Use the correct form of the word adjective or adverb to complete the sentences

1. The weather was hot and becoming hoter every day. I was no braver than the others, so i decided to go away too. St. Louis seemed to me the best place to go to. 2. And beside him walked a huge dog that seemed to be half a Retriever. 3. Here he comes ,said Michael, his nose is more red than ever, and he is wearing a top hat. 4.She lived in the best field in the whole district- a rather largest one full of buttercups and dandelions much larger than brooms. 5. She felt that she could ask for nothing beter than for all her days to bealike. 6. He waited long enoug, longer than he had promised, so he decided to leave. 7. But he didnt care,he didnt feel the less bit sorry. 8. No, he didnt care, he was bad and if they didnt look out hed be more bad. 9. His voice changed to a more cheerful tone. 10. The sooner you go , the best! he shouted in a rage. 11.It was the strangest voyage he had ever made. 12. The new villa was twice as big as the old one. 13. His wife is 10 years his younger

1.погода была жаркой и становилась жарче с каждымднем. я был не храбрее других и решил тоже уйти. Сент-Луис показался мне наилучшим местом,куда можно пойти. 2.И рядом с ним шлa  огромная cобака, которая, казалось, была c половинe ретриверa.

3. Вот он идет, сказал Майкл, его нос  краснее, чем когда-либо, и  на голове его был одет цилиндр.

4. Она жила в лучшем поле во всей округу — довольно крупном полном лютиков и одуванчиков гораздо больше, чем веники.

5. Она чувствовала, что не могла попросила ничего лучше, чем оставаться  такой все ее дни.

6. Он ждал достаточно долго, дольше, чем он обещал, так что он решил уйти.

7. Но ему было все равно, он не испытывал ни малейшей жалости.

8.Нет, ему было все равно, что ему плохо, и если бы они не заглянули, ему был бы хуже.

9. Его голос изменился более веселым тоном.

10.Чем быстрее вы пойдете, тем лучшее! крикнул он в бешенстве.

11. Это было самое странное путешествие в какрм он когда-либо бывал.

12. Новая вилла была в два раза больше старой.

13.Жена ббыла моложе его на10 лет.

Оцени ответ

Помогите пожалуйста Complete the sentences with adjective or an adverb. Use the correct form of the words in the box. Beautiful, careful, hard, healthy, perfect, safe 1. He worked ____ and passed the exam 2. She doesn’t eat ____. She has too much fast food 3. Don’t walk home. It isn’t ____ here at night 4. It’s raining. Please drive ____ 5. That’s a ____ dress. Where did you buy it? 6. They speak English ____ . Their mother is from Cambridge Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. Don’t be ____! I don’t like arguing. (serious, aggressive, boring) 2. Paul’s very _____. He never speaks! (noisy, quiet, careful) 3. Thank you for the money. You’re really ______. (generous, friendly, open) 4. Hannah likes meeting new people. She’s very _____ (friendly, aggressive, good) 5. Simons quite _____ . He doesn’t often laugh or make jokes. (popular, difficult, serious) 6. Sam’s very _____. He doesn’t make many mistakes. (exciting, polite, careful) 7. She’s really _____. She dresses well every day. (friendly, happy, stylish)

1. Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adverb in brackets.

1   Who works ……………………… (hard) out of all the students in the class?

2   There isn’t much traffic today, so we should arrive ……………………… (soon) than we expected.

3   If you ate ……………………… (slowly), you’d enjoy your food more!

4   The Swiss tennis player performed ……………………… (well) than his opponent and won the tournament.

5   Erik did ……………………… (badly) than I did in this month’s test.

6   The world’s population is growing ……………………… (fast) today than at any point in history.

7   My grandparents’ house isn’t far, but my aunt lives ……………………… (near) of all my family.


1 (the) hardest   2 sooner   3 more slowly   4 better

5 worse   6 faster   7 (the) nearest

2. Match the two halves of the comparative sentences.

 He’s far more handsome in real life

 The harder you work,

 I spent more this week

 The later you leave tonight,

 The sooner we book,

 This ice cream is less tasty

 Our cat’s getting bigger and bigger

 the colder it will be.

 than I’d wanted to.

 the cheaper the tickets will be.

 than on TV.

 than it looks.

f   the more we feed it!

 the better you’ll do.


1 d   2 g   3 b   4 a   5 c   6 e   7 f

3. Write the words in the correct order to make comparative sentences.

1   that / one / than / is / This / expensive / cap / more / slightly


2   will / than / much / a / taxi / longer / take / The bus


3   do / far / than / My / scarier / I / finds / brother / spiders


4   lot / cycling / energetic / Walking / is / than / less / a


5   little / planned / Her / than / a / she’d / shopping / took / longer


6   today / even / be / tomorrow / hotter / Apparently / will / than / !


