Use the word adopted in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word adopted, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use adopted in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «adopted».

Adopted in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word adopted in a sentence.

  1. The emblem was adopted in 1968.

  2. They were not universally adopted.

  3. Both sides adopted a 4–4–2 formation.

  4. He was later adopted by Mehboob Khan.

  5. Koechlin adopted a rescue cat named Dosa.

  6. Morbid Angel adopted neo-fascist imagery.

  7. Helm’s suggestion was unanimously adopted.

  8. Pitt adopted Maddox and Zahara soon after.

  9. This system was adopted by much of Europe.

  10. Those the United Nations adopted include:.

  11. Pitt subsequently adopted Pax on February 21, 2008.

  12. This classification has since been adopted by WoRMS.

  13. By 1862, navies across Europe had adopted ironclads.

  14. The resolution was adopted, and implemented in 1907.

  15. Oerip was survived by his wife and adopted daughter.

  16. He formally adopted her in 1938, and she would always refer to him as her father.

  17. Many of the arrivals formed liaisons with local women and adopted Indian culture.

  18. During the Title TK sessions, Kim Deal adopted a philosophy she calls «All Wave».

  19. In September 1928, China adopted GR as the nation’s official romanization system.

  20. The KMT later adopted the use of all the earlier Japanese groupings except Peipo.

  21. This model of local government was adopted from the previous government structure of the Qin dynasty.

  22. Thus the Labour Party, which in 1936 shunned the march, later adopted it as «a badge of credibility».

  23. Parliament eventually adopted a presbyterian form of government but lacked the power to implement it.

  24. The League Council adopted the recommendation and decided on 16 December 1925 to award Mosul to Iraq.

  25. Stevens quickly adopted the Emancipation Proclamation for use in his successful re-election campaign.

  26. To this end he adopted an overtly hostile persona as a defence mechanism, to repel the outside world.

  27. The CNR adopted the inquiry recommendations, installing block signalling in the area of the accident.

  28. After the Battle of Karbala, Shi’a imams from Husayn’s line adopted the policy of political quietism.

  29. As a result, the British navy adopted the «all or nothing» armor pioneered by the United States Navy.

  30. In his adopted hometown of Ghent, there is a bust of Simpson at the entrance to the Kuipke velodrome.

  31. He adopted the stage name Dan Leno and, in 1884, made his first performance under that name in London.

  32. The synod passed no resolution about Henry, suggesting the new Pope had adopted a conciliatory policy.

  33. The following year, Leno and Reynolds married; around this time, he adopted the stage name «Dan Leno».

  34. At the same meeting, the league adopted a motion commanding Livingstone sell the Blueshirts by June 1.

  35. He adopted his nephews after his sister died of cancer and her husband was killed in a train accident.

  36. The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature states that names of fungi adopted by Fries in Systema Mycologicum vols.

  37. The three-letter abbreviation for the constellation, as adopted by the International Astronomical Union in 1922, is ABC.

  38. Jolie adopted her second child, six-month-old Zahara Marley, from an orphanage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on July 6, 2005.

  39. Much of the motoring industry at the time noted that the adopted style did not translate well to the more compact Holden.

  40. A new club badge was adopted in 1997, as a result of the previous badge being ineligible for registration as a trademark.

  41. The priests of the cult of Unas adopted basilophorous names, incorporating that of the king, possibly upon taking office.

  42. And whatever policies may be adopted should look toward an Alaska of homes, of industries, and of an extended commerce.».

  43. Paul Tagaris claimed to be related to the ruling imperial dynasty of the Palaiologoi and adopted the surname for himself.

  44. Southern crow was considered by the RAOU before Australian raven was adopted as the official name for the species in 1926.

  45. These violations were partially the result of a particularly brutal counter-insurgency strategy adopted by the government.

  46. A similar arrangement was adopted when the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland merged into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in January 1801.

  47. In principle, poll taxes were adopted to ensure that eligible voters had sufficient financial independence to prove they were qualified and their vote could not be bought.

  48. Macedonia’s parliament adopted a declaration of independence from Yugoslavia in January 1991, but it did not take effect until a referendum in September 1991 confirmed it.

