Use the correct word do you have any friends

  • 0

2. Use the correct word.

1) Do you know many foreign people? — No, I don’t. I know very (few / a few)

2) He has got (little / a little) time. He can play tennis.

3) We have got (little / a little) coffee. It’s not enough for all of us.

4) Tom has (little/ few) phones at home.

3. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns where necessary.

1. I will write it ….

2. He fell down and hurt ….

3. She is always talking about ….

4. Jane dressed …and went down.

5. They did everything ….

4. Complete the phrasal verbs.

1) Take your coat and hat (down/ off/ away/ up), it’s quite warm in here.

2) Did you take (down/ off/ away/ up) his words?

3) Don`t forget to give the bike (out/ back/ away/ up) to Jim.

4) Our teacher usually hands (in/ out/ back) our exercise books when classes begin.

5) The plane couldn’t take (down/ off/ away/ up) because of the snow.

5. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words:

1) Yesterday I saw a very … (usual) flower.

2) If we don’t stop … (pollute), our future can be in great danger.

3) I don’t believe him, he is … (honest).

4) There is such a … (beauty) square in the centre of the city.

5) She doesn’t get any real … (enjoy) from driving a car.

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

2. Use the correct word.1) Do you know many foreign people? — No, I don’t. I know very few2) He has got little time. He can play tennis.3) We have got a little coffee. It’s not enough for all of us.4) Tom has few phones at home.

  • Комментариев (0)

3 Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences. 1 My sister has got a lot of/ any friends. 2 We’ve got a few / a bit of packets of crisps in our cupboard. 3 My friends haven’t got some / any pets. 4 Do you have a bit of a few time to go shopping with me? 5 My brother bought any / some new shoes. 6 I’ve got a lot of/ a few books. I counted them yesterday. I’ve got 54!​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

A. Complete using the words in the box.

close • confident • cool • divorced • generous • grateful

independent • loving • loyal • ordinary • patient • private • single

 Thanks for looking after my dog for the weekend. I’m really ………………… .

 Judy is one of the most ………………… people I know. She’s always giving me presents!

 I don’t want a girlfriend. I like being ………………… .

 It will take a while for Simon to forgive you. You’ll just have to be ………………… .

 Adam’s parents are …………………, so he only sees his dad at the weekend.

 Cats are more ………………… than dogs. They live their own lives and don’t need human company.

 I’m very ………………… to my best friend. I’d never talk about her behind her back.

 Sandy’s such a ………………… dog. He’s always so happy to see us when we come home!

 I’m not a very ………………… person. I get nervous when I have to speak in public.

10   My diary is ………………… . No one is allowed to read it apart from me.

11   I tell my sister all my problems and secrets. We have a very ………………… relationship.

12   My uncle’s really …………………! He’s in a rock band!

13   I’m just a/an ………………… person with a normal life -but I’m quite happy!


1 grateful   2 generous   3 single   4 patient

5 divorced   6 independent   7 loyal   8 loving

9 confident   10 private   11 close   12 cool

13 ordinary

B. Complete using a word formed from the letters given.

1   Don’t you think Ben and Angie make a lovely ……………………? L E O P U C

2   How many …………………… are staying at the hotel at the moment? S E G U T S

3   All our …………………… are coming to the wedding. S N O R E A L I T

4   A …………………… is just a friend you haven’t met yet! G R A N T E R S

5   How long have you been going out with your ……………………? D R I N F E Y O B

6   Why are you in such a bad ……………………? O D O M

7   My grandparents live in a really quiet ……………………  . O H I D R O U G H B O N E

8   My cousin has just moved into a …………………… in the city centre. A T L F

9   I’m going to the cinema with my …………………… tonight. R E D G I N F L I R


1 couple   2 guests   3 relations   4 stranger

5 boyfriend   6 mood   7 neighbourhood

8 flat   9 girlfriend

C. Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write the correct word.

