Use the word admit in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word admit, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use admit in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «admit».

Admit in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word admit in a sentence.

  1. I have to admit it [smiles].

  2. We are not ready to admit this to be true.

  3. I must admit, sometimes I wish it were different.

  4. He did admit to being disillusioned with his approach.

  5. So I very sadly admit that I mucked up royally there.».

  6. Elizabeth, living at Hatfield House, would admit nothing.

  7. Harvard Medical School would not admit a woman until 1945.

  8. I’ll admit, we took a certain sadistic glee in his downfall.

  9. Northerners sought to admit California, a free state, to the Union.

  10. Vladek comes to admit that he burned them after she killed herself.

  11. Carter Brown: «I am forced to admit that you are right and I was wrong!

  12. The system can admit up to 1,200 people per minute through all entrances.

  13. We ALL need the real folklore of fairytales, whether we admit it or not.».

  14. Corgan would later admit, «I know a lot of our fans are puzzled by Zeitgeist.

  15. Nevertheless, community workers from both sides admit progress has been slow.

  16. David supporters would not admit defeat and Balliol was deposed later in 1334.

  17. For the 1984 Los Angeles Games, the IOC decided to admit professional players.

  18. Ta arrives home to admit that his father was right, Mei Li is the girl for him.

  19. On October 8, 1972, the men of Alpha Phi voted to admit women into their chapter.

  20. Fleder said of his behavior, «I have to admit, I’m not the most charming guy on the set.

  21. Any and all viewpoints, states Mallisena, that do not admit an exception are false views.

  22. The bureau hesitated to admit its limitations because it wanted to secure higher budgets.

  23. A bill to admit Texas as the 28th state of the Union was signed by Polk on December 29, 1845.

  24. Buchanan urged that Congress take up the matter, and the Senate approved a bill to admit Kansas.

  25. Some admit that massacres occurred but regard them as justified responses to Armenian treachery.

  26. One concerned William and Fanny’s marital status, prompting Kent to admit that they never married.

  27. The two factions agreed to reunify, and also to admit a delegation from the Socialist Labor Party.

  28. A Sony focus group found that teenage boys would not admit to owning an SNES rather than a Genesis.

  29. No administration official would even admit they existed until President Jimmy Carter did so in 1978.

  30. NIS agents interviewed Truitt and repeatedly pressed him to admit to a sexual relationship with Hartwig.

  31. The Texas Legislature defeated a nonbinding resolution in the 1950s to encourage A&M to admit women.

  32. At the hotel room, the two admit to their mutual attraction, just before Jai has to leave for his meeting.

  33. These were honours normally only accorded to fellows of the society, which did not admit women until 1904.

  34. But she refused to admit her guilt to the end, and had given no evidence against any others of the accused.

  35. Courts do not always admit social media evidence, in part, because screenshots can be faked or tampered with.

  36. This creates a tear which they gradually rip more and more until the opening is sufficient to admit the penis.

  37. The composer recalled, «I have to admit that I have always been irritated by grand words, by calls for revenge.

  38. Alva Bradley, president of the Indians, will admit this is the cheapest investment he ever made in publicity.».

  39. BAE Systems did not directly admit to bribery, and is thus not internationally blacklisted from future contracts.

  40. John McVie tended to clash with Buckingham about the make-up of songs, but both admit to achieving good outcomes.

  41. This did not go over well with civil rights groups, and by 1964 Conant was forced to admit that he had been wrong.

  42. As stated in the official NATO website «the request tested the limits of NATO’s willingness to admit new members».

  43. He supported Brasenose’s decision to become the first all-male college of the university to admit female students.

  44. In another, a physicist and a chemist admit defeat after employing a range of tactics designed to stretch the skin.

  45. Osborn did admit that in today’s lizards the distribution of pigments is largely independent of the type of scaling.

  46. The first step is the realization that classical mechanics and Newton’s law of gravity admit a geometric description.

  47. This was in keeping with the tradition that new states would support the party which had done the most to admit them.

  48. Verbs also admit highly productive derivational affixes of several kinds, most of which specify transitivity or voice.

  49. Some textbooks admit that deportations occurred and Armenians died, but present this action as necessary and justified.

  50. Keyes later discovers that the woman was raped but cannot bring himself to admit in court that he did nothing to help her.

Synonyms for admit

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word admit has the following synonyms: accept, take, take on, accommodate, hold, acknowledge, allow, allow in, let in, intromit and include.

General information about «admit» example sentences

The example sentences for the word admit that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «admit» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «admit».

