Use the correct word from the box to complete each questions

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: molli75


Автор ответа: thebestamigo



  1. Is your name Ingrid?
  2. Are Isabel and Luis from Spain?
  3. Are you a programmer?
  4. Are you and Tom in Marketing?
  5. Am I in Room 16 tomorrow?

Предыдущий вопрос

Следующий вопрос

Интересные вопросы

Предмет: Математика,
автор: vladikudalcov96

Сколько в литре кг? ​

4 года назад

Предмет: Алгебра,
автор: Аноним

11. Найдите корни уравнения: а) – 5х – 24 = 0; в) 0,5х2 + 2х + 2 = 0; б) х2 – 13х + 42 = 0; г) 0,1х2 – 0,6х + 0,9 = 0. б​

4 года назад

Предмет: Алгебра,
автор: Аноним

Сравните числа m и n если разница m-n ровна 1)-18 2)1.7 3)0 дайте полный ответ​

4 года назад

Предмет: Физика,
автор: roypavel2002

Только номер два……

6 лет назад

Предмет: Физика,
автор: ssuvorova2015

Как изменится движение пули, если на ее пути встретится доска, которую она пробивает? Сохранится ли при этом кинетическая энергия пули? Не противоречит ли закону сохранения энергии изменение кинетической энергии пули при пробивании доски?

6 лет назад

Вставить недостающее слово в предложение

  • #

    3 января 2018, 17:22

    Не могу справиться с заданием.
    Beat the spellchecker! Use the correct word from the box to complete each of
    the sentences below.
    Is is (x2) from football are
    4 Olympic Airways Greek?

  • #

    3 января 2018, 19:50

    Где список слов. которые надо вставлять?

    Где предложения, в которые надо вставлять слова из списка?

  • #

    3 января 2018, 22:26

    Я наверное неправильно выразилась.
    Не завершенное вопросительное предложение — Olympic Airways Greek?
    Варианты слов:
    — Is;
    — from;
    — are.
    Из шести заданных предложений не могу разобраться только с этим.
    Мой вариант Olympic Airways is Greek? Правильно?
    Для справки — Греческая национальная авиакомпания Olympic Airways была создана 6 апреля 1957 года при участии миллиардера Аристотеля Онассиса. В 2003 году компания была реорганизована и получила новое имя — Olympic Airlines. Спасибо

  • #

    4 января 2018, 12:08

    Если вопросительное, то глагол ставим перед подлежащим:
    Are you a student?
    Is Olympic Airways Greek?

  • #

    5 января 2018, 15:06

At the ticket office


need to change my   booking.


there a direct  seat?

At the
check-in desk


I take this as hand  Bill?

In a taxi


take me to the city centre


I have a ,   please ?

At the

8 I have
a   reservation         for two nights .My name’s Burkhard

9 Can I
have an alarm      call    at

10 I am
checking out today .Can I have the  luggage    ,
please ?

11 Can I
have the    password    for the Wi-Fi ,please?

1.1.3 Now
open your Market Leader book on page 45 and develop exercises

A to G on
eating out matters.

A Choose
the odd  one out in each group of food
words below.Use the words from the box to explain you answers

        Fish      Fruit    meat    
vegetable     seafood

Salomon              tuna             cod          onion      onion:
it is a kind of vegetable

2 beef                      apple           lamb        chicken  
apple :it is a kind of fruit

carrots                  peas           trout          broccoli   Trout
:it is a kind of fish

4 veal                      grapes          cherries    peaches  Veal:
it is a kind  of meat

cabbage              prawns          cauliflower   aubergine Gambas: it is of  seafood

B  look at these words for parts of a menu .
write the dishes from the box on the left under the correct headings.

         Soup        steak    Pate   
Salad   Ice 
Cream    Grilled  fish fruit chocolate mousse

         Spring rolls   tiramisu  
cheesecake pork roast duck mutton prawn cocktail    beff 

         apple    pie   
stuffed     mushrooms


Main course




Ice cream


Grilled fish

Chocolate mousse


Spring rolls





Apple pie

Roast duck



Beff stew

Stuffed mushrooms

C  think of some unusual food from your country
or a country you have visited. How can you describe it?

In Colombia
there are several curious dishes like those in the departments of Santander,
Amazon, the Atlantic coast, villavicencio, Cauca, Here I characteristics of
starter, main course and dessert.

