Use the word allow in a sentence

How do you use the word allow in a sentence?

Allow sentence example

  1. Allow me to give you a piece of advice.
  2. They allow us to lead as normal of a life as possible.
  3. Allow me to convey….
  4. The space battle won’t allow anyone off-planet.
  5. Allow me to inform you…
  6. Do you allow your guests to fish?
  7. I do not allow myself to judge him and would not have others do so.

What’s the definition of allow?

: to permit (someone) to have or do something. : to permit (someone) to go or come in, out, etc.

What type of verb is allowed?

Allow, permit and let are verbs that all have a similar meaning: ‘give permission or make it possible for somebody to do or have something’. … We use a direct object + to-infinitive after permit and allow: … We use an infinitive without to after let: … We often use the passive with permit and allow.

Is allow formal?

Permit is more formal than allow. Allow is more formal than let: The University has established a Museums Committee to permit more formal discussion of common problems amongst its museums.

Are allowed grammar?

PERMISSION: BE ALLOWED TO We use am / is / are allowed to to talk about permission in the present. I´m allowed to study with friends. We use was / were allowed to to talk about permission in the past.

Can grammar examples?

Can/Cannot in affirmative and negative sentences.

  • I can travel in December. I cannot (can’t) travel now.
  • You can see the stars! You cannot (can’t) hear the teacher.
  • He can be rude sometimes.
  • She can play the guitar.
  • It can wait for an hour.
  • We can try again later.
  • They can study after lunch.

Can I use to after Allow?

1: allow + to + infinitive: It allows to do something. 2: allow + verb+ -ing: It allows doing something. 3: allow + pronoun + to + infinitive: It allows me to do something. 4: allow + pronoun + verb+ -ing: It allows me doing something.

What to use after recommend?

For a focus on who the suggestion pertains to, they’re followed by a pronoun or noun (person) either after the verb (advise) or at the end of a sentence with “to” (recommend, suggest). These verbs are also possible in the subjunctive mood—with a noun clause that contains a base verb.

What is allow for?

1 : to think about or plan for (something that will or might happen in the future) When purchasing property, the company should allow for possible future growth/expansion. 2 : to consider (something) when one makes a calculation The total distance, allowing for detours, is about 10 miles.

What is the second form of Allow?

Verb Forms of Allow

(Base) 1st (Past) 2nd (Past Participle) 3rd
Allow Allowed Allowed
Get list of more Verb Forms.

Is Allowed present or past?

The past tense of allow is allowed. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of allow is allows. The present participle of allow is allowing. The past participle of allow is allowed.

What is the present form of allowed?

Allow verb forms

Infinitive Present Participle Past Tense
allow allowing allowed

allow (v): to give permission for someone to do something, or to not prevent something from happening

Use “allow” in a sentence

His parents won’t allow him to stay out late.
They won’t allow us to enter the garden.
You are not allowed to take photographs here.
Her health has improved sufficiently to allow her to return to work.
Swimming is not allowed here.
His experience allows him to handle difficult situations easily.
You are not allowed to enter this room.
Smoking is not allowed in this area.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

You can still be assured of one thing though; I will never allow this book to be subjected to the humiliation of product placement

Allow your body to relax

introduction, but allow me to do the coaching and teaching

Negative thoughts and actions initiate health problems and more importantly do not allow we to recover fast

Do not allow dirty water to enter the ears

Don’t allow them to let you off the hook

When you have an open mind then you allow new thoughts to

When you have an open heart you allow love to come in

· Always leave a portion of the stomach empty at the end of a meal to allow for digestion

Plastic containers which are placed in the ground and will allow slugs to enter but not escape

Lawns love compost; top-dressing lawns once per year with a good rich compost will keep the soil alive and allow for deeper root systems and a pest-free lawn

the important thing to know is that God allow them

«But the photovoltaics we recreated will allow you to send him a message today

Allow to steep for 1 hour

Always start out with more water then you need to allow for evaporation

Place several chopped cucumbers in a pan of water, bring water to boil and allow to simmer for 1 hour at low heat

If she had children by Herndon in this body, they would be half-blood terrestrial and she would not allow them to be registered as anything else

Add 1 cup of finely powdered clay into a gallon of filtered water, allow to sit for an hour

And it will only last long enough to disorientate everyone and allow us to get away,” she said with a glint in her eye

Add 1 cup molasses and allow to sit for three days in the sun

Repair loose or cracked siding or stucco, peeling paint and gaps around windows and doors that allow moisture into the wood that provides an attractive environment for them to live in

Low foundation walls that allow close to the earth to wood contact are the main areas to look out for as these are prime conditions for the termites to enter the house

Avoid storing your fire wood or wood scraps next to the house as this could support termites and allow them entrance into the house

Top dress with compost to allow lawn to come back

Allow to sit in sun for 24 hours

Allow the older person to choose the activities

Allow to sit for 1 month

Allow to sit in the sun for at least 1 hour, three hours is best

They help to soften the soil and allow deeper root systems

Enzymes allow water to penetrate deeper into the soil

This oxygen will allow greater absorption of nutrients into their system

1 If you must use the city water, I would allow it to sit in the sun for a few days, stirring every once in a while

Allow to sit, checking temp every three days

Do not allow children to play with anything you make from this manual

Raised beds allow you to grow from 4 to 7 times more food in the same area then in the same ground

