Use the word altered in a sentence

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1) Her face hadn’t altered much over the years.

2) He altered his face all at once.

3) These clothes are too large; they must be altered.

4) Have you altered your mind?

5) I didn’t recognize him because he had altered so much.

6) He had not altered greatly in the last ten years.

7) We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet’s atmosphere.

8) The boat altered course during the storm.

9) The altered landscape looks unnatural and weird.

10) This incident altered the whole course of events.

11) June’s events completely altered the political landscape.

12) He had altered so much I scarcely recognized him.

13) The file was altered to falsify the evidence.

14) The bright boy altered it to a circular form.

15) The city centre has altered beyond recognition .

16) Little had altered in the village.

17) The rules are always being altered.

18) My new pair of pants is being altered.

19) Prices may be altered without notice.

20) The ship has altered its course.

21) Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness .

22) Beijing has altered almost beyond recognition.

23) Giving up our car has radically altered our lifestyle.

24) This place hasn’t altered since I was a girl.

25) She had the dress altered for the wedding.

26) Their attitude to me altered subtly.

27) They have never altered their programmes by a single day.

28) If a jewel falls into the mire, it remains as precious as before; and though dust should ascend to heaven,( its former worthlessness will not be altered. 

29) There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. Nelson Mandela 

30) Her passport seemed legitimate, but on closer inspection, it was found to have been altered.

More similar words: alter ego, sheltered, alter, alternative, altercation, alternatively, shattered, unfettered, shelter, filter, adultery, heredity, filtering, adulterate, bewildered, be considered as, austere, loiterer, interest, interfere, interested, stereotype, interfere in, interesting, lose interest, interfere with, here and there, svelte, salt, salty. 

Altered is a 2006 science fiction horror film directed by Eduardo Sánchez and written by Jamie Nash. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Although our data in the IL-15Rα — KO mouse do not provide an explanation for the influence of central versus peripheral mechanisms on the observed exercise and muscle contractile phenotypes, the ex vivo muscle physiological data demonstrate that the end result is altered fast muscle morphology and contractile characteristics.


This scenario is consistent with altered PETM circulation patterns inferred from benthic carbon isotope data and the intensity of deep-sea carbonate dissolution in the South Atlantic.


In response the Pokémon Company has started cracking down on those with detected altered save data by banning them from online…


Affected individuals have a dilated esophagus with altered motility which allows food and secretions to accumulate.


During this time, real estate development, along with a fresh wave of gentrification, have significantly altered both the social fabric and the landscape of this formerly working-class enclave.


In particular, genes linked with vocal cord and larynx development were significantly altered (bioRxiv,


Young families are often forced out of the communities where they were born due to high house prices, leading to radically altered characters in local communities outside of Britain’s major cities.


In Slightly Ajar, her second exhibition with the gallery, Sharon Lawless continues to use found materials — discarded packaging, paint samples, wrapping paper and altered pages from auction catalogs — in her manipulation of two modern traditions, collage and geometric abstraction as she explores the tension between accident and control and how this tension effects perception.


Due to altered postures as a result of sedentary lifestyle, uniplanar single joint exercise routines, and general lack of dynamic environmental challenges so common in our modern convenience based society, the platforms are no longer ideal.


West Gallery: Mountain My Yes and Other Densities This installation is a continuation of Allan MacKay’s work in recent years employing altered books.


«This book is a social history of Pop art, a group portrait of both the artists and the people who made some of them rich and famous in just a few years, while setting in motion the drastically altered way art has been marketed and appreciated — in the monetary and aesthetic sense — up to the present day.»


We began to breed dogs so altered and different from their ancestors that they were hampered and disadvantaged by the bodies they now found themselves inhabiting.


Prominent changes are made to the exteriors donning a new front profile, heavily tweaked rear and an altered side profile.


3) indirect impacts mediated through societal systems, such as undernutrition and mental illness from altered agricultural production and food insecurity, stress and undernutrition and violent conflict caused by population displacement, economic losses due to widespread «heat exhaustion» impacts on the workforce, or other environmental stressors, and damage to health care systems by extreme weather events.


Head-up breech babies, for instance, have a higher risk of a certain hip disorder, a link that hints at a relationship between an altered kicking ground and development.


Once a TOBS change has originally been made in the past eg 1900 should have been 0.2 warmer thern this altered estimate should stay forever and not be affected by future changes.


Dams are hardly the only way to meet demand for water, whether it’s new demand due to population growth or to adjust to altered precipitation or runoff patterns resulting from climate change.


