Use the word amaze in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word amaze, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use amaze in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «amaze».

Amaze in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word amaze in a sentence.

  1. Bill Russell never ceases to amaze me.».

  2. Young’s full frontal on the rings, shown during Bounty Killer’s line «The way you rock your hips, you know that it amaze me,» was controversial.

Synonyms for amaze

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word amaze has the following synonyms: astonish, astound, perplex, vex, stick, get, puzzle, mystify, baffle, beat, pose, bewilder, flummox, stupefy, nonplus, gravel, dumbfound, puzzle over and puzzle out.

General information about «amaze» example sentences

The example sentences for the word amaze that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «amaze» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «amaze».


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1, He never ceases to amaze me.

2, «Your skills amaze me,» she said, with heavy sarcasm.

3, You never cease to amaze me!

4, It never ceases to amaze me how the business world continues to trivialize the world’s environmental problems.

5, It never ceases to amaze me what some people will do for money.

6, It never ceased to amaze him that women were attracted to Sam.

7, Neil’s ability to utter banalities never ceased to amaze me.

8, It never ceases to amaze me how he can talk for so long without ever saying anything interesting.

9, All my life and they still amaze me.

10, It never ceases to amaze me!

11, My genius never fails to amaze.

12, I believe words should amaze or amuse. Only then will the listener want to understand the meaning of the song. Gulzar 

13, It never ceased to amaze me to watch soldiers head right for these places.

14, It never ceased to amaze me how he could do it.

15, It never ceased to amaze her how much smaller everything seemed to her now adult eyes.

16, It never ceased to amaze him that women seemed to like Sam.

17, Their response never ceases to amaze me, as does the accolade accorded to me by the fans.

18, It never ceases to amaze me what human beings can do when they have to dig deep.

19, Some kids will amaze you with what they can do.

20, This campaign strikes amaze into men.

21, He stood in amaze at the sight.

22, The silk’s elegance and palace’s mightiness amaze the guests.

23, His magic act will amaze and astonish you.

24, You’ve done all your homework in an hour? You amaze me.

25, The arrogance and selfishness of different interest groups never ceases to amaze me.

26, The Riverside Res-taurant promises a variety of food that never ceases to amaze!

27, The things people will do for charity never cease to amaze me .

28, The mound of coins continues to grow as the little Kool Aid tycoons and garbage financiers continue to amaze and to amass.

29, I have no problems with this evidence,[] but it never ceases to amaze me what some modern theologians do with it.

30, There is not one of those women, Egyptian, Turkish, or Greek, whom here you call ‘good women, ‘ who do not know how, by means of chemistry, to stupefy a doctor, and in psychology to amaze a confessor.

Definition of Amaze

to fill with surprise, astonish

Examples of Amaze in a sentence

Arthur does not fail to amaze everyone with his quick wit and humor.


Jeff thought that he could amaze me with his sniper skills, but having spent years in the military I easily outdid him.


It never ceases to amaze me how some people believe the earth is flat.


That kid named Joe is so quick on the ice that he does not fail to amaze his coaches.


As a clown, I love to amaze and astonish my audience with the outlandish things that I say.


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on the other part, achievements that amaze

He never ceases to amaze me, he thought

The guy has hand speed that amaze you

The B’tari never failed to amaze him

It never ceased to amaze me how much blood could be spread around by a human body

The wonders of Aerodynamics never cease to amaze me

The appearance of people who turned out to be criminals would never cease to amaze him: most could sit opposite him in a restaurant and he wouldn’t give them a second glance

Amaze! The force that the financial capital practices on the society it is created by the current system and for us same, inclusive for the State that is the owner of the coin of the Country

The power of addiction never ceases to amaze me

For all her gentleness, Grandma had a finely-honed sense of what was appropriate, and on occasion she could amaze with her unflinching stand when aroused

It never ceased to amaze me, seeing my father during late summer standing among the fully grown plants, harvesting tomatoes by the basketful