  49. At the time, Australia lacked bowlers of great pace, so a teammate advised Meckiff to bowl as fast as he could, without regard for accuracy—a plan he successfully adopted.

  50. In contrast to the Labour Party’s coldness in 1936, the post-war party leadership adopted the march as a metaphor for governmental callousness and working-class fortitude.

Synonyms for adopted

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word adopted has the following synonyms: adoptive.

General information about «adopted» example sentences

The example sentences for the word adopted that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «adopted» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «adopted».

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1. I adopted a positive outlook on life.

2. The committee ultimately adopted his suggestions.

3. They’ve adopted a baby girl.

4. They adopted an orphan as an heir.

5. Mr. Kane adopted the orphan.

6. She was forced to have her baby adopted.

7. They adopted western culture, institutions, and even clothing.

8. The family have adopted three children as their own.

9. The company has adopted a firm policy on shoplifting.

10. At the recent convention a declaration was adopted.

11. The child has now been legally adopted.

12. Sally was adopted when she was four.

13. The act was adopted by an overwhelming majority.

14. The company has adopted a strict no-smoking policy.

15. He was adopted into a respectable family.

16. He took an oath of allegiance to his adopted country.

17. The motion was adopted/carried by a majority of six votes.

17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

18. She adopted an elaborate disguise to help her pass through the town unrecognized.

19. They adopted our methods.

20. The prime minister has adopted an inflexible position on immigration.

21. Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.

22. Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops.

23. The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a halt to hostilities.

24. After her escape from prison, Claire Potter adopted the alias Margaret Smith.

25. She was adopted as parliamentary candidate for Wood Green.

26. He’s adopted a remarkably light-hearted attitude towards the situation.

27. In point of fact, she is their adopted daughter.

28. He was a wonderful father to both his natural and adopted children.

29. She was a wonderful mother to both her natural and adopted children.

30. A five-day week has found an immediate welcome and much popularity since it was officially adopted across the country.

More similar words: adopt, adoption, helicopter, chapter, AND operation, opt, opt for, option, optimum, optimistic, optic nerve, ado, adorn, adore, shadow, shadowy, head off, meadow, head on, paradox, avocado, adorned, bravado, adoring, ahead of, a load of, polka dot, spread out, foreshadow, adorably. 

Definition of Adopted

took on responsibility for; embraced or allowed

Examples of Adopted in a sentence

Because they couldn’t have children of their own, the couple adopted a baby from an orphanage.


The company has adopted a few new rules that will keep employees from breaking federal laws.


Amber adopted a puppy from the pound and is now responsible for feeding and walking him.




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  • Use the word ADOPTED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

A woman he’s adopted from the Kampong.

Rembrandt, satirically pastiching the Italian style and manner of picture-making in his endeavor to demonstrate treachery and conspiracy and murder in Holland, is suggesting that Amsterdam has adopted the Italian politics of sudden assassination.

Cha Moonhyuk, it is true that you were adopted right?

to find your family, is there any special things you can do or have anything that was given to you before you were adopted.

So is this what you had when you were adopted?

Born in switzerland to Jewish parentage, Robert Frank brought an outsider’s perspective to bear when he embarked on a nine month road trip of his adopted home in 1956.

What does you think Mammy adopted you for… except so you could marry me?

I’ve adopted her when she was only ten days old.

She’s the adopted daughter of Sampaio, the industrialist.

Arguing won’t make it better. And the bells tell me that I am thankful to your good parents for the homeland when they adopted me as a poor orphan.

Your composure is only adopted, on the surface only.

Listen, «In a general meeting of the Paul Street Boys today, the following resolutions were adopted, ordered and recorded in the official book».

At the Morrison Hotel under the name of Hemingway… which he’s adopted in his grief.

Of course, we always hope our children may be adopted.

We’ll say that she’s being adopted by a man by the name of…

Considering that she adopted Alan trent, Who has neither A father nor a mother, And brought him All the way from canada,

«He was adopted soon after he was born».

He was adopted into his wife’s family and the place was going downhill when he got there.

