Use the word admitted in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word admitted, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use admitted in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «admitted».

Admitted in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word admitted in a sentence.

  1. He was admitted to the bar in 1861.

  2. The British admitted 2,037 casualties.

  3. In 1887 he was admitted as a solicitor.

  4. Minnesota was admitted as the 32nd U.S.

  5. Women were admitted to the Order in 1971.

  6. Rosebery later admitted to spending £50,000.

  7. Both were admitted as tourists for six months.

  8. He was admitted at Magdalene College, Cambridge.

  9. Day admitted the truth but refused to apologise.

  10. On 16 May 1881, Hall was admitted to Gray’s Inn.

  11. She has admitted to being shy and quiet as a child.

  12. During this period, he was admitted as a freemason.

  13. Hoover admitted that his conclusion is «troubling».

  14. In late 1832, at age 21, he was admitted to the bar.

  15. He read the law and was admitted to the bar in 1806.

  16. After a protracted month-long battle, Aizu finally admitted defeat on November 6.

  17. The Daily Express loathed the work, but admitted that it was naggingly memorable.

  18. Alabama was admitted to the Union in 1819, and celebrated its centennial in 1919.

  19. Field admitted that they found it «hard going» until they returned to television.

  20. Cooper later admitted, «It was one of the best roles ever offered in Hollywood ..

  21. According to Auron, the only Israeli participant who later admitted regret for withdrawing was Bauer.

  22. Northey, representing the Toronto Arena Company asked to be admitted to the meeting and was admitted.

  23. Horrified, she confronted Day in a series of letters; he admitted the truth but refused to apologise.

  24. Coakley’s cross-examinations began with an attempt to have the signed statements admitted as evidence.

  25. Similarly, Bird admitted that Johnson’s daily box score was the first thing he checked in the morning.

  26. Both of his parents were lawyers, his mother being one of the first women admitted to the Indiana bar.

  27. Many years after the relationship ended, Holst admitted to Britten that she would have married Tomalin.

  28. On Tyler’s last full day in office, March 3, 1845, Florida was admitted to the Union as the 27th state.

  29. He admitted securing 11,500 for orders that he had, then later offered 50 sets to trade and 25 to sell.

  30. Trump admitted in 2014 that he had «had no choice» but to work with «concrete guys who are mobbed up.».

  31. After Khánh was deposed a year later, he admitted that the allegations against Minh’s group were false.

  32. He later admitted that this was a mistake, costing him the services of key personnel for several weeks.

  33. She was arrested for arson on the postbox outside parliament and admitted to setting fire to two others.

  34. He admitted, however, that «the allegations of Prince Eddy’s homosexuality must be treated cautiously.».

  35. It was later revealed that Whitaker had been admitted to an alcohol treatment center in Salem, Virginia.

  36. I was doing the best I could to win the race.» He later admitted he made contact with Johnson and that it was on purpose.

  37. Hordern admired Daltry’s acting ability and later admitted to him being a constant influence on his Shakespearean career.

  38. During his interview, Skelley admitted that he was aware that it was illegal to use D-846 powder with 2,700-pound rounds.

  39. Gordon said his crash on lap 264 was «probably the hardest hit I’ve ever taken» and admitted fault for causing the crash.

  40. Liability for negligence may only be found where that proximate cause exists, a term that the judge admitted was inexact.

  41. Speaking of his former club, Bruce admitted that «Norwich put me on the map and I will always feel I owe them something».

  42. Under the Weimar Republic, Germany was admitted to the League of Nations through a resolution passed on 8 September 1926.

  43. This story, «Fo’ Dolla’ «, was one of only four of his many works that Michener later admitted to holding in high regard.

  44. Prescott had been found not guilty of direct involvement in the bombings, but had admitted to addressing three envelopes.

  45. After the game’s release, Miyamoto admitted publicly he felt it was incomplete and development was rushed toward the end.

  46. Bennett admitted that the idea of Kirk and company going back to the Genesis planet to recover Kirk’s «noble self» stemmed from a poem he read in a Star Trek fan magazine.

  47. In 1991, Drummond admitted: «We didn’t listen to 1987 What The Fuck’s Going On for a long time, and when we did we were embarrassed by it because it was so badly recorded.

  48. After finishing work on the film in 2008, Williams admitted that playing a series of troubled women coupled with her own personal difficulties had taken an emotional toll.

  49. That Akash Kusum bore some resemblance to Parash Pathar, a film Sen had admitted to not liking, may have played a role in fracturing their previously cordial relationship.

