Use the right word to complete the sentences the boys

Перед вами – подборка упражнений для 5 класса с ответами. Упражнения разделены на 2 группы:

  • Грамматические упражнения
  • Лексические упражнения

Эти упражнения по английскому языку вы можете использовать в качестве тренировочных в 5 классе. Они помогут закрепить знания по основным темам.

Если же данные упражнения слишком сложны – попробуйте упражнения для 4 класса. На сайте также есть лексико-грамматический тест для 5 класса и тест по чтению по теме SCHOOL для 5 класса.

Упражнение 1.  Fill in the correct article where necessary.

  1. _______ butter is made of milk.
  2. My mother is in ____ kitchen now.
  3. I usually have ____ tea for breakfast.
  4. After school we went ____ home.
  5. Pupils do homework in ____ evening.
  6. ____ USA is a big country.
  7. I live in ____ big city.

Упражнение 2. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

  1. This is the most peaceful place ____ the world.
  2. I live ____ Lesnaya street.
  3. Yesterday Nick went _____ Moscow.
  4. All pupils always listen ____ the teacher.
  5. My school is not far ____ my house.
  6. Give ____ him this book.
  7. The family went to the sea _____ bus.
  8. We live _____ a noisy city.
  9. It was very cold ____ Monday.
  10. Do you learn poems ____ heart at school?

Упражнение 3. Write the plural forms of the nouns.

  • Fox –
  • Sheep –
  • Child –
  • Puppy –
  • Table –
  • Country –
  • Foot –
  • Shoe
  • Birthday –
  • Potato —

Упражнение 4. Make the right form.

  1. His answer was _______ (bad) than mine.
  2. She is _____ (young) than her brother.
  3. Helen is __________ (good) pupil in the class.
  4. My nephew watched ____________ (interesting) film yesterday.
  5. I think the city is _________ (dirty) than the country.

Упражнение 5. Put in the correct tense form.

  • Olga ________ (read) a book now.
  • The boys _______ (break) the window yesterday.
  • Mike ________ (be) happy yesterday.
  • My father ________ (not to often watch) TV.
  • My father _________ (visit) Great Britain last year.
  • They _______ (win) a competition last year.
  • They____________ (visit / already) the British museum.
  • I hope they ________ (return) tomorrow.
  • Can you help me? I _______ (look) for my book.
  • Yesterday granny ________ (bring) me a puppy as a present.
  • Laura ______ (go) to school five days a week.
  • We first ________ (meet) in 2014.
  • Nick _______ (take part) in a regatta next week.
  • Mike _________ (not to behave) well at school yesterday.
  • There ________ (be) only one apple on the table.

Упражнение 6. Fill in much or many

  1. There are ____ apples on the plate.
  2. There is _____ bread in the bread bin.
  3. There is ____ milk in the bottle.
  4. There are ____ oranges in the box.
  5. There is ____ water in the kettle.

Упражнение 7. Fill in some or any

  1. There is _________juice in the cup.
  2. There aren’t ________ old trees in the park.
  3. Is there ________ money in your pocket?
  4. There is _______ some meat in the soup.
  5. We haven’t got ________ small pets.

Лексические упражнения для 5 класса.

Упражнение 1. Arrange phrases of the telephone conversation in a correct order

  1. Why not! See you tomorrow morning then
  2. Have you ever been to an art gallery?
  3. I don’t know yet
  4. What are you going to do on Saturday?
  5. No, I have never been there
  6. Let’s go then. It’s worth seeing

Упражнение 2. Write the word according to the topic.

Summer, T-shirt, rainy, trousers, carpet, hot, cloudy, armchair, windy, bed, shorts, kitchen, skirt

Упражнение 3.  Use the right word to complete the sentences.

  1. The boys (am, are, is, do) playing football
  2. (Do, Does, Is) Mike at home?
  3. Teachers like (child, childs, children).
  4. (There, It) are many interesting stories in the book.

Упражнение 4. Put the words in the right order to make sentences.

  1. We / six / every / have / seven / day / or / lessons
  2. She / helping / her / in / is / mother / kitchen / the / now
  3. Pens / my / in / pencils / are / and / pencil-box / the
  4. Many / got / you / friends / have?
  5. TV / yesterday / friend / didn’t / watch / my

Упражнение 5. Choose the correct word from the box to complete the sentences.

