Use the word amazing in a sentence

How do you use the word amazing in a sentence?

Amazing sentence example

  1. It was amazing how a person could change.
  2. It was amazing how a baby could put love in so many hearts.
  3. It was amazing how much they could change in less than a week.
  4. Yes.
  5. The world is becoming more educated at an amazing rate.
  6. The amazing discoveries made by J.

What is the use of amazing?

Use the adjective amazing to describe something that is so good, it surprises you, like the amazing beauty of the Rocky Mountains or the amazing feats of a truly great athlete.

What is a good word for amazing?

  • astonishing,
  • astounding,
  • awesome,
  • awful,
  • eye-opening,
  • fabulous,
  • marvelous.
  • (or marvellous),

What is an amazing word?

astonishing, astounding, surprising, bewildering, stunning, staggering, shocking, startling, stupefying, breathtaking, perplexing, confounding, dismaying, disconcerting, shattering. awesome, awe-inspiring, sensational, remarkable, spectacular, stupendous, phenomenal, prodigious, extraordinary, incredible, unbelievable.

How do you describe something so amazing?

Amazing, inspiring awe, “to be marvelled at”. Prodigious is defined as something very big or powerful, or something extraordinary. Inspiring awe; awesome.

What is better fantastic or amazing?

As adjectives the difference between amazing and fantastic is that amazing is causing wonder and amazement; possessing uniquely wonderful qualities while fantastic is existing in or constructed from fantasy; of or relating to fantasy; fanciful.

Is brilliant or excellent better?

The difference between Brilliant and Excellent. When used as adjectives, brilliant means shining brightly, whereas excellent means of the highest quality.

What is the prettiest diamond cut?

EMERALD CUT DIAMOND The Emerald cut is one of the most timeless of all of the diamond cuts. It is elegant and beautiful, particularly because it’s recommended to aim for higher colours and clarities; there is no hiding when it comes to an emerald cut.

Which diamond cut is most expensive?

round brilliant

Which diamond cut looks the biggest?

round diamonds

Is Zales or Kay better?

Zales versus Kay Jewelers Not exactly. While they share similar policies here and there, Zales and Kay cater to distinct audiences. However, Kay tends to have a wider selection of engagment rings and customization options, PLUS a better overall online purchasing experience.

Is 2 carat diamond considered big?

Is a 2 Carat Diamond Considered to be Big? The average carat weight for a diamond engagement ring is about 0.9 carat, meaning a 2 Carat Diamond is definitely considered big. With 2 carat engagement rings, the diamond is noticeable and eye-catching.

Which Diamond Cut holds its value?

round diamond

Where is the cheapest diamond in the world?


What is the cheapest color diamond?

To group the colors based on prices the relatively affordable colored diamonds are grey, brown and fancy yellow. Going to mid ranging prices it can be an intense and vivid yellow diamonds and orange diamonds. A group higher in prices are pink, purple, violet, green and blue diamonds.

How much is a 1 carat diamond worth?

How Much Does 1 Carat Diamond Cost? In general, a 1 carat diamond costs between $1,800 and $12,000. The cost depends on factors such as the Cut quality, Clarity, Color and Shape of the diamond. Cut quality is the aspect that most greatly impacts a 1 carat diamond’s price and its beauty.

How can you tell if a diamond is good quality?

How to tell if a diamond is high quality

  • GIA Certification. The easiest method is to see if the diamond is GIA-Certified.
  • Carat Weight / Size. Size is the easiest visual indicator and weight can be accomplished with a scale.
  • Color. The idea with color is diamonds is simply this: we don’t want any.
  • Cut.
  • Clarity.

How would you know if a diamond is real?

A quick and easy way to tell if your diamond is real or not — put the stone in front of your mouth and fog it up with your breath. If it clears up after a second or two, then it’s real, but if karat stays fogged for three seconds or more, then you’re looking at a fake.

How many carats should an engagement ring be?

The average total carat size for engagement rings, including any diamonds on the setting, is 2 carats, Miles said. You’ve had a look at the setting and diamonds (or other gemstones) that your beloved covets, and figured out which merchants offer the best price.

