Use the word age in a sentence

age (n): the period of time someone has been alive or something has existed

Use “age” in a sentence

At our company, the retirement age is 60.
We live in an age of rapid technological advance.
She got married at the age of 29.
She died at the age of 69 after a long illness.
You should wear something more appropriate your age.
I lied to my girlfriend about my age.
List the name, age, and sex of each person in your family.
She is about my age.
Wisdom does not automatically come with age.
Most of the students are in the 17-20 age range.
He’s small for his age. Does he eat well?
He looks old for his age.

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Synonym: mature, ripen, time of life. Similar words: wage, page, rage, cage, eager, agent, New Age, image. Meaning: [eɪdʒ]  n. 1. how long something has existed 2. an era of history having some distinctive feature 3. a time in life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises 4. a late time of life 5. a prolonged period of time. v. 1. begin to seem older; get older 2. grow old or older 3. make older. 

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1. The golden age is before us, not behind us. 

2. Youth looks forward and age backward. 

3. The age of miracles is past. 

4. Idle young, needy age [old].

5. Reckless youth makes rueful age.

6. What youth is used to, age remembers. 

7. Economy is the easy chair of old age

8. Wine and judgement mature with age

9. An idle youth, a needy age

10. A lazy youth, a lousy age

11. Youth is a blunder; manhood a struggle, old age a regret. 

12. For age and want save while you may; no morning sun lasts a whole day. 

13. Rear sons for help in old age; and store up grains against famine. 

14. At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit ; and at forty, the judgment. 

15. Her age disqualified her for the job.

16. He must be getting near retiring age.

17. The children average seven years of age.

18. That species disappeared in the Ice Age.

19. The age difference was a complication to the rela-tionship.

20. It was difficult to tell his exact age.

21. Anyone over eighteen years of age counts as adult.

22. To make good use of should have in youth the experience of advanced years,and in old age the vigor of youth. 

23. Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age

24. The follies of youth are food for repentance in old age

25. Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it when young,[] it will give us no shade when we grow old. 

26. In youth the hours are golden in mature years they are silver, in old age they are leaden. 

27. We hope to grow old, yet we fear old age; that is, we are willing to live, and afraid to die. 

28. The only secret a woman can keep is that of her age

29. One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name. 

30. It is not shame for a man to learn that which he knows not, whatever be his age

More similar words: wage, page, rage, cage, eager, agent, New Age, image, for ages, manage, garage, a stage, agenda, engage, agency, damage, hostage, garbage, teenage, rampage, managed, cottage, heritage, storage, package, manager, passage, imagery, coverage, engage in. 

Sentences using the word age. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use age in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for age.