Raised beds allow you greater control of the soil being used

Allow to soak in the direct sun and moonlight for 24 hrs

Bark: Allow bark to dry on sun tray, then grind bark to powder, place in panty hose, tie into ball and add to container of water and allow to soak for 24 hrs, strain through filter

Seeds: Grind seeds with coffee grinder, place into panty hose, tie into ball and allow to soak for 24 hrs

Flowers: Pick flowers, allow to dry on solar tray then grind into powder with mortar, place into panty hose and allow to soak for 24 hrs

Allow a week for results

«No preference? All right then, allow me to choose in that case

There are some spiritual principles which allow us to turn around any

‘We left her car at the house – she was in no fit state to drive, but all the same she had some loopy idea that I was going to allow her to … honestly! I put paid to that, Mum, in no uncertain terms

Morg would never allow anything so virtual, that was why she had to keep her own place, at least for now

We cannot allow ourselves to live

Why would God allow de-

sus did not allow mourners to be present in the place where God’s

But she wasn’t going to allow the pressure of time to change how she planned to do it

Talstan, and all Angels everywhere, could not allow that virus to go into production

I cast one last glance out of the window at the sunset and allow Stephen to help me back towards the bed

Back at Sagan, the exo-atmospheric infantry combat instructor had said (with a lunar drawl) ‘Successful infantry combat maneuvering does not allow the enemy to acquire your flank or the flank of adjoining units

I didn’t contradict him but I wondered: When we left the seaside the time was 6:30 in the afternoon; how harmful would it have been, if we had stayed for fifteen more minutes? All things considered, I believe yesterday’s excursion was one of Alexander’s tricks, aiming to keep his disciples in subjection: He doesn’t allow them to enjoy anything, so that they don’t demand anything

With his skills as a technician he removed that feature and would not even allow even these animated drawings of women to endure more than a slap on the ass

If we, as members allow this to happen

” (at that point I begin to suspect he means me) “She has asked to return to Janus lately, I accepted, but I know she will leave again soon; nevertheless, I am not going to take her back for a second time, I won’t allow such a disciple to come back

The hard core did not allow their peasants iron plows

So you see, I had to allow you experience loss, to feel what it’s like to lose what you love the most

After all, you expect us to take the affection and support you offer us, allow us to return the favour

My experience of reality in this captive state did not allow for the fact of another body on this isolated shore

«I’m inclined to allow we leave them here,» Kelvin said, «especially when we have to consider that we don’t have suitable replacement entities available without delaying our departure

The closer we walk according to the Spirit, and the less we allow ourselves the opportunity to walk according to the flesh, the closer we are drawn into the light – which is to say into God’s presence

While you craft this blade you will allow

Allow yourself be divinely guided by this question: “What

This is the law of attraction in action when you allow negative

God as Father is represented in that He could not just allow the world to continue in darkness and chaos

He had too much of a Father’s heart to allow the world to suffer and be in turmoil

I will never submit to a pastor who won’t allow for his congregation to chastise him

But what if there isn’t need for chastening? What if we’re blameless? Why would God allow for tribulation and hardship and suffering to befall us? Why would God allow for His children to be martyred or tortured? Does that sound like a loving father? In the Holocaust, where was God? Does that look like a loving father?

Just because I cannot see in this present moment why God would allow me to struggle does not mean that my struggling is in vein

allow it to do what it does best

however, you have to allow your partner to do what it does

Not only will allow Facebook followers have the ability to see the images, see the competition and learn about the details, but they will also be able to post their own images through Facebook or through Instagram when they use the right hashtag with their image post

Holding out her arm to allow it to perch, and moving the bag holding the bread safely out of reach of the avian’s sharp beak, she carefully detached the message and sent the bird on its way

This kind of disobedience – even to allow the king of the Amalekites to survive – caused for the prophet Samuel to weep all night

Many of us are unwilling to allow the threat of survival to persist when even our ministry or calling or legacy are at stake

He allowed that threat to survive because he would not allow himself to kill God’s anointed

But what kind of humility did Moses exude that would allow him to make that statement, and yet at the same time he is telling the truth? When we have come to a place where we can make that kind of a statement about ourselves, and not have a hint of pride in the statement, then we have reached ultimate humility

He would have to allow it

I withdraw into the shadows to allow them a little privacy as they make up for the time he has been away

Why is it that we have not been willing to be cleansed more thoroughly? Why did we allow ourselves to be consumed with “blind spots” and things of the past that shaped us? This day won’t only be to judge those that have not attained unto the first resurrection

Kate would not allow it

reserving enough of the dermis to allow re-epithelialization of the dermabraded areas

It would allow the riders mobility and at the same time keep them from falling off the dragons while they used the crossbows in flight

I sit there until lunchtime, wishing I’d something to read and having no choice but to allow my mind to freewheel over the events of the past few days … reliving all the conversations I have had with both of my companions … thinking about Joris

Do you think it would allow me to stroke it?’

