Use the word agency in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word agency, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use agency in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «agency».

Agency in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word agency in a sentence.

  1. Travel Bureau, a government agency.

  2. Forest Service, an agency within the U.S.

  3. Smith filed for free agency after the season.

  4. The current agency was created on June 6, 1950.

  5. Several local businesses donated to the agency.

  6. Set in New York City, the dating agency Love, Inc.

  7. The Reds granted him free agency after the season.

  8. It is now controlled by the Welsh heritage agency Cadw.

  9. The agency expected high waves and winds on the island.

  10. This new agency quickly built an international reputation.

  11. The agency stored five days’ worth of food in schools in the U.S.

  12. The crackdown logo is in the shape of the agency tower, modified.

  13. As of June 2021 he was under investigation by China’s top anti-corruption agency.

  14. At this session, Satoshi Kawamitsu, an attorney for the employment agency that V.

  15. Insp 7/IV), the signals intelligence agency Wehrmacht with the rank of specialist.

  16. The personnel of the new agency were also put to work analyzing the same documents.

  17. The agency provided $10 million for debris removal and rebuilding public buildings.

  18. The Tripura Road Transport Corporation is the government agency overlooking public transport on road.

  19. They suggest that it is a land with its own moral agency, one that plays a central role in the story.

  20. Resnick, Congress created the Animal Welfare Act (1966), which named the USDA the responsible agency.

  21. An FBI spokeswoman said the agency believed that the website «essentially called for their lynching».

  22. In November 2012, Johansson began dating Frenchman Romain Dauriac, the owner of an advertising agency.

  23. On October 15, Capel was granted free agency by the Cubs; he signed with the Brewers two months later.

  24. The agency also lost communication with its Doppler weather radar system near the height of the storm.

  25. The commercial was handled by the advertising agency Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO, with a budget of £1.3M.

  26. Forest Service, an agency within the Department of Agriculture, as five units called ranger districts.

  27. The first state road agency, the Michigan State Highway Department (MSHD), was created on July 1, 1905.

  28. At 14, shortly after his mother’s relapse, he registered with a theatrical agency in London’s West End.

  29. One news agency attributed three deaths to the storm, though elsewhere there were no reports of damage.

  30. The Magnum photo agency confirmed that Dylan had licensed the reproduction rights of these photographs.

  31. On October 5, the agency re-classified it as a tropical disturbance and later as Tropical Depression 1.

  32. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation was the agency on the federal level responsible for the project.

  33. The FBI announced that Aruban authorities had provided its agency with documents, suspect interviews, and other evidence.

  34. It is an independent agency that regulates party and election finance and sets standards for how elections should be run.

  35. Chris Taylor of VisitScotland sympathised with the concerns and said that the agency was working on a long-term solution.

  36. In his new role as director of talent recruitment at a sports agency, he is responsible for recruiting young footballers.

  37. In 1915, he was recruited by his friend Stephen Mather to help publicize the need for an independent national park agency.

  38. She also arranged with King Features Syndicate, another Hearst agency, to return to Russia to write portraits of Russians.

  39. On 1 October, a postcard, dubbed the «Saucy Jacky» postcard and also signed «Jack the Ripper», was received by the agency.

  40. Biggart began working for the Impact Visuals photo news agency in 1988 and he continued to work there until he was killed.

  41. Armed members of the Special Detective Unit—the domestic security agency of the Gardaí—were present in an undercover role.

  42. After Webster’s arrest the media continued to search for any outside agency that might have been responsible for the event.

  43. William Green of New York, a member of the Appropriations Committee, stated that he believed the agency learned little from its botched response to Hurricane Hugo in 1989.

  44. The agency assigned to the mission Story Musgrave—who had worked on satellite repair procedures since 1976—and six other experienced astronauts, including two from STS-49.

  45. First, the agency approached the United States Customs Service because the Customs Service had been dissatisfied with its current headquarters, the Alexander Hamilton U.S.

  46. To enforce compliance with the new laws, the Townshend Acts created a customs agency known as the American Board of Custom Commissioners, which was headquartered in Boston.

