Use the word affords in a sentence

Sentences using the word affords. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use affords in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for affords.

  • There is a rough but great value in the mere publicity which the newspaper affords. (16)
  • Such a place affords us, I would venture to say, the advantages without the seductions of a Club. (10)
  • You must be a great deal too happy to care for Uppercross, which, as you well know, affords little to write about. (4)
  • But honest anger affords a certain degree of enjoyment, so it was anything rather than agreeable to him to be called away. (5)
  • Through the efforts of many concerns the market affords many well-designed stock patterns of mouldings for exterior purposes. (17)
  • His life affords an example of single-minded application and unwavering perseverance which our young business men would do well to emulate. (9)
  • Now, Carlo, I was observing, it appears to me that the Austrians are not going to be surprised by us, and it affords me exquisite comfort. (10)
  • Circus rehearsals are delayed until two or three days before the formal opening, which affords ample time for guaranteeing a smooth performance. (21)
  • A gilded spiral staircase with a balustrade of costly enamel leads upward within, and each window affords a carefully selected view of the southern landscape. (12)
  • To see them working their hands with lightning rapidity, directing, advising and correcting, is to me as interesting a study as the whole passing show affords. (21)

Also see sentences for: afford, afforded, affording.

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  • Use the word affords in a sentences

Sentence Examples

This blind woman, of whom I spoke, whom I want you to help… affords us the opportunity to complete a circle.

My dear young lady, reticent as I am by nature, it behooves me at this moment to tell you that you’re wearing the finest the city affords.

You’d best attack from that direction. It affords the best cover.

Then accompany me… to the vulgarest, most ostentatious, loudest… and hardest-to-get-into establishment this city affords?

But even if it affords you any satisfaction… know that when I leave your sight, I leave France.

Then, since this earth affords no joy to me… but to command, to check… to o’erbear such as are of better person than myself…

It affords us a temporary channel of communication with the outside world.

Padua affords this kindness, son Petruchio.

Padua affords nothing but what is kind.

Amongst the most pleasurable aspects of victory, gentlemen, is the opportunity it affords to reward valor.

I’d prefer to live on the other shore too. It affords a better view of the most imposing mountains: The Tournette, the Dents de Lanfont.

This is the ray of light… one pure unalloyed pleasure… which existence affords us.

You’re very lucky, you have a great talent that affords you an outlet. Thank you.

The whole point of a good steaming is the range it affords.

But also having an artist affords you all the opportunities to create his art and have that as part of the backdrop for the show.

Time to think is a luxury battle seldom affords you.

Perhaps the fact that Tideman helped design and build this ship affords him some special privileges.

Now I know how she affords this apartment.

May I say your perturbation becomes you, Lestrade, and also affords me the opportunity to yet again serve Queen and country.

«The state of his company affords him no choice. He’ll go. «

What is at issue is the scope the Constitution affords.

A bartender affords a place like this?

Now, I’m about to go out and partake of some of the beauty which our fair city affords us.

I am finding that the one thing that really affords you joy in life, the only authentic thing, is giving.

This pretty knight who feebly lifts his sword To make a witless thrust against his doom. Is foiled by what his noble birth affords

In the summer, when the drainage subsides, it affords access to this three-mile cavern… in which I found some century-old Indian artifacts.

But I suppose the best we can do is live for the little joys and surprises that life affords us.

Of course our justice system affords protection.

When he’s in the house, he is mostly in his book room, which affords a good view of the road, whenever Lady Catherine’s carriage should drive by.

Now my broidery affords the clue

All right, troops. lt is for us to choose a battlefield that affords us— l got it.

My maje has rewarded me handsomely for the prestige it affords him.

Tigers must prey, and Rome affords no prey but me and mine!

Because it affords him other interesting opportunities.

One cannot produce the required vocal vigour without the necessary diaphragmatical support that the corset affords.

From my recollection, Quiberon affords a good landing.

What do you do that affords you the luxury of fine bourbon?

The Way of the Dragon also affords Lee the opportunity to include deeper elements of his personal philosophy of life.

