Use the correct word sheet energy

Обобщающий лексико-грамматический материал в 10 классе (к учебнику «Английский в фокусе»)

Module 1

I.Fill in the gaps with the correct word or phrase:selfish, fight, run, respected, grab a bite, designer labels.

1. Does your sister do any voluntary work?- Yes, she always … errands for elder people. 2. I’ m hungry very much. Don’t you want to … to eat. 3. Kate only cares about herself, she is so … . 4.My brohter can’t stand shopping and he couldn’t care less about … . 5. Mr Smith was … by his students. 6. Bob often … . Nobody wants to get on with.

II.Complete the sentences, use down on, after, up, forward to,out for.

1.I’d like to have holidays, I have been looking … them since last year. 2. Can you look … my cat when I go away? 3. If you ride a bike look … cars. 4. My nephew is very arrogant. I hate the way he looks … everyone. 5. If you don’t know the word look it … in the dictionary.

III.Form adjectives from the word in brackets.

1. Doesn’t your cousin know the … (Japan) language? 2. Denis is my … (faith) friend. I can trust him in everything. 3. It was so … (rain) yesterday and we didn’t go for a walk. 4. I don’t think that Helen is … (heart) as they say about her. 5. Sophie is a young … (marry) woman.

IV.Fill in: for,of, on, with, in.

1. Tom is very proud … his grandparents. 2. John didn’t like our project at first but … the end he agreed to it. 3. Yuri Gagarin made a space flight … board the spaceship «Vostok». 4. The Soviet people is famous … heroism during World War II. 5. I promise I’ll try to cope … this difficult work.

V.Put the verbs in the correct present tense.

1. Andrew … (study) Law at the university. 2. Why … (you/wear) this funny hat? 3. Nick … (not/see) his friend since he left for St. Petersburg. 4. Jack constantly … (come) late! 5. There are puddles everywhere. It … (rain) hard. 6. The plane … (take off) at 4.30? 7. Maria … (go) to Paris this month?

Module 3 V-I

I.Use the correct word: part-time, public transport, attend, lawyer, full-time, participate.

1.What is Andrew’s father profession? — He is a … . 2. In Japan it isn’t unusual for students to take 2 hours or more getting to school on … . And everyone has to … in the cleaning of the school before they go home. 3. Children in Korea … extra classes after lessons in private schools. And sometimes they don’t get home until midnight. 4.Do you work … ? — I am afraid, I don’t. I am a student and I can do only … .

II.Complete the sentences, use out, at, on, up.

1.Grandma cooked so tasty soup. Shouldn’t pick … this food. 2. Are you going to pick … your little sister from school? 3. Why doesn’t Helen want to go shopping and help me pick … a quit suit for negotiations. 4. You shouldn’t pick … little children.

III.Fill in: by, in, for, with, at.

1.Was Philip really impressed … Ann’s beauty? 2. … first we must check all facts about this case. 3.After arriving … Moscow we went through the passport control at the airport. 4. Do you prefer to get to work … car or … bus? 5. Is your brother responsible … his actions?

IV . Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the adjectives in bold.

1. His brother is … (talented) person I have ever met. 2. Isn’t Nick’s watch … (expensive) than my one? 3. Kiev is as … (beautiful) city as St. Petersburg. 4. I am … (happy) woman in the world. 5.Your test was … (bad) than Paul’s one.

V.ExpressfutureusingPresent Simple, Future Simple, Future Continuous, to be going to.

1. Whom she (to ask) for dinner on Saturday evening? 2. I think he (to become) a good surgeon. 3. What time the lecture (to begin)? 4. Don’t call for me at 9. I (to sleep). 5. Kate (to enter) the University after she (to pass) all exams well.6. Look at that little boy at the puddle. He (to fall) into it! 7. There are no train tickets for Murmansk. So, I (to fly).


I.Use the correct word.

1. What is your future job/work? 2. It’s not good to ask about somebody’s salary/wage? 3. Ann likes to study at this school. She tries to get goodgrades/marks at lessons. 4. Mark was the best staff/employee of our cafe last month.

II.Complete the sentences, use at, up, on, out.

1. Be a good little girl and don’t pick … this dog. 2. What a strange thing did you pick … in the street yesterday? 3. Sophie is picking … a dress for a long time. I’m tired to wait for her. 4. Why are you picking … the stewed vegetables?

III.Fill in: from, on, for, with, in.

1.Why can’t Andrew deal … his problems? 2. We’ve just arrived … Riga, haven’t we? 3. What disease does he suffer …? 4. I like going … foot. And you? 5. Is her uncle famous … his pictures?

IV . Form personal nouns.

1. Let me introduce myself. I’m your new … (manage). 2. How many …. are in his orchestra (music)? 3. Ann is the best … in our theatre (dance). 4. Do you know Spanish? Will you be our (interpret)? 5. We think that work of lighting … is very important to stage a performance (technical).

V.ExpressfutureusingPresent Simple, Future Simple, Future Continuous, to be going to.

1. The film (to begin) at 6 o’clock in the morning. 2. If he (to arrive) I (to call) you. 3. Maybe I and my husband (to go) to France next spring. 4. Look at that cloud. It (to rain). 5. This time next week we (to sunbathe) in Egypt. 6. As soon as my brother (to earn) money he (to buy) a new car. 7. My friends (to organize) a party this Saturday.

Module 4 V-I

I.Use the correct word: sheet, energy, climate, habitants, throw away, adopt, switch off.

1.You always … the lights when you leave an empty room and use light bulbs that save … 2.If you don’t … empty jars and bottles use them to store (хранить) other things. 3.Where are clean pillow-cases, … and cotton case? I want to change bed-clothes. 4. Pollution of environment destroys animals … . 5. What laws in protection of environment did they …? 6. … in the European part of our country has changed for last fifty years.

II.Complete the sentences, use into, away from, out of, on, over.

1.Does your car run … natural gas? 2. The thief tried to run … the police but he didn’n manage to. 3.The car almost ran … Andrew’s dog yesterday. 4. You can’t imagine! I ran … Polina at the cafe today. 5. We’ve run … fruit and need to go to the supermarket.

III. Fill in: to, from, about, in, for.

1. We feel very strongly … pollution of environment. 2. A lot of exotic replies and birds are … danger of extinction. 3. Throwing waste in the forest can be harmful …wildlife. 4. I’m sorry, I mistaked you … my friend Nick. 5. How can we protect our fragile planet … global warming?

IV.Form negatives from the words in brackets.

1. Masha is … (content) with her figure and she decided to go to the fitness centre. 2. Don’t be angry, Kate. It was only … (harm) joke. 3. Lots of rare insect species will soon … (appear). 4.How many … (regular) english verbs do you know? 5. It’s awful. How could you do so … (moral) action?

V.Fill in: had to, may, must, needn’t, shouldn’t, can, ought to.

1. You … wear your evening dress today. 2. Ann’s grandfather … speak five languages. 3. I … visit my friend. He is ill. 4. You … agree wiht Tom. You … have your own opinion.5. Last night Den suddenly became ill. We … call the doctor. 6. … I borrow your umbrella, please?


I.Use the correct word: wildlife, modern lifestile, aluminium, emmission, the global warming, natural, negative.

1.We shouldn’t throw away plastic, paper, … and glass. They can all be recycled! 2. We must find ways to protect our … from pollution. 3. Our … caused global ecological problems. 4.What … resources is Russia rich? 5. Throwing industrial and nuclear waste into the sea has an … effect on marine life. 6. Great … of heat into the atmosphere caused … on our planet.

II.Complete the sentences, use over, on, away from, into, out of.

1. Has the robber run … the police? 2. We should go to the shop today. We’ve run … all food in the house. 3. My grandmother’s hen got run … by a car yesterday. 4. I run … Sophie at the museum the day before yesterday. She didn’t expect to see me there. 5. A locomative runs … steam.

III. Fill in: to, with, from, of, on.

1.Cutting rainforests in South America, Africa and Asia is harmful … our planet. 2. Jim’s grandfather is proud … his achievemets. 3. I hope, you will cope … all your problems. 4.Nowdays we must protect endangered animais … extiction from the Earth. 5. What are you going to do … holidays?

IV.Form negatives from the words in brackets.

1.My meeting with Helen at the cafe was so … (expected). 2. I can’t imagine that he is … (honest). He denied his fault. 3. Smoking in public places is now… (legal) in many countries. 4.Did I … (hear)? Are you going to throw up your study at the University? 5. Why is Kate so … (care) with her health?

V. Fillin:needn’t, shouldn’t, have to, couldn’t may, ought to, must.

1. I’m not sure where to go for my holiday. I … go to Italy. 2. If you want to enter the University you … work more, you … miss the lessons. 3. We … hurry. An hour is left to catch a train. 4. I … read or write when I was three. 5. He … get up early. His work begins at nine. 6. The shoes are a size too small. I’ll … go to the shop and have them changed.

Module 5 V-I

I.Use the correct word.

