Use the word accurately in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word accurately, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use accurately in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «accurately».

Accurately in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word accurately in a sentence.

  1. These sherds could not be accurately dated.

  2. Peking opera does not aim to accurately represent reality.

  3. However, these castings were difficult to machine accurately.

  4. He was then able to accurately direct the rifle fire of his men.

  5. It is very difficult to accurately determine storm petrel populations.

  6. The scorers faced a difficult task in accurately recording the innings.

  7. No model accurately prognosticated the magnitude nor rate of the intensification.

  8. This requires the dimensions and inclination of the orbit to be accurately known.

  9. Similar molecular technology has been developed to rapidly and accurately identify B.

  10. The defence witnesses contradicted each other, and could not describe Euston accurately.

  11. Prince served as a consultant on the film, and believed it depicted the raid accurately.

  12. Louis announced they had engineered «cyborg grasshoppers» capable of accurately detecting explosives.

  13. In fact, the history of the Broadway musical can accurately be divided into what came before Oklahoma!

  14. I have used the word pain, but uneasiness and heat are words which more accurately express my feelings.

  15. The NTSB investigation concluded that the NWS failed to accurately predict wave heights on November 10.

  16. Religious language is a philosophical problem arising from the difficulties in accurately describing God.

  17. It is a common form of dementia, but the prevalence is not known accurately and many diagnoses are missed.

  18. For example, the Han dynasty scholar Wang Chong (27–97) accurately described the process of the water cycle.

  19. The gun proved unsatisfactory, as it was very difficult to accurately aim and keep supplied with ammunition.

  20. The illustrations accurately depict the ducks and the city and emphasizes the point-of-view of the ducklings.

  21. The snake is able to strike more accurately from a full display and more likely to deliver an envenomed bite.

  22. This made it impossible to accurately target the battleship, and the 33 aircraft which bombed achieved no hits.

  23. This algorithm finds the global minimum very accurately as the search pattern is neither too big nor too small.

  24. The transcription factor wraps around the DNA helix and uses its fingers to accurately bind to the DNA sequence.

  25. German records do not show losses at regimental level, so their actual casualties cannot be accurately assessed.

  26. Known variously as ‘Berney’s Inn’, ‘the Erpingham’ or ‘Calthorpe’s House’, it was only accurately located in 1981.

  27. He found Aaliyah to be ideal for his songwriting style, while she believed that he could accurately portray her feelings.

  28. This allowed sailors to navigate the seas more accurately with the magnetic needle compass, also first described by Shen.

  29. No complete muster records for Nichols’s regiment exist, and casualty figures for the unit cannot be accurately discerned.

  30. A molecular diagnostic test, developed in 2002, can accurately identify each species using DNA extracted from its mycelia.

  31. Measurements made by the New Horizons spacecraft in 2015 made it possible to calculate the orbit of Arawn more accurately.

  32. The qibla may be observed facing the Kaaba accurately (ayn al-ka’bah) or facing in the general direction (jihat al-ka’bah).

  33. Surgical exploration may be necessary to obtain a suitable biopsy and to accurately stage a person with cholangiocarcinoma.

  34. This was revised by Johannes Kepler, yielding an elliptic orbit for Mars that more accurately fitted the observational data.

  35. A 2001 study found that the dichotomy of megabats and microbats did not accurately reflect their evolutionary relationships.

  36. Lead has a magic number of protons (82), for which the nuclear shell model accurately predicts an especially stable nucleus.

  37. The aircraft departed from bases in northern Scotland and, due to clear weather conditions, the Commonwealth airmen were able to accurately target and bomb the battleship.

  38. Establishing the date of this boundary − which is defined by sharp climatic warming − as accurately as possible has been a goal of geologists for much of the 20th century.

  39. The tourists had largely been content to wait for loose deliveries, rather than take risks, and as the Englishmen bowled accurately, the Australians did not score quickly.

  40. The team wanted to make sure the city was represented accurately within the game, and went on «location hunts» onto building rooftops without permission to get photographs.