Timetable, uniform, bookcase, Sundays, blackboard, comfortable

  1. Put the books into the __________, please!
  2. We don’t go to school on _________.
  3. I don’t wear a _________ at school.
  4. My classroom is __________ and clean.
  5. There is a __________ in my classroom.
  6. How many subjects are there in your _______?

Ответы к упражнениям по английскому языку для 5 класса.


Упражнение 1. 1- , 2-the, 3- , 4- , 5-the, 6 – the, 7-a

Упражнение 2. 1 in; 2 in; 3 to; 4 to; 5 from; 6 — ; 7 by; 8 in; 9 on; 10 by

Упражнение 3. 1 foxes, 2 sheep, 3 children, 4 puppies, 5 tables, 6 countries, 7 feet, 8 shoes, 9 birthdays, 10 potatoes

Упражнение 4. 1 worse, 2 younger, 3 the best, 4 an interesting, 5 dirtier  

Упражнение 5. 1 is reading, 2 broke, 3 was, 4 doesn’t often watch, 5 visited, 6 won, 7 have already visited, 8 will return, 9 am looking, 10 brought, 11 goes, 12 met, 13 will take, 14 didn’t behave, 15 is (was)

Упражнение 6. 1 many, 2 much, 3 much, 4 many, 5 much

Упражнение 7. 1 some, 2 any, 3 any, 4 some, 5 any


Упражнение 1. 4 / 3 / 2 / 5 / 6 / 1

Упражнение 2.

Clothes: t-shirt, trousers, shorts, skirt

Weather: summer, rainy, hot, cloudy, windy,

Home: carpet, armchair, bed, kitchen

Упражнение 3.

1 are, 2 is, 3 children, 4 there

Упражнение 4.

  1. We have six or seven lessons every day.
  2. She is helping her mother in the kitchen now.
  3. My pens and pencils are in the pencil box.
  4. Have you got many friends?
  5. My friend didn’t watch TV yesterday.

Упражнение 5.

1 bookcase, 2 Sundays, 3 uniform, 4 comfortable, 5 blackboard, 6 timetable

Надеюсь, вам понравились эти упражнения для 5 класса.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

Choosing the right variant.

Read the sentences and choose the right answer

…I give you a lift?

Choosing the right variant.

Read the sentences and choose the right answer


tidy up your room.


drive on this side!

I help you?

When I was five, I

draw well.


put on the best clothes, it’s just a party.

You look bad, you

go to the doctor.

Matching the phrases

Use the parts of the sentences:

You needn’t put on the coat

You have to be in a hurry

I could learn poems by heart at once.

the area is forbidden for cars.

Sorting the words.

Use the modals below into the correct column (you can use one modal in different columns if possible):





Have to


Ought to







Putting in the right order

Make up the sentences from the parts:





























Crossing out.

Use the incorrect statements:

She can be in time or she will be fired.

Can I help you?

You look pale: you’d better go home.

They needn’t have done so many cakes for so few guests! A lot of cakes were thrown away.

I certainly know her! She may be a celebrity! 

Choosing the pictures

Highlight the modals which are used to show weak obligation:

can, could, may, might, must, have to, ought to, shall, should, will, would, need

Fill the gaps

Use the right words to complete the sentences:

1. That woman in the street be mum! She’ s at work now!

2. Unfortunately, Bob swim when he was 10.

3. I   apply for the job if I want some extra money.

4. During the World War II our grandparents hide themselves from the enemy.

5. We …to clean the table after dinner.

6. you like some more tea?




had to




Translate the words to solve the crossword 

Matching pictures and phrases

Make up the sentence from two pictures, use the right relative adverbs between them and write the whole sentences:

Finding the words


Answer the questions to solve the crossword:

Finding the words


Translate the words to solve the crossword:

Use the right words to complete the sentences.
1) Did you (hear/listen) about their trip to St Petersburg?
2) “I (am listening to/hear) you, mum, but I can (listen/hear) badly.”
3) We couldn’t (hear/listen) what he was speaking about.
4) “(Listen to/Hear) us,” the children asked.
5) Where are you, Lizzy? I can (listen to/hear) your steps.

ГДЗ Английский язык 6 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 1. Step 8. Номер №8


Перевод задания
Вставь правильные слова, чтобы закончить предложения.
1) Вы (слышали/слушали) об их поездке в Санкт−Петербург?
2) «Я (слушаю/слышу) тебя, мама, но плохо (слушаю/слышу)».
3) Мы не могли (слышать/слушать), о чем он говорит.
4) «(Послушайте/Слушайте) нас», − попросили дети.
5) Где ты, Лиззи? Я (слушаю/слышу) твои шаги.

