Use the proper derivative of the word in brackets the mona lisa is a famous

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Behind the Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci painted a fantastic topography of jagged mountains, with a misty lake and a winding river. The only man-made object in sight is a rustic bridge which is visible over Mona Lisa’s shoulder.
Over the years, there have been plenty of claims for the location, as cities and regions vied to call Leonardo their own. Some art historians said it was simply an invented landscape but not two amateur art sleuths claim ___1___. They have combined simple observation, historical research and computer technology to pinpoint the location in eastern Tuscany, near Arezzo, 40 miles southeast of Florence. Carlo Stamazzi, a University of Florence paleontologist, says of the landscape in the famous painting ___2___, that what seems to be a winding road leading to the lake is a canal ___3___ and that to the right is the Burgiano Bridge, a medieval stone structure ___4___. He also believes that the mysterious peaks in the painting are not mountains at all, but a group of eroded hills unique to Tuscany. Starnazzi began his research after a friend surmised ___5___. But how might Leonardo have got such an interesting view? Stamazzi discovered ___6___. and he decidcd that Leonardo would probably have surveyed the terrain from it. Stamazzi then rigged up computer models to approximate how the area might have looked from the castle vantage point. “It looks,” he said, “pretty much like the scene in Mona Lisa.” Some experts are skeptical. John Sherman, a Renaissance art professor at Harvard University, points out that the kind of landscape painted by Leonardo had precedents in works by previous artists.

A. which links the lake to the Amo River
В. that an old castle once stood about 1,5 miles from the bridge
С. that spans the Amo and is still open to traffic
D. that he had been there himself
E. that the landscape is as real as the Mona Lisa herself
F. that the lake to the left of the painting is Lake Chiana
G. that the Burgano Bridge might be the one painted in the ‘Mona Lisa’

1 – E; 2 – F; 3 – A; 4 – C; 5 – G; 6 – B


Behind the Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci painted a fantastic topography of jagged mountains, with a misty lake and a winding river. The only man-made object in sight is a rustic bridge which is visible over Mona Lisa’s shoulder.
Over the years, there have been plenty of claims for the location, as cities and regions vied to call Leonardo their own. Some art historians said it was simply an invented landscape but not two amateur art sleuths claim that the landscape is as real as the Mona Lisa herself. They have combined simple observation, historical research and computer technology to pinpoint the location in eastern Tuscany, near Arezzo, 40 miles southeast of Florence. Carlo Stamazzi, a University of Florence paleontologist, says of the landscape in the famous painting that the lake to the left of the painting is Lake Chiana, that what seems to be a winding road leading to the lake is a canal which links the lake to the Amo River and that to the right is the Burgiano Bridge, a medieval stone structure that spans the Amo and is still open to traffic. He also believes that the mysterious peaks in the painting are not mountains at all, but a group of eroded hills unique to Tuscany. Starnazzi began his research after a friend surmised that the Burgano Bridge might be the one painted in the ‘Mona Lisa’. But how might Leonardo have got such an interesting view? Stamazzi discovered that an old castle once stood about 1,5 miles from the bridge. and he decidcd that Leonardo would probably have surveyed the terrain from it. Stamazzi then rigged up computer models to approximate how the area might have looked from the castle vantage point. “It looks,” he said, “pretty much like the scene in Mona Lisa.” Some experts are skeptical. John Sherman, a Renaissance art professor at Harvard University, points out that the kind of landscape painted by Leonardo had precedents in works by previous artists.

помогите пожалуйста,очень надо!
Составьте из данных слов предложения и переведите их.
most – the Mona Lisa – in – is – painting – the – famous – the – world.
longer – the Don – is – the Volga – than.
more – Spain – Germany – than – beautiful — is.
London – city – in – biggest – the – England – is.
the – team – Adam – is — worst – the – player – in.


Светило науки — 5441 ответ — 69880 раз оказано помощи

1)The Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world. (Мона Лиза — самая знаменитая картина в мире.)
2)The Volga is longer than the Don. (Волга длиннее Дона.)
3)Germany is more beautiful than Spain. (Германия прекраснее Испании)
4)London is the biggest city in England. (Лондон — самый большой город в Англии.)
5)Adam is the worst player in the team. (Адам — худший игрок во всей команде.)

1. The Mona Lisa is probably the most famous of an Renaissance paintings. — Мона Лиза, вероятно, самая известная из картин Возрождения.
2. Picasso painted his first self-portrait when he was only sixteen. — Пикассо написал свой первый автопортрет, когда ему было всего шестнадцать.
3. ‘Angel of the North’ is Britain’s largest sculpture. It’s 20 metres high, and stands on a hilltop, to welcome visitors to Tyneside. — «Ангел Севера» — самая крупная в Британии скульптура. Она 20 метров в высоту и стоит на вершине холма, чтобы поприветствовать посетителей Тайнсайда.
4. Clowns often wear special white make-up, bright coloured clothes, and very large shoes when they go on stage. — Клоуны часто наносят специальный белый макияж, надевают яркую цветную одежду и очень большие ботинки, когда они выходят на сцену.
5. Murder mysteries belong to the fastest- growing genre of popular literature. — Тайны убийства принадлежат к быстрорастущему жанру популярной литературы.

помогите пожалуйста)

Составьте из данных слов предложения и переведите их.

1. most – the Mona Lisa – in – is – painting – the – famous – the – world.

2. longer – the Don – is – the Volga – than.

3. more – Spain – Germany – than – beautiful — is.

4. London – city – in – biggest – the – England – is.

5. the – team – Adam – is — worst – the – player – in

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