Use the word alarmed in a sentence

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Before you get too alarmed, FEDOR seems intended primarily for peaceful uses.

Прежде чем вы слишком встревожены, Федор, кажется, предназначен в первую очередь для мирного использования.

But on the other hand they are alarmed that something can go not in proper way.

Но с другой стороны они встревожены, что что-то может пойти не так.

The scientists are alarmed: people began to move very little in the recent years.

Ученые бьют тревогу: люди стали очень мало двигаться за последние годы.

He did seem alarmed or worried.

Мне показалось, что он был чем-то встревожен или расстроен.

I was alarmed but realized it must be a phone.

Я был встревожен, но понял, что это должен быть телефон.

Murray was alarmed and implied that he might tell the police.

Джек Мюррей был встревожен, а это подразумевалось, что он может все рассказать полиции.

This was the invasion that the alarmed Americans watched through their satellites.

Это было то самое «вторжение», за которым встревоженные американцы следили через свои спутники.

Still, his grandmother Gigi was alarmed.

Тем не менее, его бабушка Джиджи была встревожена.

They are alarmed and troubled by behaviour, which has been standard among adolescent since thousand of years.

Они встревожены и обеспокоены поведением, которое было стандартом среди подростков в течение тысячи лет.

7 things to avoid if you are alarmed!

7 вещей, которых следует избегать, если вы встревожены!

Concerned patients were even more alarmed when they discovered that the ring had also not been submitted to the FDA for review.

Обеспокоенные пациенты были еще больше встревожены, когда обнаружили, что кольцо также не было представлено на рассмотрение FDA.

Local residents are alarmed and frightened by the fact that Afghan militants have come close to the Tajik border.

Местные жители встревожены и напуганы тем, что афганские боевики вплотную приблизились к таджикской границе.

The world has become increasingly alarmed about the Zika virus, and with good reason.

Мир становится все более встревожен вирусом Зика и с полным основанием.

According to Karl, the Democrats were alarmed and decided to take some steps in this regard.

По словам Карла, демократы были встревожены и решили предпринять некие шаги в этом отношении.

At Madagascar’s election commission, officials were alarmed.

В избирательной комиссии Мадагаскара чиновники были встревожены.

I was then terribly disappointed and alarmed when Navalny took part in a ‘Russian March’.

Тогда я был ужасно разочарован и встревожен, когда Навальный принял участие в «Русском марше».

As you can imagine, we were alarmed.

I am alarmed because that is extremely alarming.

Я уже беспокоюсь, потому что всё это очень беспокоит.

Hermione actually stepped back from him, looking alarmed.

He alarmed some by referencing historic religious conflicts.

Кое-кого встревожило его напоминание о религиозных конфликтах в историческом ракурсе.

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The paper boy became slightly more alarmed the longer he stayed with Ackers

If anything, the paper boy would have probably been less alarmed if he had stumbled upon a group of people wearing masks and trying to openly burglarize the house

Her sister on the ground was worried they might have run it without the containment, but their instruments would have alarmed if they had done that and would still see it as a beacon now

But they couldn’t ignore the asteroid for long, in another Earth year at most, the natives will notice the direction it will emerge from its close encounter with Cynd and become alarmed

alarmed, but it was still in control of its flight and therefore not

Should they return to the mountain Jake? Kate was alarmed, are they in any danger?

’ I cried, alarmed that he should think I would be regretting our marriage

Don’t be alarmed, it is a normal occurrence

We should have been alarmed for this but I never would have suspected

The two security guards behind Gordon were also alarmed

“Then cheer me through the Paraclipse and do not be alarmed by anything you see

A large yellow and black sign says that the door is alarmed but Shaun knows this is not true

Guardian stood up straight, clearly alarmed that he was being

“But I must bring it home, or my mother will die!” Li-en looked alarmed, and a flurry of whispers arose in the room

was alarmed to find himself standing next to the Italian

‘Please don’t be alarmed

She turned and was alarmed to

Tom was alarmed by the thought that they might be asked to physically kill someone

Her husband was alarmed, and asked: ‘What is wrong, dear wife?’

