Use the correct form of the word given in brackets to complete the sentences i

50 месяцев назад

Упражнение 2 . Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences. 1. I … (like / am liked)

this place. 2. What books by Charles Dickens … (translated / are translated) into Belarussian? 3. Who … (protects / is protected) animals? 4. This city … (is visited / visited) by many people. 5. Who … (gives / is given) bad marks in your class? 6. Our house … (made /is made) of wood. 7. Our holiday … (is begun / begins) next week. 8. Pupils … (are given / give) textbooks by the teacher. 9. The holiday … (celebrated / is celebrated


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given in brackets
1.Fit Mind and Body
Are you in good health_____(physical) and_____(mental)? Or do you feel the effects of stress and_____(unhappy) in your life? Read more about how yoga can guide you to better health and a better way of_____(live).
Yoga is a very old tradition of_____(mentain) and____(restore) physical and mental health and leads to___(happy) and peace of mind. There are many___(difer) kinds of yoga, but they all work to develop techniques for____(relax) the mind and body. The most popular postures, or positions, that allow the muscles to stretch and relax. It also focuses on controlling breathing so that the body and mind grow calm. Although it is very gentle___(active), Hatha yoga is ____(actual) an ideal form of exercise____(especial) for people who do not like to work out with___(weigh) and machines. A regular programme of Hatha yoga if the perfect way to stay in shape, put your mind and body at easy and get rid of the day’s stress

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: ffffuuuuuccckkk


Автор ответа: steshagusarova1234



10. Better

11. The most expensive

12. More comfortable

13. The oldest
14. closer

15. Less, better

16. Easy

17. the quickest

18. the most amusing

19. The most practical

20. Last/ the lastest

21. More angry

22. The best


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Предмет: Русский язык,
автор: Сашоk

отличается слово для орфографического разбора

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Предмет: Русский язык,
автор: kozin

Улыбнулось из-за тучи солнышко.Затих теплый дождь.С берез падают тяжелые капли.
Измени каждой предложение так,чтобы в нем были главные члены.

17 дней назад

Предмет: Русский язык,
автор: Quertesa

Составьте предложения со словами Жареный — жаренный, вязаный — вязанный.

17 дней назад

Предмет: Русский язык,
автор: kptsu94

Сочинение с фразеологизмами на любую тему,но только не из других сайтов.Я проверю!

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Предмет: Химия,
автор: juststrong

Превратить Метан в етин, етин в этен, этен в этанол, этанол в 1,3 бутадиен.

5 лет назад

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
Il. I am
(tall) than my sister.
12. My mum thinks that cats are
(good) than dogs.
13. It is the
(interesting) book of these three.
14. My car
(fast) than yours.
15. A blue whale is
(heavy) than twenty-five elephants.
16. You look
(thin) than last month. Have you lost weight?
17. English is
(difficult) than History.
18. She is the
(nice) person of all I know.
19. Monday is the
(bad) day of the week. We have seven lessons.
20. Computers are
(cheap) than mobile phones.
21. Janet is the
(intelligent) girl in the class.
22. Your dress is
(expensive) than mine.
3. Choose the correct item.
23. Visitors can’t have to / don’t have to clean their rooms at a hotel. The cleaners do it.
24. You can’t / must / mustn’t get permission to invite friends in your room.
25. The students needn’t / mustn’t/ have to drive on campus. It’s forbidden.
26. You mustn’t/ must / can’t pay the rent. That’s the rule.
27. I’m afraid you can/can’t/ needn’t go out now. It’s too late.
28. He has to /can’t / mustn’t do his homework every day.
29. You look ill. You must/can/have to go to the doctor.
30. People can/mustn’t/ must stop at the red line. It’s the rule.
31. Students can/ must / mustn’t put posters on the walls. It’s forbidden.
32. You can’t/ must / can haye party here. It isn’t allowed.
4. Read the text and answer the questions.

Остались вопросы?


3. Who … (protects / is protected) animals? 4. This city … (is visited / visited) by many people. 5. Who … (gives / is given) bad marks in your class? 6. Our house … (made /is made) of wood. 7. Our holiday … (is begun / begins) next week. 8. Pupils … (are given / give) textbooks by the teacher. 9. The holiday … (celebrated / is celebrated

1 ответ:



2are translated
4is visited
5is given
6is made
8are given
9is celebrated

Читайте также

1) This white dress is impractical. — Это белое платье непрактично.
2) Her sister is a very unreliable person. — Ее сестра — очень ненадежный человек.
3) Mike is arrogant. — Майк высокомерный.

После лета наступает осень. Сентябрь, октябрь и ноябрь — осенние месяцы. Погода очень переменчивая в это время года. Вы можете увидеть жёлтые, красные, коричневые листья везде. Время собирать урожай. Иногда осенняя погода бывает плохой. Очень много дождливых дней. Дороги грязные. У студентов и учеников начинаются занятия. Тёплые дни ранней осени называют «Золотой осенью».»Золотая осень» очень красива со своими жёлтыми, красными и коричневыми деревьями и золотыми опадающими листьями. Осень — время года фруктов и овощей.

Has met
Do start
Have had
Are having
Am not seeing

Can I help you?
It may rain,
<span>She said she could do it.</span>

1. Who enjoys travelling?
Do most people enjoy travelling?
Most people enjoy travelling, don’t they?
Don’t most people enjoy travelling?
What do most people enjoy doing?
2. What can include service?
Can <span>the price of my room include service?
</span>Can’t <span>the price of my room include service?
</span>The price of your room can include service, can’t it?
Can the price of my room include service or cost of going to the local cinema?
3. What <span>has to be arranged beforehand?
</span><span>Every journey has to be arranged beforehand, hasn’t it?
</span>Has every journey <span>to be arranged beforehand?
</span>Hasn’t every journey to be arranged beforehand?
Has every journey <span>to be arranged beforehand or afterhand?</span>

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