Use the following word to fill the gaps in the texts

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 8 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 8g.

Exercise 1. Use the following words to fill the gaps in the text.
Упражнение 1. Вставьте устойчивые выражения.


• host • compete • organising • event • opposing • aim


Every four years, thousands of disabled athletes from over 150 countries take part in the Paralympic Games. The Paralympic Games are a multi-sport 1)__ for athletes with physical, mental and sensory disabilities. Games include wheelchair tennis, basketball and rugby, as well as judo for athletes who cannot see well.

The origin of the Paralympic Games is more recent than that of the Olympic Games. It all began in England in 1948, when a man named Sir Ludwig Guttmann came up with the idea of 2)__ a sports competition for World War II veterans with spinal cord injuries. Years later, in 1960, Rome hosted the first Paralympic-style games for disabled athletes from around the world. Today, the Paralympics are held after the Olympic Games in the same 3)__ city. The purpose of the games is to empower and inspire athletes with disabilities.

One of the most popular events at the Paralympic Games is goalball. The rules of the game are as follows: players who are unable to see properly 4)__ in teams of three and try to throw a ball that has bells in it into the 5)__ team’s goal. Since they are blindfolded* they can only understand the position of the ball from the sound the bells make.

Paralympic competitors are determined and exceptional athletes. They push themselves to the limit and never give up. They are highly respected for their talent and determination. They 6)__ to inspire other people to overcome their disabilities and realise they have what it takes to go for gold!


Every four years, thousands of disabled athletes from over 150 countries take part in the Paralympic Games. The Paralympic Games are a multi-sport event for athletes with physical, mental and sensory disabilities. Games include wheelchair tennis, basketball and rugby, as well as judo for athletes who cannot see well. – Каждые четыре года тысячи спортсменов-инвалидов из 150 стран принимают участие в паралимпийских играх. Паралимпийские игры – это многовидовое спортивное событие для спортсменов с физической, умственной и сенсорной инвалидностью. Игры включают в себя теннис на инвалидных колясках, баскетбол и регби, а также дзюдо для спортсменов с плохим зрением.

The origin of the Paralympic Games is more recent than that of the Olympic Games. It all began in England in 1948, when a man named Sir Ludwig Guttmann came up with the idea of organising a sports competition for World War II veterans with spinal cord injuries. Years later, in 1960, Rome hosted the first Paralympic-style games for disabled athletes from around the world. Today, the Paralympics are held after the Olympic Games in the same host city. The purpose of the games is to empower and inspire athletes with disabilities. – Происхождение паралимпийских игр более раннее, чем олимпийских игр. Все началось в Англии в 1948 году, когда человек по имени сэр Людвиг Гуттман выступил с мыслью организовать спортивное состязание для ветеранов Второй мировой войны с травмами позвоночника. Несколько лет спустя, в 1960 году, РИм принял первые игры в паралимпийском стиле для спортсменов-инвалидов со всего мира. Сегодня паралимпийские игры проводятся после олимпийских в том же самом городе. Целью этих игр является поддержать и вдохновить атлетов-инвалидов.

One of the most popular events at the Paralympic Games is goalball. The rules of the game are as follows: players who are unable to see properly compete in teams of three and try to throw a ball that has bells in it into the opposing team’s goal. Since they are blindfolded they can only understand the position of the ball from the sound the bells make. – Одно из самых популярных событий на паралимпийских играх является голбол. Правила игры следующие: игроки с нарушением зрения соревнуются командами по три человека и пытаются забросить мяч, внутри которого имеются колокольчики, в ворота команды соперников. Поскольку они играют вслепую, они могут понять положение меча только по звукам колокольчиков.

Paralympic competitors are determined and exceptional athletes. They push themselves to the limit and never give up. They are highly respected for their talent and determination. They aim to inspire other people to overcome their disabilities and realise they have what it takes to go for gold! – Паралимпийцы – это решительные и исключительные спортсмены. Они выкладываются до предела и никогда не сдаются. Они пользуются большим уважением за свой талант и решимость. Их цель – вдохновить других людей к преодолению своей инвалидности и пониманию того, что у них все есть, чтобы стремиться к золоту!

Exercise 2. Read the text again and mark the statements below as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).
Упражнение 2. Определить степень соответствия предложений тексту: (true – верно), (false – неверно) или (doesn’t say – об этом не сказано).


1) The Paralympic Games are older than the Olympic Games.
2) In 1948, England hosted the 1st Paralympic Games.
3) Athletes compete blindfolded in goalball.
4) Wheelchair basketball is more popular than goalball.
5) Paralympic athletes are respected for their skill and determination.

1) The Paralympic Games are older than the Olympic Games. – Паралимпийские игры старше, чем олимпийские игры. (false – неверно)
2) In 1948, England hosted the 1st Paralympic Games. – В 1948 году Англия принимала первые паралимпийские игры. (false – неверно)
3) Athletes compete blindfolded in goalball. – Атлеты играют вслепую в голбол. (true – верно)
4) Wheelchair basketball is more popular than goalball. – Баскетбол на инвалидных колясках популярнее, чем голбол. (doesn’t say – об этом не сказано)
5) Paralympic athletes are respected for their skill and determination. – Паралимпийские спортсмены уважаемы за их навыки и решительность. (true – верно)

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.
Упражнение 3. Ответьте на вопросы.