Jesse’s confident and refined demeanor never failed to amaze me; hopefully some of it would rub off on me because I failed miserably in comparison

before, which was a feat that never ceased to amaze me

The fragile complexities of the human nervous system never ceased to amaze him

My sister never ceases to amaze me—[and

These few have been mentioned, not to amaze us, but

“You drug companies amaze me

You will amaze yourself once you realise that it is often the

electron actually takes up and the result will amaze you

I have technology at my fingertips that would amaze you

By the way, those machines truly amaze me

will amaze the world so much that they will yearn for the continuation

“Well you amaze me the older one said

This is a lesson that I was taught early, and combinations of minerals continue not only to interest me but also to amaze and captivate me

“You amaze me, Dog

forward, and amaze their clients are

I amaze myself with this act of generosity

“I hate to keep saying this, but sometimes you amaze me, Franklin

faint: it is enough to amaze me that I have no

To my friends who constantly amaze me with their love, compassion, caring and support

Connecting the dots map can amaze, delight and enrich you

This fog never ceases to amaze me—keeps the winters mild and the summers comfortable

This seemed to amaze the little girl as she stopped her pleading and

Maybe you should try and amaze

Teller was slow in reply to the facetious tone and the editor’s voice boomed into his ear: “Jesus you amaze me

“You continue to amaze me

You amaze me

amaze me how adept you’ve become at probing the ethereal Nous of our present

You laugh, Darci, but those two never cease to amaze me

Warren Wiersbe once said: “It never ceases to amaze me that God blesses people I disagree with

serves as the ark of a great secret that will soon amaze everyone

Zevin hadn’t stopped in his progression in anything either and he continued to amaze both Roric and his mother all the time

wonderful home that is destined to amaze

the homes they are going to, will astound and amaze them

This seemed to amaze him; he somehow fancied that he would find everything as he left it, even perhaps the corpses in the same places on the floor

Confound the ignorant, and amaze indeed

And then when the repast is over and the tables removed, for the knight to recline in the chair, picking his teeth perhaps as usual, and a damsel, much lovelier than any of the others, to enter unexpectedly by the chamber door, and herself by his side, and begin to tell him what the castle is, and how she is held enchanted there, and other things that amaze the knight and astonish the readers who are perusing his history

Does that amaze you?»

But I understand, Holmes, that you are turning to practical ends those powers with which you used to amaze us?’

“You know, you never cease to amaze me

Why are you so filled with self-doubt? It never ceases to amaze me

The isolation of his manner and colour lent him the appearance of a creature from Tophet, who had strayed into the pellucid smokelessness of this region of yellow grain and pale soil, with which he had nothing in common, to amaze and to discompose its aborigines

Halbarad lifted a great horn, and the blast of it echoed in Helm’s Deep; and with that they leapt away, riding down the Coomb like thunder, while all the men that were left on Dike or Burg stared in amaze

And then a voice came out of him, as it were out of the ground, and to their amaze it spoke in the western

Larry McMillan’s “Options Strategist” newsletter continues to amaze me with the new ideas and novel ways of looking at old trading strategies that we have often found to be invaluable in our trading

Their strength, their physical grace, their otherworldly beauty, still amaze him, even after fifteen years of working around them

Or more like, Sometimes I even amaze myself

I am a new comer among you, but I will confess that you amaze me

snuck from his coat a thing to astonish the boarders and amaze the rest

«Are they still there?» In amaze

’ The captain stared in delighted amaze

This praise came from an old man who sat to himself far across the theater, his head lifted forward in amaze toward that ancient life

‘It really does!’ he cried in soft amaze

” The captain stared in delighted amaze

The prince found out afterwards that this gentleman made it his business to amaze people with his originality and wit, but that it did not as a rule “come off

Their children are sometimes congenital idiots, like the hero of our story; sometimes they are found in the dock at the Assizes, where they are generally acquitted by the jury for edifying motives; sometimes they distinguish themselves by one of those burning scandals that amaze the public and add another blot to the stained record of our age

«As in amaze he stood to gaze,

amazed if we would have seen sudden

Glenelle was amazed that she was able to look up that location on a map and to see it thru a small scope as it came around the planet

’ Kara replied, ‘Joris told me he’d spent some time at the equivalent place here one time and been amazed to find that they were virtually identical