Yes, madame, I┬┤ve adopted the Sahara.

Or perhaps I should say the Sahara has adopted me.

Then I adopted this little tot.

My adopted daughter, Lois.

Three young gentlemen of fortune that I’ve adopted.

He was adopted into her family.

It’s been so hectic since you adopted me and Lanning’s parents decided we might get married.

Sir. They say since you have had a son, you are cold to your adopted son, the young master.

You know that my first generous impulse was to give you your miserable four dollars and 90 cents, but since you’ve adopted this typical highhanded Prussian attitude of the male, you… You can just sit on those sawed-off digits until a certain place freezes over.

But many companies have adopted the system.

You see, the Undershafts are descended from a foundling… who was adopted by an armorer and gunmaker.

Ever since then, the cannon business has been left to an adopted foundling… named Andrew Undershaft.

Your father was adopted in that way… and he pretends to consider himself bound to carry on the tradition… and adopt someone to leave the business to.

You know, I’m an adopted kid myself.

Morning would be the best because then we could have the baby adopted and you wouldn’t waste any time getting started on your rabbits.

Now, what about having him adopted?

Among them, an all-metaI amphibian plane- in which he set a world speed record that still stands- the first low-wing all-metaI basic training plane… and the first all-metaI single-seater fighter plane… of cantilever construction… adopted by the United States Army.

We were so impressed with the use to which… the enemy put the weapons of land, sea, and air… that we ourselves adopted the very same tactics.

Dad, sometimes the way you talk to me… you make me feel like I┬┤m an adopted daughter or something.

A poor family adopted him.

Is your daughter by any chance an adopted child?

But surely you don’t think… i think mary adopted Carmel’s child,

She’s the adopted daughter of the last Albigensian bishop.

Well, it’s borrowed. I mean, it’s adopted.

You said you’d been adopted by Mrs. Berent.

Weren’t you adopted by both of them?

The state will prove that, on the afternoon of September 5… at a picnic attended by Ellen Harland, her mother… and her adopted sister… that Ellen met death as a result of poisoning.

Adopted sentence example

  • They had two adopted children already. …
  • No. …
  • That’s why we went ahead and adopted her. …
  • In a way, Carmen and Alex had adopted a family. …
  • Unfortunately, there is no one left alive to salute the LeBlanc and Betsy and I want our adopted daughter Claire to know she is fully a part of our lives.

Is it adapted or adopted?

Adopt is to take something over, and to adapt is to change something to suit your needs.

What does adopted mean for writing?

The adjective adopted comes from the past tense form of adopt, which means to take someone in and act as their guardian in this way. … A person’s adoptive family is the one they were adopted into. The word can also be applied to specific family members related by adoption, as in adoptive father and adoptive daughter.

What does adopted out mean?

Filters. To expel a son or daughter from a family by placing for adoption. verb. To send a son or daughter away to live in another country.

Has been adopted meaning?

: having been adopted: such as. a of a child : legally made the son or daughter of someone other than a biological parent He introduced us to his adopted daughter.

What is a good sentence for advantage?

1, Is there any advantage in getting there early? 2, She had the advantage of a good education. 3, The treaty is to our advantage. 4, Her clever opening gambit gave her an early advantage.

She was forced to have her baby adopted. She adopted three children from the orphanage. …

  1. We would like to adopt a child.
  2. The child has now been legally adopted.
  3. The couple adopted two children.

What is adopt in research?

Adopting or Adapting an Instrument. If you find a pre-existing instrument that will be useful to measure a key variable in your study, there are two ways that the instrument can be used in your study. The first is to take the instrument nearly verbatim, which is called adopting the instrument.

How do you use adapt and adopt in a sentence?

To help her adapt, her adopted parents introduced her to everyone in the family, and helped her make friends. Other families in the neighborhood helped her to adapt too, by organizing fun events with other children. When Hannah grew up, she decided that she wanted to adopt a child as well.

What are adopts in art?

FAQ: Adoptables. What are adoptables? The ‘adoptables’ you are seeing in this group are mostly animal, hybrid and human designs artists use as personas or characters. They have no physical presence. They are mainly artistic designs of all sorts sold for points (a strictly dA resource), trade or real cash.

