Use the word against in sentence

Synonym: in opposition to, versus. Antonym: for. Similar words: fight against, struggle against, again, all over again, mainstream, regain, ungainly, in step. Meaning: [əˈgenst; əˈgeɪnst]  prep.1. in opposition to; contrary to; adverse or hostile to: twenty votes against ten; against reason. 2. in resistance to or defense from: protection against burglars. 3. in an opposite direction to: to ride against the wind. 4. into contact or collision with; toward; upon: The rain beat against the window. 5. in contact with: to lean against the wall. 6. in preparation for; in provision for: money saved against a rainy day. 7. having as background: a design of flowers against a dark wall. 8. in exchange for; as a balance to or debit or charge on: He asked for an advance against his salary. 9. in competition with: a racehorse running against his own record time. 10. in comparison or contrast with: a matter of reason as against emotion. 11. beside; near; before: The car is against the building. 12. over against, in contrast with: the rich over against the poor. conj. 13. Archaic. before; by the time that.. 

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1) There is no medicine against death. 

2) Save money against a rainy day. 

3) No fence against (for) ill fortune. 

4) A house divided against itself cannot stand. 

5) No fence against (an) ill fortune. 

6) If a house be divided against itself,( that house cannot stand. 

7) Really, what we want now, is not laws, against crime, but a law a -gainst insaity. 

8) A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it’s the boundary of the world. 

9) The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve. 

10) The best remedy against an ill man is much ground between. 

11) Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation.

12) The new evidence weakens the case against her.

13) Police used water cannon and tear gas against demonstrators.

14) He hurt his head by running against a wall.

15) Buying a house will be a hedge against inflation.

16) There is widespread prejudice against workers over 45.

17) The pound was devalued against the US dollar.

18) The car rammed against/into the lorry.

19) Corbett leaned against the wall and promptly vomited.

20) They have mounted a propaganda campaign against Western governments.

21) The boat bumped against a solid object.

22) She raged against her husband for some household affairs.

23) Doctors have warned against complacency in fighting common diseases.

24) He’s always railing against his wife about her extravagance.

25) The hills stood stark against the winter sky.

26) Discrimination against women is not allowed.

27) It is hard to sit in Rome and strive against the Pope. 

28) Rear sons for help in old age; and store up grains against famine. 

29) It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride. 

30) When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 

More similar words: fight against, struggle against, again, all over again, mainstream, regain, ungainly, in step, install, instant, instinct, instruct, instance, instead of, instantly, instructor, instrument, for instance, instruction, installation, institution, constraint, institutional, instructional, maintain, agape, magazine, non-stop, monster, insect. 

against (prep): disagreeing with a plan or activity

Use “against” in a sentence

It’s against my principles.
He is leaning against the rail.
Everyone was against them.
The boat is going against the current.
Don’t lean against the wall.
He plans on taking legal action against the company.
That’s against the law.

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A towel thwaps against the back of my head

sinning against His will in many ways without realizing

spot when you realize you acted against God’s will and

Schulz by the collar and shoves him against the wall

Daniel opens and closes its mouth against his father’s neck and cries a low, sad moan

If you are having tests or surgical procedures performed, you can safeguard against testing errors and also help ensure the best results with your surgery by following these steps:

” He smacked his lips, squinting together his wrinkled eyes against the sunset

Psalms: 119:11: Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee

When David had his men turned against him, when their

1Sam: 26:9: And David said to Abishai, Destroy him not: for who can stretch forth his hand against the LORD’s

1Sam: 26:11: The LORD forbid that I should stretch forth mine hand against the LORD’s anointed:

David says who can stretch forth his hand against the

Saul sinned against God

mine hand against the LORD’s anointed

Psalms: 15:3: He that backbites not with his tongue or doeth evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against

She said she’d have to make me salmon head soup sometime, and against my better judgment, I stayed the next few nights with her

With this Chip, there is no defense against computer hacking

well, but it is another story when things are going against

While the tend-and-befriend response may protect women against stress

She could hear the horns and metal and glass twisting and grating and cracking against itself

It was dying—James was dying—and while she was afraid of what he had become, it was miserable to watch the man she loved in this condition, struggling against death

Rev: 2:4: Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee,

It was almost like a victory parade, except the hero was carried against his will and screaming