  50. In December 2017, Facebook admitted passive consumption of social media could be harmful to mental health, although they said active engagement can have a positive effect.

General information about «admitted» example sentences

The example sentences for the word admitted that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «admitted» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «admitted».

About 28022 results found using ‘ADMITTED’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • The woman admitted to using the funds to pay her mortgage and credit card bills.  (open, save, copy)

  • He also reportedly had admitted the assault to a friend before he was picked up.  (open, save, copy)

  • In 2009, a captain from another Stryker brigade admitted taking nearly $700,000.  (open, save, copy)

  • Scherer admitted to having used hot horseradish as a practical joke in the past.  (open, save, copy)

  • Because, the candidates admitted, there are many serious issues facing the city.  (open, save, copy)

  • Zeoli and Milano, who were ejected from the taxi, were admitted to the hospital.  (open, save, copy)

  • However, the SPCA admitted it wouldn’t have saved the dogs’lives even if he had.  (open, save, copy)

  • He admitted stealing small amounts almost every Sunday during an 11-year period.  (open, save, copy)

  • If normal procedures had been followed, Taiwan would have been admitted in 1999.  (open, save, copy)

Define ‘admitted’:

  • admitted is past participle & past tense form of admit

    1. Confess to be true or to be the case, typically with reluctance
    2. Confess to (a crime or fault, or one’s responsibility for it)
    3. Acknowledge (a failure or fault)
    4. Allow (someone) to enter a place
    5. (of a ticket) Give (someone) the right to enter a place
    6. Carry out the procedures necessary for (someone) to be received into a hospital for treatment
    7. Allow (a person, country, or organization) to join an organization or group
    8. Allow (someone) to share in a privilege
    9. Accept as valid

Web Definitions for ‘admitted’:

  1. Declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of; «He admitted his errors»; «She acknowledged that she might have forgotten» [source]
  2. Allow to enter; grant entry to; «We cannot admit non-members into our club building»; «This pipe admits air» [source]
  3. Allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of; «admit someone to the profession»; «She was admitted to the New Jersey Bar» [source]
  4. Accept: admit into a group or community; «accept students for graduate study»; «We’ll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member» [source]
  5. Afford possibility; «This problem admits of no solution»; «This short story allows of several different interpretations» [source]
  6. Give access or entrance to; «The French doors admit onto the yard» [source]
  7. (Admission (law)) An admission in the law of evidence is a prior statement by an adverse party which can be admitted into evidence over a hearsay objection. In general, admissions are admissible in criminal and civil cases. [source]
  8. To allow to enter; to grant entrance, whether into a place, or into the mind, or consideration; to receive; to take; To allow (one) to enter on an office or to enjoy a privilege; to recognize as qualified for a franchise; To concede as true; to acknowledge or assent to, as an allegation which … [source]
  9. (Admits) The number of admissions to a hospital including outpatient and inpatient facilities. [source]

Synonyms for ‘admitted’:


  • acknowledge
    , accept
    , allow
    , confess
    , recognize
    , concede
    , receive
    , grant
    , own
    , avow
    , permit
    , let in

Translate ‘admitted’ in :

Native speakers pronounce  ‘admitted’:

  • Use the word ADMITTED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

How could he have hung these up when she had to be admitted in the hospital?

Dr. Armstrong was admitted to the Sanatorium under an assumed name

A month ago you would not have admitted that!»

But where is Jean? NO DOGS admitted.

No messages delivered, no visitors admitted.

I have not admitted anything. And I don’t hold to playing such tricks.

Now, Monsieur Dubois you say that General Shubin admitted over the telephone that Mata Hari was an enemy spy? — Yes.


You admitted the barbarian was civilized, didn’t you?

A special squad did that, and Hofmeister hasn’t been admitted anywhere?

Wasn’t a young man admitted to your institution earlier today by the name of Hofmeister?

Glad to know you. He admitted he knew who I was. And yet he wouldn’t let me pass.

I told Miss Lorraine, Trixie… that I cared for her deeply… and she admitted an equal affection for me.



But you will never be admitted again as long as I live.

The time will come when no German… can be admitted into the community of the people… until he has first become a member of your group.

You’ve also admitted its might!

Therefore, I instruct you, gentlemen of the jury… that inasmuch as Peter Blood has admitted… aiding a traitor to your king… you do bring in a verdict of guilty… that he may be hanged… for the high treason he has committed.

You both admitted that you had been singing and dancing without permission.

I gave orders no one be admitted.

