Use the following words and word combinations in situations

  1. to go into politics; mediocre; to cast votes; a constituency;
    crushing defeat; to rig the elections; corrupt.

  2. to nominate; to go to the polls; to elect unanimously; to abstain;
    election pledge; to stand for Parliament; the outcome of the

  3. to elect; overwhelming majority; to retire from
    politics; by-election; unassailable victory; to hold office;
    impressive (politician).

1.11. Do you know what politics is? Discuss your answers with a partner.

1.12.  Read the text and see if your understanding of the word “politics” was correct.

On hearing the word politics
usually comes to mind are images of government, politicians and their
policies or more negatively the idea of corruption
and dirty tricks.
actual definition seems to have been obscured
and almost
lost by such representations and clichés that tend not to
pinpoint the true essence,
defines this thing, called politics.

The word politics comes from
the Greek word “police”, meaning the state or community as a
whole. An ideal society is in practice a rather difficult aim and
even an impossible aim to achieve. Politics implies
which could and should be implemented
in the
hope to create a better society, than which is already present.

To begin with, the
basest premise
the notion
of politics should be considered in order to arrive at a fair
definition. Man is self-preserving by nature. He thinks and acts,
whether that is an individual or a group who share interests, with
foremost regard to his own interests.
the number one rule. He therefore possesses his own interests, ideas
and preferences,
which may
differ to those of his contemporaries.
the diversity of view
if not
about ultimate aims, at least about the best ways of achieving them”
(Miller, 1987). The world has its limits; all material wealth within
it is exhaustible.
therefore, gets how large a share, of those resources, which are
present on the earth in limited supply? If man were permitted to act
pursue his
own selfish interests, snatching
which he desires, a society would quickly become under
rule of violence.

Politics is a way of
the degradation
society into a violent and unstructured mess by reducing it to be
governed by the primitive instincts of men in order to
resolve conflict.
therefore may be defined as a means to resolving this conflict
through various means. If “people (were to) agree spontaneously on
a course of action… they (would) have no need to
engage in politics

1987). Thus, politics exists due to the broad spectrum of ideas and
opinions within any society.

To resolve conflicting
opinions, a consensus must be agreed
all parties affected. This means that politics tries to act as a
offering solutions to conflict to the parties involved by means of
discussion with them.

Politics implies
members of a society must have the authority over other members in
order to
enforce civil discussion
the first place. It seems to follow that for certain individuals to
exert more power
others they must have the support of a large proportion over those
which they have authority. Politics could therefore be defined as a
power struggle between those in
influential positions.
can only be obtained by obtaining the support from as many groups and
individuals as possible. This can be achieved by providing tempting
conflicts that already exist in a society, whether this is in an
honest or dishonest way. By appealing to members of a society with
solutions to their problems and promises to act in their interests, a
group or an individual can gain support and ultimate authority over
other groups and individuals. Politics could thus be defined as a
calculating art of power gain or power retention
more simply as power struggle.

The ultimate power is
found in government. It is within this institution that all of the
place. Thus, politics could be defined as the working of government
as a
guarantor to a peaceful society.
government is run by the politicians, it is the politicians who form
the ideas to hopefully settle conflict in the society they govern.
Thus politics is present in every community and is used to manage
workings and disagreements.

Politics occurs in all kinds
of communities. Whether it is the sports club or the state government
and is concerned with devising
a method of organisation and attempting to implement
method of organisation within that community over which it acts. It
is present in these communities as a necessary measure to avoid
conflict due to those inevitable
diversities in opinion
therefore ultimately needed to promote as peaceful an existence as

Politics is the means to
creating a more organised and peaceful society, by providing methods
to resolve conflict that naturally occurs between men, by means of
civil discussion and rational

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a) Once I was at the seaside. I was glad to be able to enjoy the beach and the waves. I liked swimming and diving. I spent much time lying in the sun and watching the seagulls in the bright blue sky. I saw many children going boating with their parents.  

b) On Sunday, I went on an excursion with my friends. It took us 2 hours to go on a crowded bus to get to the place. When we got off, it was super pleasant to breathe the wonderful fresh country air. I took photos of many pines and birch trees. We enjoyed the beauty of the landscape. I already miss that trip and I am looking forward to going there again.

c) I went to the skating rink last weekend. I am fond of this kind of sport because I like to breathe frosty air. Last weekend was special because I enjoyed music and how my body felt it. A great many people came to see me ice-skating on the rink. I felt very tired after that performance.

d) I had an evening party last Tuesday. My friends gathered at my home to celebrate my birthday. They were gay and smiling. We sang and recited poems. We danced a lot and enjoyed ourselves. We were pleased with spending time together.


2. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the words and word combinations in bold type:

A. 1. Anthony’s letters from school were now short and hurried­ly written. 2. No boy at the school had ever taken a scholarship to the University. 3. She’s been here since the school started. 4. The school will be closed until the end of the term. 5. Htf had an admiration for Boucher, Watteau, and all that school. 6. There was no doubt that in some fashion Clark had a moral advantage over him. 7. I knew that Sadie was a notorious liar and would tell any falsehood to procure herself even a quite temporary advantage. 8. I mean, why not take advantage of the sunshine before the fog comes back? 9. You may feel that all I’ve asked is that you should spy upon people to my advantage. 10. The uniform set off his fig-.tute to advantage. 11. Mary’s attitude was one of frank admission ‘»»arid penitence. 12. Mrs. Turton was the only visitor admitted to the r^^sicfe-oom. 13.~5ome British Universities lowered their standards of entry iiTsome subjects in order to admit more students. 14. It was exciting to me to be admitted to such company. 15. You’re afraid that if you admit the truth, I’ll think you were mixed up in this with Wegler. 16. Our new theatres can admit a great number of people. 17. But Auntie Mame was never one to admit defeat. 18. He smiled at her unconscious admission that she would have been happy without Charles. 19. Consumption is a wasting disease. 20. Turn the water off, don’t let it waste. 21. Many houses are being built on waste land outside the city. 22. Waste not, want not. (proverb) 23. I felt half faded away, like some figure in the background of an old picture. 24. The backroom on the first floor was prepared for her. 25. «Are you English?» I asked, perhaps tactlessly. «Rather. You don’t think I look like an American, do you? British to the backbone, that’s what I am.» 26. We sat on the ground with our backs against the wall. 27. Have you any paper left? — Oh, that’ll do, write on the back of the map. 28. They give you a look that says all that can be said in a civilized community, and you back out promptly and shut the door behind you. 29. When people say things behind your back, there’s nothing you can deny. 30. The work was heavy and backbreaking, but it had to be done.

B. 1. It requires the feminine temperament to repeat the same thing three times with unabated zest. 2. Truly this is all Becky asked of a man, all she required, that he’d have the power to make her laugh. 3. I should have remembered that when one is going to lead an entirely new life, one requires regular and wholesome meals. 4. He had replied to the telegram he had received that he re­quired no help. 5. It gave Austin pleasure to read and memorize the great speeches whether they were required in the course or not. 6. Does he know what is required of him? 7. He didn’t refer to doc­uments, but answered out of his head. 8. He always referred to her father as Dr. Lambert. 9.1 felt a certain shyness at referring to mat­ters which were no concern of mine. 10.1 murmured something po­lite that might equally have referred to her last remark or to the garden itself. 11. She made no reference to our conversation of the night before. 12. She seemed to be working in a reference li­brary. 13. Excellent references, that’s all we need. 14. Old Mrs. Ra- mage seems to take pleasure in showing her temper. 15. Linda went dead white with temper and disappointment. 16. Samuel had completely got over his bad temper. 17. In all sorts of political situ­ations he had learned to keep his temper, to take advantage of men who lost theirs. 18. Her temper was beginning to rise again at the thought that this rude and impertinent man had heard every­thing. 19. Clark was a hospitable man, he liked displaying fruit on the sideboard. 20. The peacock displayed its fine tail feathers. 21. The English gave me a medal for having displayed what they called «conspicuous gallantry in the field». 22. Brodwen came bus­tling into lunch with a great display of gaiety. 23. Mary was al­ready earning a decent wage as a clerk to Larkins. 24.1 didn’t know him well, but I felt that at heart he was decent, sound and healthy.

25.1 kept going as I was until he was a decent distance behind me. 26. It was a short letter, a letter of passionate reproach, to my young standards, rather indecent.

3. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary:

A. 1. At twelve, he had been obliged to quit studies and go to work as a Western Union messenger boy. 2. Are the educational establishments for children any better in Australia? 3. All the teachers and pupils turned out to welcome the celebrity. 4. She has a nice voice, but she hasn’t had any (special) education. 5.1 was in possession of a better position which I didn’t want to lose. 6. He knows how to show good points in his knowledge. 7. The boy was permitted to sit up a few hours, but he never used the privilege profitably. 8. I wonder at your capacity for facing facts. 9. The University accepted many oversea students last year. 10. She was short-sighted but hated to say it was true. 11. I don’t deny I took several things from my uncle’s drawer, but I won’t have it called a theft. 12. The door opened to let in a tall thin man. 13. She absolutely believes his version and will listen to no other. 14. Percy is always so careful about money matters. He hates spending uselessly. 15. He was losing weight so much that he constantly seemed to need a smaller size. 16. The «natural method» of learning a language is admirable for infants and horribly useless and unprofitable for other people. 17.1 don’t see how you expect to recover strength if you don’t take something nourishing into the system. 18. We all agreed we ought to support him. 19. You know, Thomas, I don’t like discussing her in her absence.

B. 1. This kind of work takes a lot of time. 2. He said they did not 1 ask for documents. 3. Let’s hope that no such terrible sacrifice will

be asked of you. 4. There is no art, no skill needed for that sort of thing. 5. All the equipment necessary for experiments was simple. 6.1 soon learned however that my services would be needed on the stage that evening. 7. The clerk had an excellent testimonial from former employers. 8. I was sent to the manager. 9. Don’t speak about the matter again. 10. Does this remark concern me? 11. I’m sure-sJie didn’t mean it, she said it in a fit of anger. 12. I’ve never seen her fly into a rage. 13. She is a woman of a gentle disposition. 14. You would never have said such an absurd thing if you had not been angry and irritated. 15. I was used to his outbursts, but still I had to make an effort to remain calm. 16. Department stores show their goods in the windows. 17. She managed to hold her emotions back whe»n she was told of her son’s illness. 18. He was always kind and considerate to me. 19. Put on some suitable clothes before you go out. 20. He gave us quite a good dinner. 21. Here I was looking forward to a good night’s sleep.

4. Explain or comment on the following sentences:

A. 1. He belongs to a new school of thought in linguistics. 2. I have known it since my school days. 3. He came home from school weeping, a bruise on his face. 4 At eighteen Andrew found himself alone, a first-year student at St. Andrew University, carry­ing a scholarship worth forty pounds a year, but otherwise penni­less. 5. After dinner there is a period of recreation before afternoon school. 6. He did poorly in school. 7. Rain’s arrival created a stir. The eyes of the School were turned away from the cricket field.

8. I had an advantage of course, because I knew everybody there.

9. They took advantage of our disadvantages with remarkable speed. 10. She shone to such advantage among the other teachers. 11. Because one man admits defeat, it doesn’t mean that everybody else does. 12. Sam was admitted into his master’s confidence.

13. I tried to spare you. You will do me the justice to admit that.

14. The fascists laid waste many towns and villages. 15. There is too much waste in the house. 16. Caroline had wasted herself in her hopeless devotion to a man who did not deserve it. 17. She looked at the girl and knew well that argument or reason would be wasted. 18. He is Russian to the backbone. 19. He said he would help us and then backed out. 20. I shall not go back on my word. 21. Can you say the alphabet backwards? 22. Why did you say the alphabet backwards? 23. Why did you keep back the fact? 24. I hope you will back my plan. 25. She always keeps in the background.

B. 1. We require extra help, I think. 2. Haven’t I done all that was required of me? 3. Everyone must fulfil the requirements of the law. 4. f’m sure documents are required there. 5. Anyway you’re not required to see them again. 6. She had an infinite ca­pacity for patience when patience was required. 7. Two hours would be required to assemble everybody. 8. The neighbour heard the little girl refer to the woman as «mother», 9. What I have to say refers to all of you. 10. Historians refer the fall of Rome to A.D. 410. 11. He referred his depressions to his childhood illness. 12. All the parts have reference to one another. 13. You can give the landlord my respect, if you like, and tell him I hope his temper has improved. 14. Among the many excellent and de­cided qualities which characterized General Fesmond’s wife, sweetness of temper was less obvious than the rest. 15. If Charles had inherited any of the qualities of the stern, fearless, hot-tem­pered soldier who had been his father… 16. Your younger son dis­plays great intelligence. 17. He proudly displayed the variegated smears of paint on his heavy silk dressing gown. 18. The old man displayed an insatiable curiosity about the galleries and the paint­ers who exhibited in them. 19. He is quite a decent fellow. 20. He has always treated me decently. 21. Salvia had not shown the de­cency of even a second of hesitation.