  47. After the war, the spy agency refuses to clear his name and he is eventually imprisoned by the Israelis in the same cell block as Adolf Eichmann, and later commits suicide.

Synonyms for agency

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word agency has the following synonyms: federal agency, government agency, bureau, office, authority, means, way, representation and delegacy.

General information about «agency» example sentences

The example sentences for the word agency that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «agency» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «agency».

Use Agency in a sentence. How to use the word Agency in a sentence? How is “Agency” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Agency”? Sentence for Agency.

Use Agency in a Sentence - How to use "Agency" in a sentence

Definition of Agency

Agency refers to the capacity of an individual or entity to act independently and make decisions that can bring about certain consequences or outcomes. It involves having control over one’s actions, being able to deliberate about options and make choices, and being accountable for the consequences of those choices.

In the context of business, agency can also refer to a relationship between two parties, where one party (the principal) grants authority to another party (the agent) to act on their behalf in some capacity, such as making decisions or conducting transactions. This relationship is often established through a legal agreement, and the agent is typically bound by a set of obligations and responsibilities to act in the best interests of the principal.

How is “Agency” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Agency”?

The term “agency” can be used in various contexts in the English language, and its usage can vary depending on the context. Here are some common ways the term is used:

  1. Legal context: In the legal context, “agency” refers to a relationship where one person (the agent) has the authority to act on behalf of another person (the principal). For example, a real estate agent is an agent of the seller, and has the authority to act on their behalf in the sale of a property.
  2. Business context: In the business context, “agency” can refer to a company that provides services on behalf of another company or individual. For example, a marketing agency may provide services to a business, such as advertising or public relations.
  3. Psychology context: In the psychology context, “agency” refers to an individual’s sense of control over their own actions and the ability to make choices that impact their lives.

In terms of rules of usage, “agency” is typically used as a noun, and can be preceded by an article (such as “the agency” or “an agency”). It can also be modified by adjectives (such as “a government agency” or “a creative agency”). As with any noun, it should agree in number and tense with the surrounding words in a sentence.

Examples of Agency in a sentence

  1. The government agency is responsible for regulating food safety standards.
  2. The advertising agency created a memorable campaign for the new product launch.
  3. She felt a sense of agency in her life after making the decision to start her own business.
  4. The travel agency specializes in luxury vacations to exotic destinations.
  5. The FBI agency was investigating the cyberattack on the company’s database.
  6. The agency representing the actor negotiated a multi-million dollar movie deal.
  7. He signed with a literary agency to help him publish his first novel.
  8. The aid agency provided medical supplies and personnel to the disaster-stricken region.
  9. The news agency released a report detailing the rise in crime rates.
  10. The modeling agency was holding auditions for their next big fashion show.
  11. The government agency launched a public awareness campaign about the dangers of smoking.
  12. The staffing agency found her a temporary job in a warehouse.
  13. The security agency implemented new measures to prevent unauthorized access to the building.
  14. The talent agency signed a contract with a rising young musician.
  15. The adoption agency helped the couple find a child to adopt.

Post Views: 2,006

agency (n): a business that represents one group of people when dealing with another group

Use “agency” in a sentence

He works for a big advertising agency.
Could you recommend a good travel agency?
My wife works in a travel agency.

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«Are you a collection agency? Is that it? Look, I’ve already told you that I’m making arrangements to have the debts consolidated and an offer of monthly payments will be made to you via my intermediary

The job is at offices in Taunton – damn! – and the job sounds pretty lousy but beggars can’t be choosers and the underlying feeling I get from Jackie at the agency is that I should be grateful that anyone is prepared to interview someone as ancient as I am

What she chose to reveal was invariably better than the inter-intelligence communiqués where one agency often hid detail from another in order to maintain tactical advantage

I grope in my handbag for the information which the agency sent me about the job … reading through the job description again … personal assistant to the sales director – all usual computer skills, office practices etc — no problems there

I suppose he is naturally careful what he says – comes of being a lawyer, I expect – the agency did mention that the company has a high turnover of staff though which is worrying

‘I’ll have to report your attitude to the agency, you know

‘D’you know, Molly, I belonged to a dating agency at one point … met up a few men