You will be amazed at what you can create when you so

Alan was amazed enough already

She’d been amazed by the overabundance of cleaning materials that she had correctly guessed would be stored in the cupboard under the sink – some things defy cultural differences! Kneeling on the floor, all the better to examine the various spray containers and bottles piled in there, her amazement turned into confusion … there were plastic spray bottles for limescale removal, disinfecting the worktops … apparently killing 99% of all known germs — though that did raise the question of what danger the remaining 1% presented if it was so vital to get rid of the things … bottles of cream for cleaning the sink and another, lavender scented, for polishing wood, a big bottle of bleach that at least smelt familiar, and noxious substances for cleaning the oven that had signs warning of danger plastered all over them … it was an education

audience was even more amazed

Poopsie and Lardyme were amazed

«I’m amazed to know that you understand what the word stargate means and that there would be strong equations involved in their construction

Alan was once more amazed by how far you could see here, it reminded him of a story he’d read as a child about a world within the Earth where there was no horizon

be amazed, be stunned, prepare to witness the wonders

They were all amazed at how long they were able to keep going when survival depended on it

CINDY: I am amazed you even said that

The riders were amazed at the workmanship and the intricate detail; she had obviously worked long and hard on these garments

’ I said, a little amazed at my own daring

They were quite amazed at Jakes’ size

Jeffery was amazed at the simplicity of Wolf’s strategy

” He was amazed at the size of their camp

Sadly, their condition by then was not very good due to damage from candle soot and expectedly, some areas had succumbed to damp, but I was amazed at the depth of the ochre, the rusts and the blues, all given life by the sunbeams streaming in through the apsidal windows

Terry was amazed at the transformation in his skills

Lester was amazed at this turn of events, but he agreed to let his son go

They were amazed, once more, by what they saw

‘I’m amazed that you have not lost your temper more often!’

Annie was amazed to find herself in a most elegantly appointed salon, stuffed full of finely embroidered soft furnishings and antiques of obvious quality and refinement

Even those close friends and relatives who knew about the hole were amazed at the couple’s loving resilience in the face of such deep shadow, and unlike so many people who find that their strength and union is built on sand rather than on firm foundations, Ken and Eileen simply wouldn’t let the darkness at the heart of their marriage tear their relationship apart, choosing instead to face their enemy in a committed search for the one thing that could complete the turn of the seasons in their lives

Since he had been an Angel for more than two hundred years now, he was no longer amazed by the fact that he could pick up the plain paper envelope from the screen of the phone

message, Karen opened the parcel, and was amazed to see that it

were amazed by what Drew had perceived as an infant,

I was once again amazed that emotions could

I was amazed by how many conditions were actually

Once again he was amazed that this personification was able to do such a good job providing these sensations to his soul

amazed to see that his white blood cells on the other

Now onboard the Saber, Naria continued his lessons and was amazed at how quickly he picked it up

What amazed me even more, was the change in

I was frankly amazed

With the bias against females still a part of their psychological make up, many were amazed that the females could have gotten as far as they did

Each of his men had trained with her these past weeks, but still they were amazed at her speed and agility

The world was doubly amazed a few weeks later when Terry

You will be amazed how the opportunities will open up to

Annie was amazed to find herself in a most elegantly appointed

During that time Brent was amazed at the sights that past them; untold worlds that he

friends and relatives who knew about the hole were amazed at the

He was still amazed by how much Venna acted and talked like Tdeshi

He awoke early and was amazed at the hour; 10:30

The water was only ankle deep and he was amazed at how calm he was

His teeth appeared to be razor sharp, but I felt no fear of him, I was too excited, and amazed to find him still alive

He was amazed by just how little of his

George and Belle walked behind their children, amazed again at how fast they were growing up, and getting so tall

He got into a stairway and was amazed by the uniformity

sight in the corner of the room which amazed him

amazed that the man had remembered him from their brief

I stand amazed as I watch

There were two things about the trip that amazed me

Bailli’s office, and he was frankly amazed that any of them

two!’ The two men looked at him, amazed at his outburst

amazed at the effect his words had on the Knight

Monica was amazed at the berry’s powers

It still amazed me how fast he read

I was in a fog, amazed that Roman was playing the piano

He was amazed by the amount of knowledge she had about something that wasn’t even in her field of interest