1. Hurry up! We will miss/lose the train! 2. They rented/hired a little cottage by the sea. 3. It is too hot in the sun. Let’s find a place to sit in the shadow/shade. 4. Flying is the fastest mode of transport/travel. 5. Spain has got fantastic sandy coasts/beaches. 6. All passengers/travellers waiting for flight TWK 355 should go to Gate 6.

II. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb to get. Fill in: by, off, around, in, on(with).

1.At what time will we get … Prague by train? 2. We must get … now or we will miss our bus. 3.Andrew doesn’t get … his cousin. 4. He hasn’t had much money since he lost his job but he is getting … 5. Is it easy for us to get … the town by bus or tram?

III.Form compound nouns. Complete the gaps in the sentences with the correct words: swimming, passer, black, table men, screen.

1. Clean the …board in the classroom, please. 2. Don’t forget a sun…in your tour to Egypt. 3.Let’s go to the …pool today. 4. The robber tried to run away from police… but he didn’t manage to.5. How many new subjects are on our school …? 6. “Who helped him?”- “It was a chance (случайный)…- by”.

IV.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past time.

1. Where … (you/be) last night? 2. What … (you/do) this time yesterday? 3.He … (shut) the window, … (switch off) the light and … (go) upstairs. 4. When we … (come) to the station the train (already/go). 5. I …(take) a dog for s walk while Ann … (cook) dinner. 6. Their swimming suits were wet. They …(swim).

V.Choose the correct response (a-g) to the statements (1-6). There is one statement that you do not need to use.

1. I hear you are going on a cruise. a) I’d love to, but I really can’t.

2. I’ve got the job! b) Have a nice time!

3. Did you have a nice week-end? c) Thanks!

4. What a fantastic suntan! d) I’ve just got back.

5. Would you like to come to the cinema tonight? e) Yes, I can’t wait!

6. I’ll go on holiday next week. f) Yes, it was great.

g) That’s great! Well done!


I.Use the correct word.

1. The sea was very rough during the ferry crossing/transfer. 2. It is good for you to catch/take a taxi to the airport. 3. We would like to go on excursion/exhibition to the Louvre. 4. I had to go back home to bring/fetch my passport. 5. Sophie likes packed/package holidays very much. 6.Our room has a nice scenery/view of the sea.

II.Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb to get. Fill in: on(with), by, in, around,


1. Ann’s plane gets … at 8 p.m. 2. Does Steve get … his classmates? 3. Will it be easy for tourists to get … Amsterdam by public transport? 4. Tom has lost his job but he tries to get … 5. My bus gets … at 6 a.m.

III.Form compound nouns. Complete the gaps in the sentences with the correct words: life,spread, green, high, men, insect.

1. A …house is a place where we grow plants. 2. We went shopping for souvenirs. A lot of crafts… sold paintings and handicrafts. 3. Amsterdam is a city which is full of night… 4. In Great Britain … lands turns into lowlands, forests and hills turns into meadows very quickly. 5. Where is a … repellent? There are many mosquitoes here. 6. English is the most wide… language in all over the world.

IV.Fill the gaps with a/an, the or — (no article).

1. …Saint Petersburg is also known as …» Vinice of … North» . 2. «My dad is … doctor»,- Nora said loudly to us. … little girl was proud of her father. 3. What is your address? — I live in … High Street, number 27. 4. … Baikal is … deepest lake in the world. 5. One day when I was staying at … Hilton (hotel) I received … strange telephone call. 6. This story happened in … small town in … Siberia.

V.Choose the appropriate time linker.

1. I was sunbathing until/while Tony was swimming. 2. We went back to the hotel before/after we had watched the parade. 3. It was dark as soon as /by the time we returned home. 4.When/after we arrived at the airport we rented a car. 5. We stayed in our hotel room until/once it had stopped raining. 6. Kate was playing the piano when/while s door bell rang.

Module 6 V-I

I.Use the correct word: vitamin, spices, infections, oily, vegetables, main, bitter, minerals, creative.

1. Does she like … or … chocolate? 2. We had lamb chops for our … course. 3. Cinammon (корица) and ginger (имбирь) are … , aren’t they? 4. Green food are good for you because they contain vitamins and … that keep your teeth and bones strong and healthy. 5. Fruit and … like figs (инжир), prunes (чернослив) and beetroot (свекловица) make people more … 6. … C (in mongoes, oranges, peaches) help your body fight off … .

II.Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb to give. Fill in: back, up, away, off.

1. These eggs give … a terrible smell. 2. Hasn’t Steve given … smoking? 3. When did Nora decide to give … this ring to her sister? 4. Have you given … money you borrowed from Nick?

III.Fill the correct prefixes.

1. My elder sister is on a diet again. She still thinks she’s …weight. 2. The teacher said to Tom: «You should …write this exercise.» 3. The vegetables are really …cooked. They are almost raw. 4….-skimmed milk (снятоемолоко) is much healthier then full cream 5. Who is a …hero in your daughter’s favourite cartoon?

IV.Fill in: with, in, from, against.

1. The doctor advised Alice … eating too much salt. 2. My mum often suffers … bad headaches. 3. Eating too much fast food can result … health problems later in life. 4. Peter’s little son has recovered … the flu. 5. I hope Sophie will be able to cope … all problems. We’ll help her.

V.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If Ann does well at the interview, she … (get) the job. 2. If I were you, I … (eat) less sweets and more fruit. 3. If my parents … (not/come), we would have gone to the country. 4. The soup … (taste) bitter if you had added more salt. 5. I … (go) to the dentist if I had toothache. 6. I wish you … (be) here with me now.

VI.Choose the correct response (a-f) to the statements (1-5). There is one statement that you do not need to use.

1. I’m overweight! a. Thanks, so are you.

2. You look a bit pale. b. I haven’t had a good sleep.

3. Would you like to have dinner together? c. What’s about taking regular exercises?

4. You are looking very well. d. Have a nice time!

5. Are you feeling any better? e. Much better, thanks.

f. I’d love to, but I really can’t.


I.Use the correct word.

1. Alex had a terrible stomach ache/pain after eating a kilo of black currants. 2. We had lamb chops for ourmain/basic course. 3. Having a milky drink before bedtime can help cure/heal istomnia (бессонница). 4. There is a terrible smell of rotten/sour eggs! 5. The doctor gave Peter a prescription/recipe for indigestion (расстройствожелудка) tablets. 6. Her daughter was treated/cured for pneumonia.

II.Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb to give. Fill in: off, up, away, back.

1. Has Alice decided to give …smoking? 2. I will give …this book to you in some days. 3.Something in the fridge is giving …a horrible smell. Don’t you feel? 4. Is this the pear necklace (ожерелье) that your granny gave … you.

III.Fill the correct prefixes.

1. The meat was …cooked, so it didn’t taste very nice. 2. With what organizations their firm …-operate? 3. People from all over the world live in France. It’s a very …national country. 4. Where is the nearest …market in this district? 5. It will be the …constraction of our theatre.

IV.Fill in: from, against,in, with.

1. It is difficult for my granny to cope … pressure. 2. Don’t worry. Your dad is recovering … his operation. 3. My dietician (диетолог) advises me …eating fatty foods. 4. You should go to the dentist. Don’t suffer … toothache. 5. Keeping to a strict diet can result … health problems.

V.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. We will leave without her if she … (arrive) late. 2. I wish I … (remember) to buy some bread. Now I have to go out again. 3. If I were you I … (stop) eating so much fatty food. 4. Nora … (go) to the beach if it wasn’t raning (the weather was nice). 5. You wouldn’t have got lost (потеряться) if you … follow my directions! 6. If you … (study) more, you would be able to pass the exam.

VI.Choose the correct response (a-f) to the statements (1-5). There is one statement that you do not need to use.

1. How about going out tonight? a. Actually, I have.

2. You are looking very well! b. I’m not sure if it’ll work.

3. I’m not feeling well. c. I haven’t had a good sleep

4. Have you lost some weight? d. That would be really great!

5. You look a bit pale. e. Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon.

f. Thank you! So are you.

Module 8

I.Use the correct word.

1. Alex learns/teaches me how to use this new programme. 2. Sophie has trouble/problem with her digital camera. 3. I will have to go back home tobring/fetch my guarentee certificate. 4.Edison discovered/invented the light bulb. 5. The reason/cause of the power cut (сокращение,снижение) was a short circuit (электрическаяцепь).

II.Complete thesentences with the correct phrasal verb to bring. Fill in: up, about, back, on.

1. Recent advances (продвижение,успех) in technology have brought … great changes in our life. 2. Why do you look upset? What brough that …? 3. Helen hasn’t got parents. Her grandparents bring her … . 4.Stephen brought … the tools (инструменты) he had borrowed from me yesterday.

III. Fill in: on, at, in, under, out of.

1. I can’t work well … pressure. 2. Tom couldn’t decide what to buy so … the end he bought nothing. 3. Something is wrong with my mobile phone. It is … order again. 4. Jane is … the phone . She wants to talk to Dad. 5. Ann wasn’t sure of her feelings … first but now she loves him.

