Use the word abstract in a sentence

Use Abstract in a sentence. How to use the word Abstract in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Abstract. Sentence for Abstract.

Use Abstract in a Sentence

Definition of Abstract

  1. existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.
  2. a summary of the contents of a book, article, or formal speech.
  3. consider (something) theoretically or separately from something else.

Examples of Abstract in a sentence

  1. He is a painter known for his abstract paintings.
  2. Explain truth and duty, not in an abstract form, but exhibit it in actual and living examples.
  3. All historical writings, even those that deal with complicated and abstract ideas, tell stories about people and their lives.
  4. As though lost in the most abstract reflection Jaffrey Bretton cocked his head on one side.
  5. Aaron Siskind’s abstract graffiti was first done by Weston.
  6. The works become more abstract as a visitor continues on the path to Birch Grove and Gold Garden.
  7. The formalist analyzes of abstract works were convincing at first, although they became difficult to sustain.
  8. It was now no longer possible for Wallace to look at the question purely in its abstract character.
  9. This method may be made more formal still by requiring a class to write a full and regular abstract of all they have learned during a specified time.
  10. A system is also given by which the reader may enlarge his vocabulary, and furnish himself easily and naturally with those general or abstract terms which are often misunderstood and misused, and still
    more often not understood and not used at all.
  11. Could the doctrine of a new religion in an early period come forward with such a spiritualised system, with such elevated moral demands, such abstract conceptions?
  12. The name of this deity no less than his abstract nature is a proof of his later origin.
  13. A new god had thrown the old gods into the background, and with the conception of this new god was connected a new view of the world, at once abstract and fantastic.

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Sentence with word abstract. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use abstract in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for abstract.

  • I meant us in the abstract. (9)
  • An abstract of the will was forwarded. (10)
  • In the abstract he could be sorry for Shrapnel. (10)
  • Why indulge in these abstract views, you would ask! (10)
  • She fancies she may know a more widely awake in the abstract. (10)
  • In the abstract this contemplation of circumstances went well. (10)
  • More in the abstract, they were snatching at a snapdragon bowl. (10)
  • She has lost any power she may have had of grasping abstract ideas. (10)
  • The reason is, that their minds cannot conceive the abstract, as men do. (10)
  • Alvan consequently was unable any longer to think of a wife in the abstract. (10)
  • I could have wrestled with anything abstract and distant, from being certain. (10)
  • She has in the abstract the justest of minds: and that is the curious point about her. (10)
  • Nothing was too white, too saintly, or too misty, for his conception of abstract woman. (10)
  • He glanced at Diana, still with that calculating abstract air of his; and he was rallied. (10)
  • Are civilized creatures incapable of abstract thought when their social position is dubious? (10)
  • He had been denouncing the flat in the abstract, and he had not expected this concrete result. (9)
  • Abstract views of a woman summon opposite advocates: one can never say positively, That is she! (10)
  • The Englishman preferred to look upon the preacher as guided by a purely abstract love of beauty. (8)
  • They may be trained, equally as we are, to venerate the abstract idea of country, and be a sacrifice to it. (10)
  • The abstract, healthful and powerful man, able to play besides profitably working, defied those poor efforts. (10)
  • And that was a burning perplexity; not because of abstract scruples touching the necessity for love in marriage. (10)
  • Her mouth smiled, and her accompanying look of abstract benevolence arrested the tentative allurement to conversation. (10)
  • It comes of unrefined abstract fancy, grotesque or grim, or gross, like the peculiar humours of their little earthmen. (10)
  • I judge rather by the abstract evidence than by the examples our fair matrons give to astounded foreigners when abroad. (10)
  • Strange to think, she had not since then power to grasp in her abstract mind a notion of stedfastness without or within. (10)
  • Mr. Dudley Sowerby was not one of the youths whose presence would rectify such an abstract estimate of the genus pursuer. (10)
  • For good government in the abstract, the people of the United States seem to have no liking, or, at all events, no passion. (16)
  • In return for his moral excellence, she gave him the moral sentiments: esteem, gratitude, abstract admiration, perfect faith. (10)
  • But, as he looked, his mother changed to Mrs. Dennant, and began speaking in a voice that was a sort of abstract of refinement. (8)
  • The squire listened, and perspired at finding the object of his abhorrence crowned thus in the unassailable realms of the abstract. (10)
  • Her father had been a sailor, her husbands an official and a soldier; the issue for her was uncomplicated by any abstract meditation. (8)
  • There I found joy and sorrow mixed, and nothing abstract or typical, but everything standing for itself, and not for some other thing. (9)
  • She could not abstract her mind five minutes: she was forced to listen; his reading was capital, and her pleasure in good reading extreme. (4)
  • Their concern with it is confined to the domain of politics, and they are not called to the discussion of abstract principles, but of practical measures. (14)
  • Apparently he would have preferred to watch her dark downcast eyelashes in silence under sanction of his air of abstract meditation and the melancholy superinducing it. (10)
  • But the man, realizing more clearly than she the indirect penalties which his situation inevitably imposed, gave no further thought to the abstract question of justice. (13)