  • Was it age? (13)
  • What an age ago! (8)
  • This age is the limit. (8)
  • And so extremely accomplished for her age! (4)
  • His age was about thirty. (1)
  • Or was he glad of his own age? (8)
  • She did not think of his age. (10)
  • Well, she is moa their own age. (9)
  • It was a long time for James to wait, at his age! (8)
  • People said that it was a new age. (8)
  • This was a day that knew not age. (10)
  • It is the romance, the poetry of our age. (9)
  • Nobody else would at your age, but you do. (8)
  • Tribute of an Age to its own death…. Ah! (8)
  • I knock against people of my own age everywhere. (9)
  • She is just of an age to receive an impression. (10)
  • What does Diaper Sandoe sing of your Age of Work? (10)
  • Now you and my wife were about of an age, I judge. (13)
  • Her age struck Patrick as being about twenty-three. (10)
  • Five weeks before he need bother, at his age an eternity! (8)
  • Tile and slate roofs develop warm, lovely tones with age. (17)
  • Those old monks had lived in an age surely not so sad as this. (8)
  • After a certain age you may select her for special chastisement. (10)
  • Lots of fellows of our age have done things fellows write about. (10)
  • Letters of a man of his age to a young woman he rates too highly! (10)
  • As to the gobbling age, it really thinks better of him than he of it. (10)
  • Does a type survive its age; live on into times that have no room for it? (8)
  • On his coming of age, that young man gave sign of his having a city head. (10)
  • This man is about fifty-seven years of age, though he looks greatly older. (1)
  • Although nearly sixty years old, she is as lively as a woman half her age. (21)
  • He could not but accuse her of unfaithfulness in leaving him in his old age. (10)
  • My feelings are in harmony with his pedigree concerning the age of the name. (10)
  • A wonderful man for his age; so upright, and young looking, and how old was he? (8)
  • Indeed, had she chosen from a crowd, the choice would have been one of his age. (10)
  • Often wretchedly he watches the young men of his own age trooping to their work. (10)
  • And the age of the indomitable adventurer must have contributed to his popularity. (10)
  • And there was a label on them, telling their great age, to maintain their identity. (10)
  • He was about thirty years of age; the others were even younger; all were physicians. (1)
  • A green old age ought to be your ideal, instead of which it seems to be a green youth. (8)
  • But, there is one great reason why, in this age of ours, Art, it seems, must flourish. (8)
  • Paul had been left an orphan at the age of ten, and without a solitary ancestral acre. (8)
  • Gap-toothed he spake, and with a tottering shank Sidled to gain the sunny bench of Age. (10)
  • It would take little, seeing his age and feebleness, to make his Companies throw him over. (8)
  • When they get to our age, I dare say they will not think about officers any more than we do. (4)
  • In the Elizabethan age, the music of England was scarcely less important than her literature. (3)
  • Long ere the rising of this Age of ours, The knave and fool were stamped as monstrous Powers. (10)
  • No one had laid up a competence for Mr. Purcey, who had been in business from the age of twenty. (8)
  • I am of the age of eight and twenty; passable, to look at: yes, my dear, I have gone through it. (10)
  • Within a few minutes her features seemed to have shrunk into the crumpled mask of extreme old age. (12)
  • After a term of prolonged preachification he is compelled to lash that he may less despise the age. (10)
  • In yielding to these tastes he had been conscious of divergence from the standard of the Golden Age. (8)
  • At the age of nine, he gave his first concert before an audience composed largely of Hungarian nobility. (3)
  • I admit nothing, but I am not going to be dead, Soames, at my age; so you had better be quiet, I tell you. (8)
  • You must not allow any considerations of age or temptation to weigh with you in the finding of your verdict. (8)
  • By its help a later age will be able to track the genesis of certain happenings to their most distant roots. (12)
  • Even the copying and adapting an old poem had overtaxed him, and in this he showed the failing powers of age. (9)
  • An ancient Hermitage has the light of the antique; the merit that it can grow to an extreme old age; a merit. (10)
  • It is not known by what strange caprice he practically closed his career as composer at the age of thirty-nine. (3)
  • He says again, if you remember, that our own Age is travelling back to darkness and ignorance through dyspepsia. (10)
  • A great Age, whose transmuting influence nothing had escaped save the nature of man and the nature of the Universe. (8)
  • Under the spell of his subject and of advancing age, his extreme inattention to passing matters became rapidly accentuated. (8)
  • Longer than others are they young: but meanwhile they are of an age when we are driven abroad to seek and shape our destinies. (10)
  • He had dropped, therefore, at the age of twenty-six, insensibly, on the death of an uncle, into the family living at Worsted Skeynes. (8)
  • Having heard, she said nothing; but Lady Valleys noticed with alarm that over her eyes had come suddenly the peculiar filminess of age. (8)
  • The Counsel for the prosecution, a little, alert, grey, decided man, above military age, began detailing the circumstances of the crime. (8)
  • The garment had taken fifteen years off her age, and a gardenia, just where the silk crossed on her breast, seemed no whiter than her skin. (8)
  • Imagine now, if a handsome young woman were known to be admired rather more than enough by a good-looking gentleman near about her own age. (10)

Also see sentences for: day, epoch, generation, maturity, period.

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Definition of Age

the amount of time someone or something has been living

Examples of Age in a sentence

The youthful woman’s age was actually much older it appeared to be.


At the age of fourteen, John’s dad taught him to drive a car.


Even though our child is five in age, the carnival worker let him get in for free.


The older woman tried to hide her age with young looking clothes and makeup.


At the age of one, the baby was walking and learning to say easy words.