IV. Form verbs from the words in brackets.

1. Why do you want to … your new skirt. (short) 2. We need to … the filing systems. It makes our work easier. (computer) 3. My father wants to … the farm. He is going to buy some areas around it. (large) 4. The management (дирекция,администрация) of our firm has … security. (tight) 5. Software designers … the safety of all data (данные). (sure)

V.Turn the following statements into reported speech.

1. Bob said:»I live in London.» 2. Lara said:»I can’t swim.» 3. Nelly asked:»Will you help me solve that problem?» 4. Jane asked:»Where did they dump (сваливать,выгружать) all that wast?» 5. «Don’t stay long in the direct sunlight,» Polly told Caroline. 6. Mary said to David: «Look at the rainbow!»

VI.Choose the correct response.

1. I’ve got the job! a) Of course, not! b)That’s great! Well done.

2. You are looking very well. a) Thanks, so am I. b) Thanks, so are you.

3. Would it be possible to speak to the manager? a) Yes, just a moment, please.

b) Yes, he doesn’t mind.

4. Could I get this digital camcorder repaired? a) Yes, I think so. b) No, of course not.

5. Do you think I could exchange it for another one? a) Yes, I can. b) That’s no problem at all.

Лексика для активного усвоения 10 класс учебник Spotlight 10
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

В этом разделе вы можете найти активную для усвоения лексику для учебника Spotlight 10, которая разбита по модулям. Ребята учат эти слова и это им помогает успешно выполнять задания по изучаемому модулю.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Module 1. Strong ties.

Words and expressions for active perception:

bargain-товар со скидкой

computer games-компьютерные игры

designer label-дизайнерская марка, лейбл

all- time favourite-пользующийся успехом

catch a film-попасть на фильм

chat online-общаться онлайн

do extreme sports-заниматься экстрем.видами спорта

do voluntary work-быть волонтёром

go clubbing-ходить по клубам

go for a sporty look-стремиться иметь спортивный вид

go on trip to the country side-отправляться за город

run errands-выполнять поручения

surf the net-бродить по сети интернет

the great outdoors-великолепная природа

well-meaning-действующий из лучших побуждений

grab a bite-перекусить

hit the shops-ходить по магазинам

look down on-смотреть свысока

look forward to-ожидать с нетерпением

look out for-думать о, быть осторожным

look up-искать в справочнике

Module 1. Strong ties.

Words and expressions for active perception:

bargain-товар со скидкой

computer games-компьютерные игры

designer label-дизайнерская марка, лейбл

all- time favourite-пользующийся успехом

catch a film-попасть на фильм

chat online-общаться онлайн

do extreme sports-заниматься экстрем.видами спорта

do voluntary work-быть волонтёром

go clubbing-ходить по клубам

go for a sporty look-стремиться иметь спортивный вид

go on trip to the country side-отправляться за город

run errands-выполнять поручения

surf the net-бродить по сети интернет

the great outdoors-великолепная природа

well-meaning-действующий из лучших побуждений

grab a bite-перекусить

hit the shops-ходить по магазинам

look down on-смотреть свысока

look forward to-ожидать с нетерпением

look out for-думать о, быть осторожным

look up-искать в справочнике

Module 2. Living and Spending.

Words and expressions for active perception:

cost (cost, cost)-стоить

lend (lent, lent)-давать взаймы

pocket money-карманные деньги

household chores-домашние обязанности

student loan- кредит на обучение

action shot- фотография движущегося объекта

shopping spree-поход по магазинам

be crazy about-быть без ума от

be fond of-увлекаться

be good/brilliant at-хорошо разбираться в

be proud of-гордиться

be interested in-быть заинтересованным в

catch up- навёрстывать, догонять

archery-стрельба из лука

board game-настольная игра

fit-в хорошей физической форме

martial arts- боевые искусства

skydiving-затяжные прыжки с парашютом

white-water rafting- сплав на плотах

take after-быть похожим на

take out-пригласить за свой счёт

take uр- приступить, взяться

take over-перенимать должность

Module 2. Living and Spending.

Words and expressions for active perception:

cost (cost, cost)-стоить

lend (lent, lent)-давать взаймы

pocket money-карманные деньги

household chores-домашние обязанности

student loan- кредит на обучение

action shot- фотография движущегося объекта

shopping spree-поход по магазинам

be crazy about-быть без ума от

be fond of-увлекаться

be good/brilliant at-хорошо разбираться в

be proud of-гордиться

be interested in-быть заинтересованным в

catch up- навёрстывать, догонять

archery-стрельба из лука

board game-настольная игра

fit-в хорошей физической форме

martial arts- боевые искусства

skydiving-затяжные прыжки с парашютом

white-water rafting- сплав на плотах

take after-быть похожим на

take out-пригласить за свой счёт

take uр- приступить, взяться

take over-перенимать должность

Module 3. Schooldays and work.

Words and expressions for active perception:

boarding school-пансион, школа-интернат

co-educational school-школа совместного обучения

pay rise- повышение зарплаты

private school-частная школа

public transport-общественный транспорт

science lab- научная лаборатория

single sex school-школа раздельного обучения

sit an exam- готовиться у экзамену

specialist school-профильная школа

state school-государственная школа

resign-уйти в отставку

armed forces-вооружённые силы

bank clerk- банковский служащий

flight attendant-стюардесса, стюард

naval officer- морской офицер

freelancer- внештатный сотрудник

full-day-занимающий полный рабочий день

managing director- управляющий

part-time– не полностью занятый

salary- заработная плата

shift work- сменная работа

pick on-дразнить, задирать

pick up-забирать, улучшать, понимать

pick at-ковыряться (о еде)

Module 3. Schooldays and work.

Words and expressions for active perception:

boarding school-пансион, школа-интернат

co-educational school-школа совместного обучения

pay rise- повышение зарплаты

private school-частная школа

public transport-общественный транспорт

science lab- научная лаборатория

single sex school-школа раздельного обучения

sit an exam- готовиться у экзамену

specialist school-профильная школа

state school-государственная школа

resign-уйти в отставку

armed forces-вооружённые силы

bank clerk- банковский служащий

flight attendant-стюардесса, стюард

naval officer- морской офицер

freelancer- внештатный сотрудник

full-day-занимающий полный рабочий день

managing director- управляющий

part-time– не полностью занятый

salary- заработная плата

shift work- сменная работа

pick on-дразнить, задирать

pick up-забирать, улучшать, понимать

pick at-ковыряться (о еде)

Module 4. Environmental protection.

Words and expressions for active perception:

Образовательный минимум 10 класс Спотлайт

Ищем педагогов в команду «Инфоурок»

Образовательный минимум по английскому языку

Read and learn following words:

Annoying, bargain, computer game, designer label, email, fight, mobile, national, passion, pastime, send, spend, text message, check out, hang out, all-time favourite, catch a film, chat online, do voluntary work, go for a sporty look, go on trips to the countryside, go window shopping, surf the Net, the great outdoors, aggressive, caring, creative, dedicated, dishonest, jealous, loyal, mean, moody, patient, respected, selfish, supportive, trusting, well-meaning, consumer, household chores, mobile phone, pocket money, resist, retailer, student loan, survive, catch up, hand out, save up, splash out, aerobics, ambitious, archery, board game, cautious, determined, fishing, fit, football, gardening, imaginative, martial arts, outgoing, quiet, relaxed, reserved, sensitive, skydiving, snowboarding, sociable, strong, tennis, white-water rafting

Learn following grammar rules:

Формы настоящего времени

Предлоги for / since

Словообразование: суффиксы прилагательного – ese -, — able -, — ful -, — ical -, — al -, — ish -,

-ous-, -y-, -ed-, -ive-, -ing-, -less-.

Словообразовательные суффиксы абстрактных существительных — ation -, — ment -, — ence -, — ion -, — y —

— ing — форма/ инфинитив с/ без частицы – to –

Read and learn following words:

Attend, boarding school, co-educational school, dread, extra-curricular, facility, old-fashioned, participate, private school, public transport, science lab, single sex school, specialist school, state school, strict, training, uniform, unusual, part-time, plumber, salary, shift-work, surgeon, translator, vet, pick on, pick up, pick out, pick at, work in, work for, in charge of, deal with, responsible for, coal, consumption, create, decompose, encourage, energy, excessive, oil, release, replace, sheet, swap, tin, towel, wrap, cut down on, switch off, throw away, certificate, climate, congest, conservation, crop, effort, electricity, emission, enclosure, endangered, genetically modified, global warming, habitat, improve, increase, lifestyle, modern, natural, negative, power station, programme, quality, species, transport, wildlife, cut down, run away from, run on, run out of, run into, run over

Learn following grammar rules:

Способы выражения будущего времени

Словообразовательные суффиксы имени существительного — er -, — ist -, — or -, — ian —

Степени сравнения имени прилагательного

Приставки и суффиксы отрицательных прилагательных — un -, — il -, — dis -, — in -, — ir -, — mis -, — im -, — less

Read and learn following words:

Ancient, annual, backpack, barber, base, beach, beggar, breathtaking, brochure, coast, comfort, contest, countless, craftsman, drum, escape, excursion, extend, handicraft, leaflet, nasty, package holidays, pavement, peak, procession, prolong, scenery, shade, shadow, trail, traveler, virus, put up, in the distance, appalling, fetch, hostel, luggage, mosquito, nightlife, passport, rude, sightseeing tour, staff, boiling hot, for a start, go wrong, look on the bright side, to make matters worse, apple, baked, banana, bitter, boiled, boost, brain, bread, broccoli, cabbage, cake, carrot, celery, cherry, chicken, complain, concentration, corn, creative, emotion, eyesight, fig, fish, fried, grape, greedy, grilled, handful, lemon, lettuce, lime, meat, melon, oily, optimistic, orange, pea, peach, pear, physically, pineapple, plum, potatoes, pumpkin, raspberry, raw, rice, roasted, rumble, soothing, spice, steamed, still, strawberry, toasted, tomato, tummy, vegetables, watermelon, Indigestion, itchy, mind, nut, overweight, seed, skinny, sleepy, spicy, stomach ache, sugary, tiredness, tooth decay, toothache, underweight, well-balanced

Learn following grammar rules:

Формы прошедшего времени

Словообразование сложных существительных

Причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени

Употребление wish / if only

-re-, -super-, -multi-, -over-, -under-, -semi-, -pre-, -co-

Read and learn following words:

Addict, admit, anti-social, best seller, blare, box office, cast, catchy, cinema, critic, direct, educational, gripping, heading, incredible, mall, moving, musical, pointless, predictable, relaxing, repetitive, reserve, review, script, stage, star, storyline, subtitle, theatre, tune, unfair, unwind, sing along, couch potato, it’s such a good laugh, take it or leave it, Aisle, balcony, ballet, booked, curtain, fully, further, music concert, opera, orchestra, performance, seat, stalls, surroundings, usher, be about to, Camcorder, client, device, Dictaphone, digital camera, edit, essay, handy, laptop, MP3 player, PDA (personal digital assistant), radio cassette player, social life, store, techno freak, TV, university lecture, video mobile phone, voice recorder, Walkman, be hooked on, be on the move, it goes without saying, Charged, crack, guarantee certificate, hard drive, lens, printer, viewfinder, virus

Learn following grammar rules:

Словообразование сложных прилагательных

Наречия степени с качественными и относительными прилагательными

Обобщающий лексико-грамматический материал в 10 классе (к учебнику «Английский в фокусе»)

Обобщающий лексико-грамматический материал в 10 классе (к учебнику «Английский в фокусе»)

I. Fill in the gaps with the correct word or phrase : selfish, fight, run, respected, grab a bite, designer labels.

1. Does your sister do any voluntary work?- Yes, she always . errands for elder people. 2. I’ m hungry very much. Don’t you want to . to eat. 3. Kate only cares about herself, she is so . . 4.My brohter can’t stand shopping and he couldn’t care less about . . 5. Mr Smith was . by his students. 6. Bob often . . Nobody wants to get on with.

II. Complete the sentences, use down on, after, up, forward to,out for.

1.I’d like to have holidays, I have been looking . them since last year. 2. Can you look . my cat when I go away? 3. If you ride a bike look . cars. 4. My nephew is very arrogant. I hate the way he looks . everyone. 5. If you don’t know the word look it . in the dictionary.

III. Form adjectives from the word in brackets.

1. Doesn’t your cousin know the . ( Japan ) language? 2. Denis is my . ( faith ) friend. I can trust him in everything. 3. It was so . ( rain ) yesterday and we didn’t go for a walk. 4. I don’t think that Helen is . ( heart ) as they say about her. 5. Sophie is a young . ( marry ) woman.

1. Tom is very proud . his grandparents. 2. John didn’t like our project at first but . the end he agreed to it. 3. Yuri Gagarin made a space flight . board the spaceship «Vostok». 4. The Soviet people is famous . heroism during World War II. 5. I promise I’ll try to cope . this difficult work.

V. Put the verbs in the correct present tense .

1. Andrew . ( study ) Law at the university. 2. Why . ( you/wear ) this funny hat? 3. Nick . ( not/see ) his friend since he left for St. Petersburg. 4. Jack constantly . ( come ) late! 5. There are puddles everywhere. It . ( rain ) hard. 6. The plane . ( take off ) at 4.30? 7. Maria . ( go ) to Paris this month?

I. Use the correct word: part-time, public transport, attend, lawyer, full-time, participate .

1.What is Andrew’s father profession? — He is a . . 2. In Japan it isn’t unusual for students to take 2 hours or more getting to school on . . And everyone has to . in the cleaning of the school before they go home. 3. Children in Korea . extra classes after lessons in private schools. And sometimes they don’t get home until midnight. 4.Do you work . ? — I am afraid, I don’t. I am a student and I can do only . .

II. Complete the sentences, use out, at, on, up .

1.Grandma cooked so tasty soup. Shouldn’t pick . this food. 2. Are you going to pick . your little sister from school? 3. Why doesn’t Helen want to go shopping and help me pick . a quit suit for negotiations. 4. You shouldn’t pick . little children.

III. Fill in: by, in, for, with, at .

1.Was Philip really impressed . Ann’s beauty? 2. . first we must check all facts about this case. 3.After arriving . Moscow we went through the passport control at the airport. 4. Do you prefer to get to work . car or . bus? 5. Is your brother responsible . his actions?

IV . Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the adjectives in bold .

1. His brother is . ( talented ) person I have ever met. 2. Isn’t Nick’s watch . ( expensive ) than my one? 3. Kiev is as . ( beautiful ) city as St. Petersburg. 4. I am . ( happy ) woman in the world. 5.Your test was . ( bad ) than Paul’s one.

V. Express future using Present Simple, Future Simple, Future Continuous, to be going to.

1. Whom she ( to ask ) for dinner on Saturday evening? 2. I think he ( to become ) a good surgeon. 3. What time the lecture ( to begin )? 4. Don’t call for me at 9. I ( to sleep ). 5. Kate ( to enter ) the University after she ( to pass ) all exams well.6. Look at that little boy at the puddle. He ( to fall ) into it! 7. There are no train tickets for Murmansk. So, I ( to fly ).

I. Use the correct word .

1. What is your future job/work ? 2. It’s not good to ask about somebody’s salary/wage ? 3. Ann likes to study at this school. She tries to get good grades/marks at lessons. 4. Mark was the best staff/employee of our cafe last month.

II. Complete the sentences, use at, up, on, out .

1. Be a good little girl and don’t pick . this dog. 2. What a strange thing did you pick . in the street yesterday? 3. Sophie is picking . a dress for a long time. I’m tired to wait for her. 4. Why are you picking . the stewed vegetables?

III. Fill in: from, on, for, with, in.

1.Why can’t Andrew deal . his problems? 2. We’ve just arrived . Riga, haven’t we? 3. What disease does he suffer . 4. I like going . foot. And you? 5. Is her uncle famous . his pictures?

IV . Form personal nouns.

1. Let me introduce myself. I’m your new . ( manage ). 2. How many . are in his orchestra ( music )? 3. Ann is the best . in our theatre ( dance ). 4. Do you know Spanish? Will you be our ( interpret )? 5. We think that work of lighting . is very important to stage a performance ( technical ).

V. Express future using Present Simple, Future Simple, Future Continuous, to be going to .

1. The film ( to begin ) at 6 o’clock in the morning. 2. If he ( to arrive ) I ( to call ) you. 3. Maybe I and my husband ( to go ) to France next spring. 4. Look at that cloud. It ( to rain ). 5. This time next week we ( to sunbathe ) in Egypt. 6. As soon as my brother ( to earn ) money he ( to buy ) a new car. 7. My friends ( to organize ) a party this Saturday.

I. Use the correct word: sheet, energy, climate, habitants, throw away, adopt, switch off .

1.You always . the lights when you leave an empty room and use light bulbs that save . 2.If you don’t . empty jars and bottles use them to store ( хранить ) other things. 3.Where are clean pillow-cases, . and cotton case? I want to change bed-clothes. 4. Pollution of environment destroys animals . . 5. What laws in protection of environment did they . 6. . in the European part of our country has changed for last fifty years.

II. Complete the sentences, use into, away from, out of, on, over .

1.Does your car run . natural gas? 2. The thief tried to run . the police but he didn’n manage to. 3.The car almost ran . Andrew’s dog yesterday. 4. You can’t imagine! I ran . Polina at the cafe today. 5. We’ve run . fruit and need to go to the supermarket.

1. We feel very strongly . pollution of environment. 2. A lot of exotic replies and birds are . danger of extinction. 3. Throwing waste in the forest can be harmful . wildlife. 4. I’m sorry, I mistaked you . my friend Nick. 5. How can we protect our fragile planet . global warming?

IV. Form negatives from the words in brackets .

1. Masha is . ( content) with her figure and she decided to go to the fitness centre. 2. Don’t be angry, Kate. It was only . ( harm ) joke. 3. Lots of rare insect species will soon . ( appear ). 4.How many . ( regular ) english verbs do you know? 5. It’s awful. How could you do so . ( moral ) action?