7   news / you / surprised / I / the / less / than / was / no / at



1   This cap is slightly more expensive than that one.

2   The bus will take much longer than a taxi.

3   My brother finds spiders far scarier than I do.

4   Walking is a lot less energetic than cycling.

5   Her shopping took a little longer than she’d planned.

6    Apparently tomorrow will be even hotter than today!

7   I was no less surprised at the news than you.

4. Choose the correct answers (a-c) to complete the sentences.

1   A quarter is …….. much as 25%.

 nowhere near as

b   almost as

 just as

2   A second is …….. long as a minute.

 not quite as

b   nothing like as

 nearly as

3   Eleven forty-five p.m. is …….. late as midnight.

 nearly as

b   nowhere near as

 just as

4   Ninety-eight cents is …….. much as a euro.

 just as

b   not quite as

 nothing like as

5   Spain is …….. cold as Iceland.

 nearly as

b   almost as

 nowhere near as

6   The UK is …….. big as Russia.

 almost as

b   nothing like as

 not quite as


1 c   2 b   3 a   4 b   5 c   6 b

5. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

1   That was the worst holiday I’d ever had!

      I’d never had a holiday as …………………………… one!

2   If we walk fast, we’ll get there quicker.

     The …………………………… we’ll get there.

3   Fast food used to be less healthy.

      Fast food is …………………………… used to be.

4   My jacket is nothing like as comfortable as yours.

      You jacket is far …………………………… mine.

5   Your brother is the same age as me.

      Your brother is just …………………………… I am.

6   Indian food is far spicier than English food.

      English food is nothing …………………………… Indian food.


1 bad as that   2 faster we walk, the quicker  

3 healthier than it / not as unhealthy as it

4 more comfortable than

5 as old as   6 like as spicy as

6. Complete the text with the words below.

as      far      fewer      like      more      nowhere      than     the

Thanks to some films and TV shows, and certain types of music, many people still regard big cities in the USA as violent and crime-filled. However, recent reports show that they’re 1………………………… near as dangerous as some people believe. Statistics for violent crime are nothing 2………………………… as bad as they were in the 1990s; the chance of being robbed or murdered is much lower 3………………………… in the 1990s when those crimes were far 4………………………… common than they are today. There are also slightly 5………………………… property crimes than forty years ago, with a drop of 2.8% being reported by some sources. Many inner-city areas once considered ‘no-go’ zones are 6………………………… more pleasant than they used to be, and cities generally are just as safe 7………………………… anywhere else in the world. The problem, of course, is that the more the media focuses on the few serious crimes, 8………………………… more afraid people become.


1 nowhere   2 like   3 than   4 more   5 fewer   6 far

7 as   8 the

7. Complete the second sentence with a comparative or superlative so that it means the same as the first. Use the correct form of the adverb or adjective from the first sentence.

1   You don’t walk as fast as me.

      I walk …………………………………..

2   No one in my family sings as badly as my sister.

      My sister is …………………………………..

3   My best friend is more outgoing than me.

     I’m not …………………………………..

4   You’ll be safe if you’re cautions.

      The more cautious you are, …………………………………..

5   My mum doesn’t drive as carefully as my dad.

     My dad drives …………………………………..

6   No one I know is more critical than my brother.

     My brother is …………………………………..


1 faster than you   2 the worst singer in my family

3 as outgoing as my best friend   4 the safer you’ll be

5 more carefully than my mum   6 the most critical person I know

8. Look at the figures in the table. Then complete the sentences with the words below.

even      far      nearly      nothing      nowhere

The 100 most dangerous cities in the USA, 2015



Crime rate (per 1,000)

Camden, New Jersey



Chester, Pennsylvania



Detroit, Michigan



Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



 The crime rate in Philadelphia is ………………………… near as high as it is in Camden.

 Camden’s population is ………………………… like as large as Philadelphia’s.

 Camden’s population is quite small, but Chester’s is ………………………… smaller.

 Chester’s population isn’t ………………………… as big as Detroit’s.

 There are ………………………… more people living in Philadelphia than there are in Detroit.


1 nowhere   2 nothing   3 even   4 nearly   5 far

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjective or adverb, comparative or superlative of the words provided.

1. This is (the fanciest) dress I own.

2. In my opinion, a deer moves (the most gracefully) of all the animals.

3. The politician spoke (louder) than was necessary.

4. When we travel, my suitcase is always (heavier) than my husband’s.

5. January is the (coldest) month of the year.

6. Mrs. Pedrido speaks (more fluently) than her husband, but her daughter speaks

(the most fluently) of the whole family.

7. December 21 is the (shortest) day of the year. It is (shorter) than any other.

8. Andrew is (the fastest) runner on the team.

9. This apartment is (the most convenient) of all the apartments I have seen.

10. Annie usually gets up (earlier) than her sister.

11. Max finished the homework (faster) than anyone else in the class.

12. A turtle moves (slower) than a rabbit.

13. Bonnie works (the hardest) of all the employees in the office.

14. This book is more (interesting) than the one I read last week.

15. Daniel drives (more carefully) than his father.

16. Judy goes to the library (more often) than I do.

17. That gold necklace is (the most expensive) one in the whole store.

18. This is (worst) movie I have ever seen.

19. Shaun sings even more (beautifully) than her mother, who is a famous opera star. In fact, she has the most (beautiful) voice I’ve ever heard.

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: ffpsos



Автор ответа: evansinister8



1. the worst

2. better

3. further

4. more

5. the littlest

6. less

7. the best

8. the worst


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