Use the correct word they spent

2. Use the correct word.
1) They spent (little / few) time together.
2) I have got (few / a few) oranges. I can make some juice.
3) I have (little / a little) time now, but next year I will have more
4) I’ve got (little/ a little) money, so I can’t buy this dress.​

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Ответы к странице 79

5c. Grammar in Use — Грамматика на практике

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. — Поставьте глаголы в скобках в корректную форму.


1. I remember falling off my skateboard when I was young. — Я помню свое падение со скейтборда, когда я был маленьким.
2. Remember to lock the door when you leave the house. — Не забудь запереть дверь, когда будешь уходить из дома.
3. While she was walking home, she stopped to buy some sweets. — Пока она шла домой, она остановилась купить конфет.
4. I stopped doing my homework when my mum called me for dinner. — Я прекратил делать мою домашнюю работу, когда моя мама позвала меня ужинать.
5. Ben will never forget seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time. — Бен никогда не забудет тот момент, когда он увидел Эйфелеву башню в первый раз.
6. James forgot to bring his football kit to practice. — Джеймс забыл принести свою футбольную экипировку на тренировку.
7. I have tried taking the bus to work, and it takes me an extra thirty minutes. — Я попробовал поехать на автобусе до работы, получилось на 30 минут дольше.
8. I tried to finish the project before the deadline. — Я пытался завершить проект в срок.
9. Getting good grades means studying a lot. — Получение хороших оценок подразумевает долгие занятия.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Give reasons. — Поставьте глаголы в скобках в корректную форму. Объясните.


Мы объясняем принятые нами решения терминами из грамматического справочника.

1. A: Did you remember to feed the cat today? — Ты помнишь, что нужно покормить кошку сегодня? (Не забыть сделать что-то в будущем).
B: Sorry, I forgot! I promise to do it as soon as I get back. — Извини, забыл! Обещаю сделать это как только я вернусь. (Действие, относящееся к будущему).
2. A: Let me give you a lift to the airport. — Позволь мне подбросить тебя до аэропорта. (Инфинитив без частицы to после глагола let).
B: Don’t worry. I’ve decided to take the train. — Не волнуйся, я решила поехать на поезде. (Имеет отношение к процессу мышления)
3. A: Do you like to watch/watching wildlife documentaries? — Тебе нравится смотреть документальные фильмы о дикой природе? (В учебнике неверно сказано, что с глаголом like нужно использовать только герундий, на самом деле с ним можно употреблять и герундий, и инфинитив без потери смысла)
B: Not really. I prefer to watch/watching ones about technology. — Не особо. Я предпочитаю смотреть документальные фильмы про технологии. (Тот же самый случай. С глаголом prefer можно использовать и герундий и инфинитив без потери смысла)
4. A: There’s no point in trying to make him change his mind. — Бессмысленно пытаться заставить его изменить мнение (Устойчивая фраза)
В: I know! He seems to be very stubborn. — Я знаю! Он кажется очень упертым. (Глагол seem требует инфинитива)
5. A: I can’t reach that box! — Я не могу достать эту коробку! (После модальных глаголов используется инфинитив без частицы to)
B: Why don’t you try using a ladder? — Почему бы тебе не попробовать взять лестницу (Попробовать что-то новое, в качестве эксперимента)
6. A: I meant to tell you there’s a chance of rain tonight. — Я намеривался сказать тебе, что сегодня, возможно, будет дождь (Намерение сделать что-то)
B: That’s OK. I don’t have any plans to go out anyway. — Все нормально. Я все-равно не планирую выходить из дома. (Указание цели, глагол отвечает на вопрос «Для чего»)
7. A: What would you like to do tonight? — Что ты сегодня вечером хотела бы сделать? (Конструкция would like)
B: Let’s go to the cinema. — Давай пойдем в кино. (После глагола let используется инфинитив без частицы to)
8. A: It’s no use talking to him. — Бесполезно разговаривать с ним. (Устойчивая фраза)
В: I know. He is too angry to listen to anyone. — Я знаю. Он слишком злится, когда слушает кого-нибудь. (Инфинитив после прилагательных/наречий)
9. A: I want to help the animal shelter. — Я хочу помочь приюту животных. (Глагол выражает желание)
B: Great! How about collecting donations for them? — Отлично! Как насчет сбора пожертвования для них? (Герундий выступает в качестве отглагольного существительного)

6. Look at the pictures. In pairs, use the verbs to continue the story. Use infinitive or -ing forms. — Посмотрите на картинки. В парах используйте глаголы, чтобы продолжить рассказ. Используйте инфинитив или герундий.