V. Fill in: had to, may, must, needn’t, shouldn’t, can, ought to .

1. You . wear your evening dress today. 2. Ann’s grandfather . speak five languages. 3. I . visit my friend. He is ill. 4. You . agree wiht Tom. You . have your own opinion.5. Last night Den suddenly became ill. We . call the doctor. 6. . I borrow your umbrella, please?

I. Use the correct word: wildlife, modern lifestile, aluminium, emmission, the global warming, natural, negative.

1.We shouldn’t throw away plastic, paper, . and glass. They can all be recycled! 2. We must find ways to protect our . from pollution. 3. Our . caused global ecological problems. 4.What . resources is Russia rich? 5. Throwing industrial and nuclear waste into the sea has an . effect on marine life. 6. Great . of heat into the atmosphere caused . on our planet.

II. Complete the sentences, use over, on, away from, into, out of.

1. Has the robber run . the police? 2. We should go to the shop today. We’ve run . all food in the house. 3. My grandmother’s hen got run . by a car yesterday. 4. I run . Sophie at the museum the day before yesterday. She didn’t expect to see me there. 5. A locomative runs . steam.

III . Fill in : to, with, from, of, on.

1.Cutting rainforests in South America, Africa and Asia is harmful . our planet. 2. Jim’s grandfather is proud . his achievemets. 3. I hope, you will cope . all your problems. 4.Nowdays we must protect endangered animais . extiction from the Earth. 5. What are you going to do . holidays?

IV. Form negatives from the words in brackets .

1.My meeting with Helen at the cafe was so . ( expected ). 2. I can’t imagine that he is . ( honest ). He denied his fault. 3. Smoking in public places is now. ( legal ) in many countries. 4.Did I . ( hear )? Are you going to throw up your study at the University? 5. Why is Kate so . ( care ) with her health?

V . Fill in: needn’t, shouldn’t, have to, couldn’t may, ought to, must .

1. I’m not sure where to go for my holiday. I . go to Italy. 2. If you want to enter the University you . work more, you . miss the lessons. 3. We . hurry. An hour is left to catch a train. 4. I . read or write when I was three. 5. He . get up early. His work begins at nine. 6. The shoes are a size too small. I’ll . go to the shop and have them changed.

I. Use the correct word .

1. Hurry up! We will miss/lose the train! 2. They rented / hired a little cottage by the sea. 3. It is too hot in the sun. Let’s find a place to sit in the shadow/shade . 4. Flying is the fastest mode of transport/travel . 5. Spain has got fantastic sandy coasts/beaches . 6. All passengers/travellers waiting for flight TWK 355 should go to Gate 6.

II . Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb to get. Fill in: by, off, around, in, on(with).

1.At what time will we get … Prague by train? 2. We must get … now or we will miss our bus. 3.Andrew doesn’t get … his cousin. 4. He hasn’t had much money since he lost his job but he is getting … 5. Is it easy for us to get … the town by bus or tram?

III. Form compound nouns. Complete the gaps in the sentences with the correct words: swimming, passer, black, table men, screen .

1. Clean the …board in the classroom, please. 2. Don’t forget a sun…in your tour to Egypt. 3.Let’s go to the …pool today. 4. The robber tried to run away from police… but he didn’t manage to.5. How many new subjects are on our school …? 6. “Who helped him?”- “It was a chance ( случайный )…- by”.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past time.

1. Where … ( you/be ) last night? 2. What … ( you/do ) this time yesterday? 3.He … ( shut ) the window, … ( switch off ) the light and … ( go ) upstairs. 4. When we … ( come) to the station the train ( already/go ). 5. I …( take ) a dog for s walk while Ann … ( cook ) dinner. 6. Their swimming suits were wet. They …( swim ).

V. Choose the correct response (a-g) to the statements (1-6). There is one statement that you do not need to use.

1. I hear you are going on a cruise. a) I’d love to, but I really can’t.

2. I’ve got the job! b) Have a nice time!

3. Did you have a nice week-end? c) Thanks!

4. What a fantastic suntan! d) I’ve just got back.

5. Would you like to come to the cinema tonight? e) Yes, I can’t wait!

6. I’ll go on holiday next week. f) Yes, it was great.

g) That’s great! Well done!

I. Use the correct word .

1. The sea was very rough during the ferry crossing/transfer . 2. It is good for you to catch/take a taxi to the airport. 3. We would like to go on excursion/exhibition to the Louvre. 4. I had to go back home to bring/fetch my passport. 5. Sophie likes packed/package holidays very much. 6.Our room has a nice scenery/view of the sea.

II. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb to get. Fill in: on(with), by, in, around,

1. Ann’s plane gets . at 8 p.m. 2. Does Steve get . his classmates? 3. Will it be easy for tourists to get . Amsterdam by public transport? 4. Tom has lost his job but he tries to get . 5. My bus gets . at 6 a.m.

III. Form compound nouns. Complete the gaps in the sentences with the correct words: life, spread, green, high, men, insect .

1. A . house is a place where we grow plants. 2. We went shopping for souvenirs. A lot of crafts. sold paintings and handicrafts. 3. Amsterdam is a city which is full of night. 4. In Great Britain . lands turns into lowlands, forests and hills turns into meadows very quickly. 5. Where is a . repellent? There are many mosquitoes here. 6. English is the most wide. language in all over the world.

1. . Saint Petersburg is also known as . » Vinice of . North» . 2. «My dad is . doctor»,- Nora said loudly to us. . little girl was proud of her father. 3. What is your address? — I live in . High Street, number 27. 4. . Baikal is . deepest lake in the world. 5. One day when I was staying at . Hilton (hotel) I received . strange telephone call. 6. This story happened in . small town in . Siberia.

V. Choose the appropriate time linker .

1. I was sunbathing until/while Tony was swimming. 2. We went back to the hotel before/after we had watched the parade. 3. It was dark as soon as /by the time we returned home. 4. When/after we arrived at the airport we rented a car. 5. We stayed in our hotel room until/once it had stopped raining. 6. Kate was playing the piano when/while s door bell rang.

I. Use the correct word: vitamin, spices, infections, oily, vegetables, main, bitter, minerals, creative.

1. Does she like . or . chocolate? 2. We had lamb chops for our . course. 3. Cinammon ( корица ) and ginger ( имбирь ) are . , aren’t they? 4. Green food are good for you because they contain vitamins and . that keep your teeth and bones strong and healthy. 5. Fruit and . like figs ( инжир ), prunes ( чернослив ) and beetroot ( свекловица ) make people more . 6. . C (in mongoes, oranges, peaches) help your body fight off . .

II. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb to give . Fill in: back, up, away, off.

1. These eggs give . a terrible smell. 2. Hasn’t Steve given . smoking? 3. When did Nora decide to give . this ring to her sister? 4. Have you given . money you borrowed from Nick?

III. Fill the correct prefixes.

1. My elder sister is on a diet again. She still thinks she’s . weight. 2. The teacher said to Tom: «You should . write this exercise.» 3. The vegetables are really . cooked. They are almost raw. 4. -skimmed milk ( снятоемолоко ) is much healthier then full cream 5. Who is a . hero in your daughter’s favourite cartoon?

IV. Fill in: with, in, from, against .

1. The doctor advised Alice . eating too much salt. 2. My mum often suffers . bad headaches. 3. Eating too much fast food can result . health problems later in life. 4. Peter’s little son has recovered . the flu. 5. I hope Sophie will be able to cope . all problems. We’ll help her.

V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense .

1. If Ann does well at the interview, she . ( get ) the job. 2. If I were you, I . ( eat ) less sweets and more fruit. 3. If my parents . ( not/come ), we would have gone to the country. 4. The soup . ( taste ) bitter if you had added more salt. 5. I . ( go ) to the dentist if I had toothache. 6. I wish you . ( be ) here with me now.

VI. Choose the correct response (a-f) to the statements (1-5). There is one statement that you do not need to use.

1. I’m overweight! a. Thanks, so are you.

2. You look a bit pale. b. I haven’t had a good sleep.

3. Would you like to have dinner together? c. What’s about taking regular exercises?

4. You are looking very well. d. Have a nice time!

5. Are you feeling any better? e. Much better, thanks.

f. I’d love to, but I really can’t.

I. Use the correct word.

1. Alex had a terrible stomach ache/pain after eating a kilo of black currants. 2. We had lamb chops for our main/basic course. 3. Having a milky drink before bedtime can help cure/heal istomnia ( бессонница ). 4. There is a terrible smell of rotten/sour eggs! 5. The doctor gave Peter a prescription/recipe for indigestion ( расстройствожелудка ) tablets. 6. Her daughter was treated/cured for pneumonia.

II. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb to give . Fill in: off, up, away, back.

1. Has Alice decided to give . smoking? 2. I will give . this book to you in some days. 3.Something in the fridge is giving . a horrible smell. Don’t you feel? 4. Is this the pear necklace ( ожерелье ) that your granny gave . you.

III. Fill the correct prefixes .

1. The meat was . cooked, so it didn’t taste very nice. 2. With what organizations their firm . -operate? 3. People from all over the world live in France. It’s a very . national country. 4. Where is the nearest . market in this district? 5. It will be the . constraction of our theatre.