5. Choose the right word:

school(s) — schooling

1. Nursery… are for those who haven’t yet reached compulsory… age. 2. Compulsory… is divided into a primary and secondary stage. 3. Computers and microelectronics can assist in setting uni­form… tests. 4. When does compulsory… begin in England?

admit — accept

1. Please… my most affectionate thanks and gratitude for your constant assistance and sincere interest in my every need. 2. Ac­cording to the Universities’ Central Council on Admission the Uni­versities… significantly more overseas students. 3. To their utter astonishment the picture was… for the show. 4. The results of his theoretical investigations were… as a valuable contribution.

require — demand

1. Teachers… discipline. 2. The teacher… that the pupil should stay at school after classes. 3. The strikers… a rise. 4. Answer ques­tions which… short answer.

anger— temper

1. Her eyes grew steady with…, like old Jolyon’s when his will was crossed. 2. Andrew reddened. But, making a great effort, he conquered his… and his pride. 3. She was determined not to lose her…. 4. The greatest remedy for… is delay.

decent — discreet (and their derivatives)

1. There was a… tap at the door. 2. I didn’t have anything to do with him apart from the work. He was always… to me. 3. I’m not going to let… spoil a romantic story. 4. Carrie desperately needed… clothes. 5. I’ve been afraid that he and Margaret would do some­thing… and bring disgrace upon the family.

6. Give English equivalents for the following phrases:

средняя школа; ученый; обучение в школе; получить право на стипендию; учиться в школе; хореографическое училище; голландс­кая школа живописи; школа-интернат; иметь преимущество; вос­пользоваться чём-л.; в выгодном свете; принять в члены; принять в институт; признавать; соглашаться; признаться в ошибке; вход по билетам; входная плата; подавать заявление о приеме в институт; признание своей вины; чахнуть; опустошать; пустырь; попусту тра­тить слова; транжира; повернуться спиной к; делать что-л. за спиной кого-л.; подсознательно; затылок; нарушить слово; скрывать что-л.; до мозга костей; оставаться в тени; расскажи мне о себе.

удовлетворять потребности; выполнять требования; письма, требующие ответа; рекомендация; справочник; иметь отношение к чему-либо.; отсылать к кому-л.; ссылаться на что-л.; владеть собой; необузданный нрав; вспыльчивый характер; быть в хорошем настро­ении; быть раздраженным; вспылить; выставлять картины; демонст­рировать товары; проявлять смелость; выставлять напоказ; прилич­ные условия; скромное поведение; хороший обед.

7. Translate into English:

А. 1. Профессор Уайт — крупный ученый. Для нашей школы боль­шая честь, что он приехал к нам. 2. Я знаю его очень давно. Мы учи­лись в одной школе. 3. Девушка получила право на стипендию и смогла изучать искусство в Италии. 4. Занятия к школе начинаются в 8.30. 5. Завтра не будет занятий в школе. 6. У мальчика кашель, и по­этому я его не пустила в школу. 7. У нее есть огромное преимущество перед остальными студентами: она говорит по-английски дома. 8. У него преимущество в том, что он знает всех студентов без исклю­чения. 9. Неужели вы думаете, что я не воспользуюсь этим случаем? 10. Это было совершенно простое платье, но оно выгодно подчерки­вало ее красивую фигуру. 11. Она слишком горда, чтобы принять от нас деньги, но признаться в этом не хочет. 12. Сколько студентов было принято в институт в этом году? 13. Нас не пустили в зал, пото­му что спектакль уже начался. 14. Не забудь, что сегодня вход в клуб по билетам. 15. Стадион вмещает тринадцать тысяч зрителей. 16. Как обидно, что столько усилий потрачено зря. 17. На мгновение я почув­ствовала себя неловко, я думала, что он сейчас скажет мне, что я рас­трачиваю драгоценное время на болтовню по телефону. 18. «Некото­рые люди смотрят телепередачи часами, а, по-моему, это пустая трата времени, — сказал Николай. — Для меня нет ничего лучше хо­рошей книги». 19. Хотя она и очень устала, ей было приятно созна­вать, что день не пропал даром. 20. Вы должны сказать мне правду. Это единственный путь, если вы хотите, чтобы я вас поддержал. 21. Человек, который отказывается от своих слов, не может внушать доверия. 22. Вы не думаете, что будет лучше рассказать мне все? 23. Преимущество их дачи в том, что она стоит в лесу, в стороне от дороги. 24. Посмотрите, как красива эта сосна на фоне вечернего неба. 25. Я не могу понять, что это там, на заднем плане картины. 26. Работа в старой шахте была тяжелой и изнурительной. 27. Моя комната находилась в глубине дома.