A rope lashed around Brandon’s neck pulled him against the statue

He pulled out a thin glove from his pocket and put it on his hand, pressing the glove against the door and listening

Acwellan the Kinslayer, so named because of its use in Vald’s war against the neighboring Blacktooth giants

Her eye reached the top of the bluff and saw a figure against the bright sky of the impending noon

They walked up to Vinnie and stopped, watching him listening to the glove he had pressed against the door

Vinnie was sliding the glove around the door in small circular motions, every now and then he would tap one of the fingers of the glove against the door in alternating rhythms

Castile works very well against many types of funguses such as black sooty mold as well as for controlling ants outside

The pony’s ears flicked against his head

Scar and all the guards in the room had Silence trapped against the wall

He was too close, and they were scrambling all over each other, which helped make their laser rifles practically useless against Big Petey

‘What!’ he exclaimed almost against his will, his calm front shattered by my statement

This helps them in keeping away 20 Mule Team Borax: This is not a soap but an from any synthetic chemical used against them

to detect pesticides used against them

This is why using Simply sprinkle the borax powder in places where roaches chemicals against them is fruitless

Learn to use this oil against cockroaches

The scent of these soaps makes them very effective against any insect

Bronners Peppermint soap is a very effective tool against roaches

Place the bottle in an area that they are seen, lean the bottle against something so that the roaches will have a way to climb in

In reality some looming shadows against the starry sky were all she could see in the dark

She wished she could have seen the real thing, not just the dimly-lit base of the tunnel rim and the hewn rock disappearing into the blacker black of the mountainside against the black but star-strewn sky above

‘ All she could see was the black shadow of the cliff face against the star-studded night sky

One usually ‘misses the bus’ to sell at a profit or keeps hoping against hope in a falling market

Boric acid can be painted on to the wood as a form of protection against termites eating into it

“Being registered with the EPA by no means counts for a seal of approval or a seal of safety”, says the National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides

Ackers slumped against the wall, exhausted

Milky spore disease is highly effective against this and most beetles

I lean against the cupboards, half my brain trying to catch up

Betty leans against the counter

The momentum of the movement, swings me hard against him and I reach up with my free hand, stroking the back of his neck

This is a simple system that can become your most effective control method against the ants

Baking Soda works well against most fungal diseases if used sparingly

She drew a copper against her royalties at a financial house, had a nice late Noonmeal with her cabin mate on one of Gengee City’s most stylish towers, then gave up some of Noonsleep to visit an eye room and see if Kulai got her message already

She had run off with the guy who looked more like what her old culture called ‘manly’ hadn’t she? Against her better judgement, every step of the way

As against this in the west many scientists were killed or jailed or forced to change their hypothesis simply because the religious leaders did not accept them

Sad to say most have been trained to guard against what is not wanted and thereby attracting more of that to their life experience

Leans against the car, looking worried

Bush strips off his jacket, tosses it in the corner, walks over to a refrigerator against the wall, opens it up, takes out a can of beer, pops the top and begins to chug-a-lug

against it, watches John burn rubber and speed away

Using power for selfish motives or telling someone else about confidential information you had been entrusted with is against Asteya

He is leaned against a few pillows, staring straight ahead, and she is lying across his chest, looking up at him, watching him carefully

She buries her face against his chest

She takes his hand, puts it against her breast

She snuggles against his arm

If the variety of Datura that you have has velvety leaves, this is a very poisonous variety that can cause damage just by rubbing against the leaves

Again using the addresses he learned via the merchant’s council, he found a judgement posted against Tahlmute by the Kassikan just a couple years ago

against his heaving rib cage

I find myself staring at the phone once I have put it down … what the hell is Dan playing at? Standing staring at my house for hours on end every evening? Is that legal? Thinking about it, I suppose there isn’t a law against it if he is standing on his property … would it count as stalking?

