Use the word absorbed in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word absorbed, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use absorbed in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «absorbed».

Absorbed in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word absorbed in a sentence.

  1. The TVR absorbed the Company in 1889.

  2. Sale absorbed Cross Street as it expanded.

  3. The yolk is absorbed by the developing young.

  4. These forms are better absorbed than zinc oxide.

  5. While most of this route was absorbed by the U.S.

  6. Most ingested lead is absorbed into the bloodstream.

  7. Lead salts are very efficiently absorbed by the body.

  8. The yolk is gradually absorbed as the embryo develops.

  9. On 6 May, Fletcher absorbed TF 11 and TF 44 into TF 17.

  10. The virus is subsequently absorbed into the bloodstream.

  11. The railway was absorbed by the Great North of Scotland Railway on 1 August 1866.

  12. Along the way, the project absorbed its earlier British counterpart, Tube Alloys.

  13. The VIP Flight had absorbed the RAAF’s Governor-General’s Flight in October 1950.

  14. Solar radiation is absorbed by the tips, and the inner plumage insulates the skin.

  15. Mingrelia, although a Russian protectorate since 1803, was not absorbed until 1867.

  16. The remnants of Ginger continued east-southeastward until being absorbed by a cold front on October 5.

  17. He wrote an official report on events for the Foreign Office, and also absorbed ideas for his fiction.

  18. About 70–90% of ingested fluoride is absorbed into the blood, where it distributes throughout the body.

  19. The remnants persisted for a few days, until being absorbed by a larger extratropical low on October 6.

  20. The south-east had been absorbed by the English Kingdom of Bernicia/Northumbria in the seventh century.

  21. The remnants tracked to the northwest and later to the north before being absorbed by a frontal system.

  22. The remnants emerged over the Bahamas and eventually became absorbed by a separate extratropical system.

  23. The remnants of the storm accelerated southeastward and were absorbed into a polar trough on January 28.

  24. The system was subsequently absorbed by a more powerful frontal boundary approaching from the northwest.

  25. The Lindsey see was quickly absorbed by the Diocese of Lichfield, but the other three remained separate.

  26. It reached winds of 50 mph (85 km/h) before being absorbed by a larger extratropical storm on October 18.

  27. The depression was soon becoming absorbed by a larger non-tropical system in the southern Gulf of Mexico.

  28. The depression was absorbed by a cold front while crossing Cuba two days later, ending seasonal activity.

  29. Nearly all the hydrogen was neutral (non-ionized) and readily absorbed light, and no stars had yet formed.

  30. Shortly afterwards, Square Pictures was closed and absorbed into Square, which ceased using the character.

  31. In 1863 the Great North took over the operation of the Banffshire and Morayshire Railways and absorbed their locomotives.

  32. The depression persisted for another day while tracking southward, before being absorbed by nearby Tropical Storm Lorena.

  33. Day absorbed the high production costs himself, since he knew the work would solidify his reputation as a master printer.

  34. As a result, the Gepids ceased to exist as an independent people, and were partly absorbed by the Lombards and the Avars.

  35. Raised levels of arsenic, cobalt, cadmium and lead in gills suggested the fish absorbed these from the surrounding water.

  36. Early on October 5, the storm merged with the cold front; later that day, its remains were absorbed by a non-tropical low.

  37. Around 06:00 UTC on January 17, the remnants of Alex were absorbed into a larger extratropical low over the North Atlantic.

  38. After being absorbed into a cold front, the system went on to become Hurricane Vince, which affected the Iberian Peninsula.

  39. By this time he was living in Scotforth, then a separate village to the south of Lancaster, but now absorbed into the city.

  40. The area has since been entirely absorbed into the Los Angeles megalopolis, but at the time it was principally agricultural.

  41. Both the Māori people and the people of the Tuamotus recognized the figure of Canis Major as a distinct entity, though it was sometimes absorbed into other constellations.