Возможный ответ:

The Browns had been looking forward to having a relaxing holiday at the beach. They were hoping to enjoy their holiday in Thailand. They spent their time swimming in the sea, sunbathing and making sandcastles. Suddenly they noticed a huge wave rushing toward the beach. Everyone was in a panic. The Browns left all their clothes on the beach and started to run. The huge wave smashed everything on its way. All beach infrastructure were destroyed in a moment. This wave almost fell over the Browns but they managed to run to safety. They were very frightened but relieved to find out that the whole family was in safe.

Брауны с нетерпением ждали расслабляющего отдыха на пляже. Они надеялись насладиться отдыхом в Таиланде. Они проводили время, плавая в море, загорая и делая песчаные замки. Внезапно они заметили огромную волну, устремившуюся к пляжу. Все были в панике. Брауны оставили всю свою одежду на пляже и побежали. Огромная волна снесла все на своем пути. Вся инфраструктура пляжа была уничтожена в один миг. Эта волна почти сбила с ног Браунов, но им удалось убежать в безопасное место. Они были очень напуганы, но с облегчением узнали, что вся семья в безопасности.

7A. Study the table. Are there similar structures in your language? — Выучите правило в таблице. Есть похожие конструкции в вашем языке?

used to + infinitive

These elephants used to live in Yala National Park before the tsunami. (They don’t live there any more — past state). — Эти слоны обычно обитали в Национальном парке Йала до цунами. (Они больше там не живут — это было в прошлом)
be/get used to + -ing form/noun

He is used to working long hours, (is in the habit of) — Он привык много работать (демонстрируется привычка)
These tigers are getting used to their new home. (are becoming accustomed to) — Эти тигры привыкли к своему новому дому (сделаться привычным)

7B. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold and two to five words. — Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы оно означало то же самое, что и первое. Используйте слово, выделенное жирным шрифтом, и 2-5 слов.

Можно ответить так:

1. He doesn’t mind working overtime because he does it often. — Он не возражает работать сверхурочно, потому что он делает это часто.
He is used to working overtime. — Он привык работать сверхурочно.
2. He’s in the habit of waking up early. — В его привычке просыпаться рано.
He’s used to waking up early. — Он привык просыпаться рано.
3. Katie doesn’t live there any more. — Катя там больше не живет.
Katie used to live there but now she doesn’t. — Катя когда-то там жила, но сейчас не живет.
4. Jane has settled into her new school quickly. — Джейн быстро обустроилась в своей новой школе.
Jane quickly has got used to her new school. — Джейн быстро привыкла к своей новой школе.

8. What did/didn’t you use to do when you were 10 years old? Write ten sentences. — Что вы делали/не делали, когда вам было 10 лет? Напишите десять предложений.

Возможный ответ: Вы можете подобрать собственные варианты.

1. I used to spend my holidays by the sea when I was ten. — Я проводил мои каникулы у моря, когда мне было 10 лет.
2. I used to go to bed very early when I was ten. — Я ложился спать очень рано, когда мне было 10 лет.
3. I used to read a lot of books when I was ten. — Я читал много книг, когда мне было 10 лет.
4. I used to eat five ice-creams at once when I was ten. — Я ел по пять мороженых за раз, когда мне было 10 лет.
5. I used to do my homework in half an hour when I was ten. — Я делал свою домашку за полчаса, когда мне было 10 лет.
6. I used to hang out with my friends all my free time when I was ten. — Я гулял с друзьями все свободное время, когда мне было 10 лет.
7. I used to believe in Father Frost when I was ten. — Я верил в Деда Мороза, когда мне было 10 лет.
8. I used to be jealous of my little sister when I was ten. — Я ревновал к моей младшей сестре, когда мне было 10 лет.
9. I used to play my favourite games for hours when I was ten. — Я играл в свои любимые игры часами, когда мне было 10 лет.
10. I used to visit my grandparents every Saturday when I was ten. — Я навещал своих бабушку и дедушку каждую субботу, когда мне было 10 лет.
11. I used to ride my bike every afternoon when I was ten. — Я катался на велосипеде каждый день, когда мне было 10 лет.