1. It is difficult for my granny to cope . pressure. 2. Don’t worry. Your dad is recovering . his operation. 3. My dietician ( диетолог ) advises me . eating fatty foods. 4. You should go to the dentist. Don’t suffer . toothache. 5. Keeping to a strict diet can result . health problems.

V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. We will leave without her if she . (arrive) late. 2. I wish I . (remember) to buy some bread. Now I have to go out again. 3. If I were you I . (stop) eating so much fatty food. 4. Nora . (go) to the beach if it wasn’t raning (the weather was nice). 5. You wouldn’t have got lost ( потеряться ) if you . follow my directions! 6. If you . (study) more, you would be able to pass the exam.

VI. Choose the correct response (a-f) to the statements (1-5). There is one statement that you do not need to use.

1. How about going out tonight? a. Actually, I have.

2. You are looking very well! b. I’m not sure if it’ll work.

3. I’m not feeling well. c. I haven’t had a good sleep

4. Have you lost some weight? d. That would be really great!

5. You look a bit pale. e. Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon.

f. Thank you! So are you.

I. Use the correct word .

1. Alex learns/teaches me how to use this new programme. 2. Sophie has trouble/problem with her digital camera. 3. I will have to go back home to bring/fetch my guarentee certificate. 4.Edison discovered/invented the light bulb. 5. The reason/cause of the power cut ( сокращение , снижение ) was a short circuit ( электрическаяцепь ).

II. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb to bring . Fill in: up, about, back, on .

1. Recent advances ( продвижение , успех ) in technology have brought . great changes in our life. 2. Why do you look upset? What brough that . 3. Helen hasn’t got parents. Her grandparents bring her . . 4.Stephen brought . the tools ( инструменты ) he had borrowed from me yesterday.

III . Fill in: on, at, in, under, out of .

1. I can’t work well . pressure. 2. Tom couldn’t decide what to buy so . the end he bought nothing. 3. Something is wrong with my mobile phone. It is . order again. 4. Jane is . the phone . She wants to talk to Dad. 5. Ann wasn’t sure of her feelings . first but now she loves him.

IV . Form verbs from the words in brackets .

1. Why do you want to . your new skirt. ( short ) 2. We need to . the filing systems. It makes our work easier. ( computer) 3. My father wants to . the farm. He is going to buy some areas around it. ( large ) 4. The management ( дирекция , администрация ) of our firm has . security. ( tight ) 5. Software designers . the safety of all data ( данные ). ( sure )

V. Turn the following statements into reported speech .

1. Bob said:»I live in London.» 2. Lara said:»I can’t swim.» 3. Nelly asked:»Will you help me solve that problem?» 4. Jane asked:»Where did they dump ( сваливать , выгружать ) all that wast?» 5. «Don’t stay long in the direct sunlight,» Polly told Caroline. 6. Mary said to David: «Look at the rainbow!»

VI. Choose the correct response .

1. I’ve got the job! a) Of course, not! b)That’s great! Well done.

2. You are looking very well. a) Thanks, so am I. b) Thanks, so are you.

3. Would it be possible to speak to the manager? a) Yes, just a moment, please.

b) Yes, he doesn’t mind.

4. Could I get this digital camcorder repaired? a) Yes, I think so. b) No, of course not.

5. Do you think I could exchange it for another one? a) Yes, I can. b) That’s no problem at all.



VII. Translate into English:

1) плита, которая работает за счет электричества

2) убежать из дома

3) быть вредным для окружающей среды

4) случайно встретиться с давним знакомым

5) находиться под угрозой исчезновения

6) являться сторонником «зеленого» движения

  1. Fill in the correct word from the list below (there are some extra words):

 Habitat, encourage, prevent, extinct, conservation, release, adoption, rubbish, threatening, reduce, cut down on, deforestation

  1. The problem of ______________ is caused by cutting down and burning trees.
  2. Our society is producing too much packaging and food waste which ends up on the ______________ tip.
  3. When the last animal of a certain species dies, that species becomes _____________.
  4. Many animals find it more and more difficult to survive as their natural ______________ is destroyed.
  5. Factories and cars _______________ poisonous chemicals into the air.
  6. _______________ groups try to protect animals and the places where they live.
  7. Pollution is _______________the lives of many animals.
  8. Several environmental groups are working to _______________ the world’s rainforests from being destroyed.

B. Fill in: consumption, change, issues, station, habitats, warming, species, heap

  1. environmental …
  2. compost …
  3. global …
  4. climate …
  5. endangered …
  6. natural …
  7. power  …
  8. energy …

I.Match the words to form phrases.

  1. energy                 a. peelings
  2. power                  b. packaging
  3. global                  c. consumption
  4. excessive             d. station
  5. vegetable             e. warming

I.Match the words to form phrases.

  1. compost                a. effects
  2. conservation         b. habitats
  3. negative                c. programme
  4. modern                 d. heap
  5. wildlife                 e. transportation
  1. A) Match the words to form the phrases:
  1. energy                a  peelings
  2. power                 b  transportation
  3. global                c  station
  4. excessive           d  habitats
  5. vegetable           e  heap
  6. compost             f   consumption
  7. conservation      g  effects
  8. negative             h warming
  9. modern               i packaging
  10. wildlife              j  programme

B) Use the phrases in Ex.1a to complete the sentences below.

1) The invention of _____ has created a lot of traffic congestions.

2) Temperatures are rising all over the planet because of _____ .

3) My local zoos runs a _____ for most of their endangered species.

4) Whenever I cook I always put the _____ into a separate bin just for organic waste.

5) Tell me about the _____ poisonous gases have on the environment.

6) There is more than one nuclear _____ near where I live.

7) We should all try to protect the _____ in the areas we live.

8) Do you know you can put the eggshells on the ______?

9) What is the _____ level of this oven?

10) There is always _____ when you buy electronic items.

  1. Fill in: come up with, throw away, switch off, turn down, put on, cut down on.
  • Make sure you _____ all the lights before you leave.
  • You should _____ a jumper rather than turn the heating on.
  • Don’t _____ those glass bottles. They can be recycled.
  • We must try to _____ the amount of electricity we use.
  • I like to _____ the heating at night. It helps me to sleep better.
  • We must _____ a way to use less paper.

Task 2. Use the words from the word bank to fill in the blanks in the text.

Environmental (1) _________ is of a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of (2) _________ security should be taken. Some progress has been already made in this direction. As many as 159 countries — members of the UNO — have set up (3) ___________ protection agencies. Numerous (4) __________ have been held by these agencies to discuss problems (5) __________ ecologically poor regions including the Aral (6) _________, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl. An international environmental research centre has been set up on Lake Baikal. The (7) __________ organization Greenpeace is also doing much to (8) ___________ the environment. But these are only the initial (9) ______ and they must be carried onward to protect (10) ________, to save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but (11) _________ for the (12) ________ generations.  













II. Use the words to complete the gaps.

replacing, congestion, campaign, encourage, energy, ban, switching, emissions

For many years the traffic in our town has been getting busier and busier. It has become a huge environmental problem because of all carbon (1)…….  produced by the vehicles. One group of environmentalists have started a (2) ……… to do something about it. They want to (3) ……… certain vehicles from the roads during times of high (4) ……… and (5) ……… people to use public transport. They want people to understand that by (6) ………. from a form of transport that uses a lot of (7) …….. and (8) ………. it with one that uses less, they will be doing their part to help save the planet.

III. Fill in: release, reduce, adopt, reusable, endangered species, turn down, wildlife, throw away, amount, congest.

1) Try to reuse things as much as possible so as to … waste.

2) Unfortunately, there are still many factories which … toxic gases into the air.

3) Instead of wrapping food in silver paper it’s better to use a … box.

4) When you … an animal you help the zoo care for it.

5) My local zoo runs a conservation programme for most of their … .

6) Washing machines use a large … of water.

7) Public transport and cars create a lot of traffic on the roads and … city centres.

8) Don’t … those glass bottles, they can be recycled.

9) I like to … the heating at night. It helps me to sleep better.

            10) We should all try to protect the … habitats in the area where we live.

  1. Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

1. I ran … Alex on my way to work.

A) onto                   B) into                  C) to

2. Mark … money to environmental organizations.

A) congests          B) donates         C) increases

3.Cars run … gas.                          