  42. The club was formed in 1893, and played in the Southern League until 1920, when that league’s top division was absorbed into the Football League as its new Division Three.

  43. The oral bioavailability of amphetamine varies with gastrointestinal pH; it is well absorbed from the gut, and bioavailability is typically over 75% for dextroamphetamine.

  44. Hurricane forecast models anticipated a Fujiwhara effect, or an orbiting of two tropical cyclones, which would eventually result in Kristy being absorbed by Hurricane John.

  45. The remaining power exits port 2, and since no power is absorbed or reflected this will be the exact complement of the filtering function at port 2, in this case band-stop.

Synonyms for absorbed

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word absorbed has the following synonyms: absorbable, captive, engrossed, enwrapped, intent, wrapped, attentive and unreflected.

General information about «absorbed» example sentences

The example sentences for the word absorbed that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «absorbed» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «absorbed».

  • Use the word ABSORBED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

You’re not gonna get self-absorbed and mopey?

One of the great lessons for me was having absorbed Cartier-Bresson’s decisive moment, there came a point when I had to reject it.

The cloak, spread out like an ink stain disappeared under the work of the supernatural being who grew paler as he absorbed his prey.

You were evidently absorbed in the sublime effects of the spring moon upon my people.

China absorbed him and became moonlight.

I know when you used to work… you were single-tracked and absorbed. But you were thrilled, excited.

He was so absorbed in playing, he was hit by a car.

And just near her I saw the face of a child, thoughtful…totally absorbed.

If I know Ramsey, he’ll never let himself be absorbed by anybody.

Strange how absorbed man has always been in the size of things.

Impressions at the moment are invisible. If we immerse this sheet in the solution of florescent salts, dry it and then photograph it by ultraviolet light the fibers broken by the writing will absorbed less of the solution than other parts of the paper.

I had the idea that perhaps certain rocks and minerals might store applied energy from the sun that if I left the rocks and minerals in the sun long enough they might absorbed some of its rays and then later, give them out.

Then I put them in this drawer on photographic plates like this and then I waited to see if they would give out any sunlight they might have absorbed.

And you feel that your country is in no danger of being absorbed by germany?

Why, at the present time at least 30,000 4-party units could be absorbed just by the incoming populace alone.

I’ve become so absorbed in my work that I… sometimes forget what people may think.

Nothing. Why are you so absorbed then?

Your system has already absorbed sufficient toxin to prove fatal.

Your system has already absorbed it.

Your husband was very absorbed with his work? — Yes, he was.

I knew she was withdrawn and entirely absorbed in the memory of her dead child.

Since the death ofhis wife, a beautiful Hindu woman… India had absorbed our neighbor completely.

The magic of the moment absorbed Valerie too.

That was my fear over there when I was absorbed in my work.

But he was completely absorbed in his game and didn’t even see me.

And me… among the nettles and the dandelions, so absorbed that I forgot to eat…

Professor Tanabiya will explain this better in a moment, but basically, this sand that came from Godzilla has absorbed a massive dose of radiation, the type generated only from an atomic bomb.

The evidence suggests that Godzilla itself must have absorbed an enormous amount of atomic radiation.

He absorbed massive amounts of atomic radiation, but Godzilla still survived.


Here I am, offering you the chance of a lifetime, and I find you absorbed in, er…

It’s almost too terrifying to think about it. In less than 12 minutes every animal completely absorbed pray except one.

Since the rains came, I’ve become absorbed in the weavers.

It absorbed me completely.

Maybe, but some of it certainly would have been absorbed into the card… and my absorption tests would have shown it.

He’s quick, intelligent and he’s absorbed a lot of knowledge since working with me.

It must have absorbed the old man completely.

Don’t you think your father’s becoming too absorbed in those experiments ofhis?

absorbed in mining, the average one fills out the soil

Ironically enough, absorbed with the thought of the long years in prison before him, Al Capone did not recognize the man staring at him.