Researchers had wondered when that altered gene first evolved.


In earlier studies, just changing the orientation or brightness of the altered image could defeat the adversarial technique.


The artist claimed that these altered webs depict loneliness and defeat of spiders because their webs couldn’t catch prey they needed to survive.


Further research showed that the WWOX gene plays a role in the altered metabolism of cancer cells which are known to use glucose differently to normal cells.


In some embryos, the premaxillae were partly fused, whereas in others the two bones were distinct and much shorter; some of the altered embryos did not look all that different from those of regular chickens.


Also avoid altered bedtimes on the weekends.


A ZR2 model designed for serious off-roading joins the Colorado lineup for 2017; it includes a lifted suspension, front and rear electronic locking differentials, altered bodywork for improved ground clearance, and high-tech Multimatic Dynamic Suspensions Spool Valve (DSSV) dampers with a range of on/off-road performance settings.


Abdurrachim D, Luiken JJ, Nicolay K, Glatz JF, Prompers JJ, Nabben M. Good and bad consequences of altered fatty acid metabolism in heart failure: evidence from mouse models.


Women especially can suffer from adverse hormonal effects including ravaging hunger, altered menstrual cycles, and mood changes.


Absolutely free dating sites or adult group dating sites can be your admission to an absolutely altered world area you will be able to accommodated added bodies who additionally have the aforementioned interests as you.


Barrett points to data that shows that moms who have higher levels of phthalates in their body are more likely to have sons with altered reproductive development.


As Britain’s imperial role declined and society altered, so too did the electoral support for the Tories, with some time lag.


These SNPs can result in altered levels of expression of some miRNAs from the BART variant frequently present in Chinese and Indonesian nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) samples.


You can’t focus properly for basic thinking concepts, and even sex drive becomes altered to where you just can’t get it up any more.


Scientists look at how much of a substance an individual ecosystem can physically handle before it becomes altered.


And Ben joins the crew for an illicit first voyage that goes spectacularly wrong, leaving Victor on the other side, while Reed, Ben, Sue and Johnny emerge with superpowers caused by altered DNA.


To provide a rationale for developing PDE10 inhibitors as a therapy for HD, we evaluated whether MP-10, a specific and potent PDE10 inhibitor, would be able to reverse the altered firing rate observed in BACHD rat.


«We should not have published the altered picture, and we have conveyed our regrets and apologies to the White House and to the State Department,» the newspaper said in a statement Monday.


I’ve been chocolate obsessed ever since, so I guess you could say it altered my destiny.


He then pursued work in the area of rational and combinatorial protein engineering and kinetic analysis at Kosan Biosciences before holding a staff scientist position in the Advanced Research and Technology group at Applied Biosystems from 2005 to 2006, focusing on engineering of DNA polymerases with a variety of altered properties for new and improved applications.


The following mushrooms are known to produce hallucination or altered sensory perception even among dogs.


Of course the alkaline seas have not altered pH levels by one iota in the last 100,000 years, yet we are now supposed to believe that it is imminent because of coal electric plants.


And if the signature of altered ratios of «natural» materials was not enough, humankind will have left its mark in exotic plastic fabrics gathering in the planet’s oceans at an estimated rate in 2015 of 9 million tonnes a year.


Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in the altered view of the clergy.


Dressed in street clothes, often adorned with neon glow sticks, the dancers (the main protagonists are played by Corey, Jay Donn, and Marty McFly) masterfully engage in movements of «flexing,» «bone breaking,» «pauzing,» and «glytching» to portray what at times feels like a new species of human, impacted both by our ever-increasing reliance on technology and by the altered landscape of a changing climate.


Recent, rapid climate change is driving evolution, as organisms adapt to altered seasonal events rather than to the direct effects of increasing temperature.


Using flashes of unfocused laser light, the scientists are making genetically altered headless fruit flies walk, jump, flap their wings, and fly.


Has the website altered your understanding or appreciation of the novel?


And at present the concept altered and this is the better situate to locate the compatible games for friendships or to date.


Additionally, there are three paintings, altered photographs in their original bubble glass and frames, and a nun’s rough linen nightgown, re-animated with images and objects of magic and healing are included.


One of Paik’s first altered televisions, originally made in 1963, it is particularly beautiful, as minimal as his later work is maximal.


When there is a change in the global rate of gold, the import values are altered accordingly.