Learn how to use the word “admit” in a sentence. How to connect “admit” with other words to make correct English sentences.

admit (v): to agree that something is true, especially unwillingly

Use “admit” in a sentence

They refused to admit defeat.
He admitted careless driving.
He openly admitted his mistake.
Don’t be afraid to admit to your mistakes.
He cheerfully admits that he is over fifty years old.
He admitted his defeat.
She publicly admitted her mistake.
I hate to admit it, but he’s right.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

He should really say, before he was forced to admit what she was

He had to admit Yingolian crystals were a boon

But she looked fine, he had to admit he had enjoyed making love to her even as she was haunted by this ghost from space

He wouldn’t admit to Venna that their suspicions sent him up here

Whatever happened, he had to admit, once and for all, that he wouldn’t want Tdeshi here

He had to admit, she was a little scary

Using his exceptional brilliance, which unfortunately everyone had to admit he had or they would hear about it for days, Ackers tended to put on an air of entitlement

But she had to admit, she could almost feel the wind in her hair and the thrill of old Earth as it must have been before the motor laws

He wouldn’t admit to anything more

She had to admit, she occupied elite strata in the society of the Highland Elves

He had to admit it, the native women had shocked him enough that he came to her

«I’ll admit, I would have been tempted to take an expedition out there if I knew there was four tons of aluminum to be found

Family remains a strong influence in kids’ lives—even if teenagers and young adults do not always admit that they are listening to anything you say

‘Hmmmm …’ he said as the door opens again to admit the Inspector

“No,” Ackers had to admit

She was loathe to admit that the thrill of leaping over blue water in the clutches of a Latin Lothario was part of the reason she wasn’t angrier about this

She had to admit, she was unlikely to be out here with Kulai

I have to admit that he wasn’t overly bothered when she went away, so maybe it is just as well he didn’t propose, but all the same, it is worrying that he hasn’t settled down

He was ashamed wasn’t he? He had never knowingly transported stolen goods before and he wasn’t about to admit it

His rationalizations of ‘ownership in dispute’ and ‘it’s the Brazilians’ were trying to say he wasn’t going to admit it to himself weren’t they? All for the lure of aluminum

creation, but now that this simulacrum of love stood rigid above him, he had to admit

Yeah, I’ll have to admit that I’m a

«I have to admit, I really don’t know

«But you have to admit, you were brushing me off until you saw that

‘Did he admit the baby was his?’ I asked

I don’t feel safe here any more and, reluctant though I am to admit it, I am really pleased that Molly is here with me

Glenelle had to admit that even though Ava did her best to make the war back at Sol sound exciting, it seemed long ago and far away compared to the adjustments she had to face, being a clone and her whole time had been turned into a fantasy realm

I flinched a bit, I admit, but damn it he was still a Garda

«It’s all we have,» Ava said, «and you have to admit that provided a different experience than you were used to

She had to admit that while it lasted, life on a pirate ship was a lot more fun

had simply been too scared to admit that he felt the same for all his family

«They still steal now and then, but when you get right down to it,» Ava said, «There’s no way to explain it other than admit that the wizards of the Kassikan have changed human nature

I was confused, I have to admit

It was not wise to admit failure, especially up front

I am not that liberated and I admit it

Bahkmar could see it from where he was, but he wasn’t supposed to admit it

She’s not convinced, but even Betty has to admit that, by the time we’ve finished, the hall looks festive

Bahkmar had to admit that the events of the last week had not made his politics more correct, but they had made him more careful

» Surprisingly, the whole exchange has brought out a degree of exuberance from Apollo and I must admit, I’m thankful for that

Suddenly, an image emerges on the screen that I must admit is rather frightening

“It was too good to be true,” my mother will admit later, when I explain to her the whole story

He had to admit, it was a nicer place to live than Mars, he could breathe

She’s a good mother except for treating the kids as adults, but he had to admit, his children were being raised more as Highland Elves than as Brazilians

Actually, he should admit it, he was closer to her than either Brazilian woman he had married, closer by far than his affairs had been

Begrudgingly he had to admit that in spite of the bats-and-spiders decor of their systems, the Kassikan had caught up with what they had on the Lula

They would carry on here, they were actually doing well, though he had to admit, they were less and less Brazilian and more Gengee with every passing decade, especially at his end of the settlement

«Yeah, and I have to admit, an hour and two to shipping cut is record time

«You have to admit, this is the most fun you’ve had in a long time

«There is some dilution, but I’ll admit my attitudes towards the natives have changed over time

Tonight, though, he fancied quiet and peaceful, which he had to admit was a bit of a departure from the norm

She hoped her avatar (or should she just admit her crime to herself and call it her clone?) would hold them well

«I have to admit, down here in the basin Nightday rain feels a lot softer than it does in the hills

The truth of the matter is that after he said farewell to the woman whom he loved with all his heart, he had simply been too scared to admit that he felt the same for all his family

«Can you now admit that trying to pick him up was a stupid thing to do?»

«Maybe you’ve admitted it to yourself and that’s the important one of us to admit it to, but you haven’t admitted it to me,» Vic said

And what a set of shoulders! Damn it, she had to stop this kind of thinking; it was those damn dreams! Secretly, she had to admit that she had entertained some pretty lusty thoughts about him

Jake was a great guardian, but even he had to admit that some things could get by him

He wondered how long it would be before he would be forced to admit they were gone from his life forever

Alan had to admit he was already really scared

«Yeah,» she admitted, «and I don’t really feel it now, I admit

She had to admit they had better paper treatment products in the Dos basin

I admit I sometimes fantasized about older women, but not about women older than the roots of my ancestral civilization

Daniel was sorry to see it end; he had to admit to himself that he wanted more

She had to admit it, she was never as much to Klarrain as she was to Knume on the day she left, at least she was his back room girl at Myimpaden more often than any other