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Sentences starting with age

  • Age had altered them but little; her face was now that of a good-looking, plump, easy-going matron, which had lost its freshness through long and devoted attendance on the sick man. [10]
  • Age after age the world labors for these things with the busy absorption of a colony of ants in its castle of sand. [4]
  • Age about 45—and the most picturesque of men, when he sits in his fluttering work-day rags, humped forward into a bunch, with his aged slouch hat mashed down over his ears and neck. [5]
  • Age is not specially considerate to age. [10]
  • Age has its powers, but it has its defects, and he had no hope that his own defects would be wiped out by luck at the polls. [11]
  • Age was coming on her indeed, that she should show such weakness. [9]
  • Age brings other obvious changes besides the loss of active power. [6]
  • Age has taught me charity of speech; but it fails me when I think of those three names—Cauchon, Courcelles, Loyseleur. [5]
  • Age is no matter—the older the woman the stronger she is, apparently. [5]
  • Age enlarges and enriches the powers of some musical instruments—notably those of the violin—but it seems to set a piano’s teeth on edge. [5]

Sentences ending with age

  • I tell you, you will recover sight, and once more thank the gods for a good old age. [10]
  • I would advise you to pray betimes to Mithras for eternal youth, and for his protection against the wrinkles of age! [10]
  • Go on—she told you her age? [5]
  • With us what you call time is a spacious thing; it takes a long stretch of it to grow an angel to full age. [5]
  • It was surrounded, yet not hemmed in, by trees of a considerable age. [9]
  • I am eighty-two years of age. [5]
  • Four or five years ago, some workmen who were digging foundations for a house came upon this interesting relic of a long-departed age. [5]
  • Imagine a man worth a hundred millions who finds himself suddenly penniless and fifty million in debt in his old age. [5]
  • He asked himself why Byng had not been content to buy one of the great mansions which could always be had in London for a price, where time had softened all the outlines, had given that subdued harmony in architecture which only belongs to age. [11]
  • Among nonagenarians, three whose names are well known to Bostonians, Lord Lyndhurst, Josiah Quincy, and Sidney Bartlett, were remarkable for retaining their faculties in their extreme age. [6]

Short sentences using age

  • Her age was thirty. [9]
  • Oh, this age, these people! [10]
  • Old age, said Solon. [6]
  • Professor, this is Old Age. [6]
  • Then she asked my age. [5]
  • For that was Mab’s age. [11]
  • Old Age, this is Mr. [6]
  • That was an agnostic age. [9]
  • Adams, John, old age, 261. [6]
  • Surely at his age! [10]

Sentences containing age two or more times

  • Every age has to shape the Divine image it worships over again,—the present age and our own country are busily engaged in the task at this time. [6]
  • As to age, the fact that I am nearly seventy-two years old does not clearly indicate how old I am, because part of every day—it is with me as with you, you try to describe your age, and you cannot do it. [5]
  • He was at the age to enjoy just what it brought him —at the airy, golden, overweening age of youth. [5]
  • Then he makes that ideal age the general age of the heavenly people. [5]
  • The other is that doubt of any divine intention in development, in history, which we call progress from age to age. [4]
  • That is to say, none of the catastrophes, not even the corruptions, which brought to ruin the ancient civilizations, would work anything like the same disaster in an age which has the use of machinery that this age has. [4]
  • Even those who question the value to the individual of what we call progress, admit, I suppose, the increase of knowledge in the world from age to age, and not only its increase, but its diffusion. [4]
  • If, on the other hand, a new character appears at maturity, or even during old age, it tends to reappear in the offspring at the same advanced age. [1]
  • He was one of the ablest and most learned lawyers of his age, or of any age. [7]
  • It is very instructive to compare the two orations written at the interval of a whole generation: one in 1837, at the age of thirty-four; the other in 1867, at the age of sixty-four. [6]