В. 1. Статья неплохая, но, по-моему, следует дать больше приме­ров. 2. Элиза отдавала себе отчет, что скоро они уже больше не будут нуждаться в ее услугах. 3. Осталось только одно письмо, но оно не требует ответа. 4. В нашей стране делается все, чтобы удовлетворить растущие потребности населения. 5. Он отклонил наше приглаше­ние, сказав, что его присутствие необходимо в другом месте. 6. Сле­дует заблаговременно узнать, что требуется для поступления в этот институт. 7. Если бы вы сделали все, что от вас требуется, вы бы не оказались сейчас в затруднительном положении. 8. В своем докладе ученый ссылался несколько раз на последние эксперименты. 9. Она предъявила отличные рекомендации. 10. Меня отослали к редактору, так как у него были все справочники. 11. Я осторожно наведу справ­ки, но, по-моему, он не ссылался на ваши письма. 12. У вашего дя­дюшки горячий нрав. Он не потерпит, чтобы ему мешали. 13. Неуже­ли вы думаете, что я поддержу эту нелепую затею? 14. Стелла, что с тобой? Ты не должна терять самообладания, хотя ты и проигрыва­ешь партию. Это смешно. 15. Уолтер взял себе за правило не прини­мать важных решений, когда он раздражен. 16. С того самого дня, как Кэрри увидела платье (выставленное) в витрине магазина, она мечтала о том, чтобы купить его. 17. Джеймс редко проявлял какие- либо признаки волнения. 18. Я признаю, вы проявили мужество, ос­тавшись один в лесу. 19. С вашей стороны было очень осмотрительно избавить нас от необходимости встречаться с этим неприятным че­ловеком. 20. Во всяком случае, при всех он хорошо ко мне относился.

8. Review the Essential Vocabulary and use it in answering the following questions:

A. What do you say if: 1. your friend is in a better position be­cause he knows two languages? 2. a school-leaver has successfully passed his institute entrance exams? 3. a student has been given a stirrrof money to enable him to study at a university? 4. too much stuff is thrown away in the house? 5. your friend fails to keep a promise? 6. you like the way a picture is displayed in a gallery? 7. you accept as true the fact that you are wrong? 8. you want to know all about the origin, social status and qualifications of a per­son? 9. you have spent a day uselessly?

B. What do you say if: 1. you need extra help? 2. you insist on having extra help? 3. a quick-tempered person becomes angry? 4. a person is always modest and respectable? 5. a person shows signs of anxiety? 6. a speaker makes use of his notes? 7. one’s En­glish is fairly good? 8. a student has an excellent record from his supervisor on school practice?

9. Respond to the following statements and questions using the Essential Vocabulary:

1. Why was his lecture so boring? Perhaps he consulted his pa­pers too often. 2. What is a school-leaver to do if he wants to become a student? 3. How can you explain that it is so easy to do the shop­ping in this store? 4. What kind of person is he? He seems to treat everyone with respect and care. 5. Why do you think she is always in an angry state of mind? 6. Do you think that everything has been said about the matter? Are all facts known? 7. Why do you think Ann ignores her friend completely? 8. In what way can you describe consumption? 9. Would you call the lady extravagant? 10. Is the material sufficient for the article? 11. Aren’t you ashamed of discuss­ing my affairs when I am not present? 12. Is the job accomplished properly? Can we let him go? 13. Why is her English so good? 14. Why are you still in two minds about taking the girl as a secretary?

10. Use the following words and word combinations in situations:

1. I shouldn’t have taken advantage of her weakness. 2. How dare you? 3.1 have a pretty good idea of the situation. 4. Don’t dis­play your ignorance in public. 5.1 admit that I was wrong. 6. He did all that was required of him. 7. But the references were excellent. 8. She so easily flies into a temper! 9. She always displays anxiety when her daughter is out. 10. Schooling is compulsory for children aged from 5 to 16 in England.

11. Use the following words and word combinations in dialogues (to be done in pairs):

1. to take advantage of smth.; to admit; to display contempt for smb.; to feel frustrated; to play into smb.’s hands.

2. to require help; to display concern; to have the decency to ad­mit; wasted efforts; an advantage over smb.; to back smth.

3. to keep in the background; excellent references; medical school; to be in a bad temper; to keep up one’s temper; to display sympathy; to refer to smb.

