Use the proper form of the word from the right column variant 1 nick drive


Complete the text with the correct forms of the words given.

Use capital letters. Don’t use contraction forms (Eg.: (NOT GO — DID NOT GO))

1 Nick WAS DRIVING (DRIVE) a new Toyota, when I saw him. But it wasn’t NICK’S (NICK) car. It belonged to his dad. 2 Pele is one of the MOST POPULAR (POPULAR) footballers in the world. But he DOES NOT PLAY (NOT PLAY) any longer. 3 THESE (THIS) two books are much MORE INTERESTING (INTERESTING) than the one I read last week. 4 Mary and I are good friends. I HAVE KNOWN (KNOW) her for about ten years. 5 — How many CHILDREN(CHILD) are there in your family? — There are four of US (WE) .

My mistakes


Finish the conversation. Use the Present Perfect form of the verbs from the right column. — Заполни пропуски, используя глаголы из правой колонки в форме настоящего продолженного времени.) Think of a title for the text. Then prepare to role-play the episode in class. – Подумайте о названии текста. Затем приготовьтесь разыграть эпизод в классе.
Mr Big: I have finished my business here. I must leave this island at once! — Я закончил свой бизнес здесь. Я должен покинуть этот остров немедленно!
Islanders: Not so fast, Mr Big! We have worked day and night for you but you haven’t paid us our wages. Where is our money? — Не так быстро, мистер Биг! Мы работали день и ночь на вас, но вы не заплатили нам наши зарплаты. Где наши деньги?
Sam: What have you done with the capsule? It is not yours. Where is it? — Что вы сделали с капсулой? Она не ваша. Где она?
Mr Big: I don’t understand what you are talking about. I haven’t seen it. — Я не понимаю, о чем вы говорите. Я не видел ее.
Kate: I am sure he has hidden it on his submarine. Let’s run to the beach! — Я уверен, что он спрятал ее на подводной лодке. Бежим к пляжу!
Islanders: It’s time to go to the police station, Mr Big. They have waited for this moment for a long time! — Пришло время идти в полицейский участок, мистер Биг. Они ждали этого момента очень долго!

Опубликовано 09.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Use the right form of the word.

1. A … ( milkmen, milkman) brings milk to us every moRning.

2… ( postman, postmen) bring letters and telegrams.

3. The burglar was afraid and didnt get into the flat because he saw a … ( policeman, policemen).

4. Christopher Columbus wanted to become a… ( seaman, seamen) when he was still a little boy.

5. There are a lot of… ( fisherman, fisheRmen) in the place.

Ответ оставил Гость

1. milkman

2. postmen

3. policeman

4. seaman

5. fishermen

Оцени ответ

Подпишись на наш канал в телеграм. Там мы даём ещё больше полезной информации для школьников!

Даю 60 баллов

1.documentary а) бульварная газета

2. to subscribe b) книга в бумажной обложке

3. subscription c) подписываться (на газету и др.)

4. tabloid d) документальный фильм

5. choice e) подписка

6. paperbacks f) колонка (в газете)

7. column g) выбор

8. channel h) трансляция, радиовещание

9. broadcasti) жестокий

10. current j) спутник

11. TV listings k) зрители

12. satellite l) доступный

13. violent m) развлечение

14. viewers n) реклама

15. available о) текущие события

16. weekly p) канал (на ТВ)

17. entertainment q) программа (передач)

18. commercial r) еженедельный

Exercise 2. Choose the right word from the given above.

1) The ……… said that there had been an earthquake in Chile.

2) According to the TV ……… there’s a thrilling film on Channel five at ten o’clock.

3) Have you seen the new …….. for soap with that funny dog?

4) Some people pay for …….. TV and they have a kind of dish on their roof to receive the signal from space.

5) You can receive hundreds of TV ……… if you have a …….. dish.

6) Journalists can make mistakes, so don’t believe everything you read in the …….

7) TV companies …….. theirprogrammes across the country or even across the world.

8) Books printed with soft covers are called …….. .

9) I’m quite interested in ……. affairs and watch the news every day.

10) Could you pass me the …….. so I can see what time the film starts?

ВАРИАНТ 11. Fill in: drive, boat, touristy, monuments, catch, book, track. There two extra words.

1. ​ When in Moscow you will be able to see a lot of historical ___ ____

2. ​ Be quick! We only have a few minutes to ___ ___ the train!

3. ​ We stayed at the hotel which was off the beaten ___ ____.

4. ​ Sochi is a beautiful city but in summer it is too ___ ___.

5. ​ Her children are so naughty, they __ ___ me up the wall.

2. Form nouns from the words in bold.

1. I will never forget your ____ ___ KIND

2. We like to spend a weekend at the ___ ___ park AMUSE

3. At the job interview try to hide your __ __ NERVOUS

4. Her family is very proud of her __ __ ACHIEVE

5. She looked at him in ___ ____ AMAZE

3. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. “I am living in Berlin now, ” said Nick

2. “My mother isn’t very well, ” she said

3. “I’d like to have a dog, ” he said

4. “I don’t know what Nina is doing, ” he said.

5. “You can come and stay at my place, ” said Dean

4. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition.

1. You should set __ ___ some money to go abroad.

2. We set __ ___ early in the morning to catch the train.

3. Weather has set __ ___ already, so let’s go camping.

4. We should set ___ __ or we’ll be late.

5. The opening of the new shopping center has been set __ __ for a few days.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. Let’s meet __ __ the bus stop.

2. Does your hotel have any cars __ __ hire?

3. Drivers must be very attentive __ __ the road.

4. You should go to the hospital ___ __delay.

5. It’s cheaper to visit fashionable resorts __ __ season.

Учебник английского языка для VII класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей (Л.В. Хрусталева, В.Н. Богородицкая)

continued from No. 15


Ex. 1. Fill in the table.

1. восхищаться чьим-либо

2. великолепный актер

3. захватывающее приключение

4. скучная книга

5. надоедать кому-то, наскучить

6. кому-то что-то наскучило,

7. трата времени

8. тратить время

9. звучать громко

10. странные звуки

11. иметь талант к музыке

12. талантливый живописец

13. помнить, иметь в виду

14. ты не возражаешь, если я
открою окно

15. ничего, не беспокойтесь

16. остерегаться чего-то

17. чувство юмора

18. юмористический рассказ

Ex. 2. Complete the table.









boredom, a bore

to waste


to sound




to mind




Ex. 3 Use the proper forms of the words given in brackets.

1. Light travels faster than (sound) ___________.

2. Mr. Thorne failed to see the (humorous) _______________ of the situation.

3. Lucy gave a (humour) _______________ account of her travels in South America.

4. The film was (bore)_____ and we were (bore)_____.

5. Everybody was impressed with the gothic (splendid) ____________ of the cathedral.

6. There are some (splend our) ___________ villas near Rome.

7. The orchestra started to perform a new composition of the young (talent) ___________
composer. The magic of the music (thrill)_________ the audience.

8. Leaving the heating on all the time (waste) _________ electricity.

9. Daniel looked at her in (admire) ________. He couldn’t help (admire) _______ her
(talent) _______.

10. Lewis (admire) ___________ for his work on medieval literature by everybody.

Ex. 4. Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences using the active words.

1. The novel was so uninteresting that she managed to read only half of it.

2. My friend watches only films that tell exciting stories about murder or crime.

3. I have a very high opinion of the way she brings up her children.

4. He is a person who talks too much of himself and annoys everybody.

5. Nina has a natural ability for acting.

6. “I am afraid I’ve broken the chair.” “It’s not important, I can easily get
it fixed.”

7. I don’t care whether we see the film or not.

8. The scenery was beautiful and impressive.

9. Kate doesn’t use her money sensibly.

10. The lecture was so uninteresting and monotonous that everybody was tired and

Ex. 5. Translate into English.

1. Все восхищаются талантом молодого

2. Джулиа Фрост – талантливая молодая актриса.
Её друзья говорят, что у неё талант к актерскому
мастерству (acting) с детства.

3. Музыка звучала так чудесно, что заворожила
всех слушателей.

4. Ты не против, если я выключу свет? Сейчас
светло, и это только трата электричества.

5. “Прости, но я не смогла найти этот документ.”
“Ничего, не беспокойся.”

6. Чтение скучных книг – это напрасная трата

7. Ему наскучила его однообразная жизнь, он
мечтал о захватывающих приключениях.

8. Великолепие средневекового замка вызвало
восхищение у всех туристов.

9. У этого писателя прекрасное чувство юмора,
его юмористические рассказы очень популярны
среди читателей.

10. Когда Дэн вышел из дома, лил сильный дождь, но
он не обращал внимания на дождь и ветер.

LEXICAL TEST ON EX. 18-19 P. 42, EX. 37 P. 48


I. Give English equivalents of the following Russian word combinations.

1. восхищаться великолепной

2. захватывающая история

3. надоедать кому-то

4. трата времени

5. звучать громко

6. странные звуки

7. иметь талант к музыке

8. ты не возражаешь, если я
открою окно?

9. чувство юмора

II. Use the proper forms of the words given in brackets.

1. He soon left his job as he hated the (bore) ________ of working in a factory.

2. Her (talent)________ for acting aroused everybody’s (admire) _________.

3. That musical was greatly (admire) __________ by the public.

4. It’s vital to have a sense of (humour) _________ in this job.

5. The restoration returned (splendid) ___________ to this historical building.

III. Translate into English.

1. Он талантливый композитор. Все восхищаются
его великолепными произведениями.

2. “Извини, что я опоздал.” “Ничего, не

3. Его слова звучали странно, не так ли?

4. Ему наскучило его старое хобби. Оно казалось
ему пустой тратой времени.

5. Он зануда, и у него совсем нет чувства юмора.


I. Give English equivalents of the following Russian word combinations.

1. восхищаться чьим-то талантом

2. захватывающее приключение

3. кому-то что-то наскучило

4. тратить время

5. звучать красиво

6. звуки музыки

7. талантливый живописец

8. ничего, не беспокойтесь

9. юмористический рассказ

II. Use the proper forms of the words given in brackets.

1. Tippet later developed a deep (admire) ____________ for Wagner.

2. You acted so badly tonight. My friends were (bore) __________. I was (bore)

3. We couldn’t help (admire) _____________ the (splendid) ___________ of the old

4. Not all people understand English (humour) ________________.

5. “What kind of a book is it?” “I think, it’s a (thrill) _____________.”

III. Translate into English.

1. Он великолепный актёр. Все восхищаются его

2. Мы ждём его уже час. Это пустая трата времени
ждать его дольше.

3. Жизнь путешественника была полна
захватывающих приключений.

4. Музыка звучала чудесно. Великолепие музыки
заворожило всех слушателей.

5. Мне все равно, пойдем ли мы на оперу или на


Ex. 1. Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

1. I am not very good _________ Maths.

2. Mice are afraid __________ cats.

3. My teacher was very pleased _________ my progress in English.

4. Why are you so angry __________ me?

5. Is your brother interested ______ computer science?

6. What does your decision depend ________?

7. Peter’s friends congratulated him ________ receiving the first prize in the
Language contest.

8. The teacher explained a new grammar rule _______ the pupils.

9. We were impressed _________ the castle’s splendour.

10. Nobody was surprised _______ her winning the award.

11. When we arrived _______ the railway station, the train had already left.

12. When we arrived ______ London, it was raining heavily.

13. Geographically the UK is divided ______ two parts.

14. The region continues to suffer __________ serious pollution.

15. What music are you listening _________?

16. The sides have agreed to participate _________ the peace talks.

17. I have always been dreaming _____ visiting London.

18. Just nod your head, if you agree _________ me.

Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions from the box.

1. High __________ the city _________ a tall column stood the statue of the Happy

2. When Arthur and his knights met together, they sat __________ a round table.

3. ________ the time of Arthur, the land ___________ Glastonbury was a lake.

4. __________ the ruins of Glastonbury you can also see the legendary grave of King
Arthur and his wife.

5. Henry VIII started a real war _____________ the Catholic Church in England.

6. Glastonbury is only 30 kilometres _______ Cadbury.

7. Digging deeper _________ the hill, the archaeologists found that Cadbury had been a

8. A woman’s figure appeared __________ the surface of the water.

9. The river runs _________ a valley between two mountains.

10. Merlin appeared __________ Uther.

11. Guinevere rode ________ Camelot with Arthur’s knights riding in front and _______

12. They stopped, left the road, and climbed a hill to go ___________ the fire.

among, at (2), into, through, below,
around (2), beside, behind, towards, above, on, against, from


Ex. 1. Fill in the table.

1. обычай у кого-то

2. вся нация

3. национальный флаг

4. международные события

5. Соединенное Королевство

6. Организация Объединенных

7. в единстве сила

8. общественное событие

9. описывать события прошлого

10. отмечать юбилей

11. пятидесятый юбилей

12. празднования по случаю

13. гражданин Британии

14. житель Бостона

15. государственный праздник
публичные (общедоступные) музеи

16. зависеть от

17. независимость

18. быть независимым от кого-то

19. человек независимых взглядов

20. состоять из

21. привыкать (к чему-то, делать
что-то), привыкнуть к чему-то

22. устраивать, проводить
(состязания, празднования)

23. вести разговор

Ex. 2. Complete the table.







to depend




historic, historical


geographic, geographical




to converse




Note 1: historic – important in history (a historic event, a historic battle);
historical – connected with the study of things from the past, being part of
history (a historical site, a historical novel)

Note 2: musical (before a noun) – connected with music or consisting of music
(a musical instrument, a musical performance); Music (before a noun) a Music
teacher, Music school.

Ex. 3 Use the proper forms of the words given in brackets.

1. My father watches news broadcasts every evening, he wants to be well informed of all
(nation) ____________ and local news.

2. Listen! John (practice) __________ the violin. He knows that (practice) __________
makes perfect.

3. Business letters are not usually written in (conversation) ______________ style.

4. We must (unity) __________ to fight against racism.

5. At the international conference a lot was said about the necessity of working for a
(unity) ________ Europe.

6. At the (geography) _______ lesson our teacher told us about (geography)_______ areas
that region can be divided into.

7. May I ask you a (person)____________ question?

8. The British are lovers of (tradition)_____________.

9. We share the same (music)___________ tastes. We prefer (tradition)_____________

10. We asked our (history)__________ teacher if King Arthur was a real
(history)__________ figure.

11. The Declaration of (independence)________ was adopted on the Fourth of July 1776.
This (history)_________ document declared the 13 American colonies politically
(independence)_________ from Britain.

Ex. 4. Translate into English using the words from ex. 6-8 p. 82, ex. 41 p. 172.

1. Роберт – человек независимых взглядов. Он
привык говорить то, что думает (to speak one’s mind).

2. В этой стране много своеобразных (peculiar)
традиций и обычаев, вам будет трудно привыкнуть к

3. Соединенное Королевство состоит из 4 стран.
Национальный флаг Соединенного Королевства –
Юнион Джэк.

4. Организация Объединенных Наций,
международная организация 132 независимых
государств, была образована в 1945 году.

5. В течение семи столетий Ирландия боролась за
свою независимость, пока (until) в 1949 году не была
образована Независимая Ирландская Республика.

6. Во время Великой Отечественной войны (the Great
Patriotic War) весь народ (нация) объединился, чтобы
отстоять (to defend) независимость нашей родины.

7. В 2005 году наша страна отмечала 60-летие победы
над фашисткой Германией (Fascist Germany).

8. Я не знаю, когда будет проводиться дискуссия
по этой проблеме. Это зависит от
организационного комитета (the organizing committee).

9. В дни государственных праздников граждане
Британии не работают.

LEXICAL TEST ON EX. 6-8 P. 82, EX. 41 P. 172


I. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations.

1. обычай у кого-то

2. национальный флаг

3. Организация Объединенных

4. общественное событие

5. отмечать юбилей

6. гражданин Британии

7. государственный праздник

8. зависеть от

9. человек независимых взглядов

10. состоять из

11. привыкать к чему-либо

12. вести разговор

II. Use the proper forms of the words given in brackets.

1. All countries must (unity)___________ their effort to clean up the environment.

2. How much (practice)___________ experience do you have of working with computers?

3. Do you know the rules of using articles with (geography)_____________ names?

4. Susan has such a lovely (music)____________voice.

5. At the (history)______________lesson Fred made a very interesting report about Robin
Hood. According to Fred, Robin Hood was a real (history)_____________ figure.

6. India became an (independence)__________ country in 1947.

III. Translate into English.

1. Я привыкла рано вставать и делать зарядку.

2. Климат в этом регионе очень мягкий, вам будет
легко привыкнуть к нему.

3. 13 американских колоний долго боролись за свою
независимость, пока в 1776 году они не стали
независимыми от Великобритании.

4. В 1997 году наша школа отмечала свое

5. Образование Организации Объединенных Наций
стало важным историческим событием.


I. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations.

1. вся нация

2. международные события

3. Соединенное королевство

4. в единстве сила

5. описывать события прошлого

6. пятидесятый юбилей

7. житель Бостона

8. независимость

9. быть независимым от кого-то

10. привыкать делать что-то

11. устраивать (проводить)

12. публичные (общедоступные)

II. Use the proper forms of the words given in brackets.

1. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin in 1851. This
(history)_______________ novel stirred public opinion in the USA against slavery.

2. Is this novel based on real (history)_____________ events?

3. The author (use)_________________ (tradition)___________________ motives in his
novel but it is not an imitation, it is an original work of fiction.

4. I attend (music)_________________ school, I have (practice)__________________
playing the violin every day.

5. Lady Brandon wasn’t (use)__________ to people disagreeing with her.

6. What does your progress at school (dependence)________________ on?

III. Translate into English.

1. В прошлом году Организация Объединенных
Наций отмечала свое шестидесятилетие.

2. Юрий Гагарин совершил свой исторический
полет в космос (space flight) в 1961 году.

3. Я привык обсуждать все важные проблемы с

4. – Где будут проводиться состязания? – Это
зависит от погоды.

5. Во время войны 1812 года весь народ объединился,
чтобы защитить независимость России.


Ex. 1. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations.

1. национальный герой

2. героическая битва

3. совершить героический

4. в честь кого-то (2 варианта)

5. славная победа

6. заслужить вечную славу

7. завоевать страну

8. побороть (преодолеть) свои

9. борьба народа за

10. бороться за свободу

11. войти в историю

12. развить идею

13. быть в беде, попасть в беду

14. не буди лихо, пока оно спит

15. вести (руководить) (3 формы)

16. привести к чему-то

17. лидер (руководитель)

18. защищать границы от
возможного нападения

19. защищать свои права

20. историческое место

21. на месте чего-то

Ex. 2 Complete the table.




to lead


to develop


to glorify

conquest, conqueror

to struggle

Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. Use the verbs in the proper
tense and voice forms

1. What themes _________ by the author in this novel?

2. George Washington ______________ the Americans in the War of Independence.

3. Although William was crowned king on Christmas Day 1066, his __________________ had
only just begun and the fighting lasted for another five years.

4. A ___________ is a man noted for feats of courage or nobility.

5. Children must know the traffic rules and be very careful in the street or they may

6. Martin Luther King ________________ for civil rights in the USA all his life until
his tragic death in 1968.

7. Sir Christopher Wren built St. Paul’s Cathedral on the ___________________ of the
church that had been burnt in the Great Fire of London.

8. Five times Robert Peary tried to ______________ the top of the planet.

9. Violent battles in the countryside divided the duty of the King’s men between
searching for the Holy Grail and __________________ the King’s rule.

10. I am sure this event will ______________ in history.

to struggle, conquest, to lead, to
defend, hero, to go down, to develop, site, get into trouble, to conquer

Ex. 4. Use the proper forms of the words given in brackets.

1. What company is the (lead)__________ in the field of information technology?

2. In his tales, Oscar Wilde (glorify)____________ beauty, especially the beauty of
devoted love and friendship.

3. Admiral Nelson won a (glorify)______________ victory in the battle of Trafalgar.

4. The (conquer)_____________ of space began when the first sputniks were launched.

5. The (develop)___________ of science and information technology is one of the
priorities of the government.

6. (Hero)___________ deeds are admired by people.

7. We felt deeply (honour)_____________ to be invited to the Embassy party.

8. You look very distressed. What is (trouble)______________ you?

9. At the history lesson we were told about the (defend)___________ of Moscow during
the Great Patriotic War.

10. The king’s rule (defend)_____________ by the knights of the Round Table.

to be continued

Compiled by Yuliya Levitskaya ,
School No. 1262, Moscow

Task 1.
Match the definition with the
correct word

2.i 3.g 4.a 5.c 6.f 7.h 8.j 9.d 10.e

Task 2
Give the names of the indicated
items of furniture

2.curtains 3.carpet/mat/rug 4.armchair 5.sofa/settee/couch 7.standard lamp

chiming clock 10.mantelpiece

Task 3
Write the
number of each drawing next to the correct word

i 2. b 3.e 4.a 5.f 6.g 7.d 8.j 9.h 10.c

Task 4.
Complete each part sentence with
one of the endings;

d 2. e 3.c 4.b 5.a

Task 5.
Each sentence contains an
inappropriate word. Underline this word and then replace it with a
word from the box;

towel 2. gate 3.floor 4.bookcase 5.step

Task 6.
Listen to 5
students share their opinions about halls of residence. Which of






has experience of living in the halls of residence?



speaks about the lack of privacy in the halls?



sees advantages of living in the halls?



considers halls a good life school?



mentions regulations you have to obey?



I remember talking to my cousin who was about to finish her second
year at university. She’d been staying in the students’ dorm from the
very beginning and had lots of stories for a curious
soon-to-be-a-student me. Being the kind of person who is easily
tempted I was terrified. I couldn’t imagine myself, a diligent girl,
sharing the room with a bunch of crazy fellows and having dozens of
neighbors whose sanity is just as questionable. You know what I mean,
don’t you? All those endless parties, tea breaks which last till the
small hours, lack of silence or any sort of privacy, people coming at
any time they need to borrow your frying-pan, common facilities,
water and electricity cuts, and so on. Well, there are still a number
of things to be added to that list. You can add them without my
modest help.

God’s favour, I never had to live in the dorm. I managed to rent a
flat for myself. Actually it’s hard to say with absolute certainty
whether I should feel lucky avoiding this «fun life».
Despite all inconveniences there is a wide array of advantages to it.
You are never alone; someone is always there not to let you feel
lonely and miserable. A students’ dormitory is a perfect place for
those who want to learn patience, tolerance, coexistence, who want to
be free of any biases, who want to get ready to live in any kind of
society and survive in the most unfriendly environment.

If you didn’t live in a hostel, you were not a real student! A
hostel is a real school of life. While living in a hostel, you can
try yourself in different roles, because you must do everything
yourself, only sometimes with the help of your neighbours. You can be
a carpenter hammering the nails, repairing some pieces of furniture,
locks and so on; a plumber cleaning sinks and locks that were choked
up; an electrician repairing wall outlets and different domestic
devices. You can be a cook, a sewer, and a teacher helping your
junior friends to do their homework. You can even try to be a «big
boss», if you are a head of a section. You have a great number
of opportunities to learn the things that you have never thought you
need. They say that the best teacher is your own experience. And
don’t think that life in a hostel is a constant struggle for
surviving. It is a merry atmosphere of students’ life. You are among
the friends who are always ready to help you and share with you both
their meal and their knowledge.

As I live in a flat, I’ve got a sketchy idea about students’ life in
a hostel. But from my friends’ complaints about it I can conclude
that life is difficult there.

the hostel you will find neither luxury nor superb accommodation,
just the necessary things: plain furniture, central heating, running
cold and hot water, electricity. In every room there live two or
three people. If you find the room very cramped for living, you can’t
but resign yourself to the inevitable. There’s no telephone, no gas
(as there are electric cookers in the hostel). If electricity is cut
off, you won’t be able even to warm up your food (if there is any).
You can’t be independent here: you have to share a kitchen, a toilet,
and a bath with several people. And there-is one more problem — how
to organize your study time. It seems that the time is slipping away
here. You are constantly distracted by drop-in visitors, whom you
have to deal with and it’s rather difficult to tackle your daily
tasks. From the previous considerations I conclude that living in the
hostel is not a piece of cake. To survive in these awful conditions
you have to be smart, energetic, efficient and hardy. And if you can
afford to be independent in your own self-contained place, avoid
living in the hostel.

Living at a hostel … well, for me it’s, first of all, living among
people, like in a small town. Here you have its own administration
and its population: your neighbours and some strangers. Corridors are
like streets that link separate apartments with their own secrets.
Every student who lives here has duties and rights. You get cheap
lodging and new friends but you can’t come late, otherwise you’ll
sleep outside, and you have to get along with your new enemies.

students of all the years live together you get a unique opportunity
to come into notes on various subjects, drafts of research work,
textbooks and sound advice whenever you need it.

a hostel the big students’ family usually gather on special occasions
such as formal and informal holidays. You will be amazed by the wide
range of parties. Students’ imagination gives birth to
carnival-masquerades, discos, concerts, competitions and so on.
Surely, you won’t get bored, but … you can fail your exams or
something like this if you have them the next day as you might not
have even a petty chance to learn the subject or at least to prepare
cribs. It’s common known that it is easier to overcome hardships all
together. So in the evening a small group of students make their way
in corridors (it is quite possible that the electricity was cut off)
to bathrooms Ю
wash before going to sleep. When they reach their destination, it
might appear that wafer was cut off, so … c’est la vie.

anyway you’ll get valuable experience of living on your own, without
parents’ support. Whether it tempers or overwhelms, it depends
utterly on the person.

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