This morning we departed for the island of Zakynthos, on a trip organized by a travel agency

It also meant that we were being held in the heart of enemy territory, well away, as far as we knew, from any government agency or army, and so our proffered location offered us little hope of successful escape

It is important to enlist community support for your charter school idea and to get to know members of the sponsoring (charter granting) agency

You may also want to submit the draft charter to the staff of your sponsoring agency and/or school board for review

Each grant announcement will contain instructions on how to apply, including where to get an application packet, information the application should contain, the date the application is due, and agency contact information

These agency staff are available to answer questions over the phone

We agree that it would be more sensible for me to deal with the letting of the cottage – I’ll contact the agency she used when I took the tenancy

I don’t know how it works but I can usually differentiate between you being upset about some outside agency, like today, and you having an accident or something

Jo rings me just after four to say that the agency has come up with three possible tenants for the cottage

I’ve never been one for joining clubs and the thought of joining a dating agency or something like that is not appealing

old former manager of a collections agency, was

The agency was created after 9/11 to combat the war on terror

An agency can’t be

At any rate, they ranted on about ‘the youth’ as if the youth in question were some foreign agency infiltrating their kingdom, and not actually their own sons and daughters

She is a one woman design firm and contract agency, she is

through a rental agency

I’ve been hired by the Army Audit Agency, part of the US Government

I just mailed a bunch of forms to Army Audit Agency and should get my definite departure date in a couple of weeks

At the last minute, Army Audit Agency canceled the audit because of low funds so I stay in Warren

I’m a very rigorous reader of newspapers and everything and I saw this ad for the San Antonio HomeStay Agency

The San Antonio HomeStay Agency was reaching out for new host families for International okay University students

The collection boys were writing nasty letters threatening me that a collection agency was after us if we don’t pay the bills

This was the largest-scale mission the agency had taken on since

«I think half the business of this agency involves confidential information

«No, I’m Klowa of the Nidon-Mlarkile agency

» If he gave the address of the service house away, what harm was done? If it was for that aluminum, that would be a very good deal for the agency

He doesn’t trust you, your agency, he thinks you’ll just play both ends

We probably weren’t the right agency for them to come to

But you are with that agency, the agency that just sold Alan into slavery and Desa into death

Even with the system able to plot the three-d maze, they could spend hours finding a coachman, even in a busy business district like that near the detective agency

The guy said he worked for an agency, that meant someone else at his agency almost certainly had their address

They will have problems with the fact that there is no government agency to contact, but we can make them understand

agency and their luxurious home, and they moved to a farm (the other

On the window of a transport agency

I have dropped in the travel agency about

Bravo, the agency! However, al publications

waited a lot at a tax agency for the so-called

the queue at which we stayed at the Tax Agency

is, unfortunately, more an agency of propaganda

He couldn’t afford to let the agency know that he didn’t intend to take up their special offer

‘I hope you didn’t mess that up,’ said Alistair, head of the powerful and mysterious agency that gave the Leader his orders

’ Monty knew the agency prized his cleverness but think too far outside the box and they might decide your genius wasn’t worth the risk

The agency wasn’t to know that Golf could physically transport multi-dimensional items

He could still be working for the agency, or even someone, or something else

One of the soldiers the agency had secretly placed outside the van shifted out of the sudden trance he had entered against his will

I thought you understood that we operate at an above top secret level; we are not bound under the aegis of any government agency

‘It’s not true what they’ve been saying – the space agency

‘The media pressure alone will force the agency to keep searching, even if they have to collaborate with Cisa

But then there were many questions to answer: the space agency having to face legal proceedings from the Canadian government they were contracted to

A Mars trip would have taken no more than a few hours, but until the space agency had concluded their investigation, all ships were grounded

Out of the moneys which they shall receive from the company, they are allowed a sum, not exceeding eight hundred pounds, for the salaries of their clerks and agents at London, Bristol, and Liverpool, the house-rent of their offices at London, and all other expenses of management, commission, and agency, in England

A number of years ago, I was in a training section, in a federal agency, with approximately twenty fellow federal employees

