fires blazed as brightly as the ambition in his eyes

The capricious ambition of kings and ministers has not, during the present and the preceding century, been more fatal to the repose of Europe, than the impertinent jealousy of merchants and manufacturers



In the attacks which those leading men are continually making upon the importance of one another, and in the defence of their own, consists the whole play of domestic faction and ambition

and in compensation admitted to the same freedom of trade with its fellow-subjects at home; the number of its representatives to be augmented as the proportion of its contribution might afterwards augment ; a new method of acquiring importance, a new and more dazzling object of ambition, would be presented to the leading men of each colony

Unless this or some other method is fallen upon, and there seems to be none more ubvious than this, of preserving the importance and of gratifying the ambition of the leading men of America, it is not very probable that they will ever voluntarily submit to us; and we ought to consider, that the blood which must be shed in forcing them to do so, is, every drop of it, the blood either of those who are, or of those whom we wish to have for our fellow citizens

Almost every individual of the governing party in America fills, at present, in his own fancy, a station superior, not only to what he had ever filled before, but to what he had ever expected to fill; and unless some new object of ambition is presented either to him or to his leaders, if he has the ordinary spirit of a man, he will die in defence of that station

But avarice and ambition in the rich, in the poor the hatred of labour and the love of present ease and enjoyment, are the passions which prompt to invade property ; passions much more steady in their operation, and much more universal in their influence

The inferior office of justice of peace, though attended with a good deal of trouble, and in most cases with no emoluments at all, is an object of ambition to the greater part of our country gentlemen

During the French war, which began in 1741, the ambition of Mr

The greatness of the objects which are to be acquired by success in some particular professions may, no doubt, sometimes animate the exertions of a few men of extraordinary spirit and ambition

Rivalship and emulation render excellency, even in mean professions, an object of ambition, and frequently occasion the very greatest exertions

In England, success in the profession of the law leads to some very great objects of ambition ; and yet how few men, born to easy fortunes, have ever in this country been eminent in that profession?

The ambition of every clergyman naturally led him to pay court, not so much to his sovereign as to his own order, from which only he could expect preferment

whatever that meant was his new ambition and the reality was

The distance of those provinces from the capital, from the principal seat of the great scramble of faction and ambition, makes them enter less into the views of any of the contending parties, and renders them more indifferent and impartial spectators of the conduct of all

His ambition had been crushed within these white walls, the walls containing his future

“She’s not heavily endowed with common sense or ambition, but she does have attributes

I saw the ambition on your face when I spoke of a promotion

Ambition stokes the fires that (sparks) motivates behavior

Leadership, whether it is sought or thrust upon an individual, should balance the requirements of Duty and Ambition lest it promotes Corruption

(Read: Conservative Blacks!) Although it is not my intention to marginalize the organization‘s historical importance (or value) for peoples of color, its neo-radical, oftentimes racist agenda has long abandoned its intended purpose of advancing civil rights and equal opportunity in favor of consolidating a political power base in a manner that incorrectly defines the ―needs‖ of its ―constituents‖ by propagating the meanest forms of race-baiting that (otherwise) serve to advance political ambition by fanning artificial expectations that have lost much of their historical relevancy

They consist of an array of portable resources commonly referred to as ―Human Capital‖ that includes, but are not limited to Industry, Enterprise, Ambition, Discipline, Motivation and Endurance

In the early days, that merely spurred his ambition

I was trying to teach him to lead; because I thought he should have, I don’t know, the drive, the ambition

All she had was our affair and she intended to destroy my marriage or my political ambition or both

She has the talent and the ambition: all she needs is a chance and professional help to prepare her for it

Nothing too big though cause he doesn»t seem to have any ambition

None of us had any real ambition, I suppose

It is my ambition to free her, if I can

Her daughter married a primary school teacher whose ambition for higher station led him to join the SS