1   I was first respected to Jake at a party. …………………….

2   I shouldn’t have rented you. Now I know you can’t keep a secret! …………………….

3   Our house is being recognised so we’re staying with my grandparents at the moment. …………………….

4   Everyone apologised Mr Turner because he was strict but fair. …………………….

5   Have you introduced to Kelly for losing her CD? …………………….

6   Sarah said I was a liar but Carol trusted me and said I wasn’t. …………………….

7   We decorated a small house in the countryside for the summer. …………………….

8   No one defended Phil when he came to the party dressed as an old man. …………………….


1 introduced   2 trusted   3 decorated   4 respected

5 apologised   6 defended   7 rented   8 recognised

D. Circle the correct word.

1   I thought I could trust you! You’ve really let me off / down.

2   Do you get on / in well with your older sister?

3   As children grow off / up, they want more independence from their parents.

4   Dave has fallen off / out with Jason and they’re not talking to each other at the moment.

5   Ed was brought in / up by his aunt because his parents lived abroad.

6   I used to go out / by with Tony but we split off / up about a year ago.

7   I hate looking after / over my baby brother!


1 down   2 on   3 up   4 out   5 up   6 out/up   7 after

E. Write one word in each gap.

Advice for parents of teenagers

You’ve always (1) …………………… up your children to come to you when they’re in trouble. You feel it’s your job to (2) …………………… after them when they’re having problems. But now, as your children are (3) …………………… up, they often don’t want to share their problems with you. That’s perfectly normal, so don’t worry! Of course, you want to (4) …………………… on well with your children, but that means you have to give them some freedom.

Maybe they’ve (5) …………………… out with their best friend and feel upset and angry. Maybe they’ve just (6) …………………… up with the boyfriend or girlfriend they’ve been (7) …………………… out with. Maybe they’ve been (8) …………………… down by a friend who they trusted. Teenagers go through all these problems. If they want to talk to you about it, then that’s fine. But if they don’t, don’t force them. They’ll come to you when they’re ready.


1 brought   2 look   3 growing   4 get

5 fallen    6 split   7 going   8 let

F. Each of the words in bold is wrong. Write the correct word.

1   Are you still on contact with any friends from university? ………………..

2   I’m going to split up with Dan because we’ve got nothing from common. ………………..

3   I don’t think I’d like to live on myself. ………………..

4   Would you like to live by your own? ………………..

5   Fiona didn’t break your MP3 player with purpose. It was an accident! ………………..

6   Guess what! Mike and Julie are at love with each other. ………………..


1 in   2 in   3 by   4 on   5 on   6 in

G. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals.

1   I’m asking for your …………………..! FORGIVE

2   Doug is such a ………………….. . I never believe a word he says! LIE

3   Be …………………..! I’ve just painted the walls and they’re wet. CARE

4   Lying to your dad like that was really ………………….. . HONEST

5   My brother is ………………….. but that doesn’t stop him from doing lots of sport. ABLE

6   I haven’t got the ………………….. to go up to a stranger at a party and introduce myself. CONFIDENT

7   My best friend gives me lots of help with my ………………….. problems. PERSON

8   My ………………….. with Chris lasted for over three years. RELATION


1 forgiveness   2 liar   3 careful   4 dishonest

5 disabled   6 confidence   7 personal   8 relationship

H. Complete the words.

 Liz has got a really lively person……………. .

 Roger is always losing things. He’s so care…………….!

 I really admire you for your honest……………. .

 I have a lot of admir……………. for Linda. She’s achieved such a lot.

 Uncle Alan has an amazing mental ab……………. – he can guess the number you’re thinking of.

 In the introduc……………. to this book, it says that moving house is extremely stressful.

 Most of my relat……………. live in Canada so I don’t see them very often.


1 -ality   2 -less   3 -y   4 -ation   5 -ility

6 -tion   7 -ions/ves

I. Write one word in each gap.

I’m very fond (1) …………………. my husband, William. I’ve been married (2) …………………. him for over sixty years. I know he cares (3) …………………. me now just as much as when we first met all those years ago. I’d got lost, and I asked him for directions. He was so kind (4) …………………. me. He offered to drive me wherever I wanted to go. It was love at first sight and since then my relationship (5) …………………. him has always been wonderful.

William is proud (6) …………………. my success as an artist, and he’s never been jealous (7) …………………. my fame. I really admire him (8) …………………. supporting me so much over the years. Every evening, we chat (9) …………………. each other (10) …………………. the day’s events. Of course, we do sometimes argue (11) …………………. things. All couples do. But whenever I have an argument (12) …………………. him, we soon start laughing and both apologise (13) …………………. each other (14) …………………. getting angry. I can’t imagine life without him!


1 of   2 to   3 about   4 to   5 with   6 of   7 of

8 for   9 to   10 about   11 about   12 with

13 to   14 for

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Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

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Here I give you two tests to review Unit 1.
The key is below the tests.
Have a nice day! :)



1   Put
the words in the correct order.

Example: is
Lily now what doing ?

is Lily doing now?