One should never squander the opportunity that travel affords.

Well, it’s not strictly a wedding; it’s a same-sex civil union, which affords many of the same rights as a marriage.

It affords one solitude even in a city full of people.

It affords one solitude… even in a city full of people.

How do you think he affords those clothes?

That woman, irrespective of her race… was made first for her own happiness, with the absolute right to herself… to all opportunities life affords.

Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom.

Obviously, the full control of the Stargate programme that the White House affords.

Roe v. Wade affords me the right to terminate a pregnancy.

Tell me, Miss Trout- I don’t mean to be impolite but I was wondering how a second-grade schoolteacher affords to fly first class.

Your spa is a secret! Ms. Rivers, we have no intention of divulging it to you or anyone, despite whatever advantages your name affords us.

I don’t know how he affords it. I don’t know.

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1. No country, however rich, can afford the waste of its human resources. 

2. He can afford an apartment.

3. She cannot afford a new dress.

4. We can’t afford to go abroad this summer.

5. No ordinary families can afford to hire servants.

6. Can we afford a new car?

6. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

7. He could barely afford the railway fare.

8. My parents can’t even afford a new refrigerator.

9. We cannot afford to ignore their advice.

10. Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford.

11. Ordinary folk can’t afford cars like that.

12. They walked because they couldn’t afford a taxi.

13. Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can.

14. We cannot afford to waste precious time.

15. I don’t think we can afford the expense.

16. They couldn’t afford to pay the bills.

17. The only snag is, I can’t afford it!

18. I can’t afford to get sick .

19. We can’t afford to go on vacation this year.

20. The govern-ment cannot afford to alienate either group.

21. I can’t afford to be idle.

22. These trees afford a pleasant shade.

23. None of them could afford £40 for a ticket.

24. He can hardly afford an apartment.

25. The rivers afford an inexhaustible supply of fish.

26. I’d give up work if I could afford it.

27. They can’t afford to equip their army.

28. I can’t afford it[], it’s too expensive.

29. I can’t afford to be lazy.

30. She can well afford to pay for herself.

More similar words: can afford, afford to, effort, staff, gaffe, affair, affect, traffic, baffled, affable, afflatus, affinity, affliction, word, cord, affectation, order, affectionate, border, cordon, in order, ordeal, record, decaffeinated, discord, in a word, cordial, state of affairs, border on, ordinary. 

предоставлять, давать, доставлять, приносить, иметь возможность


- иметь возможность, быть в состоянии (сделать что-л.); позволить себе (покупку, удовольствие)

I can’t afford the journey — я не могу себе позволить такое путешествие
I can’t afford the time — я не могу выкроить время; у меня нет на это времени, мне некогда
I can’t afford the money — мне это не по средствам
I can afford to speak freely — я могу себе позволить высказаться откровенно
you cannot afford to neglect your health — ты не имеешь права пренебрегать своим здоровьем

- предоставлять, давать

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

I can’t afford it.

Я не могу себе это позволить (купить).

I cannot afford the time.

Мне некогда.

She could not afford to pay.

Она была не в состоянии расплатиться.

I was unable to afford the trip.

Я был не в состоянии позволить себе поездку.

I can’t afford to spend two hours with this person.

Я не могу позволить себе потратить два часа на этого человека.

I cannot afford it at so little price.

Я не могу уступить по такой низкой цене.

We can’t afford to slip up.

Мы не можем себе позволить допустить ошибку.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Most gamblers can ill afford their habit.

We could only afford seats up in the gallery.

We can’t afford the luxury of waiting any longer.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: afford
he/she/it: affords
ing ф. (present participle): affording
2-я ф. (past tense): afforded
3-я ф. (past participle): afforded

afford (v): to allow someone to have something pleasant or necessary:

Use “afford” in a sentence

I can’t afford to buy an expensive car.
Can we afford a new car?
The reality is that we can’t afford to buy a house.
None of them could afford $50 for a ticket.
I was unable to afford the trip.
I can’t afford to buy another computer.

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