to face the wall, a little alarmed that he had been so

She was growing positively alarmed by now

The difficulties, accordingly, which the Bank of England, which the principal bankers in London, and which even the more prudent Scotch banks began, after a certain time, and when all of them had already gone too far, to make about discounting, not only alarmed, but enraged, in the highest degree, those projectors

The late multiplication of banking companies in both parts of the united kingdom, an event by which many people have been much alarmed, instead of diminishing, increases the security of the public

Father studied the smoke intently, but didn’t seem alarmed

“Please don’t be alarmed, my woeful lady

‘Do not be alarmed, Torbin Lyndau

‘Please don’t be alarmed, I’m not here to harm you

He told her not to be alarmed, that he would help her

The man said, ‘Please do not be alarmed, I am here to help you

“Jesus, what happened?” I ran to Him, took Him in my arms, alarmed at His appearance

” I was truly alarmed not by what she had said for the thought had entered my head but by the pain she had suffered and the colour of her face the sheer effort it had taken to raise her self up like this

The kitten sat up, alarmed

alarmed that he would be president

Mitzi herded his young to the front screen door, startling them into alarmed hysterics that sent them clawing up the screen as far as they could go

This belief soon spread to the citizens of Chincha and everyone was alarmed and “on edge” about the

His sense of her through the kigare was that she was focused, slightly frightened but more alarmed

She spoke fluently this time, told Jimmy not to be nervous or alarmed as that might affect the immersion process

There is no need to be alarmed since this is a collective symptom of a system’s failure

He felt strangely comforted by them all being there with him and Esther, but was also alarmed as he would have to manage them somehow

Confused and alarmed, she tried to pull away, but Sicarius held her down

Timmo, who looked very pale and alarmed

«Ma cherie, what is it, whence hast thou come?» asked the good mother alarmed

and he felt a little alarmed

Alarmed by his cry Stelze came running, barking furiously at the kookaburras

Alarmed, he looked down the ally for somewhere to run, but it ended in a high brick wall

Few hours after the local police was alarmed the government ordered that Dunstable was to

It had alarmed Brightness deeply therefore, when late one moon she heard a badger’s footsteps approaching her sett

Thomas was the first to spot the pair as they neared the entrance of the gorge and was alarmed to see Sarah coughing and waving her arms as William held a cloth to her forehead

I became alarmed not knowing why I was hearing this but knowing

Alarmed, he lifted his head, checking that Altef was still alive

I was not alarmed when, soon after treatments began, I started to have the side effects I had previously been warned about

Lyra knew she probably should have felt alarmed at being stuck in a bothy in the middle of nowhere with a man dressed up like the tin-man out of the Wizard of Oz, but somehow she didn’t feel in the least bit frightened

Even though he had been very vocative in celebrating the demons’ defeat (in a rush of euphoria and wishful thinking he had exclaimed among other slightly misdirected comments, that ‘ze Stalinist pigz are finally vanquiwshed!’), he remained prudently alarmed of the fact that even if the gateway had been destroyed (technically speaking, rendered inoperable rather than physically destroyed — I wouldn’t want me dead), there were still demonic operatives lying around

He was instantly alarmed with the realization of what he was watching: practically imperceptibly, her body was tensing – she was preparing to throw herself, unarmed, against a knife-wielding maniac! She WAS a warrior, but, he couldn’t let her do it, she’d die for sure

An alarmed expression spread across the faces of all three men, and Colling was certain that they were close to panic

Other procrastinators must have been alarmed of their presence

A slight stirring behind her further alarmed her sensibilities

Colling tried to put an alarmed and frightened expression on his face as he hurriedly climbed into his seat in the truck

Alarmed anew, Zoran pulled her arm toward him and saw that she was still here, but her look told him that she didn’t wish to be

The move alarmed Ethan and made him reach for the knife around his ankle

In December I showed it to a doctor who was alarmed and called in a surgeon

He was alarmed and called in another specialist who authorised specialised tests outside the hospital

“Don’t be alarmed,” he says

She was alarmed at her own audacity, whenever she was

Ellen never failed to remind her sister of it whenever any eligible male creature crossed their paths, but she had never been really alarmed until John Meredith came home that night with Rosemary