This design would allow the bundle to rotate out to the north and the tower to track an object passing over the sky

The woman was on her knees; I believe she was begging me to allow her to enter

‘I suppose we ought to allow Wiesse the use of his sitting room

I smile at her trying not to allow the shadow of Berndt’s mission to affect me too much

you allow things to build up over time and then explode with many grievances at once neither

The only idea he had was to try and make a hole thru the security from Thom’s instruments and allow signals to come in from Ava’s instance so the remote veron execution protocol could complete

Glayet was very unlikely to drive a cherub in a personification such as this, and Abigail McFerdie could not carry on this conversation, nor would she ever allow herself to swing big knockers like that with prominent points showing thru a thin jersey sheath

Action Filters allow us to add pre-action and post-action behavior to controller action methods

“Are we to allow this innocent world to be destroyed; simply because they helped Lord Tarak in ignorance of the situation?”

Being a man of few words, Daniel replied that what the Gatonen were doing was wrong, and he could not allow it

The Scathers deny this; their egos are so great that they will not allow themselves to be bested by the likes of the Ogatu

‘Mummy will not allow

His argument is that I’ve given him a chance to have a day out not only in entertaining company but also in a beautiful part of the country and must therefore allow him to contribute towards the costs

“How dare she allow outsiders here!” he raged

“Honestly Aldous, that horrid man is SO AGGRAVATING! I HAVE to marry him!” Sam allowed himself an uncertain smile at the shrieks of laughter from Kira and Aldous as they cheerfully returned to work

With that Instinct on her side she was safe to dare get as close to him as he allowed

As they walked down the white, sterile hallway, the three started to pass rooms on either side with reinforced, plastic windows that allowed you to look in

Before Nancy could really react to what gadget or technique allowed Silence to do this, the attack was on again

When the Inspector intimates that he wants to continue this interrogation tomorrow morning Stephen tries to persuade him that I should be allowed to go home

This allowed the fishing humans to mate with female humans more effectively

smoking is not allowed

That, and the much more productive Elven agriculture allowed them to over-run the Trolls by weight of numbers even before modern times began

That allowed her to change the subject, she gave up grilling him for fear of doostEr talking of her fetish for virgins in front of Estwig

She allowed the robe to fall open a little more

still allowed the freedom of an apartment on the coast, somewhere that I could retreat

students are not allowed to climb

I couldn’t blame personal problems, I wasn’t allowed to mention the recession

In spite of everything I was proud of my job and everything it had allowed me to do for my family

‘Don’t be daft!’ he said with a half smile ‘You’re allowed to be upset when someone vandalises your car

«Those things aren’t allowed in here you clown,» Peadar said, «This is the Intensive Care Unit in case you hadn’t noticed

It was a very good representation of the environment the mortal humans on the planet below lived in, she wondered if they had planted nano instruments that allowed one to converse with people on the planet below in real time

The use of that model was no longer allowed on Earth when the Lula departed, though they were still in commercial use on Titan

Smith allowed the melody of sudden voice to flood through the vacuum of the

to be the absolute cold that allowed Smith to feel the warmth, and the inevitable

«I’m sorry,” Kandhi told her, «I’m not allowed to say

No carry-ons allowed

If he wanted to adjust the magic level of his universe he could bring that interface with him, but as it was he allowed it only at the kitchen table and the den of his house and at the desk of the main cabin in his yacht

‘I’ve not been allowed in to see her before this

This advanced technology had allowed it to make the fastest crossing ever to Satan’s Star, covering the eleven light years in under fifty years

reserve of strength and clarity that allowed him to remain standing

He allowed room for beliefs and convictions that were

The clearance to view the data for that was a much bigger boon than non-technicians knew, for it allowed access to the diagnostic recording system and once one knew how to use the diagnostic recording system it was relatively simple to get access to every data stream in the crew, every sense, every output, even hormone levels

This had been codified since the Prophets first allowed Angels

weak be allowed to determine the direction of the church

It would seem the wise and safe course for the congregation to be allowed to suggest

At one time I attended a business meeting and although I do not know all the past history of the congregation it seemed evident to me that some were still licking their wounds These matters ought to be dealt with initially on an individual basis and not be allowed to create havoc in a meeting of the congregation

I was allowed to keep the towel

* Important side note: The local preacher as a part of the business meeting is to have no more «voting power» than any other man of the congregation but remember he should be allowed equal input

When we left Earth there were more than nine hundred million mortal residents of Brazil alone who were not of our faith and we allowed them to live

When he was not in a meeting, or otherwise on duty, Bahkmar was sometimes allowed to forget the woes of Haad politics and retire to his private quarters

In the Qaidic faith, men and women have separate heavens and none is allowed to know anything of the other

He resented the fact that his religion thought that was the only thing he would ever need from a woman, and only had four of them now, one for each of his wives as a mortal, out of his allowed seventy two

There are no passages of scripture which specifically say «Majority Rule» is wrong and should not happen or be allowed within a congregation

I don’t like to ask Mary but when she finds out, I have a very awkward five minutes with her demanding to be know why she had been left out and insisting that she be allowed to help

Now if you assumed that they allowed twelve millivolt logic over there, you could get enough logic to run one soul at a time, serially

The Kid stepped back into the corridor and allowed me to lift my hood up so that I could see the full glory of his bounty

Thus began the depression, the madness that allowed time without end to pass unnoticed here in the darkness