She was amazed by how much he was able to understand of what she told

‘What happened to your child?’ asked Janine, amazed

inevitable confrontation, and was amazed as he watched

Debra was amazed

You’d be amazed what you

When Jesus gave a word of knowledge to the woman at the well she was amazed and proclaimed, “Surely you are a prophet

She sprawled over top of him when she was sated, still amazed at herself for doing this

” he said in disbelief, amazed that he had actually managed to overpower elf

» It still amazed her how they could play that blast after a round of norrot, while Parmu was still nailed to the stool at their counter

amazed when James said he’d prefer to come with me to

He was charmed and amazed by the wonder of everything he saw, and mostly by the gorgeous palace, through which he was taken, by attendant fishes, to the sick chamber of the king, where he found a great council of learned doctors, who welcomed him very warmly

N: The council of the fishes were amazed at the rabbit’s courtesy to their King and slunk away with shame at their own rude conduct in kidnapping him, when a simple request would have been enough

amazed at Solomon’s wisdom and how it was reflected in daily

When the usual hour arrived the grand-vizir conducted Scheherazade to the palace, and left her alone with the Sultan, who bade her raise her veil and was amazed at her beauty

He was amazed, and turning to the vizir said: “What do you say? Should I not give the princess to one who values her so highly?”

Brice was amazed to see that operating the hoist was a gray bearded Boulder Dwarf — whom he quickly recognized as the very same being who had nearly plowed him over when he had first come upon the Wayward Inn

He was amazed that so much information could be gathered about so distant an object

Aladdin was so amazed that he could not say a word

It amazed me how many people wanted to dispose of great grandpa’s pride and joy

companions, who were similarly amazed

She was amazed at how easily she became friends with this being, whatever it was

Alan was amazed at what he saw

You will be amazed at the

You will be amazed that the taste is very similar to whole milk, but with less fat

I mean, I was myself amazed

And behold, Lord Saint Bodhisattva Lucifer strode With conviction through the amazed crowd of angels, His eye chilling bright power… solid in countenance, With bold body language he would dare to chisel sharp Precise words into perfection—captivating the hearers Into profound insight

Or… would their work be so irresistible, continually Produced at a slow pace… that amazed the masses Even further with each new creation

like a screen share, you’ll be amazed at how much more accurate the

The students were obviously amazed at

I have tested this and was amazed at the difference in results

amazed at the number of miracle workers they have on site

Even during the two days before the funeral she was amazed at the constant stream of people who visited the homestead to offer their condolences to Zarko’s family

The Elf, under the unseen tutelage of her integrally unified mentors, amazed her friends with one astounding new ability after another

Danny was amazed

She was amazed at the amount of squirting the boy had

What amazed him was the uniformity of the walkway years after its design and construction

What amazes Billy is that she knows she is a star pupil but has never allowed herself to become pompous or overbearing

It amazes me the extremes I have gone through in order to hold

The friendliness, honesty, hospitality and generosity of North African Arabs amazes me still

‘It amazes me that you did that for two years

It amazes me how easily Nathan accepted you

amazes me are the huge intellectual differences:

It always amazes me there aren’t more

It amazes me how much some of the best specimens have grown in value in my lifetime

The aspect of this story and many others like it that amazes me is the

It happened on the Enterprise, what a couplemonths ago? It still amazes me that it was so well played down and that there wasn’t instant hysteria in the streets

We are all wrong so often that it amazes me that we can have any conviction at all over the direction of things to come

So it amazes me that the El Mundo men don’t react very open-mindedly to Pedro’s declaration

At the age of 71 it still amazes me what God has done in my life

What amazes me also, these same parents who want to pull their children from school to

mother has a love of family and a commitment to all who are related to her that amazes

But it still kind of amazes

“ My husband always amazes me with his musical prowess

still amazes me, because it happened to my wife and I saw the dramatic change

‘Your extreme simplicity amazes me,’ remarked the wise relative when, arrived at this part of my story on my return home, I plaintively asked the above question