 A) with               B) on                C) in

4. Try to reuse things as much as possible so as to … waste.

A) save                 B) eliminate               C)protect

5. Washing machines use a large … of water            

A) amount           B) crop             C) emission

6. We are supporters … WWF.

A) about                B) at                   C) of

7. When you go shopping, make sure you … to the shopping list

A) stay                B) save                        C) keep

8. You have to cut … the amount of paper you use.

A) down on           B) out on          C) up to

9. Switch of the lights to … energy.

A) protect           B) release          C) save

10. Don’t throw this  jar away; I can use it to … different things.

A) protect                  B) eliminate        C) store

 11. Hang the cage higher to protect  the canary … the cat.

A) from               B) out of            C) under

12. What can I do to … the environment?

A) protect             B) release           C) save

13. There are still many factories that …toxic   gases into the air.

A) eliminate            B) release          C) store

14. It’s really easy  to make a compost … in  your garden.

A) home                  B) heap                 C) hill

15. We’ve run … sugar.

A) of                      B) from                   C) out of

  1. Fill in the correct word from the list below (there are some extra words):

 Habitat, encourage, prevent, extinct, conservation, release, adoption, rubbish, threatening, reduce

 cut down on, deforestation

  1. The problem of ______________ is caused by cutting down and burning trees. (disappearing of forests)
  2. Our society is producing too much packaging and food waste which ends up on the ______________ tip. (litter)
  3. When the last animal of a certain species dies, that species becomes _______________. (no longer in existence)
  4. Many animals find it more and more difficult to survive as their natural ______________ is destroyed. (home)
  5. Factories and cars _______________ poisonous chemicals into the air. (emit)
  6. _______________ groups try to protect animals and the places where they live. (environmental protection)
  7. Pollution is _______________the lives of many animals. (endangering)
  8. Several environmental groups are working to _______________ the world’s rainforests from being destroyed. (stop)

Word formation

VI. Make these adjectives negative using prefixes UN-; IL-; IM-; IR-; DIS-; MIS-; IN-. 

1. It is ____________ for you to finish the project on time. POSSIBLE

2. I believe your friend Mark is being ___________. HONEST

3. My brother Joseph can be __________ at times. RESPONSIBLE

4. Mr. Hall was an ___________ biologist and nobody really learnt much from his classes. SUCCESSFUL

5. You shouldn’t attend the wedding wearing ________ clothes. FORMAL

6. The dreadful earthquake has caused an ___________ situation to the local residents. PLEASANT

7. It would be __________ of me to pretend enjoying going out with David. POLITE

8. There is no doubt that cannabis will remain an _____________ drug for the foreseeable future. LEGAL

9. Mum punished me for leaving the front door ____________. LOCKED

10. I’m afraid you __________ what I was referring to. UNDERSTAND

Form the correct negative forms from the words bellow.

  1. 9.Polite, 10. perfect, 11.clear, 12. care,, 14.lucky, 15. understand,


  1.  Choose the correct modal verb.
  1. I found a briefcase on the train. – You ought to/can take it to the police station as soon as possible.
  2.  Did you get some money from the bank? – No, I didn’t need to/needn’t. I had enough in my wallet.
  3.  Sorry, I’m late. – You might/should wear a watch.
  4.  I wonder if Paul and Jim have got lost. – They can’t/mustn’t have got lost because I gave them a map.
  5.  Could/Would I use your mobile phone, please? – Yes, of course.
  6.  We mustn’t/needn’t go shopping this week, we’ve got plenty of food.
  7.  When shall I visit you next? – You can/might call in tomorrow if you like.  
  1. Paraphrase the following sentences using modal verbs.

16. It isn’t necessary for him to take the exam again.

17. I’m sure Terry isn’t at the office.

18. It is possible that Jane will call me this evening.

19. You aren’t allowed to eat and drink in the classroom.

20. We are obliged to clock in and out every day.

21. Would you like me to do anything to help?

22. Sam managed to reach the top of the mountain after climbing for several hours.

23. How about throwing a party on your birthday.

Choose the correct word.

17. Can/Should I ask you a question?

18. Will/Shall we go out for lunch today?

19. You must/shouldn’t stay at home if you are ill.

20. Tommy can’t/couldn’t tell the time when he was a baby.

21. My book can’t/mustn’t be in the house. I’ve looked everything.

22. You haven’t/needn’t clean the windows. I’ve already done them.

23. Sam left late for the airport this morning. He should/could have missed his flight.

Complete the sentences using:  must, mustn’t, (don’t) have to, can’t, ought to, should(n’t).

  1.  This is an old-fashioned school. All students … wear a uniform.
  2.  You … throw away all this paper. It can be recycled.
  3.  You look very pale. You … take some aspirin and go to bed.
  4.  Look at this phone bill! I really … try to make fewer phone calls.
  5.  You … walk the dog again. John walked him an hour ago.
  6. I’m afraid you … park here.
  7. I can’t meet my friends in the evening because I … do my homework.
  8. You … take all this waste paper to the recycling bin.

Task 4.  Fill in the blanks with MUST / MUSTN’T / CAN / CAN’T / COULDN’T / HAD TO / DON’T HAVE TO/ SHOULD / SHOULDN’T

  1. I _________ clean my teeth. I want to be healthy.
  2. We ________ go to the seaside at last. Our holidays start next week.
  3. You ________ smoke so much. It’s bad for your health.
  4. He ________ enter this room. It is dangerous.
  5. She looks pretty sick. I think she ________ go to a doctor.
  6. I ________ believe that you failed your test!
  7. You __________ remember what I said to you. It’s very important.
  8. I have just ordered some pizza. You _________ cook anything tonight.
  9. I’m sorry I ________ come yesterday. I _________ visit a very important client.

 Write   down the proper  word.

1. You look very pale. You should/can take some aspirin and go to bed.

2. You don’t have to/shouldn’t walk the dog again. John walked him an hour ago.

3. You can’t/don’t have to enter this room; it’s for staff only.

4. You ought to/have to reuse plastic and paper bags; don’t throw them away.

5. This is an old-fashioned school. All students can/must wear a uniform.

6.  I can’t meet my friends in the evening because I have to/can do my homework.

7. You can/should take all this waste paper to the recycling bin.

8. Would you like   some dessert/desert?

9. You can’t/mustn’t be loud during the lesson.

10. I’m afraid  you can’t/mustn’t park here.

11. Polar bears are under/in threat because of climate change.

12. You can’t/had better not buy this tinned food; it’s genetically

13. We mustn’t/don’t have to go swimming at this beach; sea turtles lay their eggs here.

14. When you travel, you must/should try to stay at environmentally friendly hotels.

15. I don’t think animals should be kept at/in captivity.

16. These trousers are very loose/lose on you. Get a smaller size.

17. He wastes so much energy; he ought to/has to at least switch off the lights when he leaves the room.

18. Polar bears are under/in threat because of climate change.

19. Climate change affects/effects the whole world.13. A lot of animal species are under/in danger of extinction.

20. I must/can’t do something   to help the environment but I don’t know what.

IV. Choose the correct modal verb.

1) I found a briefcase on the train. – You ought to/can take it to the police station as soon as possible.

2) Sorry, I’m late. – You might/should wear a watch.

3) I wonder if Paul and Jim have got lost. – They can’t/mustn’t have got lost because I gave them a map.

4) Could/Would I use your mobile phone, please? – Yes, of course.

5) We mustn’t/needn’t go shopping this week, we’ve got plenty of food.

6) When shall I visit you next? – You can/might call in tomorrow if you like.  

7) Should/May I borrow your book, please?

8) You mustn’t/shouldn’t park your car on double yellow lines.

9) You shouldn’t/mustn’t be so rude with Mary, she is very sensitive.

10) You should/must obey the laws, or you will get in jail.

11) May/must I call you next week, please?

12) It might/should rain tomorrow. You should take an umbrella with you.

13) You must be/should be exhausted after all your hard work.

IV. Choose the correct modal verb.

1) Sorry, I’m late. – You might/should wear a watch.

2) I found a briefcase on the train. – You ought to/can take it to the police station as soon as possible.

3) We mustn’t/needn’t go shopping this week, we’ve got plenty of food.

4) Could/Would I use your mobile phone, please? – Yes, of course.

5) I wonder if Paul and Jim have got lost. – They can’t/mustn’t have got lost because I gave them a map.

6) When shall I visit you next? – You can/might call in tomorrow if you like.  

7) Should/May I borrow your pen, please?

8)  I have to/could go to the grocery store. My fridge is empty.

9) You must/ought to be very hungry. Would you like an apple?

10) Could/Should you pass me some sugar?  I like sweet tea.

11) You must be/can’t be very proud of your son he is a champion.

12) She mustn’t/shouldn’t stay in bed all day unless she is ill.

13) Susan has broken her leg. She can’t/have to walk now.

  1. Choose the correct word.
  1. Could/Should you turn on the light? It’s getting dark in here.
  2. You must/may be joking. No one could eat so many cakes.
  3. I think you might/ought to see a dentist.
  4. It’s Sunday tomorrow. You mustn’t/needn’t wake up early.
  5. Should/May I borrow the car tonight, please?
  6.  That mustn’t/can’t be his mother. She looks so young.
  7. I might/can come later but I’m not sure.
  8. You must/ought to be very tired. Do you want to sleep for a while?
  9. I have to/could go to the bank. I’m out of money.
  10. You must/ought to respect the elderly.
  1. Fill in: must, mustn’t, can, can’t, needn’t, have to.
  1.  A: Would you like to come out with us tonight?

B: Oh, I can’t. I ____ study for my exams.

  1. A: You ____ feed the animals in the zoo.

B: I’m really sorry.

  1. A: Guess what! I’ve just won a holiday to Bali.

B: No way! You ____ be joking.

  1. A: I’m not feeling well.

B: You _____ see a doctor.