Alarmed, I asked if all of the family were well

But we were not alarmed

” The guard sounded more alarmed than confused

Do not be alarmed, simply relax and allow them to proceed

garbage, alarmed by the collapse of the Pillar

He looked more alarmed than merely concerned

“Gone?” she repeated, alarmed at first

An alarmed Derek let out a cry as the crazed girl tried to kiss

An alarmed man got up from his chair and viewed the watery

An alarmed Honey gave a mighty cough when the hand

Her mother was alarmed that her own daughter couldn’t see

Honey became alarmed at the man’s insistence

In those days when He has brought a grievous fire on you; where will you flee, and where will you find deliverance? And when He launches out His Word against you; Will you not be frightened and fear? And all the luminaries shall be affrighted with great fear; And all the Earth shall be affrighted and tremble and be alarmed; And all the angels shall execute their commands; And shall seek to hide themselves from the presence of the Great Glory; And the children of Earth shall tremble and quake; And you sinners shall be cursed forever; And you shall have no peace

36 And he said to them, Do not fear, neither be alarmed, for all our enemies will be delivered into our hands, and you may do with them as you please

Not everyone seems alarmed

13 And the Midianites were terrified on account of Simeon and the noise of his shouting, and they fell on their faces, and were excessively alarmed

“Uh okay, where are you really? Your voice sounds shaky, are you okay?” she asked sounding more alarmed

“What are you saying?” I asked, alarmed now

Readers should not get alarmed reading this

48 And Pharaoh sent word, saying, What is this thing that has this day happened in the land of Egypt? and they came and told him all the things from beginning to end, and Pharaoh was alarmed and he wondered and was greatly afraid

(It had alarmed Krishnan’s mother who was a voice teacher

“Doctors were alarmed by this incident, since such reports from doctors in the field

You may be “tired of hearing the word Communist”, but I am alarmed at the prospect of having to call “thinkers” those who insist in deny ing to others the right to think differently”

in June the weather had surprised and alarmed them

He is not alarmed

In those days when He has brought a grievous fire on you; where will you flee and where will you find deliverance? And when He launches out His Word against you; Will you not be frightened and fear? And all the luminaries shall be affrighted with great fear; And all the Earth shall be affrighted and tremble and be alarmed; And all the angels shall execute their commands; And shall seek to hide themselves from the presence of the Great Glory; And the children of Earth shall tremble and quake; And you sinners shall be cursed forever; And you shall have no peace

36 And he said to them Do not fear neither be alarmed for all our enemies will be delivered into our hands and you may do with them as you please

Don’t get alarmed about the yearning-for-death thing; there is no

mother inexplicably became alarmed, and with a

13 And the Midianites were terrified on account of Simeon and the noise of his shouting and they fell on their faces and were excessively alarmed

Will, immediately alarmed, started shouting startled and

That’s when I heard, from the back of the elevator, the distinctive voice of Chairman Strouse say, “Hi, Roy, those wouldn’t happen to be the prints of our Institute commercials, would they?” A hot-flash went through me when I told him they were, immediately alarmed that the next thing he might say was to get them to the screening room so we could look at them

48 And Pharaoh sent word saying What is this thing that has this day happened in the land of Egypt? and they came and told him all the things from beginning to end and Pharaoh was alarmed and he wondered and was greatly afraid

alarmed — перевод на русский


These are just Braxton Hicks contractions. More generally known as a false alarm.

Это схватки Брэкстона-Хикса, больше известные как ложная тревога.

False alarm.

— Джим? Ложная тревога.

It’s an air alarm!


Sound general alarm.

Общая тревога.

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You have to know exactly what to do or else… it’ll set off the alarm.

Нужно точно знать, что делать, или… включится сигнализация.

It has wire netting and an alarm device.

За решеткой. Там находится сигнализация.

Hello? Our fire alarm is out of order.

Наша пожарная сигнализация неисправна.

It’s the only vehicle left with wheels and no alarm.

На всем остальном с колесами — сигнализация.

You know, someone comes near their husband, and off they go, like burglar alarms!