With a sudden burst of ambition, Sven shoved Jeremiah and took the wheel,

“I am bound here by my own ambition

The vendor chosen should have the ambition and skills to develop an end-to-

The ambition from her genetic pool would be terrifying

“My fascination with Sephiroth is what fuelled my ambition to

He was very pleased that I chose family over personal ambition

Verse 20 and 21, Paul states what his personal ambition was in doing the work of spreading

the gospel message and gives a quotation to prove this to be a correct ambition

She was mesmerised by his sheer energy and ambition

quench but an ambition that consumed him on the

reality is not only beyond ambition, but also beyond conceiving

ity’ implies freedom from ambition, what will urge the seeker on?

the highest form of ambition?

eration both the subject and the object of ambition are no

28 And the Lord saw the ambition of Joseph and his trouble, and the Lord brought down on those men darkness and confusion, and the hand of everyone who struck him became withered

Lack of ambition, were my early mistakes in the competitions

made famous by the thousands and thousands of explorers in search of gold and fortune, many of whom did not satisfy their ambition and fell victims to the elements and the temptations of a border town without laws

has been, and will be the sacrifice of ambition and power, and

Dixie’s ambition was to attend medical school at the U

You can’t just have the ambition of “being

There are those who are self-serving, who seek advancement at all cost, who clamour and climb over others to be in front, their self-importance and ambition destroys all thought of helping others, they are people who can ‘kill with a look’, who can destroy with a word, who want and maintain power for prestige and status

For a man with political or social ambition, the attainment of the highest office, that of consul, was the ultimate goal

Abraham did not become who he became because of ambition and the desire to be successful at the cost of his soul, Abraham became successful because he went after the things of the soul, the more important things, and the success in the fleshly things were but blessings flowing from the things of the spirit

At seventy five years of age he left his father’s house with only a promise to cling to, but it was a promise that became his ambition, his vision

28 And the Lord saw the ambition of Joseph and his trouble and the Lord brought down on those men darkness and confusion and the hand of everyone who struck him became withered

This is their great ambition

“At one time I had the ambition of owning several papers, but I was so busy running what I had that I didn’t have time to go out chasing down leads,” he added

But most shared motives with Haki: ambition and small-town boredom

The Flight of Ambition is a book with the greatest wisdom and secrets of success from

and behind his eyes the whipping fires of ambition stil crackled

radiated ambition and Ulysses had deep set eyes with high

Would it be able to convert the vanity, fear, weakness, ambition, petty prejudices and other useless imperfections of the human spirit into motivated, dedicated Primagnon’s? And would the conversion of this group lead to the modification of the majority of the rest of the world? And would there be time to complete their work before it was too late?

His thoughts torn between the opposing poles of fear and ambition

Cosmo-Art’s ambition is to reach a type of immortality based on the creation of

her ambition to curl up in its silky arms

‘Her ambition in life,’ the announcer said over the mike as she accepted her diploma,

His burning ambition was to own the largest collection of old British fairground rides in the country – a strange dream, but this was his passion

The endeavour to reach this state is the supreme, the only ambition worth having

“Religions teach that we should remain passive about worldly pursuits and active about godly pursuits, that we should set a limit to our worldly ambition and that our religious ambition should be illimitable

demand for what he loved best fired his ambition like nothing else

When my mother showed weakness and the idea of me taking her place emerged her ambition was allowed to flourish, that is why she wasted no time rallying the guards and the Death Stalkers

The warm gooey cheese has coagulated, your eyes a bit bigger than your tummy, beer goggles and blind ambition, recall to an earlier time when you would eat as two at this time of the morning

They tell us of the ambition of the Dragon Titans and their black-robed attendants

You need ambition and drive beyond warped to get from 1 to the next

He had vowed to stay with his mother as long as she lived, but unknown to her had an ambition to travel

me”— he is tempted to use his powers to gratify his own ambition

The truth was that Jo had only one ambition in life, an all consuming one for her


But when Herod refused to pay them any of the funds due Joseph, they gave up the ambition of owning a home in the country

`You are trying to compare ambition to love

She had stated more than once that she would like a large family, an ambition she would fulfil in time