Beth, Jerry now joined the conversation, I wouldn’t admit to anyone how I felt about you

Trying not to appear bothered by Joris’ deduction, I laugh and admit he is right

You have to admit that we did have a mishap on the way back

We have to admit that there are things out there

He thought that everyone must be quite mad and he was in no mood to admit to himself that he was in possession of an oversized hooter

«So, deary, won’t you admit you owe me one, as it were

What was it that had caused this anger? Was it just Nuran’s immaturity and her blasé assumption that mother Desa would fill in for her? Was it really jealousy as Nuran thought? She had to admit that Nuran had captured more of Alan’s attention than Desa really wanted her to

He was a picture of peace and good sense and I had to admit I was growing very fond of him

In fact it took him too long to admit to himself that it was over, he probably should have re-arranged his life as soon as Elmore spoke to him

either that you admit that you were solely to blame in the situation or that you are unable to

” It seemed that she thought her intellect was infallible, he was surprised to hear her admit it was not

And I must admit that I rather enjoy them

«You really think God cares what magic level you set? I admit the church does, but do you think God is that petty?»

“We were duped!” he almost shouted, “and you can’t admit it, not even to yourself

“Personally, I think it’s Jesus you’re looking for but you can’t admit it

What’s that? A light at Jo’s front door? Gracious! Is that a man prancing down the path to the gate? It’s not Jo … yes, it’s definitely a man – Alastair? That’s odd, he usually leaves very quietly … whatever can have happened? Hmmm … what d’you reckon? Should you go and check Jo’s okay or not? Okay, admit your curiosity is going wild! Maybe telephone?

Duncan couldn’t figure it out, but he had to admit that as strange as it sounded — he felt a certain ease with these people

He had to admit, his fingers would have enjoyed working her over, but Ava was pleasant to hold also

The climate does not seem to bother Rayne in the least, but I must admit that the thin air had

He was more tired than he let himself admit and was soon sound asleep

«Oh I know,» Heymon admitted, «and I admit I can’t push that level of math around either, but it would certainly explain your results as well as information creation and do a lot less mathematical havoc

He couldn’t admit that to anyone else, he should have never discussed it with Ava

“We would have to admit that,” Ava said, still poking at her invisible screens and hammering her invisible keyboard, «if we were sure there is no outpost nearby

Thom looked a mess and Kelvin had to admit that made him a little suspicious

He had to admit he was right because of the second theorem of virtuality

“Ava’s too hot for Thom, Elmore can’t admit that

“We don’t like to admit it, but America had fallen, even before this war

“For legal reasons she can’t actually admit it, but I was with her one evening when she was trashed enough to admit there was no external test that could tell them apart

He would never admit it because Thom was such a close friend

“So you admit that you are drawn to me,” he said smiling down at her

He had to admit it was a pleasant surprise to find that her feelings were so strong

must be quite mad and he was in no mood to admit to himself that

«What’s working?» she asked, hoping he would admit to it anyway, even though she had no idea how to ask

had to admit defeat

He had to admit that the change in Rayne was startling

He had to admit however, that Rayne seemed to be filled with joy; she’s totally different

Reluctantly, she admits this is a prudent scheme

lieve that I have it even now, not when my body finally admits it

He admits the whole thing – Joanna’s murder, the plot to implicate you … the whole lot

‘What is it, Ben?’ he looks shamefaced then admits that he’s upset Katie and that she’s crying

Alastair rises to his feet to shake hands and admits that yes, he and Laura have met before

He admits it, NCR 40 Roger said

She knows Alan as you might have guessed, whether she admits it or not

A country which neglects or despises foreign commerce, and which admits the vessel of foreign nations into one or two of its ports only, cannot transact the same quantity of business which it might do with different laws and institutions

She can take you to Alan, she admits that

The number of workmen increases with the increasing quantity of food, or with the growing improvement and cultivation of the lands ; and as the nature of their business admits of the utmost subdivisions of labour, the quantity of materials which they can work up, increases in a much greater proportion than their numbers

That the most extensive authority and jurisdictions were possessed by the great lords in France allodially, long before the feudal law was introduced into that country, is a matter of fact that admits of no doubt

The channel of circulation necessarily draws to itself a sum sufficient to fill it, and never admits any more

Age is a plain and palpable quality, which admits of no dispute

The authority of riches, however, though great in every age of society, is, perhaps, greatest in the rudest ages of society, which admits of any considerable inequality of fortune

The first period of society, that of hunters, admits of no such inequality

The second period of society, that of shepherds, admits of very great inequalities of fortune, and there is no period in which the superiority of fortune gives so great authority to those who possess it

The value of the risk, either from fire, or from loss by sea, or by capture, though it cannot, perhaps, be calculated very exactly, admits, however, of such a gross estimation, as renders it, in some degree, reducible to strict rule and method

The OMB admits that twelve attorneys general and three Supreme Court decisions have refused to rubber-stamp the decisions of the Obama administration