Едва кто-то подойдет к их мужу, они начинают вопить, как сигнализация!

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Better set your alarm clocks for 9 At least no later than 10

Поставьте будильник на 9 и уж, во всяком случае, не позже 10.

Just my alarm clock.

Просто мой будильник.

— My alarm clock is still broken, you know!

— Ну знаешь ли, мой будильник до сих пор сломан!

And he’d have had you by now, Captain… if he hadn’t swallowed that alarm clock.

И он бы уже добрался до Вас, капитан, если бы не проглотил этот будильник.

— I’ll set my wristwatch alarm.

Я заведу себе будильник.

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He opens the case, lifts the key, the alarm bell sounds.

Он открывает, берёт ключ, звучит сигнал тревоги.

We can’t get past the alarm. That’s out. We can’t tamper with it.

Замкнутое пространство недоступно, сигнал тревоги не доступен, отключить его не недоступно.

Mademoiselle. Who gave the alarm?

Мадемуазель, кто дал сигнал тревоги?

When it reaches a certain density, that alarm bell goes.

Когда он достигает определенной плотности, то идет сигнал тревоги.

«One is raising the alarm.»

«Один подаёт сигнал тревоги.»

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The alarm went off.

Что происходит? Сработала сигнализация.

I hear an alarm.

Сработала сигнализация.

The security cameras stopped operating for 43 seconds at 0300 hours, five minutes, right when the alarm sounded.

Камеры наблюдения были отключены на протяжении 43 секунд в три часа пять минут; именно тогда сработала сигнализация.

And this alarm started going off in my head.

И у меня в голове сработала сигнализация.

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Who set that alarm?

Кто включил сирену?

— Turn off the alarm.

отключи сирену.

I triggered the alarm.

Я включил сирену…

Any contact exceeding .25 seconds triggers the alarm.

Любой контакт дольше четверти секунды запускает сирену.

Well, you know, daniel, Nobody asked you to pull the fire alarm.

— Ну, Дениэл, тебя никто не заставлял включать сирену.

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Nothing serious, of course, but mildly alarming.

Ничего серьезного, конечно, но мне тревожно.

I found your words very disturbing, sir, because I realize I’ve taken a different path from yours and I find that quite alarming.

Ваши слова очень волнующи, месье, потому что я понимаю, что выбрал дорогу, отличную от Вашей, и это очень тревожно для меня.

It’s all very alarming.

Это весьма тревожно.

In a fairly comprehensive study, an alarmingly high number of teachers 40 percent of the teachers in Kirkwood, Oregon, for instance and Kirkwood being a fair model for public school districts in the country 40 percent of teachers in Kirkwood, Oregon do not have sufficient textbooks for students.

В довольном обширном исследовании, тревожно высокое число учителей 40 процентов в Кирквуде, Орегон, например и Кирквуд отражает реальную модель для школьных округов в стране 40 процентов учителей в Кирквуде, Орегон сообщили, что не имеют достаточно учебников для учащихся.

Preliminary results indicate an alarmingly high prevalence of infection.

Предварительные результаты показывают тревожно высокий уровень распространения инфекции.

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The ones that should have given the alarm, were not able to!

— Те, кто должен был дать сигнал, не смогли этого сделать!

There’s that alarm again.

Вот опять этот сигнал.

No, sir, nothing is missing, and the alarms are set again.

Нет, ничего не похищено. Сигнал снова включен.

[Door Alarm Buzzes]

[Сигнал дверей]

— What you got there? — Don’t you go setting off no alarm.

Даже и не думай включать сигнал.

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Hold on, don’t be alarmed.

Спокойно, не волнуйтесь.

Don’t be alarmed Doctor this is the method of establishing contact.

Не волнуйтесь, Доктор. Это просто установление контакта.

Don’t be alarmed, it’s merely the vapors of his humors.

Не волнуйтесь, это просто фантазии расположения духа.

Don’t be alarmed.

Не волнуйтесь.

Now, don’t be alarmed if she drifts off on you.

Не волнуйтесь, если она заснёт при вас.

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Сьюзан, я бы не хотела вас тревожить, но, по моему мнению, в доме мужчина.