  41. Rhimes wrote the episode in collaboration with the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) to ensure that King’s recovery was presented as accurately as possible.

General information about «accurately» example sentences

The example sentences for the word accurately that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «accurately» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «accurately».

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1 The machine can accurately locate radioactive material.

2 The article accurately reflects public opinion.

3 The weather bureau has accurately predicted the sand storm.

4 It is important to define these terms accurately.

5 You didn’t measure the angle accurately.

6 Now scientists can forecast the weather accurately.

7 The colours can be reproduced fairly accurately.

8 Can you measure accurately with this ruler?

9 There is a trade-off between doing the job accurately and doing it quickly.

10 Pigeons navigate less accurately when the earth’s magnetic field is disturbed.

11 It’s still not possible to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes.

12 Does this opinion poll accurately reflect the public mood?

13 I can’t render my thought accurately.

14 He had accurately read the mood of the nation.

15 It’s impossible to predict the weather accurately.

16 His work is difficult to label accurately.

17 The weights must be recorded accurately.

18 You need to hit the ball accurately.

19 Our radar pinpointed accurately the attacking planes.

20 You can now measure its length more accurately.

21 Great precision is required to align the mirrors accurately.

22 The positions of the archaeological finds are accurately plotted.

23 It is hard to hit the ball accurately.

24 It is virtually impossible to predict the future accurately.

25 The test can accurately predict what a bigger explosion would do.

26 His condition would be more accurately termed as «chronic fatigue».

27 This model does not describe accurately the way a market economy actually functions.

28 The new test will enable us to identify more accurately patients who are most at risk.

29 I believe I am capable of calculating the political consequences accurately.

30 It has not yet been possible to date the paintings accurately.

More similar words: accurate, accuracy, desperately, deliberately, lately, privately, ultimately, fortunately, approximately, accelerate, occur, accuse, the accused, accusation, definitely, satellite, rate, accentuate, accommodate, operate, cooperate, moderate, tolerate, decorate, desperate, generate, at any rate, strategy, corporate, strategic. 

accurately — перевод на русский


Aim more accurately!

Точнее прицел!

My dear Krasis, I must work out our landing coordinates as accurately as possible.

Мой дорогой Кразис, я должен вычислить наши координаты посадки как можно точнее.

-To be strictly accurate, it broke itself.

Точнее, оно сломало само себя.

As time passed, self-replication became more accurate.

Время шло, и копии становились все точнее.

And more accurate.

И точнее.

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I mean, you make jokes about your body, and they’re pretty funny and mostly accurate, but with your big boobs, that dress would look great.

Ты постоянно шутишь о своём теле и это смешно, и по большей части верно, но с твоей большой грудью оно смотрелось бы круто.

Well, is it accurate?

Но здесь все верно?

If the times of these incidents are to be accepted as accurate, the creature would have to have moved at an incredible rate of speed.

Если время этих происшествий указано верно, существо двигалось с невероятно высокой скоростью.

I don’t know if it’s accurate,

Может, не совсем верно

Course settings were accurate but readings are inconsistent with those expected for intended destination.

Курс был задан верно, … — … но поступающие данные не соотносятся с имеющейся информацией … — … о предполагаемом месте назначения.

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«Unless you count, accurately, every single fish in the Atlantic,

«Если не назовете число всех рыб в Атлантике, с точностью до одной,

This model permitted reasonably accurate predictions of planetary motion.

Эта модель позволяла с достаточной точностью предсказать движение и расположение планет.

If I knew… that these three would meet, let’s say, in 2 months in a certain place at a certain hour, accurate to 1 hour and 50 meters, then I could believe in the possibility of success.

Если б я знал, что эти трое встретятся, скажем, через 2 месяца в таком-то месте, с точностью до 1 часа и 50 метров, тогда я мог бы поверить в успех.

We cannot be accurate to a tenth of a second if we do it manually.

Мы не сможем произвести зажигание с точностью до десятой секунды вручную.