The configuration of the ground seldom admits guns remaining far in rear of the advance, but there is no justifiable hope in advancing strong masses of troops against an entrenched position without preparatory artillery action, and no assault should be ordered until the artillery duel has silenced the enemy’s guns and shaken the defending forces

Both the Spanish battalions, Isabel la Catolica and Andalusia charged the position, but were driven back; and had Rabbi and his force been sent over, Escario admits that the Spaniards must have been routed

the police admits, that Dunseith was the place of the last chapter in a story of the by

“Dangerous driving is a little iffy, but he admits to speeding on the Lake Road

His fingerprints are located in various areas of the apartment and he admits to having an argument with her at the time

Even Clinton admits 300,000 could have been saved

“I don’t know,” she admits

admits exceptions to her laws, unless we agree that everything is

Hibbs, by contrast, rather sheepishly admits that he likes mass culture

He admits that while he is aware of it,

High, who admits he spent little time with the guards, said it was widely known that

to sue to a person that has no interest in the saying of the Pledge (except that he admits being an atheist) and not allow status to six individuals that have rights under the second Amendment to bear

” Despite years of earnest efforts, the study admits, “states haven’t made much progress

I see no reason to change that view, just because I’m an elderly bachelor, and an attractive young girl admits she would have been submissive if pressed

I love you”, he admits as she begins tearing

” Torin admits as Mrs

In the metropolises, there is nobody who admits providing for poisoning, but at

If this happens, he admits to himself that it will be something of a relief, in spite of the shame it will bring

Dad admits to molesting me—the old truth in wine stuff, huh?

himself admits that there is evidence that this may extend to even more than

No one else admits to it although my cousin seems a bit strange at times

Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson freely admits that she cooks because she loves to eat

If he admits anything then he will be in contempt of court

«A man rarely admits he is a coward,» said Orlov frowning

Putting the coffee onto the table his brow creases into a frown; he admits to himself that he is very worried about Simon

�Not entirely,� admits Steve, �his share of the money is still in there and he knows where the rest is

Dippa turns pale; he had been scared of being arrested and admits it to himself

” she admits as she takes the letter from Darren off the shelf and hands it to Lewis

‘Yes, that could indeed be the case,’ Jabar admits

He admits that he didn’t tie them very tightly

Defend your truths but admits to

She looks straight and admits herself that she really is imagining someone

«I may have been a bit of a jerk sometimes,» he admits

«I didn’t like the counter culture much,» Stallman admits

During the question-and-answer session, Stallman admits to

and freely admits there are probably many different variations on these

The chemical company admits to burying 22,000 tons of chemicals in the canal, but this is all they will admit to

of Falun Gong admits that Falun Gong is not a religious organization

John admits that Joseph was a disciple

“He admits it,” Randy said, crossing his arms

has shown signs of talking to himself and admits to having hallucinations

Admits another Congress media cell member, ‘We treated this as some kind of a mechanical exercise without attempting any kind of real innovation to engage with more people

The man who strikes first admits that his ideas have given out

Every religion admits that everything in life emanates from Me and is

He openly admits that he uses dough

the Dalai Lama publicly admits, he has based all of his decisions for

She admits she is

The story describes how he admits into his house a poor old man

He explicitly admits

Goswami Tulsidas admits that he has

Krishn admits that restraint of the mind is the most arduous, but he also

At the same time, however, as he admits in the present

He admits that what the Lord

Krishn also admits at the same time that he is not saying this as an incarnation of God: he is only saying what has also been affirmed by

You can liken their state to that of a man who feeds himself to excess then he admits that his suffering from surfeit comes as a result of his excess

something like that! What that means is that the Pope admits that the

Here is a factual story in which one performer of supernatural tricks and supposedly miraculous actions admits that he saw the reality of his deeds when faced with death…

In the first case the opposition actually admits that the laws are inadequate and that it would

My wife is the type that never admits fault, so this was very difficult

However, when Mary asks her to explain why she wasn’t using a computer-based lookup tool to provide the controlled vocabulary terms, Jane admits to using a government-sponsored web site to access indexing terms

«Maureen admits that it was wrong, knowing she should never have fallen in love with such a one, being the nasty creatures they are

«You can,» she admits

A bit,» she admits with a smile

“She admits it!” he screamed over the crowd’s roar

“She admits that Satan, who tempted Mother Eve with the first apple, has sent another

She admits that she has a family history of anemia

When she asks him if it was all his idea, Jim Quarters proves to be incapable of lying with a straight face, and admits that he had help

The police even used DNA (which incidentally stands for Dangers No-one Admits) to try to establish a connection with other recent incidents in the area

Gary admits he is equally irritated by the numerous colleague in-

makes an honest mistake, and he admits it, it’s not a bad idea to try

Any code used by the Formo-Creators of the brain (mostly, these are all possible VVU-Configurations of Formo-copies) — due to its holographousness — admits absolutely different variants of restructuring and interpretation of the VVU-Information initially ciphered in it

know who is tending to the trees,” he then admits somewhat nonchalantly

Even the law admits that a ma rriage is de jure and

Even Andy, its owner, admits this, but says it is only his working gun

The sooner such a person sees and admits the wrong, the less will be the consequences of his

standing anywhere, you fill the centre of the Universe, and the entire Universe admits to that because all