More example sentences with the word age in them

  • At thirty the youth has sobered into manhood, but the strong men of forty rise in almost unbroken rank between him and the approaches of old age as they show in the men of fifty. [6]
  • Old Age.—There, between your eyebrows,—three straight lines running up and down; all the probate courts know that token,—«Old Age, his mark. [6]
  • If I were your age and able to drag myself to the street, I should be at the Arsenal now. [9]
  • She was the youngest of five maiden sisters, and had arrived at the mature age of eighteen. [4]
  • But I was young, I was but seven years of age, and vain, foolish, and anxious to attract attention. [5]
  • He still a young man but no longer a young diplomat, as he had entered the service at the age of sixteen, had been in Paris and Copenhagen, and now held a rather important post in Vienna. [2]
  • This is for you, and such others of tender age as you may tell it to. [6]
  • They say that you have ability, that you have acquired a practice and a position which at your age give the highest promise for the future. [9]
  • She is fifteen years old, tall and womanly for her age, has dark hair and eyes, fresh complexion, regular features, pleasant smile and voice, but shy with strangers. [6]
  • I was twenty-one years of age, though one would have called me older. [9]
  • He is eleven years of age, of sanguine-nervous temperament, light hair, blue eyes, intelligent countenance, well grown, but rather slight in form, to all appearance in good health, but subject to certain peculiar and anomalous nervous symptoms, of which his father gives this history. [6]
  • We are twenty-four years of age, and twins—‘» «Twins! [5]
  • At about ten years of age I began going to what we always called the «Port School,» because it was kept at Cambridgeport, a mile from the College. [6]
  • At about twenty-six years of age he killed a man in a quarrel and fled the country. [5]
  • We are twenty-four years of age and twins. [5]
  • Tennyson is still writing at eighty, and Browning reached the age of seventy-seven. [6]
  • Every year some would die and others become incapacitated by age and infirmity; there would be no new ones to take their places. [5]
  • Perhaps it is worth while, in view of certain recent discussions, and especially of some free criticisms of this country, to consider whether there is any intention of progress in this world, and whether that intention is discoverable in the age in which we live. [4]
  • It was a woman, between forty and fifty years of age, who rose slowly to her feet as the Avocat entered, and, without preliminary, put into his hands a document. [11]
  • It was possible with this man to fully test one’s respect for age, which is in all civilized nations a duty. [4]
  • I still reflect with pride, however, that even at that early age I washed when I got up. [5]
  • I became familiar with all the intrigues, the designs of the Bonapartes; and what I did not know was told me by Prince Pierre, who was near my own age, and who used me always more like a friend than a servant. [11]
  • It was bald-headed with age, but still legible. [5]
  • Life should begin with age and its privileges and accumulations, and end with youth and its capacity to splendidly enjoy such advantages. [5]
  • We do, however, wish to know what are the convictions of any such persons in matters of highest interest about which there is so much honest difference of opinion in this age of deep and anxious and devout religious scepticism. [6]
  • I do not wish to die in middle age, as my brother died. [11]
  • Taus, the innkeeper’s wife, now came out, a buxom and vigorous Egyptian woman of middle age, carrying some of the puffs for which she was famous, and which she had just made with her own hands. [10]
  • He was a widower, with lads somewhere near my own age, and I recall being shown about the place by them. [9]
  • Just her age who was so gentle, and lovely, and all the world to me, and whom I shall never see again! [5]
  • The son; however, who was not of age, was more unworldly and sanctimonious than his father; he always addressed his parent as «Brother Plum,» and bore himself, altogether in such a superior manner that Ruth longed to put bent pins in his chair. [5]
  • Of his father, who died in the fourth or fifth year of Henry’s age, little seems to be known, except that he was a respectable man and a preacher of the Baptist persuasion. [7]
  • His locks were white with age, and he trembled in every joint. [5]
  • For a little while, hope made a show of reviving—not with any reason to back it, but only because it is its nature to revive when the spring has not been taken out of it by age and familiarity with failure. [5]
  • Book after book which he casually mentioned, as showing the drift of the age, and profoundly affecting modern thought, she knew only by name. [4]
  • In the town where she lived was a lady of honorable condition, somewhat past middle age, who was possessed of pretty ample means, of cultivated tastes, of excellent principles, of exemplary character, and of more than common accomplishments. [6]