Soup neonalo beef is representative in the department of Cauca, is flavored
with garlic, onions and roasted peanuts, and is served with corn bread and aji
pineapple or stew

Course: culonas ants is the representative in the department of Santander,
these are insects living roasted and seasoned with salt and savored by the
people, is mojojoy tradition of the Amazon, can be eaten raw, fried or grilled
wing, Turtle Stew is tradition of the Atlantic coast prepares boiled with
tomato, onion and coconut milk, guinea pig roast is the tradition of grass is
eaten roasted with salt, the capybara is the preferred meat Villavicencio and
armadillo known as the flesh of the seven flavors is eaten roasted, fried or

Gelatin is representative in the leg is extended Cauca Paw res is a typical
delicacy of Colombia

D Choose
the correct word to complete each of these sentences

1 You ask
for the receipt/menu at
the start of a meal

2 You Ask
for the check /bill at
the end of a meal in London

3 You Ask
for the check / bill at
the end of a meal in new york

4 You Ask
for the tip / receipt
after you pay

 A Use words from the box to complete the Dart leaflet below



   Free   Period 
 Price    Save

Join our Car Hire Gold Club Today


Save   up to 50% on
selected models


Three days for the  price  of two


   period    Insurance and unlimited mileage


Extra 10%   discount   until 
the end of july


For a limited   free      only

B Decide Whether sentences about the Dart leaflet are
True (T) or False (F)

     1 There is
an extra cost for insurance .F


The customer can get some deals for half price T


The Price is cheaper if the customer is quick T


The offer is for the whole year F


Gold Club members have a choice of reward  


Gold Club members get their receipt by express post  T

C Rewrite the false statements in Exercise B to make
them true


There is no extra cost for insurance

2 The offer is no for the whole year

1.2.2 Open your Market Leader book on pages 38 and 39: Develop exercises
A to F of Language Focus 1.

A Ask people in
your class about the languages people can speak

A : Can you speak

B : No,I can’t

andrea can you speak French? no, I can not french

sonia can you speak English? yes, I can speak English

sebastian can you speak Spanish? yes, I can speak

jose can speak Italian? I can not speak Italian

Giovanny can speak mandarin? I can not speak mandarin

Alvaro can speak Arabic? I can not speak Arabic

Work in pairs ,
try to remember the languages people can and can’t speak

In Colombia people can speak Spanish and can usually
speak English it is necessary to ask in universities and colleges, but people
can hardly speak the language very well, and 25% can speak French but find it
difficult, but people say that English is the hardest to pronounce. The other
languages ​​such as Mandarin, Arabic, Portuguese, and other languages ​​are not
able to speak.

B Put this dialogue
into the correct order

Paul: Hi, Judith                                                                                    

Judith: Well, I
can’t do Thursday, but Friday is ok                                                 

Paul: Paul Robinson speaking                                                     

Judith: Oh, hello, Paul. This is
Judith Preiss here                                                     (2)

Paul: I’m sorry, Judith, I can’t
but I can make Thursdays or Friday                         (5)  

Judith: Paul, I’m
calling about that meeting. Can you make next Wednesday?      (4)

Paul: of course.
I can pick you up from the station if you like                                  (9)      

Judith: Ten o’clock fine. Oh, and can
I bring my colleague. Sabrina? You met her at the  conference                                                                                                                        (8)

Paul:  Ok.Friday it is .Can we meet in the morning-say 10
o’clock?                        (7)

Judith: Great. See you on
Friday. Bye                                                                     (10)

C Listen and check your answer

D Look at the dialogue in exercise B .Write questions beginning with can     

Can Judith and Paul meet on Friday?   

Can Judith and Paul meet on Wednesday?

can Judith on Thursday or Friday to attend the meeting?

can be found judith and Paul at 10:00 am on Friday?

 Can picked up at the station Pablo?      

Work in Pairs . Ask each other your questions. How much can you

A: Can Paul meet Judith on Wednesday?

B: No, he can’t

A : Can Judith and Paul meet on Friday?   

B: Yes, They can

A: can Judith on Thursday or Friday to attend the meeting?

B: Yes, She can the Friday

A: can be found Judith and Paul at 10:00 am on Friday?

B: Yes, They can

A: can pick and Sabrina Judith on Pablo station

B: Yes, he can 

F. Complete the e-mail that Judith writes to Sabrina about the

To :        Sabrina Monti

From:     Judith Preiss

Meeting with Paul Robinson


I called
Paul Robinson about the meeting .He says he 


 make it on Wednesday, but he 


can     at 10 o’clock .He says of course  you  can     come with me! And he    can    pick us up from the station.                 .