Both were involved in the sin, but only Eve allowed herself to be deluded

A good Christian woman told me she attended a congregation which allowed women to

He traced those techs all the way back via their financials, going into level after level of files where he technically wasn’t allowed and not giving a damn

I was allowed to keep the new clothes

I was never allowed to watch when he was varnishing though or doing the last coat of French polishing – I remember that quite clearly

That wasn’t in scripture, so it probably wasn’t allowed

I’m not allowed to tell anyone my real identity because that would reveal my secret

I wreathed myself in clouds of smoke when the cigarette supply allowed, even smoking an unhealthy portion of my friend’s allowance

It was also important that he be allowed to participate in the native society as much as he volunteered to, as all individuals did in their society

Entranced by such beauty, I allowed myself to explore the place for a while

and were allowed to stay with the monks who taught us about the God of

was then allowed to enter the kingdom of War

Guard stood in front of the oracle to stop her, but Son allowed her to

In replacing those two words (though He is indeed the Creator), we have allowed an excuse as to why people should not submit to spiritual authority

There had to be the absolute cold that allowed Smith to feel the warmth, and the inevitable balancing factor in the equation was Smith

In dreaming of a peacock sky on some far distant world, Smith allowed a feather to fall upon the barren rocks of our world

«I know what you’re really asking,» Alan said, «And the answer is no, he would not be allowed to live outside the money economy, no one is allowed to do that in most nations, and certainly not where they still have outdoor motorcars

You cannot both oppose the State and be allowed to live in that State

5 seconds allowed for Vine videos on Twitter

He felt the oily air pull him down but gradually steadied himself, finding a reserve of strength and clarity that allowed him to remain standing

allowed the lens to drop

These rivers were never allowed to turn toward the lower basin, they were always kept flowing toward that city

But Saturday she allowed herself to attack the signals and re-built large areas for data analysis

Alderfolk, I have allowed folk to plead their case

He allowed that threat to survive because he would not allow himself to kill God’s anointed

David allowed Saul to live, and therefore remained under oppression

Ceiling to floor windows allowed the sunshine in, and he could see thru the house to the outside

He is no longer allowed before God

Cosmicblasto and Catwhiskers had stopped and allowed both

If we have allowed our souls to be somehow bitter or untrue, we will show that bitterness and untruth before Christ

Catwhiskers had arranged the workshop into a track that allowed

He paused at the top and allowed the see-saw to

He is not allowed to enter your mind without it

The leese was caught off guard by the cave in, and it’s lurch allowed Alan to scramble a bit farther onto the shore with a mighty yank from Luray

They all scrambled back a good distance from the pool and Desa allowed herself a full-bodied shriek of terror

I have allowed anger to rise within me,

People who have acne that are on its active stage are not allowed for dermabrasion

They allowed their minds to expand on a variety of subjects, especially ESP and telepathy

The weather scope had nowhere near the magnification that had allowed them to analyze the meteor plume, but the image was consistent with what he was about to say

She went into a killing frenzy; ripping paws, legs, throats, severing heads; her rage allowed her to destroy them all

In this exercise the chest is allowed to expand fully during deep breathing, and it also removes stiffness of the neck and shoulders and so is a useful exercise with which to follow the Shoulderstand described in chapter four

So I sent them dreams, and allowed them to decide for themselves if they wanted to do this thing

’ He said bitterly when Berndt has been allowed to get on with his meal

She had actually allowed him to hold her for short periods; and she had kissed him, a first

Once I actually got some sleep, I was allowed to integrate with the general public a little bit

Genus Homo has never allowed more than one species in the long run

“The captain should have never allowed you to keep that universe,” Elmore muttered

This, of course, was all part of his plan and the soldier mused on this later that night; «Now, it’s really too bad that no one is allowed to see the chairman’s daughter

He was allowed to run up to four standard ones with the cheron allotment he had

It was no cloud but a huge airship, one of the floaters he allowed the rich in his universe

He was disappointed, of course, that the flowers had not been allowed to brighten up his darling fiancé’s home for longer, but he thought that he understood

Again Alan wished he had a med panel that allowed him to keep his hormones under control

He allowed himself to imagine one of those elaborate shorting-out scenes like in ancient movies where the robot becomes encased in blue plasma with arcs of lighting all around them until their parts clatter to the floor, smoking

This could not be allowed to continue

It took Alan hours to do that because he wanted to be sure no one found out, and he wanted to be sure he allowed the signals into the auxiliary veron store only and not into the main system

She had allowed herself to feel something for this man, and he taken what he could and split

Worry, hate and fear are the main causes for not allowing us to have good health

Water slowly, allowing the earth to get soaked

If we apply ourselves to allowing these creatures to live in harmony with us, we can provide for both us and them a better life and one in which we do not immediately think of how bad they are etc

Rain water harvesting, cleaning of small tanks before rainy season, closing of running taps, not allowing drawing of water directly from mains through electric motor, recycling water for WCs etc are some of the areas where we can generate awareness and guide others to act

They had brought harm to the village for allowing Haques to carry on as he did

“Now, I should have applied just enough that the liquid will bypass the lock’s structural integrity for a matter of moments, allowing me to bend it like rubber and open the door before the lock returns to a solid state,” Ackers thought out loud