The only thing left in American Society that still admits there is such a thing as poor, powerless people who are taken advantage of by the rich and Big Business, and Big Government is this single legal phrase that is still used in public called a class-action lawsuit

All because every idiot who has an ego; never admits they are wrong

Now nobody admits to it

The day he publicly beats his own breast and admits his own guilt and exposes all of the secret crimes he committed behind closed doors, and puts himself into jail as a self-confessed criminal

He admits it to himself; Even though he knows it’s no good: he is fond of it: both of money and of Long John Silver

You already admitted your way of life takes too much fuel

They admitted that it entitled them to receive some concessions from the Government

“Right, I forgot about that,” Ackers admitted

’ The Inspector admitted

In other words, although Ackers would never have admitted it this way, he had to find out how best to get away from whoever was now in the house

’ He admitted with a wry grin

’ I admitted, not wanting to go into details about how I dealt with it … that could be a little awkward

’ He admitted with a grin

Yeah, doostEr admitted to himself, but he’d be a lot less nervous and just as interested in the job if he’d showed him ten coppers

Tahlmute’s certificates and incantations performed correctly this week and they were admitted to the storage facility after quite a lengthy process of looking up records and cross checking thieves files

He denied it at first but they ground him down and eventually he admitted that he’d known her

‘… sort of … he admitted that it could have been

’ Stephen admitted, tracing the top of his mug with one finger

’ He admitted awkwardly

«Yes, there is something else I need to talk about,» Glenelle admitted

When she admitted it to herself, that link into their knowledge base had been a little disorienting

the mechanic admitted that he’d made up the story when Sadler asked him to

In the past year they had become ‘prosperous’ in a virtual sense, and she still thought they had a lot more crystal than Ava admitted to

’ He admitted sheepishly

«Yes,» she admitted, «but he will be the only copy of himself here

He freely admitted tampering with your car

Fred, of course, has never admitted anything and merely looks enigmatic, so I am told … not that I’d dream of asking him straight out

«I barely got to know any woman I ever married,» he finally admitted

number of congregations which have admitted women to public roles in the worship of the

Only once, in a rare demonstration of sincerity, he admitted that the subconscious affects human behaviour only by 2%

He shouldn’t have said anything to Enrico, but then Enrico had admitted more to him hadn’t he? Homosexuality was at least as important a crime as attempting to contact a wife

«Yes, occasionally,» Alfred admitted

«Maybe you’ve admitted it to yourself and that’s the important one of us to admit it to, but you haven’t admitted it to me,» Vic said

’ I admitted, staring into the flames again

’ He admitted, rubbing his chin with one hand

«Yeah,» she admitted, «and I don’t really feel it now, I admit

I admitted that from my childhood I was bullied

’ Gilla admitted, ‘But I just said she was a friend of the family, new to the area

‘Yes, there’s the three here in the Med, one somewhere in the Rhone valley in France, four in the north American continent, a handful in Russia, two or three in the Germany/Poland/Austria regions, the three which we have in the British Isles and goodness only knows how many in the Oriental areas … they’ve never admitted to more than two up to now

’ I admitted equally flirtatiously

‘Hmmm … he admitted he had one or two moments on that trek of yours into the wilds of Wales

«We could build missiles again, we have to use crystal instead of titanium, but we could do that,» the unnamed one admitted, «If this visitor proves hostile we may have to do that to defend ourselves

’ He admitted, struggling to put his tunic over the bandage

’ He admitted with a grin, ‘I know which I prefer at the moment

After twenty minutes of sheer and utter frustration, and with a nose that was black and blue from battering the cage bars, he finally sat back on the floor and, for the first time in his life, admitted to himself just how long his nose really was

During this time Kate finally relented and admitted the truth to herself; she was pregnant too! She told Jake first, who approved loudly, and then laid the news on Daniel

«I was getting close to playing with a cherub,» he admitted as he glanced up at it before stepping inside

He admitted that the only prophecy he knew of was the Legend of the White

«They’re all main population,» Thom admitted

«That was Trenst,» she admitted

«It seems like that’s a lot,» he admitted

«Oh I know,» Heymon admitted, «and I admit I can’t push that level of math around either, but it would certainly explain your results as well as information creation and do a lot less mathematical havoc

«Seven fabricator-hours,» he admitted

“Ava’s as much as admitted that avatar that she left on your base was a clone,” Elmore said

Several of the human women admitted they wouldn’t mind having a go at one of the Ogatu males

After much giggling, Mistress Tara said she did entertain the thought about Alexei; at which point the human females admitted they all had done the same

on the floor and, for the first time in his life, admitted to himself

She grudgingly admitted it was true

had indeed happened and she ashamedly admitted

She probably shouldn’t have admitted to as much as she had

’ I admitted as Bill comes back into the office followed by Dave

’ She admitted, ‘Bunty always struck me as a very complex person, as though what you saw on the surface was only a part of the real woman

She admitted to

She finally admitted to the rest, except for the Night of the Three Amphorae

“That could be,” she admitted, “and if so, I’m glad you’re not

‘ I admitted, taking this information Bill has offered us and storing it away safely for pondering at a later date