Also see sentences for: brief, digest, epitome, rob, steal, summary.

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Sentence Examples

Again it’s the kind of zeitgeist of abstract expressionism, that freedom, that release from the conventions of picture making that were earlier is there with Frank.

Frank’s free-wheeling odyssey echoed the spontaneity of abstract expressionist art and beat poetry.

It looks totally abstract and it looks like something… when I’m in a cafe, I see something different in a cafe.

You’re not permitted like philosophers or theologians to fly off into the abstract.

What you will see on the screen is a picture of the various abstract images that might pass through your mind if you sat in a concert hall listening to this music.

In the world of abstract research she’s a danger, destruction.

Do you hear, let them be well used, for they are the abstract and brief chronicles of the time.

In that abstract room that could be reborn anywhere Michael lived on after his death

It’s odd to see how very young painters already oppose the abstract school as they develop.

Certainly I’m aware of the fact that there are other men concerned here, and you still can’t feel that a physical being is abstract.

We have seen abstract drawings and heard stories of these nomads, but they were always associated with human traits!

And he specializes in the abstract.

A dealer in abstract art or something.

Well, he’s real abstract!

It was conceived out of memory and half-forgotten impulse, and it emerged from the shadows of abstract emotions, until it was born full-grown from… the mechanical realities of my fingertips.

Whatever the odds, I’m determined to abstract that woman.

It used to be a part of an abstract, universal, indiferent memory.

That nothing abstract or experimental interests them.

Well, excuse me while I go powder my abstract.

Everyone must act, and forget group thinking…abstract words…

They’re like abstract paintings.

No, with your arrest, I get the feeling of something abstract.

It’s so abstract, I can’t consider how it applies to me!

That’s an abstract theory, mathematical.

Don’t ever go to an exhibition… of abstract art for the minions.

a metaphorical abstract dream, not a story. Jean-Marie Straub

What is really interesting in my opinion is that all knowledge …of sculpture has accumulated both the realistic and the abstract forms which are able to meet with social force and in a historical moment when in the strict sense of the word, realist sculpture and… abstract sculpture are able to coincide

has as his flag a painting of abstract art:

Cuban artists dislike Khrushchev’s views on abstract art.

Our painters are revolutionary, but who stops them being abstract?

Oh, Barrett has installed my new abstract in the garden.

Nothing ! compared to abstract painting.

Stone Age man was even familiar with abstract art.

She’s an art student… more of the abstract school

I want to see your Crazy, abstract paintings

I’m not too familiar with abstract art

But the lessons you draw are very abstract.

Besides it seemed difficult to address certain topics, to speak of bombs when they don’t fall on your head and you speak in the abstract.

Hello, Gramps. — Still abstract?

It can’t be abstract if it resembles his eyes.

Which aren’t abstract, so that picture sees you as I do…

abstract art is my conceit

To put it in a more abstract way: You don’t want utopia just flying round in your mind, you want to see utopia realized in a concrete way.

Subject made the leap from rote memorization to a grasp of abstract theory. The next step was attaining insightful function and the ability to restructure.

More abstract than the ones he did a couple of months ago.

I believe that whatyou have said is entirely abstract.

We are discoursing on abstract things with the canon.

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