“If we stay here or move somewhere else in London we will lose the ambition to move back,” he declared

1 IT IS an eloquent testimony to the charm and righteousness of Jesus’ earth life that, although he repeatedly dashed to pieces the hopes of his apostles and tore to shreds their every ambition for personal exaltation, only one deserted him

It was thus, they were at a loss to realize how their ambition had undone them after all! And that made them view their materialistic abundance with a sense of vacuity for want of emotional fulfillment

Her compassion and eloquence led her into politics and she could well have gone into parliament but her ambitions lay in the community, with the people

balance it out with complimentary personal life ambitions as well that you need to project to your partner

No driving ambitions, no slave to whim or fashion, no war making, why he even grew his own clothes then just lay around grooming himself, living in the moment

As far as she was concerned, that was the total of her ambitions

As for ambitions, Ken wants to buy a pub on foreign soil when his boss retires, while Davie dreams of being able to return to his beloved Ibrox in a British Racing Green Jaguar XJ6

They appear to have settled for their lot and put their hopes and ambitions in a shoebox under the bed

A recently retired footballer is telling her Dad that Manchester United must push up and pressurise their opponents today if they are going to keep their title ambitions on track

further his own ambitions

been a priory, but its ambitions in the early days were

In spite of their ambitions, the reader

Quinn’s ambitions were in artistic fields, and he is

its world views, objectives, ambitions, etc? To do this, and to help build the

She still loved her husband and sub-consciously transferred her own unfulfilled ambitions and desires to her children, having become enveloped in a kind of melancholic state of passive inertia, with the throbbing, emotional energy that had formerly been present slowly dissipating into oblivion

Funny too, it was, how quickly one man’s ambitions could turn everything on its head

Alternatively, you may be reshaping your thinking or ambitions and eliminating unwanted thoughts/habits

Alternatively, the warehouse means that you are putting your ambitions and goals on hold

hopes and ambitions or focus on your goals or think

of all things, including their own dreams and ambitions,

hopes, dreams and ambitions

She decided to forgo her ambitions of creating a cohesive unit

ambitions and wishes for herself sprang into life for Hetty

His political ambitions softened by age, Nixon‘s geopolitical literary output subsequently earned him international acclaim and the grudging respect from his political enemies, many of whom he oftentimes consulted with on Foreign Affairs in his later years

This puissant badger, hopelessly lost to the forces of the Dark Healing, planned to use the powerful magic of Boddaert’s remains to further his own ambitions, and what followed was indeed a dark period in badger history

―oppressed‖ peoples of color that would ultimately redefine his political ambitions

troublesome ambitions that harden the heart! To be born again without blemish, to rise above the petty quarreling that promotes so much unhappiness and sorrow, to be reunited once again with loved ones and friends who left us too soon, to make proper atonement to those we‘ve disappointed and, most importantly, to obtain spiritual redemption

Given Humankind‘s insatiable ambitions and imperfect condition, however, it is unlikely that such attitudes will change anytime soon

For Clinton always chose to put his political ambitions before all else

Nevertheless, we must endeavor to temper and control our passions and emotions that oftentimes occasion questionable ambitions incompatible with the interests and welfare of other people entrusted to our care

President Bush must protect the security of this country, not the political feelings, the grandiose ambitions and economic interests of an ungrateful country like France which the United States defended and protected during the two world wars of the last century

On the other hand, France has ambitions and designs of grandeur and power

So when I showed up, it should have been the fulfillment of all her ambitions

The Germans saw it as a dagger pointed at the heart of their Imperial ambitions in Africa, Asia and the South Seas

The ambitions of man have tumbled

Sylvia had ambitions, but for reasons which remained a mystery, she was unable to get accepted at any of the highly-regarded technical institutions she desired

Plans and ambitions are nothing without the Conscious Power, sent to the Universe

His father’s political ambitions may have gotten him material wealth, but just as the wealth was ill-begotten, so too was the pride is was supposed to have brought