He adored her to an extent that amazes me to think of, worshipping her beauty with all the headlong self-abasement of a very young man who is also a poet

exposure to HD but it amazes me how my kids still want to watch cartoons

small (1/100 second) that it still amazes even today and creates

He truly amazes me

It still amazes me that I can talk to the only girl to ever be in top ten

Any more questions? It amazes me that this

about our homes in the world to come–this truly amazes me,

“It amazes me how much you let that mere mortal get away with,” the

amazes me that the horse ever eventually submits

Now my purpose is, Sancho, to carry away the treasure that I left buried, which, as it is outside the town, I shall be able to do without risk, and to write, or cross over from Valencia, to my daughter and wife, who I know are at Algiers, and find some means of bringing them to some French port and thence to Germany, there to await what it may be God’s will to do with us; for, after all, Sancho, I know well that Ricota my daughter and Francisca Ricota my wife are Catholic Christians, and though I am not so much so, still I am more of a Christian than a Moor, and it is always my prayer to God that he will open the eyes of my understanding and show me how I am to serve him; but what amazes me and I cannot understand is why my wife and daughter should have gone to Barbary rather than to France, where they could live as Christians

«No, my boy, and this whiteness that amazes you is merely due to the presence of myriads of tiny creatures called infusoria, a sort of diminutive glowworm that’s colorless and gelatinous in appearance, as thick as a strand of hair, and no longer than one–fifth of a millimeter

«What amazes me is thinking we’ll be there the day after

“She at times amazes us with a complete and correct sentence

The shot amazes me even now

However, it amazes me to see successful people who have worked hard for 20 or 30 years mastering their profession, then spend two hours learning how to trade and five minutes making a trading decision that could risk a month of their income

When I think back on this, my naïveté amazes me, and studying old charts of Lumisys makes that fact even more apparent

It always amazes me when I talk to a client or potential client who wants to trade a market because she “likes” it

child has done something amazing – then by al means praise her but

Unless of course it is amazing and she is a junior expert in

“Kevin, did you see that out the window? That was amazing!”

It is amazing that we always find excuses to justify our

«Amazing!» the preacher says

, of Concentration, are often amazing

This is an amazing story, Mr

‘It is amazing the amount of clutter one accumulates

had the most amazing, the most beautiful and captivating eyes

‘Yes, it was amazing

It’s amazing how seldom people back up their personal possessions

you, all the amazing and original ways of divine healing are contained in

Oliver / D: —> (Calm) It’s amazing how far the power of love

Okay, so during that time I also had to deal with getting out of bed (when did my legs turn to cotton wool?) and being taken along to the toilet (amazing how quickly one can get out of the habit of the most commonplace activities)

‘The lightning is amazing when it strikes Crook Peak, spectacular!

amazing writers and thinkers

The difference in him since he had come across was amazing … I wonder if Angie has come back from visiting her family yet

“This house is amazing, has a nice comfy feel to it,” he told her

Daniel settled himself down and turned his gaze on this amazing woman

So much younger, it was amazing

Thank you for this amazing, beautiful gift

As a result of the recent eruption of Vesuvio, the sunsets are fantastic … deep reds streaking across the sky, interwoven with oranges and greens, resulting in the most amazing displays

Steve piped up quickly, “And look at Oreo, she was changed too! This is amazing, wait till the twins see her!”

It was amazing how fast the yaag habit came back, and by the time they were nearing Shempala, two cups wasn’t really much any more

and the amazing elasticity

It was amazing to watch these dragons fight; they were all singing as they battled! It was some kind of a war chant, but it was very effective

This raises an amazing amount of suspicion and the

This is the amazing thing about love relationships — that any date that the two of you

He stared so intently into her jet-black sunglasses that he completely missed the amazing comeback by his team’s opponents that resulted in the match ending in a five-all draw

Now that was an interesting documentary! Amazing what new archaeological insights they’ve had into the Viking houses in the Hebrides – well put together, too … but why do they have to put these things on so late at night? Oh stop yawning, Sally! Turn that TV off and get on with shutting up the house for the night

“Well, that’s amazing”, exclaimed the television gardener to his wife

an agnostic, there was something amazing about his face — it had genuine feeling

around, it was amazing how much say I had in the house

It was amazing to see

“Whoever can do the most amazing thing on our royal television, whoever can show the most ingenuity and talent, will win the hand of our grand-daughter in marriage together with half of our personal estates and investments as a dowry