How many carats is Kim Kardashian’s ring?

15 carats

How much should a man spend on an engagement ring?

General Rule: You should spend at least 2 months salary on the engagement ring. If, for example, you are making $60,000 per year, you should spend $10,000 on the engagement ring.

What is the most popular engagement ring?

The most popular diamond cut for engagement rings is round brilliant. Round brilliant-cut diamonds are the quintessential sparklers due to their outstanding light performance and universal shape that works in an endless number of setting styles.

Is Rose gold real gold?

Rose gold is an alloy made from a combination of pure gold and copper. The blend of the two metals changes the color of the final product and its karat. For example, the most common alloy of rose gold is 75 percent pure gold to 25 percent copper, which makes 18k rose gold.

Is Blue Nile legit?

Is Blue Nile legit? Despite its low prices, Blue Nile is a completely legitimate business. Blue Nile diamonds are GIA certified. The reason why their prices are so low is because they operate on lower margins and do not have expensive brick-and-mortar stores.

Above all a garden is the most amazing place of the house no matter what the season is.

Building the pyramids was an amazing feat.

Discover some of its amazing benefits.

Do this at least for a day to be blessed with amazing skin on your wedding day.

Figs are delicious little fruits which have some amazing benefits in store.

He can do the most amazing acrobatics.

He has an amazing appetite for hard work.

He is an amazing person to work with.

Her attire was amazing as it dazzled upon her.

Here are few amazing uses of eggshells.

His achievement is amazing.

His mannerisms were amazing and stunning.

His trick was amazing.

How amazing is it !

How amazing that your mother speaks six languages!

I exclaimed that it was very amazing !

I met some of the most amazing people here who have left a lasting mark in my life.

It is amazing.

It must be amazing to compare them.

It was quite amazing.

It’s amazing how little time he spends with his children.

It’s amazing how loud my classmates are in lish class.

Living with your partner is the most amazing thing in this world.

My brother has amazing love for football.

My father had a lot of amazing qualities.

Next time try these amazing home remedies to treat your hair with love.

No words can express how amazing you are.

On his bicycle he can dodge through traffic with amazing speed.

On this regard we provide you with some amazing tricks and tips on how to prevent eyestrain while watching TV.

Read to know the amazing health benefits of carrot juice for the body.

She is an amazing human being in my life.

She looked amazing.

Some water lovers keep amazing water fountains in their house.

That was an amazing story.

The amazing health benefits of yoga are known across the globe.

The end result is an amazing wonder for sure!

The international space station is an amazing feat of ineering.

There are amazing benefits of carrot juice.

These are amazing natural landscapes.

These are the amazing recipes that you can never miss out!

They had amazing intellectualism because of which they got recognition in their entire world.

They showed amazing bravery.

Travelling is an amazing way to learn a lot of things in life.

We have amazing neighbours who make our lives better.

We’ve been here a long time, it’s been an amazing tour.

What an amazing model !

What are the amazing achievements of human memory ?

What are the amazing achievements of the human mind?

What’s amazing about sports fans is the intensity of the rage they can feel toward something trivial.

You get an amazing amount of knowledge and information from books.

You look amazing.

‘What’s the most amazing way to do it’.

amazing (adj): extremely surprising

Use “amazing” in a sentence

The magician performed some amazing tricks.
Their performance was amazing.
It’s amazing how much money he spends everyday.
This is the most amazing wedding party I’ve ever attended.

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Synonym: astonishing, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, awing. Similar words: magazine, analyzing, drama, damage, as a man, pyjamas, dramatic, a matter of. Meaning: [-zɪŋ]  adj. 1. surprising greatly 2. inspiring awe or admiration or wonder. 

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1. Modern technology is amazing, isn’t it?