В Fill in the correct word.
• stay • have • visit • go • spend • buy • taste • post • fly • travel • attend
6. They are going to … sightseeing in the afternoon.
7. Anna decided to … around the world.
8. She wants to… in a hotel.
9. How are you going to … your weekend?
10. When Sue and Paul go on holiday they always … souvenirs.
11. We can … the museum this afternoon.
12. Why don’t we … a picnic?
13. Do you know where I can … these letters?
14. She wants to … a performance at the theatre.
15. We always … the local food when we’re on holiday.
16. When are you going … to London?

C Choose the correct item.
17. I want to … a picture of the fountain.
A go B take C hire
18. He …fishing in the afternoon.
A sees B goes C takes
19. Excuse me. Where can I … some stamps?
A send B buy C post
20. We want to… shopping.
A have B go C spend
21. Mark is going to … a performance of the Nutcracker.
A be B attend C visit
22. What is the best way to … to Kuala Lumpur?
A be В travel C post

D Underline the correct word.
23. We are late so/because we live too far.
24. I was hungry, so/because I went to the fast food restaurant.
25. He is tired so/because he didn’t sleep.
26. You have got a lot of homework, so/because you can’t play basketball.
27. She is wearing a coat so/because it’s cold today.
E Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous, going to or will.
28. There are black clouds in the sky. It’s _______________ (rain).
29. We _______________(go) to France next week.
30. Be careful! You ‘re _______________(have) an accident.
31. She _______________(study) history at university next year.
32. Someone’s at the door! I ______________ (get) it! СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ ПРОШУ ВАС​

Test 6 A (Module 6)


A         Fill in the
missing word. There are two answers you do not need to use.

Native, beneath, give,
varied, drive, catch, snaps, unspoilt, majestic, sunstroke, boat, landmarks

1. I can’t stand
Ben and Liz. They ______ me crazy.

2. You should wear
a hat in hot weather and drink lots of water to avoid __________ .

3. We had a
_________ view of the ocean from our hotel room.

4. All the flights
are delayed, so we are all in the same ________ .

5. Did you know
that the _______ people of Australia are called Aborigines?

6. I was cleaning
out my room and found some old _________  from our childhood holidays.

7. Can you please
_________ me a lift to school, Dad?

8. The area was
__________ countryside, before the town was built.

9. There was a
________ menu at the hotel restaurant.

10. If we hurry,
we can _______ the 8 o’clock train.

B        Underline
the correct item.

11.  What time does the plane arrive/reach
in London?

A team of scientists is on an excursion/expedition in Antarctica to
study the climatic conditions there.

13. Tom threw the
ball for his dog to fetch/bring .

14. Is there place/room
for one more person in your car?

15. The
documentary follows Colombus’ journey/ voyage to the West Indies.


C      Rewrite the
following statements in reported speech.

16. “It’s so
chilly this evening,” Jill said.          19. “We’ll go to Italy next year,”
said Jane.        

17. “I visited
Spain last year,” he said.              20. “They are going away on holiday
next week,” Sue said.

18. “Tom was late
this morning,” Ben said.      21. “I haven’t talked to Jane recently,” Ann

D          Rewrite
the following sentences in reported speech.

22. “Learn about
local laws and customs,” she told me.    25. “Do you like French food?” he
asked Ann.

23. “How old is
the Taj Mahal?” a tourist asked me.         26.  “Where is the nearest bus
stop?’ he asked.   

24.” Don’t talk
about religion or politics,” he told me.      27. “Have you  ever lived
abroad?”  Ben asked Sam.

Test 6 A (Module 6)

E            Fill
in: at, off, in, on, for, without, aside

 28. Winter   has
started to set … already, so we can go skiing.     32. The boat sank with six
passengers … board.

 29. There are
many boats … hire at Heritage Port.                        33. We set … some
money for a special holiday.

 30. They will
send you the tickets by Friday … delay.                  34. He rented a jeep
and  set …to the village.                       

 31. Shall we book
our train tickets … advance?                            35.  She is spending a
few days… the seaside.

Everyday English

F       Complete
the exchanges with the phrases below.

a) What a shame!  
b)  Sounds good!   c)  It was fantastic.     d)  Good for you!  e)   Thank

36. I spent my
whole holiday in bed with the flu.                                                      ____

37. Did you enjoy
your trip around Europe?                                                              ____  

38. I lost my
passport, but it was found and returned to me 2 days later.                 

39. We didn’t let
the rain stop us from seeing the
sites.                                             ____

40. She’s planning
to spend 3 weeks on a Greek island this summer.                       ____ 

G      Read the
text and mark the statements as true (T), false (F) or doesn’t say (DS).