I was making the tour of the house and I got kind of absorbed in this little book.

…silent rooms, where footsteps are absorbed… by carpets so heavy, so thick… that one hears no step… as if the very ear of him who advances once again transverse corridors leading to deserted salons… encrusted with the ornamentation of another age… silent rooms, where footsteps are absorbed… by carpets so heavy, so thick… that one hears no step, as if the very ear…

…sculptured portals, ranks of doors, galleries… transverse corridors leading to deserted salons… encrusted with the ornamentation of another age… silent rooms, where footsteps are absorbed… by carpets so heavy, so thick… that one hears no step… as if the very ear were far away… far away from this numb, barren decor… far from this elaborate frieze beneath the cornice… with its branches and garlands… like dead leaves… as if the floor were still sand and gravel, or stone slabs… over which I advanced once again… as though to meet you… between richly paneled walls… stucco, moldings, paintings… framed prints amidst which I advanced… among which I found myself already… waiting for you… very far from the setting I stand in now… before you, waiting again… for one who will not come again… who will no longer keep us apart… tear you from me.

They’re too absorbed by the educational aspects of the tour.

In all the liquid absorbed at this wedding there’s no less than 15 grams of deuterium.

Lydia turned her head away, lowered her eyelids, and grew absorbed.

поглощенный, абсорбированный, захваченный


- поглощённый, захваченный

with an absorbed attention — затаив дыхание

Мои примеры


a country that has absorbed many immigrants — страна, которая вобрала в себя множество иммигрантов  
smaller countries invaded and absorbed by bigger ones — небольшие страны, завоёванные и поглощённые более крупными  
absorbed in reading — поглощённый чтением  
absorbed in thought — погружённый в мысли  
absorbed issue — поглощенный рынком выпуск ценных бумаг  
absorbed in a book — поглощённый чтением; захваченный чтением; захваченный книгой  
absorbed ionizing radiation dose — поглощённая доза ионизирующего излучения  
absorbed laser light — поглощённое лазерное излучение  
absorbed layer — абсорбированная пленка; абсорбированный слой  
absorbed lead — абсорбированный свинец  
absorbed light energy — поглощенная световая энергия излучения; поглощённая световая энергия  
absorbed light — поглощённый свет  

Примеры с переводом

She was absorbed by / with the problem.

Она была полностью поглощена этой проблемой.

His work absorbed him.

Работа увлекла его.

The children were absorbed in their homework.

Дети были поглощены своим домашним заданием.

We are closing in fully absorbed market.

Мы закрываем свои позиции на рынке при ситуации, когда сумма продаж равна сумме покупок.

We were soon absorbed into local village life.

Вскоре местная деревенская жизнь полностью поглотила нас.

The boxer absorbed the punches without buckling.

Боксёр устоял на ногах.

He absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe.

Он впитывал в себя познания или верования своего племени.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

absorb  — поглощать, впитывать, абсорбировать, амортизировать, всасывать, вбирать
absorber  — амортизатор, поглотитель, абсорбер
absorbing  — поглощающий, абсорбирующий, впитывающий, поглощение, всасывание
absorbable  — поглощаемый, абсорбируемый, рассасывающийся, всасываемый
absorbedly  — с увлечением, увлеченно, очень внимательно, с неотрывным вниманием
unabsorbed  — непоглощенный, неабсорбированный, невпитавшийся

Use absorbed in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use absorbed in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for absorbed.