1   read
every do a day newspaper you ?


2   wearing
are they why tracksuits ?


3   cups
many drink how of did tea you ?


4   musical
can any instruments Tony play ?


5   to
Sasha which does school go ?


6   are
what studying you university at ?


2   Complete
Paloma’s email. Use the verb in brackets in the present simple or present

My name’s Paloma and I live (live) in Madrid. I go to the cinema sometimes, but I
1 _______________ (love) the theatre. What about you? 2
______________ you ______________ (prefer) the cinema or the theatre?

I’m a student, but it’s the winter holidays,
so now I 3 _______________ (not study) –
I 4 _______________ (work) in a shop. I 5 _______________
(want) some extra money because I’m going to visit Russia next year! I 6
_______________ (not speak) Russian very well, so I 7 _______________
(have) some lessons.
8 ______________ you ______________ (learn) any languages at the

Write soon

3   Underline
the correct word or phrase.

Example: Martin
goes / go / is go to the cinema every week.

1   All
of my friends has / have / are have good jobs.

2   We don’t know / doesn’t know / not know Kerry very well.

3   What
time finishes Dave / Dave
/ does Dave finish

4   Listen!
Someone playing / is playing / he’s
the violin.

5   Tom
and Kate not working /
aren’t working / no
are working

6   Why you’re using / you using / are you using my computer?


4   Match
the words in the box with the definitions. There are five words you don’t need.

a tracksuit   a coat   a bracelet   sandals   a cap  
gloves   tights   a ring 
 a scarf   a suit   boots   a T-shirt

Example: You
wear them on your feet in summer.  sandals

1   Jewellery
you wear on your finger.  __________

2   A
jacket and a pair of trousers or a skirt. 

3   A
top you wear in summer.  __________

4   You
wear them on your hands when it’s cold. 

5   Winter
footwear.  __________

6   You
wear it over your clothes when you go out. 

5   Underline
the correct preposition.

Example: Who do you sit next to / under /
on at work?

1   There’s
a big tree behind / in front / in the middle of our house.

2   My
son has posters in / between / on the walls of his bedroom.

3   My
desk is the one between / on the left / near the window.

4   This
is a photo of my family. That’s me in
/ on / to the middle.

5   Who’s
the man standing behind / on the
right / under
you in this photo?

6   There’s
a table on / in front / between my
desk and the window.

6   Complete
the sentences with the correct word.

Example: You
were very quiet. Why didn’t
you say anything?

friendly   quiet

1   He’s
__________ height and a little bit overweight.

     short   medium  

2   Mary
never does any work! She’s very ___________.

     generous   hard-working   lazy

3   Tamsin’s
very ___________. She loves meeting new people.

     extrovert   hard-working

4   Antonio
is ___________ because he doesn’t do any exercise.

     thin   overweight  

5   My
teacher’s really ___________. She’s nice to everybody.


6   Jamie
doesn’t have any hair. He’s ___________.

     fair   bald  

7   Olga
has __________  curly hair.

     big   straight   long

David makes me laugh. He’s really __________.

     funny   quiet  


7   Match
the words with the same sound.

belt   hard-working   laughs
  mean   wears

Example: people  

1   friend            __________

2   university     __________

3   actor              __________

4   trousers         __________

5   boots             __________

8   Underline
the stressed syllable.

Example: cur|ly

1   ge|ne|rous

2   un|kind

3   o|ver|weight

4   a|cce|sso|ry

5   car|di|gan


1   Read
the profile on a dating website and tick (
) A, B, or C.

College Connection is a dating website for college and university
students. Read Sophie’s profile on the website.

My name’s Sophie and I’m 26 years old. I’m
from London and I’m single. I’m studying Film Studies at York University – it’s
really interesting. My dad is an actor and my mum is a film director so I grew
up watching movies. I want to work in cinema when I leave university – as a
film director, too.

I have a nice group of friends at university.
My best friend Anna is studying here too. We all get on well. We go out to the
cinema together every Friday night and on Saturdays we like going out to restaurants
or music bars. I also love cooking for my friends. Most of my friends love
shopping for clothes and jewellery, but I prefer making my own. It’s cheaper
and more fun.

I don’t like playing sports very much, but I
like watching football on TV. My favourite team is Chelsea. I’m into yoga at
the moment and I try to eat lots of healthy food.

I’m quite a sociable person. My friends say
I’m very talkative! I’ve got long dark hair and green eyes, and I’m quite tall.
I’m looking for a partner who is fun, sociable, and kind. I’d like to meet
someone who has a good sense of humour and who is tall, too!