What do you call a person who adopts a dog?

Adopter – definition of adopter by The Free Dictionary.

How do you explain adoption to a child?

Keep the story about their background very simple to help your child understand it. Explain to them that being adopted does not mean they are loved any less than a child who is with their birth parents. Let them know how excited you were when they came to live with you and how special they are to you and the family.

What is adopted name?

A United States Adopted Name (USAN) is a unique nonproprietary name assigned to a medication marketed in the United States.

What means adopted baby?

to legally take another person’s child into your own family and take care of him or her as your own child: They’ve adopted a baby girl.

What is the meaning of adoptee?

Definition of adoptee : one who is adopted.

How do you say advantage in British?

How do you use the word advantage?

Advantage sentence example. I don’t know what I was thinking of, taking advantage of you that way. He could have taken advantage of the moment. If he was going to take advantage of her, he certainly would have done it before now.

How do you use bothered in a sentence?

Bothered sentence example

  1. I saw something today that bothered me. 156. …
  2. She didn’t know why it bothered her. …
  3. I’m sorry I bothered you. …
  4. Maybe the elevation bothered him too. …
  5. Like you’ve bothered to do that yet! …
  6. They never bothered me that much. …
  7. I think the smoke bothered Mr. Louden too. …
  8. That one point always bothered me.

Is adopt an adjective?

The adjective adoptive can mean involving adoption or related by adoption, as in my adoptive family. A person who has been adopted can be referred to as an adoptee. More commonly, such a person may identify as adopted, as in I’m adopted, but I’ve met my birth mother and keep in touch with her.

How can I adopt a child?

Steps to Adoption

  1. Step 1: Learn About Adoption. Consider the Types of Adoption. …
  2. Step 2: Explore Adoption. Learn About Adoption. …
  3. Step 3: Prepare for Adoption. Decide What Type of Adoption You Want to Pursue. …
  4. Step 4: Engage in the Placement Process. Begin Searching for a Child. …
  5. Step 5: Learn More About the Child.
  6. Step 6: Adopt.

What does adoption mean to a dog?

Pet adoption is the process of transferring responsibility for a pet that was previously owned by another party such as a person, shelter, or rescue organization. Common sources for adoptable pets are animal shelters and rescue groups.

What does adoption mean in science?

adoption Add to list Share. Adoption is the act of taking something on as your own. Adoption usually refers to the legal process of becoming a non-biological parent, but it also refers to the act of embracing ideas, habits, or free kittens.

What is adoption Ka answer?

Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting of another, usually a child, from that person’s biological or legal parent or parents. Legal adoptions permanently transfer all rights and responsibilities, along with filiation, from the biological parent or parents.

What are the types of adoption?

The 5 Types of US Adoption

  • Adopting Through the Child Welfare System. Also known as foster care, this system involves, Adopting children who are under the custody of the State, Jenkins says. …
  • International Adoption. …
  • Private Adoption. …
  • Relative or Kinship Adoption. …
  • Adult Adoption.

How do I adopt a child in the US?

Here’s how to adopt a child in CA through our fos-adopt program:

  1. Attend an information session. …
  2. Complete the adoption home study and foster care approval. …
  3. Search for CA waiting children. …
  4. Submit an inquiry. …
  5. Receive placement of the child. …
  6. Finalize the adoption.

What is difference between adaptation and adaption?

English has no verb adaptate, but the past participle stem of Latin adaptare (to fit, to adapt) is adaptat-. … Bottom line: Some writers in the English-speaking world continue to use adaption as an alternative spelling of adaptation, but adaptation is the preferred standard form.

How do I adopt a new environment?

Here are five tips that will help you adapt to a new work environment.

  1. 1) Ask Questions. Always, always, always ask questions! …
  2. 2) Seek Out a Mentor. …
  3. 3) Get to Know People. …
  4. 4) Focus on This Role. …
  5. 5) Take Care of Yourself. …
  6. Find Your Perfect Role with Search Wizards.

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