A card propped against the door

They did go and ask him to stop it, but he just said that there was no law against him standing on his land

She refuses to accept that someone hates her enough to be acting against her

I watch him as for and against thoughts chase themselves through his head one after the other …

It also produces a constantly updated compendium of current environmental reports providing an essential tool toward understanding the battle against -and alternatives to — polluting chemicals, which is available for free to ClubIG members on his website

He stood there leaning against the workshop door, just

The waves crash against him and the storm roars on

There are some fishing poles in a corner of the hut and a mountain bike against one wall

She stirs, snuggles against him

price asked of me by the man leaning against our old garage door

The door grates, then sticks half open against the marble

under the weight of its own floral winding sheet, using vegetation as a shield against

He gunned the V8 and spat stones against the crumbling dry stone wall that

Bolt, his face wedged against the side of the bus,

Someone has leaned a mop up against the side of the statue to dry

burying her head against his chest for a moment before looking up into his eyes

buzzed against his exposed chest

leather on his exposed feet, of tailored cotton against his chest, and the thickness of

tweed and twill against his limbs

When the wicked came against me To eat up my flesh, y enemies and

Though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident

He has threatened to destroy my property and has made vicious and very, very real threats against both my person and against my son

One of them picked me up by the shirt collar and shoved me against the wall

«So your word against theirs then

«Mike Biggs was the only one dead against it

situation, in spite of the circumstances of this world, you go against the

’ He said, leaning against the lift wall

by the apartment complex that he could see set back against the fields and olive

the time flicking his rosary beads against his thigh

The life support is the only fail safe, and it had proven effective against all rogue silicon takeover efforts to date when Lula was launched

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Study Vocabulary Words against
competing with; next to; not agreeing with

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Example sentences:

«The Seattle Seahawks are playing against the Denver Broncos.«

«Two rival baseball teams are playing against each other.«

«He was leaning against the wall.«

«She leaned against me to rest her legs.«

«I am against animal experimentation.«

«They are against the new office policy.«

«She voted against the new law.«

Previous Word by Letter: again

Next Word by Letter: age

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Next Word by Frequency: within

Sentence with word against. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use against in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for against.