2. His amazing recovery confounded the medical specialists.

3. You work with amazing speed.

4. It’s amazing that a stranger suddenly become your world.

5. He’s an amazing player to watch.

6. It’s amazing how quickly people adapt.

7. Rain forests are filled with amazing creatures.

8. It’s amazing the difference a few polite words make.

9. It’s amazing how someone can break your heart, but you still love them with all the little pieces.

10. It’s amazing what people will do to get out of paying taxes.

11. It’s amazing how closely Brian and Steve resemble each other.

12. It’s amazing what we can re-member with a little prompting.

13. It was amazing how my mother coped with bringing up three children on less than three pounds a week.

14. The amazing thing is, he really believes he’ll get away with it.

15. It’s not about making the amazing saves. It’s the little things and small things that made great gatekeepers great.

16. The human body has an amazing capacity to repair itself.

17. It’s amazing how much computers have come down in price over the past few years.

18. He concocted the most amazing dish from all sorts of unlikely ingredients.

19. That’s amazing, isn’t it?Sentence dictionary

20. If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re not worthy.

21. It’s absolutely amazing, believe you me.

22. She has an amazing appetite for knowledge.

23. The minister had made an amazing error of judgement.

24. The film’s special effects are amazing.

25. The amazing thing is, he wouldn’t accept any money!

26. If you compare house prices in the two areas, it’s quite amazing how different they are.

27. His face was a study as he listened to their amazing news.

28. The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your mistakes and weaknesses and still thinks you’re completely amazing.

29. Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.

30. He remembered our names from ten years ago—isn’t that just amazing?

More similar words: magazine, analyzing, drama, damage, as a man, pyjamas, dramatic, a matter of, alma mater, dramatically, as a matter of fact, wing, ring, bring, swing, saying, thing, cling, saving, landing, voting, dining, ruling, string, singer, timing, ring up, single, finger, rating. 

child has done something amazing – then by al means praise her but

Unless of course it is amazing and she is a junior expert in

“Kevin, did you see that out the window? That was amazing!”

It is amazing that we always find excuses to justify our

«Amazing!» the preacher says

, of Concentration, are often amazing

This is an amazing story, Mr

‘It is amazing the amount of clutter one accumulates

had the most amazing, the most beautiful and captivating eyes

‘Yes, it was amazing

It’s amazing how seldom people back up their personal possessions

you, all the amazing and original ways of divine healing are contained in

Oliver / D: —> (Calm) It’s amazing how far the power of love

Okay, so during that time I also had to deal with getting out of bed (when did my legs turn to cotton wool?) and being taken along to the toilet (amazing how quickly one can get out of the habit of the most commonplace activities)

‘The lightning is amazing when it strikes Crook Peak, spectacular!

amazing writers and thinkers

The difference in him since he had come across was amazing … I wonder if Angie has come back from visiting her family yet

“This house is amazing, has a nice comfy feel to it,” he told her

Daniel settled himself down and turned his gaze on this amazing woman

So much younger, it was amazing

Thank you for this amazing, beautiful gift

As a result of the recent eruption of Vesuvio, the sunsets are fantastic … deep reds streaking across the sky, interwoven with oranges and greens, resulting in the most amazing displays

Steve piped up quickly, “And look at Oreo, she was changed too! This is amazing, wait till the twins see her!”

It was amazing how fast the yaag habit came back, and by the time they were nearing Shempala, two cups wasn’t really much any more

and the amazing elasticity

It was amazing to watch these dragons fight; they were all singing as they battled! It was some kind of a war chant, but it was very effective

This raises an amazing amount of suspicion and the

This is the amazing thing about love relationships — that any date that the two of you

He stared so intently into her jet-black sunglasses that he completely missed the amazing comeback by his team’s opponents that resulted in the match ending in a five-all draw

Now that was an interesting documentary! Amazing what new archaeological insights they’ve had into the Viking houses in the Hebrides – well put together, too … but why do they have to put these things on so late at night? Oh stop yawning, Sally! Turn that TV off and get on with shutting up the house for the night

“Well, that’s amazing”, exclaimed the television gardener to his wife

an agnostic, there was something amazing about his face — it had genuine feeling

around, it was amazing how much say I had in the house

It was amazing to see

“Whoever can do the most amazing thing on our royal television, whoever can show the most ingenuity and talent, will win the hand of our grand-daughter in marriage together with half of our personal estates and investments as a dowry