And now that you’ve admitted my ability as a detective… why not let me in on the secret?

«it was admitted that Paul Lavond, former bank president,

Professor Von Helsing, you may, of course, use your own judgement… but I advise you to consider, carefully… you have admitted to killing a man in a very horrible manner— by driving a stake through his heart.

I see. Women aren’t even admitted to paradise without a man.

Against the objection of the defense the judge has just admitted this evidence, whatever it is!

I will invite a limited number of scientists, to be admitted by card only.

I understand that no one is to be admitted without a card.

To be admitted instantly.

The fact that you have admitted us, Your Highness, has been a great help.

Since I could already imagine him dissecting my innards, I admitted I’d had no mushrooms.

If i had admitted being on the Nice road… you would probably have arrested me.






Why, in this institution alone, three little girls were admitted at precisely the same time under circumstances similar to…

If it is admitted that a mistake has been made we, the general staff, will be at the mercy of every scandal paper in France.

Because you’re an admitted criminal, and you’re at large.

You’ve already admitted that you’ve got a raincoat.

That girl was making a Fuzz,If the woman had disappeared and I’d admitted having seen her, we might become vital witnesses.

Melsa, please. I’ve never run after a woman before- That is, I’ve never admitted it-

The man practically admitted he was a safe-robber.

Miss Wells, impulsive young lady in love with Doctor… has admitted she would have killed Mrs. Bentley… if given sufficient provocation.

Oh, did I tell you that Fanny Elsing told Dr. Meade that Captain Butler finally admitted he was honored by the Confederate Congress for his services at the Battle of Franklin?

I’ve been thinking things over, and I really believe that it would be better for both of us if we admitted we’d made a mistake and got a divorce.

Sentence using the word admitted. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use admitted in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for admitted.

  • He was admitted. (10)
  • It was admitted. (10)
  • I admitted that I did. (16)
  • He admitted this marriage? (8)
  • The path just admitted three. (4)
  • She did it well, he admitted. (10)
  • He admitted that his health was good. (10)
  • He admitted his error, and thanked her warmly. (10)
  • He admitted there might be one above the Laws. (10)
  • That, anyway, everyone admitted, was dangerous. (8)
  • Part only of this answer, however, was admitted. (4)
  • He admitted the grandeur of the poetry of Homer. (10)
  • He even admitted that he acted on his principles! (8)
  • She admitted it; and thenceforward they were equals. (10)
  • Lorm gave orders that no visitors were to be admitted. (12)
  • At last, a second gateway admitted us to the town itself. (2)
  • The farmer admitted that he was stronger than he looked. (10)
  • The farmer admitted that he was stronger than he looked. (22)
  • The rational view, she admitted, was one to be considered. (10)
  • May not one be admitted to inspect the machinery of wisdom? (10)
  • If he can leap the barrier he and his goods must be admitted. (10)
  • He half admitted having rushed to the palace on his road to me. (10)
  • The window, wide open, admitted an east wind; there was no fire. (8)
  • This morning, fortified by despair, she admitted her own beauty. (8)
  • This they cheerfully admitted; indeed, they proudly affirmed it. (7)
  • Mrs. Ercott admitted to herself now that what John said was true. (8)
  • She quickly gave way, and admitted a craving for dainty morsels. (10)
  • I admitted it, feeling that it was easily to have been perceived. (10)
  • He admitted the greater keenness of attention awakened by novelty. (10)
  • He humbly admitted it all, and left her to think of Rogers herself. (9)
  • The conviction of his determination once admitted, it was not unwelcome. (4)
  • I admitted that I was sometimes afraid, and often afraid of being afraid. (8)
  • They want to talk to you; they beg humbly to be admitted to your presence. (12)
  • Grudgingly he admitted her still beautiful and in figure almost as young as ever. (8)
  • She admitted the truth, with eyes dwelling on him, until a ringlet got displaced. (10)
  • It was past ludicrous; yet admitted of no woefulness, nothing soothingly pathetic. (10)
  • The need for a common service of foreign and national news must therefore be admitted. (16)
  • She admitted a willingness to try a change of air, if it was deemed good for her husband. (10)
  • Edmund was not sorry to be admitted again among the number of those who might speak and hear. (4)
  • No visitors will be admitted, General Ople, so you are bare-throated only to me: sit quietly. (10)
  • General Ople started, admitted that the word was French, and apologized for his pronunciation. (10)
  • When the polizia had gone from the court, he was admitted and allowed to look into every room. (10)
  • He graced the scene, she admitted, when reassured by his perfect reserve toward her personally. (10)
  • And government censorship, with all of its attendant and long since admitted evils, would follow. (16)
  • But be it admitted, that to any one loving colour, music, chivalry, the Island of Drab is an exile. (10)
  • Mrs. Mel admitted them into the parlour, bowing much above the level of many of the heads that passed her. (10)
  • The ladies, with another sensation, admitted the perfect accuracy with which these points had been touched. (9)
  • He had expected her to be pale and nervous; but Gyp never admitted being naughty till she had been forgiven. (8)
  • It is universally admitted that rhythm is the very basis of music, without which it is vague and meaningless. (3)
  • As regarded her uncle, Dahlia admitted that she had behaved forgetfully and unkindly, and promised amendment. (22)
  • He got loose from them and held them up to the candle, and the rays were admitted, neither winking nor peeping. (10)
  • She knew that she had betrayed herself, made plain to Mark Lennan what she had never until now admitted to herself. (8)
  • He praised her courage, visibly admired her person, admitted her in private to be his equal, degraded her in public. (10)
  • She admitted that she was not the most sympathetic companion Nevil could have had on the way, either going or coming. (10)
  • All admitted, however, that this was best known to Timothy himself, and possibly to Soames, who never divulged a secret. (8)
  • Beauchamp admitted as much as that he had made the case gigantic, though he stuck to his charge against the Tory party. (10)
  • The delicate thing had not picked his bones: Patrick admitted it; he had seen his brother hale and stout not long back. (10)
  • Several years after its first publication he admitted authorship and it was included in the collected edition of his works. (8)
  • That the Associated Press is powerful enough to be a bad trust if those who control it so desire must be admitted offhand. (16)
  • She admitted to herself that it was not entirely her work; for she never would have had their place of meeting to be the Shop. (10)
  • It is generally admitted that a window has little architectural charm without muntins, and these are made ¾ inch wide, as a rule. (17)
  • My father swept the old man in before him, with a bow and flourish that admitted of no contradiction, and the door closed on them. (10)
  • Although twelve modes were theoretically admitted in church music, it was for the most part confined to the eight modes given above. (3)
  • If this line of verse be not yet in our literature, Through very love of self himself he slew, let it be admitted for his epitaph. (10)
  • I submit to your worship that these questions are hardly to the point, the prisoner having admitted that he himself does not remember anything. (8)
  • In actual fact, occasional instances of gross and unscrupulous financial control of newspapers for selfish or base ends must be admitted to exist. (16)
  • One of the first rules of the organization is, therefore, that no new newspaper can be admitted without the consent of members within competitive radius. (16)
  • Yet she admitted to him that the countess possessed resources which she could find nowhere; and she saw the full beauty of such inimitable grave endurance. (10)