12. Find in Text Three and copy out phrases in which prepositions ‘of, ‘on (upon)’ are used. Translate the phrases into Russian.

13. Fill in prepositions:

1. Thus,… the ten old Forsytes twenty-one young Forsytes had been born. 2. The blackberries tasted… rain. 3. I didn’t buy the pi­ano tobesonated out… my house… an evening. 4. You are… the few who will be equal to it. 5.1 wash my hands… it. 6. Tom decided that he could be independent… Becky. 7. Vegetarians live… vegetables, fruit and nuts. 8. He planted the apple-trees… the left and the pear trees… the right of the path. 9. The house was… fire. They thought it had been set… fire… purpose. 10. There are goods… sale in all the shop-windows. You are very slow, why don’t you hurry… a bit? 11. Help me… with my coat. 12. The garage was built… a con­venient site. 13. I stumbled… something soft. 14. There was no objection… the part… the owner… the car. 15…. the one hand I was, of course, glad;… the other hand I was a little bit frightened. 16. The doctor was… the point… leaving. 17…. reflection I gave up the idea. 18. He was arrested… suspicion… murder. 19. The ghastly story made my hair stand… end. 20. Come…! Let’s lock the trunk to be… the safe side. 21. The question wasn’t even touched….

14. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the prep­ositions:

1. По обеим сторонам улицы есть магазины. 2. Получив его теле­грамму, я сразу отправился на вокзал. 3. Честное слово, я этого не делал. 4. Как я ни старался, я не мог в тот вечер сосредоточиться на игре актеров. 5. Держитесь за перила, здесь очень скользко. £. Про­должайте, я вас внимательно слушаю. 7. Неужели вы хотите сказать, что никогда не были в походе? 8. Теплым сентябрьским днем дети впервые пришли в школу. 9. А ну-ка! Покажи мне, что у тебя в кор­зине! 10. Анна очень страдала, когда родственники и друзья отвер­нулись от нее. 11. Джону нравилось, когда Мэри по вечерам надева­ла блузку с юбкой. 12. Такого учителя нелегко найти, таких на тысячу — один. 13. Деревня находилась к северу от реки. 14. Он все­гда старался сделать из меня бизнесмена. 15. С его стороны было глупо даже думать о ней.

15. a) Give Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs and say­ings (or translate them into Russian), b) Explain in English the meaning of each proverb, c) Make up a dialogue to illustrate one of the proverbs:

[1] It is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back. 2. Experience keeps a dear school but fools learn in no other. 3. Haste makes waste. 4. Don’t make a rod for your own back. 5. Don’t tell tales out of school.



Topical Vocabulary

1. Types of schools: maintained (state), county, voluntary, nurs­ery, primary, infant, junior, secondary, grammar, secondary mod­ern, technical, comprehensive, all-through, two-tier, first, middle, upper, mixed (co-educational), single-sex, special, independent (fee-paying, private), pre-preparatory, preparatory, public, sixth- form college, tertiary college.

2. Stages of education: compulsory, pre-school, primary, sec­ondary, further, higher.

3. Education policy: administration, schooling, full-time edu­cation, part-time education, tripartite system, class-divided and selective system of education, to sustain inequality of opportuni­ty, to go comprehensive, the Department of Education and Sci­ence, Local Education Authorities (LEAs), to be responsible for national education policy, to run a school, to prescribe curricula or textbooks, the provision of schools, to provide maintained school education.

4. Management: Head Teacher (Master), Principal, Assistant Principal, Acting Head Teacher, staff, governing body, to have re­sponsibility, to employ teachers, provide and maintain buildings, supply equipment, provide grants, appointment and dismissal of staff.

5. Admission: to admit, to allocate, to apply for admission, se­lective procedure, intelligence tests, substitute for the abolished 1 l_dt.§xa.msto measure inborn abilities, to have a time limit, to coach for, catchment area, without any reference to a child’s abili­ty or aptitude, to transfer (promote) from one class to another.

6. Curriculum: broad curriculum, academic course, non-aca­demic course, vocational bias, foundation course, foundation sub­jects, to meet special interests, common curriculum, simplified curriculum, education with a practical slant for lower-attaining pu­pils, to be encouraged to do smth., the three R’s, subject teaching, specialist teacher, to have set periods, remedial teaching.

