Use the word abroad in a sentence

abroad — перевод на русский


This is the story of a spoilt husband… a type that is extinct in the country, but exists abroad.

Это история о испорченном муже, каких больше нет в нашей стране, Но которые ещё встречаются за границей.

— Three years ago, abroad.

— Три года назад, за границей.

Have you forgotten your manners abroad, Prince?

За границей вы забыли обычаи, князь.

I’ve been kept abroad for five years because of my illness.

Моя болезнь удерживала меня за границей 5 лет.

If I get fixed up abroad, you can come out.

Если я устроюсь за границей, ты сможешь приехать ко мне.

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That and living abroad.

И еще жизнь заграницей.

She and her husband lived abroad in British Nigeria.

Она с мужем много лет прожила заграницей, в Британской Нигерии.

She’s been abroad for several years.

Она несколько лет провела заграницей.

Do you realise we haven’t been abroad for 11 years?

Ты представляешь, мы не были заграницей 11 лет.

Oh, I don’t think he’s ever been abroad.

Он никогда не был заграницей.

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At first I despaired of ever achieving the same results I did abroad… and then lighting came to my rescue.

Сперва я даже отчаялся получить те же результаты, что получил за рубежом, и здесь освещение выручило меня.

They have applicants, but not for work abroad.

Говорит, что все эти дни они получают заявления о приеме на работу, но ни одного для работы за рубежом.

After all, you know what’s being done abroad.

В конце концов, вы знаете что делается за рубежом.

You’re forgetting that this film will be seen abroad.

Только не забывай, что фильм будут показывать за рубежом.

He passed up a chance to study abroad… and he has been teaching up north ever since.

Он отказался от возможности обучаться за рубежом… И преподавал на севере нашей страны.

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You know I returned from abroad only a month ago.

Знаешь, что я с месяц как вернулся в страну?

Your Grace, Protestants are returning from abroad.

Протестанты стягиваются в страну.

— You’re going abroad for the first time.

— Ты первый раз покидаешь страну.

The reactions to «PIonter» were hostile, the sales were low and Fortiss went abroad.

Альбом получил, в основном, отрицательные отзывы, плохо продавался, и Фортис покинул страну.

With the borders closed, only the very sick can go abroad.

Только тяжело больные люди могут покинуть страну.

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I was in Berlin studying abroad.

А ты? Нет, учился в Берлине.

I studied abroad with scholarships and have come to this level!

Я учился с усердием и достиг этого уровня!

First person to go missing was a French student studying abroad at Stanford, seven years ago.

Первым пропал студент из Франции. Учился в Стэнфорде семь лет назад.

My boyfriend and I stayed together while he studied abroad in Australia.

Мы с мои парнем не расстались, пока он учился в Австралии.

I did my Junior year abroad in Tokyo.

Не первом курсе я учился в Токио.

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I did my senior year abroad in Japan.

Я провел свой выпускной год в Японии. Лучший год моей жизни.

All my relatives settled abroad.

А затем наступил 2013 год.

We spent a year abroad to escape him.

Мы год прожили на море, отдыхали.

Silver lining was I got to spend a year abroad in Oxford.

Положительной стороной было то, что после я прожил год в Оксфорде.

Jeffords, you did a year abroad in Tokyo.

Джеффордс, ты провёл год в Токио.

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Drop everything. Go abroad forever.

Уехать навсегда.

No wonder Dragon wanna go abroad with you!

Неудивительно, что Дракон хочет уехать с тобой!

We have the right to go abroad

У нас есть право уехать.

«That’s him, he went abroad» and never came back

Да. Он уехал и не вернулся.

He’s studying abroad in America right now.

Он потом уехал учиться в Штаты.

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If you’re Italian, what were you doing abroad?

Если ты итальянец, то что там делал?

When you are abroad, nothing will happen to you

Там я буду в безопасности.

— He seems to have been abroad for ages.

– Такое ощущение, что он там вечно.

Abroad is in fact very… weird.

Там всё кажется очень… странным.

I heard that Gu Ae Jung would be doing a program abroad.

Слышал, Э Чжон планирует сниматься там.

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Both here and abroad.

Здесь и зарубежом.

«It seems she’s well-known here and abroad.