   You text me today and let me know if
Friday is still Ok for you? I don’t think we need to meet before Friday.


  go through my notes for the meeting on the

See You



1.2.3 Open your Market Leader book on page 41: Develop
exercises A to C of Language Focus 2.

A Complete these
sentences with the correct form of there
is or there are


It’s a very  small airport. there aren’t  any shops in the terminal


There is       A problem with my ticket?


    Any aisle seats available


There is    A stopover in Frankfurt


     Any flights to Zurich tonight?


I’m afraid there is    a flight to Warsaw this afternoon


 Two cafes in the terminal


  Any buses from the airport
to the city center?

B In Pairs, ask and answer questions about the
facilities at the Hilton Tokyo

A: Is there a Health club?          B: yes, there is

B: How many guest rooms are there?                        A: There are 808

A: in the hotel is there Jacuzzi and sauna for relax
24 hours ?                                                                           B: yes, there is

is there advice in the hotel
on places to visit?

B: yes, there is

are there different accesses
to technology and feel at home the guest?

B yes, there are

are there few meeting rooms?

B: there are 16 meeting rooms

there  a business center 24 hours?

B: yes, there is

C Work in pairs. Role –play this situation

Student A: See below                                         
Student B turn to page 139

Student A

Student B

you have new job abroad .student b lives there

ask him/her about these points

international school?

A: is there an international school?

B: Yes, there is a very good American School

good local transport

A: is there a good local transport?

there is and it’s very cheap

big supermarkets ?

A: are there big supermarkets?

B: No, but there are any lots small shops an a
market every day 

houses to rent with gardens ?

A: are there a houses to rent with gardens ?

B: Yes, there are ,but there are a more apartments

student b has a new job abroad .you live in that

use these notes to answer his / her questions

b: are there any good restaurants ?

A:yes ,there are lots of good local restaurants

B: Are there any cinemas ?

A:no,  there
are   any cinemas

B:Is there an swimming pool?

A :no there is , but you can swim in one of the

B: is there a tennis courts?

A: yes, there is 
tennis club with five courts

1.2.4 Now go over exercises A and B on page 47 of your Market
Leader book
 about some/any

A Tick (   ) the correct sentences .Correct the mistakes
in the other sentences

I’d like some any water


Could I have any more coffe,please?

Could I have some any more coffe,please?


Are there any restaurants near here ?


There isn’t some wine left

There isn’t any wine left


I’d like some cheese ,please.


Do you have any soft drinks?

Do you have some soft drinks?

B Choose the correct
words to complete this dialogue  

Mina: There are some /any
good restaurants in the center

Ivan: Yes, but there
isn’t some/any parking. We could go to the Texas Steakhouse near the

Mina: Do they serve
some/any vegetarian dishes?

Ivan: I don’t think
so.How about the marina? They do some / any great fish dishes, and they
have some / any vegetarian starters

Mina: Good idea ,I’ll see if
they’ve got a table for nine o’clock


1.2.5 Develop exercises A to C on page 48 of your Market Leader
 about countable and uncountable nouns

A Tick (     ) the countable nouns


Reservation  : COUNTABLE                            






Luggage    COUNTABLE




Suitcase   COUNTABLE

B Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Use a lot of, many or much


They don’t have much vegetarian dishes here  lot of /many


How many does it cost? Much


The restaurant hasn’t got much tables left  a lot of/many


I don’t have many time at the moment 
a lot of


I drink much coffee  a lot of /many


There aren’t much hotels in the city center   a lot of


It costs much money a lot of


I don’t want many spaghetti .there is ice cream for dessert a lot of /much

C Work in pairs .complete these questions with many or much. Then ask and answer the
questions with a partner.


A: How much cash do you
have in your wallet?

B: About 20 euros


A: How  many  phone
calls do you make a day?

6 calls per day


A :How many  people are there in your company?

B: 500 people


A: How much time do you
have for luch?

B: one hours


A: How  many holiday  do you
get a year?

B:one holidays


A: How much  fast-food restaurants are there where you

B: There are 7 restaurants f


A: How much water do you
drink a day?

B: two liters

1.2.6 Complete exercises A to D on page 55 and A to B on page 57 of
your Market Leader book.

A Listen to how the –ed  endings of these verbs are pronounced

1 saved; delivered /d/               2 launched; worked/t/               3 decided; visited/id/

   Started; lived  ,wanted     
        Finished, advised,                    invited

   Opened,                                     missed

B Listen and put these verbs into the correct group
from Exercise (1,2 or 3)

finished      advised   lived   
wanted  opened missed   booked 

Listen again and practice saying the verbs

C Complete this sales report .Use the past simple of the
verbs in brackets


Last December ,I visited  (visit),
our major customers from big department stores in South Korea.