Test 6 A (Module 6)

41. Gustave Eiffel
also built the Statue of Liberty.                 ___                   

42. Guy de
Maupassant didn’t like the Eiffel Tower.             ___

43. Over 2 million
people have climbed the Eiffel Tower.     ___

44. It took 5
years to complete the Eiffel Tower.                    ___

45. Different
colours are used to repaint the Eiffel Tower.      ___

H       Listen to
the speakers and choose the correct answer for each question.

46. Listen to a
woman talking about choosing a holiday. What advice does she give?

   A choose something
suitable for you 

   B plan ahead             

   C visit many museums
and landmarks

47. Listen to a
man describing a business trip. How did he feel when he reached the hotel?

   A  Frustrated  

   B Annoyed

   C Relieved

48. Listen to a
man talking about his trip to Paris. What was he surprised with?

   A The quality of

   B The friendly

   C The prices of

49. Listen to a
man talking about taking pictures. Which of the following the true?

   A  He only takes pictures of people   

   B He prefers taking pictures of
unusual things  

   C He doesn’t take pictures of

50. Listen to a
girl talking about exchange programme.  How was her experience?

   A Strange       

   B  Boring  

   C Exciting

Test 6 B  (Module 6)


A     Fill in the missing
word. There are two answers you do not need to use.

Native, beneath,
varied, drive, catch, snaps, missed, sunstroke, boat, landmarks, booked,

1. Sam is going to
Madrid with British Airways. He has already _____ a seat.

2. You aren’t the
only one waiting in this long queue. We’re all in the same _____.

3. I took some
_______ at the party.

4. As he walked,
the leaves crunched _______ his feet.

5. Goulash soup is
part of the traditional Hungarian ______.

6. Famous for its
________ landscapes, Canada is very outdoor enthusiast’s dream.

7. We only have a
few minutes to ________ the bus. Let’s hurry.

8. Oh, you poor thing!
You got _____ from  lying on the beach for too long.

9. I don’t know
how Ann babysits those naughty children. They ____ me up the wall!

10. Ben was late
going to the airport. Sadly, he _____ his flight.

B        Underline
the correct item.

11. We arrived/
Rome early in the evening.

Ann, can you bring/fetch a towel from the bathroom?

13. We went on a
guided tour/ excursion of the  museum.

14. This would be
a nice room/place for a picnic.

15. Helen is going
on a business trip/voyage to Japan next week.


C      Rewrite the
following statements in reported speech.

16. “We won the
final match,” Charlie said.         19. “I’ll call you tomorrow,” she said to

17. “It’s so
chilly this evening,” Jill said.              20. “We’re living in New York
now,” Steve said.

18. “I can speak
German,” he said.                       21. “I haven’t heard from Bob for quite
some time,” Paul said.

D          Rewrite
the following sentences in reported speech.

22. “Do not carry
large amounts of cash,” she told me.     25. “What are you doing?” Rick asked

23. “What is
Moscow like?” David  asked Bill.                  26.  “Have a valid passport,”
the travel agent told me. 

24.” Have you ever
been to the USA?’ he asked me.         27. “Do not leave your luggage
unattended,” he told me.

Test 6 B  (Module 6)

E            Fill
in at, off, in, on, for, without, aside

 28. I booked my
holidays … advanced this year.                 32. Hotels offer special rates
if you travel … season.

 29. Please send
me the information … delay.                      33. They spent a week … the
seaside last summer.

 30. There are
many bikes … hire in Helsinki.                      34. I’ve been setting … a
bit of money all year for my                                                                                               

 31. We had to set
… early in the morning to catch the           holidays.                                                       

35.  The plane crashed with 126 passengers … board.      

Everyday English

F       Complete
the exchanges with the phrases below.

a) Sounds good!     b)
Thank goodness!     c) What a shame!          d) Good for you!      e)  It was

36. I lost my
passport, but it was found and returned to me 2 days
later.                             ___   

37. Did you enjoy
your trip around

38. We didn’t let
the rain stop us from seeing the
sites.                                                        ___ 

39. She’s planning
to spend 3 weeks on a Greek island this
summer.                                  ___ 

40. I spent my
whole holiday in bed with the flu.                                                                 

G      Read the
text and mark the statements as true ( T), false ( F) or doesn’t say ( DS) .

Test 6 B  (Module 6)

41. Different
colours are used to repaint the Eiffel Tower.      ___

42. Gustave Eiffel
also built the Statue of Liberty.                  ___                  

 43. It took 5
years to complete the Eiffel Tower.                    ___     

44. Guy de
Maupassant didn’t like the Eiffel Tower.               ___  

45. Over 2 million
people have climbed the Eiffel Tower.       ___

H       Listen to
the speakers and choose the correct answer for each question.

