Use the proper comparison form of the word in brackets

A. Complete using the comparative form of the words in brackets.

 Wait! Your bicycle is ……………………… (fast) than mine!

 Phew! It’s much ……………………… (hot) than it was yesterday, isn’t it?

 I think you look ……………………… (pretty) when you wear your hair up.

 The price of batteries has gone up. They’re a lot ……………………… (expensive) than last time.

 Angus hasn’t been practising the piano and he’s got a lot ……………………… (bad).

 His new film is much ……………………… (entertaining) than his last one. I loved that one!

 Tell us another joke – but a ……………………… (short) one this time! That one took forever!

 I didn’t win the lottery. Maybe I’ll be ……………………… (lucky) next time.

 The Russian athlete threw the discus ……………………… (far) than all the others and won gold.

10   I think these biscuits are even ……………………… (nice) than the last ones you made!


1 faster   2 hotter   3 prettier

4 more expensive   5 worse   6 less entertaining

7 shorter   8 luckier   9 farther/further   10 nicer

B. The words in bold in each sentence are wrong. Write the correct word.

 We lost the match because we played badly than the other team did.

 It rains a lot in England, so the countryside is a lot green than in Greece.

 You gave Sarah a really small piece of cake – and you’ve given me even little!

 I must have lost weight. These jeans seem large than they were before.

 I got to the party early than everyone else, so I had to wait.

 I hear her new CD is good than her last one. What do you think?

 Our cat seems to be getting fat every day – maybe she should go on a diet!

 I’m disappointed. I think you could have done a lot well on this test.


1 worse   2 greener    3 less   4 larger

5 earlier   6 better   7 fatter   8 better

C. Rewrite the sentences using the correct comparative form of the words in the box.

bad • beautiful • confident • fat • happy • near (to) • short • young

1   Joshua is much taller than Alex.

     Alex is ………………………………………….. .

2   Theresa is more confident than Amy.

     Amy is a lot ………………………………………….. .

3   Your house is further from the school than mine.

     My house is ………………………………………….. .

4   Jude is less happy than Andy about the decision.

     Andy is ………………………………………….. .

5   Bill is thinner than Simon.

     Simon is ………………………………………….. .

6   Terry is older than Sarah-Jane.

     Sarah-Jane is ………………………………………….. .

7   Patricia is better than her sister on the clarinet.

     Patricia’s sister is ………………………………………….. .

8   The houses here are uglier than in my grandparents’ village.

     The houses in my grandparents’ village ………………………………………….. .


 much shorter than Joshua

 less confident that Theresa

 nearer (to) the school than yours

 happier than Jude about the decision

 fatter than Bill

 younger than Terry

 worse than Patricia/her on the clarinet

 are more beautiful than the houses here

D. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

bad • big • far • funny • hard • kind • scary • tasty

 This really is the ……………………. song I’ve ever heard! It’s terrible!

2   Ivy is the ……………………. woman I know. She’ll do anything for anybody.

3   Listen! I promise you, this is the ……………………. joke ever! Well, a man goes into a shop …

4   Mmm! This is the ……………………. soup you’ve made so far.

 What’s the ……………………. thing about English grammar for you?

6   Ben appeared and he was carrying the ……………………. present I’d ever seen. It was huge!

7   We had a competition to see who could swim the ……………………. .

8   Sandra told us the ……………………. ghost story she could, and it was really frightening!


1 worst   2 kindest   3 funniest   4 tastiest

5 hardest   6 biggest   7 farthest/furthest

8 scariest

E. Complete using the correct form of the words in brackets.

I think this is the (1) …………………….. (bad) job I’ve ever had. My last job was much (2) …………………….. (good) than this one. I had a lot (3) …………………….. (little) work there and my boss was really nice. My boss here is the (4) …………………….. (strict) in the whole firm, and the working day is (5) …………………….. (long) than in my last job, too. The (6) …………………….. (good) thing about it is that the office is (7) …………………….. (close) to my house than the old one. At least now I get home (8) …………………….. (early) than I used to.


1 worst   2 better   3 less   4 strictest

5 longer   6 best   7 closer   8 earlier

F. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

clean • dirty • fast • old • slowly • young

‘I walk (1) ……………………… than him.’

‘I walk the (2) ……………………… of all.’

‘I’m the (3) ……………………… pigeon.’

‘I’m (4) ……………………… than they are.’

‘I’m the (5) ……………………… pigeon.’