Do you have dreams? Aspirations? Lofty ambitions? It would be an amazing privilege to help you achieve your heart’s desires

After giving Hitler a chunk of Czechoslovakia as, “the end of Germany’s territorial ambitions in Europe,” Chamberlain went back to England proclaiming “Peace in Our Time

Our deepest need is that President Obama should come to recognize traditions to be honored, families to be fed, dreams of a better life to be fulfilled, and a great nation to be preserved beyond his own transformative ambitions

led their ambitions and secured higher levels of experience and

All the plans went down the drain along with all the hopes and ambitions which I set for myself

M: What ambitions! How can a person limited in time and

the realization of your ambitions or it can mean that you have the

If Absalom had waited on his vision it would undoubtedly have come, if David had taken the ambitions of the young man into consideration the whole tragic affair might have been avoided

and influence, they have been able to realize national ambitions

ambitions outside our family

Nuuke and Meo’s ambitions remains unclear, but

ceremony would read out each graduate’s future ambitions

His attitude is characterised by complete and utter honesty in his interactions with other people, insofar as his honesty is relevant to other people’s ambitions for self-improvement

They pulled those levers on you for the best of intentions, but the result was a disaster for your fledgling ambitions

He asked me about my ambitions and I told him I would settle for nothing less than an

“And whilst it’s true he is as wicked a villain ever to shuffle across the face of the earth, this seems beyond the scope of his usual ambitions

Reading between the lines she discerned that the tone was a little depressing, with lots of references about passing the time and Laurence their stepfathers ambitions to move back to his native County Kildare following their mothers passing



As you so well know the trails to Phenix, having traversed them many times, so do I well know the way to the city of your disappointed hopes and thwarted ambitions

perhaps, but a boy nonetheless, with his own ambitions and interests

By the time he got his Fellowship of Arts, his father had thrown in the towel over his ambitions for a degree in the same

Ambitions are powerful

The natural humility of Virgos often inhibits them from fulfilling their great ambitions, from acquiring name and fame

‘For a while it was my whim to further his ambitions

And now that Jesus himself had accepted their confession that he was indeed the Deliverer — at least he had admitted the fact of his divinity — what was more natural than that, during this period of separation from the Master, they should fall to talking about those hopes and ambitions which were uppermost in their hearts

Your spouse, partner or current love seems successful and supports your own career ambitions

Fathers’ ambitions for their sons center on

«There was a time,» he said with unconcealed bitterness, «when I, too, had my ambitions, beside which yours seem tawdry and childish

To what a state I have fallen! My old-time peers and rivals would stare indeed could they see Thoth-amon of the Ring serving as the slave of an outlander, and an outlaw at that; and aiding in the petty ambitions of barons and kings!»

He knew it was with no weaklings that he conspired, but men whose courage was as profound as their lawless ambitions and capacity for evil

‘The barons who followed you loyally would not follow one of their own number, each holding himself as good as his neighbor, each fearing the ambitions of the others

A strange restlessness ran through the city, a stirring of ancient ambitions, a whispering none could define except those who whispered

We thought only of our ambitions, forgetting what ambitions this man might himself have

Tarascus did not believe that Xaltotun was yet quite sure of his power; if they needed his aid in their ambitions, no less he needed theirs

All the things she had said about him, his life, his ambitions, his love for her, Mainwaring, the CSIS —

«Grandfather supported the idea but quickly discovered Lavr had other ambitions

Follow her life as all her ambitions turn to shit

have ambitions in that direction

that he had let his career ambitions cloud the truly important matters in life, and

You should or should not indulge fantasies and day dreams as a matter of your own desires, ambitions, and goals

have closed the doors to further ambitions and I find that sad

It is important that your speech be done with you and your personality and your dreams and ambitions in mind

academic careers and professional ambitions to the sheer ex-

That night he was captured when he tried to escape from Macondo, after writing a long letter to Colonel Aureliano Buendía in which he reminded him of their common aim to humanize the war and he wished him a final victory over the corruption of the militarists and the ambitions of the politicians in both parties