I arrived  (arrive) in Seoul on Monday 5th
December .The next day ,I            (meet) Mrs. Kyoung Ai lee in Seoul.
On 7th December, I   made   (make) a presentation to Mrs. Lee’s
sales staff on our products and     advised  (advise)
them how to display them.

The following day, I   went    (go) to busan , and our agent  introduced       (introduce)  me to Mrs Ha , the chief buyer of a new
department store in the city..She   asked       (ask)
 me to send her 500 brochures. I     gived   (give)
her some samples of our products. I  flew   (fly) back to head office in Paris on
9th  December .

D Work in pairs. Take turns to describe a trip you made
for business or pleasure

Pag 57

A Underline the correct words to complete this article

Christian Sanchez graduated from Tufts University
at/on / in 2001 .With a
degree in chemistry. As part  of his
course ,he did an internship at Merck for/during/ in eight months. Alter his degree, Merck offered him a
permanent job as a chemical analyst  at
the company research centre in New Jersey. He Worked there in/From/for 2001 to 2003 .During/For on+his time at Merck ,Christian realised he
wanted to change career , so he decided to do an MBA.In/on/for May 2004,he started a two-year MBA at Stanford
University, Following his MBA ,he joined the sales team at Johnson and  Johnson  in/on/for
15th September 2006.Two years since/ago/last,
he became the Regional Sales Manager for the Ameicas.Last/First/Next month, he accepted an
exciting new job as Country Manager in Argentina

B Mikael Ohisson is the Ceo of furniture retailer Ikea.
Listen to an interview about his career and complete the missing information in
these notes,

Born : 27 th December ,1957

Education: Studied  
industrial   design and
    at Linkoping University

Career in Kea

        1979         Worked
as carpet salesman, Linkoping store ,Sweden

         1981        Became Store Manager Sundsvall,

1984-1988 Did management jobs in training and  marketing .

1988 Got a job in Belgium  as country Manager


 Worked as
Country Manager Canada


 Became Managing Director, Sweden

2000-2009   Was
regional Manager for  Southern Europe
and North America

Named Ceo

VOCABULARY  –  SPORT  AND  LEISURE   1. Complete  each  sentence  with  a  word  from  the  box.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) 1)

When  Brenda  entered  the  swimming  competition  she  bought  a  new costume I  learned  to  ride  a  horse  without  using  a  … Gemma  tried  to  hit  the  golf-­‐ball  with  her  …  ,  but  missed  it. After  the  tennis  match,  one  of  the  players  jumped  over  the  … Diana’s  bike  crashed  into  a  tree,  and  she  was  thrown  over  the  … A  mountain-­‐climber’s  life  may  depend  on  their  … Open-­‐air  skating  can  be  dangerous  if  the  …  is  too  thin. Peter  put  his  …  in  front  of  his  face  to  protect  himself  from  his  opponent’s punches. Suddenly  the  referee  blew  his  …  and  pointed  to  the  penalty  spot. Skiing  can  be  dangerous  if  you  don’t  wear  dark  … I  had  to  play  the  doubles  match  with  a  borrowed  … Terry  went  fishing  with  the  new  …  his  parents  gave  him.

2. Match  the  words  in  the  list  with  a  suitable  comment  (a/ h: billiard, crossword, embroidery, hiking, draughts, gambling, cards, model making a) Catherine  dealt,  and  gave  me  the  ace,  king  and  queen  of  hearts. cards b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

You  need  a  small  needle,  and  threads  of  different  colours I  couldn’t  do  ten  down,  so  I  used  the  dictionary Ian  glued  the  parts  together  wrongly  because  he  didn’t  read  the instructions. When  Ellen  is  losing,  she  knocks  the  pieces  off  the  board The  path  we  want  doesn’t  seem  to  be  on  the  map Nigel  missed  the  red,  and  put  the  pink  in  the  pocket  by  mistake. I  want  to  put  £20  on  ‘Ealing  Comedy’  to  win  in  the  4.30  at  York. 3. Underline  the  most  suitable  word.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

Sue  came  first  in  the  5000  metre  competition/game/race. Jack  and  Eddie  arranged  to  meet  outside  the  football  ground/field/pitch. Brenda  goes  jogging  every  morning  to  keep  exercised/fit/trained. Our  team  beat/defeated/won  the  match  by  two  goals  to  nil. The  local  stadium  isn’t  large  enough  for  so  many audience/viewers/spectators. I’m  afraid  I  don’t  find  basketball  very  interested/interesting. The  final  result  was  a/an  draw/equal/score. Norman  won  first  medal/prize/reward  in  the  cookery  competition. All  competitors/rivals/supporters  tor  the  race  should  make  their  way  to  the track. Collecting  matchboxes  is  Rebecca’s  favourite  leisure/occupation/pastime.