  • We have settled when old age begins. [6]
  • In an age when nastiness was written as well as spoken, and when most travelers felt called upon to satisfy a curiosity for prurient observations, Smith preserved a tone quite remarkable for general purity. [4]
  • These were written when I was twenty and twenty-one years of age, and the sonnet sequence of ‘A Lover’s Diary’ was begun when I was twenty- three. [11]
  • At an age when a man should be settling down, you are gallivanting with the wife of a philosopher. [11]
  • At length, after what seemed an age of staring at his legs, the ground caved on him, and he would have smothered if we had not dragged him out by the heels, sputtering and all powdered brown. [9]
  • Very well, then what is the use of your stringing out your miserable lives to a lean and withered old age? [5]
  • All tidings the west wind blew from distance and age he found deep in those dark-blue depths, and found them mysteries solved. [13]
  • Mr. Dobbins’ lashings were very vigorous ones, too; for although he carried, under his wig, a perfectly bald and shiny head, he had only reached middle age, and there was no sign of feebleness in his muscle. [5]
  • And if you were to ask me to name one of the greatest religious teachers of our age, I should answer, William James. [9]
  • In the texture were the tracings of fossil forms of ferns and the most exquisite and delicate vegetable beauty of the coal age. [4]
  • On what we were talking about,—the carnival feeling, the levity, on the unbelief of the age. [9]
  • In another drawer were some bundles of letters, a little yellow with age, endorsed with the name of «Margaret. [4]
  • Once her Cause were perceived, once her whole energy were directed towards its fulfilment, the prophets would arise, out of the East and out of the West, to stir mankind to higher effort, to denounce fearlessly the shortcomings and evils of the age. [9]
  • Therefore, if one were holding strictly to the year date, neither by age nor by fame would Beaumont have been eligible to attend such a gathering of august personages in the year 1601; but the point is unimportant. [5]
  • He succeeded pretty well, but the failure of Page, Bacon & Co. relieved him of six thousand dollars, and then, to all intents and purposes, he was a bankrupt in his old age and he resumed service in the pulpit again. [5]
  • Philip was also well versed in politics for a lad of his age, and could discuss glibly the right of Parliament to tax the colonies. [9]
  • But she was well fixed—rich, as she would have described it; for she had lived a steady life, and had banked four dollars every month in New Orleans as a provision for her old age. [5]
  • Why mourn that we, the favored few Whom grasping Time so long has spared Life’s sweet illusions to pursue, The common lot of age have shared? [6]
  • Dandified, or, as we should now term them, «dudish» affairs, were not allowed at Keilhau; so various witticisms were made which culminated when a pupil of about our own age from a city on the Weser called us Berlin pomade-pots. [10]
  • If we inquire, we shall find one preponderating cause underlying every movement of the age. [4]
  • At my age we count it gain not to be disappointed, and the day when our expectations are not only fulfilled, but surpassed we number among our festivals. [10]
  • That the age, was unable to separate him from itself, and see his great stature, is probable; that it enjoyed him with a sympathy to which we are strangers there is no doubt. [4]
  • Behind The Man was The Stone, which was not more motionless nor more full of age than this its comrade. [11]
  • And then there was that damsel of sixty winter of age still excursioning around in her frosty bloom—How old are you, Sandy? [5]
  • The building, indeed, was symbolic of a decadent and bewildered Puritanism in its pathetic attempt to keep abreast with the age, to compromise with anarchy, merely achieving a nondescript medley of rounded, knob-like towers covered with mulberry-stained shingles. [9]
  • Old Count Frohlinger was still alive, but suffered a great deal from gout and the capricious young wife he had married in his old age. [10]
  • The old gentleman was sixty-three years of age when he addressed it to his friend T. Pomponius Atticus, Eq., a person of distinction, some two or three years older. [6]
  • She never did; was past the susceptible age when she first came; was tired of the people. [4]
  • Every patrician who was past the age of thirty, had the right to become a candidate yearly for the office. [10]
  • Difference of age was no difference. [9]
  • Now the table was covered with parchments and papers, and beside Colonel Clark sat a grave gentleman of about his own age. [9]
  • If the age was coarse in speech or specially affected in manner, the books followed the lead given by the demand; but, coarse or affected, they had the quality of art demanded by the best existing cultivation. [4]
  • Her last appearance was at the age of seventy-six, which is rather late in life for the tight rope, one of her specialties. [6]