He drifted about, with no ties of affection, with no ambitions, like a wandering star in Úrsula’s planetary system

Will you use your classroom achievements for His glory or for selfish and temporary ambitions? At the end of your life, what will you look back on? Be prepared to give an account to Christ for the education that He gave you

Be careful to recognize demobilizing structures that are founded on ambitions to govern churches at home, which may detour you from fulfilling Christ’s Commission

They expressed confidently that the slaves’ intellectual abilities equaled that of whites and that Christianity could not suppress their ambitions for freedom

Also, many religions that were well meaning at first had their teachings distorted to fit the views and ambitions of a few

He then told me that he needed a working time machine so that he could have the capability to go back in time and eliminate in advance any enemy or political opponent he deemed too dangerous to his goals and ambitions

“You were the puppet of the militarists for all those years and refused to stand against their monstrous ambitions, instead letting them use your name to justify their crimes

Those who plunged Japan in this disastrous war used the myth of imperial divinity to make you follow their ambitions and to consolidate their personal power

She saw the hope welling up in his eyes and decided that this moment was the perfect time to end his amorous ambitions with a swift and final answer

ambitions of many men who had served the Crown loyally for years and endanger the well-laid plans of the organization that intended to draw the war to a swift, decisive close as soon as possible

Many mortals followed their own ambitions thinking only of

Though they had never been close friends, they had worked together on cases in the past and got along quite well, due in part to their mutual, longstanding friendship with Lowell, but Bobby Dan was too keen on flaunting his name and his reputation in the faces of those near him, due in part to his deep-rooted political ambitions that were instilled in him as a child by his well-connected grandfather

have come here with great ambitions, but those ambitions have been

ambition — перевод на русский


Some of you may have ambitions.

Некоторые из вас имеют амбиции.

Personal ambition must be thrown aside… in the one great sacrifice for our country.

Личные амбиции должны быть отброшены в сторону… в одном грозном порыве жертвоприношения нашей родине.

This my friends, is Napoleon, Emperor of the French… whose overwhelming ambition swept him to world power.

А это, друзья мои, Наполеон Бонапарт, император Франции чьи амбиции позволили превратить страну в мировую державу.

Ambition, I guess.

Амбиции, я полагаю.

Показать ещё примеры для «амбиции»…

We must awaken the children’s ambition

Цель нашего обучения в том, чтобы разбудить в детях честолюбие

Your ambitions are completely atrophied. — Wha..?

У вас совершенно атрофировано честолюбие.

A good rise in the salary, and ambitions, too.

Солидная прибавка к зарплате, ну и честолюбие, конечно.

She underestimated your ambition.

Лила недооценила твое честолюбие.

Envy, ambition

Зависть, честолюбие.

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Understand, our ambition is the same — the security of France. There is suspicion because your son is hidden.

Ваше Величество понимает, что наши стремления… в интересах Франции.

into the coffee grounds or into your crystal ball, shall my destiny ultimately attain the lofty heights of my ambitions?

В кофейную гущу или в Ваш хрустальный шар. Какая судьба меня ждёт и каких высот… Достигнут мои стремления?

Well, it’s a harmless enough ambition, I should have thought?

Ну, это безобидные стремления, ведь так?


Он никогда не воспринимал всерьёз мои стремления.

Always put herself last to bolster his ego, his drive, his ambition.

Пожертвовала свою молодость… Всегда ставила себя позади, чтобы поддержать его эго, его стремления, его тщеславие.

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But my real ambition is to be on Broadway in a musical.

Но моя настоящая цель — попасть в мюзикл на Бродвее.

My desire and ambition is but one.

Мое желание и цель одна, и только одна.

I like a man with a bit of ambition about him.

Мне по душе люди, у которых есть цель.

It’s my life’s ambition to join the Knights of Camelot.

Это цель моей жизни — стать рыцарем Камелота.

Your noble ambition finds harmonious echoes in my heart.