4. Replace  the  word  or  words  in  italics  in  each  sentence  with  a  word from  the  box. outdoors

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l)

record professionally

referee score


Mary  plays  tennis  as  a  way  of  earning  her  living professionally   Tomorrow’s  hockey  match  has  been  put  off  for  another  time In  motor  racing  last  year  William  Green  was  the  best  driver  of  all The  player  with  the  lowest  number  of  points  wins  the  game A  match  between  the  two  top  teams  has  been  fixed  for  next  month. I  like  going  swimming  in  my  free  time Jane  Briggs  was  the  runner-­‐up  in  the  100  metres  hurdles Who  is  the  player  in  charge  of  your  football  team? She  won  all  her  matches  this  season,  which  is  a  best  ever  performance. Charles  was  sent  off  for  punching  the  person  who  controls  the  match. We  decided  to  hold  this  year’s  dancing  competition  in  the  open  air Everyone  agreed  that  United  were  the  best  team 5. Use  the  word  given  in  capitals  at  the  end  of  each  line  to  form  a  word that  fits  in  the  space  in  the  same  line.

How  a  hobby  can  make  you  angry!   Recently  I  decided  to  take  up  (1)photography  as  a  hobby.   PHOTOGRAPH   I  like  taking  snaps,  but  I  am  not  very  (2)     SKILL   My  snaps  are  either  a  complete  (3)  for     FAIL     technical  reasons,  or  are  just  not  very  (4)   First   IMAGINE   I  decided  that  to  be  (5)   ,  I  would  have  to  buy  new   SUCCESS   equipment.  Just  then  I  had  an  (6)   piece  of  good   EXPECT     luck.  A  friend  who  works  in  a  camera  shop  said  she   could  sell  me  a  (7)   camera.  A  customer  had     VALUE   left  it  at  the  shop  to  be  repaired,  but  there  had  been   a  (8)   ,  and  it  was  actually  for  sale.   UNDERSTAND   I  thought  this  was  a  rather  (9)   explanation     BELIEF     and  so  I  asked  her  some  more  questions.  She  said   she  had  had  a  (10)   with  the  customer  and  he     AGREE   had  thrown  the  camera  at  her  because  she  disliked  his  photos!   6. Choose  the  most  suitable  word  or  phrase  to  complete  each  sentence. a) b) c) d) e) f)

Mary  stopped  swimming  and  just  B  on  the  surface. A) sank   B)  floated   C)  dived D) poured Jack  turned  the  last  corner  and  …  for  the  finishing  line. A) approached   B)  arrived   C)  waited   D)  headed David  was  trying  to  …  another  cyclist  when  he  crashed. A) overpass B) overcome   C)  overtake   D)  overcharge You  have  to  …  the  person  with  the  ball  until  you  catch  them. A) chase   B)  rush C) jump D) drop The  fans  climbed  over  the  fence  to  …  paying. A) avoid   B)  prevent   C)  abandon   D)  refuse I  fell  over  while  skiing  and  my  sister  had  to  …  a  doctor.

g) h) i) j)

A) bring   B)  take C) fetch D) carry It’s  very  easy  to  …  over  when  the  snow  is  hard. A) slide   B)  skid C) skate D) slip Don’t  …  the  road  until  all  the  runners  have  gone  by. A) pass   B)  cross C) across D) pass  by The  swimmers forward  as  they  waited  to  begin  the  race.   A) fell B) crawled   C)  rolled D) leaned When  I  was  hiking  in  the  mountains,  I   on  a  snake. A) tripped B) stepped   C)  surprised   D)  carried 7. Complete  each  sentence  with  a  word  from  the  box.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l)

After  Paul’s  leg  was  injured,  it  took  him  a  long  time  to  get  better Unfortunately  Sally  rode  her  bike  into  the  mud  and  got  … Before  the  race  I  went  to  the  stadium  to  get  … Some  of  the  competitors  got  …  because  of  the  thick  fog. I  tried  learning  to  do  embroidery  but  I  didn’t  get  … She  worked  on  her  stamp  collection  and  he  got  the  … I  didn’t  get  …  from  the  match  till  late  because  of  the  crowds. David  practised  hitting  the  golf  ball  until  he  got  it  … Kate  enjoyed  riding  the  horse  but  found  it  hard  to  get  … I  tried  to  phone  the  tennis  club  but  I  couldn’t  get  … We  have  a  great  time  whenever  our  rugby  team  gets  … I  can’t  get  …  to  playing  football  on  plastic  grass!