Она очень известна в Бельгии и зарубежом.

If this case is assigned to our colleagues operating abroad we will lose contact.

Если этот случай перепоручат нашим оперативным коллегам зарубежом, мы потеряем контакт.

In 2004, while she was wreaking havoc abroad, he was dishonorably discharged.

В 2004-ом, когда она сеяла хаос зарубежом, его уволили со службы.

Well, whoever did it moved it through a bunch of different accounts here and abroad.

— Ну, кто-то провел их через кучу разных счетов здесь и зарубежом.

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NARRATOR: And so, we conclude our journey abroad.

Мы заканчиваем наше заграничное путешествие.

If you want to renew, go to the consulate abroad — less risky.

Если хочешь обновить, делай через заграничное консульство — так надежнее.

It might be a little difficult, since you’ll be traveling abroad for two months.

Заграничные съёмки на протяжении двух месяцев, конечно, могут утомить.

And it definitely isn’t your semester abroad.

И это точно не твои заграничные каникулы.

Tell us more about your tour abroad?

— Расскажите нам больше о Вашем заграничном туре?

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Used with verbs:

«My daughter is studying abroad for one year.«
(be + studying, be + living, be + going)

«They are expanding their business abroad.«
(be + expanding, be + exporting)

«Her husband is transferring abroad for work.«
(be + transferring, be + traveling)

Example sentences:

«We sent care packages to the troops abroad.«

«Her music is popular here and abroad.«

«I have never been abroad.«

«My dream is to live abroad one day.«

Use Abroad in a sentence. How to use the word Abroad in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Abroad. Sentence for Abroad.

Abroad in a Sentence

Definition of Abroad

  • 1. Out of one’s country; in or into foreign lands
  • 2. Out of one’s home; outdoors
  • 3. At large; all around

Examples of abroad in a sentence

  1. The agency was not accredited by the Philippine Consulate to offer contracts to Filipinos abroad.
  2. to live abroad.
  3. to stroll abroad.
  4. Rumors are abroad.
  5. Any gain abroad accumulated not for her, but for the sub-companies.
  6. The abacus is still in use today Chinatowns abroad.
  7. After leaving Eton Gray went to Cambridge University and then travelled abroad for a time.
  8. Your boss recommended a permanent transfer abroad.
  9. In Firdusi Isfendyar is sent to spread abroad the new law over the earth.
  10. I would accept a job abroad any day instead of staying in this country.
  11. The seductions of life in a warm climate have led many Britons to live abroad, especially in Spain.
  12. A crisis center was set up to manage supplies and foreign exchange agreements were negotiated to buy supplies from abroad.
  13. We received Christmas cards from abroad when I was young.
  14. Ammianus Marcellinus calls Zoroaster a Bactrian, and tells us that Hystaspes, the father of Darius, spread abroad the doctrine of the Magians.
  15. One solution would be if Harry obtained a diplomatic role abroad, such as the governor general of Canada, who would make all his time abroad count the same as being in Britain.
  16. It was not long before the intelligence of the defeat and flight of Astyages spread abroad, and nations as well as individuals deserted him.
  17. I have restored the shrines of the supreme deity, extended the worship of the god, and spread abroad the worship of the high divinity of Nebo.
  18. The next summer Doctor Maradick went abroad for two months, and while he was away I took my vacation in Virginia.

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  • Use the word ABROAD in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Some say that ever ‘gainst that season comes wherein our Saviour’s birth is celebrated, the bird of dawning singeth all night long and then, they say, no spirit dares stir abroad.

Didn’t you go abroad to study after you finished the academy?

I wasn’t living abroad to study.

After the kidnapping incident, Joong Won lived abroad in other countries.

«will anyone here act as guarantor for 10 000 Mark for a lady from abroad

Since we are going abroad tomorrow, Countess here are the people who will have the honor to be at your service!

This is the story of a spoilt husband… a type that is extinct in the country, but exists abroad.

After a life of adventure abroad, Mrs. Erlynne had drifted to London— …her social stranding a thing of the past, the present a problem for her polished wits.

One who is a master of ceremonies, one who has acted in a similar capacity… in a great many institutions of this kind… both in this country and abroad… and one whom we hope to have with us for many, many years to come.