All across the land hopeful suitors practiced their funniest party turns and their most amazing performance art works in the hope of winning the princess’ hand in marriage

It was, they all said afterwards, quite the most amazing thing

‘He is amazing, man

It was the most amazing and terrifying experience of my life

them seems frightening – but this technique can strengthen your confidence in amazing ways

It was amazing just how much contraband she could

that your subconscious mind is an amazing recording

‘The water is amazing

It is amazing

Next, I will share some amazing secrets that ancient

Her size and her resiliency were amazing

Other things even more amazing than this have

That went well … Sue’s a capable lady, I think it’ll work out, though I’m really going to miss Anna – do you know she’s been with me for nearly nineteen years! Amazing – I don’t feel that old! Earlier in the week, I’d arranged with Anna that I’d take her out for lunch today but what I didn’t tell her was that most of the office would be coming with us

One of the most amazing healing experiences I have

‘You’re an amazing woman – you deserve it!’ he countered, ‘What are you going to spend it on?’

The mind does an amazing job keeping track of things,

job boards are an amazing example

thought that was pretty amazing

for months now and it was quite amazing to think that he was fit

the amazing comeback by his team’s opponents that resulted in the

country, Terry set record after record with his amazing goal scoring

in favor of the subject is amazing

will hear a lot more about how amazing the Emotion

It was an amazing, instantaneous transformation

“Well, that’s amazing”, exclaimed the television gardener to his

made sure that the whole land heard about his amazing plums

Amazing … I spend years with an oik like Kevin because I couldn’t find anything better and suddenly I’m knee deep in attractive men … not that I would want to swop Dave for anyone … but it is very good for the ego

It’s amazing to me how he acts now

It is truly amazing to see this process done and

and I have many amazing stories that I could share,

All of the judges assembled next to Ted’s amazing new flower,

‘He’s nearly six foot, dark haired and has the most amazing eyes

however, agreed that the most amazing thing of all was the human

You’re still amazing, even if you have a pet lizard that tells you the secrets of the universe

It is undeniable that I love that man … and it’s not just the sex, which is amazing, but just being with him

He had watched, months before, as the boy and his father spent weeks rowing around the lake, which had culminated in the amazing display of gymnastic prowess before his own eyes as sole witness to the performance down on the little boat dock

Belle introduced her daughters to the amazing craft of weaving to which the twins took with enthusiasm and creativity

“That’s amazing, a little over my head, but amazing nonetheless

amazing how this story was told to about seven people at the most, and overnight

Even after being away at least seventeen Earth years, it was amazing how quickly she was back here at the Kassikan, and how homey and familiar it all seemed

The next morning, Harry woke his dad, anxious to continue the amazing project

As it turns out, the cards and books weren’t the most amazing thing

One of the first things I found out about him was that he wanted to write music for children – something along the lines of ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’ style of thing, but he felt that he was not talented enough

only piece of wall left standing, right there in big red letters so obviously that it was amazing that they hadn’t noticed it until now, they all saw the words,

Amazing how atmosphere could change

“Of course, but she is still an amazing person with a lot of influence

Her niece is coping very well though, which is amazing

amazing that the woman could be so naive

It was amazing how quickly the

It’s amazing that a stream of people hadn’t poured out when I

“And there it is laid plain as the day, you are amazing Henry Livingson

Amazing what a little respect could do

It was amazing how much respect could be gained in such

well, her love, that she then told me an amazing story

She found it amazing, how much a child would actually be willing to learn if given the right devices

I plan to marry this woman; just great that it is almost 30 years ago amazing – how lucky I am to have her

It was amazing how the

The amazing thing was that we were only staying

The bus was not exactly high-tech because it used the a six volt battery instead of the 12 volt battery like most cars do and in an amazing feat of safety ignorance, Volkswagen had placed the battery in the back where the engine was

Well here’s what Professor Rappaport told us that I found amazing

«It is amazing that our devices can reach out to each other over the distance and time that separate them and bring us together

of that amazing pig), but nobody could bring themselves

It is amazing what can cause offences in the Church

It was amazing that someone from this environment would have enough energy left over to work in a service house, especially one that was such a long way away

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