  • What have you against him? (10)
  • How cosy it looked against her! (8)
  • She has sworn an oath against us. (10)
  • Elinor even advised her against it. (4)
  • He struck his hands against his chest! (8)
  • Nedda rubbed her cheek against his hand. (8)
  • I told ye I was a bad man to be up against. (8)
  • Noel pressed his hand against her warm cheek. (8)
  • They were in silhouette against the blue sky. (1)
  • Do not let your delicacy take arms against me. (10)
  • He was standing with his back against the door. (8)
  • We shall soon be in arms, one against the other. (10)
  • At that look Hilary braced himself against the wall. (8)
  • Against the window-pane is pressed the face of a man. (8)
  • Mr. Bennet protested against any description of finery. (4)
  • Only Victor, no other, stood with her against the world. (10)
  • Leaning against the creepered wall he tore open the letter. (8)
  • He felt it as a fortification against every mishap in life. (10)
  • She fought against Dover: do men feel such compliments as these? (10)
  • Pressing the end of her cigarette out against the bank, she turned over. (8)
  • Force is painful and futile, and merely recoils against him who uses it. (12)
  • Derek had jumped down to rescue her and struck his head against a grindstone. (8)
  • From beginning to end, the whole thing has been utterly against my principles. (8)
  • He felt no anger against George; it was the woman that excited his just wrath. (8)
  • He is rough, and you have often been against him, for one unfortunate reason. (10)
  • But Winton knew well that she was moping, and cherishing some feeling against himself. (8)
  • A corner of it, catching her eye as she lay, seemed to rise up in judgment against her. (4)
  • Against the darkness of the open French window, he turned round to fire a parting shot. (8)
  • He spent the whole day in a queer mood, cherishing a kind of sullenness against himself. (8)
  • Walking up and down with the stride of a dervish, she fought against her darkening fears. (12)
  • And, look you, David Roberts, Chapel tells you ye can do that without Going against Nature. (8)
  • James said that he considered the request, and seeing no good reason against it, consented. (9)
  • They prophesied against her chances of a good sleep at night, if she did not eat heartily. (10)
  • But only by pressing her hand against her lips had she smothered a burst of bitter laughter. (8)
  • A Union Jack happened to be leaning against the monument, and when she had at last finished, Mr. (8)
  • Mrs. Shorne but very imperceptibly protested against the notion, and from one to another it ran. (10)
  • He had at times thousands hugged against his bosom, and his heart swelled to the money-bags immense. (22)
  • Is there any philosophy or religion or conviction that is not smashed to bits against this one fact? (12)
  • The spaniel John sighed, the fox-terriers dropped their ears, and lay down heavily against each other. (8)
  • Meanwhile Cuthbert Grant and his Bois-Brulés began final hostilities against the Red River settlement. (19)
  • His niece was deep in thought likewise, trying to harden and prepare herself against farther questioning. (4)
  • He seemed to be using against us the law of probabilities: of so many efforts one would eventually succeed. (7)
  • Nevil should have stuck to that, instead of trying to galvanize the country and turning against his class. (10)
  • His displeasure against herself she trusted, reasoning differently from Mrs. Norris, would now be done away. (4)
  • They had made the Marienburg their home, and kept it against foreign and domestic foes for five hundred years. (9)
  • She marvelled that when she thought of an outspoken complaint against him, her conscience gave her no support. (10)
  • Some common proceeding against him, some decision and plan, some protective measures were absolutely necessary. (12)
  • He stole forward on the grass patch, hit his shin against the green-painted chair, and held his breath at the sound. (8)
  • Rocco was spurred by his personal grievances against her in a manner to make him forget his desire to be rid of her. (10)
  • The latter is not a cantata, but rather a great suite, in which vocal movements are balanced against orchestral numbers. (3)
  • What would he not have accomplished, that was brilliant, and beautiful, and soothing, but for this dead set against him! (10)
  • I know of a surety what this Sword will do, and I wot the oil he distilleth strengtheneth Shagpat but against common blades. (10)
  • The only offence against him of which she could accuse herself had been such as was scarcely possible to reach his knowledge. (4)
  • She yellowed, and took hold of the nearest Serpent horribly, crying: Dare against me to rebel, Ye, the bitter brood of hell? (10)
  • He and I met Kiomi on the road to the race-course on the Southdowns; the prettiest racecourse in England, shut against gipsies. (10)
  • Sitting on the stone, with one hand pressed against his side, and the other tilting up the flask, he was grey from head to foot. (8)
  • The parson is defending himself against the charge of inconsistency in allowing his youngest son to raise a company for the war. (14)
  • Revolt against staleness and clipped wings, against the terrible security of his too solid reputation, smote him. (8)
  • A man of full growth ought to know that nothing on earth tempts Providence so much as the binding of a young woman against her will. (10)
  • On the whole, it was not a lazy afternoon that the Countess passed, and it was not against her wish that others should think it was. (10)
  • He would warn his public against books which would disappoint them; he would take pleasure in praising books which would please them. (16)
  • She had a novel, with her finger between its leaves, pressed against her heart, after the manner of ladies coming out on hotel piazzas. (9)
  • The captain judicially decided the case against the English pipe, as a newer pipe of grosser manufacture, not so curious by any means. (10)
  • Half the confusion and fever of the world comes of this vendetta he declares against the hapless innocents who have once done him a wrong. (10)
  • They did not understand, that as a precautionary measure against just such accidents, the fiery animals are trained to run with the music. (21)
  • Lavender crawled out, and taking up a dinner-knife, rolled his napkin round his arm, and prepared to defend himself against the German Army. (8)
  • It was disagreeable, but he had weighed it against other disagreeable alternatives which might happen if he could not get the money he needed. (13)
  • An incessant struggle of one man with the world, which position usually ranks his relatives against him, does not conduce to soundness of judgement. (10)
  • A cloak of thick rough woollen cloth, like the mantle of the ancient Dacian, was their covering by night, and their chief protection against the weather. (20)
  • He passed into the foyer, and from that came into the library, where he showed against the dark background in an attitude of entreaty slightly burlesqued. (9)
  • Besides, experience taught him that an offence would be more easily pardoned the more his master himself disliked the person against whom it was committed. (5)
  • Dr. Mulbridge found little practice among them; while attending their appointed fate, they were so thoroughly salted against decay as to preserve even their families. (9)

Also see sentences for: again.

Definition of against:

  • against, a-genst’, also a-gnst’, prep. opposite to: in opposition to: in contact or collision with: in provision for: in exchange for, instead of: (_b. and shak._) by the time that, elliptically for ‘against (the time) at which’ or ‘that i come.’ (0)

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