Use the word advice in a sentence

advice (n): an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation

Use “advice” in a sentence

You need to follow your mother’s advice.
Your advice is always helpful to me.
I will act on your advice.
You should take the doctor’s advice.
She thanked him for his helpful advice.
His advice is always very sensible.
Thanks for your advice.
Giving advice to her is like talking to a brick wall. She just won’t listen.
You’d better act upon his advice.
She gave me some practical advice.
If you take my advice, your chances of winning will increase significantly.
Let me give you a piece of advice.
He took me aside to give me some advice.

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advice versus advise

What is the Difference Between Advice and Advise?


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Advice and Advise?
  • 2 Using Advice in a Sentence
  • 3 Using Advise in a Sentence
  • 4 Remembering Advice vs. Advise
  • 5 Outside Examples
  • 6 Quiz: Advice vs. Advise
  • 7 Article Summary
  • 8 Quiz Answers

Advice and advise have similar meanings and pronunciations. However, they are different parts of speech.

Advice is a noun, and it means suggestions meant to help someone.

  • Let me offer you some fashion advice. Don’t wear that brown belt with those black shoes.

Advise is a verb, and it means to offer suggestions meant to help or inform someone.

  • The scientists advised the public not to drink the tap water, because of the presence of harmful bacteria.

Now, let’s go over the specific ways each of these words are used.

Using Advice in a Sentence

When to use advice: People use advice often when speaking casually. They can either ask for advice, or offer it. Advice is information intended to help.

For example,

  • I have no idea what to get my mom for her birthday. I need to ask you for your advice.
  • I know he only wants to help, but he always offers such terrible advice.

Some common collocations with advice include

  • give/offer/provide advice
    • The wise old woman provided advice to those who asked her for it.
  • seek/ask for advice
    • He was too proud to ever seek advice.
  • follow advice: do what the person advised
    • My children would avoid so many problems if only they would follow my advice!
  • expert advice: a qualified opinion
    • It seems counterintuitive to exercise my injured knee, but I’m just following the expert advice of my physical therapist.

Another way to think of advice is as an opinion or recommendation on what another person should do.

Using Advise in a Sentence

When to use advise: Advise has the same meaning as advice, but it is a verb. Use it when telling people what they should do, or how they should do something.

For example,

  • The instructions on the box advise users to seek medical help if they accidentally ingest the product.
  • The police advised all the town’s residents to stay indoors while the killer was running through the streets.

Advise is not so common in everyday conversation, but rather in written English.

Sometimes institutions use it in the passive voice to give formal rules posted on a wall in a public area. In this case, it appears as be advised. One example is please be advised: no running or diving is allowed in the pool.

Remembering Advice vs. Advise

There is an easy way to remember which of these words is the noun and which is the verb. Keep in mind that many nouns end in ice, just like advice. These include words such as ice, rice, spice, device, and even vice itself.

Additionally, many verbs end in ise, just like advise. These include words like compromise, exercise, and despise.

Remembering that these endings are often associated with a part of speech will ensure that you choose the right word.

Outside Examples

  • Suze Orman has some very direct advice for gay couples considering marriage: do it now. –USA Today
  • Reitz has some advice for Disneyland visitors: Get the Disneyland app for smartphones to keep up with wait times and ride closures and use the FastPass system to reserves times for the most popular attractions. –New York Post
  • Horner first became famous when he discovered nests full of fossil eggs in Montana and theorized that some dinosaur species cared for their babies. Horner won a MacArthur genius grant, advised director Steven Spielberg on the “Jurassic Park” movies, discovered countless dinosaur fossils, and excavated the specimen that’s now on display as “the nation’s T-rex” at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. –Houston Chronicle
  • The goal: Stop sending huge fire trucks to smaller calls, and have qualified people on site to advise potential patients and guide them to services more efficiently. –Denver Post

Quiz: Advice vs. Advise

  • Don’t give __________ to someone who doesn’t want it.
  • The actor hired a professional trainer to give him fitness and nutrition _________.
  • All the experts __________ dog owners to properly socialize their pets.
  • The president of the country invited a team of economists to __________ him regarding creating a stimulus plan.
  • Please be _____________ to keep your luggage with you at all times.

Article Summary

Should I use advice or advise? These two words have the same meaning but function as different parts of speech. Therefore, they aren’t interchangeable.

  • Advice is a noun, and is a recommendation, or an opinion on what someone should do.
  • Advise is a verb, and means to recommend or offer helpful information.