1) In what way is Sir Ludwig Guttmann a part of the Paralympic Games’ history?
2) How does goalball differ from football?
3) What do Paralympic athletes hope to do for other people with disabilities?

1) In what way is Sir Ludwig Guttmann a part of the Paralympic Games’ history? – Как именно сэр Людвиг Гуттман причастен к истории паралимпийских игр?

He is the man who first had the idea of holding a sports competition for WWII veterans with spinal cord injuries. – Он человек, которому первому пришла мысль провести спортивные соревнования для ветеранов Второй мировой войны с травмами позвоночника.

2) How does goalball differ from football? – Чем голбол отличается от футбола?

Goalball differs from football in that: the ball makes a sound, the players are blindfolded, and there are only three people in each team. – Голбол отличается от футбола следующим: мяч издает звук, на глазах у игроков повязки, и в каждой команде только три человека.

3) What do Paralympic athletes hope to do for other people with disabilities? – Чего хотят паралимпийские атлеты сделать для людей с инвалидностью?

Paraolympic athletes hope to inspire others to overcome their disabilities. – Паралимпийские спортсмены надеются вдохновить других на преодоление их инвалидности.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using the words in bold in the text.
Упражнение 4. Вставьте в предложения слова, выделенные в тексте жирным шрифтом.


1) During a basketball match, the referee makes sure the __ are followed.
2) American football originated from the game of __.
3) The __ of the race lined up at the starting line.
4) The football team won the match without any serious __ .
5) Slava Fetisov is among the most __ ice hockey coaches.
6) James Naismith __ the idea for the game of basketball.

1) During a basketball match, the referee makes sure the rules are followed. – Во время матча по баскетболу рефери следит за тем, чтобы правила соблюдались.
2) American football originated from the game of rugby. – Американский футбол произошел от игры в регби.
3) The competitors of the race lined up at the starting line. – Участники гонки выстроились у стартовой линии.
4) The football team won the match without any serious injuries. – Футбольная команда выиграла матч без каких-либо серьезных травм.
5) Slava Fetisov is among the most highly respected ice hockey coaches. – Слава Фетисов входит в число самых высоко уважаемых хоккейных тренеров.
6) James Naismith came up with the idea for the game of basketball. – Джеймс Нейсмит выдвинул идею игры в баскетбол.

Помогите, пожалуйста! Очень срочно!

Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations in the box.

( energy-saving, a part of it, air pollution, oxygen, breathe, countryside, movements, take care, extinct and endangered, deforestation )

1. People should live closer to nature because we are ……………….
2. Many people prefer to live in the ………………….
3. The big city is always synonymous with high ……………………. from vehicles or industry.
4. People can’t live without ………………….
5. I would never cut down trees, they lets us ……………………
6. Seventy per cent of land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the ……………….. that destroys their homes.
7. Land degradation leads to an increasing number of ……………….. animals.
8. To save our planet we must …………….. of it.
9. The least we can do is try and adopt some ……………… methods.
10. Our company supports ecological organizations and ……………….. .

Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations
b) the USA
c) Turkey
d) February
f) wool sack
g) Thanksgiving Day
h) cranberry sauce
i) domestic
j)the eve
k)Chimney sweeps
1)Halloween or….of all saints Day is celebrated on october 31. 2)Thoung there are few …working today,a sweeps festival is celebrated in rochester on the first weekend in may in honour of this old profession. 3) St valentines Day is celebrated on….14. 4)to present …on Christmas is a good tradition. 5)….is a characteristic feature of english people. 6)i know that many English people like …animals. 7) Thanksgiving Day is very popular in….  8)The people can spend …with their families as it is a four-day holiday. 9)as the….cooks make the simple homemade….10) The lord Chancellor presides over parliament sitting on a …which symbolizes the importance of wool in english history

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Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

Ответ №1

a.extensions, b.concentrate, c.occasionally, d.generation, e.impact,, g.fixed, with, i.texted, j.multitasking, k.told off, l.chatting

Disaster! About 70 years ago, a Dutch ship was wrecked near the North Pole. It was heading for Blacklead Island. On the ship was a scientist, Edgar Greenhead, who had worked on the island for many years. He had been doing conducting research into the life of the local inhabitants, who were Eskimos (Inuits). Greenhead had been away for a long holiday and now he was returning back to the island to continue his work. At about midnight, Greenhead felt very tired as he had been writing his journal all day. After he had said goodnight to the captain, he came down to his cabin. Outside there was a strong wind, and the waves were crashing onto the side of the ship. Greenhead was just about ready to climb into his bunk when he suddenly felt a great crash. He dashed upon the deck and although it was dark he could see that the ship had run into an iceberg.

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