  • And yet there was an artificial military courtesy (something like that existing in the feudal age, no doubt) which put the meeting of these two rival and mutually detested companies on a high plane of behavior. [4]
  • Its declared purpose was «simply to instruct the young, reform the old, correct the town, and castigate the age. [4]
  • The Clemens and Warner families were constantly associated, and The Gilded Age, published in 1873, resulted from the friendship of Warner and Mark Twain. [5]
  • As they stood waiting in irresolution a grave man of middle age and a disinterested manner sauntered up to the travelers, and slipped into friendly relations with them. [4]
  • Matronly dignity was visible in every movement, and the charm of her manner lay, not in a youthful endeavor to be pleasing, but in the effort of age to please others, considering their wishes, and at the same time demanding consideration in return. [10]
  • Decrepit age, and vigorous life, and blooming youth, and helpless infancy, poured forth—on crutches, in the pride of strength and health, in the full blush of promise, in the mere dawn of life—to gather round her tomb. [12]
  • And this is very singular in this humanitarian age, when excuse is found for nearly every moral delinquency in heredity or environment, that the greatest factor of discontent and crookedness, the weather, should be left out of consideration altogether. [4]
  • He is a very nice old bachelor, but is an old bachelor just the same and isn’t more than about a year this side of retirement by age limit; and so what does he know about taking care of a little maid nine years old? [5]
  • The Romans came very near the mark; their age of enlistment reached from seventeen to forty-six years. [6]
  • He received them very kindly, and at once showed an interest in Nell; asking her name, and age, her birthplace, the circumstances which had led her there, and so forth. [12]
  • He had grown very avaricious in his old age, and used to go off stealthily to hunt for non-existent and impossible gold among those perilous peaks and precipices. [5]
  • This personal peculiarity varies with the age and conditions of the individual. [6]
  • Ye give a value for all loss in age, When feebled eyes search for forgotten springs; Ye fan the breeze that turns the moulded page, And carry back the soul to ardent things. [11]
  • Its great practical use in this fast age is to give one an idea of distance and of monotony. [4]
  • Mr. Cooke tells us that he entered the public grammar school at the age of eight years, and soon afterwards the Latin School. [6]
  • She had often urged her, too, to think of old age, but Kuni—never cared for any one longer than a few weeks, though there were some whom she might easily have induced to offer her the wedding ring. [10]
  • He was Perry Upson’s eldest son, His father loved his noble son, This son was nineteen years of age When first in the rebellion he engaged. [5]
  • You will continue upon the water for some time yet; you will not retire finally until ten years from now …. What is your brother’s age? [5]
  • Old age leaps upon it as his saddle, and rides triumphant, unchallenged, until the darkness comes which no glasses can penetrate. [6]
  • In them he uniformly and impartially died at the age of 95. [5]
  • Probably you’ll be uncomfortable, perhaps unhappy —you are certain to be if you marry to please society and not yourself —but better a thousand times one wild rush of real passion, of self-forgetting love, than an age of stupid, conventional affection approved by your aunt. [4]
  • Sometimes, with only two years’ training at Gosport, a youngster became a midshipman on first going to sea, and he could begin as early as eleven years of age. [11]
  • When I was two years of age she asked me not to drink, and then I made a resolution of total abstinence. [5]
  • She was not twenty-six years of age, and to have learned the truth at twenty-six, and still not to have been wholly destroyed by the lies of life, was something which might be turned to good account. [11]
  • He was only twenty years of age when the Revolution began. [9]
  • She is nearly twelve years of age, and is sufficiently well grown for her years. [4]
  • In 1873 Mark Twain led the van of the debunkers, scraping the gilt off the lily in the Gilded Age. [5]
  • The old Latin tutor put a modest blue stone at the head of his late companion, with her name and age and Eheu! [6]
  • Such is the true version of the most memorable private conflict of the age. [5]
  • I would not trouble you, but it is now four days since I have heard from him, which to me is an age. [5]
  • She represented the triumph of age. [11]
  • Alexander held his trembling hand, and when the physician, a stout man of middle age, took the artist’s place and bade him retire, Caracalla, in a low voice, desired him to remain. [10]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word age in a sentence? How do you use age in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word age?
It contains example sentences with the word age, a sentence example for age, and age in sample sentence.

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