I appear to you as the President so as not to alarm you.

Я являлся тебе как Президент, чтобы не тревожить тебя.

I don’t want to alarm the others with this yet.

Я пока не хочу тревожить этим других.

I don’t want to alarm anyone, but I think there’s a little «al-key-hol» in this punch.

Я не хочу тревожить вас, но по-моему в пунше есть немного алкоголя.

I just didn’t want to alarm you or Dani.

Я просто не хочу тревожить вас или Дани.

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Asked by: Linda Batz

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(31 votes)

Alarmed sentence example. It wasn’t the distance that alarmed her. His threats alarmed the Austrian court. The British government, alarmed by Bonaparte’s attempt to intrigue with Tippoo Sahib, put forth all its strength in India and destroyed the power of that ambitious ruler.

Was alarmed in a sentence?

She was alarmed at the prospect of travelling alone. 19. He was alarmed to discover that his car was gone.

How do you use alarming in a sentence?

Alarming sentence example

  1. It was always exciting in an alarming way. …
  2. I find nothing alarming in what we will discuss. …
  3. A more alarming difficulty lay before him. …
  4. Public Debt.

What is a example for sentence?

So, you might say, “Claire walks her dog.” In this complete sentence, “Claire” is the subject, “walks” is the verb, and “dog” is the object. (“Her” is simply a required pronoun in this example.) Finally, examples of complete sentences need to start with a capital letter and end with some form of punctuation.

What does alarming mean?

: causing people to feel danger or alarm or to be worried or frightened alarming news The statistics revealed an alarming increase in childhood obesity. Other Words from alarming Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About alarming.

31 related questions found

What type of word is alarming?

ALARMING (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is the meaning of not alarming?

If something’s unalarming, it’s nothing to get upset about. If your dog’s barking late at night doesn’t worry you at all, you find it unalarming. … So the adjective unalarming, with that added prefix un-, means the opposite: «Everything’s fine!

What are sentences 10 examples?

10 example of simple sentence

  • Does he play tennis?
  • The train leaves every morning at 18 AM.
  • Water freezes at 0°C.
  • I love my new pets.
  • They don’t go to school tomorrow.
  • We drink coffee every morning.
  • 7.My Dad never works on the weekends.
  • Cats hate water.

What is sentence and give 5 examples?

A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. Examples of simple sentences include the following: Joe waited for the train. The train was late.

What are three sentences?

Three essential types of sentence are declarative sentences (which are statements), interrogative sentences (which are questions), and imperative sentences (which are orders).

How do you use irritating in a sentence?

Irritating sentence example

  1. He might be irritating at times, but he was never boring. …
  2. The word stung, irritating him. …
  3. So much for that irritating situation. …
  4. It was irritating most of the time, like now when he wanted to get a quick response out of one. …
  5. Is it irritating the wound?

What is meant by alarming rate?

(to grow) at alarming rates: (to grow) so much that it is worrying or disturbing. idiom. a rate: a level, a speed; a price.

How do you use the word crucial in a sentence?

Examples of crucial in a Sentence

Vitamins are crucial for maintaining good health. It’s crucial that we arrive before 8 o’clock. Teachers are crucial to the success of the school. She played a crucial role in the meeting.

What part of speech is alarmed?

ALARMED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is a good sentence for develop?

She has been exercising regularly to develop her back muscles. The story was later developed into a novel.

What is a full sentence?

A complete sentence always contains a verb, expresses a complete idea and makes sense standing alone. … This is a complete sentence as it contains a verb (reads), expresses a complete idea and it does not need any further information for the reader to understand the sentence. When Andy reads is an incomplete sentence.

What is an example of a request sentence?

Request sentence example. «I request you to have the goodness to change your coat,» he said as he turned away. The odd request made him pause. At any rate, Alex joined forces with his father in the request for a DNA test.

What is sentence give three examples?

The sentence is generally defined as a word or a group of words that expresses a thorough idea by giving a statement/order, or asking a question, or exclaiming. Example: He is a good boy (statement), Is he a good boy? (question), What a nice weather! (exclaiming). … Verb is called the heart of a sentence.

What are 10 simple sentences?