Also, when free-roaming cats are altered and released, it’s a common practice to cut off the tip of one ear (while they’re still under anesthesia of course!)


Since then we’ve been running rehearsals on the set which meant that some of the moves had to be altered to accommodate the furniture, which was confusing at first, but it all seems reasonably comfortable now

The staccato delivery of altered sound

It was here that the females altered a new ship under construction to include a secret room

Ava wondered that this simulation allowed altered mental states as well as their own, maybe even better

None of the names on that run showed up on any other runs within three shifts, but that other one could have been altered

There’s missing records, altered records, her scholarship certificate was used

She’d hardly got her direction altered, when two wet individuals raced by her, Mike with a foot or two lead

the same, and cannot well be altered, at least for any considerable time, by any such

So I lifted up the pocket watch it said five past one and pressed the pimple and slid the slid, the hands immediately changed back to one o’clock, the radio announced the one o’clock news and my wrist watch had altered back as well!

stand and stare at my fate being altered right in front of my eyes

Were altered by microscopes, and telescopes, and What the “ultimate” resolution might be: atoms?

The proportion between the value of the capital and that of the interest must have remained the same, though the rate had never been altered

By altering the rate, on the contrary, the proportion between those two values is necessarily altered

In Scotland the abolition of all services not precisely stipulated in the lease, has, in the course of a few years, very much altered for the better the condition of the yeomanry of that country

Fate was merciless, but Nerissa knew it could be altered

Some aspect of your daily routine is being altered

The nature of things has stamped upon corn a real value, which cannot be altered by merely altering its money price

be altered — what to eat and not eat, but

only a part of the cortex that was altered,

human-like beings that watch us and altered

Space around the field generated by the spherical device was being altered, hundreds of millions of stars thrown back tens of millions of years by the main temporal eradication wave

Inside the waiting room the impression had starkly altered; calmness created by colours and textures – something Deanna could lecture on, and it made him realise just how deliberate it was: the vast deep blue of the carpet, covering the entire area up to the reception desk, plants arranged neatly and

Funny, he thought, how different someone can look over time when nothing has really altered in their appearance, as if the hidden depths emerged as an augmented reality only visible to him

’ ‘My predicament can not be altered

It was also during this process that the book order was altered to the order we have in the Bible today: Historical (Genesis — Esther), poetic (Job — Song of Songs), and prophetic (Isaiah – Malachi)

The only thing he needed to do was stand before it whilst it scanned him, not only for DNA but also for signs that his physical appearance had in any way been altered

In the ancient dominions of the king of Prussia, the land-tax is assessed according to an actual survey and valuation, which is reviewed and altered from time to time

Circumstances rarely altered Sharon’s appetite for sex

This tax was afterwards so far altered, that houses with twenty windows, and with less than thirty, were ordered to pay ten shillings, and those with thirty windows and upwards to pay twenty shillings

But the portion of this profit, necessary for compensating the risk and trouble of the employer, would likewise remain the same ; that risk and trouble being in no respect altered

With that water removed, and the Earth’s electro-mechanical function adversely affected, and because we can today measure a continuous decline in Earth’s magnetic field strength, we can postulate that gravity would have overcome the magnetic field’s influence on the layer of water above the atmosphere as a result of the rotational core mechanics being altered

With the layer of water above the atmosphere removed, a weaker magnetic field and new water to landmass ratio on the surface of the planet, affecting gas composition, air pressure and an altered level of protection against cosmic radiation, the previous conditions on Earth would be changed forever and forgotten over time

This was different, someone had changed her thoughts; her altered behaviour was the result

it was, and probably would have altered the restoration of the

So the battle plan was altered, Alit’aren and Ael Tarael would be linked with up to twenty in each circle to try to overpower the mad Alit’aren without killing them

It was suggested that summoning may become necessary, though the altered plan was to avoid that option whenever possible

This altered plan suited Adem and his friends more than the original, as they believed involving the Battle Angels would result in a bloodbath of farmers and veterans

Continue, and your programming will be altered so radically you’ll not even care about who you are

Knowledge of the future allows it to be altered

‘No, it would not have altered the future from the original run of events set to occur because a time-line or branch cannot be eradicated from one’s pre-past

The heat exhaustion rapidly lost its grip, and with that, what he saw altered

His attention was riveted on her as he altered his course to stop at the table in front of her

Those ones who had died had died slowly: some chemical deprivation through altered brain activity, or affecting the actual life support machinery through its connection

On this journey, flying the over south of England, Gerrid was accompanied by two of the people who had been there at his first awakening to this altered world, those who had shown kindness he could barely comprehend during his rehabilitation

For the last eleven years he had been in a relationship with a Darangi female, genetically altered in a way that most attracted his attentions

The footsteps altered pitch as the creature moved from solid floor to the grate

Now it was entirely altered

How could the virus spread without contact? And how had it altered to a virus that killed, rather than just engendering feelings of intense rage in the subject?