Would you like to go on a date with
me? If so, I’m waiting for your reply!

Example: Sophie
is _____.

c    B 
c    C 

1   At
university, Sophie is studying _____.

     A  Acting 
c    B  Film studies 
c    C  Yoga  c

2   Sophie’s
friend Anna studies _____.

     A  cooking 
c    B  in London 
c    C  in York 

3   They
_____ every Friday night.

     A  watch a film 
c    B  go to a bar 
c    C  stay at home 

4   Sophie’s
_____ love buying clothes and jewellery.

     A  sisters 
c    B  friends 
c    C  parents 

5   Sophie
enjoys _____.

     A  watching football on TV  c    B  playing football  c    C  all sports 

6   Sophie
is _____.

     A  quite short 
c    B  quite tall 
c    C  medium height 

7   Sophie
wants to meet someone who has _____.

     A  dark hair 
c    B  blue eyes 
c    C  a good sense of humour  c

2   Read
the profile again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Example: College Connection is a dating website
for students.      T    

1   Sophie
thinks her university course is boring. 

2   Sophie’s
dad is an actor.  _____

3   Sophie
wants to work as a film director.  _____

4   Sophie
and her friends like going to music bars.  _____

5   Sophie
hates cooking for her friends.  _____

6   Sophie
enjoys making her own jewellery.  _____

7   Sophie’s
friends think she is quiet.  _____

8   Sophie
is looking for a partner who is kind.  _____


1   Listen
to a description of a famous painting, Nighthawks.
Tick (
) A, B, or C.

1   When
was Edward Hopper born?

     A  1882.  c    B  1892.  c    C  1942.  c

2   Where
are the customers in the painting?

     A  Standing at the bar.  c    B  Sitting at the bar.  c    C  Sitting on the floor.  c

3   What is the street like

     A  It’s very bright.  c    B  It’s very dark.  c    C  It’s very busy.  c

4   What
are the two men wearing?

     A  Red suits and hats.  c    B  Dark coats and hats.  c    C  Dark suits and hats.  c

5   What
is the woman’s hair like?

     A  Long and red. 
c    B  Long and dark.  c    C  Short and red.  c

2   Listen
to five conversations. Where are the people in each conversation? Match the
conversations with the places (A–G). There are two answers you don’t need.

Conversation 1  c

Conversation 2  c

Conversation 3  c

Conversation 4  c

Conversation 5  c

A  in

B  at home

C  at

D  in a

E   in a

F   on a

G  at
the cinema


1   Ask
your partner these questions.

1   Where
do you work / study?

2   What
are your interests?

3   What
kind of personality do you have?

4   What’s
your ideal partner like?

5   What
clothes do you usually wear when you go out?

Now answer your partner’s questions.

2   Read
the information about Rob and answer your partner’s questions.

Name: Rob Britten
Age: 24
Occupation: web designer
Personality: shy, serious, kind
Hobbies: art, classical music

3   Now
make questions and ask about the person in your partner’s information.

•    name?

•    age?

•    job?

•    personality?

•    hobbies?



1   Complete
Stefan’s email. Use the verb in brackets in the present simple or present

My name’s Stefan and I live (live) in Berlin. I go to the cinema sometimes, but
I 1 ______________ (love) the theatre. What about you? 2
______________ you ______________ (prefer) the theatre or the cinema?

I’m a student, but it’s the summer holidays,
so now I 3 ______________ (not study) – I 4 ______________
(work) in a café. I 5 ______________ (want) some extra money because
I’m going to visit Argentina next summer! I 6 ______________ (not
speak) Spanish very well, so I 7 ______________ (have) some lessons.

8 ______________ you ______________ (learn) any languages at the

Write soon

2   Underline
the correct word or phrase.

Example: Most
of my friends has / have / are

1   Why you’re using / are you using / you using
my iPod?

2   Mike
and Leila no are working / aren’t
/ not working today.

3   Listen!
Someone she’s playing / playing / is playing the piano.

4   I don’t know / doesn’t know / not know Keith very well.

5   Where
works Sylvia / Sylvia works / does

6   Colette
reads / read / does read the
newspaper every day.

3   Put
the words in the correct order.

Example: doing
Paul is now ?

is Paul doing now?

1   wearing
why you are trainers ?


2   school
which to Grace go does ?


3   exercise
you any do kind do of ?


4   university
what studying are you at ?