’ I admitted awkwardly, ‘I’ll die of embarrassment

When I talked to her, she first denied that she was your sister, but later admitted that you were a part of the family

’ She admitted, ‘It is such a long time since Dave has been involved with anyone and he’d never mentioned anyone … it came so out of the blue …’

“Actually she has been known as Ava longer,” Jorma admitted

“I didn’t think of that,” Jorma admitted

“Well, at one time, they were monks,” Fred admitted, “In times

He admitted that he wouldn’t mind a social encounter with her, and was sorry last week had ended the way it had

He would feel more comfortable discussing this with Ava, even though she interrogated him just about as much and admitted she had talked to I

Just because Ava had admitted it to him, how could he be sure that Tdeshi hadn’t woken up from the overdose with fabulous dreams of outer space? The science of virtual humans in silicon and transferring personalities via helmet is something he had to either believe or not, but either way, he knew he was drawn to the soul that was in that body now, however she got there

admitted to Kemberra

She spent a lot of time waiting to get admitted, only to find that Fenais had left her career over twenty decades ago, and had been there only occasionally since, coincidentally, year 100,00,23

’ Andy admitted, ‘Ozzie was a bit of a bastard to her at times

“I have to get these names and figures sorted in my head before we arrive in Chicago, Saturday afternoon, and it takes me longer these days to cement new things into my mind than it once did,” he admitted, waving the papers in his hands

He admitted it when I pointed it out, but he was favoring the credibility of promoted individuals on that list over that of people out beyond Chardovia

” He went on to talk freely of what he would remember and what not, and admitted he would remember little detail of those days

“Byara said she suspected and Hyondahi admitted to them that Tdeshi had done it before, after she disappeared

admitted Harry, sure that this was a losing hand to play

After a brief but probing interview, during which Harry was told of the school’s twenty year history, and record for graduating the best and brightest, and his own responsibilities, should he be admitted

‘I’m not aware of it,’ admitted Dubois

admitted, leaning back with his feet on his wife’s lap and a

Andy admitted that he’d met an old girl friend a few weeks ago and that she’d made a dead set at him

Livingson, our Entrance Examinations are, with some slight modifications, the third year promotion trials, so you rightly should be admitted to Lower Sixth, but for the considerations already mentioned

“She admitted it in front of me

Of course, no-one ever admitted to having used it

They reminisced some more, Hyondahi admitted that Tdeshi never cared for him anywhere near as much as he cared for her and he knew it

Hyondahi admitted that he had been in the past but his clients were women who could not win sex socially

“I was,” he admitted, “But he knew what had to be done

She admitted that between the girls, Hipolyta was the daughter she most tried to keep up with and sort out

‘Yes, I do,’ he admitted

Someone had at last admitted that he not only knew

‘I’m afraid that’s as far as I got,’ he admitted

‘That is a risk,’ admitted Jean

“It was remembering your every move of that last day on the road near the White’s house that prompted our determination to achieve what you had demonstrated,” they admitted to Harry’s delighted expression

She admitted she didn’t know who she was, but was even more assured today when they’d found the door open, that she was there that night

‘He admitted it all without batting an eyelid! How

» She admitted, looking to the other concerned faces, in the room

There she stood, arms folded close to her chest, she wouldn’t have admitted it, but it was to hold on to the warmth, she’d just encountered

He smiled broadly, unabashedly interested in whatever he didn’t know, and readily admitted as much

Yourself?” They shook hands as Harry admitted he wore the colors of School House as well

Instead of admitting they had a legitimate

Can you imagine the Islamic and Moslem extremist nations that desire the death of Israel seeing this take place? Can you imagine what will happen when those nations hear the Jewish people admitting their failure before God – and that their judgment was due to their sin – and in love embracing their enemies and blessing them that cursed them?

Duncan could see her obvious uneasiness at admitting all this; she was always in control, always strong and sure of herself

“Well, what’s next Tara,” he asked admitting she was the expert in this environment

There – he’d thought it, the truth he’d been avoiding admitting to himself during those hours perched in the darkness

There was no sense in pretending the other didn’t know what was going on, was there? “So you’re admitting that I am under suspicion?”

“Harry, why were you so coy about admitting to your training before; when I asked if you knew about the Ten Tigers?”

Even though she had done things Desa considered many times more degrading than admitting a mistake, Valla thought differently, maybe it was because she had grown up too fast out in that pass? If Desa could avoid teasing and prodding, Valla was going to come around

admitting that he barely understood a word the young

He felt vulnerable admitting it, but he had

Admitting she hadn’t been listening, would’ve been like getting her to go to the doctor

admitting foreigners to public offices than the Athenians, their consideration for him must

“I don’t mind admitting she’s the

“Certainly the Legion isn’t admitting children now?” She snickered aloud

However, with the passage of time and through experiments, scientists are admitting this openly that they believe in the existence of multiple dimensions which seem to co-exist with our physical world simultaneously

She didn’t like admitting someone reached her

They knew, without admitting it, this was probably the last time they would see Joseph alive

