Use the word abilities in a sentence

  • Use the word ABILITIES in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Dia: dit starts in my soul, and I lose all control d Blake: I felt so strongly about their abilities.

If you have a son who has the same abilities as you do then you can hire me as his caretaker and I’ll take care of him for free as his nanny.

You will see that she will fulfill her abilities.

In half an hour, Zina was so confident in her abilities that…

You know, it’s terribly difficult to reconcile the creative abilities of the writer with the trivialities of the balance sheet.

In the lower grades, she was able to get good marks with her innate abilities, without working too hard.

Some of us overestimate our abilities now and then, don’t we ?

And Madam Curie, in spite of her acknowledged abilities is if you would permit me to say so young inexperienced, and a woman.

Wanting to test her mental abilities, I put this question to her:

She doesn’t seem to have inherited any artistic abilities from either of us.

You exaggerate my abilities, George, but—

They have to develop the desire to put their abilities to work.

They have observed your abilities and seen qualities that I once possessed.

He’s been using the best of other men’s abilities.

I will compete to the best of my abilities.

I hope the Navy makes full use of your abilities.

With Johannes’s special abilities I thought he might be the spark that could fire Christendom again from this farm.

It will all depend on your abilities

I know that San Jorge does not exactly overtax your abilities.

I didn’t know you had so many abilities.

What we want is to use your abilities.

I couldn’t believe they’d pay a guy with abilities that little.


I underestimated your abilities.

This is a classification center where you will undergo tests, both physical and mental designed to determine your abilities so that you may be trained for the position from which both you and the Air Force will derive the greatest benefit.

Secretary, artist, lawyer- I appreciate your varied abilities.

His track record and abilities fully justify his promotion to division chief at such a young age.

I know my abilities, don’t I?

Do you think you make the most of your abilities?

All I’ve got to do is apply those same abilities to this case of mine.

Primates’ auditory abilities are not that much better than humans.

So you would have to defend the area to the best of you abilities until Admiral Sydney’s relieving force arrives.

I became abusive… and then I became critical of his abilities.

I am sure my abilities are unworthy of such esteem

We need your abilities, Paul.

They could at least put my abilities to better use.

No. Well, we must cover all possibilities to the best of our abilities.

My infantry has been stationed in North Manchu, serving our country to the best of our abilities.

Be thou assured, good Cassio, I will do all my abilities in thy behalf.

I presume the situation hasn’t allowed you, so far, to try your hand at a business conducive to your abilities.

My own knowledge of my poor abilities

I will judge of your abilities.

You could find a job with your abilities.

Has he shown abilities of such magnitude?

I’ll depend on your astute abilities to supply him with that.

The same memories, the same attitudes, the same abilities.

And whose abilities would serve as a standard, monsieur?

Yes, well, we’ve heard about their abilities from Colonel Breed.

Do you solemnly swear to enforce the laws of the United States of America and the territory of Arizona to the best of your abilities, so help you God?

Use Ability in a sentence. How to use the word Ability in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Ability. Sentence for Ability.

Ability - Sentence for Ability - Use Ability in a Sentence

Definition of Ability

  1. The quality or state of being able; power to do or perform.
  2. Talents
  3. Skill; craft

Examples of Ability in a sentence

  1. The change came about because the ability to repay based on the earning power of the borrower is now a major factor in the granting of credit.
  2. Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory.
  3. Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.
  4. For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.
  5. natural ability developed by coaching.
  6. If a person or thing is capable of doing something, they have the ability, capacity, or potential to do it.
  7. Sylar’s first ability was the ability to understand how things work.
  8. I think ability is just being able to do something.
  9. The ability of lizards to recognize their predators via tongue flicks can often mean life or death for lizards.
  10. Literacy means the ability to read and write.
  11. Carrier molecules have the ability to change their shape in order to release the transported moleculce at the other side of the membrane.
  12. A photographic memory, or eidetic memory, is the ability to remember images or objects in great detail after seeing them for only a short time.
  13. Memory is the brain’s ability to store information to use later.
  14. If a cell lost its ability to perform cellular respiration, after some time, the cell wil definately die.
  15. Our bodies have an ability for self-repair, but that ability is limited.
  16. The tail was used for balance and fast turning ability.
  17. I’m pretty sure that I have the ability to fly; how would I go about activating my power?
  18. what is the correlation between the density of an object and the ability of the object to float or sink?
  19. Progression is the primary motivator for a miner and reflects the player’s ability to mine
    in more difficult mines and to deal with more powerful monsters.
  20. Water’s ability to absorb heat also allows an organism to transport heat from one section of the body to another.
  21. Their main adaptation is the ability to swim by clapping their valves together.
  22. Short term memory is the ability to keep information in mind for a short amount time, such as remembering a phone number long enough to find a piece of paper.
  23. The objects density determines it’s ability to float.
  24. I don’t have an ability to draw.
  25. Ability is the power to do.
  26. Ability is improved by exercise, capacity requiress no exercise.
  27. A pump has an ability to pump a certain amount of fluid. A tank has a capacity to hold a certain amount.
  28. A boxer has the ability to hit, the capacity to take punishment.
  29. You should study hard to improve your abilities.
  30. He showed a surprising ability to grasp the situation.
  31. Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.
  32. The instructional ability test assesses how well you can identify and prioritise risk areas in a driver’s driving.
  33. Work ability shall be assessed and work ability allowance shall be granted and paid by the Unemployment Insurance Fund.
  34. Ability to pay is determined by information provided and collected during the application process.
  35. What is the relationship of failure to innovation and why do so few organizations have a culture where the ability to fail or experiment is a valued part of innovation?
  36. This formula for life and work is composed of three elements: ability, effort, and attitude.
  37. Ability, is a general term used to refer to any characteristic of a person that makes it possible for him to carry out some sort of activity successfully.

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«He has an amazing ability.«
(amazing, great, exceptional, outstanding)

«That is a very useful ability.«
(useful, useless, helpful, handy)

«Her academic ability is amazing.«
(academic, athletic, reading, technical, creative, musical)

Used with verbs:

«I have the ability to draw cartoons.«
(have, possess)

«She really displayed her ability to sing.«
(displayed, demonstrated, proved, revealed, showed, showed-off)

«Don’t underestimate my ability.«
(underestimate, question, doubt, ignore)

«I need to improve my ability to draw.«
(improve, develop, increase)

«He needs to acquire the ability to communicate effectively.«
(acquire, develop)

Used with prepositions:

«I want to improve my ability in drawing.«

Sentences for abilities. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use abilities in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for abilities.

  • I, who have valued myself on my abilities! (4)
  • He does not want abilities. (4)
  • All that English abilities can do has been tried already. (4)
  • One weakness neutralized the legitimate effect of his very remarkable abilities. (14)
  • Betsey went with alacrity, proud to shew her abilities before her fine new sister. (4)
  • His abilities in every respect improve as much upon acquaintance as his manners and person. (4)
  • Willoughby was a young man of good abilities, quick imagination, lively spirits, and open, affectionate manners. (4)
  • Vernon is a man who would do fifty times more with a companion appreciating his abilities and making light of his little deficiencies. (10)
  • Further relieved, the diplomatist delivered a high opinion of the young gentleman, his abilities, and his conduct, and trusted he should see him frequently. (10)

Also see sentences for: capabilities, probabilities.

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