5   coffee
many drink how of did cups you?


6   instruments
can any you musical play ?



4   Complete
the sentences with the correct word.

Example: Rebecca
has long straight hair.

long   big

1   Janette
loves meeting new people. She’s very __________.

     hard-working  clever  

2   I’m
__________ height and quite slim.

     tall   short  

3   Neil
is __________. He doesn’t have any hair.

     fair   bald  

4   Tony
is __________ because he doesn’t do any exercise.

     slim   thin  

5   My
sister’s really __________. She’s nice to everybody.

     mean   friendly  

6   Flavio’s
really __________. He always makes me laugh.

     funny   hard-working   serious

7   You
were very __________. Why didn’t you say anything?

     quiet   talkative  

8   Tessa’s
very __________. She never does any work!

     generous   hard-working   lazy

5   Match
the words in the box with the definitions. There are five words you don’t need.


   a bracelet   a cap  
a coat   gloves   tights  
a ring  sandals   a scarf  
a suit           a T-shirt     a tracksuit 

Example: You
wear them on your feet in winter.  boots

1   A
top you wear in summer.  __________

2   You
wear them on your hands when it’s cold. 

3   You
wear it over your clothes when you go out. 

4   Jewellery
for your finger.  __________

5   Footwear
for summer.  __________

6   A
jacket and a pair of trousers or a skirt. 

6   Underline
the correct preposition.

Example: My desk is the one between / on the left / near
the door.

1   Who’s
standing behind / on the right / under Jennie in the photo?

2   Who
do you sit next to / under / on in your English class?

3   There’s
a TV on / in front / between the
chair and the window.

4   This
is a photo of my family. That’s my sister to
/ on / in the middle.

5   My
daughter has posters between / on / in the walls of her

6   There’s
a big garden in the middle / in front / behind of our house.


7   Underline
the stressed syllable.

Example: mous|tache

1   o|ver|weight

2   car|di|gan

3   un|kind

4   ge|ne|rous

5   a|cce|sso|ry

8   Match
the words with the same sound.


   actor  boots   trousers   university  friend

Example: mean  people

1   laughs                __________

2   belt                    __________

3   wears                 __________

4   address              __________

5   hard-working     __________


1   Read
the profile on a dating website and tick (
) A, B, or C.

College Connection is a dating website for college and university
students. Read Sophie’s profile on the website.

My name’s Sophie and I’m 26 years old. I’m
from London and I’m single. I’m studying Film Studies at York University – it’s
really interesting. My dad is an actor and my mum is a film director so I grew
up watching movies. I want to work in cinema when I leave university – as a
film director, too.

I have a nice group of friends at university.
My best friend Anna is studying here too. We all get on well. We go out to the
cinema together every Friday night and on Saturdays we like going out to
restaurants or music bars. I also love cooking for my friends. Most of my
friends love shopping for clothes and jewellery, but I prefer making my own.
It’s cheaper and more fun.

I don’t like playing sports very much, but I
like watching football on TV. My favourite team is Chelsea. I’m into yoga at
the moment and I try to eat lots of healthy food.

I’m quite a sociable person. My friends say
I’m very talkative! I’ve got long dark hair and green eyes, and I’m quite tall.
I’m looking for a partner who is fun, sociable, and kind. I’d like to meet
someone who has a good sense of humour and who is tall, too!

Would you like to go on a date with
me? If so, I’m waiting for your reply!

Example: Sophie
is _____.

c    B 
c    C 

1   Sophie
is studying Film Studies _____.

     A  at college 
c    B  at home 
c    C  at university 

2   Sophie’s
_____ Anna is studying in York, too.

     A  friend  c    B  sister
c    C 

3   They
all watch a film _____.

     A  every night 
c    B  every Friday night  c   
C  every Saturday night 

4   Sophie
prefers _____ her own clothes and jewellery.

     A  making 
c    B  buying 
c    C  borrowing 

5   Sophie
doesn’t like _____.

     A  eating healthy food  c   
B  watching football on TV 
C  playing sports 

6   Sophie
has _____.

     A  long dark hair  c   
B  long blond hair 
C  short red hair 

7   Sophie
wants to meet someone who is _____.

     A  serious 
c    B  tall  c    C 

2   Read
the profile again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Example: College Connection is a dating website
for students.      T    