This, however, could scarce, perhaps, be done, consistently with the principles of the British constitution, without admitting into the British parliament, or, if you will, into the states-general of the British empire, a fair and equal representation of all those different provinces ; that of each province bearing the same proportion to the produce of its taxes, as the representation of Great Britain might bear to the produce of the taxes levied upon Great Britain

The British apologized for the destruction caused by the British-built cruisers, while admitting no guilt

Raven wondered whether her stomach was distended through starvation or if Salverford had begun admitting pregnant women

questions I’d get him around to admitting that he’d worked hard,

” This guy was admitting to us he had killed Tony Reilly

Still, he did seem to have a better idea what the creature was than he was admitting

Unable to stop the tears of rage, pain and fright from rising up in his eyes, Darkburst lowered his head to the ground and groaned, finally admitting that there was nothing he could do to release himself

” Others were absurdities to anyone angered over losses to terrorists, such as publicly admitting he did not care about finding Bin Laden

Finally admitting defeat, I watched as Uncle Hobart deftly open it with a self-satisfied smirk

We made peace, after admitting with a smile that “we hit each other hard”

Moreover, I have testimony that states the murdered man was far more closely involved with you than you’re admitting

While admitting that he helped his brother, he was unable or unwilling to explain their actions

Sitting in the rapidly-cooling water, he resigned himself to the fact that he would have to allow his beard to continue to grow, admitting to himself that unshaven, he would blend into the mass of refugees travelling across Poland

It was a human gesture, admitting one’s imperfection eagerly without guilt, shame or regret

Secretly, without even admitting it to himself, he believed that time was approaching fast now

“Yes,” Zavek said cautiously, as if admitting such knowledge could be dangerous

Courageous? Courageous would have been admitting weakness and leaving Dauntless, no matter what shame accompanied it

There is a difference between admitting and confessing

Admitting involves softening, making excuses for things that cannot be excused; confessing just names the crime at its full severity

Chabi knows that she has overstepped her bounds this time since she is not denouncing you in any way nor admitting to anyone that she has ever seen you

He agreed, admitting that he had read some of my grandfather’s books but found them difficult to follow

○ Humility in admitting that He is far greater then we can describe, or our

David is being humble by admitting that the Lord has the power to achieve things

“Despite admitting to very serious charges, Dosanjh was allowed to return to the

And as stupid and irrational as it was admitting it

admitting transfers from dinky lower tier Chicago LSs like DePaul and Loyola, and taking students whose GPAs and LSATs would not have gotten them admitted as 1Ls

Even reluctant Democrats agreed he handled the issue well, admitting the affair

Instead of admitting when they»re

Father Broward laughed and nodded, admitting that he’d

’I’m admitting nothing, but would you object if that was the case?’ asked David

thought might have been, and I’m admitting nothing either way, having sex without

admitting it to herself

She wondered if his admitting to having the

Without admitting any embarrassment or chagrin, Roy ordered that each and every trade for radio and TV advertising had to be preapproved by him personally, with written proof that the value received went to the station, not an individual

She told me that she was not in a relationship but she’s admitting it now

Simon had known very few born in that season and those he did know, from the very distant past, always fought shy of admitting it

Saeed wasn’t admitting he had a secret lab behind the hidden door in the closet of his lab

Admitting her adultery was

Robert Owen’s son, Robert Dale Owen, recognized the difficulty his father had in admitting the reason for the failure of the New Harmony episode

admitting the truth, otherwise you don’t have your deal, M

Instantly resentful, he played inarticulate, not even admitting his name

Use of my new admitting form that clarifies that only beneficial care can be

What would have happened if my admitting form and appropriate care

admitting form would have created a contract between Linda, her family, and the

I argued, not admitting what I had witnessed

It simply will not be in your best interest to recognize a want when the time comes of your remembrance (and it is here right now if you choose not to let it go) because in the act of wanting something you are admitting that this thing that you want, you do not already posses

If I answered, I would be admitting to being a healer

It could say something about the state’s witnesses admitting they lied and I have never been to the place (the bombing site) and am in no way connected to the crime

you are admitting that this thing that you want, you do not already posses

Brink starts the conversation by admitting he is not a friend of William, “Actually, I’m a friend of the people who helped Eileen after your father, Romero was imprisoned

Before admitting me to their car or truck they’d ask to see my passport

and secretly admitting that it was a

The morning of October 19th, 1975, the person the sheriff had been looking for turned himself in, admitting that he had killed all those people

Tres even wishes he could do that again and has no shame admitting this to Kristina

It was his way of admitting his worldview had

The first step to improving your relationship is becoming aware of your unhealthy actions and admitting they are wrong

had a hard time admitting turned him on even more than the show

Many parents are so twisted they’d feel more ashamed at admitting their son was gay than that he suicided

It was no real biggie, those planes will run on one of the three engines but I don’t mind admitting that I was really scared

’ It had been a calculated gamble, admitting his dislike, but he had read both the deputy and the guidance counsellor correctly

He had no idea where to go from there, but wasn’t admitting it

Gaspar couldn’t decide which made him feel more foolish: admitting to a seasoned assassin that he had risked his life to acquire a clockwork toy, or confessing the same thing to a pretty thiefess