The revival of industry is so slow that the Cuban fails as yet to appreciate the altered and improved conditions, and he knows nothing of his political future

(On the other hand, brilliantly unconventional strategists have oftentimes altered the course of History)

A Cultural War waged by determined ideas is a much more subtle, deceptive and formidable form of warfare inasmuch as it craftily conceals its (unstated) purpose; a social and cultural conversion cutting at the (very) heart of a society‘s traditional belief system; a gradual, however determined process that oftentimes goes unchecked until an awakening society (roused from its slumbers) suddenly finds itself in the midst of altered customs and norms no longer consonant with that society‘s accustomed practices

As you already know, the registry is altered every time software is installed or uninstalled, as well as when Windows configures settings

The Cultural Revolution and its liberating impact on society altered the social dynamics of our schools and universities in a manner that encouraged its more radical members to step out of the (ideological) closet and freely pursue its anti-Western/ traditional mainstream agenda

When federal investigators started uncovering irregularities, my name showed up on fake contracts as supervisor, and data on some of my actual reports was altered too

Like many other Roosevelt accomplishments, he was pushed from farther to the left but then altered the idea in line with corporate liberalism

Her mind flew to the silent spell with which she altered her outer appearance

Eyeing the soldiers, Shapeshifter altered the course of her fall, striking with deadly weight as her claws closed around a throat in merciless death-grip

By August 1991, the rules altered so Iraq could sell over a billion and a half dollars worth of oil for food

This pulse of electromagnetic radiation quickly altered the magnetic field within his flat for a second or two

» As he spoke, he never altered his gaze, firmly fixed upon the hearth

“True to a degree, but the public forms its opinion upon the information it receives, and that (particularly when it comes to the hysteria surrounding recreational drugs) is altered so far from reality that it’s laughable

The gravity of the task ahead had altered their mood

Russian scientists, who seem to be about 3 decades ahead of everyone else in Aura research, make experiments suggesting that our DNA can be altered, by influencing its microwave Aura

He remembered that someone had mentioned that there was a DP in the camp who was a tailor, and he stacked the trousers to one side so that he could ask to have them altered

The familiar old suitcase that had served him well in Poland now held Cousin Jerry’s clothes, long since altered to fit Colling by a woman DP who was a seamstress

He considered whether the wife’s papers might be altered enough to allow Helga to use them

Medicaid and Medicare should be transferred to the states where it should be altered to the extent

So, rather than waiting for size or internal reorganization to save us, we just might have to think more creatively within the confines of a radically altered and exotic paradigm

Man seems to have little in the way of truly instinctive behavior, and in him there appears to be the greatest number and strongest version of the altered genetic expressions that science has discovered

Has this openness of the brain network fostered the learning, and its repetition over countless generations, of behaviors with survival value? Has this then been partially written back in by genetic expression, either original or altered?

They may have searched further in their quest, but the new discoveries have not altered the truth of the answers that have been given through I Am

Together the divine brothers came and went altering Tiamat when they shook from side to side; yeah, they altered Tiamat with their hilarity in their heavenly abode

Together the divine brothers came and went altering Tiamat when they shook from side to side; yeah, They altered Tiamat with Their hilarity in Their heavenly abode

Recollecting it now, I think I did it in an altered state of consciousness

“We discovered it was the river we drank from that had altered our DNA

That can only mean that they have been reset, their memories forever altered

Dacian, with cruel precision, jammed the altered blade of his lance into

Medes, that it be not altered, That Vashti come no more before king Ahasuerus; and let the king give her royal estate to another that is

“I can’t speak for my pipe-smoking companion there, but this altered state of mind

25 Therefore even then it was altered into all fashions, and was obedient to your grace, that nourishes all things, according to the

8 By the knowledge of the Lord they were distinguished, and he altered seasons and feasts

countenance was altered, and her apparel was changed, they wondered at her beauty very greatly, and said to her

As Jack had predicted she would come round to her senses and see that the planned path could not be altered now

9 Then Adam said to Eve, «See this fire of which we have a portion in us: which formerly yielded to us, but no longer does so, now that we have transgressed the limit of creation, and changed our condition, and our nature is altered; But the fire is not changed in its nature, nor altered from its creation; Therefore has it now power over us, and when we come near it, it scorches our flesh

7 Then Adam and Eve came back into the cave sorrowful and weeping because of the alteration in their nature and they both knew from that hour that they were altered beings that their hope of returning to the garden was now cut off and that they could not enter it;

I looked at him, how could it be that Levi didn’t know what he did to me, how his appearance altered slightly?