Твоя благородная цель находит гармоничный отклик в моем сердце.

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True, until now I lacked ambition, probably because I was alone.

Действительно, до сих пор я был недостаточно амбициозен, возможно, потому что я был один.

Yeah, I’ve got ambitions.

Ага. Я очень амбициозен.

No ambition.

Не амбициозен.

Ruthless and-and full of ambition, I-I, I imagine… qualities that I admire, of course, and, you know, wish I had more of myself.

Думаю, ты был настойчив и амбициозен. Это те качества, которые я люблю в людях и которых мне недостаёт.

I mean, he is all ambition.

Он амбициозен.

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To look distinguished, which is a low-class ambition, never use a meat knife with fish.

Желание выделиться уже само по себе вульгарно. Когда едят рыбу, ножом не пользуются.

It is therefore my ambition to see you married… as soon as is decently possible.

Сожалею, но мое желание, это видеть тебя женатым. И как можно лучше и быстрее.

I guess the game picked up on my ambition to be like you.

Я думаю, игра усилила моё желание, быть такой как вы.

It’s a fine ambition, to be a poet.

Стать поэтом – это прекрасное желание.

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My life’s ambition is to have my own place… my own sheep station, up in western Queensland, where I come from.

И зарабатывать деньги на сахаре. Мне кажется, это и есть мечта вашей жизни? Да нет.

My life ‘s ambition.

Мечта всей моей жизни.

There’s some burning ambition inside you, isn’t there?

Есть же у вас мечта?

— What’s the ambition of a napkin?

Какая мечта у салфетки?

Ahhh, the vaulting ambition of the writer.

величайшая мечта писателей…

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Is this your ambition?

Это твои устремления?

The Guinevere One space probe represents this country’s limitless ambition.

Космический зонд Гвиневра Один демонстрирует безграничные устремления нашей страны.

Apparently, that’s your life’s ambition.

Очевидно, таковы твои устремления.

But no matter how much we’re fueled by this natural Neurological impulse. Ambition isn’t carved in stone.

Но сколько бы нас ни подпитывал этот природный нейроимпульс, наши устремления не вечны.

Do your ambitions not exceed this?

Ваши устремления столь скромны?

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Ambition, everyone agrees, she’s the perfect wife for a painter.

Тщеславие. Все считают, что она — идеальная жена для художника.

Their ambition is based on personal insecurity.

Их тщеславие базируется на личной неуверенности.

Ridiculous ambition really.

Смешное тщеславие, правда…

His name was Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, and if his name has been forgotten today, it is for the reason that his ambition was restricted to a domain that leaves no trace in history:

Его звали Жан-Батист Гренуй. И ныне это имя предано забвению лишь потому что его тщеславие ограничивалось сферой не оставляющей следов в истории зыбким царством запахов.

They come to know desire, lust, passion, greed, fear, hatred, Anger, ambition, Gluttony, jealousy, everything that makes Life… Interesting.

Они познали желание, страсть, похоть, жадность, страх, гнев, ненависть, тщеславие, обжорство, зависть — все, что делает жизнь… интересной.

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I have ambitions in that area.

У меня есть планы на этот счет.

Actually enormous ambitions, but that’s all, for the moment.

На самом деле — большие планы, но на данный момент не более того.

Mr Hopkins you may agree with him thinking «Yes we should simply study our Mr Pritchard… «and learn our rhyme and metre and go quietly about the business… of achieving other ambitions.»

Мистер Хопкинс, Вы, возможно, согласитесь с ним, рассуждая, что «Да, мы просто должны учиться по нашему учебнику мистера Причарда учить рифму и размер и начинать думать о том, как воплотить другие планы.»

You’re not concerned that public knowledge of your wife’s trysts… could derail your diplomatic ambitions?

— Вас не волновало, что если общественность узнает о похождениях вашей жены… это может расстроить ваши дипломатические планы?

We were full of ambition

в поместье Тай Хинг, Туен Мун. У нас были большие планы.

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