  • I get absorbed. (8)
  • As I am absorbed, so must I absorb. (10)
  • I had got so absorbed in our argument. (9)
  • He was at that time absorbed in the galette. (2)
  • Older architects came and absorbed his attention. (5)
  • Pole became immediately absorbed in profound thought. (10)
  • This was the view that now absorbed and fixed my mind. (10)
  • He paddled slowly, silent and absorbed, watching Antonia. (8)
  • Thus absorbed, he was hardly conscious of the heavy heat. (8)
  • She enjoyed him in the scents absorbed by her crinkling nose. (8)
  • I must own that I too was absorbed in the spectacle of Miss Gage. (9)
  • His museum, hunting, and the Opera absorbed and divided his hours. (10)
  • If you once begin to be absorbed by them, life itself is too short. (12)
  • Absorbed in their great example of devotion do they not think of you. (10)
  • Imogen had taken up a novel sent from the library, and stood absorbed. (8)
  • They sat down on the great staircase and were at once absorbed in each other. (13)
  • You become so absorbed in such work that you think nothing else is worth while. (9)
  • I pretended to be absorbed in counting, till I saw Mrs. Waddy pass by the window. (10)
  • Noel was too absorbed to see the queer, bitter little smile hovering about his face. (8)
  • They were absorbed in the operation when the coachman pushed his way into the room. (13)
  • Absorbed in his own feeling for her all these weeks, he had mislaid that possibility. (8)
  • It was as if his powerful physique absorbed the wine before it could reach his brain. (9)
  • Intensely still Tod stood, absorbed in contemplation of that bright and dusty miracle. (8)
  • He stood thus absorbed so long that Hilary rose at last, and glanced into the saucepan. (8)
  • He was still deeply absorbed when the cab stopped and the driver knocked on the window. (8)
  • This miracle, this young son springing up on an earth decaying and dark, absorbed him. (10)
  • He was again so divided that the effort to find himself absorbed all his thinking faculties. (10)
  • She went away, feeling suddenly alone in this exclusion from the cares that had absorbed her. (9)
  • Bob Pierson, then, paced the room, so absorbed in his dismay and concern, that he was almost happy. (8)
  • His countess was little moved by it; and the reason for that lay in her imagination being absorbed. (10)
  • But the jury listened with absorbed interest, and he kept on until he had answered the question thoroughly. (13)
  • The words came forth, dropped on his forehead, penetrated, met something which absorbed them, and disappeared. (8)
  • And she had the love of wild flowers, the watchful happiness in the seasons; poets thrilled her, books absorbed. (10)
  • When it is chipped the fracture shows the material below as white, and a drop of ink will not be absorbed by it. (17)
  • The multiplicity embarrasses the eye; and the mind, among so much, suffers itself to grow absorbed with single points. (2)
  • He confessed to being absorbed in railways, the new lines of railways projected to thread the land and fast mapping it. (10)
  • We have to suppose, that the curious occupant of the coach inside aroused no curiosity in the pair of absorbed observers. (10)
  • The United Press absorbed the old Associated Press of New York, and the Western Associated Press again became independent. (16)
  • He was never fond of society, and as years went by he lived more and more like a hermit, absorbed in composition and family life. (3)
  • The intention of discovering what was at the end of the picture gallery absorbed the whole of her essentially practical and active mind. (8)
  • At first she stood, a little giddy, grasping the rail that ran round that garden of lead, still absorbed in her brooding, rebellious thoughts. (8)
  • The hostess was summoned to welcome a new guest, and she left me, pleased with her successful effort to reach my meaning, and absorbed by it. (10)
  • Absorbed in this reconnoitring, she failed to observe that darling Derek was looking at her through eyelashes that were always so nice and black. (8)
  • No sooner, however, had they established themselves in Stanhope Gate than he perceived to his dismay a return of her old absorbed and brooding manner. (8)
  • Suddenly she put her hand into her bosom, drew forth the photograph of Frau Wahnschaffe, and lost herself in an absorbed and sombre contemplation of it. (12)
  • Outwardly even her mother seemed absorbed in the sprouting of the green off-shoot of the Feverel tree, and Clare was his handmaiden, little marked by him. (10)
  • Absorbed by longings, he but vaguely realised the turmoil of Commemoration, which had gathered its hundreds for their annual cure of salmon mayonnaise and cheap champagne. (8)

Also see sentences for: occupied, submerged.

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