You can also bury the kitchen wastes into your garden allowing the worms a meal

The same power that divided the waters of the Sea of Reeds allowing the

She was allowing herself a pleasant evening

Allowing for the unknowable and the agnostic, tolerating the conflict between

We create the state of allowing when we release resistance

I have primed Wiesse that we are expecting an extra incomer and assume, again from what you wrote, that it is someone with Errdian heritage – unless they are totally unsuitable, and I sincerely doubt you would be sending them across if that were the case, there will be no problem allowing him or her to stay

you begin practicing the art of allowing and co-‐creating with

Allowing the other pedestrians to pass, she paused, one hand on the post of the crossing for balance, and bent over fiddling with her shoe, her senses firing off warnings … she could smell danger

’ The gg snuffled at her face, allowing Kara to wipe away the tears surreptitiously

It is now a training ground for agents going across, giving them somewhere to stay while they experience migraine effects and also allowing them to negotiate their way across country by train and bus

To oppose the kingdom of darkness in a way that you are not protecting your life, but allowing a sense of fragility, you are a candidate for that first resurrection

It is intended to be solely determined by our allowing ourselves to be gripped by the ethical God, who reveals Himself in us, and by our yielding our will to His

It gives him a cautious look but seems to accept my assurance that all is well, allowing the man to stroke its head

allowing the moment to pass with a slight

The blonde snapped her fingers again and the cage disappeared in a puff of magician’s smoke, allowing the two lovers to embrace for the very first time

”, allowing me time to take in my surroundings and have a tickle of the kitten, he began weaving and scratching his jingle-belled wand across the strings of this innocent looking triolin

should be allowing them in on

These are very popular, as they provide the means to see one another, allowing your first meeting to be a lot less awkward

I saw an empty kafeneion; modest, allowing perfect sunlight squares to shine on its bare wooden floor

Making a space on one of the top shelves, I fit the pot into it, allowing the leaves to cascade down over the books … I step back to consider the effect … yes, that looks nice

Nevertheless, I said nothing of my scepticism to Alexis who seemed well pleased with my scrutiny so I thanked him for allowing me to see the home of this terrible legend

They neighed loudly and lowered their heads and nudged her gently, allowing her to pet their heads

I rolled onto my stomach, allowing the water to wash and revive me, pulling myself forward over the pebbles like a lizard, sliding down into the water past the boulders, keeping as near to the bottom as I could and then turning, and looking skyward through sparkling shafts of sunlight beaming through my open fingers

through the process of allowing

2) Allowing and accepting the feeling rather than resisting it

Tarak’s men came into the Entry Hall and formed two lines allowing their Lord and First to enter safely

force it, but be gentle with the body, allowing it the

the subject of the testing, allowing their body to be

Even so, they were delayed by traffic on a big bridge that reached from an inner ring island, to the main island near the edge of the caldera wall, allowing motor vehicle access to a road system that reached all over the island

Making a conscious choice instead of allowing old

of choosing your own emotions instead of allowing

You are allowing your old imprinted perceptions and beliefs to create

weeks, allowing the movements of his body and the consequent aches

There were times it seemed like she was just allowing him to use her body, or to ‘use Tdeshi’s body’ as she put it when she was angry

allowing my scars to heal

After a few moments the door was opened allowing

Chrissie posed, allowing her gaze to wash across the upturned faces in front of her – Sheila, face closed yet unpleasantly appreciative – Mickey and Kev getting into a right going state of excitement – Chas, his eyes stripping off the tiny scraps of fabric clothing her, his hands in his lap, invisible in the shadows – Ozzie, drunk and clapping not quite in time to the music

Connor, I have lost an assistant chef to a restaurant in Sacramento and am now short-handed; would you consider allowing Jameson to help out on weeknights and the odd weekend in my kitchens?” She inquired tactfully of the Livery proprietor

quite – entirely allowing the engine to run for a couple of minutes to

Harry was as yet impassive at the information, so he continued, “That figure was determined by allowing for three dollars a day, for every day that you worked on the account books, or at the counter, or in the stock room over the last nine years or so

Andy swallowed nervously and then kicked himself for allowing his fears to get the better of him

’ The Inspector went on, allowing his devil full rein

On this occasion, however, he yielded to one particular suggestion which she offered, that was to consider allowing Kaitlyn, Chloe, and Henry to travel along for part of the journey, and return when he had completed his own duties of business

Somewhere in the process, he’d lost his hat, allowing his thinning hair to encircle his ears

Kaitlyn Spelman stayed out of the limelight to the best of her ability, allowing instead the talents and gifts of the Company to feature foremost

She directed Socratic-ly, that is by asking questions of her players and allowing them the opportunity to sort out their dilemmas and confusions, their motives and best advantages for themselves—after a fashion at any rate

So there she stopped, and removed the heels she wore, allowing her feet to feel the cobblestone, path beneath them

“We have been very fortunate to have been offered a facility and support from our village, would it be appropriate to, I don’t know, in some way return our good fortune somehow to the village?” Allowing for a minimum period of initial reflection and chatter, she continued

Allowing it to be lost or misused would cause the world to be cast into utter darkness

Allowing him to hold her wasn’t going to be a problem, any longer

“Yeah, not allowing a ball in fair territory, striking out nine in a row, real

Every person touching anything in the place where it is sold has to be licensed, pass a test and have a certificate from the government allowing them to be involved in food production or handling