46. Listen to a
woman talking about choosing a holiday. What advice does she give?

A visit many
museums and landmarks

 B plan ahead  

 C Choose something
suitable for you      

47. Listen to a
man describing a business trip. How did he feel when he reached the hotel?

 A Frustrated 

 B Relieved  

 C Annoyed        

48. Listen to a
man talking about his trip to Paris. What was he surprised with?

A  The friendly

 B The quality of

 C The prices of

49. Listen to a
man talking about taking pictures. Which of the following the true?

A  He only takes pictures of people

 B He doesn’t take pictures of landmarks

 C He prefers taking pictures of
unusual things   

 50. Listen to a
girl talking about exchange programme.  How was her experience?

 A  Exciting

 B  Boring

 C  Strange    


6 A

A 1
drive                       4 boat                          7
give                            10 catch    

sunstroke                5 native                       8

majestic                  6 snaps                        9 varied

    B 11
arrive                              C  16  Jill said that it was so
chilly that evening.

expedition                               17 He said that he had visited Spain
the last/ previous year.    

    13 fetch                                       
18 Ben said that Tom had been late that morning.

room                                       19 Jane said that they would go to
Italy the following year.

15voyage                                     20 Sue said that they were going
away on holiday the following week.

 21 Ann said that she hadn’t talked to Jane recently.

22 She told me to learn about local laws and customs.                

    23 A tourist asked me
how old the Taj Mahal was.                 

    24 He told me not to
talk about religion or politics.   

    25 He asked Ann
if/whether she liked French food.                                 

    26 He asked where the
nearest bus stop was.

    27 Ben asked Sam
if/whether he had ever lived abroad.                                            

28 in                                        32 on

for                                      33 aside

without                              34 off

    31 in                                       35

36 a                                G      41 F                              
H         46   a    

    37 c                                         
42 T                                           47   c 

    38 e                                         
43 DS                                         48 a

    39 d                                        
 44 F                                            49 b

    40 b                                          45
F                                            50 b


6 B

A 1 booked                 
    4 beneath                         7 catch                           10

    2 boat              
            5 cuisine                          8 sunstroke                                

    3 snaps               
          6 varied                           9 drive

 B 11 reached                            
C  16  Charlie said that they had won the final match.

fetch                                       17 He said that it was so chilly
that evening.  

    13 tour                                       
18 He said that he could speak German.

    14 place               
                      19 She told me that she would call me the next/ following

    15 trip                                   
     20 Steve said that they were living in New York then.

21 Paul said that he hadn’t heard  from Bob for quite some time.

22 She told me not to carry large amounts of cash.

    23 David asked Bill
what Moscow was like?                

    24 He asked me if/ whether
I had ever been to the USA.

    25 Rick asked me what
I was doing.                               

    26 The travel agent
told me to have a valid passport.

    27 He told me not to
leave my luggage unattended.                                          

28 in                                        32 off

    29 without                              
33 at

    30 for                           
           34 aside

    31 off                                      
35 on

36 b                                G      41
F                               H         46   c    

    37 e                                         
42 F                                           47   b

    38 d                                         
43 F                                           48 b

    39 a                     
                    44 T                                            49 c

    40 c                                         
45 DS                                         50 b

Tape script

Tape script


Be and have

Task1. Which words and expressions go with BE, and which go with HAVE? Tick (×) the correct column.



fed up with somebody /something

a right  to do something

on the safe side

In touch with somebody

somebody round

a word with somebody

no point in doing somebody

off colour

on one’s mind

out of one’s mind

up to date

a ball

in charge of somebody/something

no chance of doing something

the nerve to do something

Task 2 Complete the sentences with one of the expressions above in the correct form.

  1. There aren’t usually any major side effects after this injection, but you might____________ a bit_________________ for a few days.
  2. Thank you for your time, Miss Clarke. We still have to interview a few more candidates, so we ________________ with you as soon as we’ve made a decision.
  3. We _______________ Mel and Andy ______________ for dinner next Friday. We haven’t seen them for ages.
  4. I can’t stop thinking about my ex-girlfriend. She ________________ always _______________.
  5. Where have you been all night? I ______________ with worry. I even rang the police.
  6. Excuse me, Mrs. Bennett! Can   I _________________ for a minute? It’s about your son Ben.
  7. Jack was so cheeky! He _______________ to tell me that I was too fat. He should look at himself in the mirror.
  8. I’ve got extra insurance just in case we have an accident on holiday. You know me! I always like ________________.
  9. I’m going to apply for a new job, but I know I ____________ getting it. I just have the right experience.
  10. I _____________ the office while the manager is away for a few days.
  11. Did you read Sally’s postcard She‘s in Greece, sunbathing all day and dancing all night. It sounds like she’s __________________.
  12. If there‘s something you don’t like, it’s just bad luck. There ________________ complaining. It’s the same for all of us.