50 examples of simple sentences

  • She doesn’t study German on Monday.
  • Does she live in Paris?
  • He doesn’t teach math.
  • Cats hate water.
  • Every child likes an ice cream.
  • 6.My brother takes out the trash.
  • The course starts next Sunday.
  • She swims every morning.

How do you write 5 sentences?

Learning how to write this basic type of paragraph is the building block for all future writing. A five sentence paragraph consists of a main idea sentence, three sentences that explain the main idea with reasons, details or facts and a concluding sentence.

How do you know if its a complete sentence?

A complete sentence must: begin with a capital letter, end with a punctuation mark (period, question mark, or exclamation point), and contain at least one main clause. A main clause includes an independent subject and verb to express a complete thought.

How do you account for this meaning?

1 : to give a reason or explanation for (something) How do you account for your success? 2 : to be the cause of (something) These new features account for the computer’s higher price.

What is the meaning of getting by?

1 : to succeed with the least possible effort or accomplishment. 2 : to make ends meet : survive. 3 : to proceed without being discovered, criticized, or punished.

What does it mean to be gloomy?

1a : partially or totally dark especially : dismally and depressingly dark gloomy weather. b : having a frowning or scowling appearance : forbidding a gloomy countenance. c : low in spirits : melancholy. 2a : causing gloom : depressing a gloomy story a gloomy landscape.

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But for some reason, it alarmed the other passengers and I was asked to de-bus.

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Но по какой-то причине это насторожило других пассажиров, и меня попросили сойти.

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It’s bound to be alarmed, probably on a circuit.

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It left all of the masters alarmed.

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CEDAW was alarmed at the persistent high maternal mortality rate.


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КЛДЖ был встревожен сохраняющимся высоким коэффициентом материнской смертности.


The government was alarmed by the turbulent rise of Islam in the mid-1990s.


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Правительство было обеспокоено бурным ростом ислама в середине 1990- ых.


The US government, alarmed at the possibility of a mutant resurgence,

is also interested in seizing them.

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Правительство США, обеспокоенное возможным возрождением мутантов, также заинтересованы в получении их.

When alarmed, the animal snorts or stomps its hooves.

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Когда животное встревожено, оно фыркает или топает копытом.

PDM alarmed with governmental pressures against business.

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Alarmed the air with grandiose unease;

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Тревожил воздух грандиозным беспокойством;

The conservatives were also alarmed, and the churchmen, who were afraid of scientific progress.


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Встревожены были также и консерваторы, и церквляне, страшившиеся научного прогресса.


Sauron, alarmed by the growing power of the Númenoreans,

chooses Mordor as a land to make into a stronghold.

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Саурон, встревоженный растущей мощью нуменорцев, избирает своим оплотом Мордор.

And this thought so alarmed Seryozha that he now understood nothing.

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И эта мысль так пугала Сережу, что он уже ничего не понимал.

This information alarmed my friends and relatives.

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Эта информация возмутила моих друзей и родственников.

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In the midst of this mutinous uproar, the alarmed consul stood fast by the scuttle.

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Среди всех этих мятежных криков встревоженный консул стоял, вцепившись в поручни трапа.

We don’t want the other families alarmed about these deaths.

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Мы не хотим тревожить другие семьи об этих смертях.

My boy. My boy, you look pale and alarmed.

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Doctors do not give a diagnosis comforting, and you certainly very alarmed and worried.


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Врачи ставят не утешительный диагноз, а вы конечно очень встревожены и обеспокоены.


We are conscious of and alarmed at.


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A volcano Eyjafjallajökull seriously alarmed Europe by its eruption in 2010.


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А вулкан Эйяфьядлайекюдль своим извержением в 2010 году не на шутку встревожил Европу.


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Inexperience and ignorance want to succeed among silence and rest,

without being alarmed anything.


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Неопытность и незнание хотят преуспевать среди тишины и покоя,


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The German diplomatic presence in Iceland,

along with the island’s strategic importance, alarmed the British.

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Немецкое дипломатическое присутствие в Исландии, и стратегическое значение острова, встревожило англичан.

She looked at Huatli, confused and alarmed.


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