Dropping to her knees, she clutched it to her face, allowing the scent of him to fill her total being

Letting him run the Place, allowing him to tell her how she could dress, what she should cook and who she couldn’t see

Then the contest was announced and he held her, not allowing her to take a seat next to what appeared to be a steaming Mike

She knew she’d driven him to that, by allowing Jim to flirt the way she had

She knew it was such a huge flaw in the design of this expedition, allowing one person to gain the power to shut off any and all universes and their inhabitants

They were digging so deep and so distant, that the cost to transport their goods basically tripled its value; thus allowing Rafe to sell his silver at an obscene price

Planning and allowing for auto-responders, automated sign-ups, credit card processing, automated cancellations, etc is all part of a

We partner by allowing him to teach us and prepare our hearts for our destiny

Jamie Weston for teaching and training me in the gifts of the Spirit, Steve Thompson for training in the prophetic ministry, Chris Reyes for allowing me my first opportunity to teach a class on prophetic ministry, Ken Winton for allowing me to grow in the prophetic ministry and for allowing further opportunities to teach classes on the prophetic ministry

As the man looked up, the knotted mess of hair on his face parted, allowing Brice to see his eyes — a pair of black and empty sockets

and it says we should be accepting and tolerant, allowing ideas

Grant me the favor of allowing her to sleep this night in the same room, as it is the last we shall be together

Though risky — should the Plague decide to reenter their world — it greatly facilitated his task, allowing him to work both sides of the wall simultaneously

As the giant rectangle of red stone reached the apex of the pulley, a team of workers roped it in, guided it to its destination, then signaled to the ground below where the counterweight bucket was uncorked and the slug mules untethered, allowing the stone to settle into its final resting place

However, the FoxO virus/gene seems to repair your shattered heart microsecond by microsecond, thus allowing you to function at massively increased rates of strength and speed for relatively prolonged periods of time

Allowing, however, half the weight of this root to go to water, a very large allowance, such an acre of potatoes will still produce six thousand weight of solid nourishment, three times the quantity produced by the acre of wheat

The gaps were spaced five feet from one to the next and angled downward at a near ninety degrees, allowing defending archers a clear shot at the enemy directly below them

Instead of allowing Alec to fail, he would first be destroyed

It would whisper until one cool night the gum hardened and fell away allowing the poster to flip flop and continue whispering to any official Post Office notice it came across

The price of raw hides is a good deal lower at present than it was a few years ago; owing probably to the taking off the duty upon seal skins, and to the allowing, for a limited time, the importation of raw hides from Ireland, and from the plantations, duty free, which was done in 1769

His next string of curses he directed towards himself, for letting his weariness blur his senses and allowing a simple blob of a creature to be his end

My inner mate seems to tell me that, in the past, I insisted for a reprogramming allowing that it ends its task earlier

As he did in his initial encounter with Ostedes, Jakkar absorbed the full brunt of the monster’s telepathic assault, allowing it to tear apart his mind

The Maker’s power also greatly increased her strength, allowing her to wield the mighty weapon which was well over twice her size

week after giving to the charity, she found a job, allowing her to keep her

But allowing the colony security to be perfectly good, £100, payable fifteen years hence, for example, in a country where interest is at six per cent

Allowing the writer to interview you can be a great way to help them

software, you can set this up for ‘special’ affiliates only, allowing you to

That would explain why he was allowing us to fatten

The man reveled in the power of his statement, allowing a few soundless seconds to DRAFTChapter 10 173

The Imperial merely yelled at it to stay away and let him be – and the animal would obey, allowing him to pass by without incident

Penelope looked over at the Guild Master who had leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and allowing his boots to rest in the water

Heron was remarkably close to allowing very bitter tears to fall, but he turned to wipe them before they escaped

He tersely addressed the recruit without even allowing his eyes to break away from those of the red-headed man

It is generally reckoned, that there are about 2000 people who keep accounts with the bank; and allowing them to have, one with another, the value of £1500 sterling lying upon their respective accounts (a very large allowance), the whole quantity of bank money, and consequently of treasure in the bank, will amount to about £3,000,000 sterling, or, at eleven guilders the pound sterling, 33,000,000 of guilders ; a great sum, and sufficient to carry on a very extensive circulation, but vastly below the extravagant ideas which some people have formed of this treasure

They had lingered in the great pool room for some time, listening to the rushing falls and allowing their thoughts to continue straying amid their memories

You attend to it by allowing yourself to be happy without anything changing in your life

Another way is to do a simple meditation, such as watching your breathing and allowing happiness to come to you

Allowing for any discussion, more questions, whatever her company felt they needed before committing to this course

And after allowing his friend to pull him forward, to cry silently into and over her shoulder, he drew back with new resolve – and awe

As you practice allowing your thoughts to come and go, while remaining focused on your object of meditation, you should find a sense of security in this

A Restaurant that allows hats! [Pity the menu and atmosphere were so disappointing]

If your ideal life is living in a way that spending time with your children is everything to you, then you have to create your life in a way that allows you to live a life that is one hundred percent dedicated to your

Pick a bird house that allows enough room for the snails to enter, and one that has a lid that can be opened and closed