Also see sentences for: admit, admits, admittance, admitting.

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Use Admitted in a sentence. How to use the word Admitted in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Admitted. Sentence for Admitted.

Use Admitted in a Sentence - How to use "Admitted" in a sentence

Examples of Admitted in a sentence

  1. Newly admitted students.
  2. Next steps for admitted first-year students.
  3. Welcoming all newly admitted undergraduates!
  4. Testing means for the middle 50 percent of admitted students.
  5. Check out the virtual options we’re offering for students admitted to programs across the University.
  6. The Office of Admissions has been and will continue to communicate important updates regarding COVID-19 to admitted students via email.
  7. FIT’s recently admitted students should follow instructions on this page to enroll.
  8. As this work is intended almost exclusively for beginners, much detail has been admitted, and many of the specific measures here proposed may perhaps be safely adopted where no others are established.
  9. Quinnipiac is proud to welcome newly admitted students to the university.
  10. You were admitted to Mitchell Hamline because we think you will contribute positively to our long tradition of scholarship and service.
  11. Had the irregularity been very great, it would have been necessary to have taken more immediate measures, but he thought the case admitted of a little delay.
  12. We know you probably have a million questions about what to do now that you’re admitted to Transy.
  13. We’re excited to offer our admitted students numerous opportunities to get to know Drexel University.
  14. As an admitted freshman at the University of Nevada, Reno, follow the steps below to be guided through the admission process.
  15. This all the scholars repeatedly acknowledged; and they almost unanimously admitted that the good of the school required the prohibition of all communication during certain hours.
  16. The number was found to be so great that the scholars admitted that something ought to be done.
  17. An ox may be kept away from a particular field or pasture quite a long time, and yet know exactly where to go to find water to drink when he is admitted to it again.

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