’ This was a first for me, practically admitting I was gay, and my heart hammered furiously from fear that he’d curse me for a pervert

Finally, admitting defeat, Kita yelled out the window, “Ay bro, come here

I can’t believe this asshole is sitting here admitting that he sent that shitty ass proposal to me because we were the wealthiest company in the US

could be comfortable when in the presence of others, but admitting she can’t

lacked the proper sense of remorse or sense of responsibility, admitting to nothing no matter was it his

From the beginning the Master fully understood the weakness of this apostle and well knew the dangers of admitting him to fellowship

admitting that he had hoped to get into her pants…

This the Jewish leaders refused to accept and were seeking to corner him into admitting that he was an irregular teacher since he had never been sanctioned by the Sanhedrin

Just in case a question comes up, which you don’t know the answer to, try to still make a positive impression, by admitting that you don’t know it, but you are positive that they would provide you training for it

He had been called to the emergency room without any idea of what transpired and the four DOA‘s meant nothing until he overheard the EMS guy talking to the admitting nurse

I mean we had the alleged victims on the stand admitting to dope dealing, being high as a kite when it happened, the whole deal

“It is also about admitting the truth about ourselves and learning to live a better way

In effect he is personally responsible for the holdall and to have left it this long before admitting the loss can only look bad on him

It would mean admitting that

Mosley was behaving as arrogantly as ever, now neither admitting nor denying anything, giving the police the run around

I was not yet ready to say ‘wrong with my head’ because that would have been admitting to mental illness

Rugged realizes that his theory is flawed but instead of admitting it he says, “Then why do you think that she doesn’t talk?”

How could he be an alcoholic if he were not Irish? Much more, we had a wealthy non-Irishman joining us and admitting that he had a drinking problem!

For me, as with most men, admitting that I had a problem was not an easy

one can be the important first step in admitting to yourself, that you are

She heard about Allegheny College nearby, which began admitting women in 1870

Synonym: acknowledge, confess, consent, induct, receive. Antonym: exclude, forbid, prohibit. Similar words: admit to, admin, admire, admission, administer, administrator, administration, administrative. Meaning: [əd’mɪt]  v. 1. declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of 2. allow to enter; grant entry to 3. allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of 4. admit into a group or community 5. afford possibility 6. give access or entrance to 7. have room for; hold without crowding 8. serve as a means of entrance. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Don’t be afraid to admit to your mistakes.

2. The butler would not admit him into the house.

3. Strong woman is will cry,but never admit defeat.

4. It was a stupid thing to do, I admit.

5. I was negligent, I admit it.

6. I have to blush to admit that thing.

7. I admit I was foxed for some time.

8. Admit it! You were terrified!

9. She was reluctant to admit she was wrong.

10. She was very reluctant to admit the truth.

11. She stubbornly refuses to admit the truth.

12. The evidence can not admit of doubt.

13. Don’t admit liability for the accident.

14. You must admit that it all sounds very strange.

15. He persisted in his refusal to admit responsibility.

16. Mary wouldn’t admit how much the children wearied her.

17. I must admit that my knowledge of science is patchy.

18. They freely admit they still have a lot to learn.

19. I had to admit it sounded like an implausible excuse.

20. Why don’t you just admit defeat and let someone else try?

21. Admit it,[ ] we all love listening to the LIES when we already knew the TRUTH.

22. The club has / have voted to admit 50 new members.

23. I must admit I was surprised it cost so little.

24. She was a woman who hated to admit defeat .

25. He’s too macho to admit he was hurt when his girlfriend left him.

26. She didn’t have the courage to admit to her deception.

27. He doesn’t have the humility to admit when he’s wrong.

28. He conducted the meeting in his usual combative style,( refusing to admit any mistakes.

29. Listening to my heart beating. Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you .When thinking of you, I hope you can receive the passionat words I left for you!

30. The school governors have absolute discretion over which pupils they admit.

More similar words: admit to, admin, admire, admission, administer, administrator, administration, administrative, permit, limit, submit, smite, summit, transmit, committee, to the limit, limitation, intermittent. 

1) They refused to admit her because she wasn’t wearing the right clothes.

2) The Judge decided to admit that evidence. So, how did this happen?

3) I admit I’m a little bit biased.

4) Even though my views differ from him in this different situation, I have to admit that he may be right.

5) In spite of what they’d have you think, employees never actually admit that their employer lied to them.

6) The couple admits it is wasteful to use fossil fuels at such an alarming rate.

7) Many people don’t want to admit they are scared, so they make hard tasks seem too easy.

8) It’s hard to admit that you’re scared of something.

9) As we live our lives, it’s often hard to admit that you’re scared of something or someone.

10) The academy admits students from all over the world.

11) Drunk drivers are more likely to admit they think clearly while intoxicated than not.

12) Universities did not admit blacks until well into the 1800s.

13) It took a long time for the woman to admit she has a drinking problem.

14) The police officer changed his offer to let the driver off with a warning if he would admit to speeding instead of lying, which was what the driver wanted.

15) I don’t want to admit that he is right, but he is.

16) The fear of something is natural, but it’s hard to admit that you’re scared of something.

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