There is no test that, God can allows

This allows both you and the plant time to adjust to the new organic regime

Living soil allows for a functional diversity of organisms

But the good news is, even though the Heavenly Mother is coming thru at almost exactly the same time, we have a solution that allows them to miss the asteroid and the planet and the debris that will be knocked up by the impact

This allows liquids used in fungus control to work better and should be added to all fungus sprays

In addition, he allows nobody to say anything in class any more, as he doesn’t tolerate even the slightest indication of a personal opinion

This is how I suddenly got the Key to Awareness – which allows me to experience the interrelation between time and space, to experience death and birth every moment, always expecting the unforeseeable

allows this creative force to manifest itself through us to create

It allows your followers to feel as if they are a part of the team, and that you want to include them in up and coming decisions to be made, or new product innovations that you have in line for the company

It is upon that point of no return that God pulls back His hand and allows the Antichrist to be established

rots brains and allows the thought

Practice this exercise every day and you will soon notice a marked improvement in your posture and a new feeling of freedom from backache and a new feeling of lightness as your straightening spine allows your lungs to take in more oxygen

You will wobble about at first but gradually you will be able to remain balanced on the toes of one foot with your hands on your hips, and remain so for as long as your breath allows you

It is an invaluable exercise for sufferers from these complaints because it allows full expansion of the lungs while doing deep breathing and at the same time the inverted position helps to drain congested cavities

for the one moment when she allows

However, she responds to my instruction and, at a steady canter, allows Adamant to catch up with us

is not always a bad thing, as it allows for the same balancing out that takes place in their

Write() allows you to write formatted output

Instead, components are written in a way that allows

«No, your holiness, she is as attractive as decency allows at all times,» he said, ‘and at other times more attractive than decency allows,’ he thought

What in the world allows you to think I would let you stop me, you snivelling little cretin?’ She was out of control, trembling,

I think it is its fuzziness that allows it to appear to come into existence

«Yes ma’am, that’s the only thing the bandwidth allows,» Ava said, with some more sleepy mumbling in the background

Create an Energy Shield — a flexible, protective force that allows you to remain in a space filled with fear and negativity without being affected by it

strength setting that allows the rings to pull apart on a

Key- That which allows

So what exactly is a blog? It is a simple web page that allows for you to write

“Every so often, certain of the women of our lineage have for generations developed within themselves the necessary strength of spirit which allows them to conquer the silencing power of death and carry their wisdom forward for the benefit of themselves and for following generations

For the first time since arriving at the house, she allows her thoughts to go back over the events of that last day at the barracks

«Is it that it’s so much more believable, or is it that it allows you to keep that money without your conscious telling you that you sold lives for it?»

‘The Church allows pilgrims the same benefits here as

Been Completely Overlooked by the Masses and Allows You To Swoop in and Absolutely Dominate these Niche Markets in Google!

relativism of the evaluations allows the critics to serve

This allows the children to learn their way around the kitchen and what foods are healthy for them to eat

This also allows you to avoid waste by not having to throw out foods that have expired

This also allows you to save time and

This plugin allows you to add and edit a Heading for your Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types, different from the Title (which is used in the navigation)

Allows multiple permalink structures and category-specific permalinks without needing redirects

changed allows the universe to set in motion the forces

A balanced life allows you to more easily

If you don’t have a camera, Camtasia is a piece of software that allows

“And the king allows this?”

someone’s story and allows for an emotional connection to take place

Again this is a reporter’s perspective, but has an advantage as it allows

Look up forums in your niche, and look for the section that allows affiliate

When the rightful occupant returns and offers shelter, your father allows two men to attack

Wherever the law allows it, and the nature of the work can afford it, therefore, he will generally prefer the service of slaves to that of freemen

I don’t know about contentment, but it allows me to relish the sunshine and the birdsong and the breeze

Pretty bizarre, wouldn’t you say! This allows them to better capture sound waves and accurately locate their prey and is thus a pretty high-tech design

«Why not? It allows him to leak information for the Justicars without jeopardizing himself much, and it constantly throws us off

A receipt for bullion is almost always worth something, and it very seldom happens, therefore, that anybody suffers his receipts to expire, or allows his bullion to fall to the bank at the price at which it had been received, either by not taking it out before the end of the six months, or by neglecting to pay one fourth or one half per cent

Fear primary effect causes ignorance held by the consciousness that its ego is greater than all and allows for hatred to weaken the spirit

Being in the moment allows you to break free of the limits of your everyday way of thinking

It limits you to what the rational allows, and denies you the power of the irrational

When you are mindful of what is happening right now, this allows your natural state of happiness to arise

Mindfulness offsets the mind’s tendency toward negative thoughts and allows you to stay in touch with happiness while you are moving about in the world

proxy server (this allows you to pretend you’re searching from the USA), so that your search results emulate theirs exactly

At present, the company allows all Dutch ships to trade to Surinam, upon paying two and a-half per cent

Wisdom is the key that allows people to develop far-sightedness to see that all these beautiful religions will converge in the end

This certainly allows sitters to validate her ability and trust her readings

Along with steel fibrous concrete there is positive experience of application of glass-fiber reinforced concrete (glass-fiber reinforced cement) that allows reducing additionally weight of constructions