  1. A: Look! It’s Frank.

B: It _____ be. He said he was staying in tonight.

  1. A: This article says people are wasting far too much electricity.

B: That’s why we _____ all try to save energy in the home.

  1. A: You ____ go now if you want to.

B: Thanks. See you tomorrow.

  1. A: How about a game of chess?

B: Sorry, but I _____ finish my homework first.

  1. A: Would you like me to pick you up later?

B: No, you _____ bother. I’ll get the bus.

  1. A: Excuse me, sir. You _____ use your mobile phone in here.

B: Oh, I’m sorry.

  1. Tick the correct item as in the example:

  1. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use from two to five words.
  1. Perhaps they will come round tonight.

may  They ………………………………………………………….tonight.

  1. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?

have  You ………………………………………you were coming.

  1. You are forbidden to take out library books without permission.

        not  You …………………………………………… books without permission.

  1. I’ m sure he didn’t know that I was leaving.

have  He …………………………………………that I was leaving.

  1. Residents are obliged to recycle cans, bottles and newspapers.

to   Residents ……………………………..……….. cans, bottles and newspapers.

  1. It’s not necessary for us to book a table in advance.

        need  We …………………………………………..… a table in advance.

  1. It’s a good idea to thank your grandmother for her lovely gift.

        ought  You …………………………………………… grandmother for her lovely gift.

Exam focus

  1. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use from two to five words.
  1. Perhaps they will come round tonight.

may  They …………………………………………….tonight.

  1. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?

have  You ………………………………………you were coming.

  1. You are forbidden to take out library books without permission.

        not  You ……………………………… books without permission.

  1. I’ m sure he didn’t know that I was leaving.

have  He …………………………………………that I was leaving.

  1. Residents are obliged to recycle cans, bottles and newspapers.

to   Residents ……………………….. cans, bottles and newspapers.

  1. It’s not necessary for us to book a table in advance.

        need  We …………………………………..… a table in advance.

  1. It’s a good idea to thank your grandmother for her lovely gift.

        ought  You ………………………… grandmother for her lovely gift.

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold.

  1. 32. I advise you to take a course in literature.
  2. Should         You … in literature.
  3. 33. It is possible that the police are questioning him.
  4. May                 The police … him.
  5. 34. You mustn’t throw litter in the park.
  6. Allowed          You … litter in the park.
  7. 35. Something must be done to protect seals.
  8.         Need                 We … protect seals.

VIII. Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–E и заголовками 1–6. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.












Leisure Holiday


The early history of Canada is a story of fish and fur. But after the World War II, Canada began to develop its own industries, such as producing cars and airoplanes. Today, Canada is the largest producer of nickel. It supplies the world with iron and copper as well as wood, paper, oil, gold and silver. Canada now has moved swiftly with research and development in fibre optics and communications.


Canada has a reputation for being a mosaic of world cultures. About 40% of Canadians are of British origin. French descendants of the French adventurers live in Quebec. The French language they speak is unique. Words, grammar and even pronunciation still have connections with seventeenth-century French. Canada’s third-largest ethnic group is German. Then come Italians, Ukrainians, Dutch, Greeks and Polish. Toronto, the centre for international immigration, is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world.


With so much winter and snow, it is not surprising that Canadians are good at winter sports. Ice hockey (simply called hockey) is a national pastime and it is so popular that it is more of a religion than a sport. This is especially true in Quebec, home of the Monreal Canadiens, one of the most successful professional sports teams anywhere. Other popular spectator sports include curling and football. The official national summer sport is lacrosse.


Canada’s two official languages are English and French. They are the mother tongue of 60% and 23% of the population respectively. You can notice the both languages on highway signs, maps, tourists’ leaflets and all types of packaging. Canadian English contains elements of British English and American English in its vocabulary. The five most widely-spoken non-official languages are Chinese, Punjubi, Spanish, Italian and Arabic.


The school summer vacations are from the end of June to the early September. On the first Monday of September the Canadians have Labour Day. Originally, it was an occasion to celebrate workers’ rights. Nowadays this holiday is, first of all, an opportunity to spend time in the countryside, or have picnics or other outdoor activities with family and friends. For students, the Labour Day is the last chance to have a party before the new academic year.

Prepositions/phrasal verbs

  1.  Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
  1. Yesterday we ran … Tim on our way to the cinema.

A onto         B to                 C into

  1. My friend is an avid supporter … Greenpeace.

A of                 B about         C at

  1. This car runs … unleaded petrol.

A with         B in                 C on

  1. . He has almost run … this old lady!

A into         B over         C on

  1. I feel strongly … recycling.

A on                 B about         C in

Task 1. Choose the correct preposition (ON, OUT, INTO, AWAY FROM, OVER) to complete each of the following sentences:

  1. Rodney nearly ran ________ an old lady while he was driving his car.
  2. Because of global warming, it’s very important that we try to stop using cars and other vehicles that run ________ petrol or gasoline.
  3. We’ve run ________ of sugar. Could you, please, buy some more?
  4. We ran ________ your brother at the mall last night.
  5. We can’t run _______ the facts.

V. Choose the correct preposition (ON, OUT OF, INTO, AWAY FROM, OVER) to complete each of the following sentences:

1.        He almost ran ________ the neighbours’ cat!

2.        A lot of cars in Russia run _______ natural gas.

3.        We’ve run ________ petrol. We need to find a petrol station.

4.        Guess what? I ran _____ Susie at the library today.

5.        We can’t run _______ the facts.

Fill in the correct prepositions: away from, on, out of, into, over.

1)  I ran _____ Mike yesterday on my way to work.

2) We’ve run _____ sugar.

3) Cars run _____ gas.

4) He was so unhappy that he tried to run _____ from school.

5) Slow down the car, you might run someone _____.

6) If you run _____ money, call us and we will help you.

7) We can’t run _____ the facts.


Match the words to form phrases:

  1. energy                a  peelings
  2. power                 b  transportation
  3. global                c  station
  4. excessive           d  habitats
  5. vegetable           e  heap
  6. compost             f   consumption
  7. conservation      g  effects
  8. negative             h warming
  9. modern               i packaging
  10. wildlife              j  programme


Translate the phrases:

  1. лишняя упаковка
  2. компостная ямакуча
  3. потребление воды
  4. бумажные отходы
  5. очистки от овощей
  1. электростанция
  2. глобальное потепление
  3. бумага для письма
  4. старые консервные банки
  5. обувная коробка


Fill in: throw away, switch off, turn down, put on, cut down on.

  • Make sure you _____ all the lights before you leave.
  • You should _____ a jumper rather than turn the heating on.
  • Don’t _____ those glass bottles. They can be recycled.
  • We must try to _____ the amount of electricity we use.
  • I like to _____ the heating at night. It helps me to sleep better.

10 (Английский в фокусе. 10
Учебник. Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж., Михеева И.В. и др

check: Module 4    Vocabulary / Grammar   

1.      Fill
in: environmental, vegetable, global, climate, adoption, natural, power (one is

1)   ……….change                       
4) ……..habitat

2)   ……….warming                    
5)  …….certificate

3)   ………awareness                  
6) ……..station

2.      Choose
the correct word to complete the sentences.

release    store    eliminate  protect   

1.    Switch off the
light to… energy.

2.    Try to reuse
things as much as possible so as to … waste

3.    There are many
factories that … toxic gases into the air.

4.    Don’t throw this
jar away; I can use it to … different things.

5.    What can I do
to  …. the environment.

3.      Choose
the correct answer A B or C.

1.   Washing
machine use a large  …. of water.

emission       B. amount          C.  crop

2.   Make
sure you…. all the lights before you leave.

 throw away   B. switch off   C.   put on

3.   Don’t
….. those glass bottles. They can be recycle

cut down on  B. turn down  C. throw away

4.   At
the supermarket … buying things you do not need.

buy       B.   pack    C. avoid

5.   …
friends to cut down on household waste.

swap   B. encourage   C. create

4.      Choose
the correct preposition     on         out of       into     over      away

1.    He
almost run …. the old lady.

2.    The
robber tried to run … the police.

3.     Most
cars run … unleaded petrol.

4.    I
ran … Tom in the library last weekend.

5.    I
hope we won’t run … water before you find the will.

5.      Choose
the correct item.

1.   We
mustn’t/don’t have to touch wires! It’s dangerous.

2.   You
can’t/shouldn’t buy this tinned food; it’s genetically modified.

3.   You
can’t/don’t have to enter this room; it’s staff only.

4.   I
might/ought to come late but I’m not sure.

5.   Should/May 
I borrow your pen, please?

6.   You
must/should be very tired. Do you want to sleep?

6.      Rewrite
sentences so that it has a similar meaning and contain the world in bold.

1.   It’s
not necessary for us to go to school tomorrow.  HAVE

2.   It’s
forbidden to park here.   MUST

3.   It’s
not a good idea to drink that water. SHOULD

4.   My
friend is good at playing the guitar.  CAN

5.   I’m
sure he is a very rich man.  MUST

6.   Maybe
they’ll turn up later.  MIGHT

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