All across the land hopeful suitors practiced their funniest party turns and their most amazing performance art works in the hope of winning the princess’ hand in marriage

It was, they all said afterwards, quite the most amazing thing

‘He is amazing, man

It was the most amazing and terrifying experience of my life

them seems frightening – but this technique can strengthen your confidence in amazing ways

It was amazing just how much contraband she could

that your subconscious mind is an amazing recording

‘The water is amazing

It is amazing

Next, I will share some amazing secrets that ancient

Her size and her resiliency were amazing

Other things even more amazing than this have

That went well … Sue’s a capable lady, I think it’ll work out, though I’m really going to miss Anna – do you know she’s been with me for nearly nineteen years! Amazing – I don’t feel that old! Earlier in the week, I’d arranged with Anna that I’d take her out for lunch today but what I didn’t tell her was that most of the office would be coming with us

One of the most amazing healing experiences I have

‘You’re an amazing woman – you deserve it!’ he countered, ‘What are you going to spend it on?’

The mind does an amazing job keeping track of things,

job boards are an amazing example

thought that was pretty amazing

for months now and it was quite amazing to think that he was fit

the amazing comeback by his team’s opponents that resulted in the

country, Terry set record after record with his amazing goal scoring

in favor of the subject is amazing

will hear a lot more about how amazing the Emotion

It was an amazing, instantaneous transformation

“Well, that’s amazing”, exclaimed the television gardener to his

made sure that the whole land heard about his amazing plums

Amazing … I spend years with an oik like Kevin because I couldn’t find anything better and suddenly I’m knee deep in attractive men … not that I would want to swop Dave for anyone … but it is very good for the ego

It’s amazing to me how he acts now

It is truly amazing to see this process done and

and I have many amazing stories that I could share,

All of the judges assembled next to Ted’s amazing new flower,

‘He’s nearly six foot, dark haired and has the most amazing eyes

however, agreed that the most amazing thing of all was the human

You’re still amazing, even if you have a pet lizard that tells you the secrets of the universe

It is undeniable that I love that man … and it’s not just the sex, which is amazing, but just being with him

He had watched, months before, as the boy and his father spent weeks rowing around the lake, which had culminated in the amazing display of gymnastic prowess before his own eyes as sole witness to the performance down on the little boat dock

Belle introduced her daughters to the amazing craft of weaving to which the twins took with enthusiasm and creativity

“That’s amazing, a little over my head, but amazing nonetheless

amazing how this story was told to about seven people at the most, and overnight

Even after being away at least seventeen Earth years, it was amazing how quickly she was back here at the Kassikan, and how homey and familiar it all seemed

The next morning, Harry woke his dad, anxious to continue the amazing project

As it turns out, the cards and books weren’t the most amazing thing

One of the first things I found out about him was that he wanted to write music for children – something along the lines of ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’ style of thing, but he felt that he was not talented enough

only piece of wall left standing, right there in big red letters so obviously that it was amazing that they hadn’t noticed it until now, they all saw the words,

Amazing how atmosphere could change

“Of course, but she is still an amazing person with a lot of influence

Her niece is coping very well though, which is amazing

amazing that the woman could be so naive

It was amazing how quickly the

It’s amazing that a stream of people hadn’t poured out when I

“And there it is laid plain as the day, you are amazing Henry Livingson

Amazing what a little respect could do

It was amazing how much respect could be gained in such

well, her love, that she then told me an amazing story

She found it amazing, how much a child would actually be willing to learn if given the right devices

I plan to marry this woman; just great that it is almost 30 years ago amazing – how lucky I am to have her

It was amazing how the

The amazing thing was that we were only staying

The bus was not exactly high-tech because it used the a six volt battery instead of the 12 volt battery like most cars do and in an amazing feat of safety ignorance, Volkswagen had placed the battery in the back where the engine was

Well here’s what Professor Rappaport told us that I found amazing

«It is amazing that our devices can reach out to each other over the distance and time that separate them and bring us together

of that amazing pig), but nobody could bring themselves

It is amazing what can cause offences in the Church

It was amazing that someone from this environment would have enough energy left over to work in a service house, especially one that was such a long way away

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