7. Examinations: GCSE (exam); to sit for an exam; «A» level exam; Common Entrance Exam; to be set and marked by…; to hand the papers out; examining board; grades, «pass» grade; resits and retakes; unsuccessful pupil; to repeat the year; to pass an exam, to keep up with the group; to fall behind.

8. Punishment: corporal punishment, detention (after school or during the dinner hour), lines, exclusion from normal routine, ex­clusion from privileges (loss of privilege), collection of litter, sus­pension from school, withdrawal from lessons, setting extra work, putting «on report», telling the parents.

  NURSERY SCHOOL (voluntary)  
  11 YEARS COMPULSORY EDUCATION PRIMARY SCHOOL (at least six years primary education)
  SECONDARY SCHOOL (at least five years secondary education)
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examinations (taken at 15—16)
  Advanced level (‘A’ level) examinations (taken at 17—18) COLLEGE OF FURTHER EDUCATION (general, vocational, and technical)

Fig. Primary and Secondary Education in England and Wales

[1] Read the text for obtaining its information.

Education is compulsory from the age of five to sixteen, and there is usually a move from primary to secondary school at about the-age of eleven, but schools are organized in a number of differ­ent ways. There is no law which provides for education of the un- derfives. In England about 47 per cent of three- and four-year-olds receive education in nursery schools or classes. In addition many children attend informal pre-school play groups organized by par­ents and voluntary bodies.

For many years the education service has been characterized by change. The provision of maintained school education is the re­sponsibility of local education authorities (LEAs). They employ teachers and other staff, provide and maintain buildings, supply equipment and materials, provide grants to students proceeding to further and higher education. The Department of Education and Science maintains overall control although local education authori­ties and head teachers have considerable powers in planning and administration. Plans were introduced into Parliament in 1988 for more centralized control, including a national curriculum for all schools.

Schools Maintained by the State. No fees are charged to parents of the children at maintained schools, and books and equipment are free. Schools supported from public funds are of two main kinds in England and Wales: county schools and voluntary schools. County schools are provided and maintained by LEAs wholly out of public funds. Voluntary schools, mostly established by religious denomi­nations, are also wholly maintained from public funds but the gov­ernors of some types of voluntary schools contribute to capital costs. Nearly a third of primary and secondary maintained schools in England and Wales are voluntary schools, most of them Anglican or Roman Catholic. All children in county or voluntary schools re­ceive religious education by law and take part in a daily corporate act of worship unless their parents choose otherwise.

Education within the maintained school system usually com­prises two stages — primary education and secondary education.

Primary Schooling. Compulsory education begins at five when children in England and Wales go to infant schools or depart­ments; at seven many go on to junior schools or departments. The usual age of transfer from primary to secondary schools is 11, but a number of LEAs in England have established «first» schools for pupils aged 5 to 8, 9 or 10 and «middle» schools covering various age ranges between 8 and 14.

Secondary Schooling. The publicly maintained system of educa­tion aims to give all children an education suited to their particular abilities. Until the 1960s most children took an examination at the end of primary school (the Eleven Plus): those who passed it suc­cessfully went to grammar schools while those who did not went to secondary modern schools. A few areas especially in the south of England still have selective exams at the age of eleven, but about 90 per cent of secondary schools in Britain are now comprehensive.

They take pupils without reference to ability or aptitude and pro­vide a wide range of secondary education for all or most of the chil­dren from their local area.

Special schools cater for a wide variety of handicap.

The Curriculum. The content of the secular curriculum in main­tained schools in England and Wales is the responsibility of the LEA and of the schools’ governors. In practice, responsibility is largely devolved on head teachers and their staff. The government has issued guidance on the curriculum for both primary and sec­ondary school pupils. It considers that secondary pupils up to the age of 16 should follow a broad curriculum including English, Mathematics and Science, some study of the humanities including History, Religion and Physical education, and opportunities for both practical and aesthetic activities. Most pupils should also study a foreign language. A programme of development projects has been introduced to provide a more effective education with a practical slant for lower-attaining pupils who do not benefit fully from existing courses.

Independent Schools. Most parents choose to send their chil­dren to free state schools financed from public funds but an in­creasing number of secondary pupils attend fee-paying indepen­dent schools outside the school system. Many of these are boarding schools, which provide accommodation for pupils during term time. There are about 2,500 independent schools educating more than 500,000 pupils of all ages. They charge fees, varying from about £ 100 a term for day pupils at nursery age to £ 2,000 a term for senior boarding pupils.