8. Rewrite  the  sentences  in  7  above  so  that  each  one  contains  one  of  the words  in  the   list,  and  does  not  contain  a  form  of  get: asnwer, dismount, perfected, strange, became, home, prepare, succeed, meets, recover, way. a) After    Paul’s    leg    was    injured,    it    took    him    along    time    to    recover. b)   c)   d)   e)   f)   g)   h)   i)   i)   k)   l)   9. Decide  which  answer  (A,  B,  C  or  D)  best  fits  each  space. Sport   Someone  once  said  that  there  are  three  kinds  of  people  who  are   (1)   C   in  sport:  people  who  (2)   part,  people  who  watch,  and   people  who  watch  (3)   television.  It’s  very  easy  to  make  fun  of  stay-­‐at-­‐home  

sports  (4)   ,  but  on  the  other  hand,  television  does  enable  us  to  enjoy  all  kinds  of   (5)   events.  We  can  watch  a  racing  car  (6)   another,  see  a  cyclist  (7)   the   finishing  line,  or  enjoy  the  goals  of  our  favourite  football  (8)   The  first  time  I   watched  a  tennis  (9)     was  on  television,  and  I  found  it  (10)   interesting.   It’s  not  always  easy  to  (11)   long  distances  to  football  (12)   ,  and   television  is  a  good  solution.  Of  course,  you  can  (13)   used  to  sitting  indoors  all   the  time,  and  this  is  dangerous.  We  should  all  try  to  (14)   fit,    and  have  other   interests  and  (15)  

1) A A A A A A A 8) A 9) A 10) A 11) A 12) A 13) A 14) A 15) A 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

playing take on people the cross overtake group match valuable trip areas or keep customs

B really B have B with B centres B future B overtake B and B class B it B imaginatively B tour B grounds B which B make B habits


interested make by programmes sports or cross band which unexpectedly pass teams get do pastimes


succeed get from fans athlete from professional team that real travel fans is have leisure


  • 0

Помогите решить!
1. When you come … the classroom, you can see rows … desks and a teachers table.
2. There are flowers … the pots … the window sills.
3. We go … college five days of a week.
4. … 7 o’clock exactly my alarm clock wakes me up.
5. … Thursdays we have an additional class … Computer Science.
6. Alexander leaves … the college and goes … home … bus.
7. The teacher writes … the board and we make notes … our exercise books.
8. … seminars you have to speak … the class.
9. … the college you can find a big garden.
10. … our reading room the students can take any book … the shelf and work … it … the desk.
11. I dont see a desk … the room. — Its built … the bookcase. When you pull this drawer, it turns into a desk.
12. … the hall there are laboratories … monitoring equipment.
13. The teachers table is next to the window.
14. … the middle … the room there is a glass table with documents displayed … the glass.
15. The ideal place … a flat-screen TV … my living room is the fireplace.Вместо … нужно подставить:for,by,in (7),on (3),into (2),to,from,over,at (3),of (3),in front of,under,behind,next to,with (2), across

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1. When you come ..into. the classroom, you can see rows .of desks and a teachers table.
2. There are flowers in. the pots .on.. the window sills.
3. We go college five days of a week.
4. .At.. 7 o’clock exactly my alarm clock wakes me up.
5. ..On. Thursdays we have an additional class ..
of . Computer Science.
6. Alexander leaves … the college and goes … home bus.
7. The teacher writes .on.. the board and we make notes .in.. our exercise books.
8. ..At. seminars you have to speak ..
in front of. the class.
9. ..
behind/next to. the college you can find a big garden.
10. ..In. our reading room the students can take any book ..
from,. the shelf and work .with.. it the desk.
11. I dont see a desk
in the room. — Its built into the bookcase. When you pull this drawer, it turns into a desk.
12. ..
. the hall there are laboratories .
with.. monitoring equipment.
13. The teachers table is next to the window.
14. .
in.. the middle .of.. the room there is a glass table with documents displayed ..under. the glass.
15. The ideal place
for a flat-screen TV .in. my living room is the

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