  13   If you’re a stock broker, you need to _____________on the state of the markets in different parts      of the world.

Do and make.

Task 1 Choose the correct collocation, do or make.

  1. Did the fire do/make much damage to the factory?
  2. I hate doing/ making my homework at the last minute.
  3. You must do/make an effort to work harder.
  4. Did you do/ make any work at the weekend?
  5. We are trying to do/make improvements to the system for registering.
  6. Do you think it would do/make any harm if cut some leaves off this plant?

Task 2 Complete each question of the questionnaire with do or make.

  1. Do you always________________ your best to be on time when meeting a friend.__________—
  2. Do you ever _______________ the cooking at home?                                               ______________
  3. Do you ___________excuses if someone asks you to___________ a big favour for them.________-
  4. Do you ever _____________ negative comments about your friends’ hair, clothes, etc? ______________
  5. Do you find it easy to _______________ friends?_______________

Task 3 Match 1-8 and a-h form expressions with make and do.

  1. make a good  _____________________________ a)understood
  2. do a good ________________________________b) best
  3. do somebody _____________________________c) a favour
  4. do something for ___________________________d) a living
  5. do your __________________________________e) impression
  6. make yourself _____________________________f) business
  7. make something _________________________    _g)job
  8. do ______________________________________h)clear

Task 4 Complete these sentences with a form of do or make and any appropriate noun.

  1. While she was skiing she hit a tree and _______________ herself a serious ______________.
  2. If you give him the job you’ll be ____________ him a(n) ___________.HE  needs some money at the moment.
  3. She was feeling unwell at the party, so she _____________a (n) __________- and left.
  4. When Clive left school, he had to_____________ a (n) ___________- between working for his father and going to university.
  5. I tried to dissuade her from leaving her job. But it_____________ _any__________ she handed in her resignation the next day.

Task 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of do or make.

  1. She is fond of children. She will ___________ a perfect mother one day. !
  2. I don’t know what to______________ of the new president.
  3. They spent most of the last yea r__________ _up their kitchen.
  4. There’s no electricity at the moment so we’ll have to ___________without it .
  5. It really ___________ my day when he gave me those flowers.
  6. They ___________ away with one-pound notes years ago. They only use one-pound coins now.
  7. He’s always _______________ up excuses for being late to class!
  8. I’ve been working non-stop for the last five hours. I could really __________- with a break.
  9. It ____________ a big difference to the cost if you pay in advance.
  10. Do you think we’ll _________________ the bank in time before it closes?
  11. OK. That ____________ it!. I’m leaving! I can‘t stand any more of your rudeness!
  12. After graduating from university he’s going to ___________ a skilled scientist.



Be and have

Task 1.

Be     no point in doing something

         out of one’s mind

         in chair of somebody/ something

        in touch with somebody

        on the safe side

         off colour

         up to date

          on one’s mind!

Have       the nerve to do something

                 a word with somebody

                 somebody round

                   a ball

         no chance of doing something

Task 2

  1. Be a bit of colour,          2. Will be in touch,            3. Are having Mel and Andy round, 4. Is always on my mind,               5.have been out of my mind,             6. Have a word with you,     7. Had the nerve,           8. To be on the safe side,          9. Have no chance,          10. am in change of,      11. Having a ball,        12. Is no point in,      13. Be up to date.

Do and make    

Task 1.

  1. do,     2. doing,    3. make,     4. do,,      6 do

      Task 2    

  1. do,   2. make,    3. make,   do , 4. do,,  6. Do

Task 3  

  1. e,  2.g,  3.c,    4. d, 5. b, 6. a,    7 h, 8f

Task 4.

  1. Did…….. injury
  2. Doing ………a favour
  3. Made an excuse
  4. Make a choice
  5. Didn’t do any good

Task 5

  1. make,    2 make, 3 doing,  4do, 5 made, 6 did, 7 making, 8 do, 9 makes, 10 make, 11 does, 12 make

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