Independent schools for older pupils— from 11, 12 or 13 to 18/19— include nearly 500. They are sometimes confusingly re­ferred to as «public schools» [4] in England and Wales. Today the term is becoming less frequently used but refers to the mainly boys’ schools (which are increasingly admitting girls).

Preparatory schools prepare children for the Common En­trance Examination to senior schools. The normal age range is from seven plus to 11, 12 or 13, but many of the schools now have pre-preparatory departments for younger children.

Examinations. Since 1988, most sixteen-year-olds have taken the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) in five, ten or even fifteen subjects.

Pupils going on to higher education or professional training usually take ‘A’ level examinations in two or three subjects. These require two more years of study after GCSE, either in the sixth form of a secondary school, or in a separate sixth-form college. Other pupils may choose vocational subjects such as catering, tourism, secretarial or building skills. Subsidized courses in these subjects are run at colleges of further education.

School-leavers with jobs sometimes take part-time vocational courses, on day-release from work. School-leavers without jobs get no money from the government unless they join a youth train­ing scheme, which provides a living allowance during two years of work experience.

2. Study the text of Ex. 1 and the School System Scheme (p. 93) and get ready to answer these questions:

1. What stages of education are there in England and Wales? Which of them are compulsory? 2. In what institutions can chil­dren get pre-school education? 3. Do all primary and secondary schools in England and Wales belong to the state system? Don’t you think that independent schools sustain inequality in the field of education? 4. In what schools within the maintained system can children get primary education? 5. At what age arfe pupils usually transferred to secondary schools? How is it done in Russia? 6. What secondary schools maintained by the state do you know? Are all of them mixed? 7. What kind of education do grammar schools offer? 8. What does the term «comprehensive» imply? When did comprehensive education become a national policy? What are the proclaimed advantages of comprehensive schools? 9. What does the term «independent school» imply? What types of independent schools do you know? Which are the most notable public schools? What do they train their pupils for? 10. What are the principal examinations taken by secondary school pupils in England? What exams are taken at the age of 18?

3. Find in the text of Ex. 1 arguments to illustrate the following:

1. The system of education in England and Wales is complex and bewildering. 2. Administration of publicly provided schools is rather decentralized. 3. Comprehensive schools are the most pro­gressive secondary schools in England. 4. Sixth-form pupils get rather narrow specialist education.

4. Summarize the text of Ex. 1 specifying the following items:

1. The system of education in England and Wales. General prin­ciples.

2. Pre-school education. Primary education.

3. Comprehensive system of secondary education vs selective system.

4. The sixth-form curricullum. Specialist study aimed at univer­sity entrance.

5. Use the Topical Vocabulary in answering the following questions:

1. Do many children in England and Wales attend pre-school institutions? Why? 2. Have all maintained schools equal opportu­nities to provide the same level of education? Prove your point of view. 3. How can you prove that in spite of all changes and alter­ations made during the recent years the system of education in England and Wales is still class-divided and selective? 4. What are the British government’s education policies? What do you think of the main aim of the publicly maintained system of educa­tion which is officially stated as follows: «…to give all children an education suited to their particular abilities.» Do you think En­glish educationists have objective criteria to measure these abili­ties? 5. What’s your opinion of the fact that administration of pub­licly provided schools is not centralized? What do you think of schools’ freedom to choose textbooks, include various subjects into the curriculum, specify the material for learning, appoint and dismiss teachers? 6. What subjects are usually included in a pri­mary school curriculum? What is the aim of primary education? What methods are used in primary schools? 7. What types of sec­ondary schools are there in Britain? 8. Why do you think most children in grammar schools are from rich families? 9. How can you account for the fact that the percentage of those attending comprehensive schools is becoming a bit lower nowadays? 10. How can you account for the fact that independent schools (especially public schools) which are not very numerous are the most significant? 11. What is your opinion of the specialist preparation in the sixth form?

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Задача 1. Больной К., 38 лет, шахтер по профессии, во время планового медицинского осмотра предъявил жалобы на появление одышки при значительной физической нагрузке. Из медицинской книжки установлено, что он страдает врожденным пороком сердца….

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use these word combinations in sentences of your own
1)notorious for
2)it a well known that
3)a celebrated opera singer
4)to be well known for
5)a world-famous actress

заранее спасибо=*


Светило науки — 87 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

1) Adolf Hitler is notorious for the second World war
2) It is well known that cats like living in warm houses.
3) Yesterday I saw a celebrated opera singer, do u believe me!?
4) Pushkin is well known for his poems.
 world-famous actress died two years ago.

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