Not to you, but Mrs. Wood is becoming very famous abroad.

But no other astronomer, here or abroad, has noticed anything unusual.

So I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone our trip abroad this year.

He’s promised me that just as soon as this is over, he’ll go abroad with me.

I’ve been abroad to see where rubber grows so far I’ve done very little harm and absolutely no good.

We’ll go abroad and forget about everything.

Well, this is quite a coincidence going abroad on the same boat.

Ernest gets back from abroad this evening.

LORRAINE: You been abroad?

We shall have to take her abroad immediately.

At first I despaired of ever achieving the same results I did abroad… and then lighting came to my rescue.

Her Majesty drives abroad with the Spaniard.

Do you think Wilson would be willing to come abroad with us ?

I want to learn Italian and flee abroad.

One does not run away abroad unless something is up !

I can safely tell you, we’re going abroad together

Do you have to go abroad to find a war to give you an excuse?

We’ll go abroad and stay a whole year.

Tell me, Doctor, how does it feel to be back in America after six years abroad?

As you see, even abroad they have the same habits.

After being abroad so long it’s a privilege to meet a true English rose.

Also next month, when the moon is full again… unless you realise, sir, there is a werewolf abroad in London.

Here’s to a very pleasant trip abroad.

You’ve lived abroad. What’s it like?

At night, they leave their graves and roam abroad like wolves seeking their prey.

She knows he wins support for my cause abroad.

We spend good money to send you abroad, and you’re worse off than when you left.

It was very convenient to take a trip abroad without leaving the kitchen.

I have traveled at home and abroad.

The clouds poured out water. The skies sent out a sound. Thine arrows also went abroad.

Making trouble at home to take our minds off what’s going on abroad.

Say: we’ve gone abroad, anything you like.


This movie was made in 1935 when he was 51 years old, with the help of the Kokusai Bunka Shinko-kai to promote the art of Japanese dance abroad.

I haven’t seen her since she got back from abroad.

After studying abroad Though everything is useless now Leave like this

A sentence using the word abroad. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use abroad in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for abroad.