The best, straight from Merak ll, calibrated to be accurate down to the micrometer and at a very reasonable price.

Самый лучший, прямо с Мирака II, настроенный с точностью до микрометра. Да и цена разумная.

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Can you accurately speak the word vagina?

Можешь правильно произнести «вагина»?

Teacher: That’s not entirely accurate.

Это не совсем правильно.

But, if you’re very accurate, I will give an extra 100 points to anyone who’s bang on their own scores.

Но, если вы постараетесь, то я дам еще 100 очков тому, кто правильно подсчитает свои очки.

I know it’s not entirely accurate.

Я знаю, это не совсем правильно.

Just to make sure I have everything accurate, uh, you burned your hand… we’ve been over this, haven’t we?

Чтобы убедиться, что я все поняла правильно, Эм, ты обожгла свою руку… Мы уже с этим закончили, не так ли?

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Always careful. Accurately render each plane and curve.

— Всегда осторожно, аккуратно передаем каждую поверхность

So that we can trace it a little more accurately.

Более аккуратно,то..

I was just trying to accurately portray my unique and quirky home life.

О… я просто… старалась аккуратно изобразить мою уникальную и чудаковатую семейную жизь…

— Be accurate.

Работайте аккуратно.

He’s the only person in showbiz who is… Both: Able to seamlessly blend comedy and melodrama while accurately and respectfully portraying the black experience in contemporary america!

Он единственный в шоу-бизнесе, кто… может с лёгкостью совмещать комедию и мелодраму, и, в то же время аккуратно и с уважением отображать жизнь афроамериканцев в современной Америке!

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Actually, Dallas, all this fighting is historically accurate.

Вообще-то, Даллас, всё это сражение исторически достоверно.

It would be accurate to say it started with his on-air apology.

Достоверно будет сказать, что всё началось с его извинения в эфире.

I would describe that as entirely accurate.

Я отвечу, что это совершенно достоверно.

Now, I know that sounds crazy, but it is 100% historically accurate.

Сейчас это звучит безумно, но это на сто процентов исторически достоверно.

I don’t know if it’s all historically accurate.

Я не знаю, насколько это все исторически достоверно.

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Not accurate…

Не совсем…

At your press conference you left somewhat the impression that you regard the Christian right an enemy to be either — beaten or ignored. Is that accurate? No, beaten and then ignored.

После вашей пресс конференции создалось впечатление, что христиане — это враги, которым надо либо… всыпать плетей, либо не замечать совсем.

Forgive me, but that is not…quite accurate now, is it?

Простите, но это… уже не совсем так.

That is not accurate, sir.

Не совсем так, сэр.

Okay, that’s not accurate, and you’re saying it to me while I’m armed.

Не совсем так, и вы говорите это мне, когда я вооружена.

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It wasn’t accurate.

Тест был неточным.

Do you think it’s possible that his perspective might not be accurate?

Не думаешь ли ты, что его видение может быть неточным?

What do you mean not accurate?

Что значит неточным?

DMV pictures aren’t necessarily recent or accurate.

Фотографии из автотранспортном инспекции могут быть устаревшими и неточными.

They’re outdated, so they may not be accurate.

Но они старые и могут оказаться неточными.

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Which is factually accurate.

— Что полностью правдиво.

Makes the resume accurate.

Ваше резюме вполне правдиво.

If the account you have given me is accurate, then, yes, I do believe that is the case.

Если то, что вы мне рассказали, правдиво, тогда да, полагаю, что вы не хотели.

I suppose we’d better find out if the report is accurate, or merely rumor.

Я считаю, что нам нужно выяснить, правдивы наши донесения или это просто слухи.

— She remarked on how accurate they were.

— Ей показалось, что они правдивы.

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You’re always quick and accurate

Всегда молниеносно и в точку.

And it was also accurate.

Это было в точку.

But accurate.

Но в точку.

That’s so accurate.

Прямо в точку.

— That’s accurate.