Every incarnation allows individual souls to experience, for life is indeed facilitating experience and growth

It is a very calming way of managing our state of being, for it allows us to ride through tough periods of our lives, much more effortlessly

Essentially the freedom allows us to experience firsthand, the trials and tribulations of life

information marketing allows you to meet that need for information that solves

A Information Products Marketing Home Based Business allows you to test an idea

‘It is something which allows unlimited freedom through space and time

It is merely to enable the company to support the negligence, profusion, and malversation of their own servants, whose disorderly conduct seldom allows the dividend of the company to exceed the ordinary rate of profit in trades which are altogether free, and very frequently makes a fall even a good deal short of that rate

“Right then get yourself off to your billet and get some rest you must be fairly tired what with travelling and such and here is another chit it allows you an extra day off to get your kit together and sort yourself out with the various paperwork

This type of shot still allows the golfer to get all the power he or she ordinarily would with his or her seven-wood, along with the elevation he or she expects, But without the negative

hydrated and even over hydrated muscles allows for a much higher anabolic environment

Money is nothing more than a medium of exchange, which allows transactions to be completed that would otherwise be prohibitively expensive

Knowledge of the future allows it to be altered

Only, I am sure the re-life would be considerably more exciting – it allows the recipient’s wishes of the past to be realised

Knowing the art of getting her turned-on not only allows you to get her aroused more often, but it keeps the relationship alive

«The wind allows what the wind allows, but I will be tacking northeast soon

Its flexibility wisely allows our judicial system to adapt to political, social and economic arrangements vastly complex in proportion to the evolving requirements of a pluralistic society

If one allows that worldly values are the off-springs of worldly customs, (alone); that is to say, restricted to non-spiritual matters, and that eternal values are necessarily eternal in meaning; neither limited by space nor time, which would otherwise render them meaningless and incomprehensive in form; universal or eternal Values must necessarily embrace all existence, including the ―Material‖ that (always) was, is and will become, without exception; the expression or starting point of God‘s own Creation, in His own Image consonant with His own laws or (Eternal Values), whose impressions have been (indelibly) stamped on all things potentially eternal

«Your employer,» said the philanthropist, severely, «is certainly careless if he allows his trees to be delivered in this fashion

It is Humankind‘s inherent capacity for being (human) that allows an individual to distinguish between right and wrong, for example, although that individual may oftentimes behave in a manner contrary to his or her (own) better judgment

Operating in a free and open environment has historically encouraged Americans to consider the merit(s) and values of competing arguments by weighing the credibility of each in a manner that allows an individual to form accurate impressions and render sound judgments

It should be flexible enough in a manner that allows an individual some (important) measure of intellectual continuity and free-expression

A society, however well-intentioned, ceases to be ―tolerant,‖ once that society allows itself to devolve into a sociopolitical checklist dedicated to the advancement of ―appropriate‖ behavior and verbal expressions dictated by idiosyncratic designs rather than common sense lest its members be perceived as offending artificially constructed practices that have inexplicably seeped their way into the conventional mainstream

He ended his sermon with, ‘God allows everything to happen for a reason, the things you want and the things you don’t want

Basically, AHCI is the new set of drivers that fully support SATA-drive features and allows software to communicate with SATA devices that support features that older hardware lacks

HTTP pipelining is a technique that allows the browser to send multiple requests to a single socket without waiting for the corresponding responses

She is taught mind control lessons while sitting on a chair that allows electric shocks into whatever is sitting on it

This allows you to work

That God allows Evil to happen, however, should not be confused with His being the cause of Evil

The faculty of Free Will allows Humankind to make (reasonable) decisions

Grace does not invalidate Free Will that, however expressed in accordance with God‘s (purposeful) designs, allows every individual to charter his or her own chosen course; that is to say, to decide whether to (freely) accept or reject what God expects from each of us or has to offer us if we willingly accept it with an open heart

Reason allows an individual to consider things rationally and to draw abstract conclusions about ―things

The theory allows their movement to look good and seem to always be in the right, excuse the unintended pun

and the Medicine Man allows himself to have his hands securely

This allows me to see and hear you

Allows the attainment of higher Spiritual levels

He organised and gazetted the name change to Makepeace Island, and then years later sold it to a high profile executive who now allows it to be used for conference and recreation for his airline staff

Definition of Allow

to permit or let something happen

Examples of Allow in a sentence

Please allow five days for the package to get from the store to your home.


Because she does not allow shoes in her home, we must take of our slippers at mother’s door.


My dad would only allow my friend to spend the night if we agreed to clean up after ourselves.


If you allow the dog to come into your house, he may never want to leave.


Police officers must halt some traffic to allow other cars to pass through.


Other words in the Allowed category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

All sentences (with pause)

Used with nouns:

«The security guard would not allow entrance to the building.«
(entrance, admittance, access, clearance)

«The dormitory does not allow smoking.«
(smoking, drinking, pets, visitors)

«Loose clothing allows more comfort.«
(comfort, movement, flexibility, freedom)

«Her schedule does not allow time for fun.«

Example sentences:

«Do not allow them inside.«

«You are not allowed to see him anymore.«

«I cannot allow that to happen.«

«Who allowed this?«

«Are you allowed in here?«

«They aren’t allowed to do anything.«

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