As Levi’s appearance altered perilously, I also began to notice the familiar twirl in Ishvara’s eyes while his facial veins began to stir, not wishing a complete vampire showdown, I pushed Ishvara off and placed myself between the two guys vying for my apparent attention

tion , its form can be altered

only in slightly altered and twisted forms

9) Altered Concepts of Space and Time

pressure, electrical sensitivity, and altered thought processing

includes the Light Phenomenon, Being One with Reality, and Altered Concepts of Time and

Altered Concepts of Space and Time

altered concept of time and space insists on a four-dimensional reality, Space-Time, where past,

In regards to the altered concept of

I watched as shock altered her expression then she nodded

needs to be in the lightest, alpha brain-wave-state of altered awareness, the same as a normal

quickly to altered situations and new

9 Then Adam said to Eve «See this fire of which we have a portion in us: which formerly yielded to us but no longer does so now that we have transgressed the limit of creation and changed our condition and our nature is altered; But the fire is not changed in its nature nor altered from its creation; Therefore has it now power over us and when we come near it it scorches our flesh

7 then Adam and Eve came back into the cave sorrowful and weeping because of the alteration in their nature and they both knew from that hour that they were altered beings that their hope of returning to the garden was now cut off and that they could not enter

Definition of Altered

changed or modified from the original

Examples of Altered in a sentence

I could tell that the essay was plagiarized, as it was just a slightly altered version of one I had read before.


With the dress she had bought being a little too large, Marisa needed it to be altered by a tailor.


When we came to school the next day, the wall in the lobby had been altered by the seniors with a horrendous coat of orange paint.


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  • Use the word ALTERED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The suburban nowhereville. The man-altered landscape.

You»ll find things altered.

I have never altered one iota.

I’d hoped to have a long talk, but something’s come up that’s altered my plans slightly.

I’d like to take your gown, my dear, to have it altered for tomorrow.

Your hands were altered by my knife.

As I fell asleep alone that night in the empty house, I formed an opinion about theft and justice which is rather paradoxical but which 40 years of experience haven’t altered.



Did you have it altered, Miss Smith?

Stations stand by for altered schedule.

Stand by for altered schedule…

Now, my dear, don’t think, for one fleeting second, that my affections for you have altered, because they haven’t.

It cannot be altered to suit the policies of the hour, or the clamor of immature hoodlums!

Nothing has been altered since that last night.

I was under the impression our charter had been altered.

She wanted this bouquet altered.

Wind velocity has altered.

But Mrs Grainger’s arrival has altered all that.

There was no doubt that the whole expression had altered.

The expression had altered.

Buildings can be altered without altering plans.

I’ll have to take all my old clothes to be altered.

Circumstances have altered your whole life.

It’s amazing how 1 1 years with the greatest realist in the country… haven’t altered your lovely delusions about nice people.

So far, that witness has not altered her statement… and that fact still stands.

But Wanda Skutnik has not altered her testimony, has she?

I always meant to have it altered.

It’ll have to be altered.

That will have to be altered.

In the fold, the sheep, still altered, will remain sleeping in silence.

Gentlemen… because of the Peralta grant… the New Mexico-Arizona boundary… has just been altered.

One that can’t be altered, not even for unforeseen reasons.

This may be sung until we reach Rome… but the words must be altered to…

However, recent experimental nuclear detonations may have drastically altered its natural habitat.

I’ll have them altered for 60 feet and have a crack at it tomorrow.

Judgment here is mine to be decreed as I see fit and altered as I see fit.

This house is too old to be altered.

Burton here altered this work card.

I only altered a word here and there.

Gentlemen, the orders for tomorrow cannot now be altered.

What gave you the idea the capsules could be altered?

I think Stubby’s gone overboard with those altered chords, don’t you?

I altered the design of my equipment… to generate these violent power boosts.

In certain mental state, a bit altered metabolism, a few degenerated cells, and the man is a beast.

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