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accurately (adv): in a way that is correct, exact, and without any mistakes

Use “accurately” in a sentence

It’s difficult to accurately predict the weather
It is important to answer these questions accurately.
Can you measure accurately with this ruler?

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They mask the ability to sense accurately where the pressure is on the foot

“Alright then…early in the morning you say? And you can say that accurately and honestly ‘cause in all the 8 inspection rounds you religiously did last night, Williams was sittin’ there, in the pink, smellin’ of roses

As I stripped off my shirt I wondered how I could measure time accurately, how I could make the most of these small moments of freedom

With every move the record of our days started all over again, and we could never be quite sure, once we arrived at a new place of incarceration, that we could remember the previous count at all accurately

’ She replied, deducing accurately what news I want to hear

career and you want to put that on your profile, then by logging on to your profile, you can click edit and change all your information so you can be represented as accurately as possible

This form of prayer could accurately be called meditation or

machine, and have to type very rapidly and accurately to

radiation that can be accurately measured and mapped

It is rumored that he possesses the ‘sight’; he reads people quickly and accurately

She said something in greeting but something about what she was wearing made it impossible for him to accurately remember just what it was

He gauged fairly accurately and now had: Re 216, Mi 240, Fa 256, Sol 288, La 320, and Ti 360

‘It’s too hard to accurately monitor what they sell

The price of labour, it must be observed, cannot be ascertained very accurately anywhere, different prices being often paid at the same place and for the same sort of labour, not only according to the different abilities of the workman, but according to the easiness or hardness of the masters

realizing that I prophesied accurately

But more accurately, the Graelic knew

from childhood, I can fairly accurately say that save for an

When you accurately speak to your prospect, then they will respond to you

Pretty bizarre, wouldn’t you say! This allows them to better capture sound waves and accurately locate their prey and is thus a pretty high-tech design

So, enable the Open Rate feature of your Autoresponder so that you can accurately measure the number of subscribers who opened your email broadcast

This is accurately reflected in the transition between day and night times as afternoons and evenings are experienced in that process

giving frequent “drone” quizzes that do not count against their grades, but that allow the instructors to accurately assess each student’s grasp of the class material

to accurately assess the inner workings of a person, but Mr

But if they had expressed themselves more accurately, and only asserted, that the revenue of this class was equal to the value of what they produced, it might readily have occurred to the reader, that what would naturally be saved out of this revenue, must necessarily increase more or less the real wealth of the society

“I cannot accurately predict the results of explosions, Captain, I have no models for that situation

Whilst he was sometimes viewed with suspicion as he was often the bearer of bad news, he had rarely done anything to upset the miners, and had often been instrumental in accurately relaying their views back to the Minister back on Earth

‘Hello, Roidon,’ came the words from his mind, and vocalized so accurately to the words in his head it was as if the device could know that

You would also have to determine accurately what the meteorological conditions and strength of the magnetic field that existed before this time was, about 4,500 years ago

So, if the speed of light can be varied, can we conclude with absolute certainty that the beam of light we observe has not been affected by any gravitational influence? How has the second law of Thermodynamics affected the speed of light over time?7 Since we cannot accurately measure the change today, due to a lack of time, is it safe to assume that the speed of light has always been constant?

In short then: Showing evidence of the Bible’s supernatural design, the proven accuracy of the many facts within our means to accurately analyse, then we should also be able to rely on the information for which we have no verifiable answer

D: — The person who hid this message in the Bible had to accurately anticipate the following aspects, millennia before they would actually occur:

On this point, let us look at the Bible’s ability to predict future events accurately

If we consider this water body to have existed between the Crust of the Earth and the Earth’s mantle or somewhere within the mantle, the verses above would apply perfectly and would accurately describe its existence and location

ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth II Timothy

accurately handle the word is very important but our

In the last few years in these United States it would be more accurately be referred to, in all too many instances, as the art of the reprehensible, and can be pretty well characterized as a combination of Gnosticism and Millennialism, even though the great majority of its practitioners wouldn»t have the foggiest idea as to the meaning of either of those terms

We had to size up the customers quickly and accurately,

Fully automatic fire was seldom used except on the border where fire suppression is rather important to deter the enemy from shooting accurately with RPG’s

accurately it seems

She applied more pressure, praying that Stephen had chosen a solid piece of wood, that he had followed the mold accurately, that she had pressed the key into the cheese in an even fashion

Like always the problem was to find the insurgents camps and with the technology of the day mark it accurately for bombing and then to bomb accurately

It worked better than the 20mm as most contacts took place at close range and had a faster fire rate which was important to keep the terrorists down and unable to accurately fire their RPG7’s

The west was not nearly as violent as portrayed on film (except in violence done against Natives, where Hollywood has yet to depict such genocide accurately

Contractors, or as they should be more accurately described, mercenaries, actually outnumbered US troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan

So now, ironically enough, I work for the federal government over the Internet as a private consultant checking that data submitted by agencies such as the one I worked for contains no errors and is accurately interpreted

“To inform its readers of the result of the recent elections in the United States, The Daily Mirror of London asked in its front page: “How can 59 million people be so dumb?” Unfortunately, that British newspaper accurately reflects the thinking of many newspapers and commentators with respect to those who voted for Bush in the above mentioned election

During our stay in Pilar we attended a local show that accurately reveals the soul of that beautiful city

Since the end of the Civil War, US interventions, or more accurately, invasions, had largely stopped overseas

In several of these cases, the atrocities either did not even exist or they are not being described accurately

Colling was amazed that the German had accurately estimated the space necessary to accommodate the ice cream freezer, refrigerator, sinks and other pieces of fountain equipment

accurately represent reality? If Newton’s clockwork universe, which was the

The waitress had accurately described a curve in the road and a large oak tree that would be marked by prominent gashes in its trunk

The finger stabbed again, this time it hit accurately

It ticked reassuringly and kept time amazingly accurately

In 1999 just prior to the year 2000, historically the end of the second millennium, many thought that none of their computers would be able to accurately indicate the first year of the third millennium and all computer-dependent businesses would crash and burn, figuratively speaking

accurately as to their spiritual constitution, stage of development and

For example, some simple differential equations can represent the movements of the planets within the solar system and accurately predict where they will be located far into the future

Whilst the musicians were able to replicate the sounds pretty accurately the vocals were largely unrecognisable

To say that I was shocked wouldn’t have accurately depicted my state of mind

Blazin’s dad looked into the rear view mirror with this vexing look that said: don’t they teach these kids anything better to talk about in school? And to confirm that I had read his look accurately, when we had all finally shut up, he said, “You kids and your corny ass jokes

She encouraged me to develop all aspects of singing, from lieder to folk songs, maintaining I had a special gift for traditional songs (“Jy het so ‘n menslike stem” – difficult to translate accurately but meaning a warm voice that moves people

In this regard, please do not take my translation of the text in quotations marks as literally accurate, word for word and letter for letter, but rather concentrate on the message the quotations portray, as every effort has been made to accurately reflect the core message of every quoted passage, from his book, in Afrikaans: “5 Minute voor en na die dood”

Jason wondered if the figure more accurately presaged the take of present-day casinos! Along with a counterproposal, President Andrew Johnson declared the Indians hostile

handle on its cash, profit and loss, and balance sheet, and can accurately

We simply cannot accurately see into the past and therefore are unable to interpret the past

I arrived at the club at the usual time and Edward gave me a drink of something that tasted sweet, although I could not describe the taste more accurately than that

The entire global warming affair can accurately be described as application of the precautionary principle on a global scale

The new name more accurately reflected the

The book of the courses of the luminaries of the heavens, the relations of each, according to their classes, their dominion and their seasons, according to their names and places of origin, and according to their months, which Uriel, the holy angel, who was with me, who is their guide, showed me; and he showed me all their laws exactly as they are, and how it is with regard to all the years of the world and to eternity, till the new creation is accomplished which endures till eternity; And this is the first law of the luminaries: the luminary the Sun has its rising in the eastern portals of the heavens, and its setting in the western portals of the heavens; And I saw six portals in which the sun rises, and six portals in which the sun sets and the moon rises and sets in these portals, and the leaders of the stars and those whom they lead: six in the east and six in the west, and all following each other in accurately corresponding order: also many windows to the right and left of these portals; And first there goes out the great luminary, named the Sun, and his circumference is like the circumference of the heavens, and he is quite filled with illuminating and heating fire

When the sun rises in the heavens, he comes out through that fourth portal thirty, mornings in succession, and sets accurately in the fourth portal in the west of the heavens; And during this period the day becomes daily longer and the night nightly shorter to the thirtieth morning

For in 8 years she falls behind to the amount of 80 days, all the days she falls behind in 8 years are 80, and the year is accurately completed in conformity with their world-stations and the stations of the sun, which rise from the portals through which it the sun rises and sets 30 days

Owing to them men shall be at fault and not reckon them in the whole reckoning of the year: yes, men shall be at fault, and not recognize them accurately

When given a beam of electrons, for example, quantum theory can accurately predict the

64 The Source is simply That Which Is, or perhaps more accurately, All

blind and thus could not have been imagined or otherwise described accurately if the items were

relate accurately events or descriptions of seemingly observed locations in the physical world in

accurately the need for the memory of the previous human shape, seemed to become less

accurately to questions posed to her in the Nepalese language

66 And the child told them accurately all that happened, and all the words of Zelicah to Joseph day after day did he declare to them

12 And the baker, seeing that Joseph had accurately interpreted the butler’s dream, also approached, and related the whole of his dream to Joseph

tables that are still able to route packets accurately — what I like to call «concise and complete» routing tables

Or, more accurately, the universe just runs out of steam: it ends with no usable high-quality energy

The reporter accurately stated Roger’s theory behind the Watergate break-in which he considered “an intelligence maneuver”

A good mental strategy will help you accurately recall your past actions in relation to the last object, and

Twitter does not yet offer internal statistics to track your account’s progress, however there are a lot of third party tools that will provide all of the data you need to accurately measure your performance

Be sure there is adequate computer software to accurately track the Receivables and print

Torture? I don’t think my behavior could accurately be described as torture

When people hear the Pastor accurately forecast God’s destruction of the monument, they’ll believe

hallucination, we expect to perceive nothing—meaning, more accurately, the air and things in

describe the website clearly and accurately

One of the main reasons for this paradox is that in ancient and medieval times there was no way to accurately measure time

The book of the courses of the luminaries of the heavens the relations of each according to their classes their dominion and their seasons according to their names and places of origin and according to their months which Uriel the holy angel who was with me who is their guide showed me; and he showed me all their laws exactly as they are and how it is with regard to all the years of the world and to eternity till the new creation is accomplished which endures till eternity; And this is the first law of the luminaries: the luminary the Sun has its rising in the eastern portals of the heavens and its setting in the western portals of the heavens; And I saw six portals in which the sun rises and six portals in which the sun sets and the moon rises and sets in these portals and the leaders of the stars and those whom they lead: six in the east and six in the west and all following each other in accurately corresponding order: also many windows to the right and left of these portals; And first there goes out the great luminary named the Sun and his circumference is like the circumference of the heavens and he is quite filled with illuminating and heating fire

When the sun rises in the heavens he comes out through that fourth portal thirty mornings in succession and sets accurately in the fourth portal in the west of the heavens; And during this period the day becomes daily longer and the night nightly shorter to the thirtieth morning

For in 8 years she falls behind to the amount of 80 days all the days she falls behind in 8 years are 80 and the year is accurately completed in conformity with their world-stations and the stations of the sun which rise from the portals through which it the sun rises and sets 30 days

Owing to them men shall be at fault and not reckon them in the whole reckoning of the year: yes men shall be at fault and not recognize them accurately

The outcomes of such encounters can never be accurately predicted

word that accurately describes the type of pain

He was Stalin’s puppet, or more accurately, Stalin’s transcriptionist

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