Where oh where to start? Let»s reflect for a moment on the accusations of failure of intelligence aimed toward the Central Intelligence Agency in the wake of the September 11 bombings

And then there is the not insignificant appointment by Jimmy Carter of retired admiral Stansfield Turner to head the agency

feminist managers Clinton appointed to the upper echelons of the agency, who then went on to require that Middle East analysts spend their time knitting diversity quilts

Every river in America that has become the subject of the abject ministrations of the Environmental Protection Agency

(Having spent twenty-two years with an agency of the Department of Energy, I speak from experience

While employed by a federal agency some years back, my work unit was ordered to a half day long sensitivity meeting

miscue could send a prospect to General Motors or to another Ford agency

There is simply no nice, pleasant way to put the way I feel about this agency

We’re a small agency and frankly we’re as busy as we could possibly be, at the moment

Niagara was destroyed and that it appears to have been by some outside agency

After all, it had to be as a reassurance to those who entered TIAR that their experience could not be interfered with by an outside agency

By this time the cavalry were starting to deploy along the creek; but when the wretched balloon had finally received its quietus, and sunk amid the curses of the men stricken through its agency by an unseen fire, the enemy had exactly ranged the line of the road, and were apprised that a general advance was taking place

“Late last night I ordered two Agency Gold Centres to be set up

Admiral Purser and General Locke, I want you to be Agency Gold Commanders

“The Agency Gold Commander on HMS Monmouth has a situation that needs your input sir,” his PA advised him

The man had just rented it from the John Deere Agency and had pulled out on the highway without his lights on

corruptible, the source of its corruption would (necessarily) lie beyond itself; that is to say, operating outside the parameters of (natural) goodness; some other agency (evil), whose intention would be the corruption of (natural) goodness

They also had the ex-Rhodesians not only in the Armed Forces but also operating on the side with the intelligence Agency called NIS (National Intelligence Service)

The third line of defense was the activities of the Apartheid intelligence Agency called NIS (National Intelligence Service) and not much is known about them being very small and secretive

They acted as far as is known with the usual methods of spying and intelligence gathering all over the world combining both counter espionage and espionage in one Agency

The forerunner of this Agency was under control of a police general and called BOSS

As an Agency the NIS had no powers of arrest and had to rely on the SAP to arrest spies for them if they could find them

‖ Such role-playing is neither cynical nor disingenuous however a conforming agency that seeks to manage or regulate a variety relationships among individuals having different values and interests that would otherwise alienate most

I approached the man in charge of the Jewish Agency where Adas was staying and asked him, “Perhaps you can tell me if there is any way that I can claim property that belonged to my family

The train crossed the borders of Poland on its way to Paris, where the Jewish Agency was supposed to issue new entry visas into Israel

I came to Israel with the help of the Jewish Agency in Warsaw

Bush had been head of the CIA in the 1970s, while the agency had Noriega on the payroll

I worked for an agency that contracted government projects financed by federal Super-Fund dollars, allotted to clean up the nation’s groundwater

Idealistically, I believed that the agency, like me, wanted to improve the planet, even if just a little

She’d spent five years in some Government agency before he’d met her

It was also Nixon, not Democrats nor liberals, who began the Environmental Protection Agency

as implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well

The attendant at the rental agency stated that the car had over a hundred miles on it for that rental, and was dropped off at the company’s outlet at the Baltimore airport

In the 1960s and 70s, the Indian Health Services, the federal agency responsible for healthcare on reservations, forcibly sterilized from between one out of four Native women to as many as two out of five, often without even their knowledge

government agency in 6 states in the USA and found that when

They took a room on the waterfront and hung around bars near the coast guard installation – on the lookout for sailors with the shoulder patch worn by those who are assigned to a ship – located the agency that represented the tugboat operator, and learned that there was only one company that received hardwood logs

She thought that my grades would take me to university and I was a huge disappointment to her when I decided to work for the conservation agency

Brownie jumped off first and started walking towards an expected confrontation with whichever government agency they were

He now heads the counter terrorism agency in the Federal Police

My real name is Nicole Heurgot; but I’m Agency

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