‘I ran (6) ……………………… of all.’

‘I ran (7) ……………………… than everyone except him.’

‘They both ran (8) ……………………… than me.’

‘I’m the (9) ……………………… in the family.’

‘And I’m the (10) ……………………… .’


1 more slowly   2 most slowly   3 dirtiest

4 dirtier   5 cleanest   6 fastest   7 faster

8 faster   9 oldest   10 youngest

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Use the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. My brother thinks Maths is more difficult (difficult) than History.
2. Mark is _ (bright) in our class.
3. This year we have _ (easy) subjects in our timetable than we had last year.
4. Who has _ (funny) nickname in your class?
5. Our Russian language teacher is _ (good) teacher in the world.
6. English is _ (interesting) subject for me and my classmates.

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 5 класс Биболетова. UNIT 1. HOMEWORK. Номер №10


Перевод задания
Используйте сравнительную или превосходную форму прилагательных в скобках для завершения предложений.
1. Мой брат считает, что математика сложнее (трудный), чем история.
2. Марк − _ (сообразительный) в нашем классе.
3. В этом году у нас в расписании _ (простой) предметы, чем в прошлом году.
4. У кого в вашем классе есть _ (забавный) прозвище?
5. Наш учитель русского языка − _ (хороший) учитель в мире.
6. Английский − _ (интересный) предмет для меня и моих одноклассников.

1. My brother thinks Maths is more difficult (difficult) than History.
2. Mark is the brightest (bright) in our class.
3. This year we have easier (easy) subjects in our timetable than we had last year.
4. Who has the funniest (funny) nickname in your class?
5. Our Russian language teacher is the best (good) teacher in the world.
6. English is the most interesting (interesting) subject for me and my classmates.

Перевод ответа
1. Мой брат считает, что математика сложнее (трудный), чем история.
2. Марк – самый сообразительный (сообразительный) в нашем классе.
3. В этом году у нас в расписании более простые (простой) предметы, чем в прошлом году.
4. У кого в вашем классе есть самое забавное (забавный) прозвище?
5. Наш учитель русского языка − лучший (хороший) учитель в мире.
6. Английский – самый интересный (интересный) предмет для меня и моих одноклассников.

Supply the proper form of the adjective given in the brackets.

1.    How is your father now? Is he any ——————? (Good)
2.    May is ——————— than any other month in this part of the globe. (Hot)
3.    She is ——————- than her sisters. (Pretty)
4.    John is the ———————- boy in the class. (Smart)
5.    Your dog is big, but mine is —————— (Big)
6.    Honor is ——————— to him than life. (Dear)
7.    Name the ——————- city in the world. (Large)
8.    She is the ——————— friend I have. (Good)
9.    His drawing is ————-, but yours is —————- (Bad)
10.    There is no animal ———————— than the tiger. (Ferocious)
11.    He is the ——————- of the two. (Tall)
12.    Sind is the —————— part of Pakistan. (Dry)
13.    Iron is ——————— than any other metal. (Useful)
14.    Who is the —————— living poet? (Great)
15.    Iron is the —————– of all metals. (Useful)
16.    You need a —————— diet. (Nutritious)
17.    This is the ——————- moment of my life. (Proud)
18.    That is the —————— price I can take. (Little)
19.    Silver is ——————– than gold. (Light)
20.    Prevention is ——————- than cure. (Good)


1.    Better
2.    Hotter
3.    Prettier
4.    Smartest
5.    Bigger
6.    Dearer
7.    Largest
8.    Best
9.    Bad, worse
10.    More ferocious
11.    Taller
12.    Driest
13.    More useful
14.    Greatest
15.    Most useful
16.    More nutritious
17.    Proudest
18.    Least
19.    Lighter
20.    Better


Comparative forms are used before than. Superlative forms are always preceded by the.

When a comparison is made between two people or things we use the comparative adjective, and not the superlative adjective.

Take the shorter of the two routes. (NOT Take the shortest of the two routes.)
She is the prettier of the two sisters.

Note that this rule is not always followed and some people do use the superlative form.

1. Complete the travel blog. Use the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.

After a week in New York, I’m now in Philadelphia. It’s much 1……………………. (quiet) here, but it’s still a big city, with lots of restaurants, museums and famous buildings. The centre of Philadelphia is 2……………………. (small) than Manhattan, so you can walk everywhere. I think the people here are 3……………………. (friendly) and 4……………………. (polite). But I prefer New York. It’s 5……………………. (interesting) and 6……………………. (exciting) than Philadelphia. And public transport is 7……………………. (good), so it’s 8……………………. (easy) to get around.