  • Go abroad! (8)
  • No use inquiring abroad. (10)
  • He spread new air abroad. (10)
  • There was a secret abroad. (10)
  • No laborer abroad at this hour! (8)
  • The storm too abroad so dreadful! (4)
  • Take a run abroad, if you are restless. (10)
  • It is abroad that one truly misses friends. (14)
  • Spending most of his time abroad, I suppose. (8)
  • Threats of a petition against me were abroad. (10)
  • I was abroad a little after six the next morning. (2)
  • At the same time, the bell once more sounded abroad. (2)
  • One comes abroad foredoomed to share the sentiment. (10)
  • A fall indeed from his original conception of his name of fame abroad! (10)
  • Towards evening we went abroad again to post some letters. (2)
  • Their policy, indeed, was to show themselves openly abroad. (10)
  • Let them look with their clearest vision abroad and at home. (10)
  • I have been abroad in many a black night, but never in a blacker. (2)
  • He might go abroad, ruined men always went abroad. (8)
  • Then did mortals dimly guess that something portentous was abroad. (10)
  • I feel a strong persuasion, this morning, that I shall soon be abroad. (4)
  • I would re-establish trade and friendly relations at home and abroad. (18)
  • He could not go abroad alone; the sea upset his liver; he hated hotels. (8)
  • I remember my impression when I saw her first on her mountains abroad. (10)
  • A very wanton spirit of mischief seems to be abroad in this neighborhood. (8)
  • An impression, I am told, sometimes gets abroad that we yield to clamour. (8)
  • But I begin to foresee that I shall not stay abroad so long as I expected. (14)
  • Old delusions are pardonable; but you must now look abroad with your eyes. (10)
  • She has the choice of being abroad with me or staying here unguarded by me. (10)
  • Soon after, he was talking to Mr. Eglett of games at home and games abroad. (10)
  • Was there not some funny story abroad of a Pretender to the Throne of France? (10)
  • Ammiani pronounced his opinion that it would be perilous for her to go abroad. (10)
  • Mrs. Maynard was already at table, and told them all about meeting Mr. Libby abroad. (9)
  • This mysterious incident may tell you that beer was thus early in the morning abroad. (10)
  • We should, anyhow, live abroad, where in the matter of money society is more sensible. (10)
  • Lighted windows looked gladsome, whiffs of comfortable cookery came abroad upon the air. (2)
  • Norton was then newly back from a long sojourn abroad, and his judgments were delocalized. (9)
  • A little after this Clemens went abroad with his family, and lived several years in Germany. (9)
  • These walks continued, I suppose, until Lowell went abroad for a winter in the early seventies. (9)
  • If she would have none, then there was but one thing he could do: marry Christine and go abroad. (9)
  • Numerous subalterns were abroad, lively for strife, and bright with the signal of their readiness. (10)
  • Workmen only were abroad, and Alvan was glad to be out with them to feel with them as one of them. (10)
  • There had been nothing to keep Jolyon at home, and he had removed his grief and his paint-box abroad. (8)
  • It did away with the political hubbub over the Tonans article, and let it noise abroad like nonsense. (10)
  • A man, bareheaded, and with his arms flung wildly abroad, came flying down the promenade from the steerage. (9)
  • Nor less so the Honourable Melville, who professed to have discovered the Balance of Power, at home and abroad. (10)
  • Algernon paid the sums, ready to believe that there was a suspicion abroad of his intention to become a colonist. (10)
  • He saw the abyss she had aided him in escaping; and it was refreshful to look abroad after his desperate impulse. (10)
  • It was not in Audrey Noel to deny herself to any spirit that was abroad; to repel was an art she did not practise. (8)
  • Before Mr. Fitzpatrick obtained the benefit of the act, we were ordered abroad, and I have never since heard of him. (6)
  • His thoughts and beauties are so spread abroad that one touches them everywhere; one is intimate with him by instinct. (4)
  • In his twelfth year his family went abroad, and after some stay in England made a long sojourn in France and Switzerland. (9)
  • At the end of four years we went abroad again, and travel took away the appetite for reading as completely as writing did. (9)
  • She was very sly, and she might be very false, and it was certainly she who had first proposed their going abroad together. (9)
  • Ten days later, having finished his report on the new mine, he stood on the jetty waiting to go abroad the steamer for home. (8)
  • Summer and winter he sat there among his books, seldom stirring abroad by day except for a walk, and by night yet more rarely. (9)
  • The two had driven from his house to spread the malignant rumour abroad; already they blew the biting world on his raw wound. (10)
  • Longer than others are they young: but meanwhile they are of an age when we are driven abroad to seek and shape our destinies. (10)
  • It was sixteen years since my last visit abroad, and I found a very striking change in the feeling towards America and Americans. (14)
  • Then we read the Arabian Nights together, or, rather, he read them to me, often acting out the incidents as we rode or drove abroad. (10)
  • When Venetia spoke of going abroad as casually as she might have mentioned going to the country, a sarcastic smile crept over his face. (13)
  • Count Serabiglione would work himself up in the climax of denunciation, and then look abroad frankly as one whose spirit had been relieved. (10)
  • Lowell was many years in Italy, Spain, and England; Motley spent more than half his life abroad; Hawthorne was away from us nearly a decade. (9)
  • The peasantry were abroad; scarce less terrible to me in my nondescript position than the soldiers of Captain Poul to an undaunted Camisard. (2)
  • It was during the few years of our Beacon Street neighborhood that he spent those hundred days abroad in his last visit to England and France. (9)
  • With his frequent absences and my own abroad, and the intrusion of calamitous cares, the rich tide of his letters was more and more interrupted. (9)
  • As America reaches out for commercial predominance, so the American circus challenged competition abroad, and foreign rivals quivered and shrunk. (21)
  • Rinaldo told him that the tobacco-war raged still; the soldiery had recently received orders to smoke abroad, and street battles were hourly occurring. (10)
  • Before sunrise Tom Bakewell was abroad, and met the missing youth, his master, jogging Cassandra leisurely along the Lobourne park-road, a sorry couple to look at. (10)

Also see sentences for: report, rumor.

Definition of abroad:

  • abroad, a-brawd’, adv. on the broad or open space: out of doors: public: in another country. (0)

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