Quiz Answers

  1. advice
  2. advice
  3. advise
  4. advise
  5. advised

Synonym: counsel, direction, instruction, plan, recommendation, suggestion, tip. Similar words: advise, adviser, advised, device, service, vice versa, social services, device characteristic. Meaning: [əd’vaɪs]  n. a proposal for an appropriate course of action. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Many receive advice only the wise profit by it. 

2. The worst men often give the best advice

3. If you wish good advice, consult an old man. 

4. Write down the advice of him that loves you, though you like it not at present. 

5. Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present. 

6. That’s my advice to you.

7. Newcomers are constantly hounding them for advice.

8. You need the advice of a qualified engineer.

9. I really need to get some basic financial advice.

10. She had discharged herself against medical advice.

11. Let me give you a piece of advice.

12. Careers officers offer impartial advice to all pupils.

13. You should listen to the advice of your elders.

14. Experience is their preparation for giving advice.

15. Thank you for your advice; it’s been very helpful.

16. That seems like fairly sound advice.

17. He’s always dishing out advice to people.

18. She went to a lawyer for some independent advice.

19. The solicitor’s advice gave me food for thought.

20. My advice to you would be to wait.

21. We cannot afford to ignore their advice.

22. Good advice is beyond all price.

22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

23. He disregarded the advice of his executives.

24. Careers advice is provided free of charge.

25. They offer impartial advice on contraception.

26. He thrust aside all precautionary advice.

27. Take heed of your doctor’s advice.

28. Let me offer you some advice. From my experience…

29. The advice was very useful to me.

30. I benefited from my mother’s advice.

More similar words: advise, adviser, advised, device, service, vice versa, social services, device characteristic, evict, civic, victim, convict, victory, eviction, convicted, advert, conviction, adverse, advocate, advanced, adversary, adversity, in advance, advertise, advantage, adventure, nice, iced, rice, inadvertent. 

  • Use the word ADVICE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

She taught me how to believe in myself. Daly: Wanting his team to get the best advice possible,

I accept! Daly: To make sure they get only the best advice,

I have to take cee lo’s advice And pretty much fall in love with curtis In order to send him home.

Just, just one piece of advice:

Maybe I took your advice and I tried to talk to him about the whole «it’s you» thing and maybe it backfired.

Yeah, you know, like advice for the interview.

But, let me give you one piece of advice based on what I’ve seen and heard here.

If you ever need any advice about how to raise children successfully, you give your aunt a call.

They refused advice of their father Foca (100 years old) to be kind to the Serbs.

Vakula goes for advice to fat-bellied Patsiuk, who knows all the devils

«just as I used to ask him for advice in all difficult matters.»

«I would like to meet Big Ingmar to ask his advice about an awkward situation.»

«were as wise as the Lord himself, but no one is asking me for advice

Do you need any more pieces of advice?

Elizabeth asked for advice from Marja.

«We have not received the letter of advice with your signature.»

This is my advice, Queen.

It was very good advice, indeed.

You can use my advice also next time.

That’s why I prefer helping you instead of giving advice to you.

And let me give you a advice.

«Take my advice… go home and wait patiently… until my treatment and the country air have done their work.»

Following Dr. Porhoets advice, Arthur followed Margaret and Haddo to the Riviera.

I need your advice — as usual, when all my experts fail me…

May I prove my friendship by giving you good advice?

Why, she’s never gone against my advice before.

If it wasn’t for my advice, you’d be out in Oregon, chopping trees.

No use giving you any advice.

I was only trying to give him some good advice.

I’ll give you some good advice, Kent. You’re in a tough spot.

Glad to see you took my advice about saving that pretty dress.

I ask you to take my advice, because Madame Ren├®e….

Young fella, you follow his advice… and you’ll amount to something.

No, I was just giving him a little more advice.

I only wanted to offer you some advice:

The advice of the medical expert is beyond dispute.

I wanted advice, because I was a bit worried.

And if I may give you an advice:

Well, I wanted to ask her advice about something.

But speaking of advice, just between us…

I just gave advice to some girls who wanted to travel… get an education…

Had he ever given you any advice or warning about it at all?

I have followed the advice of a young lady.

I have followed her advice to shave and have found a job.

No, I will follow your advice.

No one knows yet. I’m telling you because I need some advice.

Definition of Advice

an opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel

Examples of Advice in a sentence

Beatrice hates to take advice from anyone, which is why she is doomed to fail in everything that she does.


As a business counselor, I spend my day dolling out advice to entrepreneur and business owners about how to best build and maintain their businesses.


Max spent a long time searching online for advice on how to best treat his migraine headache using natural herbs.


Whenever Ted offers me unsolicited advice I know to ignore it, because he does not have my best interests in mind.


Although William received advice from a leading expert in finance, he was too stubborn to listen and he suffered the consequences.


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