1   Sophie
thinks her university course is interesting.  _____

2   Sophie’s
mum is a film director.  _____

3   Sophie
wants to be an actor.  _____

4   Sophie
and her friends hate going to restaurants.  _____

5   Sophie
loves cooking for her friends.  _____

6   Sophie
thinks making her own clothes is expensive.  _____

7   Sophie’s
friends think she is talkative.  _____

8   Sophie
is looking for a partner who is serious.  _____


1   Listen
to a description of a famous painting, Nighthawks.
Tick (
) A, B, or C.

1   When
was Nighthawks finished?

     A  1882.  c    B 
c    C 

2   How
many customers are there in the painting?

     A  One.  c    B 
c    C 

3   What
is the
café like inside?

     A  It’s very bright.  c    B  It’s very dark.  c    C  It’s very busy.  c

4   What
is the woman wearing?

     A  A blue dress. 
c    B  A red dress. 
c    C  A white dress.  c

5   What
is the barman wearing?

     A  A dark jacket and a dark hat.  c    B  A dark jacket and a white hat.  c   
C  A white jacket and a white hat. 

2   Listen
to five conversations. What are the people doing in each conversation? Match
the conversations with the activities (A–G). There are two answers you don’t

Conversation 1  c

Conversation 2  c

Conversation 3  c

Conversation 4  c

Conversation 5  c

A  cooking
at home

B  talking
about Tom’s new girlfriend

C  shopping
for clothes

D  chatting
at work

E   going
into the cinema

F   watching
TV in a bar

G  chatting
in an English class


1   Answer
your partner’s questions.

1   What
do you do?

2   What
do you do in your free time?

3   What
three adjectives describe your personality?

4   What
does your ideal partner look like?

5   What
clothes do you usually wear when you want to relax?

2   Make
questions and ask about the person in your partner’s information.

•    name?

•    age?

•    job?

•    personality?

•    hobbies?

3   Now
read the information about Anna and answer your partner’s questions.

Name: Anna Davidson
Age: 23
Occupation: painter
Personality: hard-working, extrovert, funny
Hobbies: films, reading




1   Do you read a newspaper every day?

2   Why
are they wearing tracksuits?

3   How
many cups of tea did you drink?

4   Can
Tony play any musical instruments?

5   Which
school does Sasha go to?

6   What
are you studying at university? / What university are you studying at?


1   love

2   Do
… prefer

3   ’m
not studying

4   ’m

5   want

6   don’t

7   ’m

8   Are
… learning


1   have

2   don’t

3   does
Dave finish

4   ‘s
/ is playing

5   aren’t

6   are
you using



1   a ring

2   a

3   a

4   gloves

5   boots

6   a


1   in front

2   on

3   near

4   in

5   behind

6   between


1   medium

2   lazy

3   extrovert

4   overweight

5   friendly

6   bald

7   long

8   funny



1   belt

2   hard-working

3   address

4   wears

5   laughs


1   generous

2   unkind

3   overweight

4   accessory

5   cardigan



1   B

2   C

3   A

4   B

5   A

6   B

7   C


1   F

2   T

3   T

4   T

5   F

6   T

7   F

8   T



1   A

2   B

3   B

4   C

5   A


1   G

2   D

3   F

4   A

5   C




1   love

2   Do
… prefer

3   ’m
not studying

4   ’m

5   want

6   don’t

7   ’m

8   Are
… learning


1   are you using

2   aren’t

3   ‘s
/ is playing

4   don’t

5   does
Sylvia work

6   reads


1   Why are you wearing trainers?

2   Which
school does Grace go to?

3   Do
you do any kind of exercise?

4   What
are you studying at university? / What university are you studying at?

5   How
many cups of coffee did you drink?

6   Can
you play any musical instruments?



1   extrovert

2   medium

3   bald

4   overweight

5   friendly

6   funny

7   quiet

8   lazy


1   a T-shirt

2   gloves

3   a

4   a

5   sandals

6   a


1   behind

2   next

3   between

4   in

5   on

6   in



1   overweight

2   cardigan

3   unkind

4   generous

5   accessory


1   boots

2   friend

3   trousers

4   actor

5   university



1   C

2   A

3   B

4   A

5   C

6   A

7   B


1   T

2   T

3   F

4   F

5   T

6   F

7   T

8   F



1   B

2   C

3   A

4   B

5   C


1   E

2   C

3   B

4   G

5   D

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  • Use the correct word combinations
  • Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fill the gap
  • Use the correct form of the word given in brackets to complete the sentences i
  • Use the correct form of the word adjective or adverb to complete the sentences
  • Use the correct form of the word a lot of people