1) Did you hear about their trip to St Petersburg?
2) “I am listening to you, mum, but I can hear badly.”
3) We couldn’t hear what he was speaking about.
4) “Listen to us,” the children asked.
5) Where are you, Lizzy? I can hear your steps.
Перевод ответа
1) Вы слышали об их поездке в Санкт−Петербург?
2) «Я слушаю тебя, мама, но плохо слышу».
3) Мы не могли слышать, о чем он говорит.
4) «Послушайте нас», − попросили дети.
5) Где ты, Лиззи? Я слышу твои шаги.

Упражнение 6.

Use the right forms to complete the sentences. — Используй
правильную форму, чтобы закончить предложения.

Yesterday morning John and Sally were at home alone.
Вчера утром Джон и Салли были дома одни.
They had breakfast together.
Они вместе позавтракали.
They drank their tea, ate some sandwiches and
began to clean the house.

Они попили чай, поели сэндвичи и начали прибирать в доме.
They did the house very well.
Они прибрали дом очень хорошо.
John took a pen and wrote: “Dear mum and dad.
Sally and I are in the park. We’ll be back at 4
o’clock. Love. John.»

Джон взял ручку и написал: «Дорогие мама и папа. Салли и я в
парке. Мы вернёмся в 4 часа. С любовью. Джон»

Упражнение 7.

Say what you did or didn’t do yesterday. Use the verbs in the
box. — Скажи, что ты делал или не делал вчера. Используй глаголы
в рамочке.

go (идти, ехать), run (бежать),
eat (есть, кушать), have (иметь),
read (читать), write (писать),
drink (пить), see (видеть),
give (давать), meet (встречаться,
знакомиться), begin (начинать), take (брать,
взять), be (быть), do (делать)

Возможный ответ:
I went to school yesterday.
Вчера я ходил в школу.
I didn’t run in the park. Я
не бегал в парке.
I ate soup for lunch. Я ел суп на
I didn’t have burgers for breakfast. У меня не
было бургеров на завтрак.
I read an interesting book yesterday.
Вчера я читал интересную книгу.
I didn’t write a letter to my friends.
Я не писал письмо моим друзьям.
I drank juice yesterday.
Вчера я пил сок.
I didn’t see cows yesterday. Вчера
я не видел коров.
I gave a call to my mum yesterday.
Вчера я звонил моей маме.
I met my granny yesterday.
Вчера я встретился со своей бабушкой.
I didn’t begin a new book yesterday.
Вчера я не начал новую книгу.
I took my dog to the lake yesterday.
Вчера я взял свою собаку на озеро.
I wasn’t in the cinema yesterday.
Вчера я не был в кино.
I didn’t do homework yesterday.
Вчера я не делал домашнее задание.

Упражнение 8.

Write the verbs in the past forms — напиши глаголы в прошедшем

  1. is – was (есть – было)
  2. are – were (есть – были)
  3. have – had (имею – имел)
  4. do – did (делаю – делал)
  5. see – saw (вижу – видел)
  6. drink – drank (пью – пил)
  7. eat – ate (ем – ел)
  8. read – read (читаю – читал)
  9. write – wrote (пишу – писал)
  10. go – went (иду – шёл)
  11. meet – met (встречаю – встречал)
  12. take – took (беру – брал)
  13. run – ran (бегаю – бежал)
  14. give – gave (даю – давал)

Underline the right word to complete the sentences.

Пример:this is MY/mine dog (MY это правильный ответ)

2. is this pen your/yours.

3. that’s me sister. Her/Hers name is Olya.

4. that house is our/ours.

5. is that your/yours car?

6. are these their/theirs sandwiches?

7. that’s ours/our teacher, Mr Kapitonov.

8. that book isn’t Bill’s, it’s mine/my.

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Underline the right word to complete the sentences. Пример:this is MY/mine dog (MY это правильный ответ) 2. is this pen your/yours. 3. …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

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Главная » Английский язык » Underline the right word to complete the sentences. Пример:this is MY/mine dog (MY это правильный ответ) 2. is this pen your/yours. 3. that’s me sister. Her/Hers name is Olya. 4. that house is our/ours. 5. is that your/yours car? 6.

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