1 quieter   2 smaller   3 friendlier   4 more polite

5 more interesting   6 more exciting   7 better   8 easier

2. Look at the prompts and write sentences. Use the affirmative of be and the comparative form of the adjective with than.

1   Prince Harry / young / Prince William

     Prince Harry is younger than Prince William.

2   Crocodiles / dangerous / sharks


3   Chinese / difficult / English


4   Friends / important / money


5   Twitter / new / Facebook


6   Brown rice / natural / white rice


7   Six out of ten / bad / fourteen out of twenty



2   Crocodiles are more dangerous than sharks.

3   Chinese is more difficult than English.

4   Friends are more important than money.

5   Twitter is newer than Facebook.

6    Brown rice is more natural than white rice.

7   6 out of 10 is worse than 14 out of 20.

3. Complete the facts with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. Include than. Use the correct form of be, affirmative or negative, to make the facts true.

 Antarctica (big) …………………… Australia.

 Mars (far) ……………………  from the Sun …………………… Earth.

 Tigers (large) …………………… cheetahs.

 Mount Fuji (high) …………………… Mount Kilimanjaro.

 The North Pole (cold) ……………………  the South Pole.

 London (rainy) ……………………  Rome.

 Beijing (polluted) …………………… Tokyo.

 Gold (expensive) ……………………  silver.


1   Antarctica is bigger than Australia.

2   Mars is further from the sun than Earth.

3   Tigers are larger than cheetahs.

4   Mount Fuji isn’t higher than Mount Kilimanjaro.

5   The North Pole isn’t colder than the South Pole.

6   London is rainier than Rome.

7   Beijing is more polluted than Tokyo.

8   Gold is more expensive than silver.

4. Write true sentences comparing yourself with a friend or family member. Use the adjectives in brackets.

 (patient) I’m more patient than my brother.

 (kind) …………………………………………………..

 (noisy) …………………………………………………..

 (tidy) …………………………………………………..

 (sensible) …………………………………………………..

 (cool) …………………………………………………..

 (creative) …………………………………………………..

5. Write questions comparing the words below. The write your own opinion beginning with I think.

 Which / easy / English / German?

      Which is easier, English or German?

      I think English is easier.

 Who / funny / Ben Stiller / Jim Carrey?



 Which / casual / a T-shirt / a shirt?



 Which / bad / a broken leg / a broken arm?



 Who / famous / Lionel Messi / Taylor Swift?



 Which / nice / chocolate / cheese?



 Which / attractive / a flower / a butterfly?



8   Which / good / a good exam result / a nice present?




2   Who is funnier, Ben Stiller or Jim Carrey? (Students’ own answers)

3   Which is more casual, a T-shirt or a shirt? (Students’ own answers)

4   Which is worse, a broken leg or a broken arm? (Students’ own answers)

5   Who is more famous, Lionel Messi or Taylor Swift? (Students’ own answers)

6   Which is nicer, chocolate or cheese? (Students’ own answers)

7   Which is more attractive, a flower or a butterfly? (Students’ own answers)

8   Which is better, a good exam result or a nice present? (Students’ own answers)

6. Rewrite the sentences using the comparative form of the opposite adjectives.

 Fridays are better than Mondays.

     Mondays are ……………………………………

 Chinese is more difficult than English.

      English is ……………………………………

 Country roads are narrower than city streets.

     City streets are ……………………………………

 Winter is colder than summer.

     Summer is ……………………………………

 Cars are safer than motorbikes.

     Motorbikes are ……………………………………

 Spain is more expensive than Portugal.

      Portugal is ……………………………………

 The River Danube is longer than the River Thames.

     The River Thames is ……………………………………

 The bus is slower than the train.

      The train is ……………………………………


1 worse than Fridays   2 easier than Chinese

3 wider than country roads   4 hotter than winter

5 more dangerous than cars   6 cheaper than Spain

7 shorter than the River Danube    8 faster than the bus

Use the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets to complete the sentences 1. My brother thinks Maths is ….(difficult) than history. 2 Mark is {bright in our class. 3 This year we have —(easy) subjects in our limetable than we had last year. Who has (funny)nickname in your class? 5. Our Russian language teacher is …………. (good) teacher in the world. 6 I was ….(bad)